neverlandlight-blog · 9 years
My new account is rebornafterdark follow me! ♡♡♡
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neverlandlight-blog · 9 years
Second Guesses - Chapter One
Warnings: mention of abuse, mention of cheating, possible swearing From Unknown Hi Niall looked at his phone. The message had come from an unknown number. He didn't know what to expect or if to respond at all. He stared at the message but in the end curiosity won out. To Unknown Who is this? He set his phone down on the bed he was seated on. He was in his boyfriend's room. They had just gotten back together after having an on-and-off relationship for seven months. He was worried that the text was from another person telling him that his boyfriend, Mac, had cheated again. Niall wasn't sure what he would do if Mac had cheated an hour into their relationship again. From Unknown Harry Niall frowned in confusion when he read the message he just received. He didn't know any Harry. He shook his head as ideas filled his as to what could be going on. He saved the number and decided to find out what was going on. To Harry I don't know you. How'd you get my number? From Harry I got it out of Mac's phone. Niall froze in place as he read those words. He knew what they meant. This Harry kid was around Mac at some point long enough to look through his phone and get Niall's number. Niall tried not to jump to conclusions but he needed to know. To Harry Are you texting me to tell me that Mac cheated on me again? From Harry No. At least not that I know of. To Harry Have you ever slept with Mac while we were together? From Harry I've slept with him once but it was a while ago and he never mentioned a boyfriend. To Harry He never does. Niall put his phone down to take in everything he just learned. Harry hadn't said that Mac cheated on him this time but Niall still had a hard time forgiving him from the past. Each time he gets a text he's always scared its another video clip of his boyfriend screwing a different guy or nudes of his boyfriend that he sent to a secret boyfriend. Niall had been in the secret boyfriend role before. He'd pretended that being a secret didn't hurt even though it killed him to watch Mac with other guys. Watching their relationship seem perfect while Mac snuck away for a quickie here and there. Sometimes he'd spend the night but usually he'd leave. Niall just waited until the time Mac decided he was worth being public for. But that was at the beginning of their relationship months ago. He'd been public after two months of secret moments. They didn't have a pretty relationship. Mac was an angry horny drunk which led to hitting and punching and sometimes sex all in the same night. It started out with only being when he was drunk then the hitting started happening when he wasn't. At first he apologized but then he stopped and kept on hitting and kicking. He'd occasionally hit Niall during sex as well and not the kinky kind. Niall started getting use to the beatings that happened almost daily. He knew that if he didn't fight back then they weren't as bad and ended sooner. It was almost a natural reaction but then the name calling started. That sent Niall into a new round of tears and trying to figure out how to handle it. He learned quickly that if he flinched at a word he was called it gave Mac a sense of power and he used it against Niall anyway he could. So Niall learned quickly not to react to the names. Soon enough Niall began believing his boyfriend's words. He believed he was all those names he was called even if he did nothing to earn them. He stopped being able to go to college. He stopped being able to go to work. He stopped visiting friends. Soon his friends stopped coming over and then they stopped talking to him all together. He stopped doing all of this because Mac didn't want him out of the house. And he'd do anything to please Mac. From Harry Come over. To Harry No. I don't know you. From Harry I promise I'm not a serial killer. Just come over and cuddle. Niall looked at the text and shook his head a bit in surprise. He hadn't ever met Harry before but he wanted to know who this guy was. And cuddling never hurt anyone right?
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neverlandlight-blog · 9 years
Tumblr media
What happens when the mistress starts falling for the fiancè? 12 or 13 chapters. Warnings: suicide talk, self harm, abuse/mental, alcohol abuse, swearing. Warnings will be posted with each chapter.
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neverlandlight-blog · 9 years
Second Guesses
Working on a new Niam fanfic/short story. I'll post the first chapter once its finished.
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neverlandlight-blog · 10 years
Niam... Only A Dream? -Master Post (Noad)
Chapter One - http://neverlandlight.tumblr.com/post/75181373991/niam-only-a-dream-shocker-chapter-one
Chapter Two - http://neverlandlight.tumblr.com/post/75181657476/niam-only-a-dream-what-now-chapter-two
Chapter Three - http://neverlandlight.tumblr.com/post/75181894805/niam-only-a-dream-what-have-i-done-chapter-three
Chapter Four - http://neverlandlight.tumblr.com/post/75182116201/niam-only-a-dream-secrets-chapter-four
Chapter Five - http://neverlandlight.tumblr.com/post/75182537557/niam-only-a-dream-truth-or-dare-chapter-five
Chapter Six - http://neverlandlight.tumblr.com/post/75182759008/niam-only-a-dream-harrys-secret-part-one-chapter-six
Chapter Seven - http://neverlandlight.tumblr.com/post/75183006178/niam-only-a-dream-harrys-secret-part-two-chapter
Chapter Eight - http://neverlandlight.tumblr.com/post/75183184589/niam-only-a-dream-cant-avoid-forever-chapter-eight
Chapter Nine - http://neverlandlight.tumblr.com/post/79878513674/niam-only-a-dream-anger-problems-chapter-nine
Chapter Ten - http://neverlandlight.tumblr.com/post/79878867636/niam-only-a-dream-harrys-roomate-chapter-ten
Chapter Eleven - http://neverlandlight.tumblr.com/post/79879272771/niam-only-a-dream-more-than-one-chapter-eleven
Chapter Twelve - http://neverlandlight.tumblr.com/post/79879614284/niam-only-a-dream-secrets-out-chapter-twelve
Chapter Thirteen - http://neverlandlight.tumblr.com/post/79879841502/niam-only-a-dream-figuring-things-out
Chapter Fourteen - http://neverlandlight.tumblr.com/post/87366241194/niam-only-a-dream-radio-and-drunken-confession
Chapter Fifteen - http://neverlandlight.tumblr.com/post/87366630424/niam-only-a-dream-hello-mum-chapter-fifteen
Chapter Sixteen - http://neverlandlight.tumblr.com/post/87367122404/niam-only-a-dream-say-what-chapter-sixteen
Chapter Seventeen - http://neverlandlight.tumblr.com/post/90086921689/niam-only-a-dream-daddy-issues-chapter-seventeen
Chapter Eighteen - http://neverlandlight.tumblr.com/post/90087373669/niam-only-a-dream-so-whos-going-to-tell-her
Chapter Nineteen - http://neverlandlight.tumblr.com/post/90087648539/niam-only-a-dream-talk-rambling-and-twitcam
Chapter Twenty - http://neverlandlight.tumblr.com/post/90087820919/niam-only-a-dream-until-we-kiss-chapter
Chapter Twenty One - http://neverlandlight.tumblr.com/post/90088206949/niam-only-a-dream-then-who-is-it-chapter
Chapter Twenty Two - http://neverlandlight.tumblr.com/post/90088409334/niam-only-a-dream-out-in-the-open-chapter
Chapter Twenty Three - http://neverlandlight.tumblr.com/post/90088626919/niam-only-a-dream-ireland-girl-chapter
Chapter Twenty Four - http://neverlandlight.tumblr.com/post/90088884834/niam-only-a-dream-i-have-a-crush-on-your-boyfriend
Chapter Twenty Five - http://neverlandlight.tumblr.com/post/90089304164/niam-only-a-dream-apologies-chapter-twentyfive
Chapter Twenty Six - http://neverlandlight.tumblr.com/post/90089650669/niam-only-a-dream-niall-and-t-chapter
Chapter Twenty Seven - http://neverlandlight.tumblr.com/post/90089946084/niam-only-a-dream-typical-love-story-chapter
Chapter Twenty Eight - http://neverlandlight.tumblr.com/post/90090230839/niam-only-a-dream-leprechaun-set-up-chapter
Chapter Twenty Nine - http://neverlandlight.tumblr.com/post/90090458609/niam-only-a-dream-talk-about-the-end-chapter
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neverlandlight-blog · 10 years
Why Can't You Love Me? (Part Two)
Pairings: Niall and Harry / some Harry and Louis for a second
Summary: Spring break, party, feelings confessed
Warnings: smut, fluff, boyxboy, first time, etc
The fourth night was the night Harry had been waiting for all of the break. Louis Tomlinson’s party. Niall had promised to go with him and that was why the blonde boy was helping him pick out his outfit before the party.
"Just wear those sexy skin tight black jeans, Haz. Pair it with the low cut white shirt with a black jacket and some kick ass shades," Niall said frustrated with the younger boy’s worrying.
"You think Louis will like me wearing that?" Harry fretted more, trying to ignore the warm and happy feeling at Niall’s words about his favorite pair of jeans. He couldn’t ignore the fact that he’d started looking at his best mate differently during the school break.
Niall rolled his eyes and laid back on the bed belonging to Harry. He was already wearing a snap back with his name on it toward the back, a loose tank top and some comfortable basket ball shorts. Unlike young Harold he didn’t want to impress anyone at the dumb party. The only one he would want to impress didn’t seem interested so he didn’t see a reason to try impressing his best friend anymore.
After looking at the outfit Niall suggested, Harry decided it was a good choice and quickly changed into it.
Loud music pounded throughout the large house that was packed with horny, drunk, and grinding teenagers. Harry was already tipsy from the four cups of beer he had tipped back since he and Niall arrived. He had lost sight of his blonde friend when he went to dance with some of his other friends from school but he knew the Irish boy could handle himself.
The curly haired boy closed his eyes and lifted his long arms into the air as he let his body move with the music until he felt smaller hands rest on his hips, pulling him back into a slender body.
A small smirk made it to his face when he felt breath puff across his neck and a higher voice say in his ear, “Styles, right? I’ve seen you around school.”
Harry leaned his neck to the side slightly so he could turn and look at the boy he had been crushing on, “And you’re Louis. Sick party by the way. You greet all party goers like this?”
A rich laugh left Louis’ mouth which use to make Harry’s stomach flutter but this time when he was actually the cause of it the younger boy frowned slightly. His stomach didn’t flip and he didn’t get light headed. He actually thought it sounded… the laugh sounded wrong to him.
He jumped slightly when he suddenly felt a pair of rough lips attached to his neck. He looked out at the people surrounding them and realized he was looking for a certain pair of blue eyes that didn’t belong to the upper classman who was currently kissing along his neck.
Just as Louis was about to start leaving a hickey to mark Harry as his for the night, the younger of the two’s eyes landed on a blonde boy talking to an upper classman. Jealousy coursed through the younger boy suddenly when the boy Niall was talking to reached his hand out and slid it down the blonde’s arm.
Harry stepped away from Louis, not turning around when confused shouts came from the boy left behind. The curly haired kid knew eyes had to be on him since he had just walked away from THE Louis Tomlinson at his own party but Harry didn’t care. All he could think about was someone was touching Niall. HIS Niall. Even though they weren’t together and Harry didn’t even know if Niall liked him that way, Niall was still HIS no matter what.
Harry pushed the unwanted hand away from Niall’s arm and he wrapped his larger hand around the blonde boy’s arm and pulled his best mate into his chest.
Niall looked up at the younger boy and frowned slightly, “Haz what are you doing? Zayn and I were only talking. I saw you were kinda busy with Louis so I was going to talk to Zayn while you did your thing.”
Harry didn’t look at Niall at all. He kept his gaze on the tan boy in front of he and Niall, a challenging glare on his face. His voice was hard as he responded to Niall, “Looked like Zayn wanted to do more than talk and since I’m not busy anymore why don’t we go back to mine since I’m kind of tired of this party?”
Niall glanced at Zayn before looking back to Harry and nodding, “Yeah sure. I’ll talk to you some other time Zayn. Thanks for the company.”
Zayn nodded and said his bye before Harry tugged the blonde boy with him from the house.
Before Niall could even sit on the bed or question Harry’s sudden silence there were lips attacking his own. The rough and hungry kiss caught him completely off guard considering the only one that could be kissing him is his best mate who definitely wasn’t in to him as far as the Irish boy knew.
Harry didn’t stop moving his lips against Niall’s as he undid his jeans and slid them down along with his boxers. He felt Niall starting to respond to the kiss and relaxing with Harry’s hands roaming his body. The younger boy quickly pushed his best mate’s shorts and boxers down as well.
When they finally pulled back to breathe they were both breathless but the sexual tension was so thick in the air that they didn’t try to speak or question each other’s actions which was good considering they probably wouldn’t be able to answer anything asked. They just kept brushing their fingers over each other like the other would break if they touched to hard.
Harry quickly got tired of the gentle touches and tore Niall’s shirt and snap back off before removing his jacket and white tee shirt. He kissed Niall passionately before pushing the older boy onto the bed and flipped the paler boy over. Niall immediately pushed his arse into the air almost teasing as he shook it at the younger boy. The blonde boy crawled up onto the bed further and placed his face into pillows that always smelled like Harry.
Harry growled softly and climbed onto the bed after Niall, placing his large hands on either cheek of Niall’s bum. He spread them slowly and admired the small pink hole between them and moaned softly.
A small whimper escaped the blonde boy but it was muffled by the pillows, the whimper was followed by a surprised moan when a warm tongue slid over the small pink hole. Niall continued moaning low as he felt his friend’s tongue moving over and inside his hole which only happened when he dreamed but now that it was actually happening he wanted nothing more than to have Harry inside him before the younger boy changed his mind. The sudden thought of Harry changing his mind sent Niall into a frenzy of want.
"H-Harry! J-Just fuck me already!" Niall whined loudly and pushed his ass back against the younger boy’s face.
Without thinking further Harry pulled back from his best mate’s ass and sucked on two of his fingers until they were coated completely in his spit. He pushed one in slowly earning a cry from the Irish boy which eventually turned into a moan then begs for more. As Niall began pushing back on the single digit Harry had placed inside him, the younger boy added his second finger and began thrusting them quickly. He curled them inside Niall’s ass earning moans from the older boy. A loud cry falling from the blonde’s mouth when he found the often talked about prostate.
"M-More! H-Harry! I want your cock now!" Niall begged and rocked his hips back so the younger boy’s long fingers continued thrusting in his ass deeply.
Harry nodded and removed his fingers before sucking on his fingers and licking his hand. He rubbed his hand over his cock before pushing the head into Niall’s tight hole. He heard the older boy hiss from the stretch but when the blonde’s ass began pushing back to take more of Harry’s cock the younger boy didn’t hesitate. He placed his large hands on the Irish boy’s hips and slowly slid completely into the smaller boy. He didn’t move further until the blue eyed boy’s hips began moving slowly.
Harry took charge again and began to moan as he moved in the tight heat of Niall. He hadn’t ever had sex with anyone before but after the jealousy he felt thinking of someone else possibly touching his best mate he was positive he was in love with the older boy.
"God Ni… I fucking love you… Ugh… So sexy," Harry grunted as he snapped his hips against the older boy’s ass. His eyes roamed over the pale skin of his friend’s back suddenly wanting to mark it with red love bites, so that’s exactly what he did.
Niall shivered at his best mate’s words them moaned when he felt the younger boy begin nipping and sucking at his back as his cock pounded into him. Niall rocked his hips back to meet the thrusts. He shivered knowing neither of them would last long considering it was both of their first time.
Just a few moments later Niall came untouched and him tightening his muscles caused Harry to cum inside him. Harry continued thrusting through their orgasms before they both fell onto the bed from exhaustion.
Harry pulled out of Niall’s sensitive ass and laid beside the older boy, both covered in sweat and pleased grins on their faces.
"Took you long enough," Niall mumbled once his breathing was somewhat back to normal.
Harry rolled his eyes and leaned forward, pressing a soft and loving kiss to the older boy’s lips.
"I was serious when I said I love you Niall. I really do. I’d like to call you mine and have you call me yours. I’d like to please you whenever you want. Will you be my boyfriend?" Harry asked softly as he leaned his forehead against Niall’s after the kiss.
Niall was quiet as he looked up at Harry who had his eyes closed. He smiled and nodded, “Of course I will.”
The rest of their break was spent cuddling with each other and sharing loving kisses. Small touches exchanged and sex one more time before Harry’s parents got home.
Anne immediately knew the two boys were together when she got home and saw the two wearing sweats and tee shirts while cuddling on the couch, Niall in Harry’s lap with her son’s arms around the Irish boys’ waist. Harry’s chin was resting on Niall’s shoulder as they watched Iron Man two. She smiled and decided to leave the two alone until the movie was over. Then she’d bomb them with questions like every good mother did.
