#tom anderson
atdawn · 4 months
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THE FALL | 2.04 Strangler
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eyestrain-addict · 9 months
I just realized why lestat marked Tom, like the big stupid idiot I am
(I know everyone else probably already figured this out, but this is MY blog and I get to post whatever deranged thought crosses my pea brained mind.)
When I watched that scene in episode 5 where they're at the bar talking to Tom, I was confused as to why exactly. Why does Lestat mark Tom? If he's marked to kill, why does he wait almost 2 decades later? Well I realized, as all realizations come, in the shower.
Lestat has been planning on killing Tom the whole time.
(Warning before you click read more, this post is a lot longer than I first intended holy fuck)
Well not the whole time. Just right when Louis realized that Anderson and Fenwick had screwed him over. Maybe even longer if he knew it was a trick ("ridiculous of you to mix human and vampire business it always ends poorly"). Notice how he's upset with louis when he kills the guy who's microaggressive with him, cus lestat wasn't there (even if he was there I have my doubts Lestat would understand microaggressions, but he would have definitely killed him for touching Louis.) But tells Louis he's proud of him for killing Alderman. I think this has to be because he witnessed the disrespect first hand. He didn't give a fuck about the money, what he DID care about was that those two disrespected not only him, but Louis.
Even with Lestats little understanding of race relations of the time in America, he did understand hierarchys. He's from 1700s France for God's sake. It's no coincidence wanted to be king of mardi gras. Lestat came to New Orleans and saw himself as the king, even if no one knew it. And he wanted Louis to be his queen. Honestly I could make an entire other post about how Lestat almost literally saw himself as if he was a King and Louis his beloved Queen, which is why he thought it was okay for him to sleep with other women (mistresses and playthings of the king should mean nothing compared to the queen in lestats eyes) but that's getting off topic. I only bring that up because I'm trying to paint a picture of how I think Lestat sees disrespect done to Louis. To him that goes beyond disrespect or rudeness, it's irreverence.
You begin to notice if you watch scenes with them together. Because while I wouldn't say lestat is good at controlling his anger, he's definitely great at concealing it until it erupts (props to Sam Reid have to be given here) lestat is always on the verge of fury when talking to Tom. It starts as a distaste then as he begins to fall more in love with Louis and become more protective of him, his anger builds. Claudia was wrong about one thing, it was no petty slight that was the reason Lestat killed Tom first, it was a loooonng time coming.
I could list every detail I think supports this but I'm sure you get the gist by now. My main point is really the layer of complexity this adds to not only the story, the characters, but also lestat and louis' relationship. Consider it for a second, Lestat saw all his violence as justified, everything he did one can see it through the lense of him punishing the disrespectful (take a shot every time I say disrespect in this post jesus christ). "I bring death to those deserving" indeed. Lestat has a god complex out the wazoo, and every attack, torture, and death he caused was righteous to him and thus enjoyable. Louis on the other hand didn't see himself so highly. He may seem confident but if you look through the cracks it's apparent Louis's self worth in near nonexistent and he's horribly insecure. I think lestat thought when Louis was made a vampire he would see himself as Lestat saw himself, and as Lestat saw Louis. But again, another post for another time.
Despite Louis' insecurities (or perhaps because of them) louis revels in the violence lestat commits for his sake. That's probably why louis is so quick to forgive lestat about the priests. For a brief moment Lestat truly said the truth to Louis and Louis could forgive him because of it. As lestat says, he doesn't kill the priests to intimidate Louis, nor does he do it just because he enjoys it. He does it because he sees them as humiliating Louis, charlatans that don't deserve Louis' sorrow. Louis didn't want the priest's to die, but he could understand why lestat killed them, simply because for once in his goddamn life lestat told the truth, and louis loved that truth. That truth being that lestat killed and mutilated and committed such horrors not just because he liked it, but because he did it out of a fucked up sense of protection. Him killing the priests was essentially a knight killing a dragon to earn the princess' hand in marriage.
The worst part is that Lestat doesn't even realize it. Not fully anyway. Let's be honest with ourselves, lestat doesn't understand Louis. Obviously there's the race, background, culture differences that lestat doesn't understand nor seems inclined to try, but there are better posts about that made by smarter people than moi. I'm mostly talking about lestat doesn't understand louis' mind itself (louis' mind in a vacuum I suppose you could say) he understands Louis' desire for violence sure, but he doesn't understand the core of that want. Honestly I'm on the fence of if he ever understood that Louis loved it when lestat was protective in the first place. I guess it can be dumbed down to Louis wants Lestat to kill to protect Louis and to protect the family (and anyone who deeply disrepects them), lestat perhaps understood a little at one point, but since he sees everyone as a threat and everything is a slight to him, he has no trouble and qualms with delighting in the torture of people Louis views as innocent. Louis' heart is a bit dark, but ultimately human, so he's disgusted by lestats violence towards the undeserving. Lestat can no longer read Louis' mind and even if he could, Louis doesn't quite understand the difference himself (that's why he tries to hunt for criminals briefly) so the cracks of miscommunication starts to form, and neither of them even realize there is miscommunication.
