incorrectmqquotes · 2 years
Jay:......Cole is going to kill you
Cole: You have guessed correctly
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incorrectmqquotes · 2 years
Zane, sends a cute cat pic to the group chat:
Zane, sends a cat meme to the group cat:
Zane, sends another cat pic to the group chat:
Zane, sending a cat video to the group chat:
Kai: What are you doing???
Zane: Catcalling.
Lloyd, sends a cat meme to the group chat: I like this version.
Zane, sends another cat pic to the group chat: Me too. :]
Cole, sending a cake pic:
Kai: What is this.
Cole: Sweet talking.
Kai: omg
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incorrectmqquotes · 2 years
Incorrect Quotes but Ninjago!
Skylor: Oh my FSM, are we there yet?
Kai: No! Fuck! For the bajillionth time, we're not there yet. Can you guys shut up?!
Brad: You have to have a car so small like this??
Skylor: Its really cramped back here...
Kai: You guys compl- wow, I'm driving you to the park and you can do is complain about it. We stopped and got McDonald's!
Lloyd: Yeah!
Skylor: I didn't get anything
Brad: Yeah, all you got was a plain cheeseburger. How boring is that??
Kai: Shut up!
Skylor: Boring!
Kai: I'm gonna pull this car- I'm gonna drive this car right off the cliff, right now.
Brad: What!?
Skylor: Huh?
Kai: Brrbrrr- hahaha
Brad: Ehh!
Skylor: Hehe
Brad: Didn't know you had to go like that to step on the gas pedal.
Kai: Brrbrbrbrbr
Skylor: Brrbrbrr- hehe- I wanna drive! Arererer
Kai: Brbrbr
*Lloyd Purrs*
Kai: Hahaha!
Brad: I am not entertaining this.
Skylor: So who goes next??
Kai: Q,R, S..... Ssssss
Skylor and Kai: Sssssssss
Skylor: Never have ever, gone to prom and made out with my date afterward.... Which, I guess, sounds a lot sadder, now that I hear it...
Kai: Aawwwwww! :(
Lloyd: Awww :( It's okay!
Skylor: But! I got a point! That's fine. 🙂
Kai: What about you guys?
Brad: I didn't even go to prom, so does it count if I could move up?
Kai: I mean yeah... he didn't go to prom, sooo.
Brad: I'm taking this one.
Lloyd: Never have I ever been asked by an officer to move along.
Brad: In that case, I have to stay here...
Kai: Wow. Wait. Wait. Does it count if you're in a donut shop? And you're taking too long to order, and they as-sk yo-you to m-m-move....
I'm sad. I want donuts...
Skylor: Is it a police officer behind you saying that?
Kai: Yeahhh
Lloyd: Yeahh, that does count... I'm sorry
Kai: Ohhh. No!
Kai: Never have I ever, had a huge thing, for guys, with blue hair..
Lloyd: Gasppp
Skylor: Wait, what?
Kai: Sorry! So. So. So. So. Girls with blue hair, different story. But guys with blue hair, I just. I don't know. It's not my thing.
Skylor: What?
Kai: idk
Brad: Okaay, but-but-hang on. L-Lloyd, why? Why didn't you move??
Lloyd: Ummmm...
Skylor: Yeah.
Lloyd: Look! I was young, okay?! Uhhh
Kai: You're still young!!! Why aren't you moving?! So you still have a thing!!
Brad: That doesn't really explain the situation here..
Lloyd: I can't lie.. Look, things happen and things change..
Kai: Hahaha!
Brad: Uhh
Lloyd: I don't want to talk about it!!
Skylor: Who's this about??
Brad: Wacht - uh - um.. Hey! What's that over there?!?
Skylor: What?
Kai: What's over where???
Lloyd: Where??
Skylor: That's a tree.
*Brad runs into the monastary*
Kai: Where's he going??
Brad: Just wait right there!!
Skylor: Seriously-
Kai: uhhh
Brad: Nya?? NYA, ARE YOU IN HERE?!
Lloyd: Oh No! NO! STOP!!
Nya: What?! Brad?! What are you doing in here??!!
Brad: No time to talk!! Look, I need whatever you have to make your hair look like that!!
Nya: What?! Dude!! Stay out of my bathroom!!
Brad: Just give me this!!
Nya: Dude!!
Brad: Come on!!
Kai: NYA!! Why are you still here!?!?!
*Time passes*
Skylor: He's been in there a long time-
Kai: Yeah. He really has. What are you doing in there??
*Brad walks out*
Kai: Ohh
Brad: Nothing of importance.
Kai: What-What happened to your... mane??
Lloyd: Ummmmm
Brad: IDK what UR talking about.
Skylor: Excuuuse..
Kai: Hehe
Lloyd: That's not how that was before.
Brad: I think you must have been seeing differently it is always been like this.
Skylor: I see what you're doing. I see what you're doing.
Lloyd: Things Change!!!
Skylor: I - Never have I ever - umm - made out with a pillow and pretended it was someone else!
Kai: I can't. I can't..
