hermeticphoenix · 7 days
Sirius is connected to our solar system spiritually. Like other spheres, it has positive and negative aspects. Like other spheres, it also serves as a spiritual school.
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hermeticphoenix · 7 days
Hello, is it possible to shift to a reality that I graduated high school and never dropped out and having a better future? Or having a High IQ level? Or anything?
Hi, I believe in reality shifting as I've done it several times in my life. However, based on my experiences, I believe we can only change the future. So if I didn't want something to happen, I would do reality shifting. I also intuitively feel if something is destined to happen in the future, I can't change it. Mostly I can avoid dangers. I don't know what to call it, but I can detect the danger that could happen in the future in my life. This manifests as a tingling sensation in the left part of my body. If I experienced that, I knew something unfavorable might happen so I do reality shifting. There are other signs too.
I have heard from a psychic that there are beings who could change their past. I'm not sure how exactly they could do that. It has something to do with changing the present moment or the future, but there might be other things to do as well.
Adepts may know more things about this matter, but I've been told to learn from my mistakes rather than change the past. There are probably a few reasons why I've received such a message. I also work with Saturn angels who are responsible for fate and karma. If something bad happens in my life, I usually contact them and ask for explanations. So yeah, reality shifting can help you achieve your desired future outcome, but that's it so far.
Thanks for asking!
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hermeticphoenix · 7 days
How Can Mental Discipline Boost Our Spiritual Well-being?
Building mental discipline is a game-changer on our spiritual journey. It helps us stay focused and tackle life's challenges head-on. Without it, we risk getting easily sidetracked and encountering unnecessary obstacles. Mental discipline is like a finely sharpened sword, forged through the trials we face. But how can we nurture this important trait?
Get Clear on Your Purpose: Knowing our purpose in life is crucial. Whether it's a short-term goal or a long-term dream, having a clear sense of purpose guides our actions. It's not just about having any purpose; it's about having one that's meaningful, realistic, and achievable.
Embrace Mindfulness: Cultivating mindfulness is key, even when distractions surround us. Once we have a solid purpose, staying focused becomes essential. In a world buzzing with stimuli, it's easy to lose track. Identifying distractions and understanding why they affect us is vital. What might distract us may not have the same impact on others.
Explore Your Thoughts: Our thoughts shape our emotions and reactions. Often, thoughts arise without us even realizing it, leading to impulsive responses. It's crucial to dig deep and understand the roots of our thoughts. They are intertwined with our beliefs, values, and life experiences. This self-awareness grants us insight into our thinking patterns and empowers us to manage our reactions better.
Have Faith in Yourself: Acknowledging our weaknesses is important, but let's not forget to recognize our strengths. While addressing areas for improvement is necessary, we mustn't underestimate our own capabilities. Appreciating and nurturing our strengths boosts confidence and resilience.
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hermeticphoenix · 7 days
Hello Morgan Phoenix,
About your subliminals for beauty appearance. Does it change my appearance to my ideal face? Like nose, lips, eyebrows, jawline, nose, eyeshape/eyelids/eye size? Do you work with an entity using these subliminals?
Hello there! It actually varies depending on the specific beauty subliminals I offer. With some of them, you can expect to achieve your desired results, while with others, you'll experience multiple benefits. I've made sure to list down the main benefits for each subliminal. If I've mentioned that you'll only get your desired result, then that's exactly what you can expect. On the other hand, if I haven't specified, you'll receive all the associated benefits.
I offer two types of subliminal videos. The first type is the ordinary subliminals which are just as they sound. The second type is called special subliminal videos which involve working with entities or the inclusion of specific energy casting.
Thank you for asking! Let me know if you have any further questions.
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hermeticphoenix · 2 months
Pitfalls in Spirituality and How to Overcome Them
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Spiritual communities and practices offer opportunities for growth, connection, and self-discovery. However, they are not immune to pitfalls and challenges. Recognizing and addressing these issues is essential for fostering healthy and transformative spiritual experiences. So let's explore the ten common pitfalls in spiritual communities/practices and how to address them.
