btsbaguettebois · 4 years
So, I don't think anybody is ready for this, and I've upgraded my weapon this time, a.k.a. My bat named Susan. And I'm back at it again. But to the person who called me a "Mini Gallagher" @sea-anon , I have taken inspiration from your wisdom and now let's sequence to the watermelon I smashed with a bat (Susan).
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Ok, sooooooooooo, I kinda thought it would be a good idea to smash an orange on my desk at 4am with a mallet.......
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btsbaguettebois · 4 years
Our society always turns a blind eye to male mental health and they plainly don't believe (or act as though they don't believe) that men can be victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault. Anyone can be a victim, rape culture is already horrible as it is. Don't victim shame others for going through an already tragic experience.
"...1 in 71 men (1.4%) have been raped in sometime in their lives.." - National Sexual Violence Research Center, nsvrc.org
False rape reports/claims/accusations are between 2-10% percent of the time, leaving atleast 90% as the truth. It's estimated that around 63% percent of rape cases are not reported, as you can assume men definitely make up part of the sum, along with women.
If you want to actually educate yourself on false reporting along with the statistics mentioned above read part of the NSVRC "False Reports" PDF, it can easily be found online.
Here is a link to educate yourself on male domestic abuse,
Education isn't that hard to find if you actually looked for it, type it in Google and there's tons of results for you to research, it's not that it's not there it's or they can't. They don't want to.
Never invalidate a victim, or victim shame them. It doesn't matter whether the victim is a male, female, transgender, or non binary (on another note trans and non binary are huge targets for rape and sexual assault at the moment, so that needs to not be ignored as well as men), rape is rape, domestic abuse is still abuse. Victims sadly come in all shapes and sizes and genders, and ages too. That includes men, we need to stop turning a blind eye to their suffering. Educate yourself to make it stop.
Education isn't that hard to find, just type it in Google and there are tons of results for you to do your research on. It's not that it isn't there, or that they can't see or understand it. They don't want to.
Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.
Of fucking course
What sick bastard doesn’t
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btsbaguettebois · 4 years
Hey! Could you do me a favor and reblog this if you think it's okay to stim in public (as long as it's not hurting anyone)
My parents said some not nice things and I need reassurance.
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btsbaguettebois · 4 years
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btsbaguettebois · 4 years
a little tip for you guys if you ever come across maps/pedophiles online including images of porn or stories, report the incident here https://report.cybertip.org !! i have taught a few ppl on here to do that bc reporting to staff often only gets the blog deleted with no legal action taken. i can confirm that blogs actually have been taken down after reporting it to this site meaning it was investigated. please reblog this to spread the word
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btsbaguettebois · 4 years
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Video of Tama
Follow Ultrafacts for more facts
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btsbaguettebois · 4 years
THIS IS WHAT WE NEED, we need to give justice to the chickens, Chickens need education too. Time to put this injustice to an end, if you're gonna sign any petition may as well be this one😂. Lmao
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btsbaguettebois · 4 years
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btsbaguettebois · 4 years
Tumblr Code.
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btsbaguettebois · 4 years
Ok, sooooooooooo, I kinda thought it would be a good idea to smash an orange on my desk at 4am with a mallet.......
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btsbaguettebois · 4 years
Reblog if you think its just as bad if a woman rapes/assaults a man too
Tryna prove a point to my mom
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btsbaguettebois · 4 years
Myths, Creatures, and Folklore
Want to create a religion for your fictional world? Here are some references and resources!
