hikari-iru · 3 years
He loves her that deep😭
so i just realised something,
all levi wanted to do was open a teashop after everything was over. i mean he never seemed like the one to move and travel around, i am pretty sure he just wanted to settle down somewhere quiet.
but the last panel we see of him, he is traveling with falbi and onyankyopon (who is probably thier travel guide) and they are just not roaming around, they are all dressed properly, onyankyopon has a suitcase in his hands, THEY ARE TRAVELING.
because that's what hange would have done is she was still alive. she wanted to travel and learn about plants and history.
isayama could have drawn levi in a tea shop at the end, it would have been adorable too but instead levi was drawn traveling with characters who he never really really interacted that much with.
so basically instead of opening a teashop and settling down, levi decided to do what hange wanted to, levi decided to do it for hange's dreams;
because he simply loved her the most.
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hikari-iru · 3 years
@ Isayama: why?😭
So Levi seemed to adopt Gabi and Falco post battle. Now hear me out. What if in the future, when Gabi and Falco end up together they have a kid, she'd have Gabi's hair w/c is the same color as Hanji's (and maybe even eventually get glasses idk) and in honor of Levi they name her Hanji. So i suppose Levi becomes like a pseudo grandfather to this kid, right? So Levi Jichan would have someone to love and care for again since both his children are grow up now.
Fast forward maybe about 20+ years later,a weak glassy-eyed Levi is on the bed surrounded by loved ones and putting up a hand in the air as if gesturing someone to come while muttering something under his breath, mostly inaudible but they catch a name: "Hanji" in an surprisingly calm and sweet tone with a serene look on his face, unlike his usually strained voice and pained expression these past days. At that instant, Granddaughter Hanji comes closer only to be gently pulled back by a sobbing Gabi. "He's calling out to HIS Hanji." she explains giving a small smile. And there Granddaughter Hanji understood and bowed her head and offered a little prayer for Jichan's happiness and rest. "He'll finally get to be with the love of his life again." Falco adds. The rest nod in thoughtful agreement.
Levi's last words: I did it. I lived life fully just as you asked. Now I have enough stories for you about the world we saved. You were right, life is amazing but I've had enough of it now. I want to be with you again. I've waited so long and I've missed you terribly. Now let's go, let's get outta here, Hanji.
anon........ the image of young hange appearing in front of levi in his last moments, gently taking him by the hand to see the others..... you really wanted to make me cry, huh?
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hikari-iru · 3 years
Not me crying in this early morning😭
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3 years....3 years isn't actually as long as it seems considering what these guys have been through. It's been a short time.
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But man, still even after that time, the fact that Levi thinks of Hange everytime he sees a plane passing by...is just so tragic, like...I'm done. He looks so sad.
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The children don't know anything about it because they were not there when Levi and the others got on the plane and Hange sacrificed themselves to save them, so it doesn't hold the same meaning for them. But then we have this.
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That stare man. So profound. So meaningful and deep. Onyankopon knows. And perhaps he knows how it had affected Levi. Perhaps Onyankopon wanted to talk to Levi about Hange, to learn more about her and what she loved, but couldn't bring himself to talk about it as it was a heavy subject for Levi.
Perhaps he caught Levi crying one day or just moping by himself and wanted to give some comfort and Levi couldn't help himself and just spilled the beans on how he felt about Hange. And Onyankopon cried too and they just started talking and reminiscing together and that's how they bonded. And now because he knows and understands Levi's deep feelings for Hange and how close they were he's able to give that look. A moment they both share. Its the fact that while Levi is looking at the plane, Onyankopon is looking directly at Levi. That's what gets me. Also, Isayama could've ended with Levi doing anything, but the fact that the last scene we have of him is him remembering Hange, and her sacrifice just shows how much he loved her, appreciated her and how important she was to him. And forever will be.
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hikari-iru · 3 years
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— #ThankYouIsayama
Dear Hajime Isayama..
⚜ ⚜ ♚ ⚜ ⚜
Today is the end of Attack on Titan journey. Today will be remembered as the end of a story from the boy who sought freedom. After eleven years seven months; he, finally, is free.
