bookies16 · 3 years
All hot girls have one or more of the following
Digestive issue
Mental illness
Sleepy bitch disease
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bookies16 · 3 years
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bookies16 · 3 years
"Isn't the Forgotten dangerous?" 
Oragan settles a steady glare at the girl, his eye narrowing as a scoff echoes around the room. "Of course its the Princess who says that. You've never even stepped foot out of your village, what do you know of the world?" the mans words are bitter, but yet he didn't seem sorry as the girl looks down at her feet, clearly uncomfortable at the question
Azekiel slams a knife in the table in the centre, causing everyone to look over at him, eyes wide as they watch the man run a hand through his hair. "The girl's opinion is the least of anyone's worries. It's known that violence in up the the majority of the Forgotten districts-" 
"-Because of reasons that wouldn't happen if-!" 
"I'd appreciate you didn't interrupt me speaking Mr Slater" the boys eyes shift, looking directly into Oragans own like a hunter watching its prey. "You speak again when not asked and I'll make it so you can never can again". 
The air in the room became thick. It wasn't exactly rare for Azekiel to make threats, however his tone had shifted from slight playfulness to serious within seconds. He wasn't someone to mess with, especially on missions. 
His hand adjusted on the grip of the knife before pulling it out of the wood and placing it back in the sheath. "Despite the state of The Forgotten it still houses the Minx whose said to have information on the Kings last where about. That means we are going there whether people like it or not, is that clear?" 
Dara glances up, tearing her attention off of her bare feet to nod at the man before her. He didn't seem to acknowledge her reply, or anyone else's, as he left the room, calling behind him about meeting at 7 am the next morning. The air thinned as his presence exited the room, it almost felt like a breeze had cleaned away some bad odder that had festered for days and had been finally lifted. 
Oragan was the first to speak, voice still holding some resentment for Azekiels earlier threat. "I could snap that boy like a tooth pick". 
"Yes - that's why you shut up as soon as that threat left his mouth" Finch laughed from the bench, the grin on his face unwavering as the Cyclops grit his teeth. "I'm sure the Captain would love to hear about your fantasy's, might think you even have a crush, Oragan". 
Laughter leaves some of the other men's lips as Oragan stormed towards the boy, "you think you can mess with me, Thief?!
Finch rises from his chair, not that his short stature was much in the threatening department. It's what made the boy good at sneaking around, being in plain sight but hidden simultaneously. "I think I can do whatever I want. Now step back before I make that threat a reality for you". 
The older male was practically vibrating in anger as he let out a huff of air, almost a roar leaving his lips before he too stormed out of the room, the door slamming shut behind him. Dust from the pillars above began to fall slowly. "I sorta forgot how strong those creatures were". Finch chuckles, his eyes setting onto the girl in the white dress, stood shoeless as she stares around the room.
 "You're still clueless aren't you?" 
"Huh?" Dara turns her head towards the boy. "I'm sorry I wasn't-" 
"Listening?" he asks tilting his head. "You're not going to survive if you keep doing that. Eyes and ears need to be working at all times or Oragan might sneak up and kill you himself before anyone else can do it". 
She flinches at the thought, her heart clenching as she opens her mouth to defend the idea. "He wouldn't do that, Azekiel-"
"Doesn't give two shits about you Princess". He was stood in front of her now. They were about the same height, yet the confidence Finch carried with him seemed to make him grow at last 2 inches. Dara felt as if she was shrinking under the boys grinning gaze. "I can teach you if you like". 
"To defend myself?". 
"To kill if needed". 
An echo of her mothers words filled her head. It was against her vow to ever kill, holding a weapon was pushing it far enough but Dara knew she had to accommodate slightly. The debrief that had happened a month ago had scared her into holding a knife at her hip. "But-".
Finch rolls his eyes, passing by her and towards another door at the opposite end of the room. "Think about it Dear Darderial, unless you don't want to make it home after we're done". The door shut behind him, but not before the Thief gave her a wink, leaving the girl feeling exposed and scared as she stood in the cold meeting room.
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bookies16 · 3 years
Imaginary Friend
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The house was old now. I remember Sammy’s room used to be light blue with glow in the dark stickers decorating the ceiling. We stuck them up on my 5th birthday since my mom wouldn’t let me stick them in my room. His toy box was gone now, but it had been for a while. When he started to get older he didn’t wanna play Lego, or play Army, or play Kingdoms anymore. That’s when he started to ignore me too. 
“Sam! Are you coming?!” That must be Mrs Simmons back from loading the boxes into the van. 
Walking down the stairs I watch as Sam and Mrs Simmons talk, their mouths moving but their words were all muffled. I was never able to go downstairs anymore, it was like a force field was there stopping me, like in those science films Sammy found one night that his parents told him not to watch. 
Both of them were much older now then before my Big Sleep. Sammy was 17, and had blond hair instead of brown because his other friend Mikey had said it looked cooler. He didn’t have braces, or glasses, and he had a girlfriend. I really wish I had no braces. 
Mrs Simmons was smiling up at him as she sorted out the ruffle in his collar. She always did that. “Have you said goodbye?” 
Goodbye? I tried to get close, leaning over the landing rail. 
“To who?” 
“Brodie, you remember him right?” Mrs Simmons looked up at the stairs for a second “You used to take him everywhere with you when you were little”. 
A smile crossed over my face. My name! That was my name! Maybe now she said my name he would remember and come back and play with me! We’d play Kingdoms and I would be the- 
“I’m not 10 mom, I don’t have an imaginary friend anymore”. 
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