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One of my all-time favorite quotes that shook something deep within my heart the first time I heard it. ✍ I was sitting in class watching a documentary during my senior year of high school when I heard the quote. The statue of an angel holding a hammer and a chisel immediately appeared in my mind. I was both the statue and the sculptor, the vision and the creation. 👁 That was the first time I had the realization that our present thoughts / beliefs and behaviors / habits influence our future. What we constantly focus on with our mind and what we repeatedly do with our body determines who and what we are. It all comes down to choice. 💙 So I request this 3 step task of you while you have the time. 1. Take a moment, close your eyes, and envision the work of art that is your life. How do you want to paint your painting? How do you want the end result to look? I am talking your highlight reel bucket list of dreams. Get SUPER SPECIFIC. What is your dream job, your dream home, dream partner, dream hobbies, dream vacations, dream relations? Visualize it so clearly that you're really there in the future living it. 🧘‍♂️ Now that you see the angel in the stone, carve to set it free. 2. Start writing down that dream. This is the first step in turning it into an actionable PLAN. Every day when you wake up, read your plan. Every night when you to bed, read your plan. Keep refining it and adding to it and crystallizing the vision stronger each day in your mind. 👁 The last step is arguably the most important, especially right now as the collective consciousness continues to shift and the narrative of humanity makes a MASSIVE change for the GOOD. 3. When you're visualizing your dream life, your angel in the stone, associate the vision with positive emotions. This is difficult at first, but it is just like pretending or acting. Imagine you truly are there in your dream future and ask yourself how do I feel? Pretty awesome right? Bring in those feelings of light heartedness and goodwill. Choose love. Choose gratitude. Choose peace. Choose happiness. Choose compassion. Carry those feelings in your heart and the vision in your mind, and I tell you, you will succeed. God bless. (at Maui Hawaii) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-SaMd0D99p/?igshid=11yk6jee3i6im
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Never stop laughing (especially at yourself). #coronapump (at Baldwin Beach Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-N5wPMjflq/?igshid=9qswqd9gw7t6
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15 minute steak avo sprout salad recipe aka my main meal at least 3 to 4 nights a week because it fits my FEAND demand. Fast, easy, affordable, nutritious, delicious. 🔥 •1lb ish of steak (this is venison back strap -$12) •Avocado ($2) •Sprouts $5 •Half a sweet potato ($1) - $20 total 🤤 Dice up your potato into little cubes and either fry them in a pan with a drizzle of avocado oil or cook them in the air fryer to save time like I did. The air fryer will take 15 minutes or so to pop out perfect little potato tots. Season however you like, I usually go for salt, pepper, and dill. 🥔 While the spuds are cooking, slice up your steak and throw it on a frying pan at medium heat. I added a handful of diced leeks too for flavor and fiber, but not necessary. It should take 10 minutes or less to finish, which will be right around the same time the potatoes finish. Make sure to flip the steak a couple times to cook it evenly. 🥩 While the steak is doing its thing, toss the sprouts into a serving bowl and then top them with a sliced avocado. Once the meat potatoes are finished, dump them into the serving bowl as well and stir to finish. 🥗 I also recommend topping the final product off with a drizzle of liquid aminos and a half cup of sauerkraut to take it from a 9 to a 10. 👨‍🍳 This is an incredibly healthy and simple meal that literally takes 18 minutes to make. Don't believe me? Go watch the tutorial video on my Kempf Fitness Professional YouTube channel of me cooking this exact meal and you can follow along step by step (minute 8 to minute 26). I also included the macros on YouTube, go check it out and subscribe. Link in bio! #kfitpro #kfitprorecipes #venison #sprouts #avocados #organic #homemade #jerf #justeatrealfood (at Kula, Hawaii) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9rsSrOhuIn/?igshid=h850tofqyck5
