castlescrows · 9 months
save me
summary: ghost has noticed you slacking off recently, you’ve fallen into a depressive state and need someone to help you. It’s a good thing he’s there for you. pairing: Simon “Ghost” Riley x gn!reader, platonic!price x gn!reader
hurt comfort
warnings: mentions of not eating, depression, cursing, mentions of death
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-It started off with you all coming back from a very hard mission
-The mission had failed, partly with a mistake you made
-you had felt so guilty, and couldn’t look at anyone on the helicopter
-soap could see you tearing up from his peripheral vision, but didn’t bring it up
-he didn’t want to make you feel worse than you already were feeling
-he didn’t judge you, everyone made mistakes, nobody is perfect
-but ghost, ghost was livid
-His anger was radiating off of his body
-he was mostly mad at himself for letting such a thing happen
-after all, he was the lieutenant and was responsible for his sergeants
-he was also worried, he almost saw you die in front of his very own eyes
-the second the helicopter landed you made a beeline for the shower, but before you could you got pulled back into a strong wall
-only that strong wall was a chest, your lieutenants chest
“Sergeant, my office now.” -you had followed ghost to his office, where he had slammed the door and ordered you to sit
-he had screamed at you for being so careless, and you couldn’t even hide your tears
-you had already felt horrible about the entire situation
-in addition to that imagine your superior, the person you look up to, scream at you for an honest mistake
-you broke down sobbing in front of him, not being able to contain your regret
-you couldn’t even get a word out, before you heard a knock on the door
-both of you turned your head to the door, and then saw Captain Price peek his head in.
“Lieutenant I need a word with you.” “alright. Sergeant you are dismissed, but don’t think that I’m letting you off the hook. I will find you later.”
-you nodded before wiping your tears and opening the door and leaving
-price looked at you with concern as you left
“Ghost, you need to go easy on her, the poor kid already feels bad enough. She’s been crying since we got evac to her location.”
“She could have costed us our cover, she almost fucked our entire operation” Ghost exclaimed. He was so scared to lose you, he had no other way to express his fear except in the form of anger.
-price calmed ghost down and they moved onto paperwork
-even though you were gone, your sad form never leaving simon’s mind
-two weeks go by and nobody has seen you out of your room except for meetings and trainings
-you had bags under your eyes, and you didn’t show up to any meals
-soap tried to leave you food by your room, but it would stay there all night, untouched
-Simon almost felt a little guilty for the way he yelled at you, noticing the true effect of his words on you
-after a night at the pub, simon, soap, gaz and price all tried to come up with ways to help you get back to your normal ways
-nobody except Simon and price knew what happened in his office
-Simon felt like he was the reason to blame for your depressive state
-he decided that he would try to talk to you after training the next day
-as you were moping around your dorm, you heard a knock on the door
-you had been in bed since training, and the night sky had already started to peak from your curtains
-you didn’t bother to get up and open the door
“open the door, now sergeant, or I’m gonna break it down myself.”
-you got up to open the door, and had a peak of your state in the mirror
-you looked horrible, eyes red, hair messed up, and noticeably skinnier
-you opened the door to see your lieutenant
-his eyes widened seeing your form
“I want to talk, can I come in?”
-you both sat down on your bed, the awkward silence in the room evident
“We all make mistakes. You were careless, and things went wrong. Now that you know what not to do next time, I assume this won’t ever happen again.”
“I am so sorry sir, I never wanted to hurt anyone.” “I understand. You need to eat. Here.” -he handed you tonight’s dinner. You took it slowly and started eating
-After you finished eating, he took you outside to get fresh air
“I didn’t mean to be so harsh with you. I just care about you, you're under my watch. I wasn’t supposed to let this happen.”
“it’s okay.”
-you both sat on the roof of the base, and just silently watched the stars
-ghost pulled out a cigarette and offered it to you
-your hand accidentally brushed against his, and before you moved your hand away, he grabbed it and held it. -he moved you closer to him, and blew the smoke out of his mouth
-you didn’t want to admit it, but being next to Simon and just his presence made you feel way better than anything has in the past 2 weeks
-maybe ghost would be the one to save you.
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a/n: I hope you guys enjoyed! I have been busy with school so sorry for not posting a lot. This one was hard to write #writersblock! 😛 let me know what you guys wanna see next!
