sme-thin · 6 years
That nausea problem where you’re not entirely sure what type of nausea it is, and whether eating will make it better or worse.
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sme-thin · 6 years
Reasons to recover
Your dumbass eating disorder is literally too dumb to count calories and has to make you do it. Why on earth would you listen to someone who is too stupid to do basic math? And is making you do math??
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sme-thin · 6 years
Me- 600 calories isn’t going to make me fat, my body image isn’t accurate, being deathly thin ain’t cute
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sme-thin · 6 years
Me, someone with anorexia and bulima, trying to quit my bulimic tendencies so i can stick to starving myself:
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sme-thin · 6 years
My depression and ED rn, working together to ruin my fucking day
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sme-thin · 6 years
Reblog if:
- you want me to send you meanspo, thinspo, sweets, bonespo etc.
- if you need motivation to fast or not binge
- if you’re thinking of giving up
- if you just want someone to talk to
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sme-thin · 6 years
safe foods master list!! (meals edition)
➥ belvita breakfast biscuits - 57 kcal/biscuit
➥ apple - 95 calories/apple (77 kcal for peeled apples)
➥ egg whites - 17 kcal/egg
➥ cucumber - 8 kcal/cucumber (this dip is amazing, and only 105 kcal/serving)
➥ fat/sugar-free yogurt - ~80 kcal/yogurt
➥ black coffee - 2 kcal/cup
➥ unsweetened tea - 0 kcal/cup
➥ rice cake - 15 kcal/cake
➥ pita bread - 165 kcal/piece
➥ hummus - 25 kcal/tbs
➥ pb2 (powdered peanut butter) - 45 kcal/serving
➥ tomato - 25 kcal/tomato
➥ cauliflower rice - 25 kcal/cup
➥ hot sauce!!! (boosts metabolism) - ~0.5 kcal/tsp
➥ lettuce - 5 kcal/cup
➥ baby food (bear with me, it’s not half bad when seasoned) - 15 kcal/jar
➥ chicken broth - 5 kcal/tsp
➥ grilled chicken breast - 140 kcal/4 oz
➥ steamed veggies - ~45 kcal/serving
➥ baked salmon - 157 kcal/4 oz
➥ grilled lamb chop - 140 kcal/4 oz
➥ whole grain pasta - 174 kcal/cup
➥ turkey - 54 kcal/oz
➥ deviled egg - 80 kcal/half
➥ beef brisket - 44 kcal/oz
➥ sugar-free jello - 5 kcal/serving
➥ chocolate-dipped banana (click here) - ~160 kcal/banana
➥ sugar-free popsicles - 15 kcal/serving
➥ baby food puddings - 100 kcal/jar
➥ fudgesicle - 40 kcal/serving
➥ halo top ice cream - 280 kcal/pint (but who has the stomach to eat a full pint?)
➥ dark chocolate - 155 kcal/oz
➥ diet coke - 0 kcal/can
➥ coke zero (tastes more like regular coke) - 0 kcal/can
➥ coconut water - ~50 kcal/bottle
➥ aloe water - 80 kcal/bottle
➥ sparkling ice drink - 0 kcal/bottle
➥ water!!!!!!!!!!! - 0 kcal/serving
➥ diet green tea snapple - 0 kcal/bottle 
➥ fresca original - 0 kcal/bottle
➥ propel zero - 0 kcal/bottle
➥ black coffee - 2 kcal/cup
add more if you reblog!!
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sme-thin · 6 years
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some mirror thinspo 🌿
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sme-thin · 6 years
If you want to be friends with me you don’t have to be “Hi, um, can, ya know, we be friends?”
It is 1000000000000000000000% percent ok if you just go into my inbox can go. “Man, I am so fucking pissed off at fucking Michael.” And I’ll most likely respond with, “Oh shit! What did Michael do now?“ 
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sme-thin · 6 years
If your stuck at a number, and not losing weight; there’s a reason for that.
When you start to lose fat your fat cells fill up with water as a “place holder”, waiting for the fat to come back. Fat cells are super stubborn so it might take a couple days for them to realize that there’s no fat coming to take its place. After it realizes that, the fat cells release and the cell collapses. Making it so you lose a ton of weight at one time.
So don’t give up now! Trust me you’ll lose that pesky weight in a couple days, so don’t start bingeing because then you’ll gain the weight back!❤️
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sme-thin · 6 years
My weight has been at a plateau for what feels like forever😑Any tips?
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sme-thin · 6 years
Ana Motivation #anabuddie
You can do it. One meal a day. Drink much water. No sweets, no binging, no cheat days. One day you will look at yourself in the mirror and fall in love with what you see. It’s a journey, and you pick the final destination.
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sme-thin · 6 years
Me: *fucks her metabolism so bad that now her stomach aches like hell if it has to digest something different than water*
Me: my body rejects food!!! finally!!! i’m so blessed!!! i’m delivered from the dark oppressor: hunger!!!
My body: bitch we are literally starting to die so if you could just-
Me: totally blessed
My body: death is approach-
Me: D A I N T Y F A I R Y A E S T H E T I C
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sme-thin · 6 years
Reblog if you wish you were ten pounds lighter
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sme-thin · 6 years
Reasons to Keep Going
For my family to notice during the holidays
For my friends to notice after break
To get invited to every party since and have enough confidence to go
To feel confident when I’m not wearing makeup
To feel my bones poking out and my stomach going in
To take cute pictures with my friends and not feel self-concious
To never have to hate what I see in the mirror ever again
Never having to contour again since my face is naturally thin
To shop and have everything fit me first try
To be able to wear what I want because my mom says I’m “thin enough”
Being in control of myself at all times
Never feeling the horrible over-stuffed pain in my stomach ever again
To eat clean where food is my feul, not my comfort
For my Ana friends to be proud of me
To be someones thinspiration
Reblog if you pledge to not stop until your personal goals are met. We will do this, I promise.
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sme-thin · 6 years
Can anyone relate?
I feel like my eating disorder started a lot earlier than I realized. I was always a very petite child and had a fast metabolism. Adults would always tell me how skinny I was and say things like “we need to put some meat on you” or “do your parents feed you?”. So as I got older and started to be an average weight, I felt pressured to still be skinny. Because that’s all I had ever heard my whole life. And slowly it’s developed into something much more. Maybe that’s just me though.
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sme-thin · 6 years
It honestly annoys me so much when I see posts that say shit like “he’ll be able to pick you up and swing you around the room ✨” or “imagine him telling you how tiny you are uwu”
like bitch?? I don’t give a flying fuck what some guy thinks of me. I’m doing this shit for me. I want to look in the mirror and love me. I don’t give a SHIT about what the person I’m with thinks of me. If they’re with me, they obviously love me for me. I, however, do NOT love me for me, and that’s why I do this shit.
Plus, first of all, what kind of fairy tale are you living in to think some dude is gonna swing you around the room cause you’re skinny? What boy is gonna be like “oh my you’re so THIN and so TINY I LOVE it.” If anything, they’d probably be WORRIED about your weight rather than ENCOURAGING IT.
Idk. It just pisses me off cause like…all I want is to be able to actually fucking love myself. This may just be me, but I seriously couldn’t give two shits about what some dude thinks about my weight. Whoever judges me for my weight can honestly fuck off. I just wanna wear a size XS, okay????
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