1. Dogma and Rigidity
One of the most significant pitfalls in spiritual communities is the tendency towards dogma and rigidity. When beliefs become fixed and unquestionable, it can hinder individual growth and discourage open-minded exploration. To counteract this, cultivate an attitude of curiosity and openness to new ideas. Embrace diversity of thought and engage in respectful dialogue with those who hold differing beliefs.
2. Ego Inflation
Spiritual practices aimed at personal growth can sometimes lead to ego inflation, where individuals develop a sense of superiority or self-righteousness. To address this, cultivate humility and self-awareness. Recognize that spiritual growth is a lifelong journey, and no one has all the answers. Practice empathy and compassion towards others, recognizing the inherent worth and dignity of every individual.
3. Spiritual Bypassing
Spiritual bypassing occurs when individuals use spiritual beliefs or practices to avoid dealing with underlying psychological issues or real-world problems. To avoid this pitfall, prioritize inner healing and self-awareness. Be willing to confront difficult emotions and experiences with honesty and courage. Seek support from qualified professionals or mentors who can provide guidance and assistance on your healing journey.
4. Exploitation and Manipulation
Unfortunately, some spiritual leaders, influencers, or communities may exploit their followers for personal gain or power. To protect yourself from exploitation, maintain healthy boundaries and exercise discernment. Trust your intuition and pay attention to any red flags or inconsistencies in the behavior of spiritual leaders or communities. Seek out sources of guidance and support that prioritize integrity, transparency, and accountability.
5. Lack of Critical Thinking
Blind faith or adherence to spiritual teachings without critical examination can lead to susceptibility to manipulation or misinformation. To cultivate discernment and critical thinking skills, engage in independent research and exploration. Question assumptions and beliefs, seeking evidence and logical reasoning to support your understanding. Remember that spiritual growth involves ongoing inquiry and self-reflection.
6. Cult-like Dynamics
In extreme cases, spiritual communities can exhibit cult-like dynamics, where individuals are subjected to undue influence or control. To protect yourself from cult-like dynamics, maintain autonomy and independence of thought. Be wary of groups or leaders that demand unquestioning loyalty or obedience. Seek out communities that encourage free expression, individuality, and mutual respect.
7. Judgment and Exclusivity
Some spiritual communities may foster a judgmental or exclusive attitude towards those who don't adhere to their beliefs or practices. To counteract this, cultivate compassion and acceptance towards others. Embrace diversity and celebrate the unique contributions of individuals from all walks of life. Practice active listening and empathy, seeking to understand the perspectives and experiences of others without judgment.
8. Unbalanced Focus on Positivity
While positivity can be beneficial, an unbalanced focus on positivity can lead to the denial or suppression of difficult emotions or experiences. To cultivate emotional resilience and authenticity, embrace the full spectrum of human emotions. Allow yourself to feel and express sadness, anger, fear, and other challenging emotions without judgment. Practice self-compassion and self-care, prioritizing your mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
9. Lack of Accountability
Spiritual leaders or communities may lack mechanisms for accountability or ethical oversight, leading to abuses of power or misconduct. To advocate for accountability and transparency, speak up against injustices or abuses when you witness them. Support initiatives and organizations that prioritize integrity and ethical leadership. Encourage open dialogue and constructive feedback within spiritual communities, fostering a culture of accountability and responsibility.
10. Cultural Appropriation
Borrowing or adopting spiritual practices from marginalized cultures without proper understanding or respect can be harmful and disrespectful. To honor cultural diversity and promote cultural sensitivity, educate yourself about the origins and significance of spiritual practices. Seek permission and guidance from cultural elders or practitioners when engaging with traditions outside of your own cultural heritage. Practice humility, recognizing that spiritual wisdom is found in all cultures and traditions.
When we recognize and address these challenges with wisdom and resilience, we empower ourselves to overcome obstacles, deepen our understanding, and cultivate genuine transformation. Remember, it's not the absence of challenges that defines our spiritual journey, but rather our ability to rise above them with compassion and determination. With each step forward, may we continue to illuminate the path for ourselves and others, forging ahead on the quest for truth, authenticity, and spiritual fulfillment.
