#[Hannah Montana voice] u get the Best of Both Worlds
lovenona · 3 years
The best part of fucking, besides fucking itself, is everything that comes afterwards. Baji loves you like this, the gentle part of you, doting and loving; making sure that Baji knows he did well, makes him feel like he's done the greatest achievement to warrant what reward you would offer. It would be in your touch, your praises, your attention. And like a drug, it fuels him, it lulls him to sleep, it guides him as he catches his breath.
Yes, he thinks. This is the best part. The part where all your attention is on him and him alone, the intimacy in casual touches, without chasing highs and building pleasure.
Baji feels the exaution catch up to him. He sees it in you, too, with your movements groogy and lazy, lapping up the blood that trickles from his mouth without care of time. You're just as tired, he knows this much; yet still, though throughly fucked out, you were just as demanding. Should at least help me in the shower.
With your words, seems like you were eager to get rid of his cum on you, huh?
"'M just giving you an out," Baji mumbles as he relishes in your gentle, doting movements, wiping the sweat that gathers down his forehead and tucking his hair behind his ear. "We got shit to do tomorrow. Besides, you owe me shit, not the other way around, remember?"
He's simply teasing, this Baji. The world knows he can't stay mad at you for so long, but he enjoys the way you roll your eyes at his words and push his face away. He laughs, light and soft, and it reverberates through the weight he has on you.
He leans down once more, prepping kisses on your jaw as he follows the path to your ear. "Love you," he whispers against it, eagerly waiting as you returned his words, your arma tightening around him as you pulled him close, flush against you.
Yeap. This is the best part.
"Maybe you want to be carried to the shower, hm?" With your arms already wrapped around him, Baji pulls your legs to wrap around his waist as he stands, carrying you with him. You yelp his name at his swift movement, your head swimming in dizziness at the abruptness. You cling to him tightly, skin on skin coated with cum and sweat. It's disgusting, yet you find that you don't care.
"What else do you want, Adele?" He asks as he makes his way to your bathroom, walking in the dim halls blindly. He doesn't need the light. He's done this a hundred times before. "We're not having sex in the shower if that's what you're up to."
– baji
[ascends into the astral plane]
there’s a shiver that runs down my spine when baji muses into my ear. it’s the confession, the intimately open expanse of his being, the hot breath and the rumble of his laughter, which threatens to unravel me further than i already am. 
i repeat it back like a chorus, a prayer. and with the way he lies flush against me, heartbeat on heartbeat, i know he’s heard it, that he knows, that we feel the same and we always will. i relax into the silence and let my soul return to my body in tune to baji’s breathing.
maybe you want to be carried to the shower, hm? of course i do. but that doesn’t stop the surprise when i’m lifted from the comfortable bubble of a cum-stained couch and thrust back into the atmosphere, held tightly against baji’s chest. my legs wrap around him, instinctively, and although we’re both sweaty and disgusting and unseemly, when i'm lounging and comfortable in his arms, i simply never care. 
the apartment pretends it can’t see us as baji moves through my messy hallway by memory. it’s a route we both know, characterized by lethargic steps such as this, or fervent ones if we’re on a mission to undress in my bedroom. i rest my held against his shoulder and let myself be moved by him, with him, as the night wraps itself around us both.
what else do you want, adele? he’s saying. we're not having sex in the shower if that's what you're up to. 
i laugh, instinctively, and lift my head just enough to place a kiss along his jaw. “says you,” i say into the dark, “last time i checked i can’t even wash my hair in peace without you getting hard.” 
(funny of him to say no, to act like i'm the culprit. but baji keisuke could never fool me. i’ve nearly slipped and fallen enough times, kneeled on hard tile for a lifetime, to know exactly who it is that can’t keep their hands to themselves.)
as baji passes through the dark hallway and into the bathroom, i reach beyond him to flip on the light before he gets too far away. i let us both shower in the dark, once, and, like all foolish plans, it ended terribly. it kills the drama, ends the vibe, but i like it like this, like we’re the only two people left awake in the world.
“but actually,” i continue, lazily, studying us both in the bathroom mirror, running my hands gently through the knots in baji’s post-fuck hair, “i just have a feeling they definitely wouldn’t let me take my exams if i show up tomorrow with somebody’s cum all over my legs, you know?” 
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camdenclaymore · 2 years
tagging → @lachancegreg @theduchampboy @kitcruz @smokingaceschw @austin-rapp​ @nadinedahl​
location → the south side junkyard, new year’s eve.
notes → fully had aespa’s next level on repeat while writing this so.... cam’s entering his boss level gay greaser icon era. two bit where are u come and pass the baton.
Cam, like Trevor, had voted that they tackle the challenge solo. It wasn’t like teaming up was the name of the game anyway, they’d need a medallion each and with so many people creeping around they had to cover as much ground as fast as possible. Truthfully, he’d already made up his mind on the ride over before he’d even known what the challenge was going to be anyway. He’d been sitting there in the car, observing the other competitors as he tried to sober himself up with sheer willpower, listening to them trying to theorise and strategise amongst themselves as if it were a team mission. He knew he was smarter than most if not all of them, stronger, faster... Perhaps not more ruthless - his eyes had met with Nadine’s in the dark as he pulled his hair up into a bun (his ‘thinking hair’ as his friends dubbed it) - but he’d seen Ace at his worst, he could emulate him well enough if need be.
Luring Austin into the cabin of an old boat and trapping him inside hadn’t been his initial plan, but one look at the guy and it had been clear he wasn’t in any shape to be running around the junkyard unsupervised. He wouldn’t say his motives were that of kindness in any sense, but he’d be damned if he went with the original plan to use him as a distraction to keep the dogs busy and got the guy eaten alive because he was too high to know which way was up. He didn’t have any room left inside himself for guilt.
As much as he should have been creeping around if only to avoid Cujo biting him in the ass, Cam couldn’t bring himself to be bothered. He had no reason to hide how comfortable he was, and he didn’t want the richies in the game to think for a second that they had any kind of leg up on him in this one. They were on his turf, they were going to have to play by his rules.
