athiran 17 days
thank you for translating all of that!!
just curious, how long is the wordcount?
I assume you're asking about The S-Ranks That I Raised鈥攁s stated here, the word count for the main story is currently over 900k, and will probably end up somewhere around 2.5 million words once complete. I haven't read the side stories and don't know how long they are on average, so I can't give a count for those, but if they're around the same length as the main story chapters, then the total count will probably go up to over 2.8 million. We're in this for the long haul!
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athiran 21 days
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this color suits you better
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athiran 21 days
Listen, you know why Andrew loves Neil? Why Neil Abram Josten was the one Andrew would allow into his inner space, to allow growing roots where Andrew keeps the remaining fragments of his heart?
Because hardly anyone respects Andrew's boundaries. Renee does. Bee does. Wymack does. Andrew respects his own boundaries to the point of enforcing them at knife point.
But Neil? Neil Abram Josten?
He views Andrew's boundaries as sacred.
Renee, Bee, and Wymack would view crossing Andrew's boundaries as disrespectful at best and a violation at worst. They earned his trust that way.
But NEIL???
Neil views crossing Andrew's boundaries as a fucking sin. As blasphemous. A devoted disciple would sooner spit in their God's face than Neil ever conceiving of crossing Andrew's boundaries.
Some people would look at you erecting brick walls covered in barbed wire and would start looking for a good crack to aim a sledgehammer. Some people would watch you lock a door and try knocking, just once, to see if you'll open it for them. And some people would watch you draw a line in the sand and never dream of stepping over it.
Neil parked his ass on the other side of Andrew's barbed wired multi-layered brick wall surrounding his concrete bunker and stayed there, running his mouth. And when Andrew revealed the hidden door, Neil smiled, stayed put, and kept talking.
Andrew didn't fall for Neil because Neil wouldn't come in.
He fell because Neil waited for Andrew to come out, waited for Andrew to extend his hand, and waited for Andrew to lead him inside by his own volition.
And that's why Neil was the one who earned Andrew's "Stay".
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athiran 21 days
pour one out for kevin day, queen of exy, for fumbling both jeremy knox AND jean moreau. personally i would never recover
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athiran 21 days
It鈥檚 so funny going from Neil鈥檚 asexual pov to jeans definitely NOT asexual pov
Neil: Kevin is tall and has a tattoo
Jean: pretty boy with a soft smile and beautiful green eyes
Neil: Renee is a women and has hair
Jean: a force of hope and beauty, an anomaly in a world that鈥檚 ugly and bleak. She is the sun.
Neil: Jeremy is the captain of the Trojans and he smiles a lot for some reason
Jean: his bleach blonde hair frames his tanned freckled skin, his broad shoulders and tiny waist give way to his thicc thighs and ass
But also the reverse
Neil: Andrews strong unwavering frame and honey colored eyes
Jean: the tiny goalkeeper
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athiran 21 days
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athiran 21 days
My house, my museum 馃拹 part 1
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The last two pictures are from my house 馃拹
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athiran 21 days
I regret every life choice that has lead up to this point.
When I first heard about the absolute Wild Ride that was AFTG, I decided to sample some fanfic before I read Canon, mostly to see if the Andreil vibes were worth the obsession I knew reading canon would incite. One of those samples was particularly sad, that sweet satisfying angst that hits just right ya know?
Now I'm reading it again, post two (2) full canon readings, a surprise fourth installment, and almost 200 fic bookmarks later.
And it's absolutely fucking devastating me.
Why did I do this to myself? What fresh hell is this? Why would someone write this?
Saying I'm fucking sad would be a gross understatement. God has fashioned this universe bespoke so that I would experience hell on earth as revenge for primordial sins I committed against him in a past iteration of existence and this fic is the final layer.
I fucking hate it here
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athiran 21 days
Throwback to when I took painkillers and woke up with Photoshop open on my computer to this image I had made
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athiran 21 days
one sided rivals to lovers in a soulmate au where if your soulmate bleeds, flowers bloom there for you. give me a cold school president and a sunshine delinquent. a boy who finds it hard to manage emotions crying every night about the flowers that bloom all across his thighs with a boy full of fake smiles who sees that the one who's "meant" for him barely regards him on a good day. give me broken hearts, denied feelings, and tragic confessions.
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athiran 1 month
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by longestacres
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athiran 1 month
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kaveh !!!
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athiran 1 month
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athiran 1 month
i keep thinking about jean鈥檚 POV of riko going to hit neil.
in aftg, neil is so focused on riko coming down with his racket to hit him that it seems like andrew comes out of no where to save him but i love that jean sees it. and it鈥檚 not like he just moves out of goal or anything, no, he HAULS ASS to get to neil to save him. that to me says everything. i love them so bad
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athiran 1 month
twitter doesn鈥檛 disappoint
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athiran 1 month
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cttos <33 pinterest
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athiran 1 month
at this point, i think i am Scared to read the book
The Trojans, being informed way too late that they're the only ones living in a 'feel good sports anime':
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