General Folklore
Various Folktales
Weather Folklore
Trees in Mythology
Animals in Mythology
Birds in Mythology
Flowers in Mythology
Fruit in Mythology
Plants in Mythology
Folktales from Around the World
Egyptian Mythology
African Mythology
More African Mythology
Egyptian Gods and Goddesses
The Gods of Africa
Even More African Mythology
West African Mythology
All About African Mythology
African Mythical Creatures
Gods and Goddesses
The Americas:
Aztec Mythology
Haitian Mythology
Inca Mythology
Maya Mythology
Native American Mythology
More Inca Mythology
More Native American Mythology
South American Mythical Creatures
North American Mythical Creatures
Aztec Gods and Goddesses
Chinese Mythology
Hindu Mythology
Japanese Mythology
Korean Mythology
More Japanese Mythology
Chinese and Japanese Mythical Creatures
Indian Mythical Creatures
Chinese Gods and Goddesses
Hindu Gods and Goddesses
Korean Gods and Goddesses
Basque Mythology
Celtic Mythology
Etruscan Mythology
Greek Mythology
Latvian Mythology
Norse Mythology
Roman Mythology
Arthurian Legends
Celtic Gods and Goddesses
Gods and Goddesses of the Celtic Lands
Finnish Mythology
Celtic Mythical Creatures
Gods and Goddesses
Middle East:
Islamic Mythology
Judaic Mythology
Mesopotamian Mythology
Persian Mythology
Middle Eastern Mythical Creatures
Aboriginal Mythology
Polynesian Mythology
More Polynesian Mythology
Mythology of the Polynesian Islands
Melanesian Mythology
Massive Polynesian Mythology Post
Maori Mythical Creatures
Hawaiian Gods and Goddesses
Hawaiian Goddesses
Gods and Goddesses
Creating a Fantasy Religion:
Creating Part 1
Creating Part 2
Creating Part 3
Creating Part 4
Fantasy Religion Design Guide
Using Religion in Fantasy
Religion in Fantasy
Creating Fantasy Worlds
Beliefs in Fantasy
Some superstitions:
Read More
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btsbaguettebois · 4 years
First off, these BTS misheard lyrics are actually hilarious. Though when I first started listening to them and ever since like a month ago, in Cypher: Part 3 Killer, when Joon says "Imma ride it like a biker.." I LITERALLY FOR ALMOST A WHOLE YEAR, THOUGHT HE SAID 'Imma write it like a Bible' BAHAHAH LMAOOOOOO I'M LIKE ON SOME SERIOUS COCAINE OR SOMETHING. I DIDN'T REALIZE IT WAS RIDE IT LIKE A BIKER UNTIL MY SISTER CORRECTED ME WHILE WATCHING BANG BANG CON😂😂😂 No LITERALLY LISTEN TO IT, THEN YOU WILL BE ENLIGHTENED, IT SOUNDS LIKE IT
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btsbaguettebois · 4 years
This is the actual cutest thing I have ever seen🥺🥺🥺
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Gentle Shooky 🙇💙💜
cr : soresoar
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btsbaguettebois · 4 years
It’s Mental Health Month, Tumblr!
Your mental health is important. Because of the coronavirus, people all around the world are experiencing high levels of mental and emotional stress. That’s why this year’s Mental Health Month initiative will focus on common aspects of isolation and loneliness: how to protect, maintain, and improve your mental health, how to manage your relationships inside and outside of your household, how to combat boredom, and how to deal with the grief you might be feeling.
All month long our friends at Ditch the Label (@ditchthelabel), a UK anti-bullying non-profit, will post resources to guide you through some of the emotional hardships you may be feeling right now. Here on @postitforward, we’ll be reblogging the best stuff we see from them, the top-notch stuff we see from the rest of the Tumblr community, and posting exclusive original art from some of our very own Tumblr @creatrs. 
Some of you may be concerned with your mental health for the first time in your life. For others, existing mental health issues may be exacerbated by current events—especially for those of you who may be quarantined with people whose values are at odds with your own. We see you, and we want to help.
If you don’t want to see these posts, that’s okay! Taking good care of your mind comes in many forms. We’ll tag all of our posts with “cw mental health month” as well as more specific tags when appropriate so you can use the tag filtering tool to keep them from your dashboard. And, hey, if you’re looking for a totally stress-free zone, go out and check out Cozy (@cozy)—it’s a blog we created to embrace a little escapism. Otherwise, be sure to give Ditch the Label (@ditchthelabel) a follow if you’re interested in the tools and guidance they will be providing starting May 4.
One last thing: If you or someone you know are struggling and don’t know where to turn to, here’s a list of free counseling services located all over the world
Do your best to take care of yourself, Tumblr. <3
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btsbaguettebois · 4 years
hoseok doing that smirk™ while performing will forever be his most superior thing
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btsbaguettebois · 4 years
So I was thinking about the soulmates au and how they say that one soulmate can also experience their partner's feeling and emotions. So, when a girl goes through her period can her girlfriend/boyfriend feel it too, and like childbirth and all that? Because not gonna lie, I want a man to experience what it feels like to have a period and how painful it is on our period and to have a child. Because they don't fully understand how it feels for us, and all they do is complain and make memes about us, but it HURTS! Not all men or any other than the female gender as like that of course but there still are many like that. It kinda makes me angry though.
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