slytherin-obsessed · 1 month
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gross 💁‍♀️ love waking up to people randomly throwing hate at me, really brings out the ✨social anxiety✨ out of me. thank you bestie for ruining my day. hope you find better things to do in the future than bullying, really doesn't look pretty.
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slytherin-obsessed · 2 months
this is so adorable i am melting 😭🩵🩵
I just finished and published Chapter 1 of "Kind For You."
I wanted to thank everybody for all the attention that it has gotten.
I am already working on Chapter 2, which will come out Monday.
And I presume since the series is doing so well. I will keep posting every day:))
And last thing, there is one person I need to thank. Because she is my biggest inspiration: @slytherin-obsessed none of this wouldn't be happening if not her. She also has her own amazing fanfic go check it out.
Here's all my work
And here's slytherin-obsessed
Again, thank you all for everything
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slytherin-obsessed · 2 months
we do love some new HL fic 🥰🩵🩵
Kind For You
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Fandom: Hogwarts Legacy
O/C: Sebastian Sallow x Edwart Thompson x Ominis Gaunt ✨️platonic✨️ (My OC)
Warnings: None
Word count: 1312
Part 1
Tense was probably the best word to describe what Edwart Thompson was feeling at the moment. A fresh new wizard, coming to join the fifth year in Hogwarts. He was zoned out playing with a wand given by his mentor. The first time flying in a magical carriage certainly didn't help with calming his nerves even in the company of Professor Fig talking with his ministry friend George, but Edwart paid no mind to their talk of goblin rebellion. No, Eddie was much more concerned with how many more "first-time” events were ahead of him and how he was going to pick up all those years, other students have been through already. His nerviness was starting to bother him so he joined the conversation Profesor Fig and George were engaged in:
“It looks like goblin metal.” Professor Fig turned to Edward 
“That symbol-” he continued but was quickly interrupted by his student
 "What's that glow?” Edwart asked cautiously…
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Professor Weasley! We've one more to be sorted.” the headmaster's voice boomed through the chatter.
The first time Sebastian saw the new fifth-year student he didn't notice anything noteworthy. He looked like any other student, except the thing that did stand out was his extremely red cheeks as if the new student had run for his sorting ceremony. Other than that Sebastian hasn't yet to notice anything interesting that would live up to the rumours surrounding the new student.
 When he heard the sorting hat proudly scream Hufflepuff, he thought the new fifth year looked like any other ordinary Hufflepuff. Nothing worth his attention, especially with all the problems Sebastian’s already dealing with, he doesn't need more unexpected ones…
“Oh and one more thing-” Headmaster's voice interrupted the cheers and chatters again "Due to the unfortunate injury on the pitch in the last spring's final this year's Quidditch season has been canceled”
Loud groaning and booing could be heard throughout every table and student in the Great Hall 
“Enough.” As Professor Black continued his speech Sebastians's mind was already on the new student wondering what the next day would bring. If Anne was here would she get along with the new student or would she scare and prank him until he dropped out? Sebastian bit back an amused dreamy smile.
“I said-” Sebastian finally regained focus on the headmaster's words “I'm sure you all have plenty to do before classes begin tomorrow.”
“Well, that’s that,” Sebastian said to his friend sitting next to him. "It’s best we return to our common room…” Sebastian got up and started walking towards the dungeons giving a last fast and curious look towards the new student who was the only one who stayed behind talking with Professor Weasley.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
The prior day's events have been haunting Edwart’s dreams which left him tired and unsatisfied with his rest but he knew today was the long awaited day in Hogwarts he was waiting for. 
Edwart quickly got to know some of his other housemates before rushing to meet Professor Weasley, but only Adelaide Oakes piqued his interest by being more quiet and considerate than other students Ed came into contact with in the Hufflepuff common room.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Edwart was sitting at the Hufflepuff dining table trying to decipher the enchanted map given by Professor Weasley while playing with a porridge more than eating it. He understood he had a Defence Against The Dark Arts in an hour or so and after that, something called Charms.
“Whatever that one may be…” Edwart mumbled under his breath “Charms… So like spellcasting. But that Defence Against The Dark Arts class…Hmm” he grumbled unsatisfied.
