Not mine, but super cute!!!
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Phantom of the Overwatch Part Four
Savory smells filled the already warm air around her senses, Angela's stomach beginning to wake with hunger. Slowly she became aware of the soft and velvety blankets encompassing her, and the pillows surrounding her adding to the security she was feeling. Slowly she opened her eyes, looking around the dimly lit room, the light from a fireplace dancing off the black furniture and decor. Angela sat up, her head immediately spinning and a sharp pain ringing through her body. Where was she? Her mind raced backwards, trying to find any clue to where she was. Suddenly, she remembered Reaper, their fight, and the coldness and loneliness that accompanied her in the holding cell. Her stomach again began to ache, reminding her how she had neglected it in her despair. There was movement in the doorway, the familiar ghostly white face with red glowing eyes moving towards her. Angela stumbled backwards on the bed, her heart pounding with the fear and confusion she was feeling. Reaper stopped, watching her carefully. “What do you want now?” Angela demanded, her voice shaking. It was strained and dry, the very sound of the sadness emanating from her words was a brutal reminder of how he had treated her. His heart sank, guilt eating at his conscience. He didn't even know he had a conscience left, at least not until now. “Angela, its okay.” His voice was uncharacteristically quiet and though still rough, it somehow seemed gentle. Angela stared at him, not sure what to expect or say, since she remembered their last conversation filled with anger and malice. The Ghastly figure walked over to the fireplace, taking his gloves off and setting them aside before reaching for a tray with a bowl of soup keeping warm by the fire. He delicately took the tray, slowly approached the bed, and set it down on the edge. Angela watched him carefully, stopping on his ungloved hands. Though riddled with scars from burns and cuts, she recognized them. Her heart filled with sadness as she remembered the day she lost Gabriel, the fire and explosions, the condition they found Jack in. Tears filled her eyes and she began to sob, her head beginning to pulse with pain as her headache worsened from the crying. “Gabriel, what has happened to you? And why didn't you come back! I-I could have helped you!” Her sobbing caught him off guard, and his guilt began to mix with a nervous feeling in the pit of his stomach. He didn't know what to say, let alone what to do. “You need to eat. I gave you a shot earlier and put some medicine in the soup so you should start to feel better soon.” Quickly, Reaper grabbed his gloves and slipped them on, rushing out the door and locking it behind him. Angela sat, confused, upset, and in lots of pain. She watched the door and waited, simultaneously hoping he would leave her alone and come back. She looked at the soup sitting next to her, its hearty smell playing on her sense of hunger. It was a vegetable and meat stew that she immediately recognized from her home country of Switzerland. Several years ago, she had taught Gabriel how to make it in an attempt to get him to take better care of himself… maybe he wasn't as lost as she thought he was, after all, he still remembered how to make her favorite soup. 
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Phantom of The Overwatch Part Three (Fixed)
Days had passed as Reaper waited for Widowmaker and Sombra to finish their mission, waiting for the signal that it was safe to transfer Mercy to headquarters for questioning. He knew it would be at least another week until it was safe, and grew impatient waiting, the growing tension between him and his prisoner gnawing at him. Neither of them had spoken since their fight, though he wondered if it would have been better if they had never talked in the first place. He paced by the computers, the surveillance of her cell on the screen before him. He knew it was time for him to give her food and water, but he was nervous. Reaper hadn't slept at all the days following their altercation, his mind racing without cease or rest. But somehow he had thought less and less about Jack being alive, his anger almost disappearing. Reaper couldn't either believe or forget Angela's confession that she loved him. He shook his head, he couldn't believe that she had loved him, since any feelings she had for him had surely been smashed by his cruelty to her. Reaper slowly approached the door, breathing in deeply as his hand grasped the handle before opening it and entering. He walked straight for the cupboard of food, the door still broken and hanging on by the single hinge that survived his punch. He took a loaf of bread and turned towards the barrier. There she was, in the farthest corner of her cell, her face blank and sad, her eyes fixed on nothing, refusing to look at him. He went over to the barrier, typing in a code before a slot opened up to a small table on the inside of the cell. On the table lay the four loaves of bread from the days previous, stale and untouched. Reaper slid the new loaf onto the table and into the pile, bumping them and one loaf rolling off onto the floor, rolling closer to Angela. She still didn't move, showing no reaction to the food a few feet away. Reaper took the small cup off the table, filling it with water, and returning it to the table. At least she was drinking water. He felt himself worried about her, she hadn't eaten in days. He had been watching the surveillance footage almost constantly and knew that she only stood up to get water, watching it become more and more difficult for her to stand up and get to the water. “You… you need to eat something.” He said, his voice gruff, but strangely gentle. Angela didn't move for a moment, then moved against the corner, turning more into herself.  