sanders-abohverse ยท 1 year
Remus has sharp teeth
And he likes to bite. All the time. He will bite anything and anyone if given the opportunity
Logan tries very hard to deter this
It does not work
He will make the mistake, however, of giving Virgil a little nip in passing one day.
Virgil also likes to bite. But he also likes biting back
It becomes a back and forth thing where the two will go out of their way to bite each other harder than the other just did until one of them taps out and the other claims victory
Logan and Roman are just happy to be bite free for a little while
Remus also definitely has some chew necklaces that he absolutely destroys, especially if he's been particularly stressed
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sanders-abohverse ยท 1 year
Obviously not ahshdevshdvsv ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
Logan: "Patton I don't know how you even function on a day to day basis."
Janus: "You should see him first thing in the morning straight after his shower"
Patton: ";n; Leave me alone I can't help that my toothbrush and your mascara wand look the same"
Janus: "they do not"
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sanders-abohverse ยท 1 year
Patton is blind af
This man is so blind. His lenses are so thick. Cassie has a cat, right? Nice, good, kinda snooty kittycat named Miss Sprinkles Montgomery the third. Missie or Sprink for short. Well sometimes, she manages to escape from their screened in patio. And Patton will open the door for her to let her back in while calling her a naughty lil thing. One day, he lost his glasses. And imagine Janus' surprise when he comes home and discovers a opossum in their home, with bows in its fur, being pet by his normally easily spooked husband.
"... dear? I wasn't aware we had a guest." "What do you mean?" ".... Patton, where are your glasses?" Because the last thing Janus wants is for his husband to freak out, and to in turn scare this wild animal.
He does, eventually, manage to get the opossum outside. And find his glasses. Patton is so embarrassed, but then-"Cassie! You let me bring in a opossum? Why didn'tyoutellme??" Because this little miss had been there the entire time, oh so chipper and all. "Because he's so cute! And he's got lil hands! And-and he eats ticks!!" "...." and then Janus "Well, she's not wrong."
Mr. "Lost his glasses and accidentally confused one of the others for Janus and when he started heavily flirting with them they just short circuited until Janus came along to collect him all 'I think that was meant for me, thank you'"
Tried contacts a few times, Janus legit did not recognize him for a good few seconds.
Accidentally mixed his glasses up with Logan's, only to hear him say "Good Heavens, Patton! How do you see anything?" "With my eyes, Logan." ".... obviously Not!"
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sanders-abohverse ยท 2 years
So how did Virgil react to having twins after having four kids?
Def a shock as they were only expecting the one, the other didn't show on any scans. But uh-ye! Six kids is plenty.
No more kids
Def gave Roman the side eye when the doctor announced it. "You and your damn genetics-"
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sanders-abohverse ยท 2 years
So Virgil and Roman had their 4 kids first so how old were they when Logan and Remus had theirs? Virgil and Roman had two more so how old were everyone?
Oh gosh I gotta do math now, lemme just-
V and Ro's kids were at least a year old by the time Logan and Remus had their twins. And then two ish years later, Cassie was born. And then like, three years after that, V and Ro had their own twins
So it's-
Elsa, Phillip, Flynn, Eric(6). Followed by Anna and Archimedes(5). Then Cassie(3-and she'll tell you "and a half!"). And then Belle and Aurora(bbies)
My math might be off but that's the gist
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sanders-abohverse ยท 2 years
Ok now I need to know why the facelt of Logan's school fear him and why do the kids love him?
Remus is just Vibes and sometimes he brings donuts. Especially around testing season.
Now, the faculty fear him because whenever Logan is invited out with the rest of the teachers, Remus comes with. Remus already looks like Trouble. No one expected Logan's husband to look like This.
Also one of them actually went to school with him and they witnessed him bite someone's ear off so-
Some of them also just think he's a Bad Influence
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sanders-abohverse ยท 2 years
So do an my of Remus's and Logan's kids have his white steak?