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What gets measured gets results. Journaling has been one of the absolute biggest games changers in my life in helping me to refine the process of living my healthiest, best life. Many of the most brilliant and impactful humans to have walked the earth accredit their success to this simple yet profound practice of reflection and contemplation. ✍ I set the intention to start journaling consistently in May of 2013 as a way of documenting my life to find out what was working and what was not working in getting me to my goals of optimizing my health and performance based on the results I observed. Once I record the objective and subjective results of each experiment, I make adjustments based on my conclusions to refine the process and then I repeat. 📈 As Bruce Lee said, "Absorb what is useful, discard what is not, add what is uniquely your own." This is the scientific experiment of life, and you are both the scientist and the experiment. Research. Apply. Observe. Document. Conclude. Reflect. Refine. Repeat. Track everything. Be meticulous. Never stop tinkering and improving. That's the game. #kfitpro #journaling #journal #selfmastery #createyourlife (at Kula, Maui in Up Country) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9pl2SQBjeV/?igshid=kfs3d8rb956r
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One of my favorite Aristotle quotes. The open minded skeptic. Be open to everything, but only accept truth through direct experience. What's true for you today is true for you today, no more, no less. #kfitpro #aristotle #knowthyself #findyourownway (at Maui) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9jzg9MBbfn/?igshid=vksdnjjr5x9l
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Killer podcast episode with my big sis @nursingourselves about balancing personal growth and spirituality with the modern day life of being a nurse, wife, and a mother. Did I mention she is also a published author?? Listen to the episode to hear more about her book. 🧘‍♀️👨‍⚕️ Tierra Owen is definitely a role model for me because she walks the walk as you will hear in this episode, and she does a great job of teaching people how to prioritize self care. She incorporates traditional practices like yoga, qi gong, and meditation into her routine to bring her into a state of harmony, but she also lifts weights, works full time, runs her own business, and takes care of a family. 🦸‍♀️ Step into the shoes of this supermom and find out how she makes it all happen in this episode titled "Postpartum Health" of the podcast "Optimizing Human Potential: Mind, Body, and Soul" on any of your favorite podcast platforms. Make sure to leave a thumbs up review if you enjoy the episode so together we can reach and inspire more people to live their best lives. #kfitpro #podcast #podcastinterview (at Kula, Hawaii) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9fcQFxhs3E/?igshid=1kgzvovxv8lmi
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Super easy and tasty ground meat and vej recipe. • 1 bundle of asparagus • 1/2-1 onion • 1-2 beets • 1 handful of mushrooms • 1lb of g-fed ground beef • Coconut or avocado oil • seasoning 👨‍🍳 Dice up your vej and toss in a frying pan on medium heat with a spoonful of coconut oil. Sizzle and stir for mehh 10-15 minutes until the beets start to soften. 🍳 Add the ground beef and then any seasoning you like. Salt, pepper, rosemary, and garlic powder is a good combo. Keep stirring for another mehh 10 minutes until the beef is done and voila. 😋 Minimal dishes / clean up, 30 minutes start to finish if you're a G, and the whole thing will cost you somewhere around $15 for 2-3 dinner plates. That's $5 a plate.... versus paying $20 for this plate by driving to the restaurant, waiting to be seated and served, waiting for the food to be cooked, waiting for your bill, and then driving home. 🤷‍♂️ But I thought eating healthy was expensive and time consuming??? Break the conditioning, vote with your dollar. You're a human, the most powerful life form on this planet. You got this. #jerf #homemade #votewithyourdollar #cookyourownfood #kfitpro #kfitprorecipes (at Kula, Hawaii) https://www.instagram.com/p/B86vuvKn50S/?igshid=530mtg04rr03
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Props to @gurumack_ofsunshine for the dope quote added to this photo from my 2019 fasting and meditation retreat in December here on Maui. Can't wait to see yallz again at the next one in November if you can make it. 🤗💙🌊☀️🔥 @love_ariellerush @misha.milano @earth_warrior_kb @year_of_ryan @instaroxanne @ninamarie.omni #kfitpro #fastingretreat #mauihawaii @haleakua (at Hale Akua Garden Farm & Eco-Retreat Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/B81oJfGHCzH/?igshid=xp1phw7izg7d
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I love this quote by uncle Buddha because it puts the responsibility on the consumer. Don't so readily accept what others tell you as your truth. I was talking about this yesterday with a couple friends at the gym. I find it odd / funny how fast people are willing to regurgitate something someone else told them as a hard fact. For example, "Oh I can't do that, my (insert health care provider name) told me so because I have (insert some condition to use as an excuse to not even try)." Detach from the story. You are not your story. You are whatever you choose to be. Choose wisely. #kfitpro #buddhaquotes (at Maui) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8y0mENnJN1/?igshid=onyv4lnyq3pe
