#lilith bristol
blond-jerk-tourney · 8 months
Strawberry Bracket: Round 1, Poll 1
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Propaganda from submitters Under Cut
Bakugo Katsuki
He's just an asshole to people. Even his friends. Like ugh, I get his homelife isn't the best but jesus
Bully in canon, he learns and grows and apologizes but hes always a bit of a rude jerk. Middle school bully to generally rude high schooler, Bakugo is THE blond jerk
Yelling and insulting people are his two main character traits
blond, explosive bully character (though i hear he gets better)
he is a Dick. he is a Bitch. he is Blonde. he is probably well off— his house is massive. i love him
Blond hair, bullies the MC + is infamous for his shit attitude but is one of the heroes
He bullied the main character since they were kids. Angry boi who explodes things. Calls people he doesn’t care about extras.
He is the biggest of bitches, he's always shouting insults and stuff and he's very loud and bitchy :3
Bakugo just generally has the worst attitude. He’s always yelling at everyone and pushing them around. Even so, it’s clear that he’s smart and knows what he’s doing, and the fandom loves him.
Lilith Bristol
She is selfish, arrogant, bossy, and rich. AND british
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homura89 · 1 year
🌸Lilith Bristol 🌸
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rpiconblogxkitten · 1 year
Lilith Bristol Icons
Below you’ll find 60 icons of Lilith Bristol from Absolute Duo. No credit is necessary.
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ashitakaxsan · 1 year
Absolute Duo( アブソリュート・デュオ)
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imagine-darksiders · 5 months
Imagine finding Lilith's statue when accompanying Death. The irresistible urge to commit vandalism. Nothing significant, just a phallus on her forehead, fully underlining her status as a dickhead.
Omg we should throw her in the Bristol Harbour.
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v3nusfae · 6 months
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print done on bristol board
assignment for design 1
in astrology there is a placement in everyone's natal birth chart called black moon lilith. this is based on where the furthest point of the moon's orbit lands in your chart. black moon lilith is the taboo side of your personality; shows how you rebel, dark feminine energy, and your true desires you are scared to express in this life. in jewish mythology lilith was supposedly adam's first wife but refused to be subservient to adam because she thought her and adam were created equal as God made them from the same dust of the earth. so, she ran away from the garden of eden and was punished as a result.
the chrysanthemum represents sun and light. symbolizing immortality, longevity, rejuvenation, nobility, harvest, and goodwill.
the snake represents lilith. but also symbolizes rebirth, transformation, healing, eternity and continual renewal of life. the snake is two headed to symbolize the dual expression of good and evil.
the moon represents the rhythm of time as it embodies the cycle of inner emotions/world of a person in astrology. the moon constantly changes cycles every 2.5 days and is reborn. in astrology the moon rules over the zodiac sign cancer, which is the fourth sign in the zodiac year.
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wrecking · 7 months
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october! slowly getting better about listening to new music, and i think it shows! open for names :)
going to put little explanations by each one cuz i don't have any predictions for november this time!
lorde - pure heroine : this one's just kinda snuck up on me, i've been revisiting where i was in 2017 a lot as of late and this album was like Integral to me then. it's still flawless btw top 3 of all time
cafune - love songs for the end : i just am a weirdly big fan of them? literally every song except shadowboxing has been a Thing for me at some point. currently it's dead 2 me (so naive)
the volunteers - the volunteers : just a really fun rock record?? reminds me of wolf alice which i LOVE blue weekend
jessica lea mayfield - make my head sing : my random country/grunge sneak, she's been a super obscure fave of mine for many years and this album just kinda hit recently with the whole resurgent trauma energy
lucy dacus - home video : to be honest i haven't been STREAMING this that much, but instead i've literally been singing the songs in my day-to-day life. partner in crime, brando, christine, please stay... literally integral to my functioning
ethel cain - preacher's daughter : i took this off rotation for a few months to avoid getting sick of it bc truthfully i could just stream it on loop forever. been really obsessed with thoroughfare and strangers as of late
paramore - re: this is why : remi wolf's version of you first kinda carried, but tbh i've just been enjoying this? i really love the base album, but i also deeply love having the alt versions to diversify the rotation
troye sivan - something to give each other : i'm sorry but he just makes good music. one of your girls & silly go fucking crazy
pretty sick - makes me sick makes me smile : this is just some trashy emo teenager rock thing but it's just kind of a vibe? lilith song has been on my mind forever
vashti bunyan - just another diamond day : i didn't really fall in DEEP love with this in the way others did, and i think she has better albums, but i would be lying if i said i didn't revisit this the most atm. title track and (the not-technically-on-it-but-it-should've-been) train song rattle around my brain constantly
hitsujibungaku - our hope : god this is one of those releases i can't tire of. i'm so excited for their new album... thank you random youtube recommendations for showing me the video to one of the songs by pure chance
big thief - dragon new warm mountain i believe in you : the juggernaut of the chart has returned... i've just been revisiting this a lot and god is it still so exquisite... the only place and dried roses supremacy
the dead texan - the dead texan : i've been meaning to listen to this ambient thing all year and god i'm glad i did. peak vibes
anri - timely!! : i have a couple of like super recurrect city pop releases as this time last year i did a big deep dive into the genre, and this is the one that consistently pops up the most just because it's SO catchy and fun. well worth the hype imo
