curiehealth18-blog · 4 years
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(via Effects of the pandemic on the healthcare system and how Curie can cushion the impact..)
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curiehealth18-blog · 4 years
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curiehealth18-blog · 4 years
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curiehealth18-blog · 4 years
The 2020 pandemic has revolutionized many industries and sectors and their ways of operating. However, one domain that has remained untouched in terms of ‘Demand’ is healthcare.
 There is still an undeniably huge demand for healthcare services across the globe. However, with the current restrictions and precautions to avoid unnecessary outings and hospital visits, healthcare providers are faced with a question of paramount importance
 According to the health economic times, 
 Indian telehealthcare is set to cross the 280 $ billion by the end of 2020, marking it as one of the most significant growths ever witnessed. 
 This includes the cloud computing healthcare market which involves the cloud-based storage of patient data and medical records, making it easily available to any specialist in any corner of the world in a matter of seconds.
 Currently, a lot of published statistics prove that digitalization and telemedicine are the future of clinical sustainability. According to Science Daily, 
 In the United States, a single medical university hospital in New York witnessed a 683% increase in teleconsultation calls within two weeks. 
 This goes to show the increased demand during these unprecedented times.
Furthermore, the massive advantages of owning a clinic management software can be summarized as;
Saves     time: Patient registration, medical records management, day-to-day     management of patient operation, etc., can be done in a click.
Improve     retention of old patients
Improve     the new patient base
Improve     the clinic’s profitability and revenue
Keeping     tabs of clinic operation and inventory from anywhere in the world.
Business     analytics to identify areas of business improvement.
Online     payment options and third-party ties
Online     storage of patient data with quick access and sharing options.
Move     all operations online and go paperless.
Better     quality of services and better coordination between specialists to provide     care.
Increase     communication with patients and improve patient satisfaction.
Assure     the accuracy of recorded and stored medical data.
Improve     the efficiency of service outcomes.
 Curie helps you increase your clinic’s patient base and improve clinic revenue by ensuring complete digitalization and a smooth transition.
Contact clinic software and telemedicine services.
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curiehealth18-blog · 4 years
Importance of periodic Master Health Check-Ups after 25 years of age
Health is universally and most commonly defined as ‘A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of a disease or infirmity’. What this implies in a broader view is also that- ‘Prevention is better than cure’.
With increasing awareness of diseases and illness and more consciousness about health, most of us aim to lead a healthy life. This term of being ‘Healthy’ is not always purely subjective. It also requires an ‘Objective’ approach where facts and figures are taken into consideration. So what exactly are these facts and figures?
Without any medical investigations or tests, someone who is ‘Feeling’ completely healthy might not be so. This is where periodic health check-ups can be underscored. These check-ups constitute of the following:
Routine     physical examination: BMI estimation, pulse rate, body temperature, etc.
Basic     blood and urine investigations: To determine any anemia, blood cell-related issues,     early indicator of kidney ailments, systemic or metabolic diseases, etc.
Estimation     of blood glucose levels: To determine if you are diabetic or a     pre-diabetic. It is important to note here that someone who has a     diagnosis as being a pre-diabetic can easily reverse this by lifestyle     changes and avoid becoming a diabetic, needing medication.
Estimation     of blood pressure: High blood pressure is a major indicator of potential     stress levels, predicting heart or kidney-related issues, neurological     issues such as stroke, and a lot of other minor and major ailments.
Chest     X-Ray- To     notice any infections, cancer, chronic conditions, smoking effects,     changes in the heart, etc.
Kidney     function tests
ECG,     Echo to     determine cardiac activity and health
Lipid     profile: To     determine cholesterol levels
Ultrasound     abdomen: To     study organs in the abdomen such as the liver, pancreas, spleen, and     kidneys.
Add-ons     or additional tests depending on individual preferences or doctor     suggestions.
General     medicine consultation along with any specialist consultation depending on     need.
