platinum-happy · 3 years
Question & Answer Response! (Bonnie & Marin video)
Early in 2020, we asked the PlatiNation to ask us any burning questions they had for us! Go through each question with co-leaders/producers Bonnie & Marin, and learn about their thoughts on their fellow groupmates, their producing thought process, and more than you ever wanted to know about Platinum Happy!
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platinum-happy · 3 years
The Tale of the Glasses Witch [Radio Drama]
Happy Valentine’s Day from Platinum Happy! Today we bring to you a radio drama about a Witch with a certain set of skills. Please open your eyes and your heart to our lovely idols.
【Title】The Tale of the Glasses Witch 【Release Date】February 14, 2021 【Participating Members】Bea, Maple, Marin, Mia 【Mixing】Audio: A. Tarrant Video: Mia 【Script】Written by: Loren
 Sound Effects from freesound.org, Background Music from StreamBeats, Stock Images from Unsplash.
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platinum-happy · 3 years
Graduation Announcement
This is our last Platinum Advent Calendar of the year. To close out the year, we announce that generation 1 members Alice and Calla are graduating, effective today. Thank you for your hard work, dedication, and friendship these past six years. Please support them in their future endeavors.
Enjoy their last messages to everyone.
First off, I’m happy to share this departure with Calla, she’s been a constant companion since we both started in Platinum Happy six years ago and I hope her wellspring of fun ideas and cute art continues to flow even once her Purappi activities cease. Callala, truly, I wish you the best!
Secondly, Platinum Happy is a group of supportive, kind people. I’ve pushed my personal boundaries and learned so much, and I made some great friends along the way! Please continue support them, everyone works really hard even with so much on their plate. I’m excited to see what they’ll do next! As for me, I’m stepping away from content creation as a whole for a bit, but if you’d like to keep in touch or keep an eye out my twitter is here: https://twitter.com/uniquexharmony
Members, you can always poke me if you need a hand with something! And to fans, know that every little like or comment means so much to us. In my eyes Platinum Happy was a place to have some fun and brighten people’s days, so thank you to everyone who gave me the chance to do that for a while!! Once more for old times’ sake, Thanks for Alicening!–Alice–
Hello everyone, clumsy lily Calla here. I will be graduating from Platinum Happy. I absolutely love the group and the members so much. They have been such a huge part of mv life these past six (6!!) years and I firmly believe that because I joined, I was able to grow as a person. I’ve been able to do so much I wouldn’t have because I was in this group. But also, I could because I had the support of everyone in it. In the past few years, I’ve come to realize that being in front of the camera isn’t for me personally. I really want to thank everyone who supported me while I tried it, but I think that I would rather work behind the scenes from now on. Please continue to support Purappi, as I will be doing so as well!!
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platinum-happy · 3 years
Live Performance video
For our third present in the Platinum Advent Calendar, we present to you…live footage! These are past performances of Marin, from Louisianime 2018 and 2019! Here’s your chance to relive the memories! Which performance is your favorite?
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platinum-happy · 4 years
PuraRadio Episode 8
For our second Platinum Advent Calendar release, we bring to you: another episode of PuraRadio! Join Calla, Bonnie, and Marin to listen to them talk about their favorite clothing trends, fun stories about cosplay, and more! Who have the members of Purappi voted the Queen of Cosplay and Fashion? Only one way to find out!☆
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platinum-happy · 4 years
The Platinum Advent Calendar
Hello everyone! Everyone here at Platinum Happy would like to wish you a Happy Holiday season! To celebrate, we will be hosting the Platinum Advent Calendar! Every Thursday in December, we will be posting brand new releases and announcements! Turn post notifications on, so you don’t miss a single morsel of all the goodies we will be dishing out! Our first treat will be served December 3rd, so get ready PlatiNation! What do you think will be released first?
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platinum-happy · 4 years
Birthday Letter for Sophie
Yes, it’s finally that time of the year again! And man has it been a year! Despite all of the less fun stuff with COVID-19, our generation also got to release our first single with the entire group!