I joined this fandom on May 2018. I had just graduated from high school back then. Now I'm already on my 6th semester in the college. I couldn't believe that the day when I have to write this will come so early—yes, I wish I could enjoy your story longer—and earlier.
I couldn't recall what things that exactly interest me to read your work—and keep going with the pain you give through your story, but if I have to say one, I'll say that it's probably because of the complexities in your story: when the characters have the urge to survive.
I learned a lot from this story—seriously, even though all of them hurt me so much. The more I read, the more I realize how this world is cruel, yet so beautiful. People come and go, like how you create few characters that will interest us and kill them in the next few chapters.
Therefore, we need to keep moving forward. I've no regret on reading your story, despite of how few things disappoint me so much. I indeed realize that 'perfect work' never exists. I'm satisfied with the ending you give—well, I thought you would give us the darkest one.
I meet amazing people after I read your story. I get many moral value from the story. Some nice discussion, some drama (this one quite exhausts me), some great fanworks, and so on. Thus are another reasons why I've no regret on it. I'm growing up with the pain I endure.
Dear Hajime Isayama..
Congratulation on finishing this magnificent story. You've done your best. Thank you for dedicating your heart through every stroke you drew, every lines you wrote, and every characters you created. Thank you, for inspiring us.
I couldn't promise you that I'll pass this story to the next generation (thanks to the pain), but I ensure you that this story will remain in my heart. I'm glad to be the part of Attack on Titan journey. If you're interested on creating another story, I'll gladly try to read it.
Once again, thank you for creating this amazing story, Isayama-sensei! Stay healthy!!❤
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hikari-iru · 3 years
Really. I don't like how Levi VA's statement make Levi's character dirty.
Shipping aside the word that levi's Va used 余生. It means one's remaining years: the rest of one's life. It gave such a negative impression, for example, when a sick person is about to die, the rest of his time is called 余生, the meaning that many JP fans got is "He was just living aimlessly for the rest of his life without any meaning just waiting to die. ". It feels like an insult to levi's character. It made me and many of levi JP fans disappointed b/c Levi is not like that in the manga.
(same anon) he clearly cares about hanji and his squad and he cares about what was happening around him finding a solution and going to hizuru and marley and work like normal that's why he didn't kill zeke. He is still the short grumpy man with a big heart that we all love. I love the cute moments like him caring about his popularity with women lol, joke with his squad about their height and the funny or soft moments with hanji. It shows that levi is still levi post time skip.
Hello. Idk what is this uproar about one word out of context. I have been getting asks about it and messages about it idk what ppl are talking about or why they scream. If it's about ships then i can sincerely say i don't care. 😂
I saw positive interpretations of this word too like this is the time for one to improve oneself for example like "life after retirement" and such.
The manga contradicts what Kaji is saying though so idk what else to say.
That said Erwin's loss affected Everyone not just Levi. Hange is depressed, Armin is depressed, Floch gone crazy...
Erwin was someone who had an infleunence on many characters. Isayama said like Levi had a personal mission to serve under Erwin and after he died, it's normal to feel lost and not know what to do, but yet we still see Levi carrying on and being strong as he always was.
