For all the women confused about he nuance between being a graceful, feminine wife and allowing yourself to be a weak maiden reliant on her looks: This video exemplifies why looking your best honours you and your husband, and how to do so modestly and delicately.
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Can you imagine... having a loving and protecting husband who reassures you when you are concerned and keeps you safe from the relentless world? Have His wise counsel when you are about to commit foolish mistakes? Sharing the love for your children, just as strong as your love for each other? Retributing all the love he's given you with a clean house, delicious meals and polite and loving children? Ah, the 50s!
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Ladies, remember to not reject the roles God has positioned for us! It is only right that women, who have a natural talent for nurturing and are prone to compassion take care of children. It is only correct that men, who are tougher and more level headed, provide for the family. Don't let modern society corrupt what you were born to do💕💐🙂
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All I have wanted, since I was a little girl, was a knight in a shining armour to protect and love me, and I would be His one and only. I still hold the same beliefs, and intend on raising my future children the way God intended. 💗💕 As said in Hebrews 10:17: Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.
In an age of alternativism, traditionalism becomes an the alternative way of life.
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There is something special about the delicate, careful details mothers place in their children!
The neatly done hair, carefully matched clothing and healthy and nutritious school lunches. It all reflects on your household, the more organised and God-honouring,the more peaceful!!💐🌼
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It upsets me that the tradwife community is such a secluded area in the planet at the present moment, but such posts remind us that biblical womanhood was once the norm! Liberal, radical feminist culture at the modern age imposes beliefs that create women that behave and act like men. I myself am more inclined to find beauty in a 50's, traditional lifestyle and culture.
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In a world where it is sometimes difficult to find the godly man of your dreams, we Christian women must motivate each other and persist, always following Jesus's teachings! May I also add:
Teaching them the Bible's teachings in a light hearted manner at night time!
Watch them kiss Daddy goodbye as he leaves to provide for our family, and make sure they know what a great man He is!
Sew cute embroidery in my child's clothes, and later teach my daughters to do the same!
When I’m a mom
Every day we will have teatime in cute teapots and teacups with little pastries and toast and it will be adorable
I’ll take my children to the bookstore so they develop early on a love for reading
I’ll read to them every night
I’ll sing them to sleep with “lavender’s blue dilly dilly” and “la vie en rose”
Our home will be quaint and cozy with lots of fairy lights and blankets
Hot cocoa before bed
Long walks with me and their father
Cultivate their sense of art
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