any (dad) shane headcannons?
Shane SDV Dad Headcannons
A/n: Totally! Sorry this took a few days, finals season is really kicking my ass lol
My requests are open to practically any fandom and trope/type of fic, so dont be afraid to ask!!
As always, these are just my opinions. Feel free to leave any of your thoughts in the comments!
Warnings: General spoilers of Shane's heart events, alcohol and addiction (let me know if i missed any!)
I think that Shane would be very hesitant to become a father. After losing himself once he finished high school, he just never really saw himself in the position to have a child
Shane would be internally freaking out if he found out that a one night stand or hookup got pregnant. He really wouldnt think that he was ready or that it would be a good idea for him to raise the child.
Although he may voice his opinions about wether he wanted to keep it or not, he would never force the other parent to do something against their will.
In a committed relationship, however, I think that Shane would be significantly more open to the idea of children. Dont get me wrong, he would still be super anxious about it but definitely in less of a panicked state.
As soon as Shane found out he was going to be a father, he tried to quit drinking. Although he might not have succeeded the first time he tried to get help, he would not stop trying.
I think that Shane would even go to the extent of setting up a rehab plan with Harvey and have a monthly check in. Even though he literally hate getting judged for his issues, he would do anytning to be the best father he could be.
Once the child was born, Shane got way more involved with life in general. I think that after a while he would even go out of his way to show off his kid.
The proudest father ever. His kid managed to take their first steps? He's got a picture of it hanging on the bedroom wall. They kicked a ball for the first time? He doesn't care that they missed; he immediatly picked them up and started cheering them on.
I think that it would take him maybe a year or so after the child is born to be fully recovered from his addiction. Recovery from such a prominent problem takes a lot of time, so he would really try as hard as possible to stay away from relapsing.
After taking care of Jas for just about her whole life, he learnt a TON of skills that nobody else would really know, especially as a first time parent. He knows every way to change diapers or even just trick the kid into going to bed a little early every once in a while.
I think that on occasion Shane would have almost a happy but sad ish cry about his kid(s) if that makes sense? Like he's so proud of who they've become but he's also do disappointed that it took a child to get him to battle his addictions.
Not every day would be great, however. Shane would probably get overwhelmed very easily during the early stages of his recovery. Some days I do genuinely think that Shane would raise his voice at his kid(s)
If this does ever happen, however, he would immediately regret it when he saw their eyes well up with tears. He would apologize and try to comfort them, if they allowed it
I think that something similar may happen with his partner at this time, as well. He just gets so tired and mentally exhausted when he's in recovery that it's difficult to keep his cool around the people that he loves.
Overall, though, I think that Shane would be a pretty kick-ass parent. He really does care about his kid(s), even if he does struggle to express it every once in a while. He would be very involved in their life once he got sober. Not a single sports game would be missed if he could help it.
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Shane SDV Headcannons
A/n: Thank you guys for the support that I've been getting! It really means a lot to me because I've never really posted my writings before this.
Please send me requests for writings! I do a crap ton of fandoms (Stardew, DC, Harvest moon, etc!) So feel free to ask, even if you dont think I would know the fandom!
As always, these are just my opinions
Word Count: still too lazy :)
Warnings: mentions of alcohol and addiction, suicide, general spoilers for Shane's heart events
I personally play Stardew on console so I dont have the 1.6 update yet BUT I think that Shane would wear shorts, even in the winter. Its just so in character for him with his overall actions
Speaking of, I think that Shane either doesn't get cold or literally just sucks it up so he doesn't have to change into something other than his shorts.
I feel like after the farmer brought him to the clinic for his event on the cliff, he would avoid them at all costs for DAYS. He probably thinks of himself as weak and just finds it awkward after everything that he said and did.
He acts way more like a dad or a big brother to Jas. I feel like even though he has issues with alcohol, he would somehow be more present in Jas' life than Marnie.
Jas sees him as if he's a superhero. There's no way she doesn't. He really tries his hardest for Jas to get sober after she sees him drunk for the first few times.
He absolutely breaks down when he sees Jas cry. Whether its about her jumprope breaking or because he drunkenly talked about suicide, he just cracks inside.
If it is about him being drunk, however, I think that he would beat himself up for it. It would linger and haunt him every time he went to the saloon for the next week.
I like to think that Shane would have a dad bod but a strong physique if that makes sense?? Like if he needed to, he would help the farmer haul a tree across the farm with no problem.
