catcrescent · 2 months
“Wow, my own giant robot, I am now the luckiest kid in America!”
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All shot practically except Giants eyes which I digitally illustrated a glow too the rest is all real.
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catcrescent · 2 months
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I'm gonna munch, I'm gonna crunch
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catcrescent · 3 months
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Day 2: comfort
“you think it’s a mask, it reminds you of a mask like a disguise?
yeah, I can see that, you like the idea of being disguised
disguises make you sort of invisible don’t they?
You can get away with almost anything when you’re invisible can’t you.”
god the cds in security breach were definitely one of the reasons i got deeply attached to the story of Gregory and just get back into fnaf in general :,))
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catcrescent · 4 months
I’m curious what how Roxy and Cassie meet in your animal au. Also really want to see what Roxy looks like
in the case of cassie and roxanne, just like in the game in my au cassie is braver and she is the one who approaches Roxy, clinging to her like a chick that hatched from its egg and Roxanne despite trying to be rude to her Cassie in the end makes her way to the protective side being the sweet girl that she is, the wolf, unable to ignore her anymore and with a feeling of her conscience torturing her, she decides to take care of her as her own, determined to protect her little girl.
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catcrescent · 4 months
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catcrescent · 5 months
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merry christmas from henry and michael <3
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catcrescent · 5 months
connection terminated.
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i have a feeling that you are right where you want to be.
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catcrescent · 6 months
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Just a boy and his dad bear
the oversized hoodie belonged to vanessa's dad (that's what she says anyway)
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catcrescent · 6 months
the bears migrating to winter watching documentaries, it seemed super hard for the almost newborn bears to have to come down from the cold mountains and come back up to sleep, although they are adorable as they battle with the snow alongside the mother bears
And well, here is the entire herd prepared for winter, all the bear cubs in the center.
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I will take advantage of this post to say that chapter 2 will probably be late, soon it will be Christmas holidays and well you know (one to enjoy), I hope you have a good time these days I will upload one or another extra like this and share how happy I am for the almost release of the new fnaf game help wanted 2 (have a nice day, afternoon or evening)\(^◇^)/
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catcrescent · 8 months
Guten Tag no. 127
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I posted this on my Facebook at the start of the pandemic, May 10, 2020.
People were fighting over toilet paper. That reminded me of a great scene from the LOTR: The Two Towers film, which I tried to adapt word for word as much as possible for this scenario. It's a great movie, you should watch it again. Yes, I used to work at Walmart.
Check me out on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RyanDrew
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catcrescent · 8 months
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catcrescent · 10 months
The New TMNT Mutant Mayham Got Me Thinking About Why I Like the Turtles
So, I finished watching the latest movie Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem and it got me thinking about what it is that I like about the franchise. Although, not necessarily because I liked the movie. In fact, I found it kind of difficult to watch at points and I was having trouble understanding why at first. It had really good animation and really good voice actors, and I really liked the third act where a bunch of New Yorkers worked together to help the turtles take down the massive monster.
But I found myself not really enjoying it as a standalone movie and I really didn't find a lot that I liked as a TMNT fan. Consider this post as my way of trying to understand this.
The first way I'd like to think about this movie is as something on its own, regardless of the franchise it represents. After all, TMNT has had a lot of different interpretations with different flavors, so, what did this one have to offer? As I mentioned, really good animation and voice acting...but also a LOT of pop culture references and gross out humor. This franchise is not new to this kind of thing, but I was noticing that a lot of scenes would spend about 1-2 minutes every 5 minutes on drawing out a joke that seemed to reiterate "teenagers are cringy and gross". Perhaps the arguement could be made that, the film is labeled as a comedy, so it is excusable, but I don't quite agree with that. Comedy that is well-written is not simply a long string of goofiness; it's a punchline. A punch is something that needs to be planned and well-timed, and rapid punches can only be done effectively with focus and endurance, otherwise, it turns into a less effective equivalent of flailing your hand trying to slap someone, in which it is more annoying than impactful. There's not a lot of moments or jokes that stand out because a lot of them blurred together for me.