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neverlandlight-blog · 10 years
Why Can't You Love Me? (Part One)
Pairing: Niall and Harry
Description: Spring Break, Party, Feelings Confessed.
Have you ever liked someone so bad it physically hurt? No not like seeing that person gives you a boner or something like that. Like it hurts your stomach every time they walk into the room or seeing them with someone else hurts so bad it causes you to cry.
Well Niall Horan feels like that everytime he’s around Harry.
Harry Styles.
Harry Styles is your typical teenage heart throb that runs the school and keeps up a ‘bad boy’ image but Niall knows the real Harry under the act.
Niall knows that Harry feels horrible if he hurts anyone’s feelings throughout the day or if he says something rude he wants to immediately apologise. The blonde boy knows that Harry only puts up with the act so he can be noticed by Louis Tomlinson who is the high school punk and people say he’s very skilled in the bedroom.
One thing Niall doesn’t understand is why his best friend since preschool doesn’t notice that he is in love with the curly haired dweeb. He’s been evident about it even before he came out as bisexual. He doesn’t even try hiding it anymore but Harry still doesn’t see it. Really the only thing Niall hasn’t done is anything sexual to the younger lad and well he hasn’t kissed the boy either.
Niall sat next to Harry at the younger boy’s house after school one day. It was the beginning of their week long Spring Break and Harry’s mum decided the boy’s were old enough to stay at the house by themselves while she and her husband went and had their own vacation.
Niall was one of the few people Anne trusted having over alone with Harry since they had been friends for as long as anyone could remember and she knew the Irish boy would keep her son in line as he always did. That was the only reason she really allowed Harry to be left without parent supervision.
Once the boys said bye to Harry’s parents they flopped back down on the couch and Harry as always immediately started in about Louis.
"Did you see his outfit today though? It was so hot and his arms are just so sexy. That beanie does wonders for him," Harry rambled on causing Niall to roll his eyes.
This was what it was always like. Niall would have to sit and listen to his best friend slash crush go on and on about some stupid player while trying to pretend to at least have some interest.
"Haz you sound like some love sick school girl. Will you shut up about Tomlinson for a while? I don’t care about the boy who has shown zero interest in you for the past two years. To him you’re just some stupid virgin under classman. Why don’t you find someone your age that actually shows interest in you?" Niall finally said after Harry had gone on about Louis for a good twenty minutes.
Harry frowned as Niall’s words sunk in and he sighed after a moment of silence. He knew Niall was right about Louis. The older classman hadn’t shown any interest in the curly haired boy and it was most likely because the age difference and the fact that Harry was still a virgin and had no skills in the bedroom at all. No hot bad boy would want a good boy in bed. Everyone knew that.
Niall sighed in content when his friend didn’t continue with his talk about the school’s bad boy. He laid down on the couch like he always did and put his head in Harry’s lap. He immediately felt his friend’s long fingers pushing their way through his blonde locks in a relaxing manner. His blue eyes slowly began to shut from the actions as he completely relaxed with his legs hanging off the couch.
Harry’s movements stopped suddenly after a few minutes causing the older boy to roll onto his back so he could see his brunette friend; a frown crossing his lips at the look of utter concentration was on Harry’s face.
"What are you thinking about?" Niall whispered softly, afraid of startling the younger boy.
Harry gave a small shrug, “Nothing important. Hey, you wanna order a pizza?”
Like always they had spent the first two nights of their break playing FIFA and eating all the junk food in sight. After all they were teenage boys and you couldn’t really expect them to do any different since they were at Harry’s house alone.
On the third night however they were in Harry’s room on his bed after they made sure all the doors were locked, watching a movie. Harry had wanted to watch a horror movie and usually those didn’t bother Niall but this time for some reason it did bother the older boy. A lot.
Niall chewed on his lip and watched the screen with wide eyes as he continued to pull the blanket further into his hands. He was on the verge of shaking from being so scared, he was actually shocked he wasn’t screaming at the people in the movie for being so stupid.
Harry had glanced over at Niall throughout the movie and although the boy’s were close they hadn’t exactly… cuddled… for a few years except when Niall would put his head in Harry’s lap but that didn’t exactly count in the younger boy’s mind.
Niall felt a hand slide across his back which caused his eyes to widen further and a yelp to sound from his mouth as he jumped forward on the bed. His head turned to see what had touched him and his eyes locked on his friend’s cringed up face.
"Sorry, Nialler… I just thought you might want to sit closer or cuddle like old times since you’re scared and all," Harry said softly and apologetically.
Niall relaxed some and immediately nodded as he practically threw himself at Harry, snuggling up to the younger boy’s side. He felt his friend’s arm wrap around his waist and bring him closer and Niall wasn’t going to lie, it felt amazing.
Niall began to slowly relax against Harry and watched the movie feeling a lot less scared then before. Harry always had that effect on Niall. No matter the situation, if the younger boy wrapped his arm around Niall the blonde boy found himself relaxing and not freaking out anymore. It was almost like magic and Niall enjoyed it probably more than he should.
When there was a loud scream that the older boy wasn’t expecting he jumped into Harry’s lap earning a loud groan of pain from the curly haired lad. Niall quickly scrambled off his friend’s lap mumbling apologies.
"Oh my God! I’m so sorry Haz! I’m so so sorry! I didn’t mean to! Are you okay? I’m so sorry! I’m sorry," Niall mumbled over and over while Harry curled up on his side with his hands covering his crotch.
Niall chewed on his lip in worry as he watched his friend lay on the bed. Guilt kept washing through him as small groans left the curly haired boy’s parted lips. Niall couldn’t see the bright green eyes he loved considering they were closed because Harry was in pain and that was obvious with his face scrunched up.
After a few more moments the young lad rolled over on his back and breathed out a shaky sigh. Niall licked his lips and slowly moved back on the bed, straddling Harry’s waist carefully once the bigger boy moved his hands to cover his face.
"I’m real sorry, Haz. I just got scared," Niall whimpered softly and tightened his legs on either side of Harry’s waist.
The older boy felt Harry’s breath hitch slightly and lowered his hands from his face. Niall smiled as he could finally see the beautiful green eyes that made his heart melt whenever they looked at him.
A small smile slid on Harry’s face and he shook his head, “Its okay, Ni.”
Niall shook his head and frowned, leaning down to hide his face in his friend’s neck, “No its not. I didn’t want to hurt you.”
"Ni… Really its fi-"
Harry’s eyes widened slightly when he felt his best friend’s lips pressing soft and tender kisses to his neck and along his jaw line. His breathing stuttered slightly and his eyes widened further when Niall began peppering his face with kisses.
"N-Ni… wh-what are you do-doing?" Harry asked in shock. Sure the boys had always been affectionate toward each other but they never kissed each other other than a forehead kiss every once in a while. But jaw and neck kisses were on a completely different level all together.
After Niall kissed Harry’s entire face other than the one place he really really wanted to which was those plump lips. He leaned back in a sitting position and looked down at the younger boy’s chest.
"I wanted to make up for hurting you," Niall whispered and played with his fingers. He could hear the credits of the movie playing on the television behind him.
Harry bit his lower lip and looked up at Niall. He nodded and slid his hand up the older boy’s arm, “Alright. Well I feel better now. We should go to bed. Its like three something in the morning…”
Niall nodded and moved over to the side of the bed he slept on whenever he stayed the night. He looked at Harry and smiled as he mumbled ‘goodnight’ before rolling over on his side with his back to the younger boy.
Harry turned off the television before sitting up and pulling off his shirt, he laid back down on his side facing his friend’s back and hesitantly wrapped his arm around Niall’s lower stomach. When the older boy didn’t protest Harry pulled him to his chest.
Niall cuddled back against the younger boy and found sleep easily although Harry didn’t find the same.
Harry was too busy thinking about the warm tingles he felt wherever his best mate’s lips had touched earlier. It had startled him but he didn’t object to the older boy’s actions. He had actually enjoyed it and it scared him because he didn’t want to have a crush on his best friend but now that he thought of it Niall was utterly adorable and definitely had his sexy moments.
Harry bit his lip and looked down at the sleeping boy who was cuddled up to his chest. He smiled softly and pressed a soft kiss to his blonde head.
'Maybe it won't be too bad to have a crush on Niall. I just won't tell him,' Harry thought to himself.
With that Harry smiled and closed his eyes, snuggling up against Niall and tangling their legs together before he completely relaxed enough to fall into a peaceful sleep.
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neverlandlight-blog · 10 years
Niam... Only A Dream? -Talk About The End (Chapter TwentyNine)
Taytum’s Point Of View
I got out of the shower and checked the clock. I got fifteen minutes before I have to meet with Niall and I still need to get dressed, do my hair, and make up.
I know I haven’t been that great and I have done some really bad things but I wasn’t in my right mind. I know I shouldn’t have sent the package or reacted the way I did when Niall went off to the X Factor but he was the love of my life. He was my best friend as well as my first and only boyfriend. I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with him. How else was I going to react? I know most would be happy or at least pretend to be but I just saw my whole life fall apart. I had everything planned out and then he just plans on telling me he’s going off to some singing show. I knew he would make it and he’d be gone for who knows how long. I just didn’t know how to take it.
I pulled on my batman shirt with some black skinny jeans. I stood before my vanity debating whether to wear my glasses or contacts but decided glasses were simpler for today. I applied some eyeliner before placing my glasses on my face and called it good.
I grab my phone and keys then shove them in my bag before walking downstairs. I’ve lived in this house for as long as I can remember. There are so many memories here. Like the time Niall had to climb up the side of the house just so he could sing me happy birthday and give me a present right at the moment it struck midnight. Or the time I finally gave him my virginity even though he said we didn’t have to go all the way if I wasn’t ready. My favorite memory was when we spent our four day weekends playing video games the whole time.
I sighed softly and left my house to the dark blue Dodge that waited for me in the driveway.
Niall’s Diary Entry
The meeting with Taytum went well. We explained everything to the boys and lets just say Liam got jealous at times but it was cute. The whole plane ride back he was whispering sweet things in my ear and giving me small sweet and gentle kisses.
Tay and Zayn seemed to get along as well. They spend a good hour or so just on their own swinging on the swing set. They were cute to say in the least. Zayn had asked if it was okay with me if he got Tay’s number and I told him I didn’t see why not. I think they could work things out.
Louis seemed kind of down when we left Ireland and I asked him why and all he said was ‘Dakota is visiting her family in Michigan for a week so I can’t see her.’ I tried talking to him some more but he just got on the plane and put in his headphones blocking everyone out the whole plane ride.
Harry was probably the only one glad to leave Ireland. He said he had a surprise for Kayla when we got home. I feel sorry for Zayn because he had to listen to the curly haired boy the whole ride home. I hope Kayla and Harry last a long time. They really love one another.
Liam is taking me on a date tomorrow so I’m going to go to bed. I’m excited to know what we are going to do since our last date was amazing and the only date we actually ever went on. I’ll tell you what happens!
Goodnight! xx
—twelve years later—
Liam’s POV
Whenever I see Niall playing with our daughter Annabeth it makes my face break out in a grin. They are so cute.
I’m really glad we decided to adopt her five years ago when she was one years old. As she grew older we noticed that she was a really energetic but well behaved kid. We also found out that our brown eyed, blonde haired girl was deaf. We quickly learned sign language and taught it to Annabeth so we could communicate easier.
Niall and I weren’t the only ones with a family either. Louis and Dakota had a little boy named Harley that was a year older than Annabeth. Louis had done a dumb move a few years after being with Dakota and kissed a boy which led us to having to get Dakota to give him a second chance. After he had proven himself they had gotten married and had Harley.
Harry and Kayla were stronger than Lou and Kota and probably stronger than me and Niall. They hadn’t split up like the rest of us had at least once. They didn’t have any children yet but they were trying. They had waited longer to get married and had only been married for a year. They’re still happy and in love.
Zayn and Tay decided to give the dating thing a shot a few years after the whole incident at Niall’s mum’s place. They took everything slow and it seems to have worked for them. They have two sons that are two, Sammy, and a newborn, Gavin. They are engaged and are getting married in a few months. Everyone is excited.
Niall and I aren’t married but we don’t mind really. Of course we are engaged and we have our fair share of arguments but ever since we got Annabeth we’ve been stronger than ever.
Even though One Direction is over we are all still close but we decided when Louis and Kota were having a baby that it was time to call the band to an end so we could all raise families.
To tie it up in a nice bow; we are all happy and still one big family.
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neverlandlight-blog · 10 years
Niam... Only A Dream? -Leprechaun Set Up (Chapter TwentyEight)
Niall’s POV
I walked into my mum’s house and slammed the door behind me. I quickly ran upstairs; ignoring the questions they were asking me. I shut my door and locked it so no one would come inside. I needed time alone.
I sat on my bed and held my head in my hands, tugging at my hair. I was so… angry. Angry at Tay but mostly myself. How could I forget my ex girlfriend let alone my best friend? I know she said she didn’t want to speak to me ever again but I should have still remembered her… Am I that ignorant?
I groaned and ignored my mother pounding on the door. I’m sure the lads are either in the living room or standing in the hall behind my mum.
I stood from the bed and walked to the dresser where my suitcase was laying beside it. I zipped it up and pulled it over to the bedroom door. I grabbed my extra hoodie and some sunglasses then opened the door coming face to face with my pissed off mother.
"Hey Mum…" I trail off as I attempt to avoid her gaze.
"Don’t ‘Hey Mum’ me! You may be a famous singer Niall Horan but when you are under my roof you will obey me. Do you understand young man?" her voice was full of anger.
I sighed quietly and met her gaze, “Yes ma’am.”
She nodded and looked down at my bag, “And where do you think you’re going?”
"I’m going to stay in a hotel tonight. I need some time to think about a few things," I shrugged and made my way downstairs, past my mother.
I grabbed my keys and wallet from the little table inside the front door. I went to open the door to leave when a hand held the door closed and a strong force pushed me against the cool door.
I groaned and pushed against whatever, or whoever, was pushing me against the door.
"Don’t leave me my leprechaun buddy," The voice whined behind me still trying to push me against the door.
"Louis, let me go."
"No!" Louis whined and tightened his hold on me making it difficult to breathe.
I tried moving from his hold, “Lou. Can’t. Breathe.”
"Come on Louis let Niall go," a familiar British voice said.
Louis’s hold loosened and eventually dropped from around me. I closed my eyes for a second then turned around to face my band mates.
Louis was now in Harry’s arms, he looked like a little kid losing his favorite toy. Zayn was looking at me with concern and worry. Harry was calming Louis down although I think Louis is just over reacting like normal. My gaze turned to Liam. He had a small smile on his face which threw me completely off.
"Why are you smiling?"
He shrugged and stepped toward me, “I’m coming with you to the hotel.”
I shook my head and looked at Liam, “You don’t need to come. Stay here and hang out with the boys.”
"Hey we don’t need a babysitter, little leprechaun."
My head moved to Louis and I stuck my tongue out at him. I heard a chuckle come from my left and looked at Zayn who had been quiet most of the trip. I tilted my head and stepped toward him.
"Hey how’re you doing? You’ve been pretty quiet lately," I looked back at the other boys and motioned with my head for them to leave the room. Liam seemed to understand and moved Harry and Louis from the hallway; Mum followed them with some cookies.
Zayn sighed quietly and nodded, “I’m alright. Just some drama with Perrie is all.”
"What happened? I mean you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. Just curious," I said as I leaned against the wall with my bags next to me.
Zayn looked at me and a small smile crossed his face, “I know I can tell you anything.” He sighed quietly before continuing, “I asked Perrie out last week because I wanted to see if it would work. I mean everyone says we would be good together and how we are cute and everything so I figured I’d give it a shot.”
I nodded in understanding and to show I was listening. What he said was true; we all had been teasing him about how cute Perrie and he would be. We had figured they were already secretly dating but we were obviously wrong.
"She said she wasn’t ready for a relationship and she only thinks of me as a friend. Maybe sometime in the future she may like me but right now she has a crush on someone else," He shrugged like it was no big deal but I could tell he was hurting. I stepped toward him and pulled him into a hug. He hesitated but quickly hugged me back.
"You won’t be alone forever. You’ll find a girl or guy one day that catches your eye and you both will fall madly in love and nothing else will matter," I pulled from the hug and gave Zayn an encouraging smile.