 These are some of the basic things to expect in a routine medical check-up. It might take up to 8 hours to finish all of these but it has a lot of benefits to offer. The most important benefits include:
Identification     of any upper ranges in the normal test reports and advising basic     lifestyle changes to correct these.
Prevent     any future diseases or ailments by staying connected to health     professionals and constantly monitoring your body.
Early     detection of any major disease or illness can help to avoid progression     and enable quicker response and smoother recovery.
Medical     queries or doubts can be cleared regularly.
Assessment     of possible mental health issues including depression or anxiety.
Early detection of life-threatening diseases can save more 100 million lives every year, around the world.
The other benefits of early detection potentially include:
Healthier     lifestyle changes
Lower     treatment costs
Lower     duration of treatment
Better     chances of recovery.
Better     treatment outcomes.
Better     coping with a diagnosis.
This pandemic has given us all a fresh new perspective and portrays more strongly the vital role of ‘Health’. As countries and its people recover from this virus, it is important for all of us to constantly take care of ourselves and our health. If you are above 25 years of age, it might be the right age for you to take the onus of your health and consult a doctor regarding a health check-up. For those who have already had one or more check-ups, it is mandatory to periodically repeat these at intervals suggested by your doctor.
As we all take measures to reduce exposure to the corona virus, most consultations have become digital. This would be the right time for you to download the Curie app and find a doctor online.
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curiehealth18-blog · 4 years
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curiehealth18-blog · 4 years
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curiehealth18-blog · 4 years
Covid-19 and your child’s health- tips and common queries
Globally, parents are deeply concerned not just about their health, but about the health of their children. Here are a list of common questions in a parent’s mind and their answers.
Total COVID-19 affected individuals globally: 99% adults and 1% children.
Is my child at risk of COVID-19? 
Research and statistics until the present day have     shown that children are not commonly affected by COVID-19 and in case of     an infection, the symptoms are mild and manageable at home. Around 1-2% of     the affected COVID-19 cases are children.
Therefore, ensure the same     precautions of social distancing and infection control such as wearing     face masks, washing hands, etc.
If your child has any     underlying medical issues such as heart disease, asthma, diabetes, immune     disorders, etc., additional safety precautions should be taken.
Should I make my baby wear face masks?
The WHO does not recommend face masks for children     below 24 months. Social distancing and hand washing, sanitising are the     recommendations for babies.
For children above two years of     age, face masks and other precautions should be followed similar to that for     adults.
My child is showing symptoms of COVID-19. Should I get testing done?
NO, not all children showing signs of flu such as     cough, sore throat, runny eyes, or mild body pain need testing. It is     advisable to contact your pediatrician via teleconsultation before     visiting a hospital.
If your child has an underlying     illness or is facing moderate to severe symptoms such as breathing     difficulty, it is advisable to inform a pediatrician and visit an     emergency department.
Should I take my child/baby for his regular appointments at the hospital?
It is best to contact the pediatrician via     teleconsultation to find out if it is okay to visit the hospital or if you     could opt for an online consultation or postpone the appointment dates.
Vaccination appointments should be adhered to strictly     unless advised by the doctor.
 I am pregnant, should I be worried about my baby?
Mothers should take all precautions possible to protect     themselves and their babies. However, there is no reason to panic.
Speak to a gynecologist about     your fears and keep up all appointments either via teleconsultations or if     advised by the doctor, directly in the hospital.
Can I breast-feed my baby like usual?
Breastfeeding is advised even during these times and     research has not shown any possibility of COVID-19 transmission via breast     milk.
It is advisable to take extra     hygiene precautions such as frequent washing/wiping breast with     anti-bacterial wipes before and after the feed.
Speak to a gynecologist or a     pediatrician via teleconsultation for any issues about mother or baby.
My child misses school. What should I do?
It is important to take care of a child’s mental health     during these times as they are vulnerable to a lot of mental stress and     confusion due to the current scenario.
Talking openly to your child     about what is happening around them in a way they will understand is     important rather than hiding the situation.
Keeping your child engaged is a     very important task to prevent any unwanted emotions or thoughts. Make     your child engage in activities he/she loves to do.