Reaper left without another word, not sure what to do. He again seated himself in front of the computer, waiting to see if she would eat. Minutes turned to hours, and she didn't move, not even for water. The only sign of movement was her face moving down to her arms. He began to feel unsettled, no longer able to see her face. He waited, another hour or two going by. Suddenly Reaper stood, walking briskly over to the door and opening it. “Mercy,” he said yelling slightly. She didn't move. Reaper felt his heart begin to pound, his mind racing and panicking. Running to the other end of the room he typed in another code, the entire barrier disappearing. He walked over to her, kneeling down on the cold stone floor beside her. “Mercy, Get up.” He waited a moment but she still didn't move, her shoulders moving slightly with each of her breaths. Reaper stood, pacing the cell. “Dammit, this is my fault! What have I done, I've nearly killed her!” His hands began to shake, guilt and panic rushing through him. He stopped, looking at her before he approached and gently picking her up. Her body was limp and cold, and Reaper felt his heart almost reach for her as he cradled her head against his chest. Reaper walked quickly out of the holding cell, almost running to his quarters. He gently set her down on his bed, and carefully undid her valkyrie suit. His mind wandered back to the numerous times she was wounded in battle, and he and Jack would have to take her to the medical ward for treatment. They had often helped her like this…. But this time, it was his fault. He had put her in danger and his whole body ached with guilt. He set her valkyrie suit off to the side, her skin tight suit underneath showing him again that she hadn't eaten in days as it showed her ribs visibly. She was already skinny, but had lost more weight the past few days with her lack of eating. He laid her head against his pillows and pulled his blankets around her, even grabbing and extra blanket to make sure she would be warm. He started a small fire in his rarely used fireplace, the dust covered logs roaring to life. Reaper walked over and sat on the edge of the bed and watched as she breathed. He took one glove off and placed his hand gently on her face, her skin beginning to warm. Slowly, Angela's head moved, her face turning into his pillows. Reaper smiled and stood, satisfied that she was comfortable. A few minutes passed, and Reaper walked out of the room, leaving the door open behind him. He immediately went to the kitchen, pulling out various vegetables and some dried meat. His heart began to slow, and the panic drained as he started chopping vegetables and meat, piling them into a big pot and filling it with water before setting it on the stove to cook on low heat. Reaper then took a chair and placed it in the doorway of his room, sitting and waiting. Slowly, he felt his eyes begin to droop, and his mind relax, and minutes later he was asleep. 
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Hey guys! I know I don't write any mchanzo fanfic, so if you guys love that ship, here is a great place to check it out!
Gunnin’ For Cupid
Hi guys! I just posted the first chapter of my new McHanzo fic, ‘Gunnin’ for Cupid.’ (I got the title from a cowboy love poem shh don’t tell anyone) It’s basically a pre-overwatch au, where basically Deadlock is trying to do a deal with the Shimada clan. Jesse and Hanzo quickly develop crushes on each other, but they’re both too stubborn to admit it. Will they get past their egos and admit their feelings for each other? And most importantly, who has better aim? 
If you’re interested, good reader, here’s an exclusive excerpt from the first chapter just for you! 
Hanzo quirks an eyebrow. He was born in the underworld, raised by mobsters, nannied by contract killers. But in all his life, he’s never known a sentimental gang lord. McCree is growing more intriguing by the minute, it seems. Hanzo reaches over and tugs on the man’s flannel sleeve. “Come on. You’ll have plenty of time to sightsee while you and Ashe are here.”
McCree looks to Hanzo for the first time since they passed the window. His eyes are gentle, despite how dark they look in the low light of the hallway. They flick down to where Hanzo is still holding his sleeve, then back up to meet his eyes. His smile is knowing, and more than a little self-satisfied. He reaches out, gingerly taking Hanzo’s hand in both of his own. They’re warm, and rough with callouses that attest to his familiarity with hard work. “I dunno,” he purrs, his eyes dark and lidded. “There’s plenty o’ fine things to look at ‘round here. I might never get my fill.”
Hanzo huffs out a laugh, shaking his head to hide the blush that’s working its way over his face. “Come on, cowboy.” He turns and pulls the other man down the hall by his hands. Behind him, McCree laughs quietly.
If you’d like to check it out, here’s a link! Thank you for your time, good reader!
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Heres two of my favorite characters in one Mercy and Harley Quinn! Hope you like it!