 But then someone's voice interrupted Edwarts thoughts
“Hello! You're the new fifth year, are you?” a cheery sweet voice came from behind him
“Erm-” Ed stumbled against his words
Yes, my name is Edwart, and…? You are?” He asked a little taken aback by her glee 
“Oh! Sorry!” the girl shook her head “My name's Poppy Sweetings. I saw you in our common room earlier but Professor Weasley requested to speak with you before I got the chance.”
Edwart nodded his head as he was listening, Poppy continued…
 “She also asked me to check if you don't need any assistance with navigating in the castle. I was simply walking by and noticed your grimace. if you need help do let me know.” she shot Ed a comforting smile
Edwart looked down sheepishly and answered with hesitation 
"If you could lead me to… uhm... Defence Against The Dark Arts? That'd be great” he smiled a little at Poppy 
"No problem” Poppy returned his smile “Anything else I can help you with?”
Edwart’s grimace returned to his face and he gestured to Poppy to sit next to him, she did as he asked but still kept an eye on him with a spark of interest. It took him a moment to wonder if he could trust Poppy with revealing his insecurity about being a new kid in the fifth year. 
He decided to take that chance.
“I don't know much about Hogwarts…” he stated feeling a little tense "but I would appreciate it if you could explain to me what the Defence Against The Dark Arts and Charms class looks like” 
“Alright. Is…that all?” She asked sweetly but with a hint of surprise
“Yes… I am not entirely sure what I could expect in class. A little hint would be greatly appreciated” 
Poppy smiled and started explaining the way classes work.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“So every house in Hogwarts represents different traits?” Edwart asked intrigued 
Poppy nodded 
“Mhm. You got sorted into Hufflepuff so it means you must have the loyal, kind, hard-working kind of traits”
“Fascinating …” Edwart mumbled under his breath
Poppy smiled and stopped by the door to the DADA class. 
“This is it! And we even have a few minutes to ourselves. Go on inside, find yourself a seat but don't get used to it too much” 
Poppy shot Edwart a smile when she saw his confused look
 “Professor Hecat is strict but a very good teacher. Sometimes she rearranges students' seats. I have to go grab something before the lesson starts. Will you be okay on your own?” 
Edwart was a little caught off guard by the delivery of that question. Poppy was the first person who helped him more than she would ever know. Since he got to Hogwarts. Even Professors weren't as attentive to help him navigate through the school as she was. It wasn't like Edwart was incapable of being self-contained.
He’s been living the same life for the past 8 years, the drastic change in the environment was hard for Edwart. His life was collected and peaceful. Until the visit of a certain silver-haired Professor…
“Thank you, Poppy. You've helped me a great deal. I am in your debt and I will repay your kindness” Edwart bowed with a small smile forming on his lips which left Poppy visibly surprised and before she could respond he entered the classroom. 
“Oh, maybe I shouldn't have done that…” Edwart thought to himself, feeling his cheeks getting warmer due to his embarrassment.
He really shouldn't be doing anything to stand out and bring attention to himself. Edwart liked calm and peace, being in the shadows so to say. Of course, he loved adventures and the thrill of danger he got to taste with Professor Fig but the only consequences he faced after doing things other fifth years never dreamed of ended in a rest that would never come or a sleep that would never fully satisfy Edwart. 
 Sort of like a defense mechanism to always stay sharp. He just wishes he could have one normal night of sleep with no dreams, nightmares, or excitements that he's getting to experience every day now.
His train of thought suddenly stopped when he saw two students dueling loudly and relentlessly.
Autor's notes:
The little -------------- means a little time skip
Thank you so much for reading Part 1 of my fanficion. I hope you enjoyed it! There are many more to come.
English is not my first language keep that in mind
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slytherin-obsessed · 2 months
my journey on writing chapter 21 as a neurospicy with anxiety disorder ❤︎
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still working on chapter 21 you all 💀 but we're getting there!
-> also, possibly skipping work tomorrow because jesus, the anxiety is bad lately. we'll see!
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slytherin-obsessed · 2 months
i made progress 🥲 hopefully I'll be done with ch21 tomorrow! until then, look at our sleepy baby 🥹
✦ Beyond Your Eyes on ao3 and wattpad
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hes eepy
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slytherin-obsessed · 2 months
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I passed out on the couch 💀
-> took my little anxiety med and instead of giving me that little kick of dopamine it often does well... i kinda passed out for 5 hours 😀
BUT I feel mentally recharged (maybe?) so let's go write that chapter and I ain't stopping until it's done! (mark my words) listening to this banger of course for the 🐍 vibes ❤︎
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slytherin-obsessed · 2 months
progress on chapter 21 (again...)