It was so much fun working with you first on Love Trip, and this latest single, “Times of Day”, turned out so good as well! Your subunit did so well on Predawn, it ended up sounding so cool! And the full group song turned out so good as well! It was so awesome to hear everyone together!
Here’s to many more projects together as Gen 3 and as Platinum Happy! Let’s keep working hard!
I hope you’ve had an amazing day with lots of fun!! Stay safe, and don’t forget to treat yourself as well!!
Sending lots of love 💕,
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platinum-happy · 4 years
Birthday Letter for Sadie
My beloved fellow Gen 2 member and esteemed meme queen, you are a wonderful human being who I am so happy to know <3
You are hilarious, talented as HECK and an absolute cutie down to the ground. Plus, your taste in memes is, quite frankly exquisite.
I hope you’ve had a birthday as amaaaaaze as you are, love you lots and lots, you spookem QUEEN.
All the best and even more love (for good measure)
Mia ☆
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platinum-happy · 4 years
Birthday Letter for Bonnie
For Bonnie’s birthday this year, several members wanted to send her their wishes!
Boss Bonnie Birthday Bash (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧ 
It’s a day just for you. I’m so thankful for you and everything you do for the group, as well as just in general. You’re a great friend and there for us with a kind word when needed. Just a lovely person all around 💕! May all your birthday wishes come true!
Boss!!! Happy birthday!!
Thank you so much for everything you always do for us!
When I listened to the finished radio drama, your final line just killed it. It was just as I’d imagined the “final boss.” Cool and confident, but innocuous and subdued. Big queen energy, just like what you have in the real group. And we love you for it!
So I hope you have a wonderful birthday!! Play with your puppies lots! 
ho-ho-ho-hoppy borth boss, my leo companion 🥺 You’re the best!! Thank you for creating this group with Marin and bringing us all together. We have three generations of members (wowee that’s a lot of members) and even though there are so many of us, you’re still here for all of us and pushing us to do our best, giving us encouragement whenever we need it and I think that’s swell as hecc of u. You’ve created a found family for all of us, isn’t that AMAZING?? That’s AMAZING!!! Wowowow
Keep being the best you and the best boss. LOVE YOU. 🥺🥺💕💓💕💓
This year’s birthday might be a little different than before, but that doesn’t mean that it’s any less special!! I hope you got to celebrate, cuddle with your pups, relax and enjoy your special day!! 🥳🥳🥳💙🧡💙🧡💙🧡💙🧡
Happy birthday to you, you beautiful squirrel QUEEN!!
Thank you so much for everything you do for Purappi, and most importantly, thank you for being such an incredible friend, I’d for sure go nuts without you and your excellently nutty memes 😘
Hope you’ve been spoiled like the royalty you really are, and all the best for the year ahead ❤️
Lots and lots and LOTS of love,
Mia ☆
Squeak squeak squeak, squeak squeak squeeeeeek~♡ squeak squeak squeak SQUEAK! Squeaking squeaks squeak 🎶👑 squeak squeak squeak!🐃
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platinum-happy · 4 years
Birthday Letter for Maple
It’s that time of year again!! Happy Birthday!! (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧
You’re always such a great person to be around. Your excitement and hype in our group chats is contagious. You’re just forever bringing a good mood along with you.
Then there’s your taste in music~ ♫♫
All of your suggestions and shares are always on point. To this day, there hasn’t been a song or group shared by you that I disliked. It’s like choosing good music is your superpower.
Which would make sense with how talented you are. You have such a great voice. Through all the releases you’ve been in, you’ve always given it your 100%. I was so excited to get to sing and act with you this time around. Absolutely an honor!
I know this year has been tough, and a lot is happening, but I hope you’re still able to have a lovely birthday. You deserve it.
Stay safe and take care! ♡♡
Bea 🐝
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platinum-happy · 4 years
A (Not So) Legendary Midnight Fight [Drama]
As a last bonus to accompany our “Times of Day” release, the Junjou Midnight Densetsu subunit has created a mini-drama skit, all about a (not so) legendary fight when Bea joins the Platinum Girls Academy, a rough-and-tumble yankee school and tries to make her way to the top.