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Phantom of the Overwatch Part Four
Savory smells filled the already warm air around her senses, Angela's stomach beginning to wake with hunger. Slowly she became aware of the soft and velvety blankets encompassing her, and the pillows surrounding her adding to the security she was feeling. Slowly she opened her eyes, looking around the dimly lit room, the light from a fireplace dancing off the black furniture and decor. Angela sat up, her head immediately spinning and a sharp pain ringing through her body. Where was she? Her mind raced backwards, trying to find any clue to where she was. Suddenly, she remembered Reaper, their fight, and the coldness and loneliness that accompanied her in the holding cell. Her stomach again began to ache, reminding her how she had neglected it in her despair. There was movement in the doorway, the familiar ghostly white face with red glowing eyes moving towards her. Angela stumbled backwards on the bed, her heart pounding with the fear and confusion she was feeling. Reaper stopped, watching her carefully. “What do you want now?” Angela demanded, her voice shaking. It was strained and dry, the very sound of the sadness emanating from her words was a brutal reminder of how he had treated her. His heart sank, guilt eating at his conscience. He didn't even know he had a conscience left, at least not until now. “Angela, its okay.” His voice was uncharacteristically quiet and though still rough, it somehow seemed gentle. Angela stared at him, not sure what to expect or say, since she remembered their last conversation filled with anger and malice. The Ghastly figure walked over to the fireplace, taking his gloves off and setting them aside before reaching for a tray with a bowl of soup keeping warm by the fire. He delicately took the tray, slowly approached the bed, and set it down on the edge. Angela watched him carefully, stopping on his ungloved hands. Though riddled with scars from burns and cuts, she recognized them. Her heart filled with sadness as she remembered the day she lost Gabriel, the fire and explosions, the condition they found Jack in. Tears filled her eyes and she began to sob, her head beginning to pulse with pain as her headache worsened from the crying. “Gabriel, what has happened to you? And why didn't you come back! I-I could have helped you!” Her sobbing caught him off guard, and his guilt began to mix with a nervous feeling in the pit of his stomach. He didn't know what to say, let alone what to do. “You need to eat. I gave you a shot earlier and put some medicine in the soup so you should start to feel better soon.” Quickly, Reaper grabbed his gloves and slipped them on, rushing out the door and locking it behind him. Angela sat, confused, upset, and in lots of pain. She watched the door and waited, simultaneously hoping he would leave her alone and come back. She looked at the soup sitting next to her, its hearty smell playing on her sense of hunger. It was a vegetable and meat stew that she immediately recognized from her home country of Switzerland. Several years ago, she had taught Gabriel how to make it in an attempt to get him to take better care of himself… maybe he wasn't as lost as she thought he was, after all, he still remembered how to make her favorite soup.
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Here is a picture I drew a couple months ago of Reaper and Mercy! Its based off the cover of the latest Phantom of the Opera movie. Hope you guys like it, and feel free to share it if you like! ~❤ Evelyn
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Okay guys, here’s a link if you want to see it.
I don’t know why I didn’t originally put it. My bad.
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The Phantom of the Overwatch Part Two
Everything was blurry and bright, but he could see shapes. There was movement in front of him, almost reaching for him. He felt a warm touch around his hand, pulling him towards its source. Layers of light peach and gold were surrounded by sweet sounds of gentle laughter, and slowly things began to focus. He saw her eyes first, deep blue and full of life, happy and loving. Her face came into focus, revealing her radiant smile. Her blonde hair gently drifted around her face, the soft waves catching the warm light and throwing it back even brighter. She looked at him, smiling and pulling him closer. He wrapped his arms around her waist, the breeze pushing her hair into his face. He could feel it tickling his cheeks as she leaned towards him, her arms slipping up and wrapping behind his neck. He watched her face, so close, so happy. She opened her mouth, and he leaned closer, listening for whatever she was going to say…. BANG! Reaper woke suddenly, the dream melting as his eyes opened. BANG! It sounded again. Reaper grumbled as he stood, making his way down the hall of the Talon Checkpoint house. BANG! It sounded again, this time behind the door. He took a deep breath, opening the door, “What the hell are--” Reaper quickly vaporized, his body becoming an indestructible mist as a high-heeled boot came flying towards his face, flying through and hitting the door behind him. Angela stood in a cell in front of him, the red separation barrier