pearlrose · 6 months
When a Glass of Water is not Just a Glass of Water: My Brain, Explained.
Thoughts on My Particular Flavor of Nuerospicy (An Extended Metaphor)
For a neurotypical person, they might decide they want a glass of water. They go to the kitchen, get a glass from the cabinet, and pour water into it from the tap at the sink. Then they drink the water and go about their day. The end.
I also decide that I want a glass of water. Only, my brain is anything but neurotypical. So my story goes a bit more like this.
First off, I won't drink the tap water because it tastes too minerally. Bottled or at least filtered is necessary, too, to lessen that mineral flavor. It also has to be really cold water, so that means refrigerated at minimum, but ice water is best. With lots of ice. I have to use a specific glass, because the condensation makes the glass sweat and I hate having damp hands. Moist is dangerously close to sticky and sticky is the Worst.
All of that is the autism, the extreme preferences, to the point where my brain hard stops at any unacceptable sensations. It’s not that I don’t want to drink the tap water, I find myself physically unable to. I am so grossed out by all of the inappropriate sensations that my brain outright refuses.
Then, there's the other considerations, like if I go to the kitchen for water, I might decide I need to gather up all the laundry on the way. And then backtrack for a basket to put it in. While getting the basket, I rearrange the soaps in the bathroom. Then I drop all the dirty laundry because I never did get that basket.
When I finally make it to the kitchen, I make my way over to the washing machine and maybe start it because it's there and I have all this laundry in my hands! And soap. But no basket. (Still.)
Two hours later, I'm licking my lips and wondering why my throat hurts. Oh. I was thirsty. Right. (The laundry’s probably still damp in the machine, too.)
ADHD, my old frenemy. Have to take that into consideration as well.
So, instead of keeping water at the tap in the kitchen, I keep water bottles in my desk drawer, near a mini fridge in the living room, and I bought dozens of insulated cups with brightly colored straws and lids. I got a Britta filter in a bright color that makes it easy to see. The water is available in several forms that suit my texture preferences at the moment, and insulated bottles with lids and straws means the water can come along with me while I'm going about my day. It means I can drink it quickly, before it gets too tepid.
It wasn't the most straightforward path, but it was the path that got me to the desired outcome, which was HAVING MAGGIE DRINK WATER.
This is what I mean when I say that for me, sometimes the most obvious path isn't the best way for me. The obvious path contains laundry demons! Pretty gizmos, and other reminders. The obvious path takes three times as long and doesn't always result in the desired end goal.
The path that seemed more meandering and complicated on paper was the one that actually achieved the desired outcome. I found the way that got the desired goal, and it was more work maybe to get there, but it got me there. I can't say that for the regular way.
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pearlrose · 3 years
Snow Bowling 101
“Come again?” Even though I’d heard him perfectly well the first time, I still gave him a look.
“Snowball bowling.” Link waved his arm casually over toward the rocky outcropping, which led down a series of dips and valleys, leading to a set of ten carved wooden pillars set together in a triangle formation.
“Snowball bowling,” I repeated. My eyebrows furrowed together as I studied the large snowball near the top of the ledge.
The Hylian man standing next to the aforementioned snowball grinned at me. “I’m Pando, and I’ve made up the best game! Snowling!” he exclaimed. “It’s snow joke! Would you like to give it a try? Your companion assures me it’s always an ice time.”
Of course, the proprietor would speak in snow-related puns. His hair looked like one of those balls, after all. I shouldn’t have expected anything else. Still, I found myself nodding at the man. Before I knew it, Link handed Pando a red rupee, and the giant snowball …thing was being rolled toward me. 
I tried to lift it—it was heavier than I expected—I’m not sure what I was expecting, really. Eventually, I settled on a half roll, half tug as I moved the giant ball toward the edge. With an accidental twist of my wrist, the thing rolled down the hill, slowly at first, then more quickly.
The snowball steered wildly off-course and barely clipped the leftmost pin before skittering off towards the trees. I stood there for a moment, staring blankly into the distance. I frowned, agitated by my poor performance. This shouldn’t be that difficult. Basic physics, right?
“There’s snow better time to try again!” Pando pushed another snowball in my direction. Where was he getting these things from? It was probably best not to think about it too hard. “Snow for a spare! Icy you think you can do better.”
The wind whipped around my ears as understanding dawned. Oh! Of course. The wind! I hadn’t taken that into consideration with my last attempt. Along with kind of sliding it off the ledge by accident, but I could fix that this time around, too.
