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EARRING BUDDIES !  ! ! @ask-bananasu-in-aisu
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{ wow he is.... so cute }
Could you do Kyte in 13? I think he's probably the easiest of my three to draw, as opposed to Big Muscle Man and Curly Cue lol
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((sorry for a long wait!! Fiddling with the lineart brush’s settings till I got comfortable with doing the lineart took quite some time!))
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{ Hey guys. I fully intend to do answers and replies soon, but after the rough weekend at work, and then this news, I’m gonna take a bit longer. Wowaka has passed away. I’m really, honestly, crushed. Wowaka was such an inspiration to me, I loved every one of his songs and he was undeniably one of, if not my favorite producer. His music was so impactful to Vocaloid as a whole, he was a legend. It’s honestly hard to believe he’s gone. Rest in peace, wowaka. }
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ask-bananasu-in-aisu replied to your post ““Sleep is for the weak and I am, in fact, very weak..””
Kyte: Me too, me too… [dangerously tired, eyebags for days, how is he still awake]
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(Sleepover party.. except they literally just sleep all day and night)
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“If once I kill you, will the echoes of my heart calm?” LOVELESS×××
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Please reblog this if you are an active vocaloid askblog
I need to know who to follow :3
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Sunshine: Glad ya like it~ Woulda called you that anyway tho lol Sunshine: We gotta be friends! What’s your insta? :3c I’m a pretty big influencer, so you can find me on any social media you can think of~ Sunshine: Oh yea what’s up with the koi thing? You reallyyyy like sushi?
Sunshine: How come you're called koi Piko? Isn't that like, some kinda fish or whatever? Ooh, oh hey!! Can I call you Pikoi :3c
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piko: (visibly pleased) ah, yes, it is! also, that sounds like a wonderful nickname~!
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Self love is the best treatment of all 😌 I hope this advice helps! Now excuse me as I prepare for a date
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Hitoshizuku x Yama strike again!
I quite like this Fashion AU of Alice of Wonderland. I need to wait for the subs, but I think we can effectively understand the story through the pv alone.  
 And of course, there is a little twist at the end.
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Gack: My condolences. If that person becomes of interest to you, they aren’t difficult to find. They go by Venus. Gack: With that out of the way, it’s good to meet you~ I have a few hobbies, they’re a bit out of the ordinary I suppose... I like to read manga. [Blush sfx] I also collect delicate china with decadent designs, things like tea sets, and teas of different kinds as well.
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Kyte wordlessly comforts Sunshine while Gack talks, easing the blonde’s bitterness. Sunshine moves past his pouting and smiles at Luki again, with renewed vigor. Sunshine: I guess my hobby is being popular~~ I’m a influencer, so duh. Oh! I also play video games and I’m like, really good with makeup ;3 Tbh, I would be an amazing beauty vlogger~ Kyte: Uhm, I...I do some clothes design n’ stuff, I write songs.. I really like dolls, gotta whole bunch at home... I make outfits for em. All’a us like to contribute to VanaN’Ice, too.
*a maybe too gentle smile* wHat dO The thRee of yOu likE tO do? - ask-luki
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Sunshine: I’ve got soooo many talents!! (and hobbies lol) Kyte: Uhm, ma’am…… Are you alright?Gack: I have seen malfunctioning androids before. I know of someone that can repair them, like a sort of doctor. They don’t generally accept cash, however I’m sure they’d be willing to help you.Sunshine wordlessly and indignantly folds his arms over his chest. His opened eyes are noticeably green.
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{ I'd like to interact with more blogs! Like or reblog for a VanaN'Ice member(s) to send an ask. You can also specify which one (or more), if you want😁 }
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💚 - What makes your muse envious?
Sunshine: Sunshine is a very jealous person in general. He really dislikes when others get attention in favor of himself. For example, his twin sister Noriko (Honeybell as Kyte calls her), is more academically skilled and would get higher grades than her brother would. Their parents would be prideful of her, but they would demean Sunshine for not being on the same level as his sister. He certainly gets envious and jealous over other things as well, even petty small things.
Kyte: Kyte isn't generally one to feel envious, as he's grateful for what he has, but it does happen. He envies Sunshine and Gack in their charming aspects, being someone who is rather awkward and has difficulty making friends. Even his younger sister, Mei, is quite confident in herself. Kyte is self-doubtful and very anxious at times.
Gack: He is envious of Sunshine and Kyte, who fearlessly pursued their dream of making music when he himself was unable to fulfill that. He let his dream wither and settled as a music agent, but meeting Sunshine and Kyte turned that around for him. Similarly he is envious of his close friend, Lance, who was able to move on from his bad past and pursue his own passion.
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"H-Hello there... as a fellow Len unit, do you, uh, get stares or looks at other people because of who you are? D-Do you mind the attention? I-I think you look very nice..."
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Dread washes over Sunshine - no one calls him Ren but his family. Does this person know who he is?? Ah, but… oh, so this is a misunderstanding. His tense form relaxes and his expression brightens.
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Sunshine: I know I look perfect but I’m no android~ Musta mistaken me for Kagamine Len, huh? So flattering~! Sunshine: Name’s Sunshine~ Guess I’m popular on tiktok n shit, never had anyone recognize me irl for that tho. I love any attention to answer you~~
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About VanaN'Ice
VanaN'Ice is a rock band comprised of three members. Sunshine, who plays the guitar and manages their social media. Gack, who plays bass guitar and manages the band in general, using his connections as a music agent to get their band farther. Kyte, who plays drums and plays a big part in outfit design and song-writing. They all have a say in their outfits and their songs and all contribute. They don’t do more than small gigs right now, and aren’t well-known or popular.
About Sunshine | About Kyte | About Gack
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{ 🐭 - Are you shy about explaining your headcanons to other people?
Not at all! As a matter of fact, I could talk anout my characters for days. I had to make a character sideblog cause i posted too much on main lmaoo }
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april fool's? hmm.. the bathtub is suddenly full and with koi fish!
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Sunshine: Kyte! Gonna shower, ‘kay?Sunshine heads into the bathroom, managing to peel off a shirt - water splashes onto the floor.Sunshine: …. What the fuck?Peering into the bathtub, he notices it’s already full of water. And… koi?!Sunshine: Holy shit?! Kyte you gotta look at this!Sunshine bout to text @ask-koi-piko and ask how to get these fish out of here, seems like someone that knows about fish. After putting in on social media.
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you wouldn’t download a #kaito.
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