flickering before filling in again. Reaper noticed slight damage to the wall inside the cell, and a few items that had been thrown through the barrier at the wall. Angela pressed her hand against the barrier looking at him, a sad expression rising to the surface of her face. Reaper stared angrily back at her, ready to dodge the other boot already in her hand. “Gabriel? Wh-what happened to you?” Her eyes were red and watery, and her voice strained. “I told you not to call me that.” His voice sounded angry and rough, his eyes glowing red as he crossed his arms. “What do you want?” Angela's expression darkened and she turned her head away slightly, wiping the tears from her cheeks. “What happened! Where have you been? I looked everywhere for you, for days after you and Jack disappeared!” He rushed her, eyes beaming red with furry, “DON'T YOU DARE SAY HIS NAME!” He screamed, slamming his fist against the barrier, Angela jumping backwards. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you.” She cautiously approached him, putting her hand directly across from his fist. Reaper grumbled angrily, moving his fist and backing away. He reached over to a cupboard, pulling out a small loaf of bread before tossing it to her. She scrambled forward to catch it, and Reaper turned for the door. “Wait!” Angela raced towards the end of her cell after him, almost dropping the bread. He stopped, not turning around and silent. “Please don't go! Gabriel, please just talk to me!” His posture somehow grew more tense than before, and she could hear him breath in sharply, “No, like I said before, I killed Reyes a long time ago! And as soon as I get the chance I'll kill you and every other Overwatch agent I can find.” Reaper stormed out of the room ignoring her protests and slamming the door behind him. He paced back and forth, anger pulsing through him. He stopped at the computer, pulling up the surveillance of the holding cells. He watched as she paced her cell looking over her shoulder at the door. She sat in the corner and buried her face in her arms. He could see her shoulders shaking as she sobbed. He felt the urge to go back in, to go and hold her and tell her it was okay. No. He couldn't do that, he hated Overwatch and had vowed to kill every last agent. But he hadn't thought about her. In fact he had intentionally avoided it all these years, convincing himself it would be easy or she had already died. But seeing her now, locked up and crying felt… wrong. He shook his head, he had not felt anything for so long, and he was being ridiculous. She was nothing to him. The surveillance was interrupted, an incoming transmission flashing on the screen. Reaper grumbled a little, answering the call begrudgingly, “What.” He heard a laugh on the other end before Sombra's familiar voice came through the transmission, “How'd your reunion with your little friend go?” She jeered, snickering even more. Reaper ignored her comment, “Did you reach the checkpoint?” Sombra sighed, “Yes, in fact we made it early. I even had time to do some digging. Do you think it's strange that your little fly wasn't surprised to see you alive?” Reaper rolled his eyes and sighed, “Seemed pretty damn shocked to me.” She laughed at his answer, clearly pleased. “Well maybe your condition shocked her, but you are talking to the 'Angel of Mercy’ here.” “Sombra, what are you getting at, I'm not in the mood for your stupid games. And even at Overwatch's peak she never had the technology to bring completely dead people back. She was shocked to see me alive, period.” Sombra laughed almost mockingly, “Well maybe you should ask her how your friend Jack is doing? Maybe then you'll realize you got the shorter end of the deal.” Reaper stiffened, rage rushing over him again, “What are you talking about?!” He demanded, “Nothing, nothing at all! Anyway, just thought I'd let you know we made it! Have fun babysitting! Boop!” Sombra ended the call before he had a chance to ask any further questions, “Sombra! Dammit Sombra, you little snake!” Reaper turned around and rushed for the door to the holding cells, kicking it open and stopping inches away from the barrier. “Where is he!” Angela jumped, standing and cautiously walking towards the barrier, “What are you talking about, what's wrong?” She asked, the urgency in his voice scaring her. “Where is Soldier 76! Is he alive? Where is that BASTARD!” Angela took a couple steps back, feeling herself begin to shake, “Gabriel, I-I don't think I should tell you that….” “So he is alive! Why! How did I not notice this!” He began to pace frantically, one hand on his shotgun, the other clenched in a fist at his side. “Gabriel, calm down, everything is okay!” He spun around to face her, “You! This is all your fault! You saved him before he died and left me to rot!” Angela stopped, her heart sinking at the accusation. “What? No! Gabriel, no one could get inside! You two were tearing the place apart, and when the fires started and headquarters blew up, we all tried to get to you! We spent days looking for you, and we just happened to find Jack first! And--” “And what, just assumed the worst and tried to save him?!” Angela felt herself getting angry now, she had to hold herself back from yelling at him, “No, Gabriel, Jack was dead. After