9lph9tr0n5s · 5 years
Reblogging for her anniversary today
rohan au part 1: general bio
as promised, here’s the first republish of my sweetie fusion. 
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first part: general bio, physique and likes and dislikes
Full name: Rohan Marheather Wildesavage
Species: fusion, fox/rabbit hybrid
Fusion components: Robyn Heather Wilde and Hannah Marian Savage
Date of first fusion: 28th of june 20344, Canary Islands
-Robyn: mechanic
-Hannah: radio host and ballet dancer
-Rohan: fitness and MMA trainer
-common jobs: superhero leader, dimensional traveller and peacekeeper
Continua a leggere
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9lph9tr0n5s · 5 years
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judy hopps in athliesure wear is my recent favorite thing
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9lph9tr0n5s · 5 years
rohan au part 6: superpowers
hey there, yes i’m still alive and here after the tumblr purge. you can’t imagine what it’s like to be in a busy school and to be so tired that you forget to post. anyway, i’m here now. today, you’ll learn about rohan’s superpowers and i wan to try something new: i’ll make multiple posts (with this being the main one) and you’ll find the link to each category of superpower.
time to check out this experiment.
steel blood
infinity gems:  after being found out by Robyn and Hannah, six fragments of the infinity gems linked with them and grant more powers. while these powers are mostly used by rohah, robyn and hannah also use them separatly, abeit with less efficiency than their fusion. The fragments after rohan unlocked the infinity state, transformed into full gems
-combined gem powers
and that was all for today. i can’t wait to see how this turns out. 
please, review, like and share. i hope you liked it. see you soon
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9lph9tr0n5s · 5 years
combined powers
combined gem powers:
-immortality: since the infinity gems are part of the universe itself, Rohan and by proxy Robyn and Hannah can’t die in any way. If they should be disintegrated, their bodies would simply regenerate and their aging becomes stuck at the age of 25
-self awareness: this doesn’t mean rohan has total control over her senses, instead, rohan is fully aware she is an original invented fusion character by me, that their components were born from the mind of an irish, bisexual assistant surgeon and that their parents come from a very beloved disney classic movie. In few words, she can break the fourth wall
-SECR (acronysm for supreme energy coalescence ray): rohan can channel the power of the six fragments into a powerful, multi colored beam which can totally erase existance where it hits; she swore to use this power only if the enemy outranks her or in apocalyptic, near failure scenarios as her goal isn’t to cancel life. Rohan doesn’t need to enter the infinity state to use the SECR
-the snap: Rohan’s most powerful move definitively constist into the snap, where rohan uses all six gems and snaps her fingers to make every wish of hers come true. This time the aftermath is a mix of all the other aftermaths of the singular powered state of the fragments: namely, rohan becomes intangible, dislocated in time and soul, physicaly and mentally weakened for eight hours. The only way to carry her to safety is trapping her into an electrostatic box. When the “hangover” effects vanish, rohan wakes up with a giant headache. The snap has a cooldown of a year
-infinity state: even if the snap is indeed powerful, Rohan can enter the ultimate state by unlocking all the ultimate power states of the fragments and combing them. In this form, Rohan becomes totally white in color with gold shades. her powers heighten up to god-like levels and she’s able to use any power, steel blood or infinity based, heightened up, while accessing to every mind in the universe, bending all matter and reality at her own will, moving entire galaxies, controlling time while also having vision of future and past events and powering up every ally, no matter where they are or which species they are, temporarely gifting her powers to them. The aftermath effects are the same of the snap, but the time for the relocation lowers to two hours, and there’s no headache
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9lph9tr0n5s · 5 years
space gem
Space (purple):
-teleportation: Rohan can teleport herself in any place she wants. Where she goes depends on her memories of the place, or where she looks at. She can also teleport enemies or teammates away or where she wants too
-ability to control space and movements around: the space gem also allows Rohan to speed up, slow down or stop movements in a maximum area of three miles, usually by bloking foes in mid air or speeding her time up becoming faster from the eyes of the spectators. Rohan has also total control over gravity: she can increase it or decrease it to the point of nullification in a certain spot