Allow your child to stay in     touch with his/her friends via social media to avoid loneliness.
 A child’s physical and mental health is very important and Curie stands by all parents at this tough time by offering a teleconsultation platform to connect with a pediatrician.
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curiehealth18-blog · 4 years
Improving patient flow and maintaining clinic revenue during COVID-19
COVID-19 has affected almost all industries equally. This is true even for healthcare services. While emergency care and intensive care patients might be higher due to COVID-19 affected patients, all other specialties such as surgery, gynecology, general medicine, dentistry, physiotherapy, etc., have seen a sharp decline.
 Therefore, it is essential during this time to ensure that all possible means of communication with existing and new patients are kept in place.
 Some of the trends seen are:                
 Patients do not attend their regular appointments or initiate a new appointment due to the fear of being infected at the hospital:
75% of Curie’s survey respondents have not visited a doctor during this pandemic and this trend is true on a larger scale as well. Patients are increasingly more hesitant to visit a doctor unless in cases of an emergency where they cannot avoid a visit.
This proves to have a negative effect on both doctors as well as the patient. Long periods of missed appointments and lack of new appointments have detrimental effects on the health of the patients in general and also affect the livelihood of the doctors.
One effective way to tackle this shortfall is to ensure teleconsultation services are provided by all health care professionals and all patients are encouraged to attend their regular visits online. This improves communication between doctor and patient, improves the trust and loyalty of the patient on the doctor, and also reduce the absenteeism of patients during appointments.
Post teleconsultation, if any physical visit is required, it can be done so at a later point in time. This will drastically increase the number of patients keeping up with their regular appointments and new patients might be referred by satisfied regulars.
 Most doctors in India do not offer teleconsultations
 A lack of awareness and conviction about teleconsultations is still widely prevalent amongst the medical fraternity. If the majority of the specialists around India go online, the scope of being able to cater to people from all walks of life and all areas of the society is limitless.
In Curie’s survey, the majority of the patients said that their regular doctors do not offer teleconsultations. This is alarming because almost ALL these respondents are willing to try teleconsultation. If this trend continues, we can be assured to see more patients including your regular clientele gravitating towards doctors or hospitals that offer such convenient services.
 Common reasons for the inacceptance of telemedicine
  Misconceptions that a     teleconsultation is ineffective: with     more number of services right from groceries, food, beauty salons and even     taxis going online, the next big thing is offering health services online.     The effectiveness of these consultations are proved by the number of     people who would prefer teleconsultations to physical visits right after     trying it out once!
Need for physical tests or     examinations: A doctor can always book     another appointment for these as and when required, reducing the time     spent by both doctor and patient and reducing waiting times.
  The need for high-end     gadgets: teleconsultations can work in a     simple smartphone and no elaborate set up needs to be purchased to     initiate these.
Payments: A lot of doctors are hesitant as they think that     obtaining a fee from patients would be difficult. In Curie’s     teleconsultation app, the appointment is only confirmed after the fee is     paid, enabling you to be sure that your fees are honored.
Cost of teleconsultation     platforms: At Curie, a doctor can enjoy     optimum benefits at Rs.6000 (+GST) annually to subscribe to the mobile     app. Curie also does not charge doctors for any appointments that are new     or old. Therefore, total transparency helps to keep costs low and yield     the best rewards.
  Take home points for doctors:
  Up to 90% of your clinical practices’ income comes from     your existing clientele. Therefore, it is best to retain these patients     and ensure they attend your appointments and visits at least online.
Telemedicine is here to stay. Even post COVID-19,     International researchers and medical professionals have confirmed that     telemedicine will be the future of healthcare.
Encouraging your regular patients to keep up with their     appointments and come for reviews, use the help of a software to send     regular reminders.
Improve the visibility of your practice by taking it     online. This will help retain existing clients and increase the number of     new ones.
Download the Curie connect app and get     started on your telemedicine journey!