we found his body I spent days looking for you, any sign or even piece of you! Reinhardt and Ana had to rip me off the rubble and force me to stop looking!” Reaper rolled his eyes, and held onto his gun tightly. “Gabriel, I didn't just leave you! And only after they made me give up did I try and help Jack! I thought that if I could save him then maybe somehow if I found you I could save you too!” Reaper punched the cupboard, the metal door sinking in and the top hinge snapping. “I'm sure that's why you did it, to save me!” He replied sarcastically, “You always took his side, always!” “I did not!” Angela yelled, her temper growing harder and harder to control, “I always supported you, and tried to talk Jack down to seeing your side of things just as much as I tried making you see things his way!” “Ya? Well you never supported me when I needed it most, you left me in the end!” Angela grabbed her uneaten loaf of bread, throwing it at him in frustration, “That's what you think?! I tried to reason with BOTH of you! But neither of you would listen to me or anyone else! You were both too stubborn and selfish to work things out! You guys have always been terrible at listening to me, and how do you think that made me feel? Watching my two best friends try and kill each other!” “Your two best friends? He was always your favorite, don't lie to me! You two were always with each other, on missions, at headquarters, everywhere! Sometimes being with you guys made me feel invisible!” Reaper yelled, more emotion pouring into his voice with every word. “Ya? Well whose fault is that! When I first met you and Jack, you always ran off and left us, sometimes you refused to even talk to me or go on missions with me! You made ME feel invisible!” Angela tried to hold back her tears, her hurt and anger mixing together as she tried to calm down. “What other choice did I have! You were Jack's, I couldn't just take you from my best friend!” Reaper yelled at her, slamming his fist against the barrier. Angela stopped, her hands tightening into clenched fists. “Excuse me? Did you say I was 'Jack's’?” Reaper stopped, confused, but still angry. “You know what I'm talking about.” He said, standing his ground. Angela reached down, taking her boot off and swinging at him through the barrier, “I was not 'HIS’! Never ever! How dare either of you assume I belonged to, or was the property of anyone! I cannot even begin to describe how that makes me feel! How DARE you!” She threw the boot as hard as she could, sending it flying past his face, barely missing him. “You weren't his 'property’, he just called dibs on you, so I wasn't allowed to have feelings for you because he already did!” Reaper tried to clarify. “Oh he had dibs on me?! And that's better?! What is wrong with you two?! I'm not some animal you can call 'dibs’ on and adopt! I knew Jack liked me, but I never once returned his affection, and he knew that! I even told Jack that I had loved YOU since the day we met!” Reaper stopped, fists still clenched, “You expect me to believe you loved me, and that he knew about it? So you're saying that my closest friend took Overwatch from me, and that if he couldn't have you then no one could?” Angela began to sob, falling to the ground, “I don't know. All I know is that Gabriel did die. And Jack. But they died the moment they turned on each other, and on Overwatch. So just go, I don't want to talk to you anymore.” Angela held her knees and hid her face in her arms, crying. “You make the rules now?” He said, his tone harsh and angry. “Just go, Reaper. Go and leave me alone.” She got up, moving to the back of her cell away from him. He stopped, a sudden wave of guilt and pain hitting him like a bomb. She had called him Reaper and not… Gabriel. That's what he wanted though wasn't it? He even said so himself, Gabriel Reyes had died years ago. Reaper turned and left the room, slamming the door behind him. He walked down the hall and to his private room, and even though he was the only one there besides his prisoner, he locked the door. He sat on the edge of the bed, thinking. Why did it hurt so much, her calling him Reaper? That's who he was now. And had she really loved him? He stood up, walking over to the bathroom sink and turning on the water. He reached up and took off his mask, splashing cold water across his face. Reaching for a towel, he looked up at his reflection. His red eyes, and burnt, deformed face. For the first time in a long time, he saw the sadness in his own eyes, and looked over his torn and tarnished face. “No. She could never love me. Not now.”
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October Part 2!
Tonight I will be posting the second part in my little story "Phantom of the Overwatch"! So a little about the title and why I chose it! A littlw while ago I was asked to draw Reaper and Mercy together mimicking the cover of most recent Phantom of the Opera movie. So I did, but unfortunately my laptop died so its not digital its sketched, but I will probably be posting it to show you guys once its finished! Its almsot done, I just got mad at one point and rage quit but don't worry I'll finish it! So tonight I will be posting part two of the story, and then later this week or next I will post the fanart! Thanks guys!!