-molecular dislocation: Rohan can phase out her molecules becoming intangible; while dislocated phisically, she can’t be hit or touched and can pass through any solid object. She can also phase out her opponents and stick them into solid objects, but she doesn’t use that power very often on normal, powerless criminals since she finds it brutal
-traveller state: Rohan’s last normal final state covers her body in purple light and nullifies gravity in an area of 50 miles. Rohan’s space powers heighten up exponetially at the point of teleporting an entire population on another planet or move planets herself. Rohan can also create gravity wells or black holes and dislocate entire armies. The aftermath leaves rohan intangible for one hour
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9lph9tr0n5s · 5 years
mind gem
Mind (blue):
-mind control and other abilities: Rohan’s most basic abilities with the mind gem include: controlling the mind of the weak, shutting their mind down leaving them open for attacks, creating false memories, breaking brainwash and telepathic control on others and reading memories. Rohan is also immune to all mind-based powers; for example, she can’t be brainwashed
-mind link: Rohan can connect minds withan ally and see through its eyes. She can also talk to them in their mind by giving them advices and makes them immune to mind control. Usually though, Rohan uses this tecnique to calm down scared mammals since she can also alter emotions
-memory share: just by touching on the head somebody, Rohan can share her memories to other mammals
-brainstormer state: Rohan becomes all blue by entering this form and becomes able to access all the minds of a single planet she can go into. The aftermath isn’t as bad as the other, but it does leave her with a huge headache that lasts for five minutes after she exits this form
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9lph9tr0n5s · 5 years
soul gem
Soul (green):
-soul dislocation: with the power of the soul gem Rohan can either exit her body becoming a green ghost or force the enemy’s soul to exit the body, leaving both, rohan or the foe, numb and defenseless
-control and power over life: the soul power can also heal wounds, physical and broken morales, temporarely take back the dead as zombies or trap other souls into the fragment
-soul detector: Rohan can discover and make visible all ghosts (souls of dead beings), talk to the and even command them if necessary
-ability to travel to the soul realm: the soul gem hosts a pocket dimension called soul world; here all the souls of the dead live a neverending life of joy. Rohan can enter this world and take whoever she wants without turning them into ghosts and her soul powers within the world increase even more
-soul guardian state: in this state Rohan gets engulfed by green light and has total control over the spirits: she can evoke hordes of ghosts againts her foes, catch easily all souls within a certain range and gradually weaken everbody. The aftermath leaves Rohan internally weakened and unable to move, though she still can see everything happening around her with the same perception as someone in a dream
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9lph9tr0n5s · 5 years
reality gem
Reality (yellow):
-reality manipulation: the reality gem allows Rohan to bend the primary shape of everything around her at her will, always turning the situation to herself, like a wizard using magic. But if the power is used without limits, rohan could alter reality for a long time before fixing it, thus she has to be very careful when using the reality related powers
-creation of everything: this superpower allows Rohan to do everything she imagines: she can materialize a toy in front of her, turn water to fire of give herself new powers; the only things she can’t do are: copying powers related to the other gems (unless she temporarely gives new powers to other beings) and bring people back from the dead
-illusion and hologram control: rohan can create multiple copies of herself or turn temporarily a place in what she wants to with hard light
-reality bender state: this state renders rohan yellow and the surroundings in an area of 10 meters constantly shape. All the afromentioned powers are strengthened at the point rohan can create multiple universes at once. This state doesn’t consume much energy and it’s currnetly rohan’s most used super form
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9lph9tr0n5s · 5 years
time gem
Time (orange):
-time manipulation and travel: thanks to the time gem, Rohan can control time around her and with others. She can freeze a single moment, create a loop, rewind her own time or a recent situation and even age or de-age every living being. With the right amount of focus rohan can also travel through time
-time mastress state: at full strenght, the time fragment turns Rohan’s body orange and magical gears appear. In this form rohan’s time powers are amped up to ridiculous heights at the point rohan BECOMES time itself and is able of creating or erasing some events or a complete timeline. In the aftermath Rohan dissociates temporarly for three hours before her molecules line up