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hikari-iru · 3 years
I think it's a cool theory
Attack on Titan Chapter 138 Analysis (manga spoilers ahead)
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This chapter is called “A Long Dream”. In a world where time loop exists, there can be a circular set of events where everything gets repeated after certain interval of time. “If you can’t do it, we’re doomed to repeat it all again. The same history. The same mistakes. Again and again. …who knows? Whose memories could these be?” -Eren Kruger The heroes we see in the world of Attack on Titan, get killed again and again, after each time they die, they wake up alive in another lifetime and get killed again in another way. I also wrote on another analysis regarding this matter, about little Falco and Eren, that history was repeated again and again, each time a bit differently. If you are interested to read the whole theory, this is the link: https://simibraun.tumblr.com/post/637137942881665024/manga-theories-grisha-if-you-cant-do-it-were Here’s a part of that theory: “Our heroes lived the same history again and again, they were reborn many times, until Ymir would achieve her goals. Each time our heroes lived, there may have been some failures in Ymir’s plans, so history must have been repeated, each time a bit differently. One of my thoughts is, that little Falco in another lifetime, may have been in the place of one of the three Warriors (Reiner, Bertolt, Annie) that were sent to Paradis Island and spent 5 years living there, trained to use the ODM gear and fought Titans. So these memories of fighting with swords may have been connected through the paths and reached him in this lifetime. I also remember reading that, Isayama wants to make an ending which gives a feeling that there is no escape, like nothing is going change. Something like a loop? If you notice, when the s4 anime ep1 begins, there is a loop in the first seconds, we see two times the same image of a falcon flying. It seems that history has been repeated again. Maybe Falco actually died the first time and this was his last image, of that falcon flying and then, history was repeated again, he was reborn and the second time he survived, he sees the falcon again and then history continues on, Colt appears and takes him away from the battlefield. Falco later says these words that were not included in the manga: "Who.. are you guys?” his voice had the same tone as Eren’s when he talked in a lower tone, for me Falco almost sounded like him. “Wait.. huh? Wasn’t I flying around with a sword just now? Like, whoosh! And there were Titans that I–” A similar experience happened to Eren on the first chapter: “Mikasa, when did your hair get so long? I feel that I just had the longest dream.” And the same experience happened to Mikasa as we see on chapter 138, she woke up in another lifetime or she suddenly saw memories of that lifetime that reached her at that moment: “When did I fall asleep? I feel like I just had a long dream.” Mikasa’s headaches must have been something like a Deja vu, which means “already seen”, from another lifetime. Some of her memories from another life, probably sparked a connection that reached her in the current lifetime that she lives in. Deja vu feels like a signal that sparks our memory. It gives us a strong sensation that an event or an experience is currently being experienced, although, this experience, may have actually happened in the past, or maybe not, it just feels familiar. Experiences of places that we have already been, of people we already talked with, acts that have already been done, but we have yet to experience. It feels that something is complete and yet at the same time, it is not yet completed but we have a sensation that we know how it was completed. To me, it seems that Mikasa and Eren were made for each other, but no matter the many reincarnations and timeline, Eren’s death could not be avoided and it seems that Mikasa was the one who would give him salvation. So having these in mind, let me take you to another matter and think about the bond between Eren and Mikasa in a similar yet different meaning. This bond reminds me of what Plato said in the Symposium, regarding the Greek mythology: “According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.” In Greek mythology, there were three Human genders: The Man, Woman and the Androgynous”.  Androgynous Ανδρόγυνο means man-woman in Greek.  (Andras Άνδρας – Man, Gynaika Γυναίκα - Woman) So before we continue reading the following texts, let’s think of Ymir the Founder as a “God” of this mythology and Eren-Mikasa as an “Androgynous”. In Greek mythology, it is said that Humans had great strength at the time and threatened to conquer the Gods. The Gods thought of destroying the Humans but if the Humans were destroyed, there wouldn’t be any more tributes to the Gods. (Human tributes kept the Gods alive.) So Zeus decided to split the Androgynous in half and punished them. By doing so, the Gods also would double the population of Humans and by doing that, they would also be doubling the tributes that had to be made to them by Humans. And so they did and the Human Androgynous were split in two. Doesn’t this remind you of the Subjects of Ymir and of what King Fritz said to his daughters before he died? He said to keep the blood of Ymir alive, that the Eldians must multiply, so his Titans will reign forever. Ymir – The God Eldians – The Humans, that had to offer tributes (multiply) to the Gods so they won’t die. It feels like Zeke’s euthanasia plan makes sense when you think about it like this right? If no more Eldians exist, there will be no more “tributes” people to keep the blood of Ymir (the God) alive. (I also wrote a theory regarding Zeke’s plan, on the theory link I left above.) So what does Eren and Mikasa have to do with the Androgynous? Let me explain you: Once the Androgynous was split and punished, they were forever in search, no matter the lifetime, no matter the many reincarnations in this world, they longed for their soul and physical other half. According to the myth, when these two halves find each other, there will be a silent understanding of one another, they will feel joined and exist with each other in unison and will know no greater joy than that. And this reminds of the last panels, when Mikasa found Eren and the moment she saw him, she smiled. And then Eren opened his eyes and saw her, seems like he felt relief. It felt like that silent understanding of one another, it felt like they were once again complete, like the Androgynous, that longed for each other in each lifetime they existed, and each, longed to find their other half. Mikasa and Eren always belonged to each other and in a world where time loop exists, their bond feels like an affective resonance..
