fairyclara · 5 months
THIS, it would be amazing, can you imagine little to no traffic, less air pollution, and more space for other things such as um.. maybe parks or little forests.
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fairyclara · 5 months
I want to be so many things, i want to help the world, but i want to help the people, but i am also mad at humanity for destroying everything in its path, but also i realize it isn't the individuals fault but the fault in our system. What can I do to change the system when I am just another person in a sea of 8 billion people? I feel like i will never be able to live fully because there is so much i want to change but so little i can do, or can see myself doing. I am selfless but also selfish, i want to live comfortably and know that for that to happen i cant dedicate my life to a job that would truly change the things i wanna change. My interior self realizes that conforming to my reality is letting go of all of my dreams of changing the world for the better. And that is the saddest reality i have to face
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fairyclara · 1 year
A Token Of Love
Pairing: Legolas x Reader
Genre: Fluff/Romance
Description: Legolas has been acting suspicious, but you soon find out why when he presents you with a gift.
Warnings: None
Word count: 955
To put it plainly, Legolas was acting suspicious.
Throughout the journey, the elf had been cheerful (perhaps unreasonable so considering where you were going), always happy to talk, and never turned you away when you approached him, however shyly.
Now though, it was different. He was spending more time with Gimli than usual, and had just about jumped out of his skin (which he never did) when you’d gone to find him in Gimli’s workspace - another odd thing, however close he was with Gimli, he detested the ‘loud, smelly’ workspace.
You were more hurt than you should be. You had no claim to the elf’s attention, let alone affection, but you couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy. 
Why was Legolas suddenly spending so much time with the dwarf? Why did he always seem… off around you?
You knew why you were feeling this way. Over the course of the journey, you’d come to care about the elf more than you should. A crush, Pippin had called it, before you’d forbidden him to speak of it as your cheeks burned.
After the friendship you’d built with Legolas you didn’t want to risk saying something in case he didn’t feel the same, so you’d slowly started doing little things such as bringing him his supper, collecting any rare flowers you saw when it was your turn to try and scavenge for some food and giving them to him and sitting beside him when he fletched new arrows, passing supplies as he needed them, hoping that maybe he’d pick up on your hints and say something first if he felt the same way.
There were moments, when your hopes had risen, such as when he’d held you as you cried the night after Boromir’s death, and Merry and Pippin’s kidnapping, and when he’d wrapped his arms around you after checking for injuries after the Battle of Helm's Deep, but then your hopes would be crushed when he retracted his embrace, sending you off with that accursed word ‘Mellon’.
After that, there hadn’t been much time to ponder on it, with the Battle of Pelennor Fields quickly being followed by the battle at the gates of Mordor.
It was only when Sam and Frodo had recovered and Aragorn was crowned king that Legolas had shown any signs of something that could be more than mere friendship, dancing with you at the coronation feast, his hand slightly lower than what might be appropriate for friends, kissing you on the cheek at the end of the night.
And that brought you back to here, where you stood just outside the door to Gimli’s workroom, wondering if you’d be welcome.
You sighed, about to knock when you heard Gimli's gruff voice “Is that what you wanted?”
You knew you shouldn’t listen in, but you leaned closer to the door as you heard the smooth voice of Legolas reply. “It’s perfect. Thank you Gimli.”
Gimli grunted. “Don’t you mess this up, laddy! You two have been pining after each other for long enough!”
As a brief silence occurred, you felt your heart jump. Legolas pining? After who? Could it possibly be you, or were you just dreaming pointlessly?
You jumped back just as the door handle turned and the door opened, the elf looking surprised when he saw you just outside.
His surprised expression cleared after a brief moment and he gave you a smile that had your heart jumping again. “Y/N, I was just coming to look for you. I want to show you something.”
You nodded soundlessly, following helplessly after him as he made his way to a courtyard, one of the only places in the White City with any sort of plantation that went beyond a few pots.
You watched as Leoglas sat down on a bench, beckoning for you to join him, and you did, heart thumping erratically for reasons you didn’t understand as he took something from a pocket holding it out to you.
It was a chain, you realised, a necklace as you accepted it from him.
You turned it in your hands, admiring the charm hanging from the chain. It was a round gold medallion with a bow and arrow carefully engraved into the center of it. 
Beautiful, was the only word that came to mind as you ran your fingers over it.
You glanced up at the elf beside you. Holding it out for him to take back. “It’s beautiful. I’m sure whoever it’s for will treasure it.”