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9lph9tr0n5s · 5 years
power gem
power (red):
-energy control and manipulation: the power gem allows rohan to manipulate all sorts of energy in any form, from kinetic to nuclear, and any way: force fields, power sharing, recharge, power overload…
-laser, maser wave or pulse energy blast: most importantly, rohan can use that enery to mimic and use a certain energy primarly for a laser blast; said power can manifest in a powerful shockwave or a presence that burns and slowls incapacitates everyone near her. Rohan could kill someone with her powers, but she chooses not to unless there’s no other choice, or her foe is unpowered and defenceless. In that case, she uses the power for knockback
-energy and power share: Rohan can gift some of her power to anybody else who needs it to strenghent him or her. This also applies to electronic devices
-maximum power state: when rohan unleashes the full power of the power fragment her body becomes glowing red in color and physically a pure manifestation of energy. In this form rohan is surrounded by energy vamps like a sun and is totally invincible. This form consumes a tremendous amout of energy, leaving her helpless when she stops, so rohan must use this as a last resort
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9lph9tr0n5s · 5 years
steel blood powers
Robyn and Hannah’s originary power both originate from some nanomachines called “steel blood” which helped them survive a severe case of sepsis and other damages occured during a tsunami that nearly killed them
-healing factor: Robyn’s primary power consists in a powerful healing factor which repairs and wound or damage instantly. This also renders her, and by proxy Rohan, immune to poisoning of any kind, by simple alchol and cigarettes to vast amounts of cyanide in her body. Unfortunately, the more poison enters her body, the more it takes to rohan to process it. Also, the healing process takes more time if Robyn or Rohan are shot to the head. Another good side though is that Robyn and Rohan can survive being grinded, having their head chopped off, being squashed by two walls and being liquefied
-super strength: the steel blood also strengthened Robyn’s muscles, giving rohan an immense physical force, at the point of being five times stronger than robyn normally is
-high jumping: strong muscles and an energic, athletic attitude is the perfect match to jump high. Rohan can jump about
-high stamina: the nanites powered up her whole skeleton and inner system, which means that rohan, and robyn in the first place, can fight for a long time, running over 100 miles, training in a gym for 24 hours straight without getting tired if put under pressure. Eventually in the aftermath of one of those things, Robyn (or Rohan’s) body feel and become more tired than usual and require more amount of sleep to return in shape
-faster reflexes and speed: since hannah was blind when she received the steel blood nanites, those should have supposedly healed her sight; instead they went on powering up her reflexes and speed. This makes rohan agile and fast on the battlefield
-ability to become blind and go back to full sight on command: this power was mastered during a time when Robyn and Hannah were left stranded. Hannah managed to get her sight back, but also practiced between shifting in full sight and blind. While seemingly useless, this power can come very handy if someone generates a strong light and rohan can still fight without necessarily closing her eyes, especially if she doesn’t have a protection
-super senses: when Hannah or Rohan go blind, all the other reflexes (hearing, taste, contact and smell) heighten up to compensate the lack of sight. Those senses can become handful depending on the situation
-pulse field generation: Hannah’s trademark power consists in “seeing” while blind. While tecnically what hannah sees is a blank world with no writings or images but just the primitive shapes of her surroundings, the nanomachines allow her heart to generate a pulse everytime it beats that detects all surfaces and objects in five miles. Rohan’s area is wider and can arrive up to 20 miles
-healing factor: Hannah also has a healing factor, but it works slower than Robyn’s. Rohan partially compensates this with a faster regeneration in case of sight or hearing loss
-memory link: Rohan’s memory is made up of all memories from robyn and hannah and her own, which are all stored into a neural, indestructible cloud. If one member loses all memories, just one tap on the body or fusing can make the lost memories come back. By proxy, the wildesavages share rohan’s memories and their own, this means no secrets between the couple in normal life
-feral state: if robyn is shot to the head, all her strenght and speed multiply by nine, but, as the name suggests, the nanomachines while healing the damage awaken her feral instincts, making her a savage beast. If this should happen to rohan, she would turn savage for a shorter time than robyn. Only few mammals and beings know how to tame her while savage
