me: *doesnt sleep, is tired*
me: *sleeps a bit, is tired*
me: *sleeps average amount, is tired*
me: *sleeps a lot, is tired*
me: *is tired*
This is basically my life.
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Love it.
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a parade of porgs checking out your dash
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Insomnia is a cruel mistress.
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reblog and put on the tags your Myers-Briggs type (MBTI) and what your phone background is
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When dividing a manuscript into chapters, how long should each chapter be? Are there any requirements on length? Find out here.
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Fan fiction makes the world go round!
I would really, really, eternally appreciate it if people could reblog my fanfiction posts so that it reaches more people and doesn’t die on my dash. :) I work really hard on them and I’m hoping to find more readers to enjoy them.
(Also, if you wanna review them, don’t be shy because that’s what I consider my reward for writing them. Feedback and reblogs is how I know they’re even being enjoyed and if I should keep posting.)
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What movie can you watch over and over again and never get bored?
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I love Hobbits! And everything LOTR.
Please reblog if you are a Tolkienite of any shape/mass/form
I want to see just how many of us are out there. Doesn’t matter if you like the books/movies/just one book…anything to do with Tolkien, reblog.
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Writing Prompt for TV Addicts.
I watch a little bit of everything but I love police procedurals, comedies, competition shows like "SYTYCD" and just about anything on Food Network. "Reality TV" is not really my fav but sometimes I get sucked into an episode, or two or three of something. Lately, it has been "Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta." I enjoy watching ladies get their dream dress and seeing what Monte might say in those intense moments. So, now, my writing prompt. If you haven't seen the show watch at least one episode. It may make you smile and maybe you'll catch this infamous catchphrase I reference. "I am going to jack you up!" "Wait, 'Say Yes to the Dress' 'jack you up' or the other kind?" "Is there a difference?" "Yes and I prefer Lori's version!"
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Robes Budget
I don't know if anyone has pondered this or not. I suppose it is possible but do you think the Jedi and Sith each have little factories that turn out robes? If you think about it they must go through a lot of robes. *about to get in duel, dramatically tosses it aside* Do they ever go back for them? Do they have a robe allotment? Is it "Welcome to the Jedi Order! Here are your tunics and three robes, please try not to lose them". And if he/she does do they panic or willl they be given more? Maybe there is one guy who refuses to take it off. "You should really take the robe off. We're about to duel these guys." "No, I'm good." "Come on! Take off the robe! You're the only one wearing one!" "No! This is my last one and if I come back without it Master Yoda will give me so much crap over it! I am not taking off this robe!" "Fine!" Could dueling with a lightsaber while wearing a robe be done without getting it singed? Or shredded? I hope so for that guy's sake.
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Tavern Tales
A one shot story with my original characters off to find trouble at a tavern. Inspired by @zombierose3 and the usual madness we concoct at 5 in the morning.
Ella and Callum stood outside the worn and shabby building with its dirty windows, and equally shabby and sad looking chickens scratching in the dirt out front.
Ella wrinkled her nose. “You cannot tell me people actually drink here?”
Callum grinned. “I will have you know that the One-eyed Badger is a fine tavern and the chef makes the most interesting stews in all the kingdoms.”
Ella looked horrified. “That’s the name of this--this place?” She looked at Callum closely. “What do you mean interesting?”
“They are renowned for their flavor and ingredients.”
“What exactly does that mean?”
“Let us just go inside and you can find out.” Callum grabbed her hand and all but dragged her inside.
“If I get some kind of disease or go blind, I will never forgive you!” She hissed.
Callum laughed. “You’ll be fine.” He paused for a moment as something seemed to come to mind. “Just don’t have the tavern special or the Pig Surprise.”
Ella stared at him, slack-jawed. Callum closed her jaw with his free hand.
“Cheer up, Ella, you may not even remember tonight.”
“That is not a comforting thought!”
Callum lead her over to a rickety table with even shabbier looking stools. Ella sat up straight on her stool, keeping her hands in her lap.
“Why do I let you talk me into these situations?”
“Because you love adventure and excitement and--”
“Getting the plague?” She smiled sweetly.
“Quiet.” He flagged down a bar maid who was carrying a large tray with drinks. “Two ales, no extra.”
“Keep ya shirt on, love. I’ll get to ya when I’ll done with this miserable lot.”
The lot she referred to was in the far corner and consisted of a large group of men that Ella assumed were pirates by their dress. They were the loudest in the entire tavern and made loud jeers and cheers to the bar maid. She took it turn and served their drinks. When one tried to take liberties, she turned and punched him in the face. The pirate, the largest and baldest, was knocked out cold. The rest of the crew roared with laughter and left him slumped on the floor.
Ella had taken all this in with wide eyes. She turned to Callum who was watching the scene with amusement. He turned to look over at Ella.
“You don’t mess with the ladies here.”
“I see that.”
The bar maid returned and plonked down two ales in front of them. The large wooden mugs seemed surprisingly clean and the ale seemed safe enough.
Callum picked his up and held it out toward Ella. “Cheers!”
Ella grabbed hers and clunked her mug against his. “Cheers!”
Callum took a large drink, ale dripping down his chin.