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hikari-iru · 3 years
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they make a cute couple
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hikari-iru · 3 years
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SnK News: Isayama Hajime Interview in Weekly Shonen Magazine 2017 Issue No. 41
Kodansha’s Weekly Shonen Magazine features a new Isayama interview as part of their ongoing promotion for the 99th Weekly Shonen Magazine Rookie Manga Award!
Isayama himself was a previous competitor, with his work orz being a selected work back in 2008, for the 81st edition of the event.
A full translation will be available soon!
More on Isayama Hajime || General SnK News & Updates
Update (October 11th, 2017): Interview Translation Part 1 (First three images) Below!
Update #2 (January 15th, 2018): Interview Translation Part 2 (Second set of three pages) Below!
Translated by @suniuz​ & @fuku-shuu Please link back to this post and/or credit if parts are reused!
(Pages 451 to 453)
Show your Work to Editors! ~Bring it to the editorial office - submission~
– I think most mangaka’s footsteps start with bringing your work to an editorial department and submitting it to a manga competition. Please tell us more about when you brought your work to Shokan Shonen Magazine’s editorial office.
Isayama: I was 19 years old when I went to that office with my work. The professional school (For manga and anime) I attended at that time organized a group submission trip to Tokyo, and I went with them. I visited numerous editorial offices of shonen magazines. At the last place I visited, the editor commented that “your drawing has strength within it,” and I was able to captivate his attention from there onward.
– How did you feel when you were actually presenting your work to the editors?
Isayama: I remember I was so nervous that my stomach hurt (Laughs). For those with the ambitions of becoming mangaka, presenting work to editors is just like a job interview, so of course we would be nervous. However, I still submitted my work without fearing any consequences or rejection. This dream of mine began during grade school, so unless I’m told in person, “You won’t make it,” I would’ve never given up. With this in mind, I sought to show my drafts to more professional editors in the manga industry, and I progressed step-by-step from there.
– Why did you want to present it to an editor rather than a teacher at the school?
Isayama: Editors are also representatives of the readers, so I wanted to attract critiques that stemmed from their more objective viewpoints. I felt by doing that, what I “desired to draw” would also inch closer to what the readers desired to read, but to keep those two elements similar still required a heavy dose of luck. Hence, in order to “absorb” a bit of that luck, an objective eye suddenly became a great weapon. I personally chose “presenting in-person” as my method, but as a novice, whether you do that or “submit [via mail],” showing your work to some professional editors beforehand is still recommended. Hence, I feel that an occasion like the “Rookie Manga Award,” which is judged by editors, is a phenomenal opportunity for anyone to take that first step in a mangaka’s journey.
– When you first presented the Shingeki no Kyojin original short (T/N: Chapter 0) for professional editors to critique, how did you feel?
Isayama: It felt very much like an entrance exam for university. When I heard the words “We wish to serialize it monthly [in Bessatsu Shonen]” at the Weekly Shonen Magazine office (T/N: WSM and BSM are both under the publisher Kodansha. WSM is the title that sponsors the annual Awards while BSM is where SnK ended up being serialized), I just went, “Ehhhh??” I simply could not believe it was happening. Speaking of which, during the process of me submitting my work everywhere, all editors outside of those at Weekly Shonen Magazine criticized my style as “Too rough-looking.” To me, those were very constructive comments and still benefited me in the end. However, at Weekly Shonen was when my manga was acknowledged by others for the first time, so it made me extremely happy. Thinking back, I wanted to convey my wishes of “creating an imaginative manga,” and the editor likely resonated with that. I recognize that point now.
