lavousatrav · 1 month
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2018 all rights reserved ©lvstrv ©lavousatrav
#sooc #fujifilmxseries #fujifilmxs10 #photography #TokyoPhotography #TokyoPhoto #TokyoCityscape #TokyoLife #TokyoStreetPhotography #TokyoNights #TokyoViews #TokyoUrban #ShibuyaPhotography #ShinjukuPhotography #TokyoTravel #TokyoArchitecture #TokyoSkyline #TokyoLandmarks #TokyoSunset #TokyoStreetLife #HarajukuPhotography #AsakusaPhotography #GinzaPhotography #TokyoNeon
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lavousatrav · 2 months
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39,8941206, 3,0783311
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©lvstrv ©lavousatrav,
In the room's soft glow, two shadows entwine,
Silhouetted mystery in the dim light's design.
A dance of whispers, their secrets unfold,
Creating a point of light in shadows' stronghold.
Two figures cloaked, in the deepest of night,
A cosmic ballet, an enigmatic sight.
Their silhouettes paint tales on the walls,
A canvas of intrigue, where darkness enthralls.
In the dance of shadows, a point of light gleams,
An intimate nexus, where their essence beams.
Embraced by darkness, yet radiant and bright,
Two mysterious souls, in the silent night..
#MysteriousShadows #SilhouetteDance #RoomOfIntrigue #EnigmaticSerenade #CosmicBallet #Shadowplay #DarknessEmbrace #RadiantMystery #NighttimeWhispers #SilhouetteArt #IntimateNexus #RoomOfSecrets #EnvelopedByDarkness #IntriguingSilhouettes #PointOfLight #NocturnalElegance #MysticalEncounter #ShadowedTales #CosmicGleam #SilentNightMagic #sakamoto
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lavousatrav · 2 months
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39,8528498, 3,1238984
2023 All rights reserved ©lvstrv ©lavousatrav
"En el cruce de caminos entre pasado y presente, esta antigua cruz de piedra se erige como testigo silencioso de un tiempo donde los viajeros buscaban protección antes de aventurarse más allá de los límites de la ciudad. Tallada en granito, el monumento se alza majestuoso contra el cielo, recordándonos la reverencia y la encomienda de aquellos que alguna vez buscaron amparo bajo su sombra antes de emprender sus viajes hacia lo desconocido. En cada surco de su superficie de piedra, se guarda la historia de plegarias susurradas y esperanzas tejidas en el hilo del viento que lleva consigo los anhelos de los viajeros de antaño."
#photography #photooftheday #picoftheday #visuals #capture #snapshot #composition #exposure #focus #artphotography #creativecapture #photogram #photographyislife
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lavousatrav · 2 months
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39,8117572, 3,0940870
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©lvstrv ©lavousatrav
In the heart of industry, where metal meets concrete,
power plant structures rise, a symphony complete.
Abstract moments unfold in machinery's dance,
details etched in steel, a visual romance.
Rivets and bolts, the language they speak,
a fusion of strength, where resilience peaks.
Concrete pillars echo with the hum of might,
industrial poetry, written in steel's light.
Gears interlock, a dance in mechanical grace,
each detail a story, etched on the industrial space.
Abstract beauty thrives in the hum of the machine,
a portrait of power, bold and serene..
##PowerPlantVerse #MetalAndConcrete #IndustrialSymphony #MachineryDetails #AbstractMoments #StructuralBeauty #IndustrialPoetry #ConcreteJungle #SteelSerenade #MachineDance #IndustrialAesthetics #EngineeringMarvels #MetallicRhythms #ConcreteElegance #VisualRomance #PowerfulDetails #SteelCanvas #AbstractIndustrial #MechanicalGrace #IndustrialSpace #vangelis #seeyoulater
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lavousatrav · 2 months
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39,8117709, 3,0913854
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©lvstrv ©lavousatrav
Entre engranajes silentes, susurra el eco del poder,
una central eléctrica, estructura que guarda su deber.
En salas abandonadas, sombras danzan sin cesar,
instantes abstractos, detalles de una era industrial.
Máquinas en desuso, testigos del tiempo impío,
ruedas dentadas que olvidaron su alarde mecánico.
El óxido acaricia hierros que antes eran vida,
un ballet desvanecido, en la coreografía perdida.
El concreto respira historias, cables como arterias,
estructuras esqueléticas de una época que se retira.
En el silencio industrial, el pasado reverbera,
un poema de ingeniería, en la quietud que espera.
#IAVerse #IndustrialPoetry #AbandonedIndustryArt #ElectricCentral #CreativePhotography #PowerfulDetails #TechPoems #UrbanDecayCapture #ArtOfAbandonment #MachinerySymphony #DigitalImagery #EphemeralStructures #TechInArtistry #RusticWonders #EngineeredElegance #CreativeMindsAtWork #InnovationInFrames #IndustrialAesthetics #MechanicalMarvels #DetailedPower #vangelis
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lavousatrav · 2 months
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39,9021396, 3,0815819
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©lvstrv ©lavousatrav
En la danza del tiempo, veo sus pasos marcados en risas infantiles, en descubrimientos de mundos diminutos. Los ojos curiosos que una vez exploraron con asombro ahora son el reflejo de recuerdos que bailan en la memoria.