Both of the twins have the white streak, he lovingly refers to them as his lil skunks uwu
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sanders-abohverse ยท 2 years
Can we get more with Logan and Remus? Also how do Roman and Virgil keep all of their kids straight? Do they get them confused? I feel like they would have their kids name on their lunch box when they go to school.
They color coordinated them tbh. Put them in specific colors. This did not stop them from trying to pretend to be one of their siblings lol
They like to joke about it with them now, just "Which one are you?" "I'm your favorite!" "..... there is no right answer to this."
Those poor teachers. Rip whoever has the quads in the same class.
Speaking of teachers-Remus will swing by Logan's class regularly to drop off his lunch or anything he forgot. The students love him. Faculty fear him. He looks like a delinquent but he's just dropping off his husband's lunch. No biggie.
Logan struggled to get the twins to sleep, and struggled with them in general. He had to raise his siblings and he's read all the books, so taking care of his own should be easy! Wrong
Surprisingly, Remus was a natural. Logan was relieved-but also a little upset at the start. Over time he got the hang of it.
Logan is the primary breadwinner(and he's a teacher so, he doesn't make much, rip), with Remus making sculptures and ceramics to sell. Remus is with the twins more. He's the house husband.
Remus is working on a sculpture for their anniversary
Remus has definitely asked Logan if they could cover themselves in paint and go for it on a canvas
Remus does a lot of things. He has many hobbies. He def made their rings
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sanders-abohverse ยท 2 years
Tumblr media
A doodle uwu
V rough doodle, but it's the gist
Do your abo interpretations look like the canon sides or do they look different?
Lemme doodle a thing real quick
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sanders-abohverse ยท 2 years
Do your abo interpretations look like the canon sides or do they look different?
Lemme doodle a thing real quick
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sanders-abohverse ยท 2 years
Remus would make jokes about his transition but the second his first Heat hits it hits him like a bus and he is full on sobbing. Ruts were annoying but he could get through those easy-but heats? He's annoyed and frustrated and this god damn pillow is not in the exact position it needs to be in and if he doesn't fix it and get dicked down in the next five minutes he is going to tear everything apart
It would be a v confusing and frustrating time because he Wants to fuck. But also everything is too sensitive and he Will cry and not in the sexy overstimulated way. And at the same time he has all these new instincts kicking in all at once.
They make knotting toys and sleeves that will have to tide him over because actual physical touch is a n o rn
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sanders-abohverse ยท 2 years
Trying so hard to figure out how this would work. Bare in mind that(as far as I know atm)I am a cis female. I do not have first-hand experience with this. That also being said I have been doing a hella lot of research into gender reassignment and surgery and such. If anyone would like to add input I welcome it wholeheartedly!
Hormones would change a person's(I'm going to use Remus as an example)pheromones over time. Pheromones already differ from person to person, but they're a big indicator of "hey, I'm ____!"
I mentioned it'd be a lot of fiddling around, and I meant dosage wise with the hormones. Hormones are powerful stuff. Some people don't want it to hit them all at once and boom! You know?
Science and medicine are always advancing and I am not smart enough to go into detail but if they can grow parts on living tissue then they can definitely find a way to safely alter someone's sex with a shot over time. This is omegaverse, ppl. They already have knots. Surgery is also an option. But I wanted an excuse to put the words "home-grown pussy" into your heads
Also Remus would absolutely just, gasp super loud and go "I have puss puss!" Regardless of which route he took. It's Remus.
I know your beta Logan is trans, I was wondering if it'd be possible for someone who presented one way(like an omega) to later transition into either an alpha or beta? If so, how would that work?
You know, I've never actually thought about it. But I'm sure with the advancement of technology and medicine it would be possible.
I've seen fics where there are companies that make pheromones to be used to mask the user. So it's def not a long shot.
It'd probably take a lot of work and fiddling around to find out what works. But also this is fiction so, if someone who presented alpha felt as though that didn't fit, they could definitely see about hormone/pheromone therapy and such.
