st4rfallen · 8 months
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Diese Fotos haben beide nicht die beste Qualität, ABER
Minute 24:06 in Tatort Münster:Sag nichts… diese Person kommt in der gesamten Folge nicht mehr vor.
Sie kommt, in fact, nach dieser Sekunde und vor dieser Sekunde nie vor.
warum existiert sie in diesem Garten? Was-? Wie? Ich bin auf so vielen Ebenen verwirrt.
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st4rfallen · 8 months
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If you can’t reblog this, unfollow me now.
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st4rfallen · 8 months
Why didn’t I post for two weeks and now I have 2 in a row??
I think of it as beautiful that I have followers and likes.
not because I need followers and likes or because I crave attention that badly.
but because that means that somehow, somewhere, someone knows me. Remembers me.
and tell me, what more does a person truly want, in the grand scheme of things? People in Pompeii wrote weird shit on the walls, as did people in the Stone Age, barely able to write anything at all. All across history, humans called out and tried to create. Tried to make something that would remind everything after them: “hey, I was here once. I lived. I loved. And I laughed and cried and I existed. Please don’t forget me.”
and it’s just… so beautiful to witness how easy it has become to fulfill that desire- to make yourself someone that someone will remember.
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st4rfallen · 8 months
shitposting about my mental health at half past 1 in the night:
When writing this I imagined the sentence “you are a pathetic excuse of a human being” blaring into my tired eyes through a screeching glowing screen, tearing and ripping and causing me tears. But I won’t write this cause it is neither true nor something needing to be said. Instead I write: you being aware of making wrong choices does not make said wrong choices okay. You making wrong choices about yourself doesn’t make said wrong choices okay. You are a human like every other. You are harming a human willingly, a human who is innocent of all things. Thought and selflessness are not enough nor are they helping anyone but your consciousness.
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st4rfallen · 9 months
People of this fandom, are you still around?
Because I just read through the last 50-ish posts in here, and found, well, not much. Pin other words: nothing except for beautiful art and a few two-sentence posts- No fanfics at all :/
sooo. I have written before, but that was a longer time ago on a different platform. I am willing to try again and take requests for Neo/Smith though, if you guys are still out there :))
Write me if you want stories, hcs…
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st4rfallen · 9 months
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st4rfallen · 1 year
I think something that nobody really ever questions about the umbrella academy is, that when five travelled to the post-apocalyptic future and discovered all his siblings being dead, Klaus was among them.
He is immortal. How could he be dead?
And yes, at the time he wasn‘t aware of his power, but as we‘ve seen in those flashbacks of young number 4 dying numerous times in his youth, every time he passed away, he came back without even realising it- he can‘t/couldn’t really control it, he just did.
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