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hermeticphoenix · 2 months
The True Nature of Third Density (3D) Existence
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Is the physical realm/third density (3D) evil?
In many spiritual communities, the physical realm, or the 3D realm (third density), is often viewed as a negative place of existence. This belief has led people to seek solace in what they call a 5D existence. Some even claim that the astral plane is equivalent to hell, inhabited by countless demonic beings ranging from fallen angels to so-called negative reptilians. While these beliefs may hold some truth from an occult perspective, they are incomplete. Unfortunately, those who believe and spread such information are often not practitioners of the occult.
First and foremost, the physical plane, or the third density plane, is not inherently evil, as many people believe. The third density, at its core vibration, is about the development of identity and self-awareness. This is distinct from the first and second densities, which resonate with the mineral, plant, and animal kingdoms. As we progress to higher densities, we become more enlightened and gain a greater understanding of the grander truths. The third density experience allows human beings to cultivate self-awareness and identity, to perceive themselves as separate entities, to recognize others as part of themselves, and most importantly, to learn the ways of love.
Therefore, the physical plane, or the third density existence is not inherently bad. However, it is illusory in the sense that it is not an absolute or eternal existence. This illusion of separation is crucial in our spiritual journey, as it helps us remember, relearn, and develop compassion and humility. Since the third density allows us to express ourselves positively or negatively, it grants us the freedom to choose our path and learn directly from our experiences. Making mistakes is common and normal in the third density, as they are part of our spiritual development. These mistakes can range from small ones in our everyday lives to significant ones that may threaten the planet.
When a person lives in the third density, they experience feelings of identity, ego, and self-awareness. However, human beings must continue learning until they have absorbed all the lessons that the third density or physical plane has to offer. If a person becomes fixated on their ego and overly attached to their identity, they may struggle to express selfless love. The earliest forms of spirituality were nature-based and deeply connected to feminine principles, as human beings sought alignment with nature and embraced both the physical and spiritual realms. Unfortunately, some people in today's world view physical existence as useless or evil. The spiritual journey requires an understanding of opposites—the physical and spiritual realms, positive and negative forces, and masculine and feminine principles. These aspects are not enemies, but rather two sides of the same coin that constitute the fabric of creation.
Secondly, the fourth density (4D) or the astral plane, is not equivalent to hell. The fourth density encompasses infinite dimensions, including both lighter or positive energies and darker or negative energies. The astral plane is of great significance, as it is where our astral bodies and souls reside. Without it, our souls would simply cease to exist. However, take note that the astral plane, no matter how beautiful or terrifying, is not an eternal existence. Countless beings inhabit Earth's astral plane, most of which are native to the planet, while a few come from other planetary spheres. In due course, the fourth density vibration will be completed and inhabited by fourth density human beings. This is often referred to as the ascension process in many spiritual communities, as planet Earth's vibration aligns with the positive fourth density. While the positive 4D existence can be likened to a paradise, it is not the same as 5D (fifth density) or 6D (sixth density). Contrary to popular belief, 4D existence, also known as 5D Earth or New Earth, still exhibits polarity, albeit to a large extent. Positive entities are grouped together and separated from negative beings.
As we continue to learn lessons and cultivate wisdom, we will eventually unveil greater truths and uncover the hidden mysteries of life and the universe. Rather than feeling disheartened by our third density life, we should learn to appreciate it. To truly embrace the light, we must also comprehend the darkness rather than shy away from it. Even the ancient spiritual masters on Earth faced their inner darkness to radiate their pure light.
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hermeticphoenix · 2 months
Vampire Spirits
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Some humans can become vampiric with the help of dark magic, while other vampires are born as vampires, particularly astral ones. We can also meet different kinds of vampires in the astral plane. Some are very aggressive and deceitful, others are more elusive. I've encountered one female astral vampire who lived in her own realm. Her own kind are quite easy to deal with but obviously they don't have human consciousness. I've met her due to a left hand path practitioner I've encountered. Many vampire spirits, if not all, have bloody and dark energy. It's a bit heavy and somewhat depressing.