Zayn smiled and nodded, “I hope so. I’ll keep my head up. Thanks Niall.”
I smiled and nodded, turning to my bag and picking it up, “I will be back tomorrow most likely. See you then Zayn.”
"And where do you think you’re going Mr. Horan?"
I turned around and saw Liam standing there as Zayn was walking back to the living room. I smiled and shrugged.
"Just waiting on you I suppose," I answered my boyfriend.
Third Person POV
Niall walked into the bedroom of the hotel that the two boys had chosen to stay in. His hair was still damp from the shower he had just finished. The towel hanging low on his hips as he walked to the dresser. He bent over to open the suitcase to get a pair of boxers and sweat pants when he heard a muffled moan come from behind him.
He turned to see Liam looking at him with a pillow held to his face but the brown eyed boy continued looking the blonde lad over with his lust filled eyes. Niall bit his lip which he knew drove his boyfriend crazy but he felt like loosening up for a change. He knew how much Liam did to respect Niall’s privacy and didn’t want to rush the Irish lad but why not give Liam what he wanted for a change?
Niall grinned when he felt arms wrap around his waist from behind. He turned around in Liam’s hold and looked up at the brown eyed boy that he loved and wanted to please no matter what. He grabbed Liam’s shirt and stepped back until his legs bumped into the bed. He sat back on the bed and scooted up to the pillows.
Liam climbed onto the bed and moved over Niall as the Irish boy lay back on the bed, their lips connecting and moving together without a hitch. Niall’s arms wrapping around Liam’s neck almost instantly as the older boy placed his arms on each side of the blonde boy’s body. Niall slid his tongue along Liam’s bottom lip and was granted access almost immediately.
As the kiss became more heated Niall tugged at the bottom of Liam’s shirt. He pulled it off of the tanned boy and his hands slid along the toned body. He kissed Liam again much more aggressive than the first time. This time the kiss was filled with need and lust. He realized he wanted Liam almost as much as Liam wanted him. A moan escaped the younger lad’s mouth as Liam bit his lip and tugged slightly.
Liam’s pants soon landed on the floor as the boys began becoming more confident in their actions. Liam grabbed the towel around Niall’s waist and slowly, almost in a teasing manner slid it away from the blonde boy’s waist. He looked down at the boy he loved and and began showering his body with kisses. As he got back to Niall’s lips he pressed a passionate filled kiss to the lips he had come to love.
Niall smiled and returned the kiss which soon turned back to a hard and heated kiss. Niall gasped quietly as Liam pressed his hips against Niall’s to get closer to him. The younger lad could feel his boyfriend becoming hard against himself. He moaned lowly as he began grow hard as well. He needed to be closer to Liam. His hands slid from Liam’s hair and traveled down to the plaid boxers which were the only clothing piece left between the boys. Niall slowly slid them off Liam making sure his hands pressed against the brown haired boy’s bum. He watched the need grow larger in the big brown eyes that were looking down at him.
Once the boxers were removed Liam pressed his body against Niall’s causing both boys to become hard almost instantly. Liam was kissing Niall’s neck in searched of the soft, tender skin. He grinned as Niall let out a moan and began nipping at the skin leaving a love bite that would be noticable to anyone. Liam smashed his lips on Niall’s once more earning a moan from both boys.
"Li… Liam… I.. I want you," Niall said between heavy breaths as Liam sucked on his neck. His hands were in Liam’s silky hair. His thoughts only on the fact that he wanted Liam, only Liam. Nothing else at that moment.
Liam moved his face from Niall’s neck to look at the blue eyed boy to make sure he truly wanted it as much as he did. Once he was certain he reached over to the night stand and grabbed the lube. Before he could apply it himself, Niall took it from him and began rubbing it on Liam’s length.
Liam let out a moan as the younger boy continued applying it. Once Niall was done he tossed the bottle to the floor and kissed Liam hard knowing what was to come wouldn’t be gentle or painless.
Liam pushed Niall’s legs apart as far as they would go without hurting the lad and lined himself up. He kissed Niall hard as he prepared the lad until Niall could handle his length. Once he was certain he wouldn’t hurt Niall too badly Liam carefully entered Niall. He flinched when Niall bit back a whimper and moved until he found the correct spot earning a moan of pleasure from Niall.
Liam began thrusting into Niall earning moans that kept gradually becoming louder. Niall’s fingernails dugs slightly in Liam’s back as Niall met Liam thrust for thrust. Liam felt pleasure running through his body as he watched Niall’s face full of pleasure as well.
Liam moved into Niall deeper, moaning against Niall’s lips as he did so. They were moving faster and harder now. Liam knew it wouldn’t be long before Niall hit his high an-
"Liam!" Niall suddenly screamed out as Liam felt Niall cover his torso.
Liam kissed Niall and soon enough released inside of Niall earning a moan from each of them. He thrust a few more times just to ride off the high then carefully removed himself from Niall and lay beside the boy he loved.
Liam pulled Niall close to his side as they both tried catching their breath.
"I love you, Liam." Niall whispered as he cuddled closely to Liam’s side.
Liam smiled and kissed the top of Niall’s head, “I love you too, Niall.”
Niall and Liam both quickly fell asleep after that. They both fell asleep thinking about how they had just made love to the one person they truly loved.
—-Next Morning—-
Niall’s POV
I woke up and felt sore all over. I groaned and rolled over instantly noticing the empty spot beside me. I began freaking out until I heard the shower in the bathroom running. I smiled as the memories from the previous night made their way into my mind.
I carefully stood from the bed and made my way into the bathroom where Liam was showering. I pulled back the curtain and saw a tan toned back facing me.
A sly smile made its home on my face as I slid into the shower behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist from behind. I felt his body shake from him chuckling.
"Well good morning, leprechaun," he said, his voice low and husky.
"Good morning, Liam." I responded, pressing soft kisses to his back and shoulder blades.
We cleaned ourselves up and got dressed before walking downstairs and getting some breakfast. We checked out of the motel and made our way back to my mum’s place where we spent the day with the lads watching movies.
—That Night—
I changed into sweat pants and climbed into bed. Liam was talking to Louis and Harry about an interview we had coming up once we got back home. I didn’t really care about it, the questions would basically be about the upcoming tour which Liam and Harry would have all the answers anyway.
I picked up my phone from the night stand and was shocked when I saw that I had a text from Tay.
From: TayTay 
Hey… Hope u can 4give me. I screwed up & am vry srry. Get ahold of me? Pls? xx
I bit my lip and thought about what she did and decided she deserved a second chance since it wasn’t entirely her fault everything happened.
I hit the respond button and began typing.
To: TayTay 
What do you say about meeting up with me and the boys tomorrow? We can explain everything to them then so they can understand.
A few moments later I got her response.
From: TayTay 
Sure! Just tell me the place and time and I’ll be there! xx
I thought for a moment before replying.
To: TayTay 
Old playground at 2pm. See you there Tay.
From: TayTay 
Ok c u there
I sat my phone down on the night stand and looked up as Liam walked in the room. I smiled softly at him as he walked over to the bed and slid into the bed.
"Why the smile?" he questioned curiously.
I shrugged and lay back on the pillows, turning the lamp on the night stand off.
"We all have plans tomorrow."
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neverlandlight-blog · 10 years
Niam... Only A Dream? -Typical Love Story (Chapter TwentySeven)
Niall’s POV
You know those cliche stories where the two kids are best friends then eventually one falls for the other shortly followed by the other falling for their friend then they date and whatnot?
Well thats what happened with Taytum and I.
We had known each other in primary school although we weren’t immediate best friends we got to that point fairly quickly. We had been in the same daycare service before school had started but that was when we thought the other sex had cooties so we didn’t talk at all or play together. Once we got over that phase and got stuck as partners on a project that all changed.
*flash back*
"Niall Horan your partnered up with Taydem Maroon. Alli-"
I ignored the rest of the names the teacher said and looked over to the little black haired nine year old that sat at the middle-front of the room with her head tucked down in a book and her big square nerd glasses that were placed on her face that kept slipping down her nose. She hadn’t even heard the teacher call her name; she probably didn’t even know I was her partner.
"Get with your partners and get started on the project!"
My head snapped up to Ms. Davis when her voice got through my thoughts.
I climbed out of my desk and made my way over to Taydem. She still had her nose in the book; her dark hair falling out of it’s poorly made pigtail ontop her head. Her back was hunched over with her eyes skimming the page quickly.
"Hello…?" I sat down running my hand through my, at that time, brown hair. I sat down in the desk beside her. I pulled my desk over to hers and waited for her to notice me. When she didn’t I tapped her shoulder gently, "Hey."
Taydem jumped; her book clattering to the floor. She looked over at me and frowned, “What are you doing? You can’t just interupt someone when they are reading! You just don’t do that!”
I frowned and looked at her hazel eyes, “We have to work on the project…”
"What project?" her face scrunched up in confusion.
"We have to make a structure that would have helped Laura in the story not be eaten by the bears…" I looked at her and noticed that she was still confused. "Here read the paper."
She glanced at the paper and nodded in understanding, “Lets get started then.”
*end of flash back*
I was currently walking down the brick road heading toward Taytum’s home even though I don’t know if she still lived there or not; I was going to find out. Like I found out two years into the friendship.
*flash back*
I looked up from the ground where I just crashed my bike. A wave of dark hair was flying toward me; the voice clicked when I saw her face.
"Taytum?" I frowned and took the hand she offered; standing up and brushing off my pants. "What are you doing here?"
She giggled and moved a piece of hair behind her ear, “I live over there, silly. What are you doing here?”
My gaze followed to the little brick house she pointed to at the end of the street, “Oh… I’m just riding my bike back to my house. It’s about a fifteen minute walk or so from here but obviously shorter by bike. That is unless you crash..”
I grinned at her as she giggled softly and crossed her arms nervously across her chest, “You’re silly Ni.”
*end of flash back*
I kicked a pebble and grumbled to myself. If she’s the one that sent me that package I’m going to be so pissed off. I didn’t mean to forget about her but she was the one who told me she never wanted to speak again!
*flash back*
Taytum was upset again. This time because I was going to try out for the X Factor and I hadn’t asked her before I got the acceptance letter. She actually found out because she went through my binder and it was tucked in there because I had planned on telling her this afternoon. Guess I don’t have to now.
"Tay calm down. Lets talk this out pl-"
I sighed and dragged my hand through my blonde hair, “Tay…”
"Just get out! I never want to talk to you again!" Her tearfilled voice called from behind her locked bed room door.
I picked up my things and walked out of her house.
*end of flash back*
I sighed and tugged my hand through my same blonde hair. It wasn’t always like that. We use to love each other in the beginning…
*flash back*
"Taytum?" I leaned up on my elbow so I could look at her.
Taytum had her eyes shut laying on her stomach atop my bed with her head resting on her arms, “Hmm?”
She sounded sleepy which wasn’t surprising considering we had just finished a game of soccer with our other friends and it was fairly late in the afternoon. We had come home to eat dinner in an hour and then have a movie night.
"I was just wondering… you… you have feelings for me right?"
She chuckled softly, “You’ll have to be a bit more specific, Ni.”
I felt a half smile hop on my face and ruffled my bleached blonde hair that Tay had suggested since she had dyed hers a dark red a week earlier.
"Can you sit up? It’d be easier to talk about this," I sat up and poked her side gently as she sat up.
"This better be worth me getting up. My body is sore," she sighed and turned to look at me.
I smiled and found her hand, starting to play with her fingers in my hand which she knew I liked doing every now and again so it wasn’t strange for her, “I like you, Tay.”
"I like you too, Ni." She frowned in confusion as to why I was telling her.
I shook my head, “Not as a friend. I like you more than a friend.”
I let her take in that bit of information and started biting my lip as her eyes widened and a blush was making its way onto her cheeks. A smile followed shortly after; her smile was beautiful. Whenever she smiled the room would light up and everything felt right.
Taytum’s voice came out barely above a whisper, “I like you more than a friend too, Niall.”
I smiled and grabbed her face in my hands, our lips connected shortly after. The kiss was sweet and slow.
Both of our first kisses.
*end of flash back*
I walked up the stone walk way and knock on the house of the same brick building from years ago. The same house we had our food fights, movie nights, kisses, and our first„, well you know… I can’t believe I actually forgot about my first girlfriend and one of my best friends. I’m pissed at myself but right now I just need to talk to her.
The door opened and the girl who interviewed us, Taytum, looks at me with her eyebrow raised, “What do you want?”
I swallowed and wiped my sweaty palms on my pants, “T-taytum?”
A sly smile crossed her face, “Yes, Niall?”
I bit my lip gently and looked at her trying to calm down, “I need to talk to you.”
"I figured you would sooner or later. What brings you?" She leaned against the doorway and crossed her arms over her chest.
"Can we go somewhere?"
She sighed and shrugged, “Why not?”
Taytum grabbed a purple sweatshirt and shut the door after her as she walked out to go with me. I shoved my hands in my pockets as she slipped on her sweat shirt and fell into step with me. It was silent for a while until she spoke.
"Remember the time when we were tempted to walk all the way around Ireland?" I could hear the smile in her voice.
I chuckled softly and nodded, “We were fifteen and thought we were invicible and decided to do something crazy.”
"We made it across town and then gave up because our feet were sore and you were hungry."
I shook my head and laughed, “I’m always hungry.”
She nodded and looked at me, “So what made you come to my house?”
I frowned and looked down at the road, kicking a pebble, “I had some questions that only you can answer.”
She sighed deeply and we walked onto the soft grass of the local park for this side of town. I could tell that she didn’t want to answer any questions I may have for her but I didn’t care. I needed answers.
We sat down on the swings and began pushing back and forth on the swings slowly. I glanced over to her and sighed quitely.
"Tay why did you interview us and how did you make it so they would let you?" I watched her for a reaction.
She looked down at the ground and sighed; she shrugged and looked out at the playground equipment where there was a mother and daughter playing.
"I’m friends with one of the interviewers and he let me take the interview because I told him that I knew you; he thought it’d be good for us to get to know each other again you know?" she looked over at me with curious eyes and a small hopeful smile.
I tilted my head to see her better, “But why did you go all the way to London? You could’ve just gotten my number from Mum.”
"But after that time that I yelled at you and said I never wanted to speak to you again I couldn’t just ask your mum for your number."
She did have a point. I had told Mum not to give her my new number when I went off to the X Factor. As soon as everything got set in motion I had been too busy to think of my life in Ireland. Tay had completely vanished from my thoughts.
I looked at her and frowned, “Did you send the box? The box with the bracelet and charms? The notes?”
I saw her eyes widen slightly and a deep blush rise to her cheeks. That was all the answer I needed. I stood from the swing and stood in front of her. My easy go mood was gone.
"Do you realize what would have happened if I had told management what was in that package? We would have probably been on lock down or lots more security hired to protect us. You could have put everything on hold Tay! I can’t believe you did that!"
She looked up at me and tears filled her eyes, “I’m sorry, Ni! I just.. I missed you! I didn’t know how else to get you to remember me. I just wasn’t thinking right and I missed you, Ni! I miss us! I overreacted when I found out about the X Factor stuff and then I saw Liam kiss you on the television and I just I snapped! I’m so sorry, Ni.”
The tears spilled from her eyes and I looked away. I can’t stand seeing anyone cry and definantly not Tay. Tay was my first love and I still have a place for her in my heart but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m pissed off at her.
"Taytum, I’m very disappointed in you. You’re better than all of this. I have to go. Mum and the lads will be worrying about me. Let me walk you home and I will come to talk to you before we go back to London."
She nodded and wiped her eyes then stood from the swing. We walked quietly to her house and once she was inside I made my way back to my house.
*flash back*
I hummed softly playing the guitar for Tay as she slept on my bed. She had come over late last night and I had to sneak her in so my parents wouldn’t wake up and especially so Greg wouldn’t wake up. Greg actually had a small crush on Taytum which I found hilarious because Tay found him repulsive.
As I  strum the last note of the song I saw her roll over and her eyes fluttered open. Her hazel ones fell on my bright blue ones. I saw her blush deeply and hide her face in my pillow as she mumbled.
"Ni, get a shirt on please."
I chuckled and looked down to see I was in fact shirtless. I stood, setting my guitar against the wall, and walked to the dresser pulling out a plain white shirt and slid it on.