The heart of the message is important for any story. Each iteration of the Turtles seems to tie into the idea of trying to deal with how impressionable teenagers are, including Mutant Mayhem. With this recent film, the turtles are obsessed with earning a name for themsleves because they feel outcasted. It was interesting of a concept because this kind of thing was actually explored in the 1990 turtles movie, where the Shredder was recruiting teenagers throughout New York who felt misunderstood and convincing them that the only way they could live freely was to take from others. One of the human characters was a teenager who was following Shredder at first, but he changed his mind after Splinter and the turtles convinced him that there was no honor or true happiness in that path. The turtles were the role models in that situation, though the 2011 TMNT cartoon was an instance where the turtles had to learn hard lessons that helped them grow. Technically, Mutant Mayhem addresses this by saying the turtles needed to be confident in themselves and trust others, since trusting April and choosing to help her when her bike got stolen was what ultimately led her to doing a news report to convince New York to help them. The message is there, but it just felt muddled. In the first episode of the 2011 TMNT show, they saw April get kidnapped and failed to save her, Splinter makes a comment that the turtles will have to wait until next year to go outside again (though, I personally believe Splinter was just pretending to be dismissive of April's fate so as to spur the turtles) and Donnie responds "You didn't see into her eyes. The way she looked at me. Helpless. She needed my...our help." It's a small moment in a short episode, but it's a clear moment of empathy, even with very slight but subtle humor woven in, but not enough that distracts from the seriousness of the situation. Mutant Mayhem had chances to do this, like when Mikey thought Mando Gecko was buried under rubble but it turned out to just be his severed tail. It was a funny reveal, but I think it would have been more effective if there had even been a few seconds to show Mikey's panic and maybe even scratching at the rubble to allow for a moment of seriousness, that would have actually made the punchline hit more effectively.
In terms of the message, of having the turtles and other mutants feel like outcasts, I do feel like this particular story has been told a lot in movies nowadays (though I don't want to blame the movie for that, it's simply the current trend) but I do think there are movies where this kind of story has been told better. As far as films I look to as a personal golden standard, I think of the Iron Giant, who had to prove himself a hero by choosing not to be a weapon, but there are more recent films I think tackled this well, such as the Bad Guys, which had anthropormorphic animals trying to redefine their cultural stereotyping and personal beliefs about themselves as bad guys by choosing to do good. Technically, Mutant Mayhem does this same story, but I think it lacked a moment of respect for its message. And I don't think it's fair to comedy and storytelling to say "It's a comedy, it doesn't need to take itself seriously" because, for example, Bad Guys is technically a comedy too yet still manages to stirke a balance of comedy and character conflicts that showed you can have fun in the bad times, but mistakes do still have consequences. Mutant Mayhem had small moments like this, but it lacked a confidence in itself.
I think lack of confidence in itself was what I felt most with this movie. That was the main theme between the turtles and April, and technicallly that did get resolved as they worked together with the New York populace, though it all felt like a side story to Splinter's arc about not trusting humans. In a way, the turtles never quite got their big stand-out moment in their own movie. I guess that was the point of this movie, where the turtles aren't supposed to be important, since trying to attain that is what got them in trouble. It all technically works narratively, but I still had a hard time feeling satisfied.
Admittedly, perhaps some of this comes from my history with TMNT. One of my favorite Turtles media is the 1990 movie with a close second being the 2011 Nick cartoon, though I didn't get around to all of the other propteries, I still tried to stay informed. By the end of Mutant Mayhem, I was thinking about these other versions and trying to remember what I enjoyed about them so much and I really do enjoy those past versions. But I wanted to be cautious about not liking Mutant Mayhem just for interpreting things differently, since doing something different doesn't make it bad, but I think it still needs to be done well in order for the changes to work.
When dealing with so many iterations, it may not be fair to compare Mutant Mayhem to those before it, but I do wonder at what kind of identity that it offered of its own. As mentioned, these turtles lacked confidence in themselves and leaned very heavily on their jokes, to the point that I had trouble telling them apart personality wise. Even the old 80's cartoon was very careful in making the turtles distinct in how they reacted to situations despite their identical designs (like you could always rely on Raph making a snappy comment). Even with the other mutants, I liked that they were given the opprotunity to befriend the turtles, but they all blended together character-wise as well, since their motivations were all the same with only minor differences in how they behaved. For the turtles, things like Leo's over-responsibility and crush on April or Ralph's glee for violence felt more like sidenotes, and I'll try to explain why. Throughout Mutant Mayhem for instance, Ralph's anger was a running joke, saying he had anger issues...but I never got the sense he was angry. He was actually quite happy all the time and never took anything seriously, he just so happened to really like punching things and Splinter even lost his temper more than Ralph. A lot of the movie was like this, in telling things but not really showing it. And I think showing the personality traits rather than telling has been done well in the past. This is where I think it would be best to make comparisons: In other iterations, like the 1990 film, Ralph's anger is more apparent because we got to see how it resulted in him losing more than one fight he tried to do alone and almost dying, how he had to learn to manage his anger to help his brothers. In the TMNT 2011 cartoon, Ralph had a mean-streak, which caused problems with Mikey not feeling secure, but they would eventually work it through, and it was clear that Ralph's anger just stemmed from his immense passion for things, which sometimes led him to befriending pets or being the most empathetic of others in certain situations.