Therein lies the importance of Tom Anderson for season 1. Not much of a character, more of a plot device in human skin. Claudia can see that Lestat hates him, but doesn't understand why, nor does she care to get to the depths of that. (*Mr house voice* understandable) I think it's notable that Louis rarely brought him up, he didn't understand the depths of lestats love. Nor did he know about Lestats 3 decade long grudge, all because Tom disrespected Louis.
Now I'm not excusing Lestat's actions, I just think it's interesting how this one throwaway character reveals a whole level of complexity to the relationship between him and Louis, and better sheds light on not only Lestats personal philosophy but louis' as well. Even Claudia to a degree.
Anyway, uh. End of essay. Bye.
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greedandenby · 10 months
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Frame within a frame shots in IWTV S01E07, The Thing Lay Still
1x06 here
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loo-nuh-tik · 1 year
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Tag yourself (I'm laudanum and arsenic in Tom Anderson's glass)
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h50europe · 1 year
All scenes with Colin Morgan in Corsage
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oldinterneticons · 11 months
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No Tom, we are not friends
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rosesocietyy · 1 year
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tiodolma · 3 months
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tfw you're trying so hard to tell the 16 year old that her boyfriend is a serial sexual abuser and murderer.
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nalyra-dreaming · 6 months
Unfortunately, I'm rewatching E5; and I still confess some confusion about the meeting between Louisat and Tom Anderson in the bar. Maybe I completely miss something in previous scenes, or (more likely) I'm missing some subtext during the scene with Tom. But it seems to me, that the scene with Tom doesn't lend itself to a red flag that Rue Royale is being raided, unless I'm completely obtuse and missing the entire subtext of the scene? And what's with the 'one each' comment and then the stopping time in the speakeasy? (I understand there's a myriad of questions in this ask, please feel free to respond at your leisure)
Hey dear!
(I mean, in and by itself it is a great episode, and as said before, s1 was the harmless, the family season, so..... *coughs*)
Anyways :))))
Louis went to the chief of Police (angry because his family is being threatened) because Tom actually told them they were raided.
Most of the poor fools they hooked out of the bayou are former inhabitants of the Quarter, so don't be too startled if the police come knockin' on your door. ( Laughter in distance ) It's just a routine look-see.
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A routine look-see, mhh hmmm. :)) (The camera is on the chief of police here, which is why the comment is hard to hear. And it's quite cool how they aligned it with Louis' "look-see" of the chief so to speak.)
It's after that comment that Louis notes he doesn't think Tom asked them there for donations, and Tom confirms that.
There was a discussion on this a while back, and I'm siding with @emeraldinerosefaedragon's and @cbrownjc's take here, Lestat was always going to kill Tom, eventually.
He "stopped the time" and made that "x" because... (I think) he sarcastically voted for him.
Tom had just told him about his soon-to-be Baton Rouge involvement, had asked them for money for his campaign. Lestat "voted" for him, thereby (likely) destroying Tom's chances in Baton Rouge... we later see him as a powerful and successful business man, but he does not seem to be a politician in Baton Rouge (even though he has the connections). An "x" on the cheek would have led to questions, especially if matched by one on Chief Bardin.
Now, "one each" is of course extremely interesting, too, indicating a lot about their hunting, and practice of it.
Louis knows immediately what Lestat means, even if they do not kill right now, and he knows (and is totally unsurprised by) Lestat will be "freezing time" on the whole room. They've done this before, and often, likely in their "happy years".
And Lestat has practiced between the soldiers-incident and this one, because there is no blood running out of his ears anymore. There is a lot in that fact alone :)))
"One each" is a command, and an allowance - and one Louis follows without debate. They mark their prey, and even though they only kill them later (and Louis lets Claudia kill the chief) these two are marked for death.
I think, if they had wanted to leave NOLA after, they would have taken the room down. As it were, it was a silent promise.
And, something to consider I think is that they laid low afterwards, right - and no-one came to bother them. (Or no-one Louis chose to tell us about. *shrugs*)
The silent promise, the threat was very much ... perceived as such by the two men marked, and they left them alone after that. Until the end :)
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atdawn · 15 days
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THE FALL | 2.06 What Is In Me Dark Illumine
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st4rfallen · 9 months
People of this fandom, are you still around?
Because I just read through the last 50-ish posts in here, and found, well, not much. Pin other words: nothing except for beautiful art and a few two-sentence posts- No fanfics at all :/
sooo. I have written before, but that was a longer time ago on a different platform. I am willing to try again and take requests for Neo/Smith though, if you guys are still out there :))
Write me if you want stories, hcs…
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fujillamaparadise · 2 months
forever grateful they don't regularly use the f word
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im sorry
also yes Beavis has multiple personalities
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he has a hold on me
specifically cathal tho
i love him 😔😔
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queenoftheimps · 1 year
Tom Anderson: ah Louis de Point du Lac and Lestat de Lioncourt Tom Anderson: you assholes Tom Anderson: you pieces of shit Tom Anderson: I despise you Tom Anderson: I have always despised you Tom Anderson: I accept your money Tom Anderson: but only now that I have called you every slur and epithet I can think of Tom Anderson: go fuck yourselves Tom Anderson: Tom Anderson: Tom Anderson: also can you share with me the secret to eternal life
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h50europe · 1 year
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Talking about 50 Shades of Merlin...
Or... when Anastasia Steele wasn't hot enough for Christian Grey
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trickytreat81 · 5 months
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