Legolas swallowed, looking uncharacteristically nervous for an elven prince, before gently closing your hand around it, slightly calloused archer’s fingers brushing yours.
“It’s for you. Gimli helped me make it. He made the medallion and taught me how to engrave it. I had hoped…”
You smiled softly, daring to believe your dreams may be coming true as he trailed off. “You had hoped what?”
He met your gaze, a sudden surge of confidence filling his eyes. “I had hoped you might accept it as a token of my love for you. And that you might consider accepting my proposal to court you.”
“I don’t need to consider anything.”
Hand still clenched around the jewelry, you closed the distance between you, pressing your lips gently to his.
It was less than a second before he kissed you back, gently taking the necklace from your hand and carefully fastening it around your neck without breaking the kiss. His hand settled on your cheek as you pressed closer to him, the space between your bodies disappearing.
You pulled back, necklace a comforting weight where it hung from your neck. “Consider that my answer.”
This time it was he who kissed you first.
A token of love indeed.
@fizzyxcustard @bookworm-with-coffee
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fairyclara · 1 year
Why you need to start reblogging fics:
Okay, saw a post about this, thought I would make a post explaining further. And this may make me sound like a bitch or ungrateful and that is not my intention. This is a conversation we, as a content consuming community, need to have—need to keep having.
And if you think we don’t need to have it, these are screenshots of notes on some of my fics—fics that have been posted for 7 months to 3 years. (And please keep in mind, I’ve been in the tumblr writing community for a while, so these numbers don’t even begin to correlate with new up-and-coming writers)
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Does this seem right to you??? (the difference between likes and reblogs)
If you are saying ‘why yes, you are doing great. you have so many notes.’ you are not getting the point of this post—so let’s talk about it.
I appreciate the likes, believe me I do, but please understand: likes do nothing for content creators.
1. Let’s first talk about why reblogging is so important:
Tumblr works on the reblog system (it’s not like Instagram, twitter or tiktok). In order for content to spread and appear on people’s dashs, it needs to be reblogged. That is the only way for content to be seen.
2. Let’s also do a quick take on why people don’t reblog (this is just what I have come across/seen people say):
“I commented, isn’t that enough?” — comments are fantastic! I LOVE to hear what you have so say, but like…you can also comment on a reblog. A comment + reblog = a marriage proposal from me, I swear. Cuz just comments tend to say: liked it but it wasn’t good enough for me to share with others (-̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷄_-̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷅ )
“I don’t want people seeing what I read” — unless your conservative grandma is on here and you really don’t want her seeing you reblog gay smut, I’m sorry that’s a stupid excuse.
“I don’t want to clutter up my blog” — I’m sorry, what??? This is tumblr. We are not influencers on here. And if you’re tying to be, I gotta tell ya something, buddy: you’re on the wrong platform. But if it REALLY bothers you that much—I’ve seen some people make a sideblog where they reblog fics. Of course, this doesn’t give the same traction because those blogs tend to have less followers, but at least it’s something.
“It’s too much to scroll through” — bruh, that’s why writers put the ‘keep reading’ line break in their posts. And if they don’t, well, that’s a whole separate issue.
“Tags are enough for content to get spread” — this is simply just not true. People don’t always search through tags and the tag they look under might not be one that the fic has. And, even if people do stalk the tags, the content that is at the top is content that has the most engagement. This doesn’t help creators that don’t already have some traction and it doesn’t do much even for those who do. And before you say, ‘go under recently posted’ - not many people do that and, even when they do, they still miss content because ✮ tumblr algorithm ✮ (◔_◔)
3. And let’s be real—
Most of the reblogs and feedback I receive comes from other writers that I have befriended.
“Support writers” doesn’t just mean “writers support writers” it means “content consumers, support writers.”
Other platforms like AO3, Wattpad, and/or FF.NET — buddy, it ain’t better over there. trust me, I’m on em’ all.
Why do you think so many writers disappear from writing community? Why do you think so many of them stop creating? Why do you think we rarely get new ones?
It’s because they put hours upon hours of their sweat, blood, and tears into motherfucking masterpieces and those masterpieces just end up at the bottom of the void.
Yes, yes writers should write for themselves, ultimately, but it’s nice to get some validation—to get someone saying ‘hey, yeah I’m here. I’m seeing you.”
And that is why I try my VERY hardest to reblog with a large comment!
So, please, content consumers, support your content creators.
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fairyclara · 1 year
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fairyclara · 3 years
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Last minute cramming for a literature test I have tomorrow (・–・;)
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