"There I now have a shirt on. Its safe to look, " I smiled and watched her hesitantly peek out and look at me.
"Thank you," she smiled softly and sat up in bed. Her hair was pulled back in a braid that she had from the previous day at school. She reached over and placed her glasses on her face.
I smiled at her and shrugged, “It’s no problem, Sugar Pie.”
She blushed softly at the nickname I had given her and then slid from the bed, “I don’t only mean for putting the shirt on. I mean for letting me stay last night and for being my friend all these years. It means a lot to me, Sweet Pea.”
I smiled and nodded slightly. She was my best friend. I wasn’t going to leave her out on the street in the rain when her father locked her out of the house. She meant too much to me to do that.
*end of flash back*
That was the moment I had realized that I had feelings for my best friend.
0 notes
neverlandlight-blog · 10 years
Niam... Only A Dream? -Niall and... T? (Chapter TwentySix)
Niall’s point of view
The plane landed a few hours later. We grabbed our luggage and hailed a cab. Everyone was quiet seeing as most of us slept on the plane and were still tired. Louis was leaning his head against Harry’s shoulder and Harry had his head leaning on Zayn’s shoulder while Zayn rested his ontop of Harry’s. I looked out the window and grinned widely.
"We’re here!" I shouted making Louis and Zayn jump.
"Lordie Niall! You gave me a bloody heart attack!" Louis placed a hand over his heart as the cab stopped outside my mum’s home.
I winked at him and opened the door of the cab? “Ow! Givin’ ya a heart attack is just a simple part of my job Lou.”
I heard Louis scoff behind me, “Shut it, Horan.”
"Can’t make me!" I ran up the steps of the house after grabbing my bag and rang the door bell.
I waited for the door to open when I felt a gentle, warm arm wrap around my waist. I glanced up and saw Liam smiling down at me; he tightened his hold on me and pulled me closer to his chest.
"Did you pay the cab driver?" I asked, relaxing in his hold and leaning gently against him.
Liam nodded and looked at me with a small smile on his face. His brown eyes meeting my blue ones full of happiness.
"Niall! Liam! Boys!"
I turned to see my mum standing in the door with a bright smile on her face. She looked so happy she could burst.
"Hi, Mum!" I grin and step away from Liam, pulling my mum into a tight hug.
I missed her greatly. That’s one thing I hate about being in a band, I don’t get to see my family that often and I absolutely love my family. I especially miss my mum though; she makes the most amazing food ever and she knows exactly how much to make to lessen the hunger in my stomach.
I felt a force on my back smashing me closer to my mother. I could smell the cologne the person was wearing and only one person wears that stuff.
"Louis…" I groaned, "Get. Off."
"Oh sorry little leprechaun," Louis stepped back and let me move out of the way before crushing my mom in another hug.
I muttered under my breath, “I’ll show you ‘little leprechaun’..”
After everyone hugged my mom she ushered us inside and we were immediately wrapped in the smell of freshly cooked food and homely smells.
"You know where the rooms are and you can choose who shares a room with who. No sexual experimentations please!" Mum giggled as she moved toward the kitchen.
"But Muuuuummmm! No fair!" Louis whined causing Harry to chuckle.
"Well Boo there goes our vacation," Harry fake pouted.
Louis winked at his curly hair friend, “Hasn’t stopped us before.”
"Ew guys. Gross. Stop," Zayn scrunched up his nose and started lugging his bags upstair. "I’m taking Greg’s old room!"
"We get my room!" I hollored and starting tugging Liam upstairs to my room that never changes, except its always clean whenever I visit, whenever I come stay.
I heard Harry say something to Louis about sharing the guest room.
Once we got to my room Liam sat the bags down and closed the door. He glanced around my room looking at my posters and the rest of my room.
"Cute room. I always forget what your room looks like here," he smiled as his eyes landed on me.
I glanced around my room, “Yeah so do I. I miss it sometimes. But I am glad I get to spend time with you and the lads all the time.”
I smiled up at him and he took a step toward me.
His voice lowered, “I am too, Nialler. I’m really glad.”
He stepped toward me and wrapped his arms around my waist; pulling toward him so I had to tilt my head more to look at him. His warm brown eyes danced around my face taking every feature in. His smile slowly growing on his face the more he looked at me.
No one had ever made me feel as confident or good about myself as he had. I feel more myself whenever I’m with Liam and I’m glad I chose to be with him. He made me realize who I am and he made me realize I do love him. I’m in love with him.
I’m in love with Liam.
I smiled up at him and cupped his face with my hands.
A look of confusion crossed his face then I closed my eyes, “Ni-“
His lips aren’t as soft as the lips of the few girls I’ve kissed but they are definitely sweeter. He doesn’t react right away but once he realized what I did he moves his lips with mine. He tilts his head slightly and runs his tongue along my bottom lip hesitantly as if afraid I will run away.
I smile slightly and let him slide his tongue in my mouth where it explored and danced around with my tongue. His teeth grazed my lip causing me to gasp and his hold around my body tightened. I wrapped my arms around his neck; my hands playing with his hair closest to his neck. He slid his arms down my back and lifted me up as he turned around and backed his way up until he found my bed and sat down making it so I was straddling him.
He lay back on the bed taking me with him. Our lips only breaking once in a while for quick breaths then reconnecting. Our noses bumped ever time we moved and I could feel him smiling into the kiss. His hands found the space between my shirt and boxers and he planted his hands on my skin sending warmth through my entire body.
My breathing quickened at his touch and I kissed him more needingly then I had ever previously; he returned it with as much needing.
Louis’ POV
Harry, Zayn, and I were downstairs with Niall’s mother. She had just told us that we were having Roast Beef Sandwiches for dinner since she had been preparing it since yesterday evening and it’d be done in roughly an hour.
Harry was helping her with the last of the dirty dishes in the sink while Zayn and I were setting the dinner table. Since we had finished unpacking and had nothing else to do.
"Did Niall ever tell you about his girlfriend he had right before he went to try out for X Factor?" mum asked, I call her mum since she basically is one to all of us.
"Ni had a girlfriend before X Factor?" Harry frowned and placed a plate on the drying rack.
"Oh yeah, he had a few girlfriends before he met you boys. Not that his single life is your fault boys. I’m just saying."
"Okay anyway, who was the girl and their story?" Zayn asked.
Mum washed another plate and handed it to Harry to rinse, “Louis there’s a picture of them in my room ontop of the dresser. Can you go get it?”
"Sure," I smiled and got up from my seat.
I headed down the hall to Mum’s room and opened the door slowly. Her room was dark besides the little dim lamp on her nightstand next to her bed.
I flipped on the light and walked over to her dresser. I looked for a picture of Niall and a girl.
There were some of Niall and his brother. Two of Niall, Greg, his father and mother. A couple of just Greg. Some of only Niall. Some of the boys with there mother. And one of Greg and his wife. Then there was one of Niall and a girl.
A girl that looked a lot like…
They dated?
Niall and….Taytum dated?!
I grabbed the picture and speed walked back to the kitchen.
"Niall dated Taytum?"
Zayn and Harry turned to look at me quickly with wide eyes.
"Oh yes darlin’ they did. They were sweethearts and would have grown up and probably gotten married if Niall wasn’t such a big star. I love my son and his wonderful life but Tay was such a sweetie. She didn’t take the break up so well. Poor thing. She cried on my shoulder for days after Ni left for the X Factor." she shook her head sadly and pulled the plug from the sink.
Harry dried his hands with a towel, “Wait they loved each other? Why hasn’t he mentioned her?”
"Well Tay and Ni grew up together. Niall had about three girlfriends before Tay. They only dated for about two months before they broke up. I’m not sure why he hasn’t mentioned her. Wait if he hasn’t mentioned her before then how do you know her name?"
"She interviewed us the other day," Zayn grabbed the picture out of my hands and looked at it.
"Well isn’t that great!"
"Isn’t what great?" Niall’s voice came from the doorway.
I glanced over and saw Niall and Liam in the doorway. Niall stepped over to Zayn and looked over his shoulder.
"You’re friend Taytum interviewed us the other day," I raised an eyebrow at Niall.
"Wait. That was Taytum?!"
0 notes
neverlandlight-blog · 10 years
Niam... Only A Dream? -Apologies (Chapter TwentyFive)
Liam’s POV
"Come on guys! We’re going to miss our flight!" I yelled up the stairs where my four best friends were taking their own sweet time.
If they didn’t hurry up I might call Dakota and Eleanor in for help. Eleanor popped in almost everyday to hang out with Kayla and Dakota and also occasionally Perrie. They were all getting close and were staying in our flat while the boys and I went to Ireland.
I checked my watch and groaned, “If you don’t get your butts down here right now I am going to call the girlfriends!”
I heard someone laugh upstairs and yell back to me, “Liam your girlfriend is up here!”
I rolled my eyes and heard a loud thump followed by a curse and a mumbled “Shut up Louis” before Niall dragged his bag down the stairs.
I raised an eyebrow but he shrugged and kept walking into the kitchen where the girls were talking about what they planned to do while we were gone.
I looked up the stairs in time to see Harry and Zayn tugging their bags down the steps with a lot of mumbling. They took them to the front door and sat down to put on their shoes.
I looked back to the stairs to see Louis sitting ontop of his bag at the top of the stairs with his arms in the air.
"Louis don’t!"
His bag tipped forward and started down the steps. I hopped out of the way and cringed when he landed at the bottom with a groan.
"Leeeyum you were supposed to catch me! That’s what big kids like you do!" Louis pouted and sat up.
I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag next to the staircase, “Louis you’re the oldest one here. I’m not.”
Lou gasped dramatically and stood from his spot on the floor before strutting into the kitchen, leaving his bag in a pile on the floor.
I grabbed his bag along with my own and took them to the door. When I walked back to the kitchen my eyes widened and I swear my heart stopped.
The walls, floor, table, and is that whipped cream on the ceiling?! Not to mention the egg and flour all over everyone else! Now we are really going to be late! How on heaven’s Earth did this happen? I left them alone for four seconds!
"Why do you always assume we did it?" Louis asked with a pout and dropped the egg that he had been holding in his hand.
"Yeah! It could have been Niall or Zayn or even Dakota!" Harry pointed accusingly at the three that were less messy.
I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms over my chest, “Because if I ask Niall who it was he can’t lie to save himself so lets figure this out now shall we? Ni-“
"Okay it was us!" Louis cut me off and got a death glare from his partner in crime.
"That’s what I thought. Now clean this up while Zayn and Niall go get washed up," I watched as Niall and Zayn made their way upstairs while Harry and Lou went to the broom closet.
"Li you should lighten up and have fun once in a while that’s all the boys were doing," Kayla walked over to me offering a sad smile.
I shook my head and looked down, “I can’t when we are suppose to be catching a plane and then all of this happens,” I motioned around the kitchen at the mess. The whipped cream was starting to drip off of the ceiling and plopping on the floor.
"How about I call the cleaning lady so you can make sure the boys get cleaned themselves?" Kayla asked while Dakota joined us. Somehow she hadn’t gotten dirty.
"Why aren’t you covered in baking ingredients?" My brows furrowed in confusion.
Koda scoffed and Kayla smiled triumphantly, “I hid in the cabinet under the sink.”
I chuckled and nodded, “Okay. Call the cleaning lady and I will get the two goofs ready to leave.”
Niall’s POV
Harry and Louis had actually gotten in a fight downstairs which led to the food being thrown around. Harry had said something about Louis needing to grow up and stop being such a baby. Louis shot back that at least he didn’t date women in their thirties while he was a teen. Zayn had tried to interfere but that’s when the food was brought into it.
Harry had been by the fridge so he flung it open and grabbed the first thing he had touched which happened to be whipped cream. He opened it and threw it at Louis. Lou managed to dodge it and grab the flour that was on the counter. I attempted to stop them but ended up covered in flour. It continued until Dakota finally somehow managed to stop the two boys.
Liam was pissed. It was evident on his face and his body language. He was ready to rip their throats out but I don’t blame him. It was a stupid fight and he doesn’t even know what its about. He will probably ask me though.
Liam’s POV
The car ride was silent. Harry and Louis kept shooting glares back and forth. Niall asked to drive since he just got his license. Zayn typed away on his phone so I sat upfront by Nialler.
Halfway to the airport I turned to look at Niall and asked the question that I had been dying to ask since I saw Louis and Harry in the kitchen, “Did Lou and Haz have an argument?”
Niall sighed and glanced in the rear view mirror then muttered, “Something like that.”
I nodded and stayed quiet for a second before asking something else, “Are you okay Ni? You seem distant since I asked you out. Not like your normal self.”
"I’m fine, Liam. I just have a lot on my mind with the band and stuff."
"I can help you know.."
"I’m not a little kid Liam. I can handle things on my own."
"But you don’t ha-"
"I can handle it myself!" He growled making me sink into my seat; his knuckles white where he gripped the wheel.
Everyone was silent as we pulled into the airport. We all got out and grabbed our bags; walked to the private flight area and boarded our flight.
Louis sat next to me and Zayn sat across from us while Harry sat with Niall. Usually Niall and I would sit together and Lou and Haz would sit together while Zayn slept but I guess no one was having a normal day today.
I didn’t mean to upset Niall but I don’t want him to deal with things on his own. I’m his boyfriend, I’m supposed to help him with stuff. I know I can be overbearing at times and even annoying but I want to help him.
Niall’s POV
"I didn’t mean to yell at him. I just don’t want him worried because I plan on finding out who sent the bracelet and notes," I looked at Harry and frowned slightly.
He looked back at me and nodded, “I understand that Niall but he is your boyfriend and you did yell at him.”
I groaned and dropped my head into my hands, “I know and I feel horrible about it!”
"Your temper sucks too. Its scary for everyone and I’m almost positive when you yelled at Li, Lou almost pissed himself so you may want to apologise to both of them."
I sighed and nodded; we’d been in the air for about an hour now and I could hear Zayn snoring toward the front of the plane where Li and Louis were sitting.
Harry gave me an encouraging smile as I unbuckled my seatbelt and stood from my spot.
I looked at him and spoke plainly, “I’m sending Louis back here and you two dumb nuggets better become best friends again.”
I walked away before he could object. I made my way to where Louis and Liam where seated; they were on their DS game systems playing that Mario race game that Anne got all of us for Christmas last year.
I cleared my throat and Louis dropped his game.
"Damn it Niall! I was about to win," he complained with a pout.
"Oh please! You were a lap behind," Liam chuckled softly and put his game system away.
I smiled and looked at Lou, “Harry wants to talk to you.”
Louis crossed his arms over his chest and made his face emotionless, “If he wants to talk to me then he can come tell me himself.”
I rolled my eyes, “Louis you sound like you guys got into a couple’s fight. He doesn’t really want to talk to you but I want to talk to Liam by myself and I need your seat so get your striped obsessed butt back to my seat so I can talk to my boyfriend okay?”
Louis looked at me with wide eyes and nodded; he unbuckled his seatbelt and made his way to my empty seat slowly.
I sat down in Lou’s seat and turned to a quiet Liam. I frowned slightly and looked down, “I’m sorry I yelled at you in the car.”
He stayed quiet but grabbed my hand that was scratching my arm nervously.
I glanced up at him and sighed quietly, “I know you only wanted to help and I appreciate that a lot but sometimes I feel like you’re a parent trying to help their kid not my boyfriend or best friend.”
He stayed quiet for a while then nodded slowly, “I understand where you’re coming from, Ni. I’m use to taking care of all your problems because that’s what I usually do. I treat you like a little kid. I can’t do that anymore; you’re my boyfriend now so I should treat you as an equal and let you deal with most things on your own.”
I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck to give him a hug; he wrapped his arms around my body and pulled me over onto his lap. I hid my face in the crook of his neck and nuzzled my nose against the warm skin of his neck making him shiver slightly.
We stayed like that for a while; I’m not sure how long because eventually I fell asleep to Liam’s soft humming.
Harry’s POV *insert dramatic gasp here*
Niall walked away before I could protest about him sending Louis back here for us to become friends again. I didn’t want to talk to Louis; he was being an immature brat and I’m tired of always having to deal with that. Its stupid how he goes about dealing with things in the most kidish ways possible.