La niñez, ese rincón de maravillas, donde cada descubrimiento era un tesoro compartido. El sonido de pequeños pasos, la melodía de risas puras, se desvanecen lentamente en la partitura del tiempo.
Mis manos sostuvieron bicicletas con ruedas temblorosas, guiaron dedos diminutos en las páginas de historias por descubrir. Ahora, contemplo con nostalgia el viaje que iniciaron, hacia horizontes propios, mientras el reloj del tiempo sigue su marcha inexorable.
En el eco de risas lejanas, en el rincón de juguetes olvidados, encuentro la huella imborrable de la niñez que fue. En el paso del tiempo, somos testigos y guardianes de esos tesoros efímeros, marcados por la gracia de descubrir y el regalo de verlos volar.
#NiñezEterna #ProsaTemporal #AñosQueVuelan #TiempoPoético #DescubrimientosInocentes #IAenVersos #PasoDelTiempo #ReflejosDelPasado #GuardianesDeHistorias #CanciónDeMemorias #InfanciaPersistente #RitmoDeVida #VersosDeAyer #ChildhoodMagic #IAPoetry #TimePassesBy #InnocentMoments #PoeticAI #EphemeralJoys #MemoriesInMotion #WondersOfYouth #AISentiments #TimelessVerses #YouthfulEchoes #PassageOfTime #AIChildhood #PoeticAlgorithm #ChroniclesOfGrowth #FleetingMoments #TimeUnraveled
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lavousatrav · 2 months
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39,8931477, 3,0785714
2023 All rights reserved ©lvstrv ©lavousatrav
En la quietud de la noche, la soledad murmura,
un eco de anhelos, la añoranza perdura.
Se extrañan los abrazos, el tacto que conforta,
la cercanía perdida, en la distancia se reporta.
La piel añora caricias, como hojas al viento,
en la danza del vacío, se busca el aliento.
Soledad que abraza sombras, suspira en silencio,
por el roce ausente, un dulce sentimiento.
En la añoranza del contacto, se escribe la melodía,
una danza interrumpida, pero en la memoria persistía.
El anhelo palpita, como estrellas en la lejanía,
esperando el reencuentro, en la aurora del nuevo día..
#BeachVerse #PoetryCapture #SolitudeSerenity #PhotographyByTheSea #OceanRhymes #CoastalSolitude #BeachPoetry #LonelyShoresLens #SecludedScenes #WavesOfEmotion #SandsOfSolitude #PhotographersParadise #PoeticBeachViews #CapturingSolitude #SeashoreMoments #PhotographyAndPoetry #QuietBeachMoments #SolitaryFrames #BeachPoet #LensAndLoneliness
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lavousatrav · 2 months
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39,8547645, 3,1205591
2023 all rights reserved ©lvstrv ©lavousatrav
#AntenasUrbanas #CieloNocturno #PaisajeGélido #SoledadSerenidad #AbstracciónNocturna #UrbanidadVertical #OscuridadEstelar #AislamientoInvernal #FotografíaSolitaria #AntenasAlCielo #NocheHelada #PaisajesGrisáceos #ReflejosEstelares #AbstracciónInvernal #SiluetasSolitarias #CieloEstrellado #ExplorandoFrío #PerspectivasUrbanas #PaisajesAusteros #DetallesNocturnos
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lavousatrav · 2 months
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39,8549380, 3,1208672
2023 all rights reserved ©lvstrv ©lavousatrav
#MonocromoMágico #PaisajesSinTiempo #ArteAbstracto #ExplorandoSombras #PerspectivasEnBlancoYNegro #EscenasAtemporales #CapturandoHistorias #MundoEnGris #RinconesAbstractos #VistasSinColor #FotografíaArtística #ViajeEnBlancoYNegro #AbstracciónVisual #SutilezaMonocromática #LucesYSombras #DetallesEnGris #InstantesIntemporales #PaisajesAbstractos #RealidadDifuminada #EleganciaMonocromática #caminandoenelpasado
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lavousatrav · 2 months
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39,8528498, 3,1238984
2023 All rights reserved ©lvstrv ©lavousatrav
"En el cruce de caminos entre pasado y presente, esta antigua cruz de piedra se erige como testigo silencioso de un tiempo donde los viajeros buscaban protección antes de aventurarse más allá de los límites de la ciudad. Tallada en granito, el monumento se alza majestuoso contra el cielo, recordándonos la reverencia y la encomienda de aquellos que alguna vez buscaron amparo bajo su sombra antes de emprender sus viajes hacia lo desconocido. En cada surco de su superficie de piedra, se guarda la historia de plegarias susurradas y esperanzas tejidas en el hilo del viento que lleva consigo los anhelos de los viajeros de antaño."