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castlescrows · 9 months
t141 + könig beach day! 🏖️
summary: you and the task force have a beach day!
pairings: platonic!t141 x reader, ghost x reader
warnings: cursing, suggestive thoughts
a/n: this is gonna be a pretty long one so buckle up!
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- it all starts when you guys came back from a stressful mission
-people were hurt, soldiers killed, and the aura during the whole mission was very dark
-Soap had the idea to suggest going on a trip
-he thought it would brighten the mood
-he brought it up with price and he agreed
-since there were so many of y’all, price had to drive a minivan 😭
-it was könig in the front with price, since he was quiet and wouldn’t disturb the man from driving
-gaz and soap sat next to each other
-unfortunately, you got stuck with grumpy ghost
-for the first hour of the trip, soap was torturing the rest of you guys with their unbearable singing
-ghost had already threatened him too many times to count and the ride had barely started
-once price turned on the radio, gaz and soap started to play card games and for the first time in history, they were both mostly quiet
-you felt yourself drift in and out of consciousness until you slumped over on the closest thing to your head, which was ghost
-at first you expected him to push you off and yell at you, but once he made no efforts to do that, you just relaxed
-the next time you opened your eyes you guys were at your destination
-you and König started to unpack the trunk and brought the stuff to the beach
-you had packed some snacks in case one of the guys would get hungry, something that always happens especially with soap
-at the beach, gaz and soap took their shirts off and ran towards the waves without even saying goodbye
-you laughed as a rogue wave drowned soap
-you decided it was your time to get wet 😉, and you took your clothes off leaving only your swimsuit on
-this particular swimsuit accentuated all the right parts of your body, showing off all the things you worked for during training
-you couldn’t help but notice könig’s face turn pink under his mask and look away when he noticed what you were wearing
-you felt really, really hot
-once you got to the water you couldn’t even hide the shock on your face from seeing ghosts form
-he was built like a Greek god, chiseled with pink scars littering his beautiful body
“any particular reason your staring at me?”
“N-no, i just, I’ve never Seen you this exposed.”
You looked away shyly, embarrassed you got caught staring at your lieutenant
-what you didn’t notice was that Simon did a double take when he first saw you, enamored with your physique
-he had to adjust himself after seeing you
-everything was going great, price had been sipping at a beer while looking at the beach
-soap and gaz had been play fighting, which was now what you got roped into
-you were screaming as you all were chasing each other
-while you were playing, you accidentally splashed ghost with water
-it was like the world paused, you were terrified to see what he would do
-even soap shut up, which showed a lot about the situation
-ghost then dead panned at you and the next thing you know he started charging at you
-you started screaming and running away as fast as you could and even called to price for help
-Gaz and soap were laughing at your unfortunate situation
-you ran and used poor König as a human shield to protect yourself from ghost
-eventually a laughing König betrayed you and swam away, leaving you at simons mercy
-he tackled you and you started laughing, and for the first time in a while, you finally felt at peace and happy
-a feeling that doesn’t happen often in your line of work
-you laughed as you gazed into simons eyes, seeing him smile too
-his usually cold eyes pierced into yours, seemingly warm this time
-during the sunset, you and the guys had set up a camp fire and laughed at missions gone wrong
-it was a great day
-overall, you were glad you had your team, people you considered your family with you <3
A/N: i hope you guys enjoyed! Let me know what you would like to see!
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castlescrows · 9 months
castlescrows masterlist!
hiii! So this is my masterlist, it is still being updated so forgive me if it is not 100% accurate :-)
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Cod Mw2
How you met each other- Simon Riley
t141 + könig beach day! 🏖️
save me- Simon Riley
Captain John Price
How you met each other- John Price 
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
How you met each other- Kyle Garrick
How you met each other- König
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castlescrows · 9 months
How you met them!
Pairing: Kyle “Gaz” Garrick x F!Reader, König x F!Reader
Overview: how you and the cod boys meet each other
Warnings: none
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Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
-You were new to the base, you just got transferred from another base back in the States
-You were lost, and needed to find someone to help you
-As you were looking around you forgot to look right in front of you and collided with a strong wall, only it wasn’t a wall, it was someone’s chest
“Oh my god I’m so sorry I didn’t look where I was going and I didn’t see you I’m so sorry”
“It’s all right no worries!” -You finally looked up to see a really cute guy, with warm brown eyes and a dashing smile
-You blushed as you realized the awkwardness of the situation
-You explained that you were new, and had no idea where to go
-He offered to show you around, and you eventually found out your assigned rooms were right next to each other!!