Ella said a silent prayer and grimacing, took a sip. She blinked in surprise.
“It’s good!” She said in awe.
Callum set his mug down. “Of course it’s good! The One-eyed Badger may not be known for it’s atmosphere or it’s food but it is known for it’s ale.”
“I see.” Ella took a bigger drink this time. “It is a little sweet. I cannot call to mind what it tastes like.”
“They are crafty devils. They brew all sorts of ales.”
Suddenly several shouts were heard.
“We want Sonya!” A group of men were seated close to a platform.
“Sonya got herself a man and got married!” The bar maid yelled.
This was met with a chorus of boos and shouts.
“Who’s Sonya?” Ella asked.
“She was a bar maid. She used to sing to entertain the patrons here. She was just as much of a spit fire as ol’ Bess there.” Callum indicated the loud bar maid who had served them. “She had flaming red hair, rosy cheeks, the greenest eyes--” He stopped when he saw Ella looking at him closely. “I--I only saw her twice. She was a nice girl, lovely voice.”
“I’m sure she is.” Ella shook her head and took another drink.
As the men got louder a young woman stepped onto the platform. She was wearing a hooded cloak and all you could see of her were her large blue eyes and pale skin. The din slowly died down.
From somewhere a flute and mandolin began to play.
The girl began to sing. 
I’ll be your sweetheart
I’ll be true to you
I’ll be your one and only
My heart belongs to you
My love for you is truer
Truer than man can say
But my lust for you
Burns brighter
Brighter than the day
Ella blinked in surprise. “That took a turn.”
The singer pulled off her cloak and revealed a white dress decorated with pink ribbons and long dark hair that ran down her back in curls.
“That is a very interesting choice in costume.”
I’ll hold you to my breast
And stroke your back so broad
I’ll rain on you kisses sweet
As you call me name aloud
The young woman demonstrated her passion by shaking her ample breasts at the men who seemed to completely enraptured.
Ella looked over at Callum who was staring in surprise. Ella smacked his arm.
Callum jumped and turned to her. “I had no idea this was going to happen! I swear!” He actually looked both confused and slightly embarrassed.
Ella shook her head. “Only you.No wonder you got your reputation for being a --”
Callum clamped a hand over her mouth. “Not a word.”
She glared and he released his grip.
“We are supposed to be here without anyone knowing who we really are.”
“Fine. Enjoy your drink and the performance.”
Callum sighed and took a drink but he kept his eyes away from the girl.
“No, thank you, I want to live to see tomorrow.”
Ella snickered and took a drink. She turned her attention back to the sing who seemed to be wrapping up.
Our breath entwined
Your skin to mine
You’ll desire me like no other before
I’ll whisper your name
But my lust can’t be tamed 
For I cannot give you more
The young woman pulled at her dress to reveal an even smaller dress beneath. It was also white and really only seemed to cover her torso and barely anything else.
The man were cheering and waving their mugs and yelling out marriage proposals and other offers.
Ella looked over at Callum who was staring into his mug.
“Why am I cursed?” He mumbled. “She is never going to let me live this down.”
Ella laughed. “I do believe only this could happen to you.”
Callum covered his eyes with his hands. “You better not say anything to my brother.”
“What will you do to buy my silence?”
“I could kiss you.”
That stopped Ella cold. “Are you--did you just--?” Ella stared at him.
Callum laughed. “Is that a no?”
Ella’s cheeks turned red. “Shut up!”
Bess came over and refilled their mugs. “That Meg. She is going to make me a lot of coin.”
Ella looked at Bess. “How so?”
“I found her on her way to make her vows of chastity. Poor girl wants to be a singer but she has her heart set on being pure and all.”
“Beg pardon?” Ella said.
“Oh, yes, Meg is twenty and has no desire to actually know a man but she really wants to be a singer and have men falling all over themselves at her feet. She chose her own song and clothes and everything.”
“That is certainly a unique choice.” Ella drank more of her ale.
“It is but it is going to make me rich.” Bess grinned and walked away.
“I have never heard of this in all my life.” Ella looked over at Callum who seemed equally as puzzled.
“It’s fascinating what people choose to do.” Callum drank his ale and risked a look over at Meg,
Over on the stage Meg was smiling sweetly and accepting the praise from her en rapt audience. Some of the men were starting to fight.
“I think that’s our sign to leave.” Callum stood up, placed some coins on the table and waited for Ella to rise. She stood and they left the tavern.
Once outside, Ella shook her head. “That was certainly an educating experience.”
“Ella, I am so sorry. I had no idea that was going to happen. I feel so awkward about this.”
Ella turned to Callum. “You should stop talking now.”
“I was just trying to apologize.”
“I know but I think I’ll take my payment now.”
Ella grinned. “Yes, so pay up.” Ella grabbed Callum’s tunic and pulled him to her, kissing his lips. She let go and stepped back. “Now, you’ve bought my silence.” She smiled and turned to walk down the road.
Callum blinked in surprise. “I think I need to bring her to taverns more often.” He suddenly realized she was walking away without him and hurried to catch up.
“You are full of surprises, Ella.” He said as he walked along side her.
“I know.”
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