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9lph9tr0n5s · 5 years
rohan au part 5: valkyrie
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well, since robyn and hannah are both superheroes, rohan needed to have an alter ego. so, this is Valkyrie
sorry if i’m not posting a lot, but i’m very busy with the school
let’s dive in
Alias name: Valkyrie
Alligned to: team Ceartais, ZPD, MCB, Camelot
Role: leader
Hero suit: red carbon fiber jumpsuit with white parts, a dark red hood and cape made for gliding and flying when necessary, a dark turquoise chestplate, blue and white shin and forearm guards, a blue and white checked mask and a gem storage in the middle of the chest for the infinity fragments protected by a small sheild. The suit itself has tron-like lines as an attire choice. The suit, the cape, the armor plates, tthe mask, the lines and the weapons can change colors into everything and every pattern. The suit itself is resistant to fire, shocks, electricity, cuts and explosives; the problem is that some parts are left exposed and rohan has to be careful to those weak spots
Power level: supermammalian to god-like
weaponry, gadgets and arsenal:
-mega nightstick: Robyn uses a titanuim telescopic baton 1 meter long in combat, formed by two nightsticks and two handles which can simply split in two or also form two tonfas with the two handles. When Rohan plays the baton (which becomes 2 meters long with her) and it’s subweapons become harder than diamond. Each stick also has a hidden blade made out damascus steel with a diamond tip in case of tougher opponents
-constructo guns: Hannah’s primary weapons are two guns which can combine into other weapons after their upgrade: for example, a simple machine gun, a shotgun, a grenade launcher, a minigun and a small crossbow. They can also fire traquilizing pellets, laser shots or normal bullets
thanks to the realty fragment both weapons can combine into five other weapons, which also have powered up forms
- a baton with guns on each end; this doesn’t have a powered form, but it can still split and form two tonfa guns
- a javelin with a ninjato-like blade and a double barrel gun where the blade is placed. When powered, the guns spin in a circle and fire faster than a minigun while the blade knocks back enemies up to three miles
-a double sword with the central handle curved, a blade with an axe tip (like megatron’s sword on TF5) and a long barrel for sniping as long as the blade on each sword; normally it can also split up into two blades with curved handles, turn into a hi-tech bow or a giant boomerang. Powered up the guns shoot bullets and laser that pierce through everything, the blades cut even more (but not everything), the bow shoots further, its arrows strike harder and the boomerang locks onto the enemies until it gets them
-a halberd with a giant blade and a grenade barrel on top; this could be considered as a more brute version of the javelin since Rohan uses it for larger opponents. The powered form grants two additionals grenade launcher barrels and allows every strike to cut enemies or generate slices of pure red energy
-a jitte that turns into a whip with a flick of the wrist and a double gun separated from the melee weapon unlike the previous four; the gun can be attached to the guard of the jitte/whip at any moment if needed. the jitte can let the tip and the rings of it’s whip form exit and let a yellow energy blade come out of the handle while the rings and the tip form a small shield. Powered up, the whip can generate small quakes where it lands, the shield assumes the aspect of a circual saw and the energy blade becomes able to slice through everything
(if you are confused and don’t know what the weapons look like, i can say that for some i got inspired from the weapons the praetorian guard from The Last Jedi wields, and smoker’s jitte)
volcano comet: while the nightstick, the guns and their combo forms are more than a match for any enemy, rohan wields a red, double bowed crossbow which can shoot tranq darts, arrows and laser beams at ligthspeed, for sniping attacks
concussion grenades: these grenades developed by Robyn and Hannah’s friend Olivia Dawson, create a shockwave that pushes everyone meters away from the explosion point
hacker spine: in honour of Marian Wilde “the Maid”, Robyn asked to graft into her suit a short-range hacking device which activates only whey she and hannah fuse and allows her to enter the enemies’ computers and devices, thus controlling them or shutting everything down
hyper goggles: Rohan’s domino mask contains many options into her lenses: x-rays, heat vision and ray beams
-fighting styles: boxing, MMA (mixed martial arts), blood ballet (a style invented by hannah which mixes dance styles and MMA), cloak and dagger strikes, teräs-kasi, shien, djem so and yuvo
small side notes:
-when dressed in civilian clothes, rohan sports her gems combined into a single rainbow gem embedded into a jade bracelet
coming up (when i can): eight small separate posts about valkyrie’s powers
like, comment, reblog and see you soon zootopians. 