Members: Alice, Bea, Calla, Maple Script: Calla, Alice Audio Mixing: Alice Video: Bonnie
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platinum-happy · 4 years
I Need You ~Yozora no Kanransha~
We’re so excited to launch Platinum Happy’s newest release! This mini-album features three subunits, one full-group song, plus one bonus drama skit!
Time never stops flowing. Will you spend time with us? For the last song in our “Times of Day” release, Alice, Bea, Bonnie, Calla, Cora, Maple, Marin, Mia, Nina, Sadie, Sophie, and Tabitha sing a magical rendition of “I Need You ~Yozora no Kanransha~” originally by Tsubaki Factory!
Members: Alice, Bea, Bonnie, Calla, Cora, Maple, Marin, Mia, Nina, Sadie, Sophie, Tabitha Audio Mixing: Cora Video: Jasmine, Marin Cover Artwork: Marin – Front | Back Lyrics Download
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platinum-happy · 4 years
Junjou Midnight Densetsu
We’re so excited to launch Platinum Happy’s newest release! This mini-album features three subunits, one full-group song, plus one bonus drama skit!
Time never stops flowing. Will you spend time with us? For the third song in our “Times of Day” release, Alice, Bea, Calla, and Maple sing the rocking “Junjou Midnight Densetsu,” originally by Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls!
Members: Alice, Bea, Calla, Maple Audio Mixing: Sophie Tuning: AyunaDaisuki (YT: https://www.youtube.com/user/AyunaDaisuki) Video: Jasmine, Marin Cover Artwork: Marin – Front | Back Lyrics Download
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platinum-happy · 4 years
Yuuhi wo Miteiru ka?
We’re so excited to launch Platinum Happy’s newest release! This mini-album features three subunits, one full-group song, plus one bonus drama skit!
Time never stops flowing. Will you spend time with us? For the second song in our “Times of Day” release, Cora, Mia, Nina, and Tabitha sing the feel-good “Yuuhi wo Miteiru ka?” originally by AKB48!
Members: Cora, Mia, Nina, Tabitha Audio Mixing: Tabitha Video: Jasmine, Marin Cover Artwork: Marin – Front | Back Lyrics Download
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platinum-happy · 4 years
We’re so excited to launch Platinum Happy’s newest release! This mini-album features three subunits, one full-group song, plus one bonus drama skit!
Time never stops flowing. Will you spend time with us? For the first song in our “Times of Day” release, Bonnie, Marin, Sadie, and Sophie sing “Predawn,” an uplifting tropical-house tune originally by Tokyo Girls Style!
Members: Bonnie, Marin, Sadie, Sophie Audio Mixing: Sophie Video: Jasmine, Marin Cover Artwork: Marin – Front | Back Lyrics Download
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platinum-happy · 4 years
Birthday Letter for Cora
For Cora’s birthday this year, several members wanted to send her their wishes!
Happy Belated Birthday, Coco! A bit late but you know how us sloths are. I hope your birthday was lovely and you found a moment to rest.
Please take care of yourself, don’t work too hard, and stay safe in the coming year! ヽ(*・ω・)ノ
Our dearest Cocoromeo, a happy birthday to you! Platinum Happy you so much and appreciates all that you do for us. Your work, your cuteness, and your general CORA-NESS is such an essential part of our group. I hope you have a relaxing day and celebrate the greatness that is YOU!
Love, Bonnie
Cocotan!!! Thank you for all the cool stuff you do to support us all the time!! And your sweet, sweet singing voice. And your cute as heck face. Just thank you for always being you. It’s great.
We love you and happy birthday!!! – Calla
Happy birthday, Coco, and thank you for everything you’ve done for us!!! From mixing to being our techy person and beyond!! Keep living your best life!!!
We love youuuu uwu
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platinum-happy · 4 years
Birthday Letter for Marin
Happy SUPER MARINO DAY!!♡ To the best mermaid plumber out there itsa you♡ !
Love, Sei
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