jali-writes · 10 days
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It's back, my favorite event of the year: write an AU for any fandom using no more than 5,000 words!
Open to anyone 14 & up
It's an AU if you say it is!
Open to all fandoms & ships. Original fiction also welcome
No minimum word count or content restrictions
We'll accept works written in any language
Post any time in August!
The @ficwip5k officially opens on June 1st, but tumblr gets to sign up early! The sign up form linked from the documentation is still locked until June 1st, so make sure you use the one below.
🍍 the complete 5k documentation
🍍 sign up early
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jali-writes · 13 days
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jali-writes · 14 days
wait did marquis de sade do something problematic
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jali-writes · 16 days
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Witch Hunter Robin
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jali-writes · 17 days
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SEX AND THE CITY 4.01 • The Agony and the Ex-Tacy
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jali-writes · 18 days
To illustrate this post by @mayahawkse I would like to visualize to you the difference:
A post in 2023:
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A post in 2014:
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A zoom out of the same post:
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This is what a community looks like.
See how in 2023 almost all of the reblogs come from the OP, from their few hours/days in the tag search. Meanwhile in 2014 the % of reblogs from OP is insignificant, because most of the reblogs come from the reblogs within the fandom, within the micro-communities formed there. You didn't need to rely on tags, or search, or being featured. Because the community took care of you, made sure to pass the work between themselves and onto their blog and exposed their followers to it. It kept works alive for years.
It's not JUST the reblog/like ratio that causing this issue, it's the type of interaction people have. They're content with scrolling and liking the search engine, instead of actually having a reblogging relationship with other blogs in their community.
Anyways, if you want to see more content you like, the only true way to make it happen is to reblog it. Likes do not forward content in no way but making OP feel nice. Reblogs on the other hand make content eternal. They make it relevant, they make it exist outside of a fickle tumblr search that hardly works on the best of days.
If you want more of something, reblog it.
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jali-writes · 29 days
nobody reblogs anymore
nobody leaves comments on fics anymore
nobody compliments your cosplay, runs up to talk to you about how you made it
nobody fucking interacts anymore
it's all selfish, mindless consumption. nobody gives a fuck what work went into it. nobody wants to share, it's all gatekeeping and neglect. and yall wonder why social networks are so dogshit? why you can't find what you like, find friends, find community?
you did this to yourselves, and the solution is so easy.
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jali-writes · 1 month
AO3 Etiquette
Please don’t put 𝓢𝓹𝓮𝓬𝓲𝓪𝓵 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓼 (special characters) in your AO3 titles. Typically done by using a generator to replace the characters with nonstandard unicode characters. They may look fancy and give your title flair. You may be looking for a way to make your fic stick out.
These characters aren’t readable by screen readers.
It bypasses work skins and such so people using accessible fonts for dyslexia, etc, or just their own comfort or preference get screwed over by you using it.
Also your works won’t show up in the AO3 search engine based on keywords in the title.
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[image id: Recent works page with two fics titled “Test Fic Please Ignore”. The first fic has the title written in nonstandard unicode characters to give it the appearance of a fancy cursive font.]
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[Image id: AO3 fic search result searching for title “Test Fic Please Ignore” There is only one result: The “Test Fic Please Ignore” fic whose title was written using standard characters.]
Also as a matter of personal taste it’s just plain in bad taste. Like tagging characters that have all of 1 line of dialogue and 2 sentences mentioning them in the entire fic, no-one’s gonna arrest you for it, but it just makes people’s experience on the site worse, not better.
This is a trend that needs to stop.
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jali-writes · 2 months
everybody should read this and put it into practice for better writing.
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jali-writes · 2 months
I’m noticing an increase in new fic writers on AO3 who…uh…mayy not know how to format their fics correctly..so here is a quick and VERY important tip
Using a random fic of mine as example..
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The left example: ✅✅✅
The right example: ���❌❌
Idk how many times I’ve read a good fic summary and been so excited to read before clicking on it and being met with an ugly wall of text. When I see a huge text brick with zero full line breaks my eyes blur and I just siiiigh bc either I click out immediately or I grin and bear it…it’s insufferable!
If a new character speaks, you need a line break. If you notice a paragraph is becoming too large, go ahead and make a line break and/or maybe reconfigure the paragraph to flow better. I’m not a pro writer or even a huge fic writer but…please…ty…
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jali-writes · 2 months
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Once more for those in the back.