– What specifically was the “too rough-looking” critique referring to? Isayama: Basically everything, but especially my drawing skills. I personally felt back then that I didn’t deserve having “professional skill level” even as a goal to pursue. Though I had certain instincts towards my abilities, I didn’t have the drive to improve. Thinking back, my attitude was awful (Laughs). If you ask me why I felt like that, I had assumed that creating interesting storyboards was enough. During my student years at the professional school, whenever other students were focused on drawing, I was spending all my time storyboarding. However, after I won the Rookie Award, Satou Yuuki invited me to become his assistant. If there was one thing I couldn’t accomplish and added to Satou-san’s burden, it’s that I only realized at that point how drawing and storyboarding are equally important. (T/N: Satou Yuuki contributed a ending card illustration for SnK Season 1, Episode 5)
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hikari-iru · 3 years
I haven't read many of your metas or replies so I'm sorry if this has been discussed ad nauseam, but a lot (and I mean A LOT) of readers are saying that this genuinely was the only choice Eren could have made here. I personally think that's a crock of shit, there are a million things you try before jumping to global genocide, but I feel like that is genuinely what EREN believes and that's the narrative perspective we've been given so it's hard to conceive of alternatives (cont.)
           (cont.) from our limited vantage point (which is also a criticism on my part of how Eren has handled this, I mean think of all the shit Hange could have preempted if she knew what Eren knew through Paths/memories - screaming “if there’s another way then tell me what it is!” to someone you’ve actively kept in the dark is a dick move any day of the week). In your opinion, what do you think could or should have been Paradis’ alternatives that maybe we’re just not seeing as readers?             
If your only option is genocide, you have no options.
That is the only place where I feel like Eren’s actions become understandable. Powerlessness when you should be the most powerful person on the face of the planet is one hell of a trip, and descending into a place where the world is so awful that it should just burn–
Yeah, I get that.
Only that isn’t how Eren’s coming across. I buy that whatever he’s doing, he believes it’s his final option, but his commitment to genocide rings false.
…Getting to the actual question, though, uh.
Start at Not This, then arrange the list from there.
I am not good at this kind of thing, so glaring obliviousness likely to follow.
Keep reading
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hikari-iru · 3 years
I haven't read many of your metas or replies so I'm sorry if this has been discussed ad nauseam, but a lot (and I mean A LOT) of readers are saying that this genuinely was the only choice Eren could have made here. I personally think that's a crock of shit, there are a million things you try before jumping to global genocide, but I feel like that is genuinely what EREN believes and that's the narrative perspective we've been given so it's hard to conceive of alternatives (cont.)
           (cont.) from our limited vantage point (which is also a criticism on my part of how Eren has handled this, I mean think of all the shit Hange could have preempted if she knew what Eren knew through Paths/memories - screaming “if there’s another way then tell me what it is!” to someone you’ve actively kept in the dark is a dick move any day of the week). In your opinion, what do you think could or should have been Paradis’ alternatives that maybe we’re just not seeing as readers?             
If your only option is genocide, you have no options.
That is the only place where I feel like Eren’s actions become understandable. Powerlessness when you should be the most powerful person on the face of the planet is one hell of a trip, and descending into a place where the world is so awful that it should just burn–
Yeah, I get that.
Only that isn’t how Eren’s coming across. I buy that whatever he’s doing, he believes it’s his final option, but his commitment to genocide rings false.
…Getting to the actual question, though, uh.
Start at Not This, then arrange the list from there.
I am not good at this kind of thing, so glaring obliviousness likely to follow.
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hikari-iru · 3 years
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Hange taking care of Levi
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hikari-iru · 3 years
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Sweat baby sweat💧💧💧❤
(Anatomy practice)
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hikari-iru · 4 years
I think it's the other way round, levi has always shown more "interest" and "care" towards hange than hange towards him throughout the manga and side contents UNTIL chapters 115 with the lifesaving and 126, i was actually surprised how it was hange who boldly expressed her possible romantic feelings for the first time and not levi lol as for levi, it was in chapter 132. The "unrequited love" nuance plus the whole "dedicate your heart"make me think there really was something more between them
Nah Hanji was always worried about Levi only in more subtle ways.
