hypermobilitygirl · 6 years
Okay I don’t know if anyone who follows this is still active, but I will be back posting updates. A lot has changed since my last post, some good some bad, but I would love someone just to talk to so please like this if you fancy a tiny disabled english lass who has a lot of w i l d stories ya gal is a ho
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hypermobilitygirl · 8 years
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My feminist tattoo 💖💖
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hypermobilitygirl · 8 years
I wish people would remember that disabled people are a minority and should be included in activism. Stop excluding disabled people.
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hypermobilitygirl · 8 years
I rarely post on here, this blog is mainly for as and when I need it, but after what I’ve seen today I really need to vent.
I’ve become aware of transableism and it makes me feel physically sick. Although I’m used to that due to my medication because I’m literally disabled. Using trans to begin with seems gross and although I don’t know exactly I feel like it’s misappropriating trans* dialogue (correct me if I’m wrong). It just feels like transracial which is super icky. 
Even though I was born with my disability I would still be the person I am today without it. Just less in pain basically. My life would have been so much simpler if I didn’t have the issues I do. I spent the last year on a crutch due to a hip injury and had to get injections in my hip to fix it. Why would anybody want that? Why would they want to have to give up opportunities because they don’t know if they will be able to commit to something because of it.
You are not born into the wrong body okay. I was born into the wrong body. I would love a body that works, and I’ve never met another disabled person who doesn’t wish the same, but we get by. Make the best of what we have. So to see people wanting to be like this is ridiculous. Like what would you get out of it? Your body will not change who you are.
But if anything in the future comes along that means you can have my disability, by all means take it from me. But I won’t be surprised if you come back in a week after realising it’s not just using crutches or a wheelchair every so often, and instead it’s a choice between medication that makes you feel less than human, or being able to walk comfortably. And if you do I would take it back off you because I wouldn’t wish my disability on anybody, not even those who desperately want it.
(This is not to do with BIID, but more to do with the people who just pretend they are disabled and wish so much that they were. It’s ridiculous and upsetting)
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hypermobilitygirl · 8 years
please be gentle with yourself. you’re trying. if it’s taking you longer than you thought to achieve something or get somewhere that’s okay. try not to compare yourself to others too much because not everyone gets to where they need to be right away. you’re alive that’s what matters. keep trying. you’ll get there.
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hypermobilitygirl · 8 years
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The accuracy of this!
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hypermobilitygirl · 8 years
I do a drama course which can mean lots of standing and pain and I have a lot of ways to cope! I have KT tape which is a life saver seriously it will change your life, also heat pads which if you have back pain you can wear on a vest top under a shirt. Also if you take painkillers before your shift that helps, and silly things like making sure when you get home you have no big jobs to do in case you have had a busy day and have ran out of spoons. If it ever gets bad have a flask with chamomile tea which is calming and make sure you have back up pain relief on you! Hope all goes well!
Hypermobility Syndrome question!
Hi! I recently just got a job in retail, meaning I will be on my feet for hours at a time. I have Joint Hypermobility Syndrome and have not been able to do work previously or stand for long periods of time without pain. I had my second on floor shift today and so far so good. What I was wondering is if anybody else with JHS has some tips (breathing exercises, taping for knees, coping skills in general, ways you stand that can help reduce pain, etc) that could help me out with my job! Thank you guys sooo much! Anything tips at all help xxx
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hypermobilitygirl · 8 years
When I first read this I was at first scared thinking how easy would it be for me to join that percentage, and then it hit me. I am part of it. Despite being on a crutch I am a party girl which involves going to my uni's social night every week. One week the theme was hen party so I wore a very short skirt like the rest of my friends. At the uni I was dancing (as much as you can with a bad hip) and a guy came up to me, grabbed my arse (right where my pain was) and made a comment on how I couldn't run away. I was lucky I had people to go to before it got worse but the statistic isn't about rape. It's about sexual assault. Also in the statistics it says 50% of disabled will face this over 10 times. So must I live in fear for the rest of my life?
This is not right at all. How many more must face this before people stand up.
80% of disabled women are sexually assaulted. Stop leaving disability out of the conversation. 
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hypermobilitygirl · 8 years
People who believe sufferers of invisible illnesses are attention seeking are the reason why aliens pass us by.
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hypermobilitygirl · 8 years
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reblog and make a wish! this was removed from tumbrl due to “violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines”, but since my wish came true the first time, I’m putting it back. :)
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hypermobilitygirl · 8 years
someone: you can’t be happy and sad at the same time
me: allow me to demonstrate
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hypermobilitygirl · 8 years
After a long hiatus I am back. Sometimes I need this blog, others I don’t, it’s hard to explain. I recently damaged my hip after fainting and I have had to leave uni for two weeks. During this time I missed out on a big audition I had been so excited for, my boyfriend went weird about me not being there making me think I don’t want to be with him any more and I argued with my mum because I just wanted to go back. I feel like I have no one to properly talk to, I feel slightly lost and I just need to get my feelings out. 
I know people have their own issues, but if anyone can stop and just give some advice I would love that. 
Also my photo is like two years old but that day I felt so pretty and I really don’t want to change it as I have never felt so unattractive.
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hypermobilitygirl · 9 years
Trying to run away from my chronic illness like
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hypermobilitygirl · 9 years
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“EDS back up, hey I see you there PoTs, immune system don’t you even try that shit with me”
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hypermobilitygirl · 9 years
Positive thinking will cure my faulty connective tissue 😐
Hey Spoonies! Let's play a game!
Reblog this post and add the most ridiculous thing a person has told you to do that will “cure” you of your illness(es).
I’ll start!  Someone once told me to have my appendix removed because it would make my GERD go away.
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hypermobilitygirl · 9 years
I hate living in a world that is more worried about people becoming addicted to pain killers than about people being in actual pain.
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hypermobilitygirl · 9 years
The thing about having a chronic illness is that when I say I’m having a bad day and can’t do anything, people want to know why, they want to know the symptoms, and sometimes it isn’t anything, sometimes I just don’t feel good, sometimes it’s a lifetime of symptoms leaving leftovers behind like crumbs in a toaster, and nothing is wrong exactly, but I still don’t feel good and have to spend the day in bed and try to figure out where my spoons went.
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