invaderhan · 4 years
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The thing is about Han... When she’s given a task she goes all in! Even if that task is to give her human classmate, Dib - the son of her adoptive mother’s boss - a “thoughtful” birthday present! And so, she does her research of what defines a “thoughtful” present, analyzes Dib’s interests and needs. And in a moment of brilliance she deduces the perfect thoughtful present to give to Dib for his birthday!
By this point, Dib knows about Han’s identity as an Irken fugitive. With Han making it clear that she has no intention of stealing Zim’s mission nor helping him in conquering Earth while also making it clear she has no intention in helping Dib in fighting against for fear Zim will catch on to her identity and leak it to the Tallests in one of his reports. So it caught Dib off-guard that she actually got him a present for his birthday.
Meet MJ (Mothman Junior)!
MJ was built to be Dib’s emotional support cryptid. In Han’s research she caught wind of Dib’s codename Agent Mothman and went from there. And in her study of Dib’s behavior and moods, she finds that aside from being raving mad at his classmates for not believing that Zim is an alien, he more often than not depressed. And given that his family rarely ever give him unconditional affection (something that Han has learned from her adoptive family). She decided to create a robotic plush toy in the image of a baby Mothman designed to give it life-like features including purring, aerial movement, cooing, and need to give unconditional affection in the form of cuddles! Also giving it eyes that look like Zim’s ‘cuz Han still ships Zadr like FedEx! Han also had MJ analyze Dib’s BIO-signature, so that it knows that is it’s owner.
Part of Dib wanted to take MJ apart to find out in detail of how an alien would built something from Earth technology, but when he looked into MJ’s big ruby eyes looking up at him... Dib’s poor heart wouldn’t let him.
Oh, and in case it wasn’t clear, Dib is the one who named it.
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invaderhan · 4 years
Got myself a new phone! But not before I did more doodling at work!
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Sad or about to tear up Han. Probably because she’s missing her amulet device that stores information as well as her memories.
Some battle armor for Han.
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invaderhan · 4 years
The internet on my phone went kaput this morning, so to keep my sanity at work. Instead of mindlessly watching YouTube videos as I eat during breaks, I did some doodling on my notepad after my hunger was sated.
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This is why I always carry a notepad and pen on my person.
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invaderhan · 4 years
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Just some doodles I made of Han
The first one is of what it was like for Han of her first few weeks on Earth. Due to her limited resources, making her unable to make a fully functional base and had to hideout in the sewers. Those few weeks didn’t exactly give her a good first impression of Earth considering the FILTHY human waste, the scurrying rats, as well as the occasional gator giving Han traumatic flashbacks of chomping teeth and low growls.
Han would most definitely be a gamer, one particular game she would most be drawn to is Pokémon(or some Invader Zim variation of it). And so far, Snom is her favorite.
Han wouldn’t understand earthling romance at first, but after watching some TV shows and cartoons she becomes more enlightened on the subject and becomes a shipper.
Irkens and humans age differently. And in studying earth’s human biology she knows this and in earth years she’s decades older than Jes. Which makes it all the more frustrating when Jes talks down to her like a spoiled child and calls her a brat.
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invaderhan · 4 years
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The most problematic power couple in the universe
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invaderhan · 4 years
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The Beginning of Sisterhood
Yeah, when Han was adopted into the Celle family, she thought things were looking up for her fresh start away from the Irken Empire. But of course a wrench got thrown into her plans in the form of Jes. Han’s new “big” sister who wasn’t exactly thrilled about the new member of the family.
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invaderhan · 4 years
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Jes is a single child of Mary Celle; a scientist that works alongside Professor Membrane. Since she was a little girl, she had always wanted a little sister, however when she was in the 6th grade, her parents had split up. Not long after that when she was supposed to enter Junior High, her mother sent her to Boarding School that teaches Science. Jes tried her best to excel, but kept coming up short in her science classes with barely passing grades. Frustrated, she voices her her misgivings towards herself and her mother through poetry, which also lead her having a passion for music. This added on pressure lead her to a life of being a rebel which caused no end of headaches from her teachers as well as her mother who received calls for her rebellious behavior. The moment when she was a Junior, when she decided to dropout, her teachers and principal were happy to be rid of her. When she arrived back home to her mother, Jes built herself up to finally call out her Mom for sending her away and let out all her frustration and rage. But when she arrived, she was shocked to find her mother with a mysterious little girl. Her mother - who acted like nothing was wrong - introduced her, “Jes, this is Han. Your new little sister.”
Jes is a young rebellious girl fueled by her resentment and frustrations from her mother. When she was sent to boarding school, she was still coping with her parents’ divorce, so it was easy for her to felt like she was abandoned. As she tried to excel her grades and be a scientist like her mother to please her, in her own words, “It was like a mountain hike, but the air just kept getting thinner ‘till I can no longer breathe”. Oddly enough, the silver lining was that this lead to her being a poet, then to being a musician. Punk rock is more her style ‘cuz sense it’s really good at letting her yell out her inner rage. Even when separated when her mother tried to push her towards science by sending emails to her teachers and principle and even talks about her science projects in her letters to her, this caused her to cringe whenever it’s brought up. So she cringes all the time when Han talks about her specially-made inventions. She also deliberately does acts such as vandalism(usually graffiti), loitering, and skipping class. Her teachers and principal were more than happy to bid farewell to her once she made the decision to drop-out.