Do better, I thought, moving slightly to the side. I paused. More to the right. There. That felt better. Goddesses, this thing was heavy. Still, I let it roll. My eyes slipped shut. I couldn’t bear to watch. This was just a silly little game. It wouldn’t be that big of a deal if it went wild again--
My thoughts were interrupted when Link nudged my shoulder slightly. “Look!” he said, gesturing wildly at the pins.
I forced my eyes open and glanced down the hill. Eight of the remaining nine pins were down, and the last one wobbled, swaying back and forth for several agonizing seconds before it too, eventually crashed down to join the others.
The stupid grin on Link’s face mirrored my own, I was certain. We stared at each other for several seconds, ridiculous smiles still on our faces. My fingers twitched, and I reached for his hand. It was so close.
“You knocked 'em all down flat! That was no mean sleet, kiddums. I got you a special price for pulling that one off!”
I felt my entire body flush as I jumped backwards as far as I could manage. Pando pressed a silver rupee into my hand. “Stay frosty! Want to play again?” 
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pearlrose · 3 years
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For at least some speed-runners, this is canon.
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pearlrose · 6 years
The latest earworm.
Take a listen to our new duet written just for the Broadway show! This is called “What Do You Know About Love?” – performed by Patti Murin (Anna) and Jelani Alladin (Kristoff).
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pearlrose · 6 years
TFW: You haven't logged into Tumblr in a while, and in the meantime, you realize your perfectly crafted online handle, which you've been using since Before Tumblr Existed is now the ship 'nick for a popular Steven Universe 'ship. Gemstones are the best stones. (Also, I should probably catch up on the show.)
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pearlrose · 8 years
Me: I'm so sick of forced heterosexual relationships in movies
Also me: Newt and Tina Newt and Tina Newt and Tina
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pearlrose · 8 years
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“I won’t be doing tequila shots in this, let’s just say that”
 "That’s what you say now"
 "Yeah, no, I say that now"
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pearlrose · 9 years
Rawr. All the comics to read.
Hi there! I love this blog, thank you for putting so many lovely Lois and Clark posts on my dash! I'm newly into comics, and for all that I've come to love L&C from TV and movie media, I've barely read any Superman comics. I'd like to, but there's obviously a lot of content! As a trusted L&C source, could you please recommend some of your favorite favorite runs/arcs/issues/etc. to a fellow shipper or point me toward any already-compiled such list? Thanks so much, keep up the awesome blogging! :)
Thanks for the kind words and, as someone who also came to Superman and Lois from live action, I hope you’ll be like me and find that reading their comic book incarnations adds to your love and enjoyment of this amazing couple. I’ll try my best to come up with a list. If it’s missing anything, or if other Clark/Lois fans have their own personal favorites to recommend (here are two good places to start: 1, 2), hopefully they’ll show up in any responses this post may get. My recommendations include those in the links above and the following:
Browse my edits/scans/reblogs in my tags for Golden Age, Silver Age, and Bronze Age and you’ll probably find some good ones. Superman Takes a Wife and Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow? are pretty neat and important.
The Wedding Album
Up, Up, and Away
Camelot Falls
For Tomorrow
Last Son of Krypton
NEW 52
Superman Unchained
Earth 2 (20-26)
Batman/Superman (1-4, 12-13)
Action Comics (0, 1-2, 4, 9-12, 19, 21, 34, Annual #3)
Superman (24)
Superman: Birthright
Superman: Secret Origin
All-Star Superman
Final Crisis (2, 3, 7)
Superman: Secret Identity
Superman Confidential
JLA: Classified (10-11)
Smallville: Season 11 - All of it is good, but the best arcs or “episodes” that include lots of Lois/Clark or are relevant to them are Guardian, Detective, Haunted, Valkyrie, Olympus, Lantern, and Chaos.
Adventures of Superman - The whole series of digital “chapters” (with arcs collected as individual issues) is excellent. These are the chapters that are best for Clark/Lois: 5, 7-9, 12, 18, 29, 34, 37, 43-45, 47, 48, 50.
Gosh, I’m probably forgetting some important ones. There’s lots to check out, though, and I hope you’re able to find them and enjoy them. Happy reading!
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pearlrose · 10 years
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Love from the princesses.
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pearlrose · 10 years
I find it really strange that you are advocating Disney's "Frozen". Their art director actually created the female characters similarly because animating women is "really, really difficult". (Write-up on The Mary Sue 10/8 with link to original interview.) How do you reconcile this with your personal interest in realistic women with varied body types? This has completely turned me off Disney. Why, as an artist who seemingly would see this as a sexist view, has it not repulsed you?
When it comes to criticism of Frozen, particularly on Tumblr, I’ve seen a lot of people voicing the same few ideas. They’re valid criticisms. It’s a movie about white people, all the characters are white. The two female protagonists are white, thin, and conventionally attractive. There aren’t as many supporting female characters as there could be. 
