mostly-monotonous · 5 months
additions lol:
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im sure weve all heard abt the theory of gojo loosing an eye by now, right?
well this is a collection of all the pictures i could find that allude in some way to gojo mb loosing an eye in the future. :)
if im missing any moments lmk and ill add them.
therell be a part 2 bc i can only upload 30 images at once.
(ive separated anime and manga images, manga section will contain spoilers for anime-watchers.)
some of these are definitely reaching but i wanted to collect ALL possible instances of foreshadowing.😭
this will include photos of:
gojo w one/both eyes covered (by bandages, blindfold, hair or hands)
gojo w blood around or on 1 eye
intro stuff or official art where 1 eye is artistically covered somehow
prison realm stuff
some other imagery linking to gojo + one eye
some imagery that is j very eye-y + gojo-y
from anime:
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from manga: !!!! SPOILERS AHEAD !!!!
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mostly-monotonous · 5 months
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hints like this have been done before for other characters:
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^this one may be a reference to how sukuna calls gojo a "nameless fish" or smth before their fight. showing that the anime intros can have hints for stuff that happens much later in the manga?
heheh ik lots of these are big reaches. i just wanted to collate them all for future refrence just in case :)
if u spot any mistakes or things ive missed then feel free to hmu.
im sure weve all heard abt the theory of gojo loosing an eye by now, right?
well this is a collection of all the pictures i could find that allude in some way to gojo mb loosing an eye in the future. :)
if im missing any moments lmk and ill add them.
therell be a part 2 bc i can only upload 30 images at once.
(ive separated anime and manga images, manga section will contain spoilers for anime-watchers.)
some of these are definitely reaching but i wanted to collect ALL possible instances of foreshadowing.😭
this will include photos of:
gojo w one/both eyes covered (by bandages, blindfold, hair or hands)
gojo w blood around or on 1 eye
intro stuff or official art where 1 eye is artistically covered somehow
prison realm stuff
some other imagery linking to gojo + one eye
some imagery that is j very eye-y + gojo-y
from anime:
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from manga: !!!! SPOILERS AHEAD !!!!
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6 notes · View notes
mostly-monotonous · 5 months
im sure weve all heard abt the theory of gojo loosing an eye by now, right?
well this is a collection of all the pictures i could find that allude in some way to gojo mb loosing an eye in the future. :)
if im missing any moments lmk and ill add them.
therell be a part 2 bc i can only upload 30 images at once.
(ive separated anime and manga images, manga section will contain spoilers for anime-watchers.)
some of these are definitely reaching but i wanted to collect ALL possible instances of foreshadowing.😭
this will include photos of:
gojo w one/both eyes covered (by bandages, blindfold, hair or hands)
gojo w blood around or on 1 eye
gojo when 1 of his eyes seem darker/duller/murkier?
intro stuff or official art where 1 eye is artistically covered somehow
prison realm stuff
some other imagery linking to gojo + one eye
some imagery that is j very eye-y + gojo-y + ominous
from anime:
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from manga: !!!! SPOILERS AHEAD !!!!
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mostly-monotonous · 2 years
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mostly-monotonous · 2 years
geto has been a special grade jujustu sorcerer, a special grade curse user AND a special grade curse… all he needs now is to become a special grade cursed object and he’s got the whole set.
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mostly-monotonous · 2 years
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SO!! we all know about this scene, right?? gojo steps on the ants that yaga and gakuganji are watching but they don’t die because of his infinity.
so here’s a few things that i think this could symbolise/represent:
1) gojos power places him above everyone else (including yaga and gakuganji to a degree, despite their authority. tho gojo couldn’t get rid of them so easily - they’re kinda protected bc of their position). the rest of humanity is as good as ants to him and he could easily crush them if he wanted to/if he was careless. this could also be an allusion to the shibuya arc. he chooses to avoid using his domain expansion or else he would ‘crush’ all of the people there. (literally speaking if we’re talking abt how he could potentially have crushed the ppl between his domain’s boarders and the veil like kenjaku said). also how he refused to kill the civilians by trapping them in his domain for too long, even though it would have won the fight for him. this all links to how he has more than enough power to kill everyone, but chooses not to use that power. like a god. he shows restraint. but if he wanted to he could snap at anytime and kill everyone. or if he was even a little careless with his powers, lots of people could die. just like how a person could kill a lot of ants if they wanted to or if they didn’t pay enough attention when walking around.
2) yaga and gakuganji are helpless to watch him. as shown by how they’re just watching the ants from their little perch. they have to trust that gojo will use his infinity to protect the ants (/people) because if he doesn’t, they’ll only be able to watch in shock as thousands of them are killed. if he decided on a whim to murder everyone or to go rogue then there would be nothing that they could do to stop it. it’s lucky for them that he decides to show self-restraint and use his powers to protect people instead.
3) his infinity separates him from the rest of humanity. in the sense that he can’t even touch them (or connect to them/empathise with them). he’s so different from everyone else that he’s basically like another species. there’s also such a large gap between him and the ants that he is unable to make any real differences on their lives. “when granted everything, you can’t do anything.” despite how much power he has he never really makes a difference to outcomes of things for the other people in the show. his power distanced him from geto and meant that he couldn’t save him from his spiral. + despite all the times he’s fought special grade curses in canon, it’s never made all that much difference in the long-run. it certainly hasn’t protected his students and it didn’t stop him from being sealed away.