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curiehealth18-blog · 4 years
Being an expectant mother during COVID-19
This period of uncertainty is definitely creating a lot of anxiousness and stress for a lot of us. However, a pregnant woman is more vulnerable to experience these emotions. Therefore, any expecting mother and the people around her need to be well informed of dealing with this pandemic and the emotions attached to it.
  Protecting yourself from COVID-19
 There is NO proven evidence that pregnancy increases the risk of COVID-19. Likewise, there is no proven evidence that an unborn child will contract this disease from the mother in case the mother is infected. Therefore, taking safety and hygiene precautions that have been recommended repeatedly by national and international health agencies should be followed religiously.
 Apart from these, a few other important points should be kept in mind
Avoid visitors at home or hospital. The close family     should be your only contacts as far as possible.
Avoid unnecessary outdoor activities or visits and     always use personal transportation modes for any essential travels.
Do not participate in crowd gatherings
Disinfect your house regularly
Clean vegetables and items delivered to your house     thoroughly
Make sure you stay in touch with friends and relatives     using online resources
 Doctor appointments
It is essential to stay in touch with your treating     doctors especially in case of a high-risk pregnancy. All doctors and     hospitals have operating protocols in place to combat COVID-19 and hence     prior discussions with your doctor should give you an idea about how to     keep up with appointments in the safest way.
Tele-consultation using apps such as Curie will help     you talk to your doctor from home and avoid unnecessary trips to the     hospital unless an investigation or physical examination has to be done.
High-risk pregnancies will need closer monitoring and     admission to the hospital as and when required by your doctor.
Make sure to discuss your anxiety and your mental     health status with your doctor.
It is important to also know emergency numbers of your     regular doctor or hospital and make prior plans on how to visit the     hospital in such emergencies. Always keep your spouse or a family member     close by in case of such scenarios.
Post the delivery of the baby, it is vital to continue     regular teleconsultations and physical visits to keep up with immunization     schedules and monitor the health of the baby.
 Post delivery 
Mothers should be careful to avoid visitors even after     the birth of the baby.
Breastfeeding is allowed and advised unless suggested     otherwise by your doctor.
Utmost hygiene precautions should be followed by the     mother and everyone else in contact with the baby
  Pregnancy is a time to be cherished and we wish all pregnant mothers a happy and healthy journey sans any anxiety or apprehension. Any expectant mother who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 should follow all instructions given by your doctor to avoid any unwanted or serious complications.
 Download the Curie app to consult with your doctor online and protect yourself and your unborn child at all times.
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curiehealth18-blog · 4 years
Telemedicine has been around since the 1960s and has received more acceptance with each passing year. This COVID-19 pandemic has however led to the commencement of a new telemedicine era, making it the future of healthcare.
Indian surveys show that
‘Over 50% of Indian women are not sure if they need to visit a gynaecologist even when they have any symptoms or issues and almost 95% of women in some cities have never visited a gynecologist’
 Feminism in India
These shocking statistics can be explained by factors such as ignorance of health and diseases, societal pressures, and taboo of women visiting a gynecologist especially before marriage and feeling ashamed or shy to visit a gynecologist due to lack of education or exposure.
 With the introduction of telemedicine, there has been a steep rise in the percentage of women seeking gynecologist opinions from the comfort and security of their homes. This is a promising trend that will encourage physical visits and general awareness substantially among these women.
 Some of the areas of gynecology where telemedicine proves to be the most useful are in:
Spreading awareness and clearing doubts pre     and post-pregnancy
Identifying, managing and preventing postpartum     depression
Routine reviews in pregnant, lactating     mothers who need constant support and assistance
Women in premenopause or postmenopause who     need support to manage their symptoms
Review of     blood investigation reports
Planning of pregnancy
Planning IVF treatments
Pre or post-surgical assistance and management
Review of medications
Managing pregnancy-induced diabetes or     hypertension by constant monitoring and advice on lifestyle     changes
Advice on sensitive topics such as intercourse,     unplanned pregnancies, abortions, etc.
