belladonnaslover · 11 months
Milk Thistle
Harvest: You can harvest year around but harvest right after bloom to avoid bitterness (it's still bitter) and you can harvest all parts (seeds, roots, leaves, flower, etc) invasive to the west hemp please harvest!
Magickal Properties: originally for warding off negative energy and gloom or lethargy. However as it has been imported across the world the known properties depend on the country.
Can consume 300 milligrams daily or up to 700 mg, 3 times per day for 24 weeks. Side effects of large doses include digestion problems.
" Results from clinical trials of milk thistle for liver diseases have been conflicting or haven’t been clinically meaningful. Some of the studies have been of poor quality, too. Although some studies have shown positive results on milk thistle for people with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, the overall research does not show a benefit. A small number of studies have suggested that milk thistle extract might be beneficial for diabetes, but the conclusions about its effectiveness are not definite. It’s not known whether milk thistle is helpful for other conditions. In clinical trials, milk thistle appears to be well tolerated in recommended doses. Occasionally, people report various digestive side effects. Milk thistle may produce allergic reactions, which tend to be more common among people who are allergic to plants in the same family (for example, ragweed, chrysanthemum, marigold, and daisy). Milk thistle may lower blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. People with diabetes should use caution. Little is known about whether it’s safe to use milk thistle during pregnancy or while breastfeeding."
Extra resources: https://doubleproficiency.com/2022/01/19/thistle-magic-medicine-and-folklore
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belladonnaslover · 11 months
Clover: Luck
Harvest: You can harvest year around but harvest in spring or summer for the sweetest results. All parts of the plant are edible and invasive to the USA and AUS
Do not forge from parks (pesticides can be deadly especially when heated)
Medicinal: known for treating colds and congestion as it has a variety of vitamins however these also provide a blood thinning agent so please be cautious with medications or diabetes.
Magickal Properties: drive out negativity while bringing in luck and prosperity. The colors of the clover directly effect that type of luck it brings (White clover: peace Red Clover: love)
https://www.thedailystruggle.co.uk/clover-health-benefits/http://www.bio.brandeis.edu/fieldbio/medicinal_plants/pages/White_clover.html#:~:text=White%20clover%20is%20alien%20and%20native%20to%20Europe.&text=Leaf%20tea%20used%20for%20colds%2C%20coughs%2C%20and%20fevers.&text=Flower%20tea%20used%20for%20rheumatism%20and%20gout.&text=Like%20many%20clovers%2C%20white%20clover,cancer%2Dpreventative%20and%20antioxidant%20activity. (edited)
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belladonnaslover · 11 months
Harvest: You can harvest after bloom (early summer) Native to the United States however considered an “annual weed”
Magickal Properties: “helps us to see the darker side within ourselves when we can only acknowledge the good within us” Please do research before consuming
Medicinal: febrifugal, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic effects. May northern american natives used it as a contraceptive
Extra resources: https://sacredessences.com/dayflower/#:~:text=Dayflower%20is%20the%20essence%20for,and%20doing%20the%20right%20thing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commelina_erecta#:~:text=Commelina%20erecta%2C%20commonly%20known%20as,of%20Commelina%20in%20North%20America. (edited)
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belladonnaslover · 11 months
Saturn Retrograde 6/17/23 11:57pm
With Saturn being time, matter, and karma you may notice things come into order. But to come into order means what goes around comes around.
Saturn starts in square with mercury. Don’t let something as simple as your words bring bad things to you. Saturn is also in sextile with Jupiter implying luck and abundance and healing.
May prosperity come back to you in this time of rebalance.
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belladonnaslover · 11 months
Welcome weary travelers and knowledge seekers to Hawthorn Hollow.
We invite you all in to offer a nice chat in the tavern. This is a safe place for everyone, Teens and adults are welcome.
Adults can climb the tower to the 18 and over lounge,
You have come to a place of magic. Witches from all backgrounds and cultures come together here.
We share our knowledge in a members-only coven anyone is welcome to be a part of. We are looking for writers, teachers, and brand new witches.
There are many other things to enjoy on our discord server such as…
Lots of roles to choose from
Voice Chats and Music Channels
Divination Readings
Mentoring opportunities
You can even join some of our members in a game of Minecraft!