Once in a dream, a male vampire spirit appeared in my house and it seemed to me that he has connection to Lucifer and the negative powers. I saw chicken blood and for some reason, I was able to taste it. It tasted sweet. I am not sure if this is a symbolic dream or something else.
The photos above reminds me of the female vampire spirit I encountered named Ashera. She is a high ranking female vampire. She is also calm and very disciplined, but she rarely smiles and laughs, but when she does, it is always genuine and dark.
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hermeticphoenix · 2 months
On Dealing with Inner Demons
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Recently, I learned a difficult lesson from Master Eiron about dealing with one's inner demons. This process presents a formidable challenge, as many of us believe that good intentions alone is enough. Master Eiron emphasized that before attaining enlightenment or absolute freedom, one must confront their inner demons. This notion brings to mind the Buddha's encounter with Mara and Chronozon in occult traditions.
I remember a hermetic magician who said that within the zone of Saturn, practitioners must confront Chronozon to achieve absolute freedom. This confrontation leads to the liberation of the soul from the shackles of attachments and limitations.
I had a glimpse of Master Eiron's negative counterpart, or dark self, who was fixated on gaining absolute control. Cunning and manipulative, he epitomized the dark aspects lurking within our subconscious. Master Eiron stressed the importance of facing this aspect of ourselves with compassion and detachment, rather than avoiding it.
It becomes evident that our inner demons are manifestations of false attachments and illusions deeply rooted within us. Our shadow self, though subtle, is profoundly entrenched in our unconscious desires for survival, often stemming from fears and past traumas. The closure of the heart chakra and the misdirection of willpower towards conquest contribute to their strength.
Nevertheless, it is important for our spiritual journey to acknowledge and confront our shadow selves to attain enlightenment. Our perception in the spiritual universe is limited to what we are willing to confront within ourselves.
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hermeticphoenix · 3 months
Angels, Demons, and Aliens
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Some people are confused about the differences between angels, demons, and aliens. I will only share what I know and what I have personally experienced about them, as well as the experiences of other magicians.
Are angels the same as aliens?
It depends on your understanding of aliens, but I would say no. Let me explain. If you are a magician, you can certainly find angels on Earth, as well as on other planetary spheres such as the moon, ruled by Archangel Gabriel, and others. Archangels ruled each planetary sphere, but they also governed other angels that possessed the traits of that celestial body. If your understanding of aliens is that they are entities outside the sphere of Earth, then we could say that the angels of the Moon, Mercury, and other planets are called “aliens”. However, I would not use the term “alien” to describe planetary angels since they are part of our cosmic hierarchy (solar system) and they have a great influence on the spiritual evolution of humanity, whether that be from Earth, Venus, or Mars.
Why do some aliens exhibit angelic characteristics?
If you read some ancient texts, you can find similarities between angels and our modern perspective on aliens. But aliens, or extraterrestrials, from a magical point of view, are not all physical beings. Most of them lived in higher densities, so they would appear to us physical humans as something angelic or even godlike. Even though they are of higher density, this does not automatically mean that they are benevolent or positively oriented. Some of these high dimensional extraterrestrials, which have a very beautiful appearance and aura, are negatively oriented, or, in our closest term, they would seem to be fallen angels. Of course, such fallen aliens are destructive, and their calling is conquest, which is, to enslave those who are different from them. According to Ra, such malevolent beings are from the Orion Group, and they have influenced human history to offer their service. That’s why we can see in some ancient spiritual texts that the gods are somewhat in conflict with each other or with humanity. This is not to say that all gods from religions and myths are aliens; rather, some of them are from the Orion Group, others are from the Confederation, and others are local beings on Earth, mostly in higher astral planes. That’s why some so-called angels or gods in some ancient spiritual texts appeared to be aliens. Take note that both aliens and angels have the ability to change their forms, so I understand that an untrained person has difficulty distinguishing between the two entities.