In the forest of Giant trees she was the one who asked Erwin why he ordered him to replace his blades when they have little time (it's unsafe with all the titans lurking around).
Then she asked about him again in uprising when Erwin was about to be arrested.
She looked at his reaction when they were talking about the whole Ackerman stuff on the cart.
In RtS she pulled Mikasa away from him immediately.
Her showing of care is subtle, but is there. The first time she showed she cares though is ACWNR. I think she went to talk to them not just because she wanted to learn the 3dmg moves, but because everyone else was looking at them with disdain and i think she wanted to show them some kindness. But this is just a headcanon of mine.
However remember that her type is "someone who can take care of themselves" while she can not pay attention to them all the time.
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hikari-iru · 4 years
Dedication Post: The Shingeki no Kyojin Season One End Cards
After rewatching a couple of episodes yesterday, I figured a detailed post like this, similar to my official anime visuals’ staff overviews, should be in order :) It’s interesting how many of Isayama Hajime’s fellow Kodansha mangaka contributed to SnK Season 1′s end cards!
The characters who appeared the most:
Mikasa (9 Cards)
Levi (8 Cards)
Sasha (6 Cards)
Eren (5 Cards)
Auruo, Historia, & Petra (4 Cards)
Click here for an album of all 20 cards in HQ!
Episode 1 (Mikasa)
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Artist: 押見修造 (Shuuzou Oshimi), Kodansha Mangaka Known For: Aku no Hana (The Flowers of Evil)
Episode 5 (Auruo, Petra, & Levi)
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Artist: 佐藤友生 (Satou Yuuki), Kodansha Mangaka Known For: Tomodachi Game (Friends Games) Notes: Isayama Hajime was his assistant
Episode 7 (Eld, Levi, Auruo, & Petra)
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Artist: 永椎晃平 (Kouhei Nagashii), Kodansha Mangaka Known For: Houkago Sword Club (After School Sword Club) Notes: Former assistant to Isayama Hajime
Episode 9 (Eren)
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Artist: 大今良時 (Yoshitoki Ooima), Kodansha Mangaka Known For: Koe no Katachi (A Silent Voice)
Episode 10 (Colossal Titan & Eren)
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Artist: 雷句誠 (Raiku Makoto), Kodansha Mangaka Known For: Doubutsu no Kuni (Animal Land)
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hikari-iru · 4 years
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Late Night Stories Vol. 14 Mikasa Ackerman "A Story of Anger"
"Hm? Mikasa's not here?" Armin said. The Training Corps were having dinner, but he noticed that one seat was open.
"The instructor summoned her," Jean, a recruit in her squad, answered as he ate. Marco, from another squad, looked confused.
"Hm? Is she in watch duty or something?"
"No, he's just scolding her."
"Her…? Why?"
Eren, Mikasa's childhood friend, as well as the other Training Corps members began to murmur. Mikasa was always scoring the best marks of them all, and she never caused trouble. They couldn't understand why the instructor would be getting mad at her.
"Ask her yourself. See, there she is now."
Everyone's eyes turned to the girl who had entered the room, expressionless as ever…
"Hey, Mikasa. What'd you do?"
Mikasa sat next to Armin and Eren as she always did, and her childhood friends spurred her to open her usually tight mouth for the purpose of doing something other than eating her now cold food.
"…I strayed from the plan a little, that's all."
"I wouldn't call that a little… Right, Ymir?" Jean said. As someone who had been in Mikasa's squad to see what happened, he then tried to bring Ymir into the conversation. She happily obliged.
"Yeah. After all, she demolished twenty of those Titans dummies that the Instructors worked so hard to make."
"Training today was to learn how to move while avoiding Titans, not how to kill them. Right?!"
A commotion began to run through Mikasa's corpsmates, but she only continued to eat her food, unconcerned.
"Give us the details, Mikasa. You've never misunderstood a plan until now."
"…It's because someone shot a rescue signal."