midori - shinsekai : absolutely batshit jazz and punk fusions, track 3 has the singer making gorilla sounds and i've been obsessed with it ever since. what is up with the one random man ballad in the center tho
yeule - softscars : first time i heard this it floored me so hard i almost cried. i never really clicked with her stuff but this just makes sense to me? it's messy and big and bold and earnest and hurt and it just fits where i am rn
alvvays - blue rev : god the sleeper classic of all time for me. the way i didn't care about it for like several months after hearing it and now it's basically a mainstay. such is the power of putting bored in bristol on your album
otoboke beaver - itekoma hits : this goes hand in hand with shinsekai. just batshit insane fast punk music it's great and fun i love it
shygirl - nymph : tbh this only got a relisten from me bc it's a year after its release, and honestly? well worth it. i didn't really love alias but this has really stuck the landing w me
taylor swift - midnights : ok so i know this is gonna be the like "why is this on here" one but like hear me out. see above that i was revisiting stuff a year after it came out, and also this was like The First Thing Announced When I Got Home. tbh my horrible hot take is that this is kind of a comfort album for me now?? it reminds me of oct '22 when i felt like for once in my fucking life things were gonna be ok. it's not her best but what can you do
olivia rodrigo - guts : this is like a single hair away from fully confirmed as my aoty this year and i hate it bc i look so basic but also consider: it is just that good to me
kero kero bonito - time n place : dear future self and swimming were big moments for me during this time in 2018, and my life is kinda eerily lining up with 2018 again so hearing a song called "dear future self" that reminds me of that time is a lot to process
ariana grande - thank u, next : random ass pick i know, but idk! it's her best, it's very subtly a concept album and it's unironically thematically coherent if you're terminally online enough to read into it thoroughly. also fake smile, bad idea, bloodline, in my head, etc. just slap sorry
pearly drops - a little disaster : thank you kabob for giving me the push to give this a shot. after grimes went full unsupportable, i kinda have been itching to fill the niche she used to fill vocally, and honestly this fits? it's weirdly glacial and funny and deadpan kinda it's fun i like this album a lot
lamp - at komoyo street : i'm sorry but one of the best album covers of all time and the music lives up to the hype
ok that's all of them whew jesus christ
next month is relatively light on new releases, so i'll probs just play catchup with all the insane shit i have in my backlog. see you next month!
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norusaki · 1 year
What was your Idea to name your dogs (for sample satanas) after demons from hell?
Oooh boy, I might go a bit further but for now, let me give you the abridged version.
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I really was a young boy and I just thought the name sounded really cool... Judás was a tough one, he will be hostile and mean to other people, but he will always be nice to me.
I will visit Judás every evening after school, to feed him, play with him and walk around with him before going home.
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..... my mother caught up with what I was doing.... she somehow knew where I was going so I was already prepared for getting my shit rocked...
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But Judas heard me crying nd came to rescue me...
But my mother never left home alone so her guards were always ready to kill for her....
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And... well....
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He was executed........
I was devastated and was reluctant on befriending another dog..
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My grandmother heard of how i was feeling and secretly got me my own dog
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Lilith was gifted to me as a puppy for me to raised. It didn't took me long to realize how my mother will probably try to kick her out of the house, but granny stepped in and so Lilith was my only friend....
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I named her Lilith after I was taught a bit of the Bible on my visits to the town's church, but that let me thinking that if I give her a more biblic name, it will sound more elegant and formal, but it was more feared. Lilith was the first woman ever created, and to me, my Lilith was my first ever dog.
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So, it was clear she was not going anywhere from my side and when I was taken to Bristol, nobody came to bother me and if they did, you could bet the 200lb pitbull will chase them off
So in short.... it was a coincidence turned habit
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samsmultiverse · 2 years
Vanessa 'Nes' Harmony
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Image by @monotcchi
She/Her - 34 - Biromantic/Demi-sexual
Universe: Marvel
Vanessa Harmony was born on Halloween, in the rural county of Devon, England, to the divorced couple, Joshua Brown and Lilith Harmony. Though she was an unplanned addition to their lives, Joshua and Lilith remained separated and Vanessa spend the first ten years of her life going back and forth between the two. They would always come together for the seasonal holidays and her birthday, though, without animosity. It was essential to them that Vanessa could retain some normality in her life - love, care and respect remained essential teachings even if they weren't able to be together anymore.
After Vanessa's tenth birthday, Lilith passed unexpectedly and Nes moved in with her father, permanently. He respectfully gave her the option to keep her mother's maiden name or to take his, and Vanessa chose to remain a Harmony - something that she carries with her fondly to this day.
Whilst living with her father, Vanessa fell in love with the world of science and fact, which was something that her father heavily encouraged. Her mother had been rather spiritual, often turning to the moon for guidance, but Joshua was a firm believer in finding the answers in science. And though he gave Vanessa the opportunity to follow her mother's path, Vanessa dipped her toes into every scientific water she could. She too worked hard to prove that everything could be explained by facts - until small things around her began to happen, that she couldn't explain.