There were a variety of changes to the turtle's with their personality and backstory. As mentioned, change isn't bad but it should be done with a clear vision and executed well, especially when dealing with such a long-running franchise. I wasn't sure what to think of Leo's crush on April, in part because it didn't really have an impact on the story (as the turtles would have likely retrieved her stolen bike regardless--and if the only reason they helped April was because of Leo's crush then I think it reflects poorly on the turtles. One might argue Donnie had a crush on April before they went to save her in the 2011 TMNT cartoon but I think it was clear that Donnie's crush in the first episode was treated more as a fun joke and he expressed wanting to save her because they were the only ones who could help her and had a responsibility to). The other thing with Leo's crush in Mutant Mayhem was that it felt like it didn't add to the experience, not really being treated as a joke or committed to being explored like with TMNT's Donnie, and it didn't feel like Leo and April were given moments to even get chemistry. There were a lot of little decisions like this that made it feel added on rather than woven in. Other changes involving the backstory had a bigger impact on my experience and it relates to the fight scenes.
A lot of these past versions delivered when it came to the fight scenes, even the the live action 1990 movie. Part of the appreciation for it I felt like had to do with the fact that the turtles, no matter how young and fun-loving, do still have a level of seriousness for their craft. Mutant Mayhem had fights, but they kind of went by fast. There was some cool editing but not really a lot of moments that stood out. They largely felt like street fights, something chaotic and just scrambling to hit something. The only time I can really play back a fight in my head was also the one time it felt like a ninja was fighting, when Splinter was saving the turtles, but even that felt a little off, I think because of this Splinter's backstory. I might be biased in saying this, but I found myself missing the backstory of Splinter being either a pet of Hamato Yoshi or even the man himself, as it gave more creedance to the turtle's ninjustu. Even the Rise of the TMNT, which was before this movie and considered one of the more comedic of the recent iterations, still had Splinter originate as an honorable master of martial arts who got turned into a rat and raised the turtles to protect them. It was comedically portrayed but still faithful. It was to my surprise that the 1990 live action film was actually very faithful to the original comic adaption, in which Splinter was a pet rat who was close to Hamato and had a grudge against Shredder. Either backstory works I think because it has a level of believability. The only time I had heard of the turtles being trained by self-defense books was from the Micheal Bay 2011 movie. It is a goofy explanation, and it could work, but I'm not sure if Mutant Mayhem managed to make it work, as I feel it didn't quite work in the 2011 film either. It's not to say that Splinter has to be a martial arts master, but I feel like him and turtles learning ninjitsu from a legitimate source then gives more respect to ninjitsu. There's no sense of history and it makes it feel like, if Splinter found a book on boxing, then they could have just as likely become the Teenage Mutant Boxer Turtles and calling themselves ninja was just a means to an end.
I suppose all this to say, Mutant Mayhem was not a bad movie, but it is not one I would recommend, as I feel there are other films and even other Turtles media that can provide more refined versions of what this movie wanted to offer. I appreciate anyone who read to the end of this and allowing me to share my thoughts. Have an excellent day.
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catcrescent · 10 months
La Despedida
Made a bittersweet one-shot about the final episode of Maya and the Three, centering on Acat's reconciliation. If you haven't seen the show on Netflix, I highly recommend it!
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48993334
FF.Net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14262072/1/La-Despedida
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catcrescent · 1 year
Slow Writing
I noticed that I've had a pretty consistent posting schedule until recently and I realized I should probably take advantage of my socials to give an update!
I'm moving into a new apartment sometime within the next couple of months, and, between packing in advance and trying to juggle my schedule, I haven't had a lot of time for big writing sessions.
However! That doesn't mean I haven't been writing at all, just in tiny increments on my phone. For those curious on what exactly, I've been trying to overhaul some old fanfics and finish some new ideas for Genshin Impact and FNAF. I'm excited to get back into a more consistent schedule once I'm settled in. Hopefully the move will go smoothly!
Not sure if many will see this but I figured I'd have a post for those who were wondering. Thanks for reading and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
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catcrescent · 1 year
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Chapter Ten
< Crybaby Pt5 | Main Cover | Next [Tomorrow] >
In which we see how events of the previous night have affected our cast...
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DISCLAIMER: Lost Souls is a fan comic, and as such, it is technically an AU and may not follow established canon. Certain key events and timeline may not follow what is presented in either the games or books, and if there are any discrepancies, odds are this was done intentionally to better fit the story and characters presented here in Lost Souls. Please keep an open mind! :)
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catcrescent · 1 year
Writer Wiggles
For those who write, or create in general, are you ever in the process of a scene or making something, and it fills you with such a pleased giddiness that you wiggle in your seat and maybe giggle to yourself?
I wouldn't assume it's something everyone does, but it got me wondering if renowned writers from the past, like Mark Twain or C.S. Lewis and the like, ever did something similar during their private moments of writing.
Likely not, but it is funny to imagine.
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catcrescent · 1 year
Fanart for TheInsaneFoxWriter's FNAF fanfic, A Change in Fate.
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I stinkin' loved this fic, the intense scenes are all vivid and well written. But then there's also so many sweet scenes and angst and I love it.
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