I feel as though there would be some stigma attached to it, but fck that noise. Do what makes you feel more like You, besties. Who cares what ur super traditional parents who tried to push the super old and harmful Alpha/Omega/Beta stereotypes onto u think
Ah, brb gonna trans Remus' secondary gender/hj
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sanders-abohverse ยท 2 years
I know your beta Logan is trans, I was wondering if it'd be possible for someone who presented one way(like an omega) to later transition into either an alpha or beta? If so, how would that work?
You know, I've never actually thought about it. But I'm sure with the advancement of technology and medicine it would be possible.
I've seen fics where there are companies that make pheromones to be used to mask the user. So it's def not a long shot.
It'd probably take a lot of work and fiddling around to find out what works. But also this is fiction so, if someone who presented alpha felt as though that didn't fit, they could definitely see about hormone/pheromone therapy and such.
I feel as though there would be some stigma attached to it, but fck that noise. Do what makes you feel more like You, besties. Who cares what ur super traditional parents who tried to push the super old and harmful Alpha/Omega/Beta stereotypes onto u think
Ah, brb gonna trans Remus' secondary gender/hj
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sanders-abohverse ยท 2 years
Feel free to send in topics and prompts, I have more free time now!!
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sanders-abohverse ยท 2 years
Feel free to send in topics and prompts, I have more free time now!!
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sanders-abohverse ยท 2 years
Can we can a drawing of Virgil's parents?
My eyes are currently buggin but I will describe them to you, lol
Alpha and Omega couple who are like? They're v open and positive vibes. Alpha pops is a mechanic. Omega dad spends most of his time in the garden. Dad will use anything as a planter, Pops has had to physically drag him away from so many yardsales. Dad is so chill but when Virgil was younger he was a worried mess. This was their surprise miracle baby and if anything happened to him he would fight, and cry.
Pops is a lovable guy who just looks really rough. He looks older than he is because he went gray in his twenties and he teases Virgil with the possibility of the same happening to him(it actually is happening he just keeps dying it, but the second Roman makes a comment about finding a character with gray hair attractive he's like "oh? Bet"). Virgil def got his style from him, mostly.
Cottage core met?? Kinda punk
Dad is definitely taller than Pops
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sanders-abohverse ยท 2 years
What was everyone's parents' reaction to finding out they were gonna have grandkids?
Roman and Remus' parents are out of the picture, no contact. Because fck them. They're very traditional and stuck in the super old ways of how alphas and omegas should act and behave. If they knew Remus was married to a beta they would be livid. And if they knew either of them had children they would probably be trying to arrange marriages for them all like they tried to do with Remus and Roman. Yuck
Logan's parents are also no contact, because he was the eldest beta and they practically used him as a third parent and made him watch over and raise his younger siblings while also maintaining a 4.0 gpa and keeping their home tidy. All while they lazed about or went out.
Virgilโ€™s parents were thrilled, he's their only child and thus they are very protective over him and like to spoil him-and now their grandchild! Oh-wait, h o w many??? F o u r?!! Y e a h they were visiting so often when they found t h a t out. Roman was not used to having such positive and loving parental units in their home. It was kinda a shock. He half expected V's alpha father to chew him out. To be fair he d i d have a talk with him about keeping his son safe when they first started dating that Roman will never forget.
Patton's parents-well-Janus cut them out of their lives for them after one dinner where he witnessed how foul they were to his husband about something out of his control. That thing being Patton's fertility. If they come around Janus is personally going to rip their teeth out.
Janus' parents are so excited. They never thought Janus would settle down. He lived quite the bachelor lifestyle for a while before meeting Virgil-and then had a liiiiittle spiral/drunken bender after they broke things off, mutually! Btw. Janus was just feeling hella guilty about things. They think Patton's great. Janus' mother wants Patton's cupcake recipe. Their child is well and truly spoilt by their rich grandparents.
Damn I didn't realize how many of them had shite parents, lol
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