What about demons? Are they aliens?
Like I mentioned before, aliens have free will like human beings, and therefore they can be positive or negatively oriented. Negative aliens from the astral plane of a different planetary sphere or solar system can certainly look like demons. However, I also believe that demons and aliens are different from each other. I perceive that demons, like the planetary angels, can also be found in different planetary spheres of our cosmic hierarchy, which means we can meet a demon from the Earth sphere, Moon sphere, Mercury sphere, and so forth. They also have different ranks and abilities, just like the angels. Indeed, both demons and negative aliens are destructive and malevolent. In the spiritual realm, we look based on our true energy, that’s why malevolent beings look otherworldly, alien, or weird, while angelic beings look beautiful, peaceful, or godlike. However, since they are spiritual beings, they still have the ability to change their forms, and it can be quite difficult for an untrained person to distinguish an actual angel from a trickster entity pretending to be an angel.
In my personal experience, I rely on observing the outer and inner auras of entities and their actions to discern their nature. This allows me to identify whether an entity is positive or negative. For a trained magician, such discernment becomes considerably easier.
In summary, I believe that angels, demons, and aliens are distinct entities, although they may share certain similarities that can be difficult to discern. Higher-dimensional aliens, whether positively or negatively oriented, often appear angelic to human beings. On the other hand, certain negative aliens, particularly those residing within the fourth density, or astral plane, may resemble demons. Angels and demons can be found within each planetary sphere of our cosmic hierarchy. Therefore, not all angels or demons should be considered aliens, nor should all pagan gods be regarded as aliens. Please take note that this perspective is solely my own, which I wish to share.
I know other magicians who have encountered all of these entities. Based on their experiences, they do not consider angels or demons to be aliens, and they do not consider aliens to be gods, angels, or demons.
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hermeticphoenix · 3 months
Hello Phoenix, how many densities of consciousness are there? And what’s the differences of all of them?
Hi, that's a good question. This is only my perspective, but I believe there are infinite densities in our universe, but they are largely divided into seven. So we have seven major densities, and each density has infinite dimensions or sub-densities. Each density has unique vibrational frequency and awareness/consciousness. I will describe the consciousness of each major densities.
First density - the density of awareness. Plants and minerals are under this category. Time passes extremely slowly from the perception of first density entities. They are also somehow aware of their existence.
Second density - the density of growth and movement. Animals belong to this kind of consciousness. They are aware of their existence and others, and they have the ability to move freely. Second density entities are also more emotionally expressive.
Third density - the density of self-awareness. Human beings and some animals have third density consciousness, although it is only human beings who have yellow ray bodies that are suitable for third density experience. Human beings have ego and identity, aware of their own existence and others, and view themselves as a separate entity from others. The third density is also a density of choice where human beings are going to choose the positive and negative spiritual paths.
Fourth density - the density of love and understanding. This belongs to the entities of the astral plane. Fourth density beings are more telepathic, have subtler and stronger bodies, and they could be positive or negatively oriented. Elemental beings and nature spirits belong to this category, although many human beings in the physical and astral plane have fourth density consciousness. Such humans are more concerned with the welfare of others. Very few humans have negative fourth density consciousness and they have a sincere belief to help others in a negative way and this action is viewed as love. Fourth density entities are still mortal, although they could have very long lives. This is the start of forming a social memory complex or a group consciousness.
Fifth density - the density of wisdom. Fifth density entities probably belong to the mental plane. They have light bodies that are very subtle. These beings, whether positive or negative, are very wise or clever. They also formed social memory complexes or or groups of consciousness where members have unified mind and will. They can change their forms at will and would travel to different places using only their thought.
Sixth density - the density of love/light and light/love, or the density of unity. Entities who belong to this density are also very united with their group. Our higher/future selves are also found in this density. To graduate from sixth density, the entities must embrace the path of unity, and this can be easily done by positive beings rather than negative, so the negative beings need to be positive to progress spiritually.