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jali-writes · 3 months
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Do you have too many WIPs? Do you want to clear some of them out?
It's easy to start a new WIP but not so easy to go beyond that. This is a periodic reminder that not everything needs to be finished. It's also a reminder that sometimes you can go back to an old WIP with fresh eyes and what was once impossible to write now seems easy.
Choose one of your WIPs and try these steps to see if you can clear it out.
Before you open it or reread it:
How does this work make me feel?
Why did I stop writing it?
Do I want to open this document and reread it?
Why is this work still lingering in my "to do" pile?
Delete or abandon or orphan or give away any WIPs that you don't actually want to write.
After you open it or reread it:
How does this work make me feel?
Can I identify the problem I had or the reason I was stuck or why I lost my motivation?
Do I know what needs to happen next (or later in the story)?
Will a time jump or skipping scenes help?
Can I write a disconnected scene that interests me right now?
Can I write a transition?
Can I edit what is already there and make it easier for me to move past my block?
Do I want to do any of the above, or would I rather abandon this work?
Do this for 1 WIP or for all of them or something in between. Any works that are still in progress, you can either continue working on actively or put away until your next review. Any that you don't actually want to write, you can delete or abandon or orphan or give away.
Note: If you are writing for a fandom event, contact the organizers and let them know that you won't be able to complete your work. Events usually have authors lined up who are willing to "pitch hit" and complete a work if the original creator isn't able to.
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jali-writes · 3 months
[fanfic] I Didn't Want you to Know
Series: Boku no hero Academia
Pairing: Hitoshi Shinsou x Denki Kaminari
Rated: Explicit
Summary: During a routine patrol, Denki accidentally obeys another dom's command and neglects to tell his partner, Hitoshi, about it. Hitoshi hears about it after the fact and deems a punishment necessary.
[Read it here]
This is part of a bigger story, but I wanted to post it anyway in the hopes it would motivate me to work on it more.
If you like what I do, you can buy me a kofi –> https://ko-fi.com/A80018RD
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jali-writes · 6 months
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i managed to get this uploaded to a site that isn't 8tracks so people can listen~ click the link to access the music and the link to the tracklist/art.
please enjoy ~ 🌙
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jali-writes · 8 months
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R e g i n a  L u n a
“In the days when only Chaos and the Gods breathed; With a profound sorrow, there arrived a healing light; A Goddess became the mother of a powerful dynasty; Nature herself bowed to her divine guard; And heroes were born of their children.”
(A mainly instrumental & ambient vocals story told through music for a series of Silver Millennium playlists I’m putting together to go along with a fic I’ve been sitting on for far too long.)
Puella in somnio - Yuki Kajiura (Puella Magi Madoka Magika) The death of Rhea and the creation of the Silver Crystal
Moon - Yoko Kanno (Turn A Gundam) Selene founding the Moon Kingdom
Victoria - the suite - Martin Phips, Benji Merrison, Mediaeval Baebes (Victoria) The daughter of Selene being made a Queen
Wings of your imagination - Yuki Kajiura (Tsubasa Chronicle) Fashioning an empire of beauty and love
The Crystal Chamber - James Newton Howard (Atlantis) The ambiance and mystery of the Crystal Tower where only the Queen may go
Ragnar meets the naked woman - Trevor Morris (Vikings) The sensation those outside of the Moon feel when gazing in for the first time, like you’re seeing some kind of dream
The burning bush - Stephen Schwartz (The Prince of Egypt) Earth is beginning to evolve, and they see the Silver Millennium as godlike; they know so much, they have such long lives, they are so impeccably skilled, they’ve outgrown war and stigma. They may well be gods.