I glanced up to see Louis standing in the aisle with his head down, fiddling with his fingers the way little kids do when they are nervous. For some reason a small smile broke out on my face but I quickly wiped it away.
"You can sit down you know. I’m not going to bite," I looked out the window of the plane and listened to Louis shuffle to the seat across from me instead of Niall’s vacant seat next to me.
We sat in silence for a while until Louis sighed, “Harry…”
"What Louis?" I looked at him and raised my eyebrow.
He looked down to avoid my gaze, “I’m sorry for acting like a kid so much. I know I need to act my age more.”
I know I should’ve been relieved hearing that but for some reason I felt like I was going to be sick. Louis isn’t suppose to act his age. He’s suppose to be the kid of the group even if he is the oldest. He wouldn’t be my Louis if he acted his age.
I shook my head and ruffled his hair, “No Lou, you just be yourself. I shouldn’t have told you to grow up. You aren’t you if you don’t act like a kid.”
He glanced up at me and smiled slightly but it was quickly replaced with a frown, “I’m sorry I basically called you a man whore.”
I shrugged and waved it off, “Its fine. I deserved it. Its nothing I haven’t heard a million other times.”
"That’s not the point Harry. I’m your best friend; I’m not suppose to do that to you."
"Louis its fine as long as you’re still my best friend okay? I just want you to stay my best friend."
I smiled warmly at him and he nodded; giving up on arguing with me.
"Oh! I almost forgot! Niall and Liam are officially together!" Louis was hopping in his seat so much I was surprised the plane wasn’t bouncing in the air.
My eyes widened at the news, “Really? They don’t act like it at all. If anything Niall seems more distant than ever.”
"I know," Louis frowned and pulled a hand through his light brown hair, "But when he told me to come back here he said it was so he could talk to his boyfriend."
"Do you think the letters are really effecting him this badly?" I frowned deeply and looked at Louis.
He shrugged and stood up, “Its possible but I’m going to go check on how they are doing. It is really quiet on this plane.”
I nodded and stood with him; we quietly made our way to where everyone else was sitting. I smiled as Louis tried not to make any noise whatsoever when we saw what was in front of us.
Louis grabbed my phone from my hand and took a picture then quickly sent it to Twitter.
The picture was of Niall and Liam sleeping together in the airplane seat. Liam had obviously set the seat back before he fell asleep. Niall’s face was in Li’s neck with his head resting against his boyfriend’s shoulder; he was curled up on Li’s lap with his arms wrapped around his neck.
Liam had his arms wrapped around the blonde lad protectively but still in a loving manner; his head was turned to the side as he slept.
They were cute to say in the least. Much cuter than when I was with Liam; but Li was right about one thing when we broke up. I had been crushing on Louis when I was with him but not enough to do anything about it. We were better as best friends and that’s all we ever would be because I’m in love with Kayla. She’s who I will always come home to.
0 notes
neverlandlight-blog · 10 years
Niam... Only A Dream? -I have a crush on your boyfriend (Chapter TwentyFour)
Zayn’s POV
"What?!" Dakota shot up from Lou’s lap and ran out the door.
We waited for a few seconds until she came back inside and stretched awkwardly, “Yeah I don’t know my way around London…”
A few chuckles were shared around the room. Perrie had come back with me and we had explained that Tay or as Perrie had informed me, Taytum, wasn’t really an interviewer. We don’t understand how she got to interview us or why she would go to so much trouble to.
Harry, Louis, Dakota, Kayla, Perrie, and I were all gathered around in the game room sitting on the floor. Niall was having a nap and Liam had gone out to get some movies and food since he gave up on the box.
"She left after getting her drink anyway. We don’t know where she is now," Perrie smiled at Koda softly.
Dakota groaned and plopped back down beside Louis who wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him.
I’d like to have a relationship like theirs, not flashy but still respected. I know anybody I date will get hate but it wouldn’t be horrible after some time. I just need to find the right person that’s all.
"Wait, you said she was from Ireland right?" Kayla spoke up for the first time since we had all sat down.
I nodded and glanced at Perrie who had nodded as well, “Yeah why?”
Kayla looked over at Dakota who was looking back at her; they seemed to have a conversation with each other without speaking. Koda jumped up and disappeared running toward the stairs.
She was gone for a few minutes before we heard a thud followed by some very colorful language.
"Babe you okay?" Louis stood up and walked out of the room toward the staircase.
"Yeah yeah I’m okay," she responded, "Niall are you okay?"
"I will be but why do you have the box?" a thick Irish accent called from the staircase.
There was a pause then the sound of running footsteps around the corner, “Got it!”
Koda’s POV
I opened the box and looked inside; grabbing out the letters before Niall grabbed the box away. I tossed one to Kayla and opened the one I kept.
I glanced across the paper and frowned, “Nialler did she say that any of these would go in order? Like your luck would fail you first or whatever?”
Niall sighed, “No she never said they’d go in order but I don’t even know what they mean! I mean how would my luck fail me? I don’t even have luck!”
I scoffed and looked at him, “I’d say you’re pretty darn lucky. You’re rich, you’re famous, your family loves you, and you get to hang out with four amazingly hot guys all the time.”
"Hey! I’m the only one you get to call hot around here!"
I looked over to my boyfriend who was pouting like a two year old with his arms crossed over his chest.
I smiled and put the paper down on the table; I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. I nuzzled my face against his neck and smiled when I felt his arms go around my waist.
"PDA guys! Gosh I come back and walk into see that and we have a guest!"
Liam’s POV
I walked in from getting movies and food for the next few days before we go to visit Maura and the rest of Niall’s family to see Louis and Dakota hugging.
Now I know that’s not a big deal but hey I felt like teasing them plus its a good way to tell them that I found a guest and brought her along with me.
"PDA guys! Gosh I come back and walk into see that and we have a guest!"
Louis and Dakota broke apart and looked over to me. There was some shuffling around behind them and something snapped shut. I frowned and walked in farther allowing the pretty brunette girl to walk in.
I sat the bags down on a chair in the living room and handed the movies to Harry since he was the closest one to me.
"Guys this is Eleanor Calder. I ran into her at the store and we got talking so I decided to bring her to meet all of you," I smiled and Eleanor walked up to stand next to me.
She smiled shyly to everyone and waved, “Hi…”
"Okay I just want to put this out there but if she goes crazy fangirl and kidnaps everyone I call Harry’s room!"
"Dakota!" We all yelled in unison at Lou’s girlfriend who was grinning widely.
"Okay okay sorry!" she held her hand up in defeat.
I turned to Eleanor and smiled apologetically, “I’m sorry about that.”
She shook her head and smiled, “No its fine. I understand where she’s coming from. I would have said something similar if I was in her position to be completely honest.”
"See? This girl gets me!" Koda grinned and left Lou’s side to walk over to Eleanor. She shook her hand and smiled, "I’m Dakota just incase you haven’t caught that yet."
"Eleanor, just incase you forgot by now," the small brunette smiled back.
"I’m guessing you know the band right? One Direction? Biggest boyband around right now?"
Eleanor nodded and looked down blushing softly; talking soft enough so only Bianca and I could hear her, “Y-yeah… I actually have a small crush on your boyfriend…”
Bianca paused then fell to the floor laughing earning a few strange looks from the rest of the room and Eleanor to blush harder.
"Oh. My. Gosh. You’re adorable! Louis we’re keeping her okay? And no you don’t have any say in this," Koda smiled and stood up. "Can I call you El?"
Eleanor nodded slowly and looked over at me confused.
I cleared my throat and chuckled softly, “She’s a tad different. Basically the female version of Louis brought to us by the blonde leprechaun over there.”
I pointed to Niall who had been quiet this entire time.
"I’m taking these things to the kitchen, Harry and Kayla come help me?" I asked politely while Dakota and Louis were now chatting away with Eleanor who looked baffled.
I picked up a bag and noticed Niall had lefted the room without anyone else noticing. I frowned and noticed Zayn was talking to Perrie quietly; they seemed to be having a serious conversation so I walked past them without interrupting.
I sat the bag down on the counter and started taking the items out of it and putting them away without much thought. Once I finished my bag I noticed Harry and Kayla had finished putting their things away too so I went to the cabinet and pulled out my medicine for my leg.
Yeah I stopped using the crutches because the doctor said I didn’t need to anymore and should start putting weight on it again. He gave me some more pain killers because it will hurt for a while but not terribly bad.
I grabbed a bottle of water and downed my medicine; making my way back to the living room with everyone else.
"She doesn’t know we’re sexually active."
My head snapped up to the television and I let out a sigh of relief when I saw it was just a movie.
I sat down next to Zayn on the couch, “What are we watching?”
"Juno, apparently its Dakota’s favorite movie and Eleanor hasn’t ever seen it," Harry shrugged and rested his head on Kayla’s shoulder.
"I’m her like long lost twin or something. You know that real long word they use in The Vamp Diaries? Whatever Elena is to Katherine," Dakota shrugged and waved it off.
I nodded and watched the movie with everyone else.
Niall’s POV
Everyone was downstairs watching some movie. I could hear them laugh every once in a while but I couldn’t join them. I didn’t feel like joining them. I know its ruid and all since we have a guest but it doesn’t seem like anyone even notices I’m gone.
I sat on my bed with the box open and the letters on my bed. I was holding the bracelet and looking at each of the charms. I don’t know why but I wanted to know who they came from and why to me?
Maybe I will find out when we all go to Ireland to see my mom. The person said they were from my past and one of the charms was home. They had to be there unless they lied. Guess I will find out now won’t I?
0 notes
neverlandlight-blog · 10 years
Niam... Only A Dream? -Ireland Girl (Chapter TwentyThree)
Niall’s POV
I swallowed hard and tried to find my voice. He was waiting for an answer! I was suppose to answer him and I wanted to. Don’t get me wrong I wanted to give him an answer but my voice just wouldn’t work!
"Ni? Liam? You guys back here?" Zayn walked around the door way and froze when he saw the position Liam and I were in.
My cheeks were getting hot and I pushed against Liam’s chest gently and looked down at the floor sheepishly. I started walking to the door but stopped and whispered in Liam’s ear, “I-I’d like that very much.”
I waited for his reaction and smiled when I saw the realization dawn on his face. He grinned and followed me out the door and past the dazed and slightly embarrased Zayn. We made our way to the rest of the lads who were waiting by the door that leads to our waiting vehicle.
The ride to the flat was rather quiet. I know the lads where dying to ask something but no one did well.. until we stepped inside the flat.
"Niall have you found out who its from yet?" Harry blurted out, slipping out of his white converse.
Liam and Zayn’s faces scrunch up almost identical and I have to keep myself from laughing.
I shake my head, “No but I’m not going to worry about it. Nothing has happened yet and I don’t think anything will. Its just some dumb person trying to get me all worked up.”
"Wait wait wait. What are you talking about?" Liam walked over to me. I could see him tensing up slightly and I groaned internally.
Here come protective Daddy Direction.
"Nothing, it’s no big deal. I just got a box with some letters in it. They weren’t exactly threatening they were just…. I don’t know… Warnings sorta," I shrugged it off like no big deal since it wasn’t exactly a big deal.
Liam apparently thought otherwise.
"Let me see them," his voice was hard and determined.
I shook my head, “No. I said it wasn’t a big deal because its not!”
Liam shook his head and walked past me and started up the stairs. I knew he was going to my room to look for the letters and box but he wouldn’t find them there. I had moved them to Dakota’s room the night I had gotten it. I don’t exactly know why but it made me less curious about the package.
I turned back to the lads who had stood there silent while Liam and I had had our discussion. They stayed silent so I stepped forward and ruffled Zayn’s hair.
"Hey you should get me some food because you love me just that much," I smiled at him and chuckled softly when he glared at me.
"No you messed up my hair."
I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest.
"Oh grow a pair and get over it, drama queen."
We glanced up at the voice that had spoken and I smiled when Dakota came hopping down the stairs with Kayla tagging along closely behind her.
"Hey babe, how was the interview?" Kayla smiled up to Harry and hugged him around the waist.
"It was alright. Zayn looked kinda freaked after he came back from finding Li and Ni though," Harry shrugged and kissed her forehead.
I blushed lightly and glanced down at the floor remembering the events of earlier today.
"Hey Ni, why is Liam up in your room mumbling something about," Koda lowered her voice to mimic Liam, “‘damn stubborn leprechaun. Why can’t he just show me’ It’s actually entertaining."
I shrugged and looked up toward the top of the stairs, “I wouldn’t show him the letters in the box. So he is upset… ish…”
"Damn it, Niall! Where the hell is the bloody box?!"
"See?" I smirked lightly and hollered back, "Not in my room!"
"Then where is it, smart ass?!"
"I’m not telling you!"
"You’re so difficult!"
I laughed and shouted back, “That’s why the people love me!”
I heard him groan and stomp somewhere, probably his room, upstairs. I walked toward the kitchen and made myself a sandwich. Today turned out good so far and it wasn’t even over yet.
Zayn’s POV
Everyone was doing their own thing. Kayla and Harry went on a date, Louis and Koda were playing Just Dance 4 and if they weren’t then I don’t know why they are so loud in the game room, Niall was munching on his sandwich, and Liam was searching for some box.
I walked upstairs to my room and pulled out my laptop. I logged onto Twitter and went down my newsfeed reading random tweets.
@iAmBambi: Listening to #WMYB again! Can’t believe its been out over a year!
I smiled and responded to it.
@ZaynMalik: @iAmBambi I’m glad you like it love! We owe everything to fans like you!
I followed a few account and checked my favorite bands’ accounts for any new updates. I came across Little Mix’s account and clicked on it.
@LittleMixOffic: Great signing everyone! My hands are sore! Love seeing everyone today! Hope to see everyone again soon! Perrie
I smiled slightly and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I went down my contacts until I had my finger hovering over her number.
I closed my eyes and pressed the call button.
I don’t really know why but I’m slightly nervous. Perrie has been my friend since we got close on X Factor. People thought we had dated but we never did but every time we denied it they ignored us. That’s what I don’t like about paparazzi or people who assume things before we confirm or deny things.
"Hello? Zayn is something wrong, hun?" Her worried voice coming through my phone.
I cleared my throat and smiled softly, “Nothing is wrong, Perrie. I just wanted to say hey. Oh and I was wondering if you wanted to grab a milk shake with me?”
"I’d love to!"
I grinned widely, “Great see you there in ten minutes?”
She giggled quietly, “See you there!”
I hung up the call and logged out of my computer; putting it back in its case and on the seat of my chair by my desk. I grabbed a jacket and my wallet, shoving my phone in my pocket and running down the stairs.
"I’m going to grab a snack with Perrie! Be back later!" I shouted so someone in the flat would hear me.
"USE PROTECTION!" Louis and Dakota shouted back in unison.
I rolled my eyes and walked out of the flat I share with my best mates and their girlfriends who happen to be pretty fun most of the time.
I walked down the sidewalk with my head low and shoved my glasses that I wear on occasion on, I pulled my hood up too; not the best disguise but I didn’t really care.
I’m pretty sure I’m the only single member left in the band. I mean Louis has Dakota and they are adorable don’t get me wrong; I’m sure they will stay together and have obnoxious children to bless the world with mini Louis and Dakota’s.
Then Harry and Kayla are together. Although they are more affectionate and open about their relationship than Louis and Dakota are I can see them together way down the road. Harry will do anything for it to work I can tell from how he acts and treats her.
And I’m like ninety-five percent sure Niall and Liam are dating. You don’t just look and act like they do around each other and not be dating. Especially the way I found them earlier. It just doesn’t work that way.
Yeah I still have some feelings for Niall but who couldn’t? I mean he’s Niall Horan. What’s not to love? But I’ve come to realize that we wouldn’t have worked as well as him and Liam can. Liam knows how to protect and help him better than I can. But if Niall ever needs me then I will be there for him.
I looked up and saw the Milk Shake City logo on the door; I smiled and opened the door to see a grinning blonde girl running toward me.
I chuckled and wrapped her in a tight hug that she returned.
"Hey Perrie, vas happenin’?" I smiled and sat her down on her feet once again.
"The girls and I just got done with a signing and Jade is going to visit her family," Perrie shrugged half heartedly and took my hand, dragging me toward the counter.
"Your orders are ready, Miss," The kid behind the counter said without much emotion.
Perrie picked up two cup and handed me one, “Thank you!”