❤ Evelyn Michaelis
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It's been a while
>Hey guys!! I know it's been a while, but here you go! This month I'm focusing on Mercykill! It starts out with a rocky reunion, but follow me to see what happens next! Thanks guys! ❤️ Evelyn
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The Phantom of the Overwatch
Angela pulled up a map of the town, the holograph enlarging for everyone to see. “Okay, we have split up into four main groups. Group one, you take the East side of the city up to the canals. Group two, from the canals to the city hall. Group three, city hall the the West side. Now, you know the drill. Put out the fires and see if you can find any survivors, there might be some trapped in the remnants of houses since we are dealing with a late night surprise attack. Help them out if you can, and if they can walk by themselves let them. Bring the severely injured back here where Ana and group four will be waiting to treat those who need it most. Everyone be careful, as we are still receiving reports of new fires spreading from the outskirts of the town. Any questions?” The group acknowledged her, and silence followed as the rescue team stood ready for action. “Okay, take a deep breath and let's complete our objectives!” Without another word, the rescue groups snapped to attention and ran towards their assigned location. Angela checked her blaster and headed in the direction of the city hall. “Habībti, and just where are you going?” Ana chimed, stopping Angela from going any further. “I'm going to help on the front lines, I figured that is where I shall be the most help.” She smiled reassuringly at the older woman. Ana frowned, “Now why didn't you ask me to go? Or did you want me to shoot the survivors with my biotic rifle as they are carried in?” Angela smiled and put a hand on Ana's shoulder. “Don't worry about me Ana, I will be much faster on the front with my Valkyrie suit than if you had to run. I need you back here, keeping everything in the perfect order you're so good at.” Ana patted Angela's shoulder, and gave her a warm look before allowing her to resume her course, “Good luck my friend, I will see you soon.” Angela smiled in reply and ran in the direction of the front, quickly gliding towards the leaders of the group. Members of the group began to file off, putting out various fire and looking for any survivors to be found, Angela stopping occasionally to help the others before again pressing forward towards the the outskirts. Explosions could be heard as they grew closer, and Angela's pace quickened. “Doctor, please stay with us here, we will not be going any further for a few minutes. According to the reports the attack is moving away from us, we will wait and help here until the attack is finished.” Angela thought for a moment, her eyes glancing forward to the freshly burning buildings. “You stay, I am going to see if I can find anyone else before it is too late for them.” She ran off towards the sounds of explosions, leaving the other rescuers behind her, “But Doctor! I wouldn't….” “Don't worry! I will be fine! Catch up to me when you can!” Angela was gone the next moment, disappearing into the smoke and broken buildings. The streets were lined with fire and the rain poured over the broken town, the heat hissing as it viciously fought to keep going. The fire ate away at what was left of the innocent town, turning it's contents into smoke and ash, smells of burning stone, wood, and flesh invading the senses. Angela bolted down the street, frantically looking for anyone else from the rescue team. How far had she gone? The others had told her not to go by herself but she didn't listen, she had wanted to get to the center of the destruction and maybe there she would be able to help out the latest survivors. But there weren't any. Instead, she had accidentally found the cause of the fire and death, but it had found her too. The sound of her footsteps matched the echoes of the surrounding flames, shadows dancing off the shattered building. Angela glanced behind her, the smokey figure gliding towards her, it's white face locked on her as she tried desperately to escape. Her heart slammed the adrenalin through her body, her lungs burning as smoke ate away at her insides as it tried to suffocate her. Angela rushed around a corner, her foot catching on a piece or rubble and sending her crashing into the street below. Light faded from the street behind her and cold drifted towards her, making the hair on her neck stand on edge. She glanced over her shoulders as the dark figure looked over her, red eyes staring from behind the menacing mask. Angela hurried forward and climbed to her feet, running. She felt her feet lift off the ground, her ears filled with the sudden sound of twisting and splitting metal, spinning her around and smashing her into the wall. Angela felt a hand clasped around her throat, razor claws dangerously slid along her skin, and the smokey figure loomed before her. Behind him, the flickering wings of her Valkyrie suit lay torn and broken in the alleyway. Her body filled with a desperate panic as she tried to move away, the grip around her neck only tightening. “W-what do you… want from me?” She said gasping, every inch of her beginning to scream for air, “I want you dead….” Her eyes widened with fear, the voice rough and chilling, filled with rage. There was movement behind him, another silhouette entering the alley. “Reaper, let's go.” Came a thick French accent, golden eyes peering over at her, lips curling into a smirk, “Ah, Mercy. Looks like we have caught a fly in our web! Well then, you know our orders, you can take her back to the boss for questioning, Sombra and I will head to the next checkpoint.” With a quick shot of her grappling hook, she was gone. The figure reached down, taking her blaster and crushing it, and then taking her Caduceus staff and slipping it over and onto his back. He took a shotgun from his side and pointed at her, releasing his hold from her throat. Angela collapsed, holding her throat and gasping for breath as she tried to climb back to her feet. “Get up, let's go. Try anything and you're dead.” Angela was ripped off the ground and shoved back down the street she had come, her legs shaking as she tried to breath steady and keep her balance. There was a strange feeling of Déjà Vu as she was marched around the corner, the shotgun barrel in her back a constant reminder of her current situation. The gruff voice sounded from behind her, slightly annoyed, “Keep moving Doc.” Angela shuddered, it had been a long time since anyone besides McCree and called her that, and with that voice… Angela stopped, her mind racing as she realized she knew that voice. She spun around to face her captor looking at his uniform, his double shotguns, and listening to his voice. “G-gabriel?! Is that you?!” There was a hiss from behind the mask, and an angry voice replied, “Don't you EVER call me that! I killed Reyes a long time ago!” He shuddered before his body stiffened, his stance angry and guarded. “Gabriel, I thought you died! Oh my goodness what happened! Where were you! Gabriel I'm so sorry, I looked everywhere for you!” Suddenly he raised his hand, slapping her hard, “I told you not to call me that!” Angela stopped, holding her cheek as her eyes filled with tears. What was happening? Why was he so different? And why hadn't he responded to Winston's recall if he had been alive? “But… Gabriel….” He lunged forward, the butt of his gun slamming into her gut, stunning her and slipping her into unconsciousness.