Unlike most of the background characters in Invader Zim, Jes is actually quite clever. She may not be science-or-book-smart, but she is street smart! So she could tell that Han is not your everyday child even prodigy-wise. She’s not one to see something completely insane and forget it the next moment and take some bulls*** excuse! She’s also open-minded when it comes to the paranormal. She believes that ghosts and aliens exist and even watches Mysterious Mysteries in her past-time. She’s not obsessed with it like Dib is, just likes it to the point where she would be willing to spend the night at a haunted house (so long as it’s not alone). Though most of the time she can be laid-back and fun to be around, she’s not a big lover of children. (I mean, have you seen most of the kids in Skool) Another reason she wasn’t thrilled to suddenly have a little sister. True she wanted one when she was little, but once her parents divorced it was a long forgotten dream. That, and on top of that Han appears to be a prodigy in Science and Machinery and everything that her mother would want in a daughter... Let’s just say that she wasn’t thrilled.
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invaderhan · 4 years
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A quick messy something from a scene I loved in @andyyoureastarr‘s fic Time & Space! It’s one of the best fanfics I’ve ever read in my LIFE and I HIGHLY recommend it
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invaderhan · 4 years
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When you have to draw space bugs
 you draw space bugs. 
Beautiful irkens from: 
Byr, Zek & Bob @0rbis-art / Fungus, Gala & Pipa @yzomiris / Dae @idakyrie
Lex @leivyathan / Alma(Irken) @angisam / Jeni @dannithebanditqueen
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invaderhan · 4 years
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Former Invader Han, started out as an inventor for the Irken Empire. She actually trained alongside Tak who was an equally skilled inventor. But she longed to see what’s beyond Irk. Recognized for her skills at perception, gaining intel, and with Irken as well as foreign technology - she was allowed to be moved from Irk’s Science Department to train as an Invader. She was sent to a planet to invade, and as she was blending in, posing as one of the inhabitants that lived there as she gathered info, something.... Unexpected happened.
Invader Han began to feel a connection with the enemy she was supposed to conquer. And as she was getting close to them, she had learn the meaning of a term that was foreign to Han’s people - friend. The next report she made to the Tallests, she pleaded to them to spare these creatures. The Tallests, as well as the ones who overheard the call - laughed! The idea of the Irken Empire showing mercy on an Enemy Planet is not only laughable, but ludicrous. The fact that Invader Han would even suggest such a thing could mean only one thing - she is defective! No longer an Invader, Han was captured and replaced by an Invader that wasted no time in conquering her old home... Standing Trial, she was declared defective, but before she could be killed, Han manage to trigger one of her own hidden devices to cause a distraction and went into hiding. And as Irken soldiers frantically searched for her, she stealthily sneaked where they kept her gear and ship and took off!
With her former enemy planet conquered, her friends either killed or enslaved, she fled to where the Tallests would never dare follow - Where Zim resides: Earth.
When Han arrived on Earth, it was a shaky start. With no SIR unit to gather intel, she had to resort to sneaking around in an invisibility cloaking device, to watch the humans from afar, so that she could learn a way to blend in well. After a few weeks of sneaking, and pickpocketing snacks to survive, she finally managed to create the perfect disguise. Posing as a human child, she was found by a Policeman. After awhile, seeing as she had no family, she was deemed an orphan and put into foster care. “Well that was easy,” Han thought. All she had to do is get adopted into a human family and she can start a fresh new life. Sure, Zim was on this Planet, but he’s not even a real Invader. I mean, what are the chances she would even meet him?
Then she was sent to Skool... Perhaps if she avoids eye contact he won’t notice!
Unlike most Irkens, Han is more empathetic and more prone to things that her people would see as weakness. When she tried Invading a planet, she had let them get too close to her and she tried to save them, but ended with it costing her and them in the end. Because of this, she’s a lot less likely gonna try to play hero again any time soon, so she keeps to herself. After all, what can she alone do against the whole Amarda!
She knows that Zim isn’t a real invader, so she doesn’t worry about him conquering Earth, but is worried he might leak her location if he knows that she’s Irken as well, sense she knows he makes frequent reports to the Tallests.
So she just prefers to look out for herself. And to distract herself from her own troubles, she indulges in Earth’s luxuries like video games, books, comics, tv shows, and exploring the Internet. And in doing so, she has discovered fandoms and shipping... So yeah she’s a nerd.
The only time she would get involved in Zim and Dibs’ squabbles is when her own life is at stake.
She is interested in the Earth’s paranormal sense it would help her see the line of what humans would find normal and weird. Also - though she won’t admit - she does find it fascinating. Such as how the humans’ spirits live on even after their body expires without the need of a Pak.
Her skills at perception make her a more skilled infiltrator than Zim sense she knows more about how to interact with other humans based on her observations. Ironically, when she’s in the presence of other Irkens, she has a harder time keeping up the act ‘cuz she’s nervous that they would see through it, so she tries to avoid Zim entirely.
I hope you like and please comment!
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