He’d picked up a length of pipe, treating the place like a batting cage and hitting anything that would fly far enough to be satisfying, anything that would make a noise to let people know that he was there, he was taking up space in the world. His entire life he’d had to fold himself smaller and smaller, either to avoid the fists of his father or brother, or the suspicion of the fancy school he’d thought would help him out of the South Side but had instead reinforced the knowledge that dreams were a waste of time. No matter how hard he worked they’d never believe he was as great as he was simply because of his last name. They would always consider him the tail end of a long line of good for nothing menaces to society. So, he’d decided, why couldn’t he be both? Why couldn’t he be top of his class and the monster that went bump in the night? Best of both worlds, as Hannah Montana would say.
Over the years he’d run the junkyard gauntlet more times than he could count-- hell, Ace and his boys had thrown him in when he was still a skinny little kid who never would have been able to fight off the guard dogs if they’d caught him, swearing it was to teach him survival skills. Maybe his brother had been right in his own fucked up way because all over the place Cam could hear the scuffle of feet trying to be quiet, hushed voices in the shadows, even a shriek or two when the attempts at stealth failed; meanwhile he was having a blast playing hide and seek with the owner and the barrel of his gun. Last he’d heard his dad owed the guy money so if anything he was even more likely to get himself shot at. It was weird to admit, but it was refreshing though, to get back to his roots and have some old fashioned South Side fun. A tap on something here, a chuckle just loud enough to be heard from the shadows, a pebble tossed to make a noise in the opposite direction... but eventually he bored of that and carried on his search.
When he’d come across Kit he wasn’t in the mood for his bullshit, as fun as it had been hampering people’s efforts along the way he was only getting more sober and he’d seen hide nor hair of any medallions, which was making him uncharacteristically impatient. Nor had he found Trevor or Greg, which he couldn’t decide was a good or bad thing. Maybe they’d found theirs already, maybe they were already waiting for him where they’d agreed to meet once they’d escaped. Hopefully. Then push came to shove with Kit and Cam was ready for it, encouraged it even. In hindsight he might have wished he’d kept that tidbit Polo’s big mouth had dribbled about Kit’s kid to himself, that was a low blow, but if Kit had wanted to push his buttons he’d clearly succeeded.
It wasn’t even about the camera on his chest, about who would see what was happening between them. It was him proving to himself that he didn’t need anyone to fight his battles for him, that he could hold his own. That they didn’t only call him the Joker because he was funny sometimes. Still, as much as he could feel himself wanting to get carried away with the pipe in his hand to prove his point as quickly as possible he wasn’t entirely lost to the dark side so he’d tossed it. As formidable as Kit had been considered when they were growing up he wasn’t Ace, Cam didn’t need to play dirty.
Neither of them came out of it any worse for wear than the other as far as he could tell. They’d both landed a flurry of decent shots, both were bleeding, muddied, chests heaving, and were definitely going to feel it in the morning. Cam didn’t spit at Kit as much as he wanted to return the favour but he did hold his ground, happy to go again if he had to. That being said he wasn’t disappointed when Kit had decided to keep it moving. Their fight had wasted precious time, and even more disastrously-- it had cost him his hair tie.
“No, that was my last one, fuck,” he groaned to himself as he ran his fingers through his hair to push it back out of his face. An action that, had his hair not been so wild, wouldn’t have tilted his line of vision just so... He’d never been interested in gold or jewels but damn if seeing that sparkle amongst the junk in the distance didn’t make his heart rate spike like a Chadwell at Tiffany’s.
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skinks · 4 years
I assumed that both them bros spent like the last 40 years denying themselves a good time they’d end up all over the map with trying things and experimenting and like doing everything that they never did before. Like late onset adolescence, just incredibly horny/curious and well we did it this way last time we’re doing it this other way this time. On that note service top richie AND the optics of a huge man like richie getting bent the fuck over and annihilated are both excellent. It’s a win-win
[jason mantzoukas voice] this! guy! gets it!
annihilated on his own dang living room floor smh. Hannah Montana was right, this is the best of both worlds. Richie’s like “I saw the fabric of time in the Deadlights but your dick showed me the entire clock. thank u babe”
I agree 100% though like you find yourself in a mutually loving relationship with someone you’ve felt was off-limits for decades???? they’re gonna go nuts with each other. Like it probably takes a good while for the giddy rush of “do you wanna - have sex? wanna go have sex right now? you wanna try that thing where we’re basically scissoring again? cause we CAN” to wear off
and like okay, we’re not talking tantric kama sutra levels of experimenting here let’s not kid ourselves, but the first time they realise 69ing is an actual achievable goal and not just an extremely funny sex number, they’re like, we’re fucking doing this. c’mon, clear your afternoon, the Marina Del Rey boat show can wait, we’re not really gonna buy a yacht anyway Richie, you get seasick on land. they’re giggly as fuck to begin with but then Eddie experiences his first sexy ouroboros and they do nothing else for a whole week and a half, until Richie’s like hey. what if I rode YOU this time. there’s always a new horizon to shoot for
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jichew · 5 years
bang yedam ♡ soft love song
pairing: gender-neutral character x bang yedam
genre: fluff
a/n: so this is kind of different than the bullet point fics i usually write, so i’m kind of iffy on posting this,,, but i’ve been wanting to write a rocker!yedam fic since i heard hard lov song so here we go!! i actually based this off of the vibe of hard love song, but then i read the lyrics halfway through writing this and i realized how angsty it was?? so i just ended up doing this and im kind of basing it off of yedam’s song u. enjoy!!
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bang yedam. a name you’d only ever associate with good things. things like color coded notes and perfect grades and being early to class. a star studded student whom you’d only ever spot between the worn shelves of the library or at the front of your calculus class. there was an air of intrigue that surrounded bang yedam. a pronounced sense of anonymity, one could argue. he was top of the class, that much was evident. but everything else seemed a mystery. and it was almost like no one seemed to notice. except you.
perhaps it was for those reasons and more that you found the corners of your lips turning up as you entered the dimly lit bar that friday night. because on the stage, a guitar positioned around his torso, stood bang yedam. you had always considered the possibility that bang yedam lived a double life. something like hannah montana. straight a student by day, rock band guitarist by night. that had a nice ring to it, as well.