Flames lit candles, without anyone near. Small objects moved when she couldn't control her emotions. Water would avoid her as if she were hydrophobic when she didn't want to get wet. Science couldn't explain these phenomena.
Despite this, Vanessa pursued knowledge like there was no tomorrow. She finished her education and then leaped directly into university, with her father's ceaseless support. At the University of Bristol, she pursued a Master's Degree in Biological Sciences. And when she was done with that one, she was given the scholarship to take her Master's in Computer Science. She lived for the adventure of knowledge.
Vanessa began working as a freelance researcher for any tech company that would take her, in her early twenties - well, any company, really. While she was out in the field, conducting research for a medicinal company, in Kolkata, India, she crossed paths with Dr. Robert Bruce Banner.
The camp that she had been working at was attacked. A beast, some kind of animal? It was a blur for Vanessa. All she knew was it was coming at a patient and she had to protect them. She stepped between the civilian and the creature, then blasted it back with a small explosion from her hands - which caught Dr. Banner's eye.
The two went about convincing everyone that nothing had happened, that it had been a gunshot, that it was an act of defense, that Vanessa hadn't just released a ball of fiery energy from her hands. And that then led to a conversation between the two about uncontrollable powers.
Vanessa and Bruce talked for hours, bonding over their strange situations. Vanessa even expressed how she admired Dr. Banner's work and that he had inspired her dissertation on gamma radiation and its effects on human biology - much to Bruce's surprise. She didn't want to pry about the Hulk, that wasn't what intrigued her about the doctor, but she eagerly listened to his tales, regardless. And Bruce? He really wanted to figure out what made Vanessa the way she was. Why a woman of science was walking around with unexplainable witch-like powers.
Not even a year later, Bruce called Vanessa with a proposition: that she moves to new york and would work for Stark Industries, which would allow them both to continue to work out what was happening to her. All whilst she was working on a part-time research degree, in Neuroscience, in association with the University of Cambridge - which the university was paying for because of her outstanding results in Kolkata.
Of course, Vanessa took up the role at Stark Industries. Who wouldn't? It was one of the leading competitors in technological advancements. Plus, she had been running into dead-ends for years, trying to figure out her own powers - having somebody else on board with the research would be a huge advantage.
She moved into a small apartment in New York and began tests with Dr. Banner, while slowly working her way up the ladder within Stark's team. From an intern to an assistant, to a researcher, she flew through the levels as she continued to push her knowledge and expertise.
Upon Bruce's recommendation, she was moved up to work more closely with him and Stark, and now she has her own office and safe haven within Stark Tower. She even moved into a loft apartment, that Pepper and Tony helped her move into, which was a huge step up from the studio apartment she had at the beginning of her journey.
Thanks to her work with Bruce, she's learned a lot more about her powers and herself - something that she will forever be grateful for.
Nes, Ms. Harmony, The Brit, Walking Contradiction
The video camera her father got her for one of the last birthdays she had in England, science and technology, hot chocolate, Star Trek, movie soundtracks, and the way Bruce explains things.
Being overlooked or underestimated, milk-less tea or coffee, her scar, being over-stimulated by empathy.
Vanessa has a scar across her eye that she got in one of the first tests that she and Bruce carried out. She feels guilty for the guilt that Bruce feels about it.
Vanessa's powers include but aren't limited to empathy, a healing aura, simple manipulation of the elements, minute telekinesis, and more recently emotional projection (think the stereotypes of Wiccan/Pagan witches).
She calls Tony 'Mr. Stark' because she's always seen him as her boss before anything else - Tony just wishes she'd stop.
Vanessa owns a record player but all of the albums she owns are 'classics' or movie soundtracks. Her Spotify is only slightly more ranged with some songs that appeal to her hyperactive brain.
She also listens to musicals as a guilty pleasure.
She has an interest in video games and gaming consoles, as they provide good stress relief. She typically plays retro Nintendo games.
All of the artwork that Nes has accumulated over the years, in her apartment, have been presents from Pepper and Tony. They have been very kind to her and she always feels in debt to them.
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brokenpiecesshine · 1 year
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Lilith Czar on Instagram, 22/02/2023.
Bristol ❤️‍🔥 📸 @blueedgecompass
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tawnyfritz · 2 years
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Are we so fixated on, so tormented by, what we (think we) have lost that we are incapable of seeing the stars in the sky, the Moon in all Her glory, the beauty and the growth that is reaching for us, yearning for our attention? Consumed ft. Lilith Ink on Bristol, 2020
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aniwife · 2 years
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Lilith Bristol
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homura89 · 1 year
🌸Lilith Bristol 🌸
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rpiconblogxkitten · 1 year
Lilith Bristol Icons
Below you’ll find 100 icons of Lilith Bristol from Absolute Duo. No credit is necessary.
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anime-end-cards · 4 years
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Absolute Duo
Episode 2 end card by Ruton
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burararadal · 4 years
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Favorite & Cute Anime Girl With Sexy Body
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