I raised an eyebrow and looked at her, “You ordered me a milk shake?”
She nodded enthusiastically and started on hers.
"You’re such a dork, Perrie," I smiled and lead us to a table near the back.
"I know!" she chirped and grinned at me, "But that’s why you love me so much!"
I rolled my eyes and muttered quietly, “Something like that.”
I started on my drink and glanced around the shop a bit. It was the same as always with pictures of celebrities that had stopped in hanging on the walls. They still didn’t have a picture of all of us boys as a group. They wanted one badly though.
"Hey Zayn?" Perrie spoke after a few minutes of comfortable silence.
I glanced over at her, “Yeah?”
She twiddled with her fingers next to her half empty cup, “I was just wondering if maybe you, eh, would like to-“
"Wait is that Tay?"
"What?" Perrie’s blonde head turned toward the door to see the dark haired interviewer walking up to the counter.
"That’s the girl that interviewed us this morning."
Perrie turned back to me and shook her head, “That can’t be. She not an interviewer.”
I frowned slightly, “But why not?”
"Because Tay is Jade’s ex boyfriend’s cousin from Ireland."
0 notes
neverlandlight-blog · 10 years
Niam... Only A Dream? -Out In The Open (Chapter TwentyTwo)
Niall’s POV
I slipped off my seat that I had been sat in since the moment we got to this interview. It was a last minute thing, none of us knew what it was about which stressed us out a lot. Each of us dealing with the stress differently.
Harry was pulling his hands threw his curls almost abusively, Zayn had went out to have a smoke, Louis was cracking horrible jokes and laughing extremely loud, I was biting my lower lip extremely hard, and Liam… Liam actually looked calm…
His face had no lines of worry, his eyes were on his phone that was held in his hand as he leaned up against the wall backstage. He was wearing a dark blue tshirt, dark faded blue jeans, and his hair was straighted and swept to the side like normal.
I frowned and watched Liam for a while until he glanced over at me; I tried looking away before he noticed I’d been watching him but with the luck I have it didn’t work.
Liam wobbled over to me with his crunched under his arms and a sly smirk on his face; I kept my face toward the floor only to have him tilt it up so I was looking at him.
"What’s got you so nervous?" he looked over at me with amusement filled eyes.
I shook my head and forced a small smile, “Nothing at all.”
"You’re a horrid liar."
My face paled and I forced myself not to look at him, “I am not lying so I don’t know what you mean.”
A soft chuckle came from beside me, “Your jaw clenches and you grind your teeth together when you lie or are nervous. You’re lying or you’re nervous. I have my money on a bit of both. Am I wrong?”
I groan and pull a hand down my face as Live While We’re Young starts to play, “No. You’re right.”
Harry nudged me from behind, letting me know I was suppose to move forward. I groaned quietly and made my way onto the stage with a forced smile on my face as the audience screamed and waved signs in the air.
I sat down on the long couch that was waiting for us. Liam sat next to me followed by Harry, Louis, and finally Zayn.
Huh… I wasn’t the last one this time… That’s a first.
I looked over to the interviewer and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. She looked extremely familiar for some reason. She had dark hair that could be either really dark brown hair or black, depending on the lighting. A light tan, brown eyes, and a slim body with a few curves thrown in. She wore a black tshirt that had the studios logo on it in red letters and a pair of black skinny pants and black pumps.
The audience quieted down as the interviewer put her hand in the air and motioned to us.
Her accent not being what i expected at all.
"Hello, One Direction. Thank you for coming in on such short notice," she smiled at us but continued, "You can call me Tay if you’d like. Now we have some things we need cleared up for us since there are many rumors going around on Twitter and all over the internet right now."
Why did she sound and look so familiar? She’s not British either! She’s Irish! Or at least her accent was. This is just confusing…
"-ou took Niall on a date?" Tay’s voice snapped me back to the interview taking place.
I felt a deep blush rising to my face at the mention of Liam’s date he had taken me on a week ago. We still hadn’t spoken about it but I knew my feelings for Liam were continually growing for him; more than just a friend and definitely not as a brother. It was something more complex than all that.
A soft chuckle came from beside me; I looked over at Liam to see he was already looking at me.
"Yes I did take Niall out on a date although he didn’t know it was one until the end and he didn’t exactly go willingly…" Liam’s voice trailed off toward the end.
The entire building seemed to be silent; waiting for the story of our date but Liam and I just sat there looking at each other. That was until ‘Tay’ spoke.
"Care to share?"
My head snapped around to look at her as my ears filled with Liam’s calm and caring voice.
"Well Harry, Louis, Zayn, Kayla, and Dakota all thought it would be just great if Niall and I got out of the house since we hadn’t left the house since we got back from out cancelled tour," he took a breath then continued, "so they decided to… inform me that I had about twelve hours to come up with a date. After some discussion with the others it was all set."
There were chuckles from Harry and Louis that caused me to roll my eyes. I glanced at Liam again and he nodded for me to take over telling the story.
I cleared my throat, “So the next day I was scanning Twitter like I usually do when we are on break and have nothing else to do. I believe it was Harry that called me downstairs saying something about Uncle Simon needing to meet with me. I remember arguing that Simon knew my number and he could call me if he needed to speak with me. After a while I gave in and got into the car waiting for me. I had just buckled the seatbelt when the door opened again and I saw Louis holding Liam and Zayn had his crutches. I remember wondering why the hell Louis was holding Liam but I didn’t get to ask because Liam was thrown in the back next to me along with his crutches; the second the door closed the driver pulled away as if he knew where to go.”
"Which he did because I had already spoken to him earlier that day," Liam interrupted.
My eyebrows furrowed and I looked over at him, “But I was with you all day… when did you tell him?”
"When you took a shower,"he shrugged with a sly smirk on his face.
I rolled my eyes and nodded, “Alright back to the story… We got to the beach and Liam took me to this little restaurant, we sat down at a table on the beach and ate wonderful food and talked. After that he took me to an aquarium I’ve always wanted to go to and I got to swim with the dolphins. It was fantastic and by far the best date I’ve been on.”
There was a chorus of “awww” from the audience and lads. I looked over at the interviewer and my eyes widened when I saw her fists clenching the papers on her hands. I raised an eyebrow and lent toward her.
"Hey are you okay?" I whispered to her so no one else could hear.
She nodded and I watched her body relax, “We will be back with One Direction after the break.”
The audience applauded and our interviewer got up from her seat to go backstage. I turned to the lads only to see them all looking at me.
I squirmed in my seat and mumbled, “What?”
Liam’s chocolate brown eyes captured mine, his voice calm and soft, “Did you really mean that? About the date?”
I felt my cheeks get warm and I glanced away from him, “Of course I did…”
I swallowed and looked back up at him, chewing on my lip.
My head snapped toward the audience; my cheeks scarlett without a doubt. My eyes were wide and they scanned over the group to find the person responsible for the demand.
Tay came back, claiming our attention once again. She sat in her seat and smiled sweetly, “Welcome back! We are joined by special guests, One Direction!”
We all smiled and nodded toward the camera once it was pointed at us.
"Liam and Niall have just described their recent date. Now the next question we have is: Are you guys a couple?"
Liam let out a quiet sigh, “No we aren’t at this moment in time.”
I glanced at him and gave him a reassuring smile. I’m kinda glad we aren’t together; I mean what would happen if we dated and then had a nasty break up? I understand that he and Harry have dated before but their break up was kind of mutual. Not every break up is that way though. I’m not completely opposed to dating Liam though. He makes me feel safe and happy. Plus he looks like a cute puppy dog. Whats not to like?
"Very interesting way to put it Niall," Tay’s voice broke my thoughts.
I frowned and looked over at her, ignoring the giggles coming from the audience. I was confused and wanted to know what was going on. I looked back to Liam and saw his cheeks bright red with a small smile on his lips. Louis chuckled and explained.
"You just said all of that out loud, Ni."
My eyes widened once again and I looked down at my lap, looking at my fingers in my lap. A dark blush rising on my cheeks, “Guess its out in the open then…”
"Next question…" Tay flipped her paper to find it, "Do the girls live with you boys or do they have a seperate flat?"
"They live with us but they share their own bedroom. They make us happy and are hilarious which is wonderful," Harry pipped up from beside Liam.
Another chorus of “awww”s came from the audience.
"So the single ones of the group are?"
"Liam, Niall, and me." Zayn spoke for the first time since we got on stage. His voice caused me to look over at him.
He was wearing a varsity jacket over a dark red shirt, a pair of black skinny jeans and some black converse. His hair wasn’t in its normal quiff instead it was flat against his head and had his nerd glasses on.
Tay nodded and flipped through her papers, “Alright just a few more questions and we will be done. Uh… do you guys know when you’ll do your next signing or anything involving the fans?”
"We have a concert three days after Liam is suppose to get his cast off," Zayn shrugged, "Its healing a lot faster than the doctor thought it would."
"What happened anyway? Did you break your leg?"
Liam nodded and glanced over at me, “Well yeah I did break it and Niall’s been helping me get better.”
Shouts came from the audience again. Chuckles followed as a few more shouts came from here and there.
Once they quieted down Tay asked the final question, “Is anyone planning on visiting their families soon?”
I frowned and looked at her, she had set the papers down on the desk she was sat at; I glanced at them but didn’t see that question anywhere on the papers.
"Actually Niall’s mother called this morning asking if we’d all join them for a vacation next week. So I guess we are all heading to Ireland soon," Liam smiled when he finished speaking.
I looked at him, fear started making its way into me. I remembered the bracelet and notes; how can I explain them to Liam? He’d make sure the police got involved which would only cause a big scene and it’d end up published all over the news and magazines. I didn’t want that to happen but I needed to tell Liam about it.
"Well thank you for joining us today," Tay grinned at us then turned to the camera, "Tomorrow Taylor Swift will be joining us and talking about her new songs. Have a wonderful day London!"
The camera turned off and Tay turned back to us, “Thank you so much for joining us last minute. I hope it wasn’t a bother.”
"No problem, love," Zayn stood from the couch and smiled at her.
I nodded and stood up too, I looked at Liam and decided now was better than never to tell him about the box, “Can I speak to you Liam? Alone?”
"Oooooohhhh," Harry and Louis sang in a taunting tone.
I rolled my eyes and helped Liam up from the couch; making sure the crutches were okay under his arms then we headed back stage and down the hall. We got to an empty room and we walked into it.
"Li, there’s something I need to tell you…" I started but Liam laughed lightly.
"I need to tell you about something too," he smiled and moved toward me.
I frowned and tilted my head to the side slightly, “What is it?”
"I get my cast off in a week and a half!"
I grinned and wrapped my arms around him tightly, nuzzling my face in the crook of his neck, “That’s great Liam!”
He laughed and nodded, “I didn’t tell you because we haven’t really had time with just us since my appointment and I wanted to tell you by yourself. So what is it that you wanted to tell me?”
I pulled away from him and my eyes roamed around his face. I shook my head, “Its nothing. I don’t want to ruin the happy moment.”
He nodded and watched me with a small smile on his face, “Just one more thing could make me happier.”
"And what’s that, Payne?"
He leaned forward, brushing his nose lightly against mine, his lips grazed against my gently until he added a tad bit of pressure to form a kiss. Our mouths worked together with ease, my arms went around his neck as I kissed him back. Our eyes closed with my back against the wall and his chest pressed up against mine.
He pulled back earning a frustrated groan from me only making him chuckle lightly. Our breathing was a tad labored from the kiss we had just shared.
"Niall James Horan, will you do me the honors of being my boyfriend?"
My breathing completely stopped as I opened my eyes to meet his puppy dog brown ones.
0 notes
neverlandlight-blog · 10 years
Niam... Only A Dream? -Then Who Is It? (Chapter TwentyOne)
Niall’s POV
Three days. It’s been three days since the date and I can’t stop smiling. It was one of the best days of my life that I had spent with Liam. I had many days that I enjoyed that included Liam, along with the other lads of course. But then I also had days that were absolutely horrid and then Liam would show up and they’d get automatically better. He seemed to make everything better now that I think about it…
He also made me feel different when I’m around him. Almost like those silly romance novels girls read. Not that I would know! Because I don’t read them or anything.. I’m just guessing. But Liam makes my stomach feel funny like butterflies are in there trying to escape. Whenever he touches me, not inappropriate or anything because nothing like that’s happened, my body instantly gets warm. When we kiss my mind becomes blank and its almost like everything’s alright in the world. My breath hitches every time I see him but I don’t mind one bit.
Bloody hell I sound like a schoolgirl!
Liam Payne has turned me into a bloody schoolgirl! How in the blazes does one boy do this to me? It’s not fair! I demand that he return the old Niall immediately! This is not alright with me at all! He thinks he can just waltz right in here and turn my emotions around and leave me confused? I beg to differ! Don’t I have a say in this?
Oh you bloody fool Niall. Of course you don’t have a say in this. You know you wouldn’t argue with Liam if your life depended on it. You care too much for the lad to start a fight with him and over what? Some stupid emotions? Are you really going to turn into a schoolgirl?
I groan and pull a hand through my hair. This is all frustrating and too much for me to handle at the moment. Maybe I should talk to Dakota. She usually helps me when it comes to Liam and its been coming to Liam a lot lately actually. But wait, she helped Liam with the date. I should talk to her about that as well.
I stand up from my bed and make my way over to the bedroom door as quietly as I can. I don’t know who’s here and who’s not but I know Liam had said something about taking a nap after lunch and I don’t want to wake him. He needs as much rest as he can get.
I quietly walk down the stairs to the living room where there’s a brunette sitting with her back to the doorway and watching The Vampire Diaries reruns on the television that hung from the wall. I make my way silently to the back of the overly large chair and place my left hand on her neck gently. She leans into it slightly and I groan.
"That’s not fair! I was suppose to scare you," I complain as she pauses the television and laughs.
"Have you forgotten who my boyfriend is, leprechaun? Let me remind you; Louis Tomlinson, the king of pranks. You’ll have to do better if you want to scare me," she laughs lightly and turns around to face me.
I pout slightly but cross my arms on the back of the chair, leaning on them. I rest my chin on my arms so my eyes are at the level of hers. To an on looker it may look as if we are about to kiss with how close our faces are but she’s dating my best mate and I’m not interested in her that way. I’m interested in her in a sisterly way if any way at all. Plus I’m here to talk about Liam not snog my best friend. Wait… Let me rephrase that; not snog my GIRL best friend.
"So what are you here for Ni? Is it Liam," she asked wiggling her eyebrows with a smirk plastered on her tan face.
Koda was part Native American and she was very in touch with that part of her. Although she didn’t grow up with Native Americans, she knew a lot about them and most of the Native American tribe names which were a lot when you actually tried to memorize them.
She had natural beauty but don’t tell her that or you’re in for a beating, trust me and Lou. Don’t ever tell her she’s naturally beautiful or cute. You know, it’s better just to not try and compliment her. But she is beautiful, no matter what she says. She has big brown eyes the color of brownies with caramel swirls, a small button nose along with a small but plump mouth, pink cheeks that always seemed to have a hint of blush behind it, long eyelashes, and perfectly fine eyebrows to wrap it all together. It’s not difficult to realize why Louis was attracted to her. I would be too if it wasn’t for Liam.
"Yeah it’s Liam and the date," I looked her in the eyes with my liquid blue ones. I saw her eyes widen slightly but she quickly composed herself. But not before I knew she had something to do with it all.
She cleared her throat, “What about the date? Did you like it?”
"Of course I did. Well at first I didn’t know it was a date; I thought it was just me and him hanging out like before you know? It wasn’t uncommon for just me and him to go off by ourselves while the other lads were off doing their own thing. But once Liam let it slip that it was a date all the pieces fell into place," I shrugged and looked at her to see her waiting for me to explain.
"How he was paying for everything; the dinner on the beach, the aquarium already knowing we were coming, the swim with the dolphins although he didn’t know I was actually going to swim with them, and then he tried holding my hand. It was a jerk move when I pulled away but it shocked me how him holding onto my hand actually felt… right? I don’t know how else to explain it," I tugged my hand through my hair again, it was a shock I had any hair left, "I’m not gay, Koda. I’ve never been gay or at least I don’t think I am. Unless its like a depressed thought or something. I’ve heard those exist. There are people who can make you stop smoking or lose weight so they could surely make it to where someone forgets their ga-"
"Niall shut up!" Koda growls loudly, shocking me to silence.