you couldn’t help but notice the air of confidence that surrounded him. this doesn’t go to say that bang yedam was not a confident person. it’s more so the idea that perpetual sweater paws and bangs that are long overgrown don’t exactly scream confidence. but under the neon blue lights, it seemed as if bang yedam was the only person in the room. perhaps, the only person in the world. his bangs were parted at the middle, slightly matted to his forehead with sweat. his eyes almost seemed to sparkle under the lighting, or perhaps that was merely because this was your first time not seeing them behind a curtain of bangs. the sleeveless top adorning his torso highlighted his biceps, toned with the constant strumming of his guitar. maybe it was a bit superficial of you to take into account his looks. then again, it’s only fair to appreciate a man who looks so ethereal while playing guitar.
but most of all, you were enraptured by his voice. a sweet sound that rose and fell at all the right moments. a unique tone that made everyone stop what they were doing and look in awe upon the teenage boy on stage. a melody that seemed to encase your body in its warmth, tendrils entering every accessible part of you and rewiring your brain to only think “bang yedam, bang yedam, bang yedam”. and maybe something in the air allowed for him to hear your thoughts, because right then, he lifted his head. between his drenched bangs and the throng of people scattered in front of you, bang yedam found your eyes. and he winked.
it wasn’t until later that night, after the soles of your feet had long been worn out from dancing, that you decided to seat yourself at the bar. your friends were still going strong on the dance floor, attempting their own rendition of swan lake as a folk tune played from the speakers above. and perhaps you would’ve gotten back up to join them if it wasn’t for the presence that took up space in the seat next to you. looking over, it seemed as if bang yedam was a juxtaposition personified - silver hoops lining his ears and biceps on display, yet his face wore a shy smile, head tilting to cover his eyes with his bangs yet again. it was an endearing sight, you could admit that much.
“uh.. hey.. you’re in my calc class right?” he asked, with the slightest tilt of his head, body leaning towards you. you almost giggled at the shy tone of his voice. it was cute.
“yup.. thats me”
“ahh.. “ he awkwardly bobbed his head in what seemed to be a nod “well my name’s bang yedam”
“i know who you are” you finally let out a giggle, head turning to fully face him. his mouth was slightly open, eyes wide. and suddenly he was leaning back, head fervently nodding, almost as if you had just said the most interesting thing he had heard all day. you found this cute as well.
a drop of silence fell between you two. in which the both of you chose to stare straight ahead, one thinking of what to say next and one quite content just sitting idle. it wasn’t awkward, though. more so the silence that occurs when snowflakes blanket the ground in white. a silence indeed, but an easy silence. a comfortable white noise.
“so... can i get you something to drink?” he suddenly turned towards you, head shaking so his bangs allowed for a sliver of his eyes to be visible.
“you know we’re underage right?” you deadpanned.
“ahh... right” he turned his head back to hide the rosy color that slowly found it’s way to his cheeks at the realization of his statement. “you want some water?”
it was at this moment that you knew you liked bang yedam.
the next six months seemed to pass by in a frenzy of schoolwork, sleep deprivation and too many late nights at the bar. most of all, your next six months were accompanied by none other than bang yedam. after a week or two, you made it a habit to come to the bar every friday to see him and his band play. and every single friday, you both sat side by side at the bar and talked through the night. sometimes he would walk you to the nearest convenience store before he called a taxi for you. other times, on earlier nights, he would walk all the way to the bus and ride to your neighborhood with you, despite his home being in the exact opposite direction.
at first glance, bang yedam seemed cold - an unattainable mystery. he seemed like sharp edges and strict parents and classical music. but oh, how different he actually was. it seemed that the more you hung out with him, the more you realized just how misconstrued your ideas of him actually were.
bang yedam is soft. bang yedam is gummy smiles and checkered sweaters and hot chocolate that’s way too sweet for the average human being. and perhaps food preferences are the best reflector of a person, because bang yedam is too sweet for his own good. he doesn’t mind spending hours at the library teaching you how to integrate. and he doesn’t mind buying you a coffee every wednesday morning, never forgetting how you like your order. he also cries a lot. like the time he found out his friend was being redistricted to another school, he cried for hours into a vat of chocolate ice cream while you let your fingers comb through his hair. (it was kind of funny, because, after about a week of phone calls, his friend ended up staying at the same school anyway)
bang yedam is also confident. all combat boots and leather jackets and shiny electric guitars. if you didn’t consider him such an integral part of your life, you would probably be another fangirl of his and call him hot. but then again, having a crush on him wasn’t any better.
you wouldn’t consider it to be a surprise - your crush on bang yedam that is. he was just one of those boys that was easy to crush on. the perfect mix of kind and attractive and smart and all things in between. often times, you allowed yourself to daydream of the prospect that he liked you back. a daydream in which the notes he left in your backpack were more than just reminders to ‘get your ass out of bed and do work’ and the smiles he sent you from the stage were more than just friendly. but more often than not, you would shut down these thoughts, because having bang yedam as a friend is something you wouldn’t compromise for love.
and perhaps, for that very reason, you found it odd that bang yedam invited you to the club that friday night. you had always thought that a silent agreement had formed between you two that you would be present at his gigs every friday, so when you received a text that read “be at the bar, friday at 6 pm xx -yedam” you were a bit confused. nonetheless, you zipped your boots up to your ankles and walked the distance to the bar. opening the door, you were surprised when you were met with complete darkness. checking the time on your phone, you found that it was only 5:56 PM. the bar shouldn’t be closed at this time?
before you could move to do or say anything, a single blue light came on above the stage. and standing below, guitar in tow, was none other than bang yedam. it was silent for a second and you couldn’t quite make out his face under the dim lighting. as you were about to say something, a light melody started playing from his guitar. that’s when bang yedam started singing. there was something a little more ethereal about him tonight. perhaps it was the fact that he was standing on stage, yet he was uncharacteristically wearing an oversized sweater. perhaps it was the tone of his voice, something softer and sweeter, as if he wanted you to hang on to the end of his every word. perhaps it was the lyrics that flowed from his mouth, a story of a love that blooms like the flowers in the spring.
and as these words dripped from his lips like honey, you found that same smile tugging at the corners of your own. so when the last notes of the song had died out, you hopped onto the stage. and in a small twist of courage, you leaned on your tip toes and kissed bang yedam.