 As seen above, telemedicine and teleconsultation can be a perfect way to make gynecological advice and expertise easily available to women from all walks of life.
This could be a stepping stone that paves the way for the generalised acceptance of these issues in the society and also help more women get access to these essential healthcare services.
 Register with Curie- India’s premier teleconsultation platform and provide your services to the public if you are a Gynecologist.
 If you are looking for an appointment, search for a specialist near you on the Curie app! Contact https://curie.health or call +91-8778826667 for more info or to get a free TRIAL/DEMO.
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curiehealth18-blog · 4 years
Clinical practice- who generates more income? The new or the old patients?
A survey conducted in developed countries show that around 90% of your clinical practice clientele are old patients while only 10% or lesser is comprised of new patients.
Keeping in mind that clinics or doctors end up spending out of their pocket to obtain ‘New patients’, statistics actually goes to show that retaining old patients, improving their satisfaction and encouraging them to come back to you is always smarter and more cost effective!
Let us see compare the above two categories
Existing  Patients
New  patients
Up to 90% of clientele
Upto 10% of total clientele
Costs incurred
No financial investment
Needs financial investment  
Emotional Quotient with the doctor/clinic
Reliance on the Doctor
Yet to be established
Knowledge of the doctor’s  abilities
Easy to achieve
Takes time, money and effort
Referring new patients
High chances
Low chances
From the above, it can clearly be concluded that focusing on existing patient satisfaction is equally or infact, even more important that shifting all focus on new patients.
Paying your software provider or any online or offline third party to bring patients is therefore not the best idea. The cost of obtaining a new patient is this case might far outweigh the revenue generated by these patients on the long run.
Importance of referrals
The most effective way to get more clientele still remains to be by ‘Word of Mouth’. An existing patient who is satisfied by your services will definitely refer his or her friends and relatives to you.
In this process, there are no extra costs incurred. You also get to strengthen bonds with an existing patient while sowing the seed to a possible future referral from this patient.
How you can achieve the perfect blend of old and new patients:
Strive to provide quality of services to     increase satisfaction
Encourage referrals
Get feedbacks
Always trace the source of a referral
Constantly stay in touch with patients by     regular messages, emails, appointment reminders, review calls, etc.
Do not go for expensive third parties for new     patient referrals
Focus on online and offline marketing
Digitalise your practice
Choose the right IT partner for the practice
Improvise as need changes. E.g: COVID-19 has     stressed the need to switch to telemedicine to keep in touch with     patients. Make sure your practice is online.
Some of these above ideas are best executed by a professional IT partner like CURIE! You can trust us to provide you with the perfect set up, analytics and platform to enable optimum clientele building and retaining.
Contact : https://curie.health or +91-8778826667
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curiehealth18-blog · 4 years
Recent studies have shown that up to 80% of the people in urban areas search for information on a treatment/procedure, doctor, or clinic/hospital ONLINE before choosing one. This shows the increasing importance of digital marketing in healthcare.
 With the availability of free and vast information on the internet, patients these days want to make informed choices and choose the best service provider available. This is no different for doctors or their clinics. Attracting new patients and engaging the existing ones nowadays prove to be a difficult task without the acceptance of digitalisation and digital marketing.
 Few approaches to improve social media presence and increase your brand value include:
 Website creation
This is a primary need for initiating digital marketing. Creating a user-friendly, informative site can boost your brand name significantly.
 Search Engine Optimisation (SEO):
All of us usually tend to register the first few options that are displayed to us when we search for something on Google or other search engines. This includes the publication of social media posts that encompass the topics of popular public interest in your chosen field.
Publication of reviews, patient feedback, and testimonials go a long way in creating an impact and attracting new clientele.
 Social media presence:
With more people using social media daily, the need to show some presence in these sites becomes a prime player in the service industry. In healthcare, posting informative content to spread awareness and improve public health, in general, can attract a lot of following and give you and your clinic the necessary marketing.
Presently, paid partnerships have proven to be one of the most successful ways to get noticed when done with adequate research.
