fanficswapzzz-blog · 5 years
I’m deleting tumblr again (and I remember why I did before)
Cuz y’all are so toxic
Like you all claim you’re supportive and everyone is valid... then start all these toxic fights on what is and isn’t valid and gatekeeping people. I can’t go anywhere without getting shamed out of a community anymore. The utaite fandom for example terrifies me bc they’re always yelling about respecting real life people and have such a strict set of rules (which I follow but still get hate about btw)
I had to leave five support groups before, one on discord because it was glorifying self harm, two on reddit because they invalidated everything I said and ostracized me, and a few others I’m not bothering to write the whole stories on.
And another thing. Having many blogs by the name of ‘cis killer’ or ‘straight phobic’ is okay but not the other way around. It hurts just as much to hear your sexuality invalidated regardless of if it’s minority or majority. I’m not talking about the past when it was the other way around. THAT DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO ATTACK OTHER PEOPLE. I’m talking now when people openly and freely shame straight/cis/white/etc people. Without consequence. With support. And if we dare to stand up for ourselves we get called a bigot/racist/homophobe/transphobic/etc.
So, I’m probably deleting tumblr. Anyone I’ve talked to before who wants to keep in touch, DM me.
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fanficswapzzz-blog · 5 years
Totally agree with how if it’s appropriately tagged, it’s on the reader. Also, not hating, but saying “everyone hates me cool cool” isn’t a valid point. I’ve had to deal with way too many fucking people that abuse that kind of talk to get what they want. I’m done with that bullshit and it only makes your argument more invalid to be begging for people to go “ohhh I don’t hate you you were right all along”
Me being traumatized and not wanting that to happen to other kids makes me a bad person now :)) I’m disgusting :)) and horrible :)) and it’s my fault that happened :)) and everybody hates me more now :)) cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool.
You are not horrible. And I do not hate you. It is not your fault that it happened. But things that are marked as adult very clearly are not for kids, and if you read it anyway it is on the people who should have been supervising you and did not intervene, or, assuming that you were old enough to know what ‘adult content’ means and chose to engage with stuff produced by adult fans for adult fans, on you for ignoring the warnings.
If a ten year old child goes to a library right now, and walks to the romance section and pulls down a book, that child’s guardians are responsible for saying “Hey now that is not for you.” If that same child comes back at thirteen and, knowing there is content in that book that adults do not want them to read, furtively hides away from guardian’s eyes and reads it anyway, that is not the fault of the library for having that book, or the author for writing it.
I am very sorry you’ve been hurt. But adults are going to produce content for adults, and if you ignore the guidelines set in place to keep kids out of that content, then that’s not the fault of the adults who wrote the stuff.
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fanficswapzzz-blog · 5 years
Tumblr media
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fanficswapzzz-blog · 5 years
Link is safe don’t worry
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fanficswapzzz-blog · 5 years
Absolute Duo doesn’t get enough attention
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fanficswapzzz-blog · 5 years
How many support groups do I have to leave before I find an actual SUPPORT group?
just sayin, they can get reeeeally fucking toxic
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fanficswapzzz-blog · 5 years
comfort (is harder than it looks)
Fandom: Danganronpa V3
Rating: G
Characters: Keebo, Rantaro Amami
Parings: None
Word Count: 500 words
Warnings: Brief discussion of depression and self-hatred
Summary: Keebo is worried about Rantaro when he skips class, so goes to his room. He finds his friend withdrawn and tense, and Rantaro breaks down crying soon after. And whilst he tries to help, Keebo doesn’t really understand what is going on and a new function of his simply adds to the problem.
Written for @fanficswapzzz
Keep reading
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fanficswapzzz-blog · 5 years
T e e f
Is it SO WRONG to lose teeth again?!?! Like to feel that little pull and then have a soft flesh pocket in your mouth???????
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fanficswapzzz-blog · 5 years
Corgi falling asleep on a train
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fanficswapzzz-blog · 5 years
Reblogging to pin
So here’s the deal
I thought it would be fun to swap fanfics with people.
Any fandom is welcome!
Here’s how it’ll go
Send me a direct message
Tell me your prompt and fandom
If I don’t know the fandom, I’ll have to ask you a few questions about it
Anime is my strength, but any fandom will do!
I can decline prompts if they make me uncomfortable, you can come up with a different one and I will do that.
In return, I’ll send you a fandom and prompt and the same thing happens! If you don’t know, ask!!
Word counts don’t have to be the exact same, but I wouldn’t like to spend time writing a thousand word story to have 100 words back
I write pretty much anything but rape. I’ll update this part if I think of anything else.
Feel free to message!<3
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fanficswapzzz-blog · 5 years
Me: no, mom, I didn’t cut today
My mom: *sees papercut*
My mom:
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fanficswapzzz-blog · 5 years
‪I find that more and more people my age are also still sleeping with a stuffed animal and I find that very comforting
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fanficswapzzz-blog · 5 years
Being straight does not mean homophobe.
Being a man does not mean sexist.
Being cis does not mean transphobic.
Being white does not mean racist.
Being the majority does not mean you discriminate against the minority.
Let’s do better, guys.
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fanficswapzzz-blog · 5 years
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This type of thinking is why people commit suicide
This type of thinking is why people commit suicide
This type of thinking is why people commit suicide
This type of thinking is why people commit suicide
Fuck you
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fanficswapzzz-blog · 5 years
Worried about
I know this place is probably most open to mental health than other social media places, so here I go
Im worried about the word “trigger”. Like my friends and I joked about it all the time when I was younger, and I still don’t bat an eye on jokes about it but at the same time, people like my friends and therapist use the word “trigger” for self harm and it makes me worry. Like, will other people see me as a snowflake or overly sensitive?
I’m trying to figure out how else to word this but you know what I mean
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fanficswapzzz-blog · 5 years
Stuffed animals. Totally cool with that
Look to your left. The first thing you see is what you would hoard as a dragon.
Condoms. I am the safe sex dragon
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fanficswapzzz-blog · 5 years
‪I find that more and more people my age are also still sleeping with a stuffed animal and I find that very comforting
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