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accsta-blog · 5 years
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 hello  friends  ,  i’m  admin  ris  but  you  can  call  me  that  Big  Dumb  if  you  want  !  i  play  TWO  characters  ––  my  little  demon  RONAN  ACOSTA  and  my  sweet  forrest  princess  COSIMA  CHASE  who’s  on  her  own  main  blog  ,  so  i  will  probably  double  like  everything  possible  bc  .......  support  and  love.  anyway  !!!  below  you  will  find  some  information  about  ronan  including  wanted  connections  ,  but  feel  free  to  LIKE  THIS  if  you’d  like  me  to  come  plot  w/  you  or  just  feel  free  to  slide  into  my  dms  +  u  get  bonus  points  if  u  tell  me  a  joke  :~)
shawn mendes. twenty-two. cismale. he/him. shawn mendes. | i can’t believe i just saw RONAN ACOSTA walking out of cadence records. they’re a single POP/POP ROCK artist who’s been in the industry for SIX YEARS. the tabloids love to focus on their WITHDRAWN nature , but they’re also pretty CHARISMATIC and they seem to give off a vibe that reminds people of SUNGLASSES & BALL CAPS TO AVOID THE CAMERA , SURPRISED REACTIONS , & HIDDEN CHAOTIC BEHAVIOR. | admin ris. 21+. est. she/her.
𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐚𝐞𝐬𝐭���𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬.
  loose,  un-gelled  curls  ,  hidden  hickeys  ,  hiding  from  paparazzi  ,  sweet,  completely  faked  smiles  ,  a  room  full  of  laughter  ,  bad  boys  who  look  like  good  boys  ,  broken  hearts  ,  hidden  agendas  ,  honest  moments  behind  closed  doors.
𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐬.
 full  name  :  ronan  mateo  acosta  /  orientation  :  pansexual  /  style  :  relaxed.  jeans  ,  tight  fitted  t-shirts  ,  put  together  but  casual.  /  family  :  angelo  &  cynthia  acosta  ,  musicians.  /  tattoos  :  butterfly  on  shoulder  ,  guitar  on  foreman  inside  ,  family  surname  on  ankle  ,  song  lyrics  (  his  moms  )  foreman  inside  ,  traveling  music  notes  around  wrist  ,  heart  outline  side  of  middle  finger. /   hometown  :  los  angeles  ,  ca.  /  zodiac  :  aries.
○ ronan grew up in the public eye , though his parents attempted to keep him very humble and out of the spotlight until he was ready. his parents are both famous musicians , his dad originating in protugal and his mom in the states , he moved to los angles after he met her and it was a true , sappy love story. they really did attempt to keep ronan’s life private but he was always Known like any famous celebrity’s child.  ○ ronan was a pretty SWEET as a kid –– though he was definitely spoiled. his parents thought that giving him everything he wanted would keep him ... behaved ? i don’t know why they thought that. but they did. give the boy what he wants and he’ll listen to us. and at first , it was working because he was still young + didn’t have his own access to their money. yet. however , as he started getting more and more , he was getting more and more stingy + pretentious.  ○ and then ronan starts to want to do his own music. he learned guitar , piano , and even the violin and begins to find his voice. as his voice finds itself and he finds his love for much , ronan & lachlan forms –– a duo group via youtube with his best friend when ronan was 15 going on 16. because of famous background , they quickly took off and because of how ronan’s parents wanted him to be seen , ronan was formed into a very pure + angelic mold and his best friend was pulled into this mold too. except , things didn’t work out being forced into a kid friendly mold for the duo as they got older , and they split about three years ago.  ○ after the split of ronan & lachlan , ronan began putting out his own music and that’s when Demon Ronan really comes out –– except , his music is mostly pg and clean and appeals to a Youngerish crowd , and he’s still keeping up with the same imagine as he was before. ronan’s music basically matches shawns with the exception of some songs + a little bit of an added rock element ; although my favorite song to put to ronan is nervous bc it’s literally the OPPOSITE of him + one of his biggest hits. his image and sound is very sweet and pure with a soft hint of ... thirst trap thrown in to keep people interested. at first , ronan didn’t really mind this and then after the split of his group + finding himself as a teen , ronan realized he REALLY didn’t fit the mold the world wanted him to.  ○ so you’d think that he’d start emerging as his true self , except his manager urges him he needs to keep him imagine pure or it might crash his career –– he’s popular to younger fans and can use this image to support things he cares about and to stay relevant. however , as time goes on , ronan just gets worse. partying , drinking , all that fun stuff all while hiding from any camera that comes in the room. it begins to be a game for him –– how long can he keep this up ? rip to all this team who had to clean up after him. gd mess. ○ anyway ! the general SUM UP of ronan is that on the outside , he’s PURE and sweet and kind with a simple addition of towering 6′2 height and perfectly sculpted arms + abs and thanks to the occasional wet shirt , the people get to see just enough to toggle the line between innocent and thirst trap. it’s definitely a thirst trap. don’t let him fool you. however , when you see the real ronan he’s a MESS who’s partying on private jets , getting drunk in the middle of the day , and having his messes cleaned up for him constantly.  ○ personality wise , ronan is FUN , no matter which side of him you may know. if you’re introduced to the fake , public eye ronan –– he’s sweet and kind and funny , but if you really known ronan –– he’s flirtatious , Wild , always offering unsolicited advice , a Pure Comedian , and a hot freaking mess and u know what ? he’s the worlds hot mess. 
𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐚 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬.
○ ronan is publicly pansexual and talks about it openly on social media & is happily an ally and support to his lgbt+ fans. this was something his manager advised against and then he was spotted kissing a Boy and took to an interview to talk about it and regularly advocates for lgbt+ youth. though there was some backlash against this , he was still coming out of his duo phase and highly regraded as a good role model + used his platform to advocate which just Progressed his pure image. it’s the one thing that’s not fake tbh.
○ ronan also talks openly about current events + issues but is careful to make sure he was research and doesn’t heavily share too much across platforms but does like to show his support for certain things. it almost feels like it would be part of his Sweet facade but he really does care about some things. believe it or not.  ○ ronan has very few close friends , though he was have some people who completely call him out on his bullshit. it’s really a surprise that the world still thinks ronan is so pure and angelic because this boy is .... a freaking ........ mess. he’s got PLENTY of party friends who happily don’t give a shit about his hannah montana style life but not many friends who .... do care that he’s a messy lil demon who’s fooling the whole world.  ○ he comes off as super humble but this boy ..... is not. not humble at all. name brand everything. best everything possible.  ○ he's actually not a terrible person despite being a demon , he’s just got super chaotic energy but hopefully like ur chaotic fav chaotic energy :~) ○ in my head , ronan is slowly starting to chip away at his innocent front –– partly intentionally + unintentionally. his new music is less innocent + his thirst traps are getting Thirstier and people are starting to realize the make up that’s always caked onto his neck and the glazed look in his eyes in the middle of the day. he can’t really get away from people noticing. his manager is going through extremes to preserve his imagine instead of having his morph into a new one. 
𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬.
○ he’s got a pr relationship / stunt wanted connection on the main. they are currently “ dating ” and honestly it’s hilarious. pls take this so ronan can text them stupid fake couple things and they can laugh n be dumb together. i do feel like they’re surprisingly close + this muse backs ronan up when he’s almost caught being chaotic. they got together on the nudge of ronan’s management team - why your muse as chosen can be discussed ! but they help better his image + they so really Look like a couple but they’re just friends :~)  ○ other things include fwb , exes , friends , party/bad influence friends , etc. specially , i would love a close friend , the closest thing ronan would say to best friend. they get him and his chaotic energy. they just get each other and he’s comfortable around them.  ○ would also really love some type of will they / won’t they who likely thinks ronan is in an actual relationship but they also know ronan is a hot mess and this person is NOT his type + they suspect it’s a stunt but he refuses to tell them the truth. 
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A to Z favourite TV show challenge! Or # to Z?
# - 30 Rock (Liz Lemmon! This is just all kinds of hilarity).
A - Ally McBeal (there's not enough of this on Tumblr btw. I loved it before I understood it - my brother watched and I followed. And then I watched again and I loved it more) / Arrow (so years ago I started watching this because of Tumblr. You guys were obsessed with Olicity and I was too even though I hadn't watched the show. So I watched it. Thank you for ruining my life btw) / Accidentally in Love (Asian Series, sup, @netflix - thanks for getting me addicted to Asian series - I liked them before but now it's just there and begging to be watched AND I CAN'T HELP MYSELF - YOU'VE ADDICTED MY MOTHER TOO).
B - Brooklyn Nine Nine (best thing to happen to me, thank you Tumblr - the nine nine fandom. Also started it a couple years ago and fell in love hard. This show makes me laugh no matter what and it's pure and I love it so much. It's really a show I needed because when I watch series I get really emotionally involved and certain shows leave me so stressed that I have to take a break and all I can watch is comedies for a few weeks. Or months. Depends on how big my heart break was. B99 always makes me laugh and feel lighter). / Buffy the Vampire Slayer (another one from my childhood, you know when you're too young to really understand but old enough to remember it? So yeah, my brother got me hooked at a young age and the addiction stuck. Because I've never been able to forget Buffy. And I've recently been rewatching it with my mother - she too is a bit addicted).
C - Charmed (Original series, not reboot - I haven't even watched the reboot. But yes, Charmed. I remember being up til 10PM on a Monday while I was in primary (middle) school just to watch it. Halliwell sisters are another drug I never could kick - Leo was one of my first ever crushes - my very first crush was Shahrukh Khan and if we're ever talking Bollywood movies he'll be all over that post).
D - Doctor Who (Okay! I only started watching from season 5, again cos NETFLIX - the Doctor and Amy Pond - man, just lock me up in the TARDIS and take me away already. ALSO one of the series that broke my heart enough that rendered me incapable of watching any other series except comedy).
E - Ek Hazaroon Mein Meri Behna Hai (Hindi series; my sister is one in a thousand - I assume it's the name because that sounds better in Hindi than one in a million or billion. There's something about Hindi series that sucks you in and tortures you until you're on the brick of exploding from suspense - the build up is both infuriating and renders you unable to tear your eyes away).
F - Friends ('Cause it's been there for me and how can I not? Again, childhood. Also. Heroes get remembered but legends never die. And I've watched every episode like a gazillion times and laugh just the same - I think even more 'cause I know what's gonna happen. I'm one of those people). / Fairy Tail (Anime. Magic. Friendship. Friendship. Friendship. It's one of those rare shows that has a lot of characters and manages to make you love each one of them. I found it after high school but I love it to bits).
G - Gilmore Girls (I remember the first time I watched this as a kid, Rory and Lorelei were sitting at Luke's diner and chatting about something and I though they were sisters. I was at my cousin's house and I just couldn't stop watching them. Loved it ever since. And it's strange how a randomly watching TV can just change your life - 'cause you know, I obsess) / Gossip Girl (at first, I'd watched it because Kristen Bell was the voice of Gossip Girl. And I needed anything related to anything Veronica Mars. And then I naturally loved it like everybody else. Also disappointed at who GG really was. So yeah.)
H - How I Met Your Mother (At first I really, really loved it, now though it's not so high on my favourite list but it does still make me laugh - cos Barney. The final episode was so disappointing). / Hannah Montana (because if I was 13 or 16 this would have made the list. And I still love the show. My heart swells everytime my bestie sings True Friend to me. I still love Hannah Montana music okay).
I - iZombie (Rob Thomas. He's the reason I tried it out. Liv is the reason I stayed. Also Ravi. And also Major. Okay, dude, characters and plot is right on point) / Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon (Hindi series; what name do I give to this love? Its unnecessarily complicated but gosh those complications kept me on edge, staring at the screen, waiting for those idiots to realise the truth. Opposites attract. Hate to love to hate to love. They did it so well).
J - Joan of Arcadia (okay so I remember really loving this when I was younger - I haven't rewatched it as an adult but I feel like I'll still love it. I mean, come on, what if God was one of us?)
K - Kim Possible (Call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me? Ultimate cartoon. Hands down. Second best is The Life and Times of Juniper Lee - she's basically the cartoon Buffy - the Chosen One - though it's hereditary instead of random? And also more fun and less heartache 'cause it's a cartoon).
L - Lucifer (Man, Lucifer. You got the guy telling everyone he's the devil and they think he's talking in metaphors? It's just hilarious to me. Detective. Romance. Snark. Supernatural. Also, Hello, Adult Tom Welling - can I even describe how excited I was to see him? Smallville, man).
M - Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir (One of the few new cartoons that I watch and love. This is just so cute and the love square is just so cute and everything is just so cute. And like we need cute stuff in our lives. Frustrating cos how oblivious can one be but also why you so cute Marinette Dupain Chang and Adrian Agreste aka Ladybug and Cat Noir)/ Malcolm in the Middle (Childhood. Childhood. Childhood. I'm not the middle child but I relate).