Seventh density - the gateway density. Seventh density entities have no longer identities, memories, and past and future. Their mind is in the eternal present. They are probably united with the Creator of this universe.
Eight density - the next octave of existence and the first density in a higher universe. Eighth density entities are from a different, higher spiritual universe. I have not encountered an eight density entity in my magical practice so far.
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hermeticphoenix · 3 months
Are you going to make more posts about Master Eiron soon?
Yes, I will be making some posts about Master Eiron, although it is challenging for me to communicate with him since he belongs to a parallel timeline and exists in a different density. I believe that I have encountered him in a parallel reality, but certain personal information needs to be withheld. What I can share is that he is a positively oriented entity, and his mind and beliefs bear resemblance to Buddhist teachings. Interestingly, I once heard from a magician that Buddhism might have originated from another solar system, which adds some sense to the connection. Soon, I will also be sharing Eiron's beliefs that we can incorporate into our spiritual practices. Thank you!
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hermeticphoenix · 3 months
How can I start developing my psychic abilities? Like the clair-abilities? Is it required to meditate and visualize? Should i use Crystals in my daily spiritual practices? How would I know I'm making progress? Thank you! <3
Hello. Developing one's psychic abilities is unique to every individual, so the way I develop my abilities might be different from others. I think this also depends on one's spiritual maturity and karma. We are all somewhat psychic to some extent; it is just that most of us do not use our abilities consciously. Doing so consciously is more challenging and requires patience, dedication, and spiritual transformation. We cannot simply develop our abilities for the sake of power. However, I have noticed that it is easier to develop psychic abilities when we first focus on improving our character. This can be done by turning our weaknesses into strengths. This is a difficult and time-consuming process. Yet, when dealing with the forces of light and darkness, even the mere exposure to the astral plane, we are also confronting what lies within us. A troubled practitioner would not be successful and could even be in danger, compared to a physically and mentally healthy individual. Yes, part of our psychic development involves cultivating a healthy body and mind. Otherwise, the practice of magic can be dangerous, even fatal.
Most magical and spiritual practices involve meditation and visualization. These are also the methods I have employed during my initiation, and I continue to do so in order to enhance my meditation and visualization abilities. They are very helpful, although one must find the right method that suits them, as some methods may be incompatible. Additionally, it is important to check one's physical and mental state before engaging in meditation. I do not encourage people to meditate if they are experiencing extreme negative emotions or are in a chaotic mental state. Therefore, it is advisable to meditate when we are physically and mentally in a stable condition. Simple exercises can also be beneficial.
The use of crystals in psychic development is optional. Personally, I do not use crystals, although I acknowledge that they can be helpful, especially in healing and sometimes in evocation. I know many magicians who do not incorporate crystals into their practices. Therefore, it is entirely a personal choice, but it is important not to become overly dependent on them.
Psychic development is a very challenging practice that requires a lifetime commitment. Similar to learning a new skill, we must also strive to improve ourselves in order to learn faster and safer. Personally, I prioritize developing myself, including my spiritual practices, and believe that the results will eventually come. Some results may take years to manifest, while others may be almost instantaneous. However, once you embark on the path of magic, it becomes nearly impossible to return to your former reality, as you will perceive and understand things that many others cannot. Thank you, and have a magical day!
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hermeticphoenix · 3 months
Do you believe the Spirit Veil will break in the far future?
Hi, thanks for the question. However, I'm not familiar with the specific term 'spirit veil' and its meaning. The closest related concepts I can think of are the veil of forgetfulness and the veil that separates the physical and astral realms. These ideas are often discussed in spiritual and metaphysical contexts and could have different interpretations, but I have my own as well :)
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hermeticphoenix · 3 months
Your post about Uranus and meditation got me intrigued. I am Uranus dominant in my chart and I tried to find a place for this energy in my practice.