#photography #photooftheday #picoftheday #visuals #capture #snapshot #composition #exposure #focus #artphotography #creativecapture #photogram #photographyislife
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lavousatrav · 7 months
The Alchemy of Art: Embracing Spontaneity and Randomness in Creative Expression, The creation of Voyager by Je+suis
Artistic creation, at its core, is a form of alchemy—a magical transformation of ideas and emotions into tangible expressions that resonate with the human spirit. Within the vast spectrum of artistic processes, a unique and compelling approach emerges when spontaneity and randomness become the guiding forces. This method of creation is a dance with chaos, where the artist surrenders to the unpredictable currents of inspiration, weaving beauty from the threads of chance.
Spontaneous artistic creation is an act of liberation, a departure from the meticulous planning and deliberate execution that often characterize traditional approaches. It is an embrace of the unexpected, an invitation for the subconscious to take the reins. In this realm, artists relinquish control and allow the creative impulse to flow organically, like a river seeking its own course.
At the heart of spontaneous creation is improvisation—a dynamic dialogue between the artist and the medium. Whether it be on a canvas, in a musical composition, or within the lines of a poem, the artist engages in a fluid, unscripted conversation with the materials at hand. The brushstroke, the musical note, or the word is not preordained but emerges spontaneously, guided by the intuition of the creator.
Randomness becomes the accomplice in this artistic journey. Chance operations, such as tossing dice or drawing from a deck of cards, introduce an element of unpredictability. This interplay with randomness injects an element of surprise and serendipity into the creative process, often leading to novel ideas and unexpected beauty.
One of the most celebrated examples of embracing randomness in art is found in the works of the surrealist movement. Artists like Salvador Dalí and Max Ernst employed techniques such as automatic drawing and frottage, allowing the subconscious mind to guide the creation of images. The resulting artworks became portals to the dreamlike and the surreal, tapping into the depths of the human psyche.
In music, the concept of aleatory or chance music emerged in the mid-20th century. Composers like John Cage explored the use of random elements, such as the I Ching, to determine aspects of a musical composition. The outcome is a composition that unfolds with an element of unpredictability, creating an immersive experience for both the performer and the audience.
The beauty of spontaneous and random artistic creation lies in its ability to capture the raw essence of the moment. It transcends the confines of preconceived notions and societal expectations, offering a glimpse into the pure, unfiltered expression of the artist's soul. It is a celebration of imperfection, an acknowledgment that beauty can arise from the unplanned and the unforeseen.
In a world often bound by order and structure, the embrace of spontaneity and randomness in artistic creation serves as a reminder of the untamed, chaotic beauty that exists both within the artist and the world they seek to capture. It is an ode to the unpredictable nature of the creative process—a testament to the alchemy that occurs when art and chance converge in a dance of sublime creation.
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lavousatrav · 1 year
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Je+suis · URANUS EP
Available on:
Bandcamp: https://lvstrv.bandcamp.com/track/uranus-ep
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/lvstrv/jesuis-uranus-ep-2023
"Voyager 2 spacecraft flew closely past distant Uranus, the seventh planet from the Sun, in January 1986. At its closest, the spacecraft came within 81,500 kilometers (50,600 miles) of Uranus's cloudtops on Jan. 24, 1986. Voyager 2 radioed thousands of images and voluminous amounts of other scientific data on the planet, its moons, rings, atmosphere, interior and the magnetic environment surrounding Uranus. Since launch on Aug. 20, 1977, Voyager 2's itinerary has taken the spacecraft to Jupiter in July 1979, Saturn in August 1981, and then Uranus. Voyager 2's next encounter was with Neptune in August 1989. Both Voyager 2 and its twin, Voyager 1, will eventually leave our solar system and enter interstellar space. Voyager 2's images of the five largest moons around Uranus revealed complex surfaces indicative of varying geologic pasts. The cameras also detected 11 previously unseen moons. Several instruments studied the ring system, uncovering the fine detail of the previously known rings and two newly detected rings. Voyager data showed that the planet's rate of rotation is 17 hours, 14 minutes. The spacecraft also found a Uranian magnetic field that is both large and unusual. In addition, the temperature of the equatorial region, which receives less sunlight over a Uranian year, is nevertheless about the same as that at the poles". Source: JPL/NASA Je+suis (March 2023)  
released March 25, 2023  lvstrv / lavousatrav
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lavousatrav · 1 year
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35.668002,139.744423 2018 • All rights reserved ©lvstrv ©lavousatrav (en Tokyo, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp-ml2ojV2s/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lavousatrav · 1 year
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39.851824,3.122072 2023 • All rights reserved ©lvstrv ©lavousatrav (en Mallorca, Islas Baleares, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp9nFRmjD7E/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lavousatrav · 1 year
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39.850777,3.123261 2023 • All rights reserved ©lvstrv ©lavousatrav (en Mallorca, Islas Baleares, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp66ZPpjEqG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lavousatrav · 1 year
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In studio. 2023 • All rights reserved ©lvstrv ©lavousatrav (en Mallorca, Islas Baleares, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp51TdeD1gA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lavousatrav · 1 year
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39.856811,3.119562 2023 • All rights reserved ©lvstrv ©lavousatrav (en Mallorca, Islas Baleares, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp1xVksjTI0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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