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9lph9tr0n5s · 6 years
rohan au curios facts part 3
-after rohan unleashed her infinity form at full power, the energy emitted by it started giving random powers to random mammals. as soon as she declared the foundation of the superhero community, she took up the role as the symbol of peace of zootopia. anything familiar... for those who got the reference, yes, she’s basically the all might of this universe; except she has yet to find her izuku
-robyn and hannah started practicing controlling the power used in each powered form of the gems to reduce the negative effects of each form
-despite team ceartais being basically superstars, rohan asked to be treated as a normal citizen; she asked the same thing for her team. the only common advantage everyone asked is a monthly income of money. just luna and olivia use all the money; the rest of the team only keeps 50% of it, while the remaining half goes to poor families, organizations and other uses
-rohan appiled a “spell” with the mind gem which erased from criminals and the opposers of team ceartais any memory of their secret identities or rohan’s fusion nature. the spell still persists
-a month after the snap( thus three weeks after the revival), bellwether revealed herself to the public as a supporter of the superpowered community. everyone distrusted her due to her past actions with her only supporter being robyn and hannah themselves. dawn finally found redemption when she turned herself in prison to prove the city she was changed. she came out after a year
-victoria still hasn’t found a job for herself, so that she could spend most of her time with luna and robyn, becoming more and more intrested in rohan’s bizarre nature. currently, she chose to be the janitor of the bunker
that’s all the extra info i could think about for now. be prepared because the next rereleases will be about rohan’s superhero alter ego, Valkyrie. please, reblog, like, share, feel free to participate to this au and most importantly, give me any advices on how i can improve
see you soon
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9lph9tr0n5s · 6 years
rohan au part 4: family
hey there; i’m not dead. i apologize to all my subscribers for not posting about rohan for so long, but after one month, school has become very hard with many tests inbound and a lot of things to study; plus, i’m also studiying to get my driving license. i hope you understand. 
now, without further addo, it’s time to discover rohan’s family
Robyn’s side:
-father: Nick Wilde
Occupation: mayor of zootopia
Status: alive
-mother: Judy Hopps
Occupation: police chief of the first precinct
Status: alive
-grandmother: Marian Wilde;
Occupation: former vigilante known as “the maid”, now hero trainer and supporter, mostly for hacking and I.T. professor at the zootopia university
Status: formerly dead, currently reanimated and alive
-grandfather: Robin Loxley Wilde
Occupation: former vigilante known as “hood”, now hero trainer and couple advisor
Status: formerly dead, currently reanimated and alive too
-Grandparents (Judy’s side): Bonnie and Stu Hopps
Occupation: carrot farmers
Status: alive
-Ryan, Ronan and Reginald (reggie) Wilde: Robyn’s triplet brothers; Ryan is a laid-back lover of yoga, Ronan is a pro gamer and Reggie is a panmusical mammal
Status: stillborn at the beginning, now brought back to life
-Luna Wilde (Robyn’s half sister)
Occupation: surgeon at the zootopia hospital by day and patroling zootopia by night as the vigilante Andraste
Status: alive
Hannah’s side:
-father: Jack Savage
Occupation: MCB agent (major crimes bureau)
Status: alive
-mother: Skye Winter
Occupation: MCB agent, works with Jack
Status: alive
-known grandparents:
Hannah Savage
occupation: pensionate
Status: deceased then brought back to life
-siblings: none
-Victoria Todd (luna’s mother)
status: dead, then reanimated
-Alice Kirabito-Wilde (Robyn’s sister in law)
Occupation: videogame and anime reactions youtuber, superhero, quartermaster and weapons assistant
Status: alive
i know it’s not much, but i promise i will try to be more active in the following days. so stay tuned
see you soon and enjoy your day
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9lph9tr0n5s · 6 years
I’m not gonna stand by this! Donald trump must be fired! NOW!!!
Reblog to show support for Transgender and Non Binary rights!!! #Won'tBeErased
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9lph9tr0n5s · 6 years
rohan’s backstory part 3: the eternal guardian
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Over the next week following the skrull assault, zootopia was torn in two: the politicians wanted to declare superheroes and superpowered mammals illegal, while the public fought in rallies, protests and riots standing by their thought that zootopia didn’t need control, nor order, but just to be safe and free, no matter who protected them, also chastising the governement, calling it corrupt, unfair and old. While there were tensions inside the wilde family and their friends, everybody did their best to comfort each other, especially Robyn and Hannah, who received the most hate. Nick was not willing to give up on her daughter despite all the accuses against him, but every attempt to calm down the city was vain. But suddenly, a chance of redemption popped up: unbeknownst to everyone, the skrull that wasn’t defeated by Rohan by the power of the infinity fragments, silently escaped on the ship (which was invisible the whole time) and this time he brought back up: another alien race, called the kree. The two armies broke in the middle of a protest, capturing everybody: men, women, politicians, normal people, kids; then, they called in a massive ship/orbital cannon, capable of destroying an entire planet. The skrull threatened Rohan to come out and surrender, otherwise he would have erased the city from the planet. Rohan was trapped: either she went there and die for the whole city or she would have fought at the risk of losing many innocent lives. Believing she runied the city and everyone’s life, in the end she did come out and was ready to die for who she loved and seeking for redemption. She waved goodbye to her family and friends and she faced a public execution, where there kree leader, Ronan, blasted her to smithereens with his hammer.