 Personalised content:
 Using SMSs, emails, and messages on apps like Whatsapp to provide personalised information or reminders of appointments, offers, new additions to the clinic, etc. increase the loyalty of existing patients. It also improves communication and facilitates a way to get more patients or contact through positive referrals.
 Constantly upgrade your strategy:
The best part of digital marketing is the ability to look at figures and statistics. This helps in the evidence-based analysis of different parameters and a chance to keep evolving as new trends emerge.
If a particular post, video, message, or topic is garnering more interest and approval from the viewers, the best strategy would be to post more information and content on these topics.
 Therefore, due to the versatility and widespread success of these digital marketing strategies, failure to engage in these might not be useful for your practice. Adequate research on trending topics, identifying the target audience, creating a good website, sharing useful content, and engaging with your audience are the ultimate ways to achieve digital marketing success in your clinical practice.
Doctors however understandably focus on achieving clinical excellence and do not always have the time or expertise to engage in other technical aspects such as digital marketing. This is where an IT partner like Curie comes into play. Our digital marketing experts know exactly how to give you that push you need online and get your brand noticed by more viewers.
 For more info or to avail a free demo/trial,  log on to https://curie.health / or call on  +91-87788 26667
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curiehealth18-blog · 4 years
Why switch to tele-consultations
COVID-19 has taught us many things. One of the most important of these lessons is ‘Adaptability’. With growing concerns to maintain social distancing even as lockdowns are easing, it is solely our collective responsibility to find effective ways of returning to normalcy while following the new rules.
Visiting a hospital or a clinic at these times might not be the best option for a lot of us as this would mean an unnecessary risk of exposure to infection. Therefore, switching to online consultations with a doctor would be the best way forward for a lot of simple reasons.
Why does Teleconsulttion work?  Most doctors diagnose and start treatment for basic symptoms with the help of the patient’s history. Telemedicine allows this history taking efficiently. When is telemedicine most helpful?
When you want to consult your regular doctor who     already knows your medical history.
When you are at a place where a     specific specialist is unavailable and you want to consult them from where     you are.
When you do not have a major     illness or symptom that needs emergency care.
Follow up visits of chronic     illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension, psychiatry issues, high     cholesterol, etc.
Queries regarding menstruation,     pregnancy, or hormones for females who find it difficult to visit a     gynecologist due to societal pressures.
Mental-health related queries     and counseling with a psychiatrist or psychologist.
Old aged individuals who cannot     easily visit a doctor.
Immuno-compromised patients     with simple queries or mild symptoms
Consultations regarding dental     pain, cosmetic dental procedures, or issues about your child’s teeth.
Review or follow up visits that     do not need your physical presence.
To obtain repeat prescriptions     for long standing health issue like hypothyroidism.
Dermatological issues that do     not need physical examinations
Advice regarding nutrition,     diet and physical activity
Specialist opinions that were     advised by a general physician
Interpretation of radiological     investigations such as X-Rays.
Advice regarding testing for     COVID-19 or doubts regarding your symptoms
Consultations for elective     procedures such as plastic surgery, bariatric surgery, etc.
Mild symptoms such as fever,     body pains, etc.
Physiotherapy appointments     where the patient is able to do things for themselves.
Above are some of the common reasons for which telemedicine works wonders. If you fall into any of the above categories or would like to know more, download the Cuire app to book an online doctor consultation or call on +91-87788 26667.
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curiehealth18-blog · 4 years
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Download the Curie telemedicine app! #Dentists #dentistry #Dermatologists #Pediatricians #Gynecologists #Ayurveda #generalmedicine #medicalrecords #Doctor #nurses #dental #clinic #hospital #TeleMedicine #teleconsulting #teledentistry #virtualconsultation #healthcare #health #lifestyle #fitness #covid19 #Corona #socialdistancing #workfromhome #lockdown #quarantine For details visit https://curie.health
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curiehealth18-blog · 4 years
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Download the Curie telemedicine app!
