esteemedbastard · 11 hours
10 Ways to Appreciate Romani Culture
1. Attend a Festival
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Festivals are a great way to partake in a culture different from your own. Romani people have numerous festivals throughout the year, many of which are open events and welcoming to non-Roma participants. Festivals, such as the Appleby Horse Fair, Khamoro, and the California Herdeljezi Festival, are all great examples of open cultural events that allow you to actively participate in aspects of Romani culture.  For a list of some more Romani festivals, click here!
2. Consume Romani Media
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Romani media is completely underrated. There are a plethora of great producers, actors, musicians, and radio personalities who are ethnic Roma. Consuming media is one way we can actively engage with and learn about another culture without being disrespectful. 
For a list of Romani media, click here!
3. Read a Book
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Romani authors are plentiful, and with a larger-than-ever presence of Roma on the internet, Romani books and poetry are becoming much more accessible. There are numerous books that have been translated from the Romani language in English, Russian, Hungarian, French, Spanish, and various other languages. A quick internet search can now produce comprehensive lists of ethnic Romani authors. 
4. Buy Real “Gypsy” Fashion
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Retailers, such as Romani Design, and the Tzigania Store, have made Romani-inspired clothing and jewelry accessible to and designed for both Roma and non-Roma. If you like traditional Romani motifs, purchasing clothing from a store like Romani Design not only supports ethnic Romani designers, but also allows you to consume Romani fashion in a way that is not appropriative. 
If you’d like to learn more about appropriation versus appreciation, click here!
5. Learn a Language
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While Roma have varying opinions on non-Roma learning our language, generally speaking, learning a foreign language is one way to appreciate a different culture.There’s also the added benefit that knowing more than one language has been proven to positively impact brain function. There are several reputable books and websites that can assist in Romani language learning endeavors. 
6. Support Romani Art
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Support Romani arts by purchasing Romani art, or going to galleries where Romani art is featured. As Roma, our traditional artwork is often overlooked and comes second to non-Romani depictions of us. Supporting Romani arts and efforts to preserve Romani arts has a profound impact on our communities, and allows you to appreciate Romani culture.  To learn more about Romani arts initiatives, click here!
7. Donate to Romani Causes
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One way to appreciate Romani culture and ensure its preservation is to actively support Romani rights causes by donating to NGOs or participating in human rights events centered on Romani rights. There are numerous existing organizations that help Roma around the world. However, some of these organizations struggle to receive proper funding, or are promised funding that becomes tied up and “lost” by incompetent politicians.  For a list of Romani NGOs, click here!
8. Learn Our History
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Learning about the history of our people and culture allows you to better appreciate it. Sometimes, history can help put culture into context. Why people continue to practice certain traditions can be as important as the tradition itself. Learning about the history of Romani people can also give non-Roma perspective as to why we keep certain aspects of our culture guarded. Understanding closed versus open cultures, and what that entails, can be a great way to show appreciation for a particular culture.  To learn more about Romani history, click here!
9. Listen to Music
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Romani music is both diverse and beautiful. We have a rich musical history and our contributions to modern music genres are often underappreciated. We had a great influence in European classical music, as well as Jazz and Flamenco. Listening to Romani music is a great way to appreciate Romani culture. Some excellent musicians are Ando Drom, Esma Redzepova, Via Romen, and Gipsy Kings, among others. Check out this page for some more Romani musicians by country!
10. Lend an Ear
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Sometimes the biggest appreciation we can give is to listen to people speak about their own culture. If we say something misrepresents us, or is offensive, it’s probably because it is. There are many depictions of Roma that are steeped in racism, whether we realize it or not. If members of the Romani community ask you to respect our culture, the biggest appreciation you can give is just listening to us. Listening to ethnic Roma speak about our culture, or reading and sharing articles written by ethnic Roma are both ways of appreciating Romani culture.
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esteemedbastard · 11 hours
2010s Black Tumblr didn't die organically. It was killed. Not just by staff, not just by the porn ban, but by the white userbase as well. Black bloggers were (and still are) being mass-reported and harassed off the platform constantly. White Tumblr users would post gore in problack tags, racefake left and right in Black people's askbox, pick random AAVE to call racist/misogynistic/transphobic, etc then get the Black people who were nice enough to explain what it means to them mass reported for harassment, the list goes on.