Brad: Shoot
Skylor: I know all about that. I learned, so many things
Brad: Wait, Kai? You... You didn't move forward either, did you?
Kai: No. You didn't move forward, either! So why don't you- wow. Is Skylor unto something with you?! I can't believe this!!
Brad: Pttt. Unto something with both of us??
Kai: You drag me into this. Don't drag me into this.
Brad: Don't throw yourself out of the conversation here!
Kai: Okay! Fine, you know what?! Maybe I do have a very expensive, very well-drawn I got commissioned.
Something from an artist- for a kinda-
I don't know!!!
So! What about you?!
Brad: Mine's a little bit more simpler than that.
*Walks closer to Kai*
You're trying to get private details from someone here, that is very, out of-
Can you just send me a link for that stuff??
Kai: Yea yeah yeah
Brad: I was trying so hard-
Lloyd: What are you guys talking about?
Kai: It's fine
Brad: Nothing important!! Nothing important!
Kai: Your boyfriend makes out with a pillow.
Lloyd: What?!
Brad: You heard nothing! Next question, plz.
So, yeah, Kai. Just send me that link, whenever u get the chance, when we're done here.
Kai: Yeah, okay alright!
Brad: Well, Skylor. Since you were so nice for targeting me the last time for that. Why don't we go along the same route, shall we??
Never have I ever had a weave in my hair.
Skylor: Okay ALRIGHT! That is not..
Brad: Evil chuckle
Kai: It makes your hair look nice, thou~!
Skylor: I knew I should've gotten those space pants.
Kai: I mean, you may have space in ur pants, considering-
Skylor: We're all friends :) Happy, happy, happy-
Brad: Suck-Up.
Skylor: Happy. Friends. >:)
Brad: So elated that you're here. >:D
Lloyd: Guyssss
Brad: I have thought of a broad one. Everyone will get a point.
Skylor: It's bad to target people.
Brad: You know, I agree for once..
Never have I ever had a dad who changed someone else's species.
Skylor: what
Kai: Gaspppp!
Skylor: I
Kai: And that's the tea, sis! WOW!
Brad: Oh. Oh. Oh dear.
Lloyd: Not very nice.
Kai: Piping hot!!
Brad: Did I mistake something??
Kai: Since we going this way..
Never have I ever drawn snek tattoos on pictures of people. In pictures.
Skylor: I
Kai: I haven't done that.
Brad: Chuckles
Skylor: You haven't done that...?
Kai: Nope, not in pictures! I drew them on Oc's, but that's about it.
Skylor: Whatever. Snake tattoos are cool, you know?
Kai: They totally are cool.
Skylor: Doesn't matter who they're on.
Lloyd: They are cool, but you don't draw them on random people.
Skylor: That's not random people! Uh.. nevermind..
Lloyd: If not random peoplen who is it???
Kai: Gasp
Skylor, who drew them on only the ninja: Uhhhhh. It's my turn!!
Skylor: Never have I ever made out in a movie theater.
Kai: Wow. You, uh-
Skylor: Listen. There's a lot... Um... that I haven't done... in my life.
Kai: Th-Thats fine.
Skylor: But, I wanna win.
Kai: You do what's right for you bud.
Skylor: I wanna win.
Kai: I support you. I'm supporting you.
Lloyd: Never have I ever fooled around.. at my job!
Skylor: I mean. What if you never had a job?
Kai: Ptttttttth
Lloyd: Well then, I guess-
Brad: This is just getting sadder and sadder.
Lloyd: Technically, you never did fool aroun-
Skylor: Yeah! I get to go ahead!!
Lloyd: So.
Kai: Wait, if you don't have a job, how'd you go to the movies??
He said earlier that he never fooled around with someone in the movies. But how did she go to the movies if she never had a job?
Brad: Maybe his date was generous-
Kai: How do we know he had a date??
Brad: Ohhh
Skylor: You know, I used to like playing minigames with you all. But-
Brad: Yeah. And I used to like the Anacondrai before your dad attacked the town. But look where we are.
Lloyd: Gaspppp
Kai: Hahahaha
Skylor: Who's turn is it???
Brad: Never have I ever had a thing for serpentine.
Kai: Wow!
Skylor: Oh come on!
Kai: I mean, yeah!! What??
Lloyd: Hehehe
Brad: Oh wait.
Skylor: Kai~
Brad: Ohhohoho wait a minute.
Skylor: You're not moving~
Brad: That's right~
Kai: Look. Look.
Brad: How could I be so forgetful??
Kai: Wow. Wow. No
Brad: Kai~
Kai: I had a thing for Jay before the venom or before anything!!
That's my proof.
Skylor: You wanna talk about how cool serpentine are??
Kai: Oh, totally....
But! No! Shut up! Not with you! >:(
Skylor: oh :(
Kai: Never have I ever dyed my hair and it turned out terribly.
Brad: Gasp!
Lloyd: Ooooo
Skylor: Hahaa! Oh yeah.
Brad: Well, what if I think it turned out great? Does that nullifie it?
