isosa1998 2 years
I don't really get this, I mean your co-workers go and go through your stuff just because you want a closed or not so expressive person, even your own boss does it.
The worst of all is that when they already know a little about you, they take it as a mockery.
All that would have bothered me a lot, they are co-workers, not a family, I even think that not even the family has that right.
if I were the reader I would have really yelled at him for it or reported them. 馃檮馃槫馃槨馃が
Gibbs finding out you鈥檙e a writer would include:
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鈥rdinarily Gibbs wouldn鈥檛 involve himself in the personal lives of his team- like when he found out McGee was famous author Tom E. Gemcity, he just left him to it- so long as it didn鈥檛 interrupt his work then it wasn鈥檛 a problem!
鈥ut the whole team had spent weeks trying to discover something- ANYTHING about you! But as yet they鈥檇 discovered a grand total of nothing about you. You were an enigma.
鈥ventually Tim, Tony and Ziva were so frustrated that it started to effect their work, at which point Gibbs had to intervene. He couldn鈥檛 have work being effected!
鈥o he became their spy, promising them to uncover some fact about you, some secret if they鈥檇 just start working properly again! With a head slap and a promise of information from their boss the team went back to work.
鈥nd Gibbs had to become a spy. He couldn鈥檛 deny his own curiosity, even he wanted to know something about you. In comparison to you Ziva was an open book- and they didn鈥檛 really know much about her either!
鈥e looked through your bag when you went to the loo, tried his best to look at your phone too- but that didn鈥檛 go so well. But what did catch his attention was the notepad he found locked in your desk drawer as he lingered after work late one night.
鈥nside it was full of writing- a rather explicit story鈥nd as soon as Gibbs read it he was hooked- it wasn鈥檛 trashy, it was hot! It was so intensely real鈥nd it was intriguing. He couldn鈥檛 help but notice the love interest had icy blue eyes, silver hair and big, strong, talented hands, while the main character did rather resemble you.
鈥ibbs told Tony, Ziva and Tim that your big secret was that you were a writer. He didn鈥檛 tell them what he鈥檇 read, only that it had been very very good. But that was enough for the team! For Gibbs to praise it, you must be sensational!
鈥easing started as soon as you arrived and you were immediately on edge, but it quickly became apparent to you that the team hadn鈥檛 read your work- if they had the teasing would鈥檝e been far more specific, much more intense.
鈥ut then along came Gibbs, with that recognisable glint of mischief in his eyes. He whispered that he鈥檇 very much enjoyed your work鈥e wondered if there were a sequel, and if there wasn鈥檛 he wondered if you wanted some inspiration? You blushed under his steel eyes, you knew exactly what he was talking about. Oh how were you going to survive work now?
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isosa1998 3 years
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isosa1998 3 years
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long and short range attacks 7
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isosa1998 3 years
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long and short range attacks 6
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isosa1998 3 years
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long and short range attacks 5
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isosa1998 3 years
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long and short range attacks 4
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isosa1998 3 years
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long and short range attacks 3
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isosa1998 3 years
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long and short range attacks
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isosa1998 3 years
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long and short range attacks
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isosa1998 3 years
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Scarlet Witch
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Scarlet Witch
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isosa1998 3 years
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Scarlet Witch
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isosa1998 3 years
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Wanda Fly
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Wanda Fly 2
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isosa1998 3 years
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Wanda Fly
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isosa1998 3 years
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