N - Naruto (Anime. Okay, childhood yes, also teenagehood and adulthood. Guy's been with me through everything, believe it. This show just means so much to me and I'm thankful that I got to grow up with him. Thank you, Kishimoto).
O - One Day At a Time (THANK YOU, NETFLIX! This is just one of the greatest shows on right now. I love comedy. I didn't expect it to be so emotional too. But damn it gets you right in the feels. My brother claims I'm exactly like Elena and our nephew is like Alex. I honestly don't mind. Elena is badass and strong as hell.)
P - Psych (It's just awesome? It's clever, it's funny, Shawn and Gus. The dramatics in extremely serious situations will never not make grin like a mad woman. Also private investigation shows seem to a weakness of mine. ) / Parks and Recreation (okay I never thought I'd like a mockumentary kind of series but this happened and proved me wrong and I just love this show and it's characters). / Pyaar Ka Dard Hai Meetha Meetha Pyara Pyara (Hindi Series; the pain of love is sweet and loveable. When your parents set you up with someone and you're like no way in hell and they're like okay but they you become best friends and fall in love and yeah. The name says it all, really). / Pinocchio (Asian series - one of the more complicated ones but I simply just loved these characters and actors to bits after watching it).
Q - Quantico (it's not really one of my favourites but I couldn't think of anything else and I do enjoy it. Priyanka Chopra has always been a fav since forever - Bollywood was life before I was even old enough to understand English - but it's because of this that I can understand Hindi without needing subtitles).
R - Rizzoli & Isles (who wouldn't love a show with two best friends kicking ass in the work place). / Revenge (I watched it cos I liked Emily from Everwood but the story was so intriguing and I just got addicted. It wasn't like anything I've ever seen). / Refresh Man (Asian series - officially my favourite Asian series of all time - again, thank you Netflix. Also ever since I've loved both Aaron Yan and Joanna Tseng and I'm on a mission to watch everything they've ever acted in - do you see my obsessing tenancies?).
S - Supergirl / Supernatural / Suits / Smallville (Okay! There's too many shows that start with an S. Smallville was my gateway into the superhero show - movie - comic obsession. And also I'm getting tired of commenting on everything).
T - The Good Place / The Office (US) / The Flash/ Teen Wolf (also too many with a T!)
U - Ugly Betty
V - Veronica Mars (of all time!! Man, again, random TV viewing = life changing TV show that sticks with you forever and Veronica Mars has definitely affected me way more than any other show. I couldn't get it out of my head ever since 2007! I waited for every Thursday just to watch it and naturally Thursday became my favourite day of the week - not Friday like normal scholars - nope. I think it's the way that it ended that contributed to my obsession - so much questions left unanswered and to a 12 year old girl the most important thing is of course that LoVe hadn't officially gotten back together. My mind wrote and rewrote endings and scenarios. Then I discovered fanfiction. And then I started writing. Veronica Mars made me a junkie but also helped me discover my passion. It's not just the show that makes it my #1 but the journey it's taken me on while it was on air and especially when it was off air. ALSO THE SHOW IS SIMPLY AMAZING EVEN WITHOUT ALL MY EMOTIONAL ATTACHMENT - also one of the shows that I started watching and then my brother got hooked onto it).
W - What's Wrong With Secretary Kim? / Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo/ W: two worlds apart (all Asian series - OKAY, NETFLIX IS BLAMED FOR ALL OF THIS)
X - Is there anything but X-Men? I wouldn't really put the series on my favourite list but I do watch the X-Men cartoons and I have enjoyed it so imma let it be.
Y - Young Sheldon (Too smart for his own good Cooper.) / Yankee-kun to Megane-chan (Asian series - okay, this one can't be put on Netflix. It's the first Asian drama series I'd watched because of a manga that I loved).
Z - Zoey101 ('Cause there's nothing else I can think off and I enjoyed it when I was younger. I remember putting 101 after all of my usernames for everything).
So when I thought of this I thought I'd put one name for each alphabet but it didn't work out that way 'cause I obsess over everything.
I would love to get to know more about everyone's favourite shows. I'm tagging based on the Tumblr likes thing (also on my @marshmallowatheart account) and also urls I remember seeing often on the activity cos I wanted to tag as much people as possible. I'd have been cool if I could have went with the a - z for tagging but it's not working out like I wanted so next best. (Also if I didn't tag you and you wanna do it, please go for it, I'm really into this).
Anyone who wants to do this can and whoever doesn't want to it's cool! It takes time to think especially when you have to pick between things so if you want to, add as many as you like. You don't have to add comments on it if you don't want to, I just got carried away! And then got tired.
@poppy-in-the-woods @risssaar @stephaniecatlover @ihaveathingformeninwaistcoats @write-to-feel @mediocre-mee @jenilyn2000 @lalacristina18 @cainc3 @mrskissytaylor @anilcadz91 @elliebear75 @troublescout @hanitjemars @susanmichelin @cheshirecatstrut @firedragonmon
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hellomehlo · 5 years
Get To Know Me Tag!
It me - time for me to answer some questions!