- Gaz offered to introduce you to his team, and also show you the mess hall
-You met his friends, and they all took kindly to you except the behemoth of a man in the corner, he didn’t really talk much
-You later learned his name was Ghost, and lingering quietly in the corner was sort of his specialty
-How fitting
-Gaz told you that anytime you came to the mess hall, you were welcome to sit with him and his friends
-You had a great time with Gaz, and you felt really welcome, even for your first day at the base
-After Dinner, he walked you to your room, and bid you a goodnight
-You could tell that this was the start of a great friendship
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-You worked at this quiet cafe in Königs hometown
-König was home visiting his grandma, after a three month long mission
-Every time he was in town, he would stop by the cafe
-He would stay for hours, seemingly interested in whatever you would be doing, whether it be taking orders, or sweeping
-Even though he wore a mask, his eyes spoke all the emotions he was feeling, they were heavy with desire every time he looked at you
-Today, you felt like starting a conversation with this handsome stranger
-As you were taking his order, you asked him why he loved this cafe so much
“If you don’t mind me asking, why do you love this cafe so much? You stay here for hours every time you come.”
“Well for one the coffee is great, and I get to see you Schatz.”
-You blushed as you handed him his coffee
-What he didn’t know was that you wrote your phone number on the cup right before you handed it to him
-After a while, he left and it was time for you to close shop
-You started to lose hope, thinking he didn’t reciprocate the feelings you had for him
-Right as you locked the door of the shop, your phone buzzed in your pocket
-You pulled it out to see a text from a new number
-He asked you out to the new art installation in the city
-Needless to say you were bustling with excitement waiting for your date
A/N: Ahhhh I hope you guys enjoyed! I’ll make another one with the remaining cod boys! Send in requests of what you guys want to see next!!
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castlescrows · 9 months
Simon “Ghost” Riley, Captain John Price: how you met!
Pairing: Simon Riley x F!Reader, John Price x F!Reader
Overview: how you and the cod boys meet each other
Warnings: none
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Simon “Ghost” Riley
-Simon first met you in the medical wing of the base where you both stayed
-You were a nurse, and he was injured after a particularly harrowing mission
-Normally Simon hated other people tending to him, but Captain Price forced him to be checked out by a medical professional
-When he first laid eyes on you he was taken aback, he didn’t remember seeing you around base
-As you tended to the massive man’s injuries, you could feel his cold eyes staring at you
-You were so gentle with him, something that was new to him
-As much as he would hate to admit it it felt nice to have somebody care for him, a feeling he wasn’t used to given his harsh upbringing
-After you finished patching him up he made a mental note to himself that if you were here to tend to his wounds, he would stop by here more often
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Captain John Price
-You were Price’s neighbor, you lived in the apartment right across from his
-Because Price wouldn’t be home often due to his job, he settled on a humble apartment near the base
-It was your first day moving into the building, and you needed assistance
-All of your friends were busy, so it left you to move all your stuff in, by yourself
-You thought it would be easy, but boy were you wrong
-After muttering curses and dropping a couple of your belongings, the ruckus caused Price to peek his head out the door, to check what was going on
-Then he saw you, this beautiful girl that he did not recognize as one of his neighbors
-He noticed your need for help, and came to your rescue
-He offered to help move your stuff in, and after he started to help, you guys got it done way quicker than if you had done it alone
-While he was helping you, you guys got into a comfortable conversation about your lives
-Even though Price was quite secretive, he still shared aspects of his career, like the fact that he would of be around often
-Many of his answers left you curious, but you decided to bite your tongue
-After you finished bringing in all of your belongings, he offered to cook you dinner since you spent the better part of a day moving in
-Dinner was great, he was such a gentleman and an even better cook
-You two even watched a movie together in his living room
-Before you decided to retire to your apartment, he gave you his phone number and told you that you can contact him for anything
-That was the start of a great relationship to come
A/N: This was my first headcannon! I hope you guys enjoy and let me know if you want me to do other characters!
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