4) not rly symbolism for this one but an observation: this scene proves that, despite gojos careless front, he clearly is a lot more meticulous and cautious then he lets on. he either consciously made the decision to activate his infinity to protect the ants. or his six eyes subconsciously activated infinity because he values the ants lives to some degree. cuz i highly doubt his six eyes activated bc they considered the ants a threat to gojo.
5) this entire moment also links to that manga panel where gojo tells geto that “it’s such a pain to look after the weak.”
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this shows that, whilst protecting the weak is still an inconvenience to gojo (it requires extra effort and care to protect those ants), he still does it. he still seems to take it seriously (even if it’s subconscious), even for things as insignificant to him as ants. ig he really took what geto said to heart. he’s also “being kept in check” by this ideal/moral code. it handicaps him during the shibuya arc. if he hadn’t cared so much about protecting those civilians, he would have won. he probably wouldn’t have been sealed and in-all it likely would have lead to less overall deaths.
but also imo it’s a good thing that he does cares about protecting the weak. it’s a curse and a blessing. like geto said, “the strong need to be kept in check,” and if gojo really didn’t care about civilian lives then he would probably end up directly killing a lot of people throughout his career. it’s a good thing that geto was such an influence to him for a time.
6) it also parallels this manga panel from the shibuya arc:
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here the people clearly parallel the ants from the anime. SO COOL!!! this is the realisation of all the stuff that’s represented by that scene!! he’s even got his hands in his pockets just like in the anime.
he’s walking over them without touching them, just like the ants. he’s above them because of how powerful he is but it also means that he’s too distanced to really help them or have much of an impact on their fate. (shown by how a lot of people still die during the shibuya arc).
by these people representing the ants from the anime, it also shows that gojo can’t see them as real people because of how detached he is from the rest of humanity. he cares about protecting them because they’re living people and he knows that that’s the right thing to do. because that’s what geto said to him. “jujustu exists to protect non-jujustu sorcerers.” so he continues to avoid hurting them, and continues to use his powers to keep them safe. despite being detached from them. in the same way someone might avoid stepping on ants. you don’t want to kill something so, despite not really understanding them or seeing them as equals, you’ll avoid killing them.
not sure if i articulated this all very well but i promise this makes sense in my head!!😅
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mostly-monotonous · 2 years
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this official artwork from chapter 85 of jjk is SO GOOD because there’s so much to analyse. maybe i’m reaching here but still. (also ik i’m late to this but i only recently started reading jjk🥲)
first of all: there’s the obvious fact that that geto and gojo are faced away from each other. reminiscent of the kfc breakup where geto turns his back on gojo and disappears into the crowd. and ofc symbolic of how they’ve been turned against each other + of their crumbled relationship.
on the other hand tho: they’re still back to back. really close to each other. perhaps symbolic of how gojo still considers geto his best friend despite everything and even after his death. and it also shows how they cared about each other and ‘had each other’s backs’ up until the very end. (and even beyond that if you consider when geto’s soul reacted to gojo during shibuya)
secondly: it’s already pretty clear that the two of them are a parallel yin and yang. geto being ‘yin’ and gojo being ‘yang.’ but this art really highlights that with the way that they’re positioned. also if we’re comparing them visually to yin and yang then gojos blindfold here would represent the black dot. his blindfold - the thing that blinds him + thus represents his ignorance - is what links him to geto. perhaps linking him to how geto was also blinded by his hatred for non-shamans or how gojo was blind to geto’s downward spiral.
thirdly: there’s the way that the two of them are bleeding into one another. (again reminiscent of yin and yang). this could represent the way their pasts + fates were interlinked. and also the fact that they completed each. gojo and geto shared a bond with each other that they didn’t share with anyone else. it’s almost as if ‘they bleed the same blood.’ when one of them is hurt the other always seems to suffer as well. (geto’s spiral - gojo loosing his bsf. geto injured - gojo having to murder him.)
fourthly: there’s the bloody hands. this could symbolise the guilt and regret from both sides of their relationship. especially gojo’s. his regret regarding how he didn’t notice geto’s spiralling and his guilt relating to amanai’s death.
for geto, the bloody hands could represent the literal lives that he’s taken and the blood that stains his hands from that. or perhaps also HIS guilt surrounding amanai’s death.
FINALLY: there’s itadori. sitting beneath them both. as the blood from geto, gojo + the hands drips down to him. this could represent how gojo and geto’s past together has had a sort of domino effect on the rest of the story. without geto’s spiral and without their kfc breakup - volume 0 would have never happened. geto would have never died, also meaning that kenjaku would have never gotten geto’s body and gojo may never have been sealed. this shows that their past (+ their guilt + murder) has impacted the next generation. it bleeds through the pages of the story, so to speak.
(also, side note, but if you look at the positioning - the hands, geto and gojo make the shape of a heart. a bleeding, broken heart.)
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