plainselfraisingflour · 11 hours
Israeli bombing near the displaced persons' tents
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Today is Sir Terry Pratchett's birthday. So, why not celebrate with some of the easter eggs we have in Good Omens that are all about him.
Mind how you go.
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Kind of relevant, kind of irrelevant: I'm reading the eagle has landed, and in it they explore so much of each characters' backstories because without, we would lose the whole meaning of the book.
The backstories usually describe how the character has been forced into their work. There are some of course who don't have that justification and are greedy for power and/or violence - but there are some who are being threatened or punished and out in that position. They might not be classically good people, but they're people.
Without all of that it would be a boring action book with little to no meaning behind it. And I would never have completed my first read of it, nor would I have gone back to it again and again.
"Cut everything that doesn't advance the plot" no. I'm gonna write more stuff that doesn't advance the plot
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PSA: Don't use Open Office
I keep seeing people recommending Open Office as an alternative to Word, and uh... look, it is, technically, an open source alternative to Word. And it can do a lot of what Word can, genuinely! But it is also an abandoned project that hasn't been updated in nine years, and there's an active fork of it which is still receiving updates, and that fork is called LibreOffice, and it's fantastic.
Seriously, if you think that your choices are either "grit your teeth and pay Microsoft for a subscription" or "support free software but have a kind of subpar office suite experience", I guarantee that it's because you're working with outdated information, or outdated software. Most people I know who have used the latest version of LibreOffice prefer it to Word. I even know a handful of people who prefer it to Scrivener.
Open Office was the original project, and so it has the most name recognition, and as far as I can tell, that's really the only reason people are still recommending it. It's kind of like if people were saying "hey, the iPhone 14 isn't your only smart phone option!" but then were only ever recommending the Samsung Galaxy S5 as an alternative. LibreOffice is literally a version of the same exact program as Open Office that's just newer and better – please don't get locked into using a worse tool just because the updated version of the program has a different name!
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Love how tumblr has its own folk stories. Yeah the God of Arepo we’ve all heard the story and we all still cry about it. Yeah that one about the woman locked up for centuries finally getting free. That one about the witch who would marry anyone who could get her house key from her cat and it’s revealed she IS the cat after the narrator befriends the cat.
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The haunting ancient Celtic carnyx being played for an audience. This is the sound Roman soldiers would have heard their Celtic enemies make.
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Trickster's Queen spoilers!!
Just realised that Aly is both spy master (autocorrect keeps changing that to 'spam aster' which is also a career goal) of a country immediately post-revolution AND pregnant by 17 or 18 years of age. The epilogue of Tricket's Queen also implies that she has taken off her anti-pregnany charm and planned for children before their wedding.
There was no rush for her!!! So young and so busy running spy networks etc. Why doesn't she just enjoy some time being young and in love first?!
But I love it all.
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Something I struggle with is having a healthy lazy day. My current habit is to come home, decide I can watch "just a little but if TV" and have "just one glass of wine". It turns into too much TV and too much wine.
While I don't have my diary here, I may as well fling my thoughts out into this abyss and see what happens.
A healthy lazy day means/could mean:
Reading a book
Writing fanfictiom
Doing something crafty
Starting at the sky
Watching the hens
Having a nap
Getting takeaway for dinner - or, going for a walk to get takeaway
Defrosting a frozen meal
Watch an episode (something that doesn't keep on playing and promoting binging)
Turn on music instead of TV
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I saw a post about tumblr user ages...
Reblogs are welcomed for that sweet, sweet increased data pool (aka getting more than 20 responses 😅)
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My new favorite genre of picture is a very special thing that most animals (and humans!) do: face nuzzling as an act of greeting/comfort/intimacy. thank God that this is happening all over the world right now
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Isn’t it wonderful?!
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I think that this was my original idea but it may not have been. If I owe you credit, let me know.
Alanna (SIR Alanna. I recently read a fanfic that called her 'Lady Alanna' and I didn't like the fact that the fanfic didn't end happily. I discounted it and something Totally Fake because they called her 'Lady Alanna' and that made me feel better) is at war against whoever and she finds out that Aly is missing, suspected to be in the Copper Isles.
She hears about the explosion of the harbour (I know I'm getting my timeline mixed up but that's okay, it's an unwritten fanfic) and Just Knows that Aly caused it.
I feel like this is where Aly is at her most Alanna-ish. She knows where the bad thing is, and she goes and kills it. Alanna trademarked.
Alanna disguises herself with her Gift (yes she is a Healer but its magic soooo yep) and travels to Rajmuat where she finds Aly.
Gets into a fight with Kyprioth. Gets the Goddess (what is her name?!) on Kyprioth's side => less bloodshed because Mithros can't fight them both.
The end. Much love everywhere abd the Lioness in the Kyprish Isles which she loves because it's so warm.
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Belle has Stockholm syndrome because she falls in love with the Beast, her kidnapper.
Stockholm syndrome was coined to slander a woman who had been in a hostage situation but openly criticized the poor police response which recklessly put her in more danger and escalated the violence. She was then belittled and discredited publically by the police for this.
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So. Yeah. Maybe Belle does have Stockholm syndrome actually.
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I'm not even kidding I think food service jobs are the hardest customer service jobs that exist and if you have them on your resume long enough that it's clear you could maintain them people should be begging on their hands and fucking knees for you to work for them.
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Don't usually share work stuff but I do work in climate policy and nearly every memo I write includes some variation of "government funding for this obscure but necessary area of climate mitigation research has been multiplied (sometimes by like, 1000x) under the Biden Administration" and while I know the oil permitting stuff is much splashier news there's a whole world of work that needs to be done under the surface that Biden is doing. And if he doesn't win in 2024 all that progress goes away and the climate is absolutely fucked
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