Happy New Year!
It’s the first day of the New Year and everyone has thought about, written down, or spoken about the things that will change this year. It ain’t no telling if any of the things they have thought of will truly take place this year, but as for me I am setting some goals. I want to accomplish a lot and because I have walked in the same shoes of the people who have shared their “New Year New Me”…
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Be Fearless & Activate
Be Fearless & Activate
Today I attended the last Activate conference hosted by the great Lucinda Cross-Otiti. I want to thank you Lucinda for this beautiful experience with all of these beautiful people. I have so much to tell my team when I get back to Florida. I’ve been talking about it since August and I’ve taken so much from this experience. I can hear Gary now, “be fearless and activate!” He might’ve joked about…
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Me Time, Crazy Right?
Me Time, Crazy Right?
I work entirely too much. True introvert, I feel lost in public environments. It’s hard to converse with strangers unless it’s initiated by them. Crazy right? Wait don’t answer that question.
Today one of my employees had to strongly convince me to go do something I wanted to do. The idea was already planted but I just didn’t want to risk being tired the next morning. I also worried about leaving…
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What Now?
I have asked myself this question many times in the past couple of months. What now? I ask this question to identify my next turn in this journey we call life. When you get to the point where you can’t see your future clearly you lose a bit of consciousness.  The struggle is real and full of anxiety and worry and it begins to take up residence in your head. When I can’t get past my own self, I…
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Activate Conference, Miami, FL I had the awesome pleasure of meeting the one and only Lucinda Cross this past weekend in Michigan. She motivated me and a group of fearless women on how to activate our lives to be successful. I was beyond excited to find out that she was hosting her very own conference next month in Miami, FL in which I will be attending. You don't want to miss this opportunity to be in the room when she unleashes the Grand Finale of Activate Conference. Come join us September 15-17th as we celebrate her! Purchase your tickets asap! #Activate #ActivateConference2017 #lucindacross #GrandFinale
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There Is Power In You
There Is Power In You
Good Morning beautiful people! 
How many of you know God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all things you can ask or think according to the power that works in you? 
What type of power do you have working in you today? Is it the Spirit of the living God or the spirit of defeat? I know our God is more powerful and bigger than anything we encounter. No matter what it is, nothing can…
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Going Deeper With God
Going Deeper With God
Have you ever had a strong desire to get closer to God?   I’ve been in a season of desperation wanting more and more of God. I’ve come to the conclusion that I can’t do anything without Him. He is the air breathe, the creator of all things I see, my provider, my healer, my way maker, my joy, my everything.   Jesus said in John 4:13 But whosoever drink of the water that I shall give him…
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Family Getaway...
Family Getaway…
This past weekend I took some time off to recharge as I celebrated my birthday. There was so many other things I could have planned to do with my time, but I chose to spend it with my family. We had a lot of fun and spent some quality time in each others space.
Spending the entire weekend in the same space as my family is very different from being in the same house in different rooms. Usually…
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Have you every asked someone to pray for you? I have several times in my life. What happens after you share your prayer request? At some point in your life you have experienced this before, you’re going through a season or know someone who is and you reach out for prayer. Lately I have questioned if people really intercede when we request prayer. It may or may not matter to you, but I would like…
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Life can be a whirlwind of ups and downs. Situations get difficult, people disappoint you, or you let yourself down. A lot of our reactions to situations are based on our ability to manage our emotions. Don’t allow frustrations to turn into four hour washes, where you’ve refused to move past the situation. Now you’re stuck replaying the incident over and over again in your head and you won’t move…
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Do You Have The Answers?
Do You Have The Answers?
You ever get to a point where you don’t feel fulfilled in life? It’s like your actions are taken for granted and you no longer feel valued as a person. The very thought of getting up  and moving forward becomes the chore you no longer want to participate in. Why do we get to this point in life?
I imagine a person gets bored with the repetitious acts of trying to save the world over and over…
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If you haven't had an opportunity to review Lesson Blessings latest post "Why Do We Go Back?" Go check it out and let me know what you think. After you're done leave a comment and share it with a friend. www.lessonblessings.com
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Take a moment and review Lesson Blessings latest post “Why Do We Go Back?” Comment, like and share. You never know who needs to hear this lesson. #LessonBlessings #BeBlessed #DontGoBack #MovingForward www.lessonblessings.com
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Why Do We Go Back?
Why Do We Go Back?
I don’t dream very often except when i’m exhausted. So when I found myself dreaming the other night about someone I dated some years ago, it was surprising.  In this dream he was jumping out of a plane skydiving. I reacted in frustration because he did the one thing I have yet to do because of my fear. I mean I know I am going to do it one day, I just haven’t yet. What’s even crazier is that…
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