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esteemedbastard · 12 hours
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Somewhere in Armand's dreamscape.
I swear I started this picture three days before the trailer. I felt like I manifested it yesterday.
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esteemedbastard · 17 hours
sometimes I randomly remember that Mr Ratburn from Arthur is gay married to a chocolatier and a sense of calmness and prosperity washes over me like a wave 
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esteemedbastard · 19 hours
happy PRIDE i’m here i’m queer and i believe the land should be given back to the proper indigenous stewards.
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esteemedbastard · 21 hours
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Lloyd Yearwood, Photograph of a drag club in Harlem, 1960s
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esteemedbastard · 22 hours
Pennsylvania, U.S., May 29, 2024. REUTERS/Elizabeth Frantz Elizabeth Frantz/ReutersCNN — 
President Joe Biden promised Black voters Wednesday that he would appoint progressives to the US Supreme Court if elected to a second term, suggesting he expects vacancies on the high court over the next four years.
“The next president, they’re going to be able to appoint a couple justices, and I’ll be damned — if in fact we’re able to change some of the justices when they retire and put in really progressive judges like we’ve always had, tell me that won’t change your life,” he said during a campaign rally in Philadelphia.
It was as explicit a warning as Biden could offer about the stakes of the upcoming election, and a clear reminder that some of the nine justices have entered their seventies.
Clarence Thomas is 75 and Samuel Alito is 74; both are conservative and appointed by Republican presidents. Sonia Sotomayor, a liberal who was nominated by President Barack Obama, turns 70 next month.
Retirements of any or all of those justices could provide a key opportunity for either Biden, who has named one justice to the Supreme Court, or his Republican rival Donald Trump, who named three during his four-year term.
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esteemedbastard · 1 day
corporations with fuck-you money like disney, target, and absolut vodka make big bucks selling their overpriced garbage with the orange&pink lesbian flag on it but the person who made it is currently HOMELESS.
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update 2/may/2023
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since i made this post people have tried to argue on it in some really disgusting ways honestly and it's shown me that a lot of you don't actually care about protecting your community. in the meantime emily is still begging just to get by every moth. they have a place now but are always short on money for rides, meds, rent, and other bills.
give your money to emily gwen.
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esteemedbastard · 1 day
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This collection of postcards of female and male impersonators and cross-dressing in Europe and the United States, 1900-1931, 1955 features copies of original postcards held by Cornell’s Human Sexuality Collection, part of Cornell Library’s Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections.
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esteemedbastard · 2 days
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esteemedbastard · 2 days
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esteemedbastard · 2 days
The thing neurotypicals tend not to understand about the ADHD brain is that it really only has two gears
I turn to the chalkboard and carefully write out
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esteemedbastard · 2 days
Godhunt has updated!
Lucy experiences some existential dread:
Lucy is so tired. How long has she been so tired? Since Grandpa Sandy died last month? Or maybe Lucy has been tired her entire life. She's so tired of Mother's self-righteousness and Charlotte's haughtiness. Of Mister Thorn's iron fist and Adrian's…everything. But most of all, Lucy is scared. Whenever she closes her eyes, Lucy sees the future that awaits her: forever moderating Mother's arguments with Charlotte while Adrian leers at her from the shadows. She’ll quit her job at the bakery and never be able to see Patricia or Harold again. Will Lucy be able to even bake again, or will the kitchen be forever the domain of a servant? After all, Charlotte is not the only one threatened with being sent away. Should Lucy prove to be too troublesome, Mister Thorn might find some excuse to put her on a ship and send her out to sea. Never to return.
A reminder that Godhunt will be available to Ream followers only after chapter 5!
Bonus content for Godhunt will release shortly.
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esteemedbastard · 2 days
Happy Pride!
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esteemedbastard · 2 days
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Happy Pride <3
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esteemedbastard · 2 days
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esteemedbastard · 2 days
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