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I solemnly swear that today I will dedicate all my energy and will power to finish writing chapter 21 🫡 I have been in a bad place mentally these past weeks and my energy is going down the drain. It's frustrating to say the least. I want to write, I know what I need to write, i know where things go, they play out smoothly in my head but the words don't come 🫠 so i end up daydreaming about it all day and blank in front of my laptop when I try to actually write... BUT! today my people, TODAY i won't let that stop me! I even booted up the game and explored a certain "area" for aesthetic inspo in the hopes that it helps. Here goes a little sneek pix to give a little super vague idea of whats to come 🤭 thank you again for all the nice comments, kudos and hits, they motivate me so much to get back to writing so thank you thank you!! Happy reading ❤︎
✦ Beyond Your Eyes on ao3 and wattpad ✦ Ominis screencap by @legacyshenanigans
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slytherin-obsessed · 2 months
i am obsessed this is so beautiful 🩵
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Ominis in a blouse…🙈 Took me 6 hours to draw, but it was worth it !
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slytherin-obsessed · 2 months
Progress on chapter 21 ❤︎
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Hello beautiful people ❤︎
Today I am working on chapter 21. Hopefully I'll be able to wrap the final draft before the weekend and then send it to my kind beta for a last check!
-> Which would mean publication next week? 👀 The reactions to chapter 20 I've been receiving are just hilarious, I'm gonna try and mend your poor feelings as soon as I can 😅 Thank you for all the hits and kudos and the amazing comments! I love waking up in the morning before work and discovering more, they immediately make my day brighter ☀️🥹 meanwhile I can maybe recommend some fics from fellow Hogwarts Legacy writers? 👀 ✦ The herbologist and the potion maker by @amberlide on ao3 and wattpad (a Garreth fic! haven't started it yet but i'm really excited!) ✦ Whispers of the ancient, dawn of the phoenix by chrystabelle on ao3 (takes place before the game with a first year coming to Hogwarts with a lot of struggles on her shoulders) ✦ Utterly Hopeless by Darkravenkissed1 on wattpad (Ominis fic that takes place after the events of the game, 6th year) -> I LOVE this one! Last one is not a HL fic but a Crimson Peak one but it's so good ❤︎ ✦ A fondness for ghosts by shapedbydreams on ao3 Happy reading ❤︎ ✦ Beyond Your Eyes on ao3 and wattpad screencaps by @gobletoffeels ❤︎
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slytherin-obsessed · 2 months
revising/revisiting - chapter 9: the wand
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Another chapter revisited and fixed! Coincidentally, this chapter was released one year ago TODAY!
so happy birtday chapter 9 I guess ❤︎ 🍾 🥂 In this chapter, our little group of friends starts to solidify for good with everyday classes, a new mystery to envail, plus... a little flirty flirty mooshy mooshy moment 🤭
Again, only minor changes. I removed so many "I say, he asks, I reply" because GOOD GOD was I afraid you guys would be confused or what?? other than that I just rephrased a few things (descriptions only) that were a little awkward and that's about it! No biggie really but I think it flows better now 🤌 -> Ominis' screencap by @gobletoffeels (their account is a goldmine omg ❤︎) Chapter's already updated on ao3 and wattpad ❤︎ happy reading ❤︎ EDIT: NEVERMIND I am a dumb dumb who cannot read dates apparenlty! this chapter was published last year in APRIL not march 💀
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slytherin-obsessed · 2 months
look at our precious boys 🩵
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Time for some Hogwarts Legacy Fan Art ;)
Sebastian and Ominis ✨🐍
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slytherin-obsessed · 2 months
revising/revisiting - chapter 8: the blind boy
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As some of you may know, since I've started writing and posting Beyond Your Eyes almost one year ago (anniversary coming soon ❤︎), I feel like my writing has improved A LOT and I have a better eye/judgement on my own work. So I've started revising/revisiting and making adjustements to my previously posted chapters (working on chap 1 -> chap 10 now).