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Big ups to my client @galaxylasermaui at @fuzionfit for the ridiculous progress he's been making in his health and fitness journey. He's really added a new level of commitment lately, and it shows. Every day he continues to impress me. 💪 I could rattle off all his stats because I'm a nerd and track everything for all my clients, but all in all I'm just really proud of this guy for his dedication to being better mentally and physically every day. 🤸‍♂️ Keep showing up (even when it is hard and you feel like you're not making any change), surround yourself with people who support and encourage you, and shape your environment to reinforce positive habits. Good things will happen. Matt, you da man. #kfitpro #meow #shoutout #fuzionfit #bootysprout #proudtrainer (at FuzionFit Inc) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8wVvfpnNmr/?igshid=1qqdzssupc71y
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How can I make myself and the world a better place? Keep learning, keep growing, and do things that bring you joy. We have the power to create our reality, but first we need to become aware of this truth. Then, we can start to consciously participate in the process of co-creating individually and collectively. Heaven on Earth already exists here and now within each and every one of us. It's your choice to be aware of it and then to embody it. #kfitpro #podcast #awareness #joy #createyourlife (at Planet Earth) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8toqAsnJOk/?igshid=13un2f0dgl58q
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Green eggs and what?? This was so good and SO easy, definitely one to save for later. 🤤 •5 pastured eggs •handful of lacinato kale •handful of leeks (onions) •handful of cauliflower •broccoli sprouts •sunflower sprouts •avocado 🍳🥬🥑 You can optionally add meat as well - I added a can of sardines because they're cheap, already prepped, delicious, and incredibly healthy (has some of the highest EPA and DHA contents of all fish and has very low heavy metal levels because they only eat plants and not other fish). I also recommend adding some delicious sauerkraut for the flavor and added benefit of probiotics. Add the scramble to a plate when it is done and top with the avo and sprouts. 🥘🐟 Bless Odin for the food processor that came with my Ninja blender. I didn't even have to chop anything! I just blended it up, poured it in the pan, seasoned and stirred. 15 minutes start to finish with minimal dishes. This recipe made 3 large dinner plates worth. And I ate all 3. Check my story for a good laugh 😋 #kfitpro #kfitprorecipes #ketorecipe #eggrecipes #scrambledeggs #sardines #avocados #sauerkraut #probioticfoods #JERF #justeatrealfood (at Kula, Hawaii) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8rIQ7CnnRC/?igshid=bwt4605ct84z
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Taking my clients @dirt_lif3 and @artisantreemasters through a #kinstretch session where we focused on the hips, mainly internal rotation and capsule work. PS we've been making some upgrades to the yoga room at @fuzionfit too, come check it out! 🤸 Here we are performing some isometrics on both the long and the short tissues in 90/90 position at an intensity around 80% max effort. The goal is to create better communication with the nervous system to optimize end ranges of motion in the hip while improving the resilience of the joint and the tissues surrounding it. 💪 This may not look like they're doing much, but take note of the wincing faces halfway through. True mobility training is difficult but rewarding, and I love seeing the results first hand with my clients. If you want to improve your movement control or expand on your ranges of motion, functional range conditioning (FRC) is one of my highest recommendations. Find a practitioner to train with or holler at meh and I will help to point you in the right direction. #kfitpro #pailsandrails #functionalrangeconditioning #frcms #mobiltytraining #controlyourself (at FuzionFit Inc) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8om4kYHWZa/?igshid=1u7muaxg24jtl
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The amount of gratitude and contentment I have for my little sanctuary on Maui is more than I can put into words. I love exploring (and I think it is vitally important to growth), but boy oh boy do I sure love coming back home to my slice of heaven on earth to bask in the quiet moments up on my hill reflecting on the miracle of life while staring off into the sunset. Life is so much more enjoyable when you start collecting those little moments. Less materials, more memories. Less doing, more being. Enjoy the ride, fam. What else is there to do, anyway? #kfitpro #mauisunsent #sliceofheaven (at Kula, Hawaii) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8fJ3tXHTo8/?igshid=ifm0gqz7hjoh
