sunaswifi · 3 years
here the kenma fanfic i’m working on
As I was walking down the hallway, I couldn't stop staring at Kenma's blushing face. I tried to say something, anything to him but before I could he ran off to his next class and I was left in the middle of the hallway astonished by what I just witnessed.
I shrugged it off and headed to my next class. I walked in and sat at the back yet again just to be called up to introduce myself 'what a drag' I thought to myself and introduced myself thesame way I did in my previous class and got the same is that it?? Looks to.
Luckily for me after this class is lunch and i get to dig my face in this delectable food, I made for myself.
The bell rang and flung out the door trying to find a spot to eat. As i walked out I accidently bumped into someone.
"Sor-"I attempted to say until I looked up and saw who I bumped into "Kuroo?" I said with an annoyed expression, he looked down and noticed me.
"Y/N its been so long" he said raising his arms
'ugh' I thought to myself. I tried to walk off before conversation struck but I was to late "Woah woah what's with this walking off of yours??" he said grabbing my collar lifting me by it.
He looked down and noticed my lunch box and smirked.
"Headed to lunch?"
"No" I said trying to get free of his hold
He walked off still holding me by my collar and after awhile we both noticed Kenma walking with his lunch in his hands.
"Great" Kuroo said with a smirkHe rushed towards Kenma dragging me with him, Kenma noticed and tried to run away but Kuroo caught up to him and grabbed him.
"NO LET ME GO KUROO" Kenma protested trying to undo his clutch.
"Nope" Kuroo said running of with us.As he ran I struggled trying to hold onto my lunch it'd be really bad if I had dropped it, after awhile I was able to see a building of in to the distance, as we got closer I was able to read what it said "Gym A-1" I said to myself.
Kuroo flung open the doors and yelled "Here we are" I looked around and saw a bunch of boys around in a circle eating.
They all looked at me in an instant and then looked back at Kuroo knowing he was probably on his bullshit "Who's that Kuroo" one of them asked, he was tall and looked foreign, Russian maybe??As i thought to myself Kuroo put me and Kenma down and then pointed to me"This is y/n and she i gonna be our new manager"
Sorry that this chapter is a little short I was rushing and had a little bit of writers block but i'm working on the next chapter.
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sunaswifi · 3 years
heres a kenma fanfic i’ve been working on and i have no idea how many chapters i’m gonna make it but yeah enjoy-/-
chapter one
“hurry up Kenma we’re gonna be late for school again” “shut up the only reason we were late last time was because of you”
As I walked out of the house, I heard two boys talking I look over to who was talking, on of them was tall and had black rooster hair??? And the other wasn’t short but wasn’t tall either he had a slim build and had bleached hair he was playing some video game and the tall one was trying to rush him.
As I walked off the step, I’m guessing they heard me cause both of them looked my way I honestly didn’t want to start an awkward conversation with people I didn’t know so i bowed my head and walked away heading towards school.
As you walked off you heard someone running behind you, you looked back and you see the rooster head guy behind you, ”Hey I’m Kuroo” the rooster headed boy said “y/n” I said back trying to be polite “And this is Kenma he said shoving the him towards you “ Hey you almost made me drop my game Kuroo” “Be nice and say hi”
“hi” he said
“hi” I said try to walk off without being noticed. “Hey hey we’re you going” Kuroo said “uh to school” you said still trying to walk off, Kuroo suddenly grabbed you and Kenma’s arms and walked off with you both “Great seeing that uniform of yours you must go to Nekoma right?? Well lucky for you so do we so we’ll be you personal guides” “we” Kenma said annoyingly “yes we” Kuroo snapped back.
I just wanted a peaceful school life I thought to myself as I was being dragged off by Kuroo. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I walked into the school still being dragged by Kuroo along with Kenma and he stopped walking and look at me “so uh what class are you in” he asked “uhh” I said look for my schedule “I’ve got English first in 2A?” I said in a rush “Great you and Kenma are in the same class” he said bumping Kenma “huh” he said unbothered still on his game.
“you two have are in the same class so how about you escort her “huh” me and Kenma said at the same time “HAHAHA” you two are more alike than you think” Kuroo said laughing at us.
Kenma looked up and stared at me for a good 2 seconds and said “Fine lets go y/n” it made me feel a little weird with the way he was staring at me it was like he was trying to read me. After Kenma and me get in class he sits in the back corner kind if closing himself off form the other students, I sit opposite of him in same row also trying to close myself off cause hwy in the world would I want to socialize.
Not to long after I sat down the teacher walked in and said “Hey class good morning” “Good morning” all the students except for me and Kenma said back. “So today we have a new student” oh fuck I thought to myself “y/n would you come to the front of the class and introduce yourself” “no no no no no no shit shit shit shit shit “ I mumbles to myself as I walked up to the front of the class feeling my anxiety rising with every step I take, “Um I-its nice t-to meet all of you I’m y/n” shit or course I stuttered.
I bow my head and then look up to all of the students staring at me whispering to themselves “Is that it??” the teacher asked “yeah” I said back and quickly sat back down to my isolated corner. “Well then let’s get class started, shall we??” the teacher said attempting to break the silence I had caused.
I had zoned out during the whole class and some how i found myself staring at Kenma, he was laying on the window staring out at with a distant stare, now that I look at him he’s really pretty, “Hey y/n stop staring at Kenma and come answer to question on the board” My teacher said.
Kenma quickly look over at me and I turned my to flustered to look up, fuck you, I said to myself I got up and went to the board I read the question and realized that I already leaned tis two weeks ago, oh thank the gods I said to myself and answered the question, I looked up to the teacher and he had this puzzled look on his face “What” I said breaking him out of his trance.
“Oh, good job y/n” I walked of with a smug bit of confidence but it all went away when I caught Kenma staring at me ~ring~ the bell rang and i was the first person out the door.
I heard someone huffing behind me I looked and saw Kenma running with is stuff in his chest, he got next to me and open his mouth “Why were you staring at me??” as soon as he said that my face was covered in blush I turned my head.
“because your pretty” I mumbled to my self
“what??” he asked wanting me to speak up
“ Because your pretty “I said louder, after I said that I looked at him I was expecting him to be groused out but he was..... blushing??
to be continued……….
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