1. what is your full name?: Emily (that’s all I’m gon’ share :D) 2. what are your nicknames?: Em 3. birthday?: november 2nd 4. what is your favorite book series?: A Court of Thorns and Roses series 5. do you believe in aliens or ghosts?: ghosts kinda sorta maybe? 6. who is your favorite author?: Sarah J Maas for ever and ever 7. what is your favorite radio station?: i don’t listen to the radio ha 8. what is your favorite flavor of anything?: Mint - spearmint, peppermint anything is yummmm 9. what word would you often use to describe something great or wonderful?: noice 10. what is your current favorite song?: the entire les miserables 10th anniversary dreamcast soundtrack 11. what is your favorite word?: yeet 12. what was the last song you listened to?: Prologue from Les Mis 10th Anniversary dreamcast soundtrack 13. what tv show would you recommend for everyone to watch?: Brooklyn Nine Nine and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt 14. what is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down?: Barbie movies (don’t judge me pls) 15. do you play video games?: yes 16. what is your biggest fear?: losing someone I love 17. what is your best quality, in your opinion?: uh, I’m optimistic? 18. what is your worst quality, in your opinion?: Perfectionism. 19. do you like cats or dogs better?: Don’t make me pick (but dogs probs) 20. what’s your favorite season?: summer 21. are you in a relationship?: nope. 22. what is something you miss from your childhood?: Being little enough to sit on my dad’s shoulders 23. who is your best friend?: One girl from my dance class - we’re both huuuuge theatre nerds 24. what is your eye color?: blue 25. what is your hair color?: reddish brown 26. who is someone you love? My ma 27. who is someone you trust?: see 26 28. who is someone you think about often?: see 26 29. are you currently excited about/for something?: I get to move interstate for university in a few weeks and I’m v excited 30. what is your biggest obsession?: Musical Theatre 31. what was your favorite tv show as a child?: Hi-5 32. who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone?: My dad, I guess 33. are you superstitious?: A bit 34. do you have any unusual phobias?: what counts as unusual tho, idk probably not. Spiders are a pretty normal phobia? 35. do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it?: in front of the camera 36. what is your favorite hobby?: singin’ 37. what was the last book you read?: Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare 38. what was the last movie you watched?: Moonraker - James Bond 39. what musical instruments do you play, if any?: Piano, Violin, Guitar and Voice 40. what is your favorite animal?: Llamas (duh) 41. what are your top 5 tumblr blogs that you follow?: @gerbits @allieice @darlingimmafangirl @lemonywaffles​ @suddenlycowplants 42. what superpower do you wish you had?: The ability to manipulate rainbows 43. when and where do you feel most at peace?: On a holiday I went on recently to Indonesia, watching the sun set on a beach 44. what makes you smile?: The Trixie and Katya Show 45. what sports do you play, if any?: I dance :) 46. what is your favorite drink?: fruit smoothies 47. when was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody?: this morning - had to remind my brother to check his phone ‘cause I went out while he was still asleep 48. are you afraid of heights?: I’m not afraid of being up high, but I’m afraid of falling 49. what is your biggest pet peeve?: PEOPLE THAT USE INCORRECT GRAMMAR 50. have you ever been to a concert?: yes 51. are you vegan/vegetarian?: I’m like...a selective vegetarian. 52. when you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?: A pop star, just like Hannah Montana 53. what fictional world would you like to live in?: Either Prythian from ACoTaR, or the Overwatch universe.  54. what is something you worry about?: EVERYTHING 55. are you scared of the dark?: yes 56. do you like to sing?: I do indeedy 57. have you ever skipped school?: Never by choice - but doctors and dentists love scheduling appointments in the middle of the school day grr grr 58. what is your favorite place on the planet?: in a theatre 59. where would you like to live?: Melbourne, or LA (I know it sounds cliche, but like kinda) 60. do you have any pets?: I used to have a fat goldfish but he died, aged 11 years old ;-; 61. are you more of an early bird or night owl?: night owl 62. do you like sunrises or sunsets better?: sunset 63. do you know how to drive?: Well I can legally and physically drive a car, but uh - I’ve been too busy in life to take my test, so I guess I’ll be on my Learner’s forever -_- 64. do you prefer earbuds or headphones?: depends on my mood 65. have you ever had braces?: yeaaaah, back in middle school 66. what is your favorite genre of music?: MUSICAL THEATRE 67. who is your hero?: my mum 68. do you read comic books?: no 69. what makes you the most angry?: PEOPLE USING BAD GRAMMAR 70. do you prefer to read on an electronic device or a real book?: real book 71. what is your favorite subject in school?: music, or the school musical 72. do you have any siblings?: yeh, one younger brother 73. what was the last thing you bought?: Online: a phone case that says ‘oh honey’ on the back (Trixie Mattel where u @ gurlllll) IRL: Oats 74. how tall are you?: 5′7 75. can you cook?: not to save my life, but I need to learn before i move away fml 76. what are three things that you love?: musical theatre, RuPaul’s Drag Race and Overwatch 77. what are three things that you hate?: stress, homophobia, the fact that they cancelled Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt after 4 seasons ;-; 78. do you have more female friends or male friends?: female 79. what is your sexual orientation?: straight/heterosexual 80. where do you currently live?: Australiaaaaaa 81. who was the last person you texted?: My group of theatre nerd friends 82. when was the last night you cried?: like a week ago when I went to a production of Les Mis starring heaps of my friends and I was so proud I cried 83. who is your favorite youtuber?: vixella/heyimbee 84. do you like to take selfies?: yeah! 85. what is your favorite app?: snapchat, youtube or netflix, can’t pick. 86. what is your relationship with your parent(s) like?: my mom is the best, and so is my dad! 87. what is your favorite foreign accent?: American, but that’s cause I have to use one for just about every musical I’m in 88. what is a place that you’ve never been to, but want to visit?: HARRY POTTER WORLD IN LA 89. what is your favorite number?: 8 90. can you juggle?: kinda, but not well enough to brag 91. are you religious?: idk at this point, kinda but not fully idk 92. do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting?: ocean - space scares me 93. do you consider yourself to be a daredevil?: fuck no 94. are you allergic to anything?: dust 95. can you curl your tongue?: mhm! 96. can you wiggle your ears?: no 97. how often do you admit that you were wrong about something?: I should more often than I do 98. do you prefer the forest or beach?: beach 99. what is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you?: You do you, girl. 100. are you a good liar?: I think I am, but my friends disagree 101. what is your hogwarts house?: Ravenclaw 102. do you talk to yourself?: yep 103. are you an introvert or extrovert?: ambivert 104. do you keep a journal/diary?: i’ve had one since I was 7, but I only write in it like once every 2 years 105. do you believe in second chances?: depends 106. if you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do?:  turn it in 107. do you believe people are capable of change?: yes 108. are you ticklish?: absolutely, but don’t do it 109. have you ever been on a plane?: yeah 110. do you have any piercings?: my ears are pierced 111. what fictional character do you wish was real?: RHYSAND FROM ACOTAR, GIMME GIMME 112. do you have any tattoos?: no, and don’t plan on getting any 113. what is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far?: moving dance schools 114. do you believe in karma?: yes 115. do you wear glasses/contacts?: no 116. do you want children?: haven’t decided, probably tho 117. who is the smartest person you know?: my teachers 118. what is your most embarrassing memory?: tripping up the stairs onto a stage on my way to receive an award 119. have you ever pulled an all-nighter?: no 120. what color are most of your clothes?: navy blue, burgundy, black 121. do you like adventures?: sometimes 122. have you ever been on tv?: i’ve appeared on the news in advertisments for musicals I’m in, but I’ve never been interviewed ;-; 123. how old are you?: 18 124. what is your favorite quote?: “fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times...you’re a fucking idiot, change off widowmaker, I don’t wanna be sniped anymore.” - Muselk 125. do you prefer sweet or savory foods?: savoury
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littlelovelymemes · 7 years
‘  let me just make one thing clear... i have no clue what’s going on, ever, at any moment, at any point in time. who knows what’s going on? not me. not ever.  ’ ‘  i would just like to publicly announce that i have no idea what i am doing  ’ ‘  we came from the same star and we will come together again in the end  ’ ‘  i have a ‘why am i like this’ moment at least five times a day  ’ ‘  did i need it? no. did i buy it? yes.  ’ ‘  the most dangerous game is resting your eyes after you turned off the alarm clock in the morning  ’ ‘  petition for stars in the day time please???  ’ ‘  i love it when i wake up and stretch and something cracks. makes me feel like a glo-stick  ’ ‘  drop whatever you’re doing right now and climb a tree  ’ ‘  the most fucked up part of adult life is how you can just decide to do things  ’ ‘  i’m a person who wants to do lots of things trapped inside a body that wants to SLEEP at all times  ’ ‘  i’m so tired but i’ll probably be awake until 3 am for no reason  ’ ‘  time to kick my own ass. bitch had it coming for too long  ’ ‘  honestly ‘thanks i hate it’ is one of the funniest phrases in the english language  ’ ‘  do you ever wonder how many people have loved you and never told you?  ’ ‘  the internets one true talent is making me sick of things i’ve never seen or read or heard  ’ ‘  i’m permanently emotionally damaged but it’s chill, i’m chill  ’ ‘  all cracker barrels are dimensionally linked. you could walk into a cracker barrel in georgia and walk out of one in arkansas and feel nothing  ’ ‘  ‘you look different with makeup’????? you think i’m buying shit for hundreds of dollars to just keep looking like my ugly self ... ok  ’ ‘  why did the fray go off so hard in ‘how to save a life’?  ’ ‘  anyone else bummed they have 2 sleep alone tonight and uh not in some1s arms  ’ ‘  not to be too controversial but i like it when people are nice   ’ ‘  the sun has no business tapping out at the tender hour of 5pm bitch i have depression  ’ ‘  i forgot how fucking weird november is theres no afternoon its just night after 2pm  ’ ‘  what time do you need me? i am unavailable whenever that time is  ’ ‘  look i may have made a few typos and committed a few murders but nobody’s perfect okay  ’ ‘  i guess at this point i should just consider dating myself  ’ ‘  i’m aiming for the “she’s a badass and cute as hell but i wouldn’t touch her without asking” look  ’ ‘  haha if you’re bored you could kiss me idk just sayin  ’ ‘  i see you’re paying attention to someone who is not me. why is that.  ’ ‘  80s music wont solve all my life’s problems but it certainly distracts me from them  ’ ‘  i cant believe what walkie talkies are called  ’ ‘  some people think life is like a rollercoaster but my life is more like one of those rides that spin really fast so you’re pinned to the wall and can’t do anything about it  ’ ‘  hey girl do you want to make a fragile human connection in the vast and unfeeling infinity of a chaotic universe  ’ ‘  all these fuckboys but who is the fuckfather  ’ ‘  i love drunk me but i don’t trust her  ’ ‘  do you have those people that you’d go anywhere with unconditionally, like they could say “lets go check out that dumpster” and you’d be like “im in”  ’ ‘  nah sorry i cant go out tonight, i have plans to spiral into uncontrollable anxiety starting in the early evening and ending at roughly 3 am  ’ ‘  me: queen of having had enough  ’ ‘  she needs a hug (i’m she)  ’ ‘  is it acceptable to start an essay with “listen here you little shit”?  ’ ‘  90% of my day is me being nervous  ’ ‘  cons: i’m an asshole. pros: i’m your asshole.  ’ ‘  give me 10 reasons why i shouldn’t just turn into a slug right now  ’ ‘  are we gonna fuckn hold hands tonight or what bitch  ’ ‘  dear soulmate, where the fuck are you  ’ ‘  i’m so easily revitalized by small, loving gestures  ’ ‘  i dont know what im feeling but there is a lot of it  ’ ‘  let’s be friends with benefits. the benefits? you get to be friends with me  ’ ‘  you ever just sit back and think like... yo... i really don’t care  ’ ‘  im surprised no one has ever punched me in the face  ’ ‘  what if mike was short for micycle  ’ ‘  hey fellow regular kids what’s up  ’ ‘  if u ever called me pretty i love you. ur pretty too  ’ ‘  do you ever just ‘there’s probably something medically wrong with me but i’m just gonna ignore it and hope i don’t die’?  ’ ‘  why did we stop building castles? i feel like humanity might live to regret that  ’ ‘  i’ll never be as lazy as whoever named the fireplace  ’ ‘  i am so glad you exist, even if you exist so far away from me  ’ ‘  i can hold a wet bar of soap better than a conversation  ’ ‘  she is beauty, she is grace, she got her feelings hurt 42 times today  ’ ‘  13 years of school and im still not sure if its ‘grey’ or ‘gray’  ’ ‘  hope u like bad girls because i’m bad at everything  ’ ‘  got a problem with me? kiss me on the lips dude  ’ ‘  too many songs about love. not enough songs about sword fights  ’ ‘  don’t talk to me or my 78 insecurities ever again  ’ ‘  i just did a tarot reading... it said ur a bitch  ’ ‘  a good substitute for love and fulfillment? a crunchwrap supreme from taco bell  ’ ‘  i fucked up? idk what you’re referring to but probably  ’ ‘  *in a high-pitched mocking voice* "are you okay?" what the fuck.  ’ ‘  how do u just..... not believe in aliens  ’ ‘  a coffee pot can be a coffee mug if you just don’t fucking care  ’ ‘  “you’re up early!” jokes on you i didn’t sleep at all and am in between energized and dying  ’ ‘  dont wanna sound like a slut but i really need a hug right now  ’ ‘  casual fan? no sorry i only know how to invest my whole livelihood into something and spend every waking moment thinking about said thing  ’ ‘  i have a dozen hearts swirling around my head irl like that isnt a filter its permanent  ’ ‘  