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It's been a while.... Oops!
Soooooooooooo it's been an interesting month for sure! I haven't had time to post anything, but starting this next month I will be posting again, starting with a new ship that I really like!! It will be nice to get back to this and I hope you're excited!!! So WHO'S READY!!!!!
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I am so sorry I haven’t posted anything this week, it has been a very very interesting week. So basically, I work graveyard shift in mental health and a lot of my writing takes place while at work after cleaning and stuff. But this week has been interesting because whenever I try and write, we have a client who likes to try and escape, so I sit down to write after we think everyone is asleep and then the client comes running and screaming out headed towards the door or a window. Also, I go home and sleep, and then I also teach during the day, so I haven’t had any time. but I will try and get something out ASAP! Thank you for waiting, you guys are the best!!!
<3 Evelyn~
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Heart Skips-Part Four
There was a dull pain mixed with numbness, though Angela was unable to identify where it came from. Her eyes searched for light, ribbons of color and blurry shapes cutting through the darkness that covered her eyes and sending an almost overwhelming pain through her head. Blinking slowly and opening her eyes, her vision focusing on the bright room in front of her. Collections of blue, yellow, and pink flowers lined the room bundled tightly together. It took a moment before she realized where she was, recognizing her own medical wing but not used to seeing it from the perspective of a patient. A small movement caught her attention, and slowly she turned her head towards the armchair next to her bed. Genji sat slightly slumped in the chair with his head resting in the palm of his hand dozing lightly, a bouquet of water starved red roses mixed with edelweiss draped across his lap. “I told him to keep them in water, but he insisted he hold them for you.” Ana’s voice startled her, causing her to jump and moan in pain. “I am sorry Habībti, I didn't mean to startle you. Here, take your medicine.” Ana smiled at her and handed her a warm cup of tea, the warm smell of spices drifting up with the steam. “Thank you,” Angela coughed and cleared her throat, “How long have I been asleep?” Ana took a sip of her own tea, the porcelain clicking back down on the plate as she set it aside. “Only a couple days, I thought it best. I don't want you stressing over yourself Angela, I know how you can get.” Angela smiled tiredly, “I do hope you didn't use your sleep darts.” Ana laughed and shook her head before standing and moving over to where Genji slept quietly. She pulled the hand that supported his head out of it's steady position, his head barely falling before he snapped to attention. “Wakey, wakey.” Ana poked at him for a moment before she smiled at Angela before turning and heading towards the door, leaving the two together. Genji blinked rapidly for a moment as he adjusted to being awake, the sight of Angela's crystal eyes a welcome sight in his own. “Good morning.” Her voice sounded strained and her gentle smile tired, but she seemed happy all the same. “Good morning, Angela.” He stood, bringing the bouquet of flowers in front of him and offering them to her, his face reddening slightly. “Oh Genji, they're beautiful!” She stroked the soft velvet petals, her hand drifting down to where Genji's hand held the flowers towards her. She held onto him for a moment, comforted by his presence, before pulling back and blushing. He grinned and turned towards the other numerous bouquets that lined the room, placing his in a vase filled with water. They held one another’s gaze, not sure what to say or where to start. “Angela, we’ve been working with each other for a very long time. And even though we are strongly encouraged to keep our relationship professional….” Genji began to shift anxiously in place, his eyes drifting away from hers. Angela smiled, and though he was clearly uncomfortable it was almost adorable to watch him fidget and attempt to put words to his feelings. She never knew he how deeply he cared about her, but felt a weight almost lift off her shoulders knowing that her feelings could be returned. “Genji, I don’t know what to say, I never knew you felt this way.” She reached her hand out and gingerly grasped him, her fingers intertwining with his metallic digits before pulling him a little closer. “Angela, I really like you.... And I don’t know if we could make things work but I want to at least try to. I know that I would be a fool for giving up the chance to love you.” Angela smiled as she felt her heart flutter, suddenly out of breath. Pink shades stained her face and she bit her bottom lip. He looked at her, nervous and unsure of what she might say next. She pulled him towards her, slowly