He totally gets wicked bad heart burn. As somebody who is super sensitive to heartburn a well, I know damn well that when he wakes up with a hangover he is immediatly opening up a bottle of Tums.
Definitely is either scared of going to the doctors or just finds it to be the most annoying thing in the world.
Would scroll through Vine constantly when it was a thing. He knew every single major vine. On the topic of vines, I think that he would get Digorno frozen pizzas just because of the "ITS NOT DELIVERY, ITS DIGORNO. YOU CANT DIVER DIGORNO" vine. Prove me wrong.
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Sebastian SDV Dating Headcannons
A/n: Hey guys I just wanted to say thank you so much for getting me to 50 likes on my blog!! It means so much to me💜
Please ask me for writings/prompts! I would love to get to know you guys. I'll write full stories, headcannons, fluffs, smuts, you name it! Just respect the boundary of no noncon, age gap, or other controversial things relating smut. Thanks!
As mentioned before, I absolutely love it when you guys reblog my stuff but just dont claim it as yours!
As with every fanfic, these are just my opinions!
Word Count: still too lazy to do it😀
Warnings: my horrible spelling lol (none)
I feel like telling Robin about dating him would be the most awkward thing ever. I saw another blog saying that ot would probably happen by her walking into Sebastian's room to see you too cuddling and i couldn't agree more. (Ps if anybody finds the author of that blog I'd love to mention them and give them credit)
There is never a truly dull moment dating Sebastion. Oh, its a rainy day on the farm? You bet your ass hes on his way to explore the caves with you in his free time
I feel like Sebastian isn't the biggest on PDA. Sure, he'll wrap an arm around your while playing pool with Sam at the Saloon, but not much more than that. He absolutely loves you and makes sure youre aware of it, but he likes to show his affection privately.
Speaking of, I think that Sebastian would enjoy spending quality time with you. One of the many perks of him working from home means that he typically has plenty of time to watch a cheesy horror movie or two.
Dont get me wrong, I think that Sebastion would still be into gift giving, but not nearly as much as just spending some time together. In my opinion, he probably doesnt super get the whole gift giving "just because" thing but he makes sure youre appreciated. Oh, he made some extra coffee because he couldn't sleep? He'll give it to the farmer
If youre like me and use the Stardew Wiki page religiously, then you'll also have an "insider's hint" you could say on his favorite gifts. When he gets a frozen tear from the farmer at the Feast of The Winter Star, hes actually kind of shocked. Other than Abigail, there isn't really anybody else in town that he talks to about it semi-odd likes and loved gifts.
If he were to get the farmer as a secret friend for the Feast of the Winter Star, however, he would totally get them a DND related gift. You mentioned a cool die that you've been wanting? Its already in his online shopping cart.
Back on the topic of movies, I think that Sebastion would like horror movies. Not just the jump scare type of horror, but the physcological type of horror, like the Blair Witch (one of my personal faves)
Dates are always interesting with Sebastian. Most of them are just spur of the moment decisions like "wanna go see if there are unexplored caves up in the mountains?" And other things like that.
Over all, I think that a relationship with Sebastian would include a lot of independence but also some really good quality time with some odd dates scattered in between. Just know that even if he takes a walk by himself that day, he still loves you with literally all his heart.
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Harvey SDV Headcannons
A/N: Hey there!! Im very new to actually writing on Tumblr so i just wanted to give a little warning.
I absolutely love it when people reblog my stuff so feel free to! All I ask is that you don't claim my stuff as your own.
And obviously as with all fanfics, these are just my opinions!
Word Count: (idk, I was too lazy to check)
Warnings: None!
Before Dating (Friends)
I feel like Harvey doesn't communicate super well with friends. Obviously I know that he can only have so many lines in the game but even when he does speak to the farmer, its ALWAYS about work.
Lets face it: Harvey definetly isnt the bravest. But when he doesnt see you a couple of hours after you say youre going into the caves, there he goes, up into the mountains past Robin's house.
When Harvey finds you passed out in the mines, he freaks out internally. He tries to keep himself composed but you can tell by his sweaty palms and flustered appearance.
Harvey is very adamant about you having regular check-ups (and everyone else in Pelican Town, of course). Like this man will not leave you alone until he does the basics, such as taking your blood pressure and hearing for an irregular heart pattern.