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The first time I heard this quote was from a book called "Stealing Fire", by Steven Kotler and Jamie Wheal, which is a book on the ins and outs of flow state (highly recommend). 🧠 It really resonated with me because I once had the mentality I needed to "work hard" to "save the world" (LOL the naivete) until I realized that the best way I can help the world is by doing what I love and loving what I do. This quote really brought that home for me. 🔥 When you're on fire because you are passionate and excited about what you do (regardless of what it is), you naturally bring inspiration to everything you interact with. The dream becomes bigger than you. It lights you up and, in turn, lights others up. You become fully immersed in your practice / craft / skill / trade / hobby and nothing else matters in that eternally present moment. No judgements, no comparisons, no expectations. Just being here now. 🌊 Find the things, the people, and the places that you love. Surround yourself with other heart-driven souls that are doing the things that light you up on the inside. Study those who are doing what you want to do at higher levels. Immerse yourself in your passion. Cut out all distractions. Who cares what it looks like. That's the beauty of individuality. Everyone's story will be different. Are you doing what you love? Do you love what you do? Keep doing that, no matter what. Never give up and the rest will work itself out. #kfitpro #lovewhatyoudodowhatyoulove #flowstate (at Maui County, Hawaii) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8cF2oSn-5C/?igshid=1jxom043xb44w
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Kinstretch certification in San Jose in the books. Just need to coach and record a full class to submit, and then I will be officially registered to teach it. I love learning new things and expanding my toolkit, and the functional range system has by far the most useful and applicable certifications I've received (and this is my 6th I think?) - all trainer friends, highly recommend. Worth the investment 10 times over, literally. 🤸‍♂️ Kinstretch is an applicable combination of the methods and principles taught to functional range conditioning mobility specialists (FRCms). It is most commonly used in a group setting of multiple clients with the main goal being to help them optimize their human movement by improving end ranges of motion, motor control, and resilience of tissues / joints (and other cool stuff). Basically it's a class designed to help make your shit work nice. 🤸‍♂️ Kinstretch is an incredibly effective tool to help make you more bulletproof, but it requires certain prerequisites to ensure correct / safe execution. Make sure you find a functional range conditioning mobility specialist like myself to guide you on your movement journey cuz we all climbin and together we rise, fam! ✊ Shout out to the mutant skwad @deweynielsen and @hunterfitness for the bang up job, good to see you fellas again and hopefully next time it will be in Maui lolz. To @drandreospina the mastermind behind it all - even though I didn't get to see you in person, seeing your empty facial expression on every slide had me and the whole room dying! To @mindpumpmedia for hosting us in your space. To @eyezaak I'm glad we got to do it together - @jerfbros tankproof coffee for the win. And fist bump to @beardthebestyoucanbe it was great to meet you in person brother, next time we unite my beard might be as long as yours 🤣🤣🙏 #frcms #doanything #controlyourself #movewell #moveoften #kinstretch #functionalrangesystems #functionalrangeconditioning @kinstretch @functionalrangeconditioning (at Mind Pump) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Xk5xhH3RJ/?igshid=1qzqtyrdksgpz
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Jerfy DIY toothpaste recipe that I promised my retreat peeps (this one is for you @earth_warrior_kb and @lilfoot_mack lolz). Save money, minimize plastic waste, be a boss. 🦷 Get a glass jar to hold your toothpaste. Take a large dollop of coconut oil (this is about a cup worth), and LIGHTLY warm it in a pan until it is liquid. 🔥 Pour the oil into your glass jar. Add about 1 teaspoon of Bob's baking soda (specifically that brand - don't buy the cheap stuff 💪🔨). Then add about 25 drops of peppermint essential oil (again, buy a high quality brand). 💧 Stir and let it sit. If it is warm where you live, put it in the fridge for a bit to help it solidify. Stir again when it is semi solid but still soft like the first picture here (toothpaste consistency). 👌 Boom. That's it. Play with the coconut oil to baking soda and peppermint oil ratio until you get it the way you want. I have heard you can also add a pinch of xylitol for a flavor bonus and the granular consistency will also increase the abrasive scrubbiness of the paste to encourage better cleaning action. I've never tested that though, I enjoy it as it is in this recipe. #kfitpro #kfitprorecipes #doityourself #diytoothpaste #coconutoil #bakingsoda #peppermintoil #jerf (at Kula, Maui in Up Country) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6dxMRrHati/?igshid=1g9suw5kdl819
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