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82/100 days of productivity
It was a nice day. They finally confirmed when it's the end of the school year and what are we going to do until then, and I'm quite happy with the result (though I still have like two more months left).
About productive stuff, I did german homework and wrote a text in portuguese (which was homework as well). I have to get organised because I'm starting to get busy again.
Have a beautiful day!
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81/100 days of productivity
Today is still a quiet day, so I'll try to enjoy it.
Anyway, there are some things I would like to get done:
Read something for literature
Continue the math summary
Finish the inktober drawing
I might not have finished the math summary, but I did explain the topics to a friend.
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80/100 days of productivity
I feel wierd because so far I don't have to do anything for school, so I'm a little bit confused. However, there's always something I can do.
Practice English
Draw for the inktober
Continue with the math summary
It's not really surprising that I didn't do anything for school, but I'll count it as fair, since I didn't have to.
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79/100 days of productivity
Last of my really busy days (for now). I studied for history, I had the history test, and then I practiced a little bit of English.
Hope you had an awesome day!
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01.10.21 - 03.10.21
76/100 - 78/100 days of productivity
Sorry for being absent the whole weekend, but I was busy. Mostly what I did was study history because I have a test on Monday and there were 4 or 5 topics that I had to prepare. But apart from that, the inktober started so I was occupied inking as well.
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75/100 days of productivity
I finally finished the drawing. And I also studied a bit of history.
I'm very excited about the Space Apps Challenge that start tomorrow but I'm also kind of regretting it because now I don't have time for anything else.
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74/100 days of productivity
I'll keep it simple today because I really want to focus on the few things I'm going to do today, which are:
Studying histroy
Practicing English
Continue with a drawing
Have a great day!
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73/100 days of productivity
I realised that I have more to study than I expected for history, so I spent most of my time trying to do that. But also I continued with a drawing.
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72/100 days of productivity
Today will be a busy day because I'll have to do everything that I avoided during the break.
Study history
Read the resources for the Space Apps Challenge
Continue with a drawing assignment
I'm very happy because I got to do plenty of things (although it may not seem like it). Apart from what you see, I continued with a drawing, practiced piano and practiced English.
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25.09.21 || 26.09.21
70/100 and 71/100 days of productivity
It was the last weekend of holidays, so I tried to enjoy it as much as possible. Though I got stressed out when I discovered that a project I had for school was half wrong. Fortunately I think I could fix it on time, but I don't know yet.
In summary, what I did these days was:
Continue with the urbanism course
Check the Space Apps Challenge
Study history
Hope you had a great weekend!
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69/100 days of productivity
Well, today I'm full of ideas of what to do but I'll try to get organised.
This is what (I think) I will do:
Study math
Finish the programming ourse
Continue with the urbanism course
Practice English
Wow, finishing the programming course took me way longer than I expected, but I ended up satisfied with the result. Guess I'll have to make all the other things tomorrow.
Hope you enjoyed your day, happy weekend!
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68/100 days of productivity
Today I had to go to a school act. Fortunately it was short since it started raining and, because of covid, it was outside.
Other than that, I went to a library, continued with the programming course and almost finished a drawing.
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67/100 days of productivity
I decided to chill a bit more, and play some videogames. However, I still continued with the programming course I'm taking and revised some things for the Space Apps Challenge.
Hope you had an awesome day, take care!
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66/100 days of productivity
Today I'll try to make most of the things I have to do in the morning, in order to give myself room to modify my schedule in the afternoon.
What I should get done is:
The programming course
The urbanism course
Checking the space apps challenge
Study history
Study math
Practice English
Apart from this, I tried to find a shirt for my graduation without any success, but well. I still have two months to find something.
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65/100 days of productivity
Today I'm full of things to do once again, and I'll try my best to get organised.
Basically what I want to do is:
Continue with the programming course
Continue with the urbanism course
Study history
Study math
Design the dome
It was a really fun day. I went to the nearest library (which is not that nearby btw) but it was closed, so I took a really long walk with my brother instead. Then, apart from completing my to-do list, I drew a little.
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64/100 days of productivity
Happy Sunday to y'all!
I'll go straight to the point with today's to-do list because I want to get started asap. (This excitement shows how much in need of holidays I was)
Continue with the programming course
Continue with the urbanism course
Design a dome
Practice English
I went out to eat with my family so I had less time to do other things. However, I also continued with a drawing I'm making.
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63/100 days of productivity
I'm beyond excited, 'cause this week I have plenty of things to do (that I want to of course) and I'm going to play videogames with my friends a lot.
As for today, my plans are:
Continue with the programming course
Continue with the urbanism course
Practice English
Design a dome for a minecraft server lol
That's a lot to cover, especially considering that it's already mid-day, but I'll do my best.
Finishing my project for the programming course took longer than I expected, but it was worth it. It's not perfect but I'm still proud of the result. If you want to check it out you can see it here. Apart from that, I finished the sketch of a new drawing.
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