I look at her wide eyed, she’s closer than before. Her nose is pressed up against mine and her eyes are filled with annoyance and amusement. She finds this hilarious which I can assure you it is not.
"Now calm down. I’m sure you aren’t gay. Maybe bisexual which is perfectly fine trust me. I have many friends that are bisexual as do you. Now there is a way to find out whether you are or not. Explain your feelings when you’re around Liam," she sat back away from me with a small smile upon her face.
I stood up and walked around to a couch, taking a seat facing her. I explained how he made me feel and what the kisses did to me.
"He’s turning me into a blasted schoolgirl! I might as well just go up to Harry and say ‘HARREH! HARREH! GIVE ME SOME OF YOUR GRAVY!’ Ugh! This is so annoying," I tug at my hair.
"That is hilarious!" Dakota clenches her stomach as she laughs. She falls from the chair in fits of laughter, curled into a ball.
"What’s all this noise for? You know some people are trying to sleep," a voice calls from the doorway.
I turn and see a mop of brown curls along with piercing greenish blue eyes. I groan and glare down at Dakota to tell her to keep quiet. But as if she didn’t see me, which she did but choose to ignore it, she sat up after she was done laughing and smirked at Harry.
"Oh nothing, Niall just wants some of your gravy," she smirked at me then back at Harry.
I felt my face heat up and kept my face to the ground. God I had brought us another Louis, just in a female form. And to make matters worse, they were dating. Imagine all the things they could come up with to torture the rest of us. Oh what have I done?! But hey, they made each other happy so that’s a good thing.
I heard a low chuckle and the couch move down next to me but I still refused to look up. I knew it was Harry but my face was still red, I could feel it. The warmth in my cheeks a constant reminder that I was blushing which I only did when I was nervous or flattered. Right now I’m nervous, it’s not like I wanted his gravy! It was a stupid thing that came out when I was rambling!
"Aww, does the little Nialler want Hazza’s gravy instead of Lili’s?" Harry cooed as if I was an infant. He wrapped his arms loosely around my waist, rubbing small circles with his thumbs of his hands.
My cheeks burned hotter and my head shot up to make my eyes meet his, “No!” I responded to quickly making Dakota and him burst into laughter causing me to groan again.
This just wasn’t my day. How many more times am I going to make a fool out of myself? This wasn’t a good idea, I should have known not to talk to anyone about this. Or maybe I came to the wrong person? Maybe I should see if Zayn is around. He’s always good with helping people out.
"Nialler?" Dakota called from the chair that she had finally climbed back into.
"Hmm?" I glanced at her and noticed they had stopped laughing.
"You okay? You keep zoning out."
Do I? I should stop doing that or people will start asking me what I’m thinking about and I really don’t want Liam to ask that if I were to zone out around him. What would I tell him? ‘Oh well I am just analyzing my feelings I have toward you because you make me feel like a bloody schoolgirl every time you are around me’. Oh yeah that’d totally work.
I felt a hand come in contact with the side of my head and yelped,
"What the bloody hell was that for?!" I hollered at Koda who was standing in front of me, ignoring a snickering Harry beside me.
"You zoned out again. I had to get your attention somehow," she shrugged as if it was no big deal.
I rolled my eyes and went to stand up only to be held down by Harry’s arms still around my waist.
"Haz, could you remove your hands around my waist?" I asked nicely meeting his gaze.
A smug look came on his face, “And why should I, Horan?”
"Because if you don’t I might be killed by your girlfriend."
"And why should I care if that does happen?" he replied back jokingly.
"Because if he gets killed by your girlfriend you can bet I’ll kill you," a voice came from the doorway sending a shiver throughout my body.
We all turned and faced the older boy as he stood leaning against the wall right inside the doorway of the living; his crutches were up against the wall next to him and his arms were crossed over his chest. His brown hair was curled up since he didn’t straighten it this morning not that I’m complaining. His chocolate brown eyes were full of amusement and laughter as they roamed over everyone until they landed on me. He looked at me from head to toe before locking their gaze on Harry’s arms around my waist.
I saw something flash in his eyes but it was gone as quickly as it had come. It wasn’t anger or sadness, something else. Some other emotion that he covered up with happiness. I just know I don’t like that look in his eyes.
I grabbed Harry’s wrists and pulled his hands off my body then stood up walking over to where Liam stood while Harry and Koda talked about some movie in theaters.
Liam was wearing his old batman shirt that I hadn’t seen in a very long time. It was actually a surprise it still fit him with how much he’s grown over the past few months. He had a pair of blue jeans on and had managed to put on his white converse, well at least the right one since his left foot is broken.
I wiped my palms on my jeans and managed to look up into his dark brown eyes, “What’s got you all dressed in actual clothes instead of sweats?”
"I have a doctor appointment today. Nothing too big," he shrugged halfheartedly as if it was no big deal.
"I’ll go with you, just let me go grab my sweat sh-"
He cut me off and grabbed my arm as I tried to walk past him to the hall closet, “No that won’t be necessary. Zayn’s going with me.”
I felt my body tense up and I bit my bottom lip harshly not sure what to say. I looked down at the floor and nodded slowly not trusting my voice. I wanted to go with him. After all I was the one that had taken care of him this whole time. I mean I didn’t stop the boys from helping or anything.
I felt warm fingers lift my chin up toward Liam’s face but averted my eyes from his face. I continued to chew on my lower lip trying to keep myself from saying anything. I’m sure if I were to speak right now I’d say something rather rude and I didn’t want to start anything.
"Stop that."
My eyes jerked to his face and my eyebrows creased in confusion, “Stop what?”
"That," Liam nodded towards me only causing me more confusion.
"What am I doing that you think I should stop doing?" my voice getting more annoyed at the second.
His hand left my chin and cupped my cheek; instantly my face got warm no doubt red. His thumb lightly rubbing against my lip and gently tugging my lower one from my abusing teeth. He continued to run his thumb over my lip and look at them as if he was studying them for a final exam.
After what had to be the twentieth time I bit his finger, not hard enough to draw blood but still pretty tough.
"Ouch! What the fuck was that for?" he said as he clutched his wounded thumb to his chest.
I laughed and backed away from him, “Oh god! You should have seen your face! That was priceless!”
"Niall James Horan! You’re in for it!" Liam grabbed his crutches and situated them under his arms. A very determined look came to his face as he started limping slowly toward me.
"Oh yes because a wounded Liam is so frightening," I mock gasped and took a few steps away from him.
A smirk came across his face and he stopped his limping; he just looked at me. The smirk growing when he noticed my confused expression that had found its way onto my face. I took another step back and felt my back come in contact with someone else.
I looked up slowly only to be met by a pair of grey-blue eyes.
Oh shit.
I’m so dead now.
Before I could even try to get away Louis grabbed me by the arms and out of no where Harry grabbed my legs ignoring my kicks trying to free myself. I flailed the best I could but obviously they had visited the gym recently sometime because my attempts to get free where obviously lost in the wind.
"Let me go! Let me go! I didn’t do anything to you! Let me go!" I screamed over and over. Probably the hundredth and eightieth time.
"Oh? You didn’t do anything to us? My mistake. It must have been some other leprechaun that dyed the tips of my hair blue," Louis glared at me, his jaw clenched.
My eyes widened and I gave him a sheepish grin, “You look good Boo…”
I heard a low growl from him and he started tugging me out back. I started fighting back again but still to no success. Harry laughed and followed Louis with my feet. I heard Liam’s crutches close behind and I had no doubt Dakota was there too.
Once Louis convinced Koda to open the back door, my last resort of pleading came into play. I looked up at Louis one last time and filled my voice with the best begging and innocent tone I could muster up.
"Louis please, I’m sorry I was bored last night and you had fallen asleep along with everyone else and I didn’t want to wake anyone up. I found the hair dye and knew you were a pretty deep sleeper so I thought ‘why not? He pranks us. Why can’t I prank him?’ so I dyed you the tips of your hair. You know it’s not as bad as some of the things you do to us. Plus, you look pretty badass if I do say so myself."
Louis stopped walking toward the pool and I let out a sigh of relief. He turned to Harry and they had a silent conversation with their eyes that slightly frightened me. I hug between their bodies not being let free but still not feeling as nervous as before.
Suddenly Louis’ voice broke the silence, “Nope. No matter how ‘badass’ I look. You’re not off the hook.”
My eyes widened and I used all my remaining energy to get free but they walked over to the pool and swung me back and forth slowly.
Swung forward.
Swung back.
Swung forward.
Flying in the air toward the pool.
The water was freaking freezing! Who in their right mind would throw someone in the damn pool when it’s this temperature?!
Oh right…
Louis and Harry.
And I didn’t even do shit to Harry! What the hell is the fuckery?!
I swam to the surface for a breath. Liam, Harry, and Dakota were all laughing while Louis had a triumphant look on his face.
"Next time think before you mess with The Tommo," he strode back into the house, his arms crossed over his chest still wearing the smirk on his face.
I grumbled under my breath and pulled myself out of the pool, ignoring Harry’s out stretched hand. He freaking threw me into the pool! I don’t want his helping climbing out!
When I got out of the pool my clothes were soaked and my blonde hair was plastered to my head. So much for actually styling it today. And to think these are my best mates? I must be stupid or some shit.
"Cover Koda’s eyes! Ni’s wearing a white shirt!" Harry called from behind me.
I turned to him and gave him a nice long view of my middle finger then glared at the ground on my way inside. Once inside the house I closed the glass sliding door and locked it so Harry, Liam, and Dakota were all stuck outside as it got chilly from getting later in the day.
I smirked and made my way to the stairs with my soaked clothes; leaving a wet path in my follow. Liam would be pissed but it is partly his fault for me ending up wet. I still don’t see why Louis was pissed about the hair! He looked perfectly fine to me! The color brought out his eyes for bloody sake!
I closed my bedroom door and pulled off my soaking wet shirt, throwing it in the over flowing dirty clothes bin. Guess I know what I’m doing while Zayn and Liam go to the doctor’s today.
My teeth ground together as I thought of Zayn going with Liam instead of me going with Li. It’s not suppose to be Zayn and Liam, it’s suppose to be me with Liam. I am suppose to be the one taking care of Liam, not Zayn.
I unbuttoned my blue jeans and kicked off my shoes when a knock sounded at my door. Half way undressed forgotten, my curiosity took over and I wandered to the door. I opened it slightly and looked around the hall only to see it was empty. Frowning, I go to shut the door but notice something on the ground.
An envelope attached to a small box.
God this sounds like a chick flick. First I turn into a bloody school girl and now chick flick moments. Fantastic!
I bent over and picked up the box and note then closed my door behind me as I made my way over to the cluttered dresser. I shoved some clothes off of it and set the box down. I pulled the note from the box and opened it. I read it slowly.
Ni- We haven’t spoken in three years but I wanted to let you know, I’ve never forgotten you although it seems you have forgotten me. But it’s just a matter of time before you remember me again my sweet sweet little leprechaun. I’ll be visiting you in your dreams sweet pea. Love lots. -Sugar Pie xx
I frowned and set the note beside the small box.
Who the hell was this from? Three years ago? Maybe it was a prank from one of the boys. It was probably Louis still getting back at me for the hair dye thing.
I opened the small carving decorated box that was covered in swirls and small flower carvings. Inside the box was a small silver charm bracelet. From it hung four simple charms; a four leaf clover, a music note, a plane, and a house.
I looked inside the box for anything else and found another note.
Ni- Each charm stands for something different. Each event that takes place at these things I will be a part of. Perhaps not a big part but I will be present. I will tell you what they each represent. The four leaf clover- you are a lucky one. Where will your luck run dry? The music note- don’t you have a tour coming up? Might see you at one of the shows. The plane- maybe I’ll see you at an airport. Who knows right? And finally: the house- there’s no place like home right? I’ll see you soon Ni. Real soon. -Sugar Pie xx
My frown deepened as I looked between the two notes and the charm bracelet. I had no idea who they were from. I still had a bet it was Louis.
I shoved everything back in the box and walked out into the hallway, hurrying down the starts and hollering, “BAND MEETING NOW! KAY AND KODA TOO!”
I heard grumbles of complaints but ignored them; I stood under the television so I was facing everyone as they walked into the living area.
"God Niall! Put on a shirt and do up your pants! We have girls here!" Louis said when he entered the room.
I rolled my eyes and ignored him as the rest of the house came into the room and took any place they could sit down. Well aside from Zayn and Liam since they left for Liam’s doctor appointment.
I held out the box and questioned, “Who left this at my door?”
No one answered. They all look equally confused.
"Then how did it end up at my door if none of you did it?" I mused more to myself than anyone around me.
"Maybe Paul left it at your door when he delivered the mail earlier. He’s been leaving it at our bedroom doors," Harry shrugged from his spot next to Kayla.
I nodded but stayed quiet. I knew it wasn’t from Liam because he would have just came to me instead of leaving a weird note. And Zayn wasn’t exactly the one to go out and buy another guy jewelry, let alone a bloody charm bracelet.
But if it wasn’t one of my band mates or their girlfriends…. Then who was it?
Sneak Peek
"What’s got you so nervous?" he looked over at me with amusement filled eyes.
I shook my head and forced a small smile, “Nothing at all.”
"You’re a horrid liar."
I face paled and I forced myself not to look at him, “I am not lying so I don’t know what you mean.”
A soft chuckle came from beside me, “Your jaw clenches and you grind your teeth together when you lie or are nervous. You’re lying or your nervous. I have my money on a bit of both. Am I wrong?”
I groan and pull a hand down my face as Live While We’re Young starts to play, “No. You’re right.”
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neverlandlight-blog · 10 years
Niam... Only A Dream? -"...until we kiss." (Chapter Twenty)
Dakota’s POV
"What do you mean?"
"Exactly what I said, he’s confused but obviously has feeling for Liam. They need to go on a date and we can get them to go on one," I looked at the curly haired boy and raised my eyebrows.
"I think it’s a good idea. Ni needs a push and Liam would probably enjoy getting out of the house," Kayla shrugged beside me and Louis nodded in agreement.
"Then it’s settled, we will get them to go on a date."
"But wait, they will never agree to it if we just tell them they are going on a date with each other. I know for a fact Niall will do everything in his power to get out of it. He doesn’t enjoy awkward situations," Zayn said from beside Harry at the kitchen table.
I frowned, knowing Zayn was right. I’d seen the way Niall wiggles his way out of situations he wasn’t comfortable with. He was pretty good at it too and he knew it. Especially with Liam, he’d just give a little pout or pull his big blue puppy dog eyes out and Liam would sooner, rather than later, give in to whatever Niall wanted. It was actually amusing if you thought about it.
"Okay well which one would be more willing to actually go on a date with the other one?" I frowned and sat back in my chair.
"Liam. He is the one who is certain of his feelings after all. I’m sure we can easily talk him into taking Ni-" Harry was cut off by footsteps coming down the stairs.
All eyes turned to the blonde boy who walked into the kitchen; a small smile made its way on his face when a shout came from upstairs.
"Bloody hell Niall James Horan! I’m perfectly fine! Stop acting like my nurse!" Liam groaned loudly.
Niall just ignored him and opened the fridge; he grabbed a bowl of fruit and two bottles of water then walked over to the counter and grabbed a bag of sour cream and onion chips. He glanced over at the kitchen table and his eyes widened as if he just noticed we were all there which could be the case since no one had made a sound since he had entered the room.
Louis cleared his throat and spoke in a joking tone, “You know Nialler, Haz and I could always go to the party store and get you one of those nurse dresses…I’m sure Liam wouldn’t mind.”
My eyes widened and I slapped my hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing. I bit my bottom lip hard but it didn’t make a difference; I bursted into laughter, falling off my chair and onto the floor.
I wasn’t the only one laughing; Zayn and Kayla were in fits of laughter too but they had remained sitting safely in their seats watching Niall as they laughed. Harry was successfully keeping his laughter in while Louis sat with his arms folded over his chest and a triumphant smirk on his face.
Once I got control of my laughter and sat back on my chair, I looked at Niall who was wide eyed and extremely pale. He had dropped the food he had been holding and was just looking at Louis with a look of horror and disbelief and maybe a little bit scared…
"No wait, Lou, I think I may still have that one from when I had to do that dare you gave me…" Harry mused, he was obviously lying but from the look Niall gave between his two band mates he apparently thought Harry was telling the truth.
