letslearnvocab · 2 years
Every cart is abandoned. No peddlers in sight.
peddler (n) - vendedor/a ambulante
especially in the past, a person who travelled to different places to sell small goods, usually by going from house to house
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letslearnvocab · 2 years
Are you a friend or are you a foe?
foe (n) - enemigo/a
an enemy
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letslearnvocab · 2 years
Roman was backstage, having just reinterpreted the “to be or not to be” monologue as slapstick comedy, which was equal parts hilarious and bizarre.
slapstick (n) - payasadas, bufonadas
a type of humorous acting in which the actors behave in a silly way, such as by throwing things, falling over, etc.
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letslearnvocab · 2 years
We have done the same things for five hundred years and that do we have to show for it but overpopulation, squalor, and starvation within the outer walls?
squalor (n) - miseria
the state of being extremely dirty and unpleasant, especially as a result of poverty or neglect
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letslearnvocab · 2 years
"You call her a shrew all the time. Also a harpy. Also a killjoy. Also your dour jailer. Also a harridan. Also a spoilsport, wet blanket, sourpuss, nemesis of joy, enemy of lightheartedness." "Well, I don't mean ALL the things I say, you know that. Besides, she thinks my bon mots are funny."
shrew (n) - arpía, bruja
an old word for an unpleasant woman with a violent temper and sharp tongue
harpy (n) - arpía
in Greek mythology, a creature with the head of a woman and the body of a bird
a shrewish woman
killjoy (n) - aguafiestas
a person who does not like other people enjoying themselves
dour (adj) - severo, terco, hosco, duro
very serious, and not smiling or friendly
harridan (n) - bruja, vieja gruñona
an unpleasant woman, especially an older one, who is often angry and often tells other people what to do
spoilsport (n) - aguafiestas
a person who stops other people from enjoying themselves
sourpuss (n) - amargado
someone who always looks unhappy and annoyed
lightheartedness (n) - alegría
the state of being lighthearted, joyous, cheerful, without a care.
bon mot (n) - burla, broma, comentario burlón
an intelligent and funny remark
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letslearnvocab · 2 years
He never chalked it up to me being Spanish or a woman. Both unjustified stereotypes when it came to being notoriously unpunctual.
chalk something up to something (phrasal verb) - atribuir algo a algo/alguien
to consider something as being caused by something else
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letslearnvocab · 2 years
With a barrage of memories from last night rolling like a mortifying flip book through my head, I jog up the wide stairway to the second floor
a barrage of something - un aluvión de algo, una oleada de algo
a great number of complaints, criticisms, or questions suddenly directed at someone
flip book (n) - folioscopio, filoscopio
a series of illustrations of an animated scene bound together in sequence so that an illusion of movement can be imparted by flipping them rapidly.
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letslearnvocab · 2 years
Don’t want to be chewed up by despair so unremitting the only conceivable response is to write it. But I am. I write this because I need both life vest and anchor, because I need both to scream and to arm myself in the dark.
despair (n) - desesperación
a feeling of having no hope
unremitting (adj) - incesante, incansable
never stopping, becoming weaker, or failing
life vest (n) - chaleco salvavidas
a sleeveless jacket filled with material that will float, for keeping a person afloat; life jacket
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letslearnvocab · 2 years
I put Dahlia in her playpen in my office while I checked my email and wrapped up the assignments I could before submitting them.
playpen (n) - parque, corralito
a small portable enclosure in which a baby or small child can play safely
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letslearnvocab · 2 years
But this isn’t some quixotic personal project that pertains to me and no one else. Depression affects everyone on the planet, directly or indirectly, in every possible sphere. Its very ubiquity robs it of sexiness but not urgency.
quixotic (adj) - quijotesco/a
having or showing ideas that are different and unusual but not practical or likely to succeed
pertain to something (phrasal verb) - concernir en algo
to be connected with a particular subject, event, or situation
ubiquity (n) - ubicuidad
the fact that something or someone seems to be everywhere:
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letslearnvocab · 2 years
How do you talk about trying to die? Haltingly, urgently: in messages and calls to friends. Abashedly: you stand in the middle of a hospital hallway on a parent’s cell phone as your grandfather bellows, “No more stupid tricks!”
haltingly (adv) - titubeando, con voz entrecortada
in a nervous way, stopping often while you are saying or doing something
abashed (adj) - avergonzado
bellow (v) - vocifera, grita, brama
to shout something in a loud voice
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letslearnvocab · 2 years
As quietly as I can, I slip out of the bottom bunk and tiptoe across the freezing floor to the stairs.
bunk (n) - litera
one of two beds attached together, one on top of the other
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letslearnvocab · 2 years
I used to imagine he was a roadie for some aging eighties rock band, or an adventurer who led rich tourists to their doom out in the bush. The reality—he’s a Portland locksmith—is less exciting, but his jangle of turquoise bracelets and beaded necklaces at least lets me pretend.
roadie (n) - roadie
a person employed by a touring band of musicians to set up and maintain equipment
doom (n) - muerte, perdición
death, destruction, or any very bad situation that cannot be avoided
locksmith (n) - cerrajero
a person who makes and mends locks
jangle (v) - tintineo
a ringing metallic sound
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letslearnvocab · 2 years
By day, tourists frequent the temple while noisy wild quaker parakeets originally from Argentina shriek in the tops of the surrounding chestnut trees
quaker parakeet (n) - cotorra argentina, cotorra de pecho gris
a species of parrot
chestnut (n) - castaño
a type of tree that produces large, sweet nuts that can be eaten
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letslearnvocab · 2 years
Something warm and gooey spread in her chest as she walked across her bedroom, but she stopped short when she heard a noise downstairs. A clink, like coffeepot against mug. Noah was still there.
Ducking into the bathroom, Alexis took stock of her morning face. Eyes puffy from sleep. Cheeks chapped from crying.
gooey (adj) - empalagoso
mawkishly sentimental (mawkishly = empalagoso)
clink (n) - tintineo
a short ringing sound like pieces of glass or metal knocking lightly together
coffeepot (n) - cafetera
a container with a handle and shaped opening, for making and serving coffee in
chapped (adj) - agrietado/a
(of skin) dry and cracked
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letslearnvocab · 2 years
Alexis sat up and lifted the afghan from her legs.
afghan (n) - manta afgana (un tipo de manta)
a woollen blanket or shawl, typically one knitted or crocheted in strips or squares.
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letslearnvocab · 2 years
The cat yowled and dug his claws into Noah's chest.
yowl (v) - aullar, dar un alarido
to make a long, high, unhappy cry, usually when hurt or fighting
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