I’m not seeing many people move past this to other forms of criticism, though. Don’t get me wrong, every person has the right to elect whether or not to put up with stuff they don’t like to get to the stuff they do like - I just find it interesting, you know, the overall reaction. The anti-Frozen-bandwagon that arose. So when the Avengers came out it was five white dudes and a single lady, but people didn’t boycott the Avengers. A lot of people decided that even though there were things we didn’t like and stuff we wanted to change, it was a fun movie that we enjoyed. The overall reaction was positive. Some people didn’t want to see it and had good reasons for that, and people criticized it where it failed, but it was nowhere near the outpouring of hate that I’ve seen for Frozen - a lot of it, from people who never saw it. 
I enjoyed Frozen. I don’t condone its failings, I had my issues with it, but in the end I saw a movie aimed at a mainstream audience where the central relationship is between two sisters, who love each other and try to save each other and have their own distinct personalities. A movie where the romantic interests are secondary and relatively incidental to the love between two women.
A lot of people were rooting for Frozen to fail. It didn’t fail - it’s doing incredibly well in the box office. So despite Frozen’s flaws, there are a ton of little kids watching this movie and seeing two women who’d do anything for each other, whose main motive isn’t romance, women who are going and doing and having powers and complex emotions and yeah, maybe they didn’t go as far as they should have and the creators deserve to be held accountable for that. We shouldn’t ever stop pushing for more.
Do I want to see more movies with varied, diverse female characters? HELLZ YEAH! But if I boycotted every movie that didn’t have all of that, I don’t think I’d see many movies. I would have missed out on Frozen, which, despite its flaws, had something in it that I loved.
So yeah. I’m glad Frozen is doing well.
And I hope Disney does better in the future.
Because you can like things even if they’re not perfect.
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pearlrose · 10 years
Going against my better judgement, I read down several pages of Tweets on this Phil Robertson thing. I did this because Twitter interests me a lot. It did little to enlighten me and everything to made me sag in despair. I kept seeing a lot of handwaving and “tolerance goes both ways!” and all that...
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pearlrose · 10 years
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New Studio Ghibli film announced for 2014! Seemingly not content with having two brand new movies out this year in the form of Kaze Tachinu and The Tale of Princess Kaguya, Japan’s Studio Ghibli has just announced that a new animated feature, Omoide no Maanii (When Marnie Was There), based on the novel of the same name by English writer Joan G. Robinson, will be hitting screens in Japan in summer 2014. The news broke earlier this afternoon as Studio Ghibli unveiled a new website, which offers a single still image of the movie’s poster. Distributor Toho has also confirmed the film in its 2014 lineup. The original 1967 novel for kids and young adults tells the story of Anna, a young foster child who is sent away for the summer to the Norfolk countryside. She soon meets a girl called Marnie and, through their many conversations, begins to learn more about the girl’s intriguing past. When Marnie Was There has been translated into multiple languages, and is loved by many Japanese, particularly young women who felt that it helped them, too, find their place in the world and cope with feeling that little bit different to everyone else. The Studio Ghibli adaptation is being directed by Hiromasa Yonebayashi, who made his directing debut for the acclaimed studio with 2010′s The Secret World of Arrietty. We’ll be sure to bring you more about this intriguing new production as it breaks. Source: Rocket News 24 Official Website: http://marnie.jp/
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pearlrose · 11 years
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Reformatted and reposted (with permission) from the incredible artist
Fall fashion (and a ballgown cause I fucking love ballgowns) for the 4 houses (with movie and book colorway for Ravenclaw yer welcome). Also played around a little bit more in the second look with styles that aren’t usually associated with that house.[x]
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pearlrose · 11 years
-- I named my new car mostly after this particular Suki. She is the best.
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Happy Suki Appreciation Day!
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pearlrose · 11 years
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Happy Birthday, Lois Lane!
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pearlrose · 11 years
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As I mentioned in a previous post, every time a full episode of newly animated “Take 1" footage comes back from the overseas studio Mike, Joaquim, Lauren, Ryu, and I gather to watch it together. Yesterday’s was an ESPECIALLY GOOD one…
I know it does nothing to abate your frustrations over the delay to hear this, but we are very eager to share Book 2 with you. It is coming. Like winter. Except it won’t last as long as a Westeros winter.
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pearlrose · 11 years
friendly reminder that:
you are not weak if you want meds for your disorder
you are not weak if you relapse once
you are not weak if you relapse a thousand times
you are not weak if some kinds of therapy don’t work for you
you are not weak if some kinds of meds don’t work for you
you are not weak if you have a mental disorder.
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