The skrull then went to pick up the fragments, gloating over his revenge and claiming to be the only true keeper of the universe; but the infinity spirits had decided: Robyn and Hannah were the only worthy to keep all that power. They immediately rejected their impostor and reformed Rohan form the ashes; this time though Rohan was determined to end to skrull threat once and for all. she called in her allies: the famous team ceartais: andraste, spitfire, roar, the mage and yurei (respectively Luna, Olivia, Kion, Kodi and Alice), the ZPD, the MCB and the task force Camelot; no matter who the enemies were or what others thought about her, she was going to end everything.
After a long 10 hours battle, Rohan, ceartais and their allies finally defeated the skrull/kree army, not without casualties: almost 50 percent of the city was dead. Ronan, the kree leader, though was not willing to lose against a bunch of animals and in an act of rage, he activated the cannon at full power: he wanted to wipe out the whole planet if he couldn’t conquer it. When the cannon fired, every hope seemed lost, but rohan, uncapable of giving up and now unwilling to let everyone die, concentrated and unlocked the full power of the infinity fragments enetring the infinity state: she had all the powers in the universe and could have been able to alter the whole structure of the universe itself; after nullifying the cannon’s beam, she completly erased the cannon itself out of existence; then, after facing ronan one last time and killing him when he cheated and attempted for his loved ones lives, she brought back from the dead everyone who died in the recent skirmish and recreated back the entire city: every building that was knocked out or demolished during the wave or the skrull/kree invasion was fully rebuilt. Then Rohan passed out again, falling unconcious and incorporeal, this time only for two hours.
When she woke up, there was her family celebrating her victory, alongside almost the rest of Zootopia; only a few mammals still distrusted her. But soon a problem came out: the energy emitted by Rohan in the infinity state started to give superpowers to random citizens, no matter if they were rich or poor. To solve this problem, Rohan asked for a super’s therapy centre to be created, so that powered mammals could be able to control their powers to fit better into society, without class or power differences and for who wnated to become a superhero. She also asked for every super that would come to be registered as an ally of the zpd, but able to fight free, without law many restrictions. At last, she said that every super was free to mantain it’s secret identity if he or she wanted. Every request was taken with joy from everyone, aside the opposers; that same day team ceartais followed Rohan’s example and revealed their secret identities to zootopia, without fear. Wether this situation was good or bad it’s still discussed today, but two things were for sure: Robyn and Hannah did indeed change everything and even if the alien threat was defeated, many other villains would come out to take the fragments for themselves or for other villanous purposes and those bad guys weren’t just some vigilante level threat: they were superpowered and even came from other universes. Things had to changes so Rohan’s and ceartais’ arsenal grew up, combining the latest tech with the infinity powers, while staying true to their vigilante nature.
In the end, since the “revival” (how the skrull/kree invasion, their subsequent defeat and the revitalization of Zootopia was dubbed) Rohan, despite being a fusion has gained full full rights and it’s considered a civilian just like everyone, Robyn and Hannah are recognized as superstars, just like their teammates, but even with all the fame, the two hybrids live a fairly humble life with their eight children, while also protecting zootopia and other dimensions from evil forces.
and there we go! i finally posted all the parts of rohan’s backstory, but it’s not over: there is much more content of rohan i have to rerelease and after that, i can post 100% original stuff on my blog. so, to tease you, the next posts will be: rohan’s family, her superhero sheet, her powerset and her arsenal and believe, that is a LOT more than you think. 
i thank @crewefox who allowed me to create this au and to whom i owe a lot
then i thank @jafethortiz who drew rohan for me
and last but not least, i thank my subscribers who liked rohan and shared her; i won’t stop thanking you.
reblog, like and share with everyone. 
here’s the link to the other two parts:
1) alone on an island
2) hunt for power
see you soon zootopians
P.S. some passages are written for eventual newcomers who don’t know anything about the main TAS au
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9lph9tr0n5s · 6 years
Me now
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Jack Shenanigans #5
Nick: asndkasndlkasndlasdkasdansdnaskn JACK SHE WAS NAKED IN FRONT OF YOU asdnkasdnlkasndknakdnlansldna
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