Louis gave a small chuckle, “No Haz, that was a maid outfit. Oh! Little Nialler can be our maid! Good idea!”
Kayla shook her head and stood up, “Alright guys, chill out. I’m worried to scarred the poor boy with the visions that must be running through his head,” She tsked and got Niall a new bowl of fruit before pushing him toward the stairs, “Now go take care of Liam.”
He stayed silent the whole time, a bit of color came back to his cheeks at the mention of Liam and he gave a small smile before running up the stairs and closing the door to Liam’s room behind him.
I looked around the table to everyone, “Okay now here’s what we have to do…”
Liam’s POV
We’ve been home five days and Niall hasn’t stopped acting as my personal nurse once. He has dark circles under his eyes and his hair is always all over the place. I made sure he took a shower everyday and changed but he still looked like a disaster with his wrinkled sweat pants and loose T-shirt over his fit body. I felt bad for the lad.
I finally got Niall to lie down next to me with his head on my chest and in a matter of minutes he was out. Soft snores and mumbles escaping from the blonde lads’ mouth. I smiled softly and played with his hair gently as he slept; running my fingers through his soft wispy hair. I watched his chest slowly rise and fall with each breath he took; I listened to the soft murmurs he spoke in his sleep.
My head snapped up when I heard someone clear their throat at my door. I looked at my doorway and spotted two figures standing there with knowing smirks on their faces which slightly frightened me considering who the pair was, Louis and Dakota. They motioned for me to go into the hallway so I held my hand up in a ‘wait a second’ manner and maneuvered Niall so his head was resting on a pillow.
I crawled out of bed and grabbed my crutches, hobbling my way over to the door as quietly as possible so Niall wouldn’t wake up. Koda and Louis backed into the hall so I could close the door behind myself as I stepped into the hall.
"Guys I don’t know what this is about but I finally got Ni to sleep so if you could make whatever this is quick I’d much appreciate it," I said softly as I leaned against the wall next to my bedroom door, listening for any sound coming from Niall.
"Yeah we saw. First time he really laid down to sleep since we got home?" Louis questioned just as softly, glancing at the door to my room.
I nodded as a small smile made its way onto my lips, “He’s been fussing over me too much. He needs a break before I go crazy from his constant ‘are you hurting? Do you need anything? Are you sure you’re alright?’ I swear I have no clue how you boys handle me when you’re sick or injured. I have to be ten times as annoying.”
Louis scoffed and nodded, “You are worse. Loads worse. But you need a break too; from this house that is…”
I raised my eyebrow as he trailed off, not finishing his sentence. I glanced between Lou and Koda who had been silent since I left the bedroom, “What are you up to?”
Louis glanced at Koda then back to me, “Well we think you should get out of the house. Nothing big just dinner… Maybe a movie… With Niall….” his voice dropped to a whisper as he finished his sentence.
I shook my head and made sure I heard him correctly, “Did you just say ‘with Niall’?”
"Yeah. We think you should take Niall out on a date. All of us do; Kayla, Zayn, Harry, Me, and Louis. And as in ‘date’ we mean actually out of the house in public kind of date," Dakota grinned and clapped her hands quietly in front of her. "Come on! You know you wanna! Just get him to leave somehow with you and surprise him with a date."
"And why do I have to be the one to do the date?"
"Because let’s admit it; your the guy in the relationship," she countered.
"There is no relationship."
"Ha! You didn’t deny it! Poor little leprechaun. Anyways, there will be after the date. Just get him to leave with you in one of the cars. You both need a break and to have some fun," Dakota smiled and grabbed Lou’s arm then walked downstairs where the rest of the house hold was.
I sighed and pulled a hand through my hair and down my face. I thought to myself ‘Niall brought home another Louis. Just the girl version.’ How am I suppose to get Niall to leave the house with me when he won’t even let me walk downstairs? Sure let’s just tell Liam he has to get Niall to go on a date and leave him to figure out all the difficult stuff. They could at least give some ideas but no they just leave it up to Daddy Direction. Like always.
I shook my head then made my way back into my room with the help of my crunches. I passed the bed where Niall was still sleeping; he had managed to curl up in a small ball wrapped in the blankets. It was cute to say in the least. I walked to the bathroom and leaned against the counter in front of the mirror. I looked horrible. I needed a shower and to change into actual clothes rather than these sweat pants and sweater. Best start now; never know it may help with figuring out how I can get Niall to go on a date.
——next day——
"Niall! Niall! Come here it’s an emergency!" Harry’s voice called from the bottom of the stairs.
I looked over at the blonde haired boy the was sitting on my bed with a laptop on his lap as he was looking over twitter. He had spent the past three hours talking to fans on twitter. He probably gave the poor girls a heart attack or they fainted, that’s always a possibility. He liked twitter a little too much.
Niall sighed and set his computer down on my bed next to him; he looked at me, “I’ll be right back. You going to be okay?”
I rolled my eyes and nodded, “I’ll be fine Niall. Just go see what’s going on.”
He left my bedroom and shut the door after him. I jumped up and hobbled over to my wardrobe; I pulled out some faded blue jeans and a long sleeved dark blue shirt. I quickly walked to my bathroom and changed out of my sweats into my outfit, I had managed to learn how to pull jeans over my cast within the past week. I made my way back to the bed and grabbed my crutches; Louis and Zayn were waiting for me outside my bed room door.
Zayn was wearing a long sleeved red plaid shirt unbuttoned over a white t shirt and a pair of blue jeans. Louis was wearing his signature blue stripped shirt and a pair of red jeans and TOMS. They each walked on either side of me as we made our way to the top of the stairs. I could hear Harry trying to get Niall to the front door then Kayla and Dakota joined in to help Harry. They were saying something about Simon needing to speak with Niall but Niall kept saying that Simon knew his number and that he wasn’t going to leave me while I was hurt. I rolled my eyes and motioned for Zayn and Louis to help me down the stairs.
It was about two in the afternoon and today Niall had actually decided to get dressed in actual clothes instead of sweatpants like he’s been wearing since we got home. He had actually done his hair too, something about being bored enough to get around like normal. Anyways, it helped out with my plan so I was happy.
We made it to the bottom of the stairs just as Niall finally sighed and gave into the whole meeting thing with Simon, which in all honesty was complete bull. I had spoken with Harry last night and we had made a deal that he’d help me get Niall into the car then Louis and Zayn would help me quickly to the car which would throw Niall into a pool of confusion but it was all I could think of.
My blue converse were at the bottom of the stairs so I pulled them on quickly and Louis sighed at how long it took me; he scooped me up and carried me to the door bridal style. He waited for Harry to opened the door as I wrapped my arms around his neck so I wouldn’t fall; Zayn was following with my crutches. Zayn opened the car door and Lou practically threw me in the car’s back seat next to a very confused looking Niall and Zayn handed me my crutches. I said my thank yous to the lads and shut the door. I looked up at the smirking driver and gave him a small nod; I had spoken to the driver earlier on the phone so he already knew where to go.
I glanced over to Niall who had his face scrunched up in confusion; his hands were fiddling with the zipper of his unzipped green hoodie that he wore over ‘Free Hugs’ t shirt that he matched with a pair of beige pants and red converse. He looked up at me and crossed his arms over his chest; his voice coming out extremely confident, “There’s no meeting with Simon.”
"Smart leprechaun," I nodded and laughed softly. I turned to the window and watched buildings pass by. We took a few turns before Niall spoke again.
"So what are we doing then? Why isn’t the rest of the crew coming? Or are they in another car?"
"You’ve been watching the Step Up movies again haven’t you?" I turned and looked at him. His cheeks began to turn pink and he averted his gaze to the floor, "Niall, they came and talked to me last night and said that they figured we both needed a break from everyone else and we needed to get out of the house. They knew you would never agree to it with me having a broken leg and everything so we came up with a plan to get you into the car," I took a breath and mumbled, "Now the rest is up to me…"
He apparently didn’t hear me say the last part and looked up from the floor, “Then what are we doing? Where are we going?”
I smiled and moved my crutches out of the way, “We are almost there just a few more minutes.”
Once we arrived and I managed to get out of the vehicle, Niall shut the door after us and looked around the crowded street. It was now about three thirty in the afternoon on a Saturday and a fairly nice day which meant lots of people were around. I placed the crutches under my arms and then remembered Simon’s words about avoiding public with my broken leg and all. Crap I knew this was a bad idea.
I looked next to me where Niall was suppose to be but my eyes met an empty space. My heart beat picked up and I began looking around frantically for the blonde headed lad but couldn’t see him anywhere. This wasn’t good, Niall isn’t very good with direction and he gets lost easily and with being in a crowded place just makes this situation worse.
I sighed in relief with a familiar laugh came from a nearby store; I looked over and saw Niall with two little kids. The girls’ mum took out a camera and Niall bent down so he was just a little taller than the two girls who looked about six years in age, they all smiled and the camera flashed. Niall took out a market from his back pocket and wrote on each of the girls’ hands with the blue ink then made his way back over to me with a smile on his face.
"They were from Ireland. Live down the street from Mum’s house," he commented once he was beside me again.
"Really? That’s amazing actually. Why are they all the way over here?" I asked and started heading toward the end of the street where my plan would take place. It wasn’t anything too big or dramatic. It was actually pretty last minute.
"Their grandmum is in the hospital over here for some testing. Their going back home tomorrow," Niall shrugged as he walked beside me. He got quiet and shoved his hands in his front pockets. This is the thing with Niall, he’s always so brotherly to everyone. He doesn’t like awkward situations and he will make sure he stays out of them if he can. Well things are about to get awkward and there’s no way I’m letting him out of it this time.
I smiled as I saw the beach come into view. I quickened my pace and chuckled as Niall realized I was moving faster. I got to the restaurant and told them my reservation. Niall stood behind me dumbfounded and followed silently as the man led us to our table that sat just off of the sand of the beach; we took our seats quietly. A young looking waitress came out with our food that I had ordered before hand so it’d be ready once we got here. Niall looked down at the plate that held a steak sandwich and some fries; a small smile on his face. He lifted the sandwich and began eating.
We made small talk throughout the meal finishing with a small chocolate cake. We sat at the table until a quarter before five when I decided it was time to continue this date. I stood from my chair and grabbed the annoying crutches, placing them under my arms again, “Come on Ni, we still have somewhere else to go.”
"What do you mean?" his voice was full of confusion and curiosity.
"Just come on. You’ll see soon enough," I led us out onto the sand of the beach and slowly hobbled over to a big brick building of a water amusement park.
I heard Niall gasp behind me and turned to look at him. A giant grin covered his face and his hands were clasped together in front of him. He looked so happy it wouldn’t surprise me if he started bouncing.
"I’ve always wanted to come here!" he exclaimed as we walked inside and I told the lady at the front desk my name so we could go inside.
"I know, that’s why I brought you here silly," I smiled as we walked into the park. We made our way to the indoor aquarium and Niall ran to the jelly fish exhibit quoting Dory off of Finding Nemo.
We saw the jelly fish, clown fish, sea slugs, sharks, and the turtles along with a bunch of other sea related things before we finally made it to the dolphins. Niall was watching a dolphin swim around in a giant tank when I motioned to one of the workers. We stepped away from Niall so he couldn’t hear us but I kept an eye on him as I spoke to the worker.
"Hey, I’m Liam Payne. I spoke to the person in charge earlier. Is everything still okay?"
The guy looked down at his clip board and flipped through some papers then nodded, “Sure is. So this must be Niall then,” he nodded toward the tank where Niall was still smiling at the dolphin, “My daughter is a big fan. She quizzes me all the time on you guys. They should just make a class in all the school to you boys. Maybe then grades would be better.”
I laughed and nodded as we walked back to Niall. I tapped his shoulder to get his attention, “Hey Nialler, do you want to do something fun?”
He looked away from the tank and smiled, “Like what? I kinda like watching the dolphins. This one just blew a bubble and swam through it like tigers jump through rings.”
I smiled softly and motioned to the worker beside me, “Follow him. He has a surprise for you.”
Niall looked back at the tank then followed the worker around the tank up to some stairs, they climbed the stairs to the top of the tank. I watched the dolphins swim up to them and Niall bent down on his knees reaching his hand out to touch one of the dolphins. I don’t know how but somehow he slipped and the next thing I knew he screamed my name before there was a loud splash and I was pulling myself up the stairs.
I made it up the stairs pretty quickly actually, broken leg forgotten. All those hours in the gym finally paid off and I looked down in the tank for a head of blonde hair. I couldn’t see him anywhere in the tank; I looked over at the two workers that were standing next to me not doing anything. I gave them confused looks as to why they weren’t saving Niall but they ignored me. I was about to jump in after him when I heard a gasp come from the tank.
Niall laughed causing me to glance at the tank once again and I sighed in relief that he was okay. I was confused no doubt and my leg was beginning to hurt but I was relieved that Ni was okay. After a few minutes he was helped out of the dolphin tank and handed a towel. One of the workers gave me some clothes with the Aquarium’s logo on them and we were led to the workers’ locker room so Niall could shower and change.
I waited for him on one of the benches in the locker room. He came out in the sweat pants and light blue t shirt they had given us. He sat next to me and gave me a small crooked smile that lit up his face, “Today was fun, Li.”
"I’m glad you thought so, Ni." I smiled back to him and slowly moved my hand on top of his.
He looked down to his hand that was covered with mind and quickly moved it to his lap where his other one was. I sighed and grabbed his wet clothes and situated the crunches as I stood up.
"Come on, we should be going. Let’s go to the gift shop to get a bag for these wet clothes," I said without looking at him. It kinda hurt when he pulled his hand away. I thought maybe today had changed something but I guess I was wrong.
He quietly followed me to the gift shop where I looked at some of the bags. There were ones that were messenger bags then some that where shaped like animals. I grabbed one that was in a shape of a turtle and glanced over to Niall who was looking at some beanie babies. I made my way over to him, “Do you want one?”
He jumped at the sound of my voice and shrugged, “You’ve already done a lot for me today. I don’t need anything else.”
I chuckled softly and shook my head, “Niall, that’s what I’m suppose to do when I take you on a date.”
I saw him tense up and mentally face palmed myself. Crap I just told him this was a date. I mean he was bound to find out later but now it’s going to be awkward all the way home. This just keeps getting better and better… Note the sarcasm.
"Th-this is a d-date?" he stuttered and held the dolphin beanie baby closer to his chest.
I sighed and felt my shoulders slump, “Well yeah. It kind of is… I mean it doesn’t have to be. It could just be us hanging out like we did before feelings got involved and stuff…”
He was silent for a while before he looked up at me with a small playful smile on his face, “It’s not a date until we kiss.”
I raised an eyebrow and watched him practically skip away with the dolphin beanie baby. He waited by the counter for me and I paid for our things; I put the wet clothes in the turtle bag while Niall played with his new beanie baby. Our car was waiting for us when we left the Aquarium.
I was still confused by what Niall said in the gift shop so when we arrived home, instead of getting out of the car right away, I looked over to him with a quizzical expression on my face.
He smirked in return and opened the door on his side of the car then climbed out. I quickly copied his actions and grabbed the turtle bag before closing the door. Niall was almost to the front door already, not being slowed down by a broken leg.
"Horan you best stop walking right now," I said as I tried to catch up to him as quickly as I could.
To my relief he actually did stop walking. He made his way back halfway between the front door and the drive way which left me with just a few steps before I was right in front of him. He smiled up at me with his most innocent smile which he uses when he knows he’s confused the fuck out of someone which he has.
"What did you mean back at the gift shop?" I asked as I put all my pressure on my right foot so my left could have a break.
Niall looked at me with his bright blue eyes that were full of excitement and happiness, he bit his lip lightly then moved his face closer to mine. When our faces where barely an inch apart he closed his eyes and gently pressed his soft lips to mine. I closed my eyes and moved my lips against his. It was a gentle and innocent kiss that lasted for a short time before Niall pulled away and we both opened our eyes, looking at each other.
"Now it’s a date," he smiled and walked to the door leaving me to follow after him.
I smiled as I made my way through the front door. I had successfully taken Niall Horan on a date and it ended with him kissing me. Who could ask for a better outcome?
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