I don't change anything drastically (nothing plot related), just some awkward phrasings, remove unnecessary "she says/he asks", correct a few typos and whatnots. Today I worked on chapter 8, the blind boy ❤︎ where Ominis reveals his true self to Emilie for the first time 🥰 I've of course edited it on ao3/wattpad as well so the new version is available right away. While I did that I realized that NONE of my chapters were justified on ao3 💀 so of course i went ahead and fixed that for all 20 of them 🙇‍♀️ You can find my current progress on Beyond Your Eyes and also on my revisiting/revising previous chapters on my Progress post. happy reading ❤︎ Ominis Screencap : miss--soapy
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slytherin-obsessed · 2 months
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progress on "beyond your eyes" below the cut ❤︎
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Keys: ✓ - written/done ✓✓ - written and edited (pretty much done and good to go) ✓✓✓ - written and published (on ao3 and wattpad) chapter xx - a coming chapter that's written already
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✦ Research/ploting/brainstorming (5th year): cover art / original character art ✓ rough plotline ✓ plot/write ending ✓
✦ Research/ploting/brainstorming (6th year): find a title (wip) cover art (wip) rough plotline (wip) chapter xx ✓ chapter xx ✓ chapter xx ✓ chapter xx ✓
✦ Research/ploting/brainstorming (7th year): find a title (wip) cover art (wip) rough plotline (wip)
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✦ Important dates: -> February 10th, Hogwarts Legacy 1st anniversary -> March 20th, Hufflepuff Pride Day -> March 21st, Slytherin Pride Day -> March 22nd, Gryffindor Pride Day -> March 23rd, Ravenclaw Pride Day -> April 12th, Beyond Your Eyes 1st anniversary ❤︎
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✦ References: fandom wiki calendar dates wizarding schools lexicon levicorpus spells hogwarts legacy full game guide The Art and Making of Hogwarts Legacy - artbook Hogwarts Legacy game on Xbox Series X
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✦ Writing: Summary ✓✓✓ Chapter 1 ✓✓✓ Chapter 2 ✓✓✓ ... Chapter 19 ✓✓✓ Chapter 20 ✓✓✓ Chapter 21 ✓ ... Chapter xx ✓ Chapter xx ✓ Chapter xx ✓ Chapter xx ✓ Chapter xx ✓ Chapter xx ✓ Chapter xx ✓ Chapter xx ✓ Chapter xx ✓ Chapter xx ✓ Chapter xx ✓ Chapter xx ✓ Chapter xx ✓ Chapter xx ✓ Chapter ENDING ✓ Chapter ENDING ✓ Chapter ENDING ✓ Chapter Prologue ✓
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✦ Revise/update -> I'm in the process of revising my already uploaded chapters and making adjustements (not plot related, just typos, phrasing, pacing etc) First batch (chap 1 -> 10) CH1: Last Hope / Dernier Espoir ✓ CH2: Ups and downs / des Hauts et des Bas ✓ CH3: The Sorting Hat / Le Choixpeau Magique ✓ CH4: The Common Room / La Salle Commune ✓ CH5: First Day / Première journée ✓ CH6: The Undercroft / L'Undercroft ✓ CH7: The Twin / La Jumelle ✓ CH8: The Blind Boy / Le Garçon Aveugle ✓ CH9: The Wand / La Baguette ✓ CH10: The Scar / La Cicatrice Second batch (chap 11 -> 20) CH11: Reminiscence / Réminescence CH12: Halloween Night / La Nuit d’Halloween CH13: Disillusionment Spell and Other Antics / Sortilège de Désillusion et Autres Facéties CH14: Hogsmeade Escapade / Escapade à Pré-au-Lar CH15: Twists and Turns / Tribulations et Autres Rebondissements CH16: Uncharted Heights and Unspoken Concerns / Hauteurs Inexplorées et Préoccupations Inexprimées CH17: Sweet Escape / Doux Refuge CH18: The Gaunt Family / La Famille Gaunt CH19: Operation Hush-hush / Opération Chut-chut CH20: Curiosity killed the cat / La curiosité est un vilain défaut
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-> moon/star divider by @cafekitsune ❤︎
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slytherin-obsessed · 2 months
Beyond Your Eyes - Chapter 20
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details and links below the cut 🩵
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Alphonse and Emilie Lavallée are fraternal twins. Born in France, they enrolled at BeauxBatons, the French school for witches and wizards, when they were 11.