sitting up in her bed. Genji gently reached around her, helping her to sit up and setting a couple pillows behind her back and sitting down on the edge of her bed. Angela moved towards him and softly touched his face, “Genji, the last thing I would do is let you make a fool of yourself.” Angela leaned forward, placing her lips against his and sweetly kissing him. Genji moved closer, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her back. Her lips were so soft and sweet, the simple taste reminding him of cotton candy. Her smell mixed with the aroma of the flowers fitting perfectly, almost like a piece of a puzzle, a flower only he knew existed. Genji kissed her again, and before she could return the gesture he feathered her lips with another gentle kiss. She smiled and blushed as he began kissing her faster, his hand cradling her head and keeping her lips against his. Angela quickened her pace, matching his passion almost equally before he again moved closer to her. His tongue licked her lips, and then slipped between them in search of hers, Angela letting out a small surprised sound. Genji smirked, the reaction only fueling the heat growing inside him. He stood slightly and moved onto her bed, his knees supporting him on either side of her. Angela blushed and bit her lip again, her gaze transfixed on his bright green eyes. He smiled down at her, pulling her up into his firm embrace, kissing her lips. Genji gently moved down to her chin, and her neck, his lips locking onto her and kissing down the side of her neck, sending pleasant chills through her entire body. “Genji….” Angela quietly moaned his name, her fists clenching onto his shirt and her pulse racing, Genji making his way down to the base of her neck. He lightly licked her collar bone before kissing roughly, moving outward towards her shoulder and leaving a path of red marks on her skin. Angela began breathing faster, her legs circling around the backs of his knees as she pulled herself towards him, Genji kissing down towards her chest, sucking and licking her warm skin. Her breath was shaky, excitement pulsing through her with every touch of his lips. Her back arched, when suddenly a sharp pain shot through her abdomen, “Ahh!” Angela flinched and her body curled as her wounds rebelled against her. “Angela! Are you alright?” Genji sat up, a panicked expression spreading across his face, “I’m so sorry, Angela, I-I got carried away. Please forgive me, I’m so sorry!” Angela smiled at him and gently placed her hand on his face, “No Genji, it’s not your fault. I got a little caught up in the moment as well, I didn’t mean for that to happen. But I… I don’t mind that you got, um… carried away.” Genji smiled a little, still worried and slightly embarrassed about his lack of control. Angela leaned forward again kissing him gently, “Angela, I don’t want you to push yourself, please be careful.” He hesitated, not wanting to cause her more pain, glancing down towards where he knew she had been shot. “I am feeling alright, I promise!” she began to protest, Genji gently reassuring her. “I have an idea.” He stood, walking over towards the computer, opening up a file and scrolling through the contents. After a moment, he stepped back and offered her his hand, a gentle melody beginning to play in the background. “Angela, may I have this dance?” She blushed, but moved the blanket back before swinging her legs carefully over the side of the bed, Genji taking both her hands firmly in his. He steadied her and helped her up, holding her closely so she could balance her weight against him. He swayed with her gently to the sweet love song drifting in the background. Angela’s heart skipped, leaning her head against his chest. Genji was a surprisingly talented dancer, gentle and smooth, yet he was so good at making sure she was okay. She listened to his heart beating, strong and proud like him, with the mechanic hum of his bionic parts dimly in the background. He was perfect, and in this moment Genji was all hers. Genji rested his chin in her head, her light colored hair tickling his face. She was so beautiful, even in her fragile state. He wished they could stay like this forever, with her safely in his arms, and both of them happily listening to the love song that mimicked their own heartbeats. She really did like him for who he was, and only that. That was all he'd ever wanted, not to be loved for money or power. To be loved for him. The world seemed to melt away, until she was the only thing he could see. And that was okay because right here, right now she was the only thing that mattered.
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Almost done!!!
Soooooooooooo later tonight I will post Heart Skips- Part Four!! Yay!! So if there is anything you wanna say or suggest please let me know or it will have to wait until next week, and I don't wanna do that to you guys!!! I appreciate your time and support!! Love you!!!
❤️ Evelyn~
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