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curiehealth18-blog · 4 years
What happens if you suspect a COVID-19 infection and post a COVID-19 diagnosis?
A diagnosis with COVID-19 can be daunting and difficult to accept. However, with a global mortality rate of less than 3% and over 80% of those with the infection being asymptomatic, it is best for one to stay positive and focus on the recovery.
Once we develop symptoms of COVID-19 such as a cough, fever, sore throat, loss of taste or smell , headache or body pain; it is best to contact the helpline number. In India, the ‘1075’ number is the toll- free helpline number for COVID-19.
After assessing your symptoms and history through the call, you would either be required to self-quarantine at home until further symptoms develop or visit one of the government approved COVID-19 testing centres.
At the test centre, a doctor evaluates your symptoms and history and approves the test to be conducted if needed. A quick, 5-10 minute PCR test is conducted and this involves a painless throat swab. Depending on the severity of your symptoms, additional tests such as blood investigations or radiological investigations such as a CT chest/abdomen maybe taken.
Once your test results are revealed, (some tests take up to 2-3 days and self-quarantine, hospitalisation or institutional quarantine is advised during this waiting period depending on severity of symptoms) you would be informed confidentially about the results.
Mild cases:
If one does not show any symptoms or shows very mild symptoms and there are no co-morbidities or risk factors (such as diabetes, hypertension, cardia disease, old age, immunosuppression, etc.) , the person is advised to self quarantine at home.
Self quarantine at home:
A person suspected with this infection or is tested     positive, should stay in a separate, well ventilated room with adequate     facilities such as a toilet and access to the phone in case of     emergencies.
Avoid using an air conditioner to prevent spread of     infection to others in the house.
One main care giver should be     appointed to take responsibility to provide the necessary needs for this     person with protective equipment such as gloves and mask.
The infected person should always wear a surgical mask     and change to a new mask every 5-6 hours.
Hand washing and sanitizing     should be practiced frequently.
Adequate water should be     consumed and nutrient rich food should be taken to build immunity.
medications as prescribed by     the doctor should be followed.
In Tamil Nadu, the government     provides COVID-19 positive patients with additional vitamin supplements     and ‘Kabasura Kudineer’ that should be taken to improve immunity and     reduce worsening of the disease.
minimum contact with other     family members should be maintained at all times and movement outside the     room should be restricted.
The house should be cleaned with     bleach at least once a week and metallic surfaces should be cleaned using     alcohol.
symptoms should be monitored     closely, communication with treating doctor should be maintained and     immediate medical assistance needs to be sought if symptoms worsen.
Moderate cases:
these patients are quarantined in a government facility. Rules to be followed are very similar to those followed at home quarantine with additional support and help from healthcare professionals. Medications and food will be as supplied by the institutional authorities.
Severe cases:
These patients are hospitalized and treatment is given by doctors and other helathcare professionals in the hospital. Constant monitoring of vitals and supportive medication and drugs are prescribed until recovery.
Once a patient is infected, strict quarantine measures and treatment regimens are followed until the patient tests negative for COVID-19 in two consecutive PCR tests in a 24-hour duration.
Patients are advised to follow social distancing for a maximum of 14 days following a recovery.
From the above, it is evident that though COVID-19 is a potentially fatal disease, the symptoms are not always severe and with the right treatment and support, a patient can recover completely. Also, research so far suggests that a patient who has been infected with COVID-19 will most likely not be re-infected with this virus.
It is important to understand that all COVID-19 positive patients do not need to be hospitalized. This is to avoid overcrowding at hospitals, reduce chances of re infection or cross infection and most importantly, reserve the essential medical supplies to critically ill patients who need it.
Therefore, anyone having symptoms or worried about their health need to consult a doctor before getting tested. Patients in home quarantine also need to be in touch with a doctor periodically to discuss symptoms and recovery. For these instances, telemedicine is of major importance and one can consult a doctor from anywhere , at anytime!
Curie is a one of a kind telemedicine platform and acts as the best place to consult a doctor online during these times. Download the Curie app
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