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belladonnaslover · 11 months
I made an astrology-based discord server! It has daily lunar and solar check-ins along with religious holiday dates from around the world.
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belladonnaslover · 11 months
I made an astrology-based discord server! It has daily lunar and solar check-ins along with religious holiday dates from around the world.
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belladonnaslover · 11 months
Anglo-Saxon Moons
Æfterra Gēola - January - After Yule
Sol-mōnaþ- February - The Month of Cakes
Hrēþ-mōnaþ/Hlyd–mōnaþ - March - The Month of Wildness or Month of [the Goddess] Hrēþe
Easter-mōnaþ - April - The Month of [the Goddess] Ēostre
Þrimilce-mōnaþ - May - The Month of Three Milkings
Ærra Līþa - June - Before (or First) Mild Month
Þrilīþa—Third Mild Month. (The intercalary Month)
Æftera Līþa / Mǽd-mónaþ - July - After or Trailing Mild Month. Also called Mowing Month
Weod-mōnaþ - August - The Weed (or plant) Month
Hālig-mōnaþ - September - The Holy Month
Winterfylleth - October - Winter Full Moon
Blōt-mōnaþ - November - The Month of Sacrifices
Ærra Gēola / Midwinter-mónaþ - December - Before Yule. Also: Midwinter Month.
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belladonnaslover · 1 year
Tarot Inspired Journal Prompts
Fool: what is something new you are doing or want to do?
Magician: what is a magical way to enhance my day? Or, how can I be more like the magician?
High Priestess: what are my thoughts on divination? What about intuition?
Empress: what part of myself do I want to grow/nurture?
Emperor: what part of my life needs me to take authority? How can I?
High Priest: what are my personal traditions? How is my spirituality unique to me?
Lovers: what relationships mean the most to me?
Chariot: what part of my life needs me to be more combative/ warrior-like?
Strength: what part of my life should I face with courage?
Hermit: what do I need to do alone more often? What do I need to do with others more often?
Wheel of Fortune: what do I think about luck, fate, and/or fortune?
Justice: when do I need to focus on legality vs fairness? Or, What may cause me to seek justice/retribution?
Hanged Man: what have/will I sacrifice for -x-? What am I never willing to sacrifice? What will I easily give up?
Death: what is something personal I want to end or change? What is something that will end or change no matter how I feel? How can I accept it?
Temperence: what part of my life needs more patience? What part needs more balance? How can I achieve both?
Devil: what is a primal desire I have? Should I grant it to myself? Why or why not? How can I get what I want?
Tower: what can I learn from the current or recent chaos/disaster in my life?
Star: what do I hope for? How can I get it?
Moon: what part of my life is best kept private? Why?
Sun: what makes me happy?
Jusgement: what part of me needs reflection? What is a fair assessment of that part?
World: what parts of my life have been fulfilled? What parts are still lacking?
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belladonnaslover · 1 year
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belladonnaslover · 1 year
TW: Childhood Trauma
Writing prompt:
How much love and attention does a child does a child deserve/need?
How much of that did/didn't you get?
How does that feel in your body?
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belladonnaslover · 1 year
TW: Religious trauma
Heaven: A place where all my needs are met so I just worship some guy for eternity
This guy happened to only give anyone a life in which he punished them for something someone else did or makes them live a life in fear of his opinion/"power" and then you die.
if don't devote all your time to him (like you would in heaven) you go to "hell" a place where you either burn or just feel a lack of his presence(lets say this is a bad feeling).
Could I spend eternity worshiping someone who created me for that? Would it be heaven then? If I can handle it is it a choice? Do I want to spend eternity worshiping someone, him of all people? Could I handle it if my loved ones and community weren't there? If I can live eternity without love for an entire community do I feel I deserve to have eternity doing something I enjoy?
lets say I choose to follow it:
Do I feel comfortable living a life controlled by something else just for the result to be heaven?
lets say I choose not to follow it:
Will I ever truly feel peace from it just as a concept? Will the possible small moment of pride you feel following your own sense of moral be worth it? what if the other option is heaven?