Kai: It doesn't matter what you think, it matters what society thinks. How dare u?
Brad: Wh-d?? What do u mean no???
Lloyd: Look. I- that was in the past. I like different things now.
Kai: Heheh.. The past was, like, two mins ago.
Brad: You're telling me dying my hair this color broke you of ur blue hair obsession???
Lloyd: Nooo
Skylor: If you dyed it well, mayb-
Brad: Hush
Lloyd: I'm not saying anything!! I'm not saying anything anymore.. cuz I don't wanna get in trouble..
Skylor: Never have I ever actually shipped my friends together.
Lloyd and his bets on which ninja would date who: Gaspppp
Kai: That's a good one.
Lloyd: That's such a low blow.
Kai: Do ponies (mlp) count?? I know you (Brad) ship ponies.
Brad: Umm wait. Y-you don't knoooow thaaaat.
Kai: There's nothing wrong with it-
Brad: You're pulling this card right now, Kai??
Lloyd won!
Kai: Darn it!
Lloyd: Haha
Skylor: With that, I can't imagine someone like him would be into ... bad bois at all.
Brad: Sky, we're gonna need to have another talk here, okay?
Kai: Hahaha!
Now what's your prize??
Lloyd: Skylor's Wallet!!
Skylor: Awww eh-
Kai & Lloyd: Yeaaaaah!
Brad: What???
Kai: Let me see that!
Skylor: Oh come on! Whyyyy
Lloyd: Here u go.
Kai: Gasp it's full of hair dye! U know what that means?!
Skylor: n-no.
Kai: Follow me!
Brad: Huh?
Skylor: Okay??
*Time cut*
Kai: Your hair looks so good, Skylor!
Lloyd: Yeah! Ur hair looks soo good!
Skylor: I've been hanging onto this for awhile and I think it's time to bring this back.
Kai: Nice. Nice. Looks really nice.
Brad: What about mine??
Kai: Wow, Skylor. It looks really goo- heh
Lloyd: Skylor! It's amazing!
Skylor: Ah yes. Thank u
Brad: wh- after all of the- I went through all the trouble- I had to talk to Nya...
Lloyd: I told you leave it alone-
Brad: Fine *leaves*
*Lloyd leaves too*
Kai: Haha
Skylor: And that's how you dye a good dye..
@mqthefandomfreak, I made another. Reqonize it?? >:]
Source; Other Parts: 112
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incorrectmqquotes · 2 years
Here's some Wii Deleted You Incorrect Quotes to lol at ( I have to post another one to put the rest of them that will be on top)
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incorrectmqquotes · 2 years
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incorrectmqquotes · 2 years
Kai: Hey Garmadon, did you know that "thot" means thoughtful person?
Garmadon: Really? Oh. Well, I am only just getting acquainted with slang terms.
Garmadon: Thank you for helping me out in the shop Misako, you're such a thot.
Misako: I'm a what?
Lloyd: *WHEEZE*
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incorrectmqquotes · 3 years
Austin: Do you take constructive criticism?
Ames: I only take cash or credit.
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incorrectmqquotes · 3 years
Henry: So what’s for dinner?
Ames, staring at the food she just burnt: Regret.
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incorrectmqquotes · 3 years
Austin: So that’s my plan.
Henry: Are you alright with constructive criticism? I don’t want to sound mean.
Austin: No, go ahead, I want to hear it.
Henry: It fucking sucks.
Austin: That’s not constructive criticism.
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incorrectmqquotes · 3 years
Henry: *holding a bottle* Is this whiskey or perfume?
Ames: *chugs entire bottle*
Ames: It’s perfume.
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incorrectmqquotes · 3 years
Eteled: I'm a reverse necromancer.
Austin: Isn't that just killing people?
Eteled: Ah, technicality.
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incorrectmqquotes · 3 years
Kai: "Hey Lloyd, are you free around 7 on Friday?"
Lloyd: "Uh yeah?"
Kai: "What about you Ruba?"
Ruba: "I'm free."
Kai: "Great! I'm not, but you two have fun on your date!"
Lloyd: "Did he just-"
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incorrectmqquotes · 3 years
Ruba: Actuarially speaking, you should have been toast when you were 10.
Lloyd: Yet, here I am.
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incorrectmqquotes · 3 years
Cole: Where’d you learn to pick a lock like that?
Ruba: My Mom. :D
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incorrectmqquotes · 3 years
Lloyd: Do you think we could ever be more than friends?
Ruba: IM SO GLAD YOU ASKED I can TOTALLY see us as dragons, hang on I drew a picture-
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incorrectmqquotes · 3 years
Ruba: So, what's Lloyd's type?
Zane: Yellow eyes, pink hair, kind, oblivious, good sense of humor.
Ruba: Sounds kinda like me...too bad we're just friends.
Zane: Did I mention oblivious?
Ruba: Yeah, why?
Zane: Okay, just making sure
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incorrectmqquotes · 3 years
Aurore: "I like your eyes."
Iida: "Well, thank you. They came with the face."
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