Any suggestions? 🤍
Hello, thank you. I also have a strong connection to Uranus, having four Aquarius in my chart as well. As for the place where you can connect with this energy, I could not think of specific places. I do all of my magical practices at home, but I have to make sure I will not be disturbed. So firstly, I have to clean the energy of my room, then began connecting with a specific energy (in this case, Uranian energy). After that, I will banish the accumulated energy, since prolonged exposure to planetary energies can affect us negatively in our physical and mental health. I think this is also because such energies are intense and very different from us, especially from Saturn and beyond. However, I have been doing this for some years now. I know it is easier to connect with planetary energies in certain conditions sometimes in some cases. I hope I answered your question :)
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hermeticphoenix · 3 months
Master Eiron
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I had some visions recently of a young man from a different cosmic hierarchy/solar system, in a parallel dimension. He has complete understanding and mastery of the four elements and he can access the intelligent energy, which made him to do seemingly impossible things, although he does not reside in fifth or sixth densities (but of course he is multidimensional like us). Such things seem impossible to occur in third and fourth densities, but I heard that it is actually possible. He said it is possible to manipulate energy consciously. He also explained other stuff which is related to the so-called occult. I cannot find any pictures that resemble him, but this one is close enough.
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hermeticphoenix · 3 months
Hello Morgan Phoenix, are you knowledgeable about Astral or Etheric Parasites?
What are the dangers? And what can you do get rid of it yourself?
Hi, thank you for your question! I think it is important to talk about it since it is quite challenging to detect these entities. I've encountered lower beings from the mental and astral planes. They are different types of beings, from strong thought forms to seductive astral beings created by human beings. These entities are parasitic and rely heavily on their host. The host is usually the creator of these beings, or the victim/target. These parasites can be created through repetitive thinking and intense emotions over a period of time. They will try to survive, usually by triggering the host so the person becomes attached to them unconsciously. They will also perish if the person no longer pays them attention, thus they cannot receive energy, but not all mental-astral parasites are like these. The types of man-made parasites I mentioned earlier reside in the mental-astral regions and are called larvae and phantoms. They can take different forms, depending on their original purpose. They can also take the form of a human being familiar to the host, so they could also appear as ghosts. However, not all so-called ghosts are mental-astral parasites. The other types of parasites are made centuries ago by different methods. They were created by repetitive thinking, intense emotions, and magical rituals and evocation. They are usually demonic and most often mistaken as demons. They can also be very clever and would trick weak-minded human beings. They would also attempt to deceive people who are of negative orientation.
What are the dangers? They can affect you psychologically, emotionally, and physically. They can potentially cause severe mental health conditions. But of course not all people with mental health issues have encountered these entities. These parasites can also drain you energetically, thus affecting your physical body. In some cases, they can make your body extremely tensed or excited, even sexually. In extreme cases, these parasites can lead a person to unalive themselves. However, it can be difficult to determine whether a person's condition is scientific or caused by something supernatural such as this case. These parasites seem to be a bit more challenging to detect compared to other astral beings, such as nature spirits or demons.
How can we get rid of them? I'd recommend doing meditation, but I know many people are not ready and comfortable doing this. I particularly like doing Akashic or void meditation, which can be difficult for beginners. Some mental parasites can make themselves appear as your nasty inner voice, at least in my experience, so I have to talk to them and banish them. But if you encounter a stronger parasite, perhaps it is recommended to do a magical ritual. I usually practice deep introspection to understand the unknown aspects of myself. This can also be helpful. There are also many different types of banishing rituals that can remove these entities. But since these beings are parasitic, they rely on you, so giving them food (i.e. your attention and energy), would make them stronger. I also ask for the assistance of positively oriented beings, such as angels and benevolent interdimensional entities, to banish unwanted energies in all planes of existence. Thus, it is important to understand different planes of existence. Each type of parasite has different purposes and would do different things, but their goal is harmful to us.
Have a good day/night!
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hermeticphoenix · 3 months
There are deities who can be found in the higher astral plane which can be evoked by human beings. They exist in many dimensions within the astral plane, some are even considered dark. The common trait to many of them is they have astral followers and subordinates. Benevolent ones are willing to help almost instantly, but it still depends on the spiritual maturity of the individual.
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