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belladonnaslover · 1 year
Astrological Houses Basics
1st House:
Self, appearances, mask, beginnings, identity ,ego, approach to life, body, mask, and how we perceive the world.
Numerology: innovation, beginnings, goals, independence, force, risk, doubt, motivation
2nd House:
Values, finances, security, self-worth, possessions, personal resources, routines, habits, compulsions, work ethic, priorities
Numerology: Unifying, duality, influence, indecision, cooperation, tact
3rd House:
Mind/thoughts, communication, siblings, neighbors, aunts/uncles/cousins, hobbies, language, mental ego, early development, local travel/location
Numerology: Communication, Charm, ignorance, curiosity
4th house:
Home, family, origins, ancestors, influence of parents, private life, self care, emotions, foundation, children
Numerology: practicality, loyalty, service, conservative, dependence
5th House:
Romance, Love, Creativity, inner child, self expression, drama, play, influence
Numerology: Social, lacking direction, change, freedom
6th House:
Health/wellness, fitness, systems, organizations, unions, Mundane reality, coworkers
Numerology: harmony, stability, support in a loving way, symmetry
7th House: Contract, marriage, promises, business partners, equality, projection of self onto others
Numerology: Wholeness, perfection, completion
8th House:
Sex, Intimacy, taxes, taboos, death, rebirth, mysteries, partners resources, joint goals, renewal, inheritance, loans
Numerology: Authority, strength, wisdom, social status, desire for peace
9th House:
Expansion of self, philosophy, teaching, truth, long distance travel, religion, higher education, self deconstruction
Numerology: endings and new beginnings, cycles
10th Houses:
Profession/career, achievement, social status, public image, ambition, recognition, long term goals, experts, fame
Numerology, innovation, new beginnings, leadership
11th House:
Social groups, humanitarianism, technology, wishes, future
Numerology: Spirituality and imagination
12th House:
Endings, healings, closure, dreams, subconscious, closed mindedness, solitude, unseen
Numerology: completion, harmony
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belladonnaslover · 1 year
Astrology basics
Time in each sign: 3-4 weeks
Signs: Gemini & Virgo
Symbols: Mind, communication, language, reason
Lore: the messenger of the gods and the mediator between the realm of the dead and the kingdom of the living.
Time in each sign: 4-5 weeks
Signs: Taurus & Libra
Symbols: love, beauty, art, harmony
Lore: She sprang up from the sea when the testicles of Uranus had been cut off and thrown into the ocean.
Time in each sign: 6-7 weeks
Signs: Aries
Symbols: sex, war, aggression, passion
Lore: the god of war and also an agricultural guardian
Saturn :
Time in each sign: 2-3 years
Signs: Capricorn
Symbols: Law, Structure, Business, Ambition
Lore:  god of time, generation, dissolution, abundance, wealth, agriculture, periodic renewal and liberation
Time in each sign: 12-13 months
Signs: Sagittarius
Symbols: luck, expansion, abundances
Lore: Jupiter was the top god. He had two brothers and three sisters. The three boys got to divide up the world, with Jupiter getting the sky, Neptune getting the ocean and Pluto getting the underworld.
Time in each sign:  7 years
Signs: Aquarius
Symbols: Reformation, rebellions, change
Lore:  the personification of heaven
Time in each sign: 10-12 years
Signs: Pisces
Symbols: Imagination, delusion, intuition, spirituality 
Lore:  god of freshwater and the sea
Time in each sign: 12-15 years
Signs: Scorpio
Symbols: transformation, rebirth, evolution, inner growth
Lore:  ruler of the Greek underworld
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belladonnaslover · 1 year
to unmask means to give someone else an opportunity to learn another language
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belladonnaslover · 1 year
Why do I deny myself mental illness?
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belladonnaslover · 1 year
Achtually ya know, it's not a Grimoire if it doesn't contain ways to summon demons and dead people
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But seriously. If there are any people new to witchcraft here, please remember not to take anything you see here as a strict law. We all have things that work for us, specifically, but the things that work for me don't necessarily work for you. Some people seem to have a strong need to create universal rules out of things that work for them, but it's still just their take on the issue. It's like those people who say that tarot cards only work if you got them as a gift from someone else. Nope. That's not a universal rule either.
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