Multiple squads were running the day's exercise simultaneously, and they were to help each other out if needed. If a recruit ran out of gas, had a faulty wires, or was otherwise unable to move forward, part of their training was to call a nearby squad for help.
"It was Daz's squad who shot the smoke signal, but…"
"…Location-wise…it was in the direction that Eren's squad was located, according to the strategy diagram."
"Once she saw that, she went off course and flew away on her own. So fast that neither of us could catch up to her. And once we got there, remains of those so-called Titans we were suppose to avoid were rolling everywhere on the ground," Ymir added. Eren looked at Mikasa, dumbfounded.
"Mikasa… You know… You really don't put enough trust in me. There were about three squads between yours and mine, weren't there? Can't you at least eyeball the distance between you and a smoke signal?"
"…That's what the instructor told me, too," Mikasa mumbled as she looked down. There was a spoon in her hand, but she stopped moving it. "But I have no regrets. I'll do anything to protect you, Eren."
"No, wait, hold on. You need to think about what you did! You must have even affected my marks!"
"I don't care about your marks, but I'd rather not spend a training session on just learning how to stop a rampaging Mikasa."
Though all of her corpsmates were flabbergasted, Mikasa remained calm.
"Eren was safe. That's all that matters to me…"
"Heh heh… You really like to do things your own way, don't you, Mikasa," Marco said with a forced smile. Jean, on the other hand, yelled.
"That's more than doing things her own way! And for that suicide bastard's sake, too…?! No, it doesn't matter either way. I'm not letting you off scot-free the next time you do something like this!"
"I don't think you'd be much of a match for her, Jean."
"Gaah! You stay out of this, Armin!"
Despite being a victim in this situation, Jean found himself getting nowhere. Mikasa seemed nearly unaffected by this, too, as she simply finished her meal…
SOURCE: Attack on Titan: Short Stories 2
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hikari-iru · 4 years
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Levi will never admit it but he actually loves to cuddle :’)
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hikari-iru · 4 years
It's fucking 2020 and I'm still confused with those who are still forcing people to use "they/them" pronoun when refers to Hanji, while it is Isayama himself who gives us permission to interpret her gender as what we like.
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Isayama’s Interview on Hanji in Gekkan Shingeki no Kyojin
Note: The translation only covers the relevant sections of Isayama’s interview about Hanji
Mad Scientist of Unknown Gender
Hanji was a character created because I wanted a mad scientist.
Hanji’s appearance consists of sticky, dirty, long and unkempt hair, something that couldn’t be clearly shown in the manga. I wanted to depict Hanji as an unhygienic person.
Why does Hanji neglect her appearance? That’s because something more interesting has grabbed her attention. Among “otaku”, many of them neglect their own appearance and I think that’s how Hanji is as well.
Another characteristic of people known as “otaku” is that while they are normally quiet, they can go on forever about a topic they like. That’s also Hanji. Someone obsessed with the titans. A “titan otaku”. The kind who rarely engages in everyday small talk, but goes on forever once you get them started on the titans.
There is a clear source that Hanji is based on, and that is Machiyama Tomohiro, the script writer for the live action movie. I found Hanji to be quite similar to him. When I was watching the test screening of the live action movie with him, I saw him laughing out loud at Hanji’s scenes. I’m sure that’s because he could relate with her quite well.
Mr. Machiyama influenced me a lot. In Chapter 1 of the manga, the Survey Corps shouted, “We didn’t get any closer to finding out what those things are” after returning from an expedition. I applied an idea I learned from him directly in that scene. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to apply the very idea in the later story because the story has, instead, developed in quite the opposite direction. Nonetheless, many parts were still affected by it, like the standpoint of the Survey Corps (and Eren), and the role of the Colossal Titan.
Another important characteristic of Hanji is that his or her gender is unknown.
While Hanji is clearly female in the anime and live action movie, her gender is not disclosed in the manga. When I saw Matsuko Deluxe for the first time, I had no idea what his/her gender was. I wanted to portray Hanji as a free being not bounded by any real world standards like Matsuko is because I think that too fits Hanji well as a character.
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