However, school life hasn't been all great for Emilie. Shy and awkward, she was quickly targeted as the school scapegoat and the bullying started on the spot.
On the contrary, Alphonse, always carefree and confident, became naturally popular among the students. Except, he took his role as big brother (by almost 3 minutes) very seriously and no one was to mess with his twin sister without consequences. But his protective behavior wasn't enough to ensure a peaceful life for poor Emilie.
As the years went by, the bullying got worse until the terrible accident that happened towards the end of their 4th year. She was left injured and her face permanently disfigured with a scar that ended shattering the little self confidence she had left.
After the incident, the LaVallée family decided to transfer both their children to Hogwarts as 5th years, in hope of a better school life for their still recovering daughter.
At Hogwarts they will meet and entangle with Sebastian Sallow and Ominis Gaunt, Slytherins who will change the course of their lives forever.
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tags and details:
Rating: Teen and Up audiences
Category: F/M
Genre: Adventure / Romance
POV: First Person (OFC), occasional Third Person
Relationships: Ominis Gaunt/ Original Female Character, Anne Sallow/Original Male Character, Ominis Gaunt & Sebastian Sallow & Anne Sallow & OFC & OMC
Additional Tags: Canon Rewrite, Slow Burn Romance, Friendship, Found Family, Canon Typical Violence, Friends to Lovers, Banter, Fluff, Hurt & Comfort,
Trigger Warnings: Social Anxiety, Depression, Self-Harm, Bullying, Suicidal Thoughts, Blood
happy ending for everyone ❤︎
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Links: Beyond you eyes on ao3 Beyond your eyes on wattpad
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-> moon/star divider by @cafekitsune ❤︎
happy reading ❤︎
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slytherin-obsessed · 2 months
coming later today 🩵
Beyond your eyes, chapter 20: curiosity killed the cat / la curiosité est un vilain défaut 🩵
- my longest chapter so far
- plot is taking a u turn 👀
- i hope you will enjoy
- to be published later today 🩵
@the-kcm-muggleborn 🩵🩵🩵
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slytherin-obsessed · 3 months
making progress on writing chapter 20
I've been overwhelmed by the positive feedbacks lately, so naturally I'm back at writing Beyond Your Eyes. Chapter 20 is coming together bits by bits, hopefully to be uploaded this week-end!
The plot it about to take a U turn, one I hope you'll enjoy ❤︎ Thank you to all my readers!
The comments are sending me over the moon. While I'm primarily writing this fic for myself, I can't deny that every comment fills me with excitement and motivates me to keep on writing 🩵 I hope that my silly fanfic can lift your spirit as well and make your day just a tiny bit better ❤︎ All your kind words are really appreciated 🙏
you can find Beyond your Eyes on ao3 and wattpad 🙇‍♀️
notes: yes, I did a booboo on the chapter teaser, it's meant to be chapter 20, not 19 🙄
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slytherin-obsessed · 3 months
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everything below the cut ❤︎
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name: linoa
age: >30
generation: millenials / 90s kid
origins: France / New-Caledonia
languages: French / English
gender & sexuality: female / asexual
pronouns: she/her
mental health: autistic / maladaptive daydreamer / generalized anxiety disorder / social anxiety / depression (life is fun 😅)
hobbies: reading / writing / playing video games / daydreaming / digital drawing / horror movies / character ai
favorite manga/anime: fullmetal alchemist / attack on titan / tokyo revengers / sailor moon / elfen lied / higurashi
favorite tv shows: the walking dead / stranger things / buffy / the terror
favorite movies: harry potter / king arthur / underwater / deep impact / the mist
favorite books: harry potter / hunger games / the mist / frankenstein
favorite games: final fantasy 8 / zelda oot / hogwarts legacy / skyrim / rune factory 4 / resident evil 4 remake
I am completely new to tumblr so I apologize if i do awkward things, please kindly let me know if i do a no-no here.
If you ever come on this post I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart, I am very passionate about my creations but also extremely nervous about posting my things out there.
Thank you in advance if you ever like/reblog/follow any of my content. Any kind of interactions literaly makes my heart flip in my chest so thank you ❤︎
Finally, English isn't my first language so I apologize for any awkwardness 🫣
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