Promise - Thomas Bergerson The dynasty of Queens; their compassion & kindness, and their immense, loving hearts
Tala Returns - Mark Mancina (Moana) Selenity taking the throne from her mother
Solitary moon, blue night - violin cover by Sefa Emre İlikli, originally by Kogetsu Souya (Twelve Kingdoms) Theme of Selenity and her beloved
The Children - Ramin Djawadi (Game of Thrones) The Empire’s Imperial Guardians; a birthright passed from mother to daughter
Coronation - Martin Phips, Mediaeval Baebes (Victoria) The birth of Serenity
You’ll be queen one day - Ramin Djawadi (Game of Thrones) The mother-daughter, teacher-student feelings between Queen Selenity & her daughter -all that she has left from her lover
She’s so high - Yoko Kanno (Turn A Gundam) Princess Serenity discovering Earth and dragging the Silver Millennium forward into an unexpected new direction
Ai no melody - Kokia (Origin / Giniro No Kami No Agito) Theme of Princess Serenity & Prince Endymion
Like what I do? You can buy me a kofi ☕
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jali-writes · 8 months
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WILDFIRE -a valor playlist-
“Everyone trying to shame Team Valor for being aggro midnight menaces like we don’t know what we’re about.” A playlist for kicking ass and taking gyms.
 - - First movement: Wildfire - -
Gasolina - Daddy Yankee
Bonfire - Knife Party
Burning Beast Force - Light Umbreon
The Phoenix - Fall Out Boy
Down River - M.I.A.  - - Second movement: War - -
Gift For You - Celldweller
I Come With Knives - IAMX
Throat Ripper - Basement Jaxx
Control - Halsey
Heads Will Roll - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Pokemon RBY Remix - SilphCo. - Retro Spector
The Ruler and the Killer - Kid Cudi
Industrial Terror - DJ The Fishhead
Destroy them with Lazers - Knife Party
Another One Bites The Dust - Queen
Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drum - A Perfect Circle  - - Third movement: Valor-dictorian - -
Breathe - Prodigy
Boss Mode - Knife Party
The Winner - Crystal Method
How You Like me Now? - The Heavy
I’m Legit - Nicki Minaj
Bad Reputation - Joan Jett
Army of Me - Björk
We Are The Champions - Queen
Masters of the Universe - Juno Reactor
Their World - DJ the Fishhead
Turn Down for What - Lil Jon
Move Bitch - Ludacris  - - Fourth movement: Destroy your enemies - -
Ballroom Blitz - The Sweet
B.O.B. - Outkast
LRAD - Knife Party
|||||| - ZES
Rinzler - Daft Punk
Animus Vox - The Glitch Mob
One Last Enemy - DJ the Fishhead
Trainer Red Epic Remix - DJ the Fishhead
Battle Has Ensued - Pokemon  - - Fifth movement: Domination - -
Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Lorde
Tempest - Juno Reactor
Fire Hive - Knife Party
Reign - Ramin Djawadi  - - Sixth movement: Burnout / Resurrection - -
In the Cave, In a Heartbeat - DJ the Fishhead
Playing with Fire - Juno Reactor
Balefire - Princess Addictia
The Winds of Winter - Ramin Djawadi
My other playlists:
Check out my 8 Tracks page here.
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jali-writes · 8 months
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Let’s take a (poké) walk! [August 2016] *Pokemon NO edition*
Did the latest update erase your account? Can you even connect? Is your GPS SOL? Are you living in the ‘burbs or middle of nowhere and can’t even see a goddamn pokestop on your map? ARE YOU MOTHERFUCKING SICK OF THESE MOTHERFUCKING PIDGEY?!
This playlist goes out to everyone who is pissed off about Pokemon Go getting progressively worse with every update. Get frustrated, ragequit, come back, try to make the app work, hate Niantic, bash them on Reddit/social media, and then secretly cry to yourself because all you really want is to be the very best, like no one ever was.
GG Niantic.
I’m not OK (I Promise) - My Chemical Romance
Bad Blood - Taylor Swift
Violet - Hole
Blue Monday - Orgy
Break Stuff - Limp Bizkit
Grief - Dir en grey
You’re Gonna go far, kid - Offspring
Rage (remix) - Atari Teenage Riot
Fascism - D’espairs Ray
Ring the Alarm - Beyoncé
Caught out There - Kelis
Crazy - 4 Minute
Threw it on the Ground - The Lonely Island
PLUR Police - Knife Party
Money - Pink Floyd
Power - Kanye West
Mission Impossible theme
404 - Knife Party
The Hand that Feeds - Nine Inch Nails
I’m an Asshole - Denis Leary
Loser - Beck
Cruel Summer - Ace of Base
Torn - Natalie Imbruglia
It Will Rain - Bruno Mars
I Want you Back - N*SYNC
Check out my blog for more playlists & other stuff I make/do -> FICSANDWHATALL
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