doritodemon666 · 1 hour
Happy Pride!!!
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doritodemon666 · 2 days
#transprom WIP :D
My school is hosting a prom, and I'm not going (not for dysphoria reasons), but I thought I'd draw what I'd wear if I did.
The theme was space, and I leaned into nebulas.
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Currently just the sketches, but I might draw it more detailed.
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doritodemon666 · 4 days
doing this trend (and i just HAD to forget his tattoo)
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doritodemon666 · 5 days
I didn't die!!! Just suffering from burn out haha. I promise I'll get to the requests soon.
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^Lee Cifuentes
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^Dev Talos (this drawing is so ass)
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doritodemon666 · 6 days
Thanks Punko for Buddy's outfits.
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doritodemon666 · 8 days
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doritodemon666 · 8 days
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omg smol bronze in the smol car 😭
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doritodemon666 · 9 days
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Couldn't focus on revision, so did some still life practice instead. Haven't done serious still life in a while, but it was fun :D
( post-its are in biro, note book pages are pencil )
Note to self : use grey scale refs for grey scale art in the future
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doritodemon666 · 9 days
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The Large Maw Mermaid, or the more commonly known “Treasure Hoarder”, is a medium sized mermaid found across tropical seas. This mermaid is well documented for gobbling up sunken treasures due its propensity for eating anything it can fit in it’s mouth. Caught specimens are commonly found with bellies full of gems, gold, and other sunken paraphernalia. Its why they are also known by another name, “Neptune’s Purse”.
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doritodemon666 · 10 days
12 Great Reads for Agender Pride Day
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May 19th was Agender Pride day, and while we are a couple days behind on posting our rec list, we are no less proud to share these books with explicit or implied agender representation! Note that as very few books have explicit agender rep, we (as we always do) have allowed our rec list helpers to suggest books that served agender vibes as well, so if you read/have read some of these, you may feel differently about the gender representation in the books…and that’s okay! All readers bring and take away different things from their readings, and we support you, as we hope you’ll support us. These recs are from E. C. and several anonymous contributors. This list overlaps a little and adds some new titles to the eleven recs we had for Agender Pride Day last year!
All Systems Red (The Murderbot Diaries series) by Martha Wells (The Murderbot Diaries series) by Martha Wells
How Your Garden Grows by Nicola Kapron in the anthology Aether Beyond the Binary
The Heartbreak Bakery by A.R. Capetta
Fortune Favors Felines by R. L. Houck
A Psalm for the Wild-Built (Monk & Robot series) by Becky Chambers
RG Veda by Clamp
The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin
Breaking Bread by Beth Lumen in the anthology Add Magic to Taste
Land of the Lustrous by Haruko Ichikawa
The Left Hand of Dog (Starship Teapot series) by Si Clarke
Love Me for Who I Am by Kata Konayama
On Not Going to Parties by Stephen G. Krueger in the anthology He Bears the Cape of Stars
You can view this list as a shelf on Goodreads!
Looking to buy one of the above books? Set us as your bookshop.org affiliate and browse this and our other rec lists as shoppable lists!
We’d LOVE to read more books with agender representation – do you have any recommendations for us?
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doritodemon666 · 10 days
Decided to relearn how to draw humans that weren't stylised, and tied a new method to help w that where I did a sketch in red pencil to figure out the shapes, and then went in with blue to refine, adding normal graphite for darker shadows.
Hugh Dancy was my muse for this, and I hope I've done him justice :]
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[ Top left are just some doodles to figure out his face shape and basic proportions ]
Went over some of my smaller doodles in ibis paint to make them legible for those who want to see how I felt about each one lol
apologies for the lackluster image quality, my phone isn't brilliant
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doritodemon666 · 25 days
if you’re white and wanna write a poc character and feel awkward about it i implore you to ignore any twitblr stuff treating it as a massive ethical burden and instead come in more with the same mindset you’d have if you wanted to write about idk firefighters but didn’t know anything about firefighters so you do... research. Like fuck off with the weird kinda creepy calls for spiritual introspection you’re not writing about god damn space aliens you’re writing about humans and if you think you need more perspective of different life experiences just read?
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doritodemon666 · 27 days
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EMERGENCY COMMISSIONS We've struck out a lot recently. We are still paying off the pipe burst that was $850+, Our AC has just broken and it is getting HOT where I live, and my husband's car needs over $8000 in repairs (so he pretty much needs to get a new used car)
-I bill with Square
-Full payment before I start
-Once Sketch is complete there is no refund available
-Simple BG only
-Allow up to 2 months delivery (most likely wont take that long)
-Starting with 5 slots, then will have a waiting list in order of who contacts me first.
Thank you so much in advance to anyone who reposts this and interacts. It really does help so much <3
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doritodemon666 · 27 days
This reminds me of the art I did for my GCSE art exam.
One was a piece about the suffering of trans people (focusing on trans youth), and the other was a piece criticising the rich and their disconnection from society, and their recklessness with materials (from finite resources to our planet). It's really funny to me, especially since it's private school lmao.
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doritodemon666 · 1 year
I know this has probably been said before but rivals to lovers is not talked about as much as I would like.
While I love enemies to lovers, rivals to lovers has this little tangible underlayer that has the potential to make a ship so much more both angsty and yet fluffy and domestic if done right.
With enemies to lovers they typically (not always) aren't against eachother as part of their own conscious choice, and the conflict if often really deep and emotional, with an element of ✨society✨ being society that drives them apart and the story is about them growing as people and going against the world together and oh god I'm rambling sorry-
Then we have rivals to lovers, where the conflict can be so much more subtle or one-sided or the rivalry is something that drives them to both be better and it's more friendly and a whole host of other situations I'll probably think of later. With rivals, the pairing is closer to begin with, and there's a softer underlayer that means angst can be entirely avoided, but the rivalry element means that angst is entirely possible. Rivalries mean that the characters have a connection that is more than tension or common ground, and they're also more likely to be around each other, leading to more moments of romantic tension or whatever.
Rivalries just have this weirdly tangible element that just adds to the pair and I don't really know how to describe it, if anyone has a better way of phrasing it tell the world because this is a lesser-mentioned subgenre that I hope I'm not alone in enjoying.
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