Harvey is very awkward when it comes to gift giving. If he were to get the farmer as a secret friend at the Feast of the Winter Star, he would freak out.
After literal HOURS of searching through Pelican Town, I feel like he would settle on something simple like a wine, candle, or soft blanket.
If the farmer were to give him a gift at the Feast of the Winter Star that he LOVES, he woulf absolutely melt. He thinks its so emdearing to have a friend in Pelican Town that genuinely took the time to listen to him and pick out the perfect gift
Falling in Love/Dating
While on the topic of the Feast of the Winter Star, I think that a gesture such as you giving him his favorite gift would make him realize that there was something between you
When he realized that he was falling in love, he distanced himself slightly. Harvey is totally the type of person who would never really think about the idea of love until he was faced with it. He probably had no idea what to do and just chose to ignore it for a while.
Harvey doesnt have the heart to just ghost the farmer, however, so eventually it comes to the point where every hangout just gets a little uncomfortable and awkward.
Once Harvey worked up the guts (yes that was a Dr. joke), he would ask the farmer out. It would start as a normal hangout, walking past the fountain near the community center. After a while, he wohkf convince you to take a walk up past the mountain and near the train station. A bouquet of flowers had been waiting for you at the end of the walk. Once Harvey had gotten over his anxiety, he would confess to you in a small speech that he had memorized. As soon as you said yes, he was a blushing mess.
If the famer got around to asking him first, however, Harvey would almost be embarrassed in a way if that makes sense. Deep down he knew that he didnt have the confidence to ask you out, but he still feels a little awkward about it.
After a short and sweet "yes" from him, you too were literally inseperable. Like I'm talking holding hands no matter what and sharing small pecks on the cheeks when nobody is looking.
Overall, falling in love with Harvey is a very sweet and wholesome experience filled with many awkward moments along the way.
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A man named Harvey lived in the sleepy little town of Stardew Valley, where the sun always rises softly over the undulating hills and the air is always filled with the lovely smell of flowers and crops. He was the town's devoted physician, well-known for his kind nature and steadfast dedication to the citizens' health.
Harvey's little clinic was a ray of hope for people in need, and he devoted his days to healing the ill and injured. Harvey treated every case with devotion and care, his expert hands and loving heart working relentlessly to heal the town's ailments, from coughs and colds to more serious conditions.
But in the midst of his everyday responsibilities, Harvey frequently sensed a yearning for something greater. There was a part of him that felt empty, a gap that no amount of medication could fill, despite his seeming professionalism and confidence.
Harvey first saw the newcomer to town on a particularly busy day at the clinic. As she strolled through the streets of Stardew Valley, she exuded a serene elegance and curiosity. Every time she walked by his clinic, Harvey couldn't help but cast curious glances in her direction.
Harvey felt himself pulled to the newcomer more and more as the days stretched into weeks. He was inspired by her spirit of adventure and her uncanny ability to spread joy and happiness wherever she went. And no matter how hard he tried to ignore his developing feelings, he was always excited when she was around.
Their initial contact was rather innocuous—it happened by accident during the town's yearly celebration. Harvey was lured to her side by the music and celebrations, and they struck up a discussion that seemed to come naturally to both of them. And Harvey felt a warmth seeping through him as they danced beneath the stars—a sensation he hadn't felt in far too long.
Harvey couldn't stop thinking about her after that; her smile, her laughing, her very presence occupied his thoughts. And despite his best efforts to concentrate, his thoughts would frequently stray to images of her, which led to numerous awkward missteps in the clinic.
But even as his feelings for her grew, Harvey was unable to get rid of the doubt that was always present in the back of his mind. He felt a great burden of responsibility to prioritize the needs of others over his own as the town's doctor.
Harvey knew he had made the correct decision as he stood in front of her, revealing all about his feelings and spilling his heart. He saw a reflection of his own longing in her eyes, a want for love and friendship that was greater than anything else.
Hand in hand, they started a new chapter in their life together as their love grew like the flowers that sprinkled Stardew Valley's fields. And while obstacles would undoubtedly appear along the route, Harvey was confident that, with teamwork, they could conquer all obstacles.
Ultimately, love proved to be the most potent remedy, capable of curing even the most severe wounds and bestowing joy and happiness upon those who dare to embrace it. And Harvey realized that his own journey was just getting started as he gazed out over the town he had come to love. It was full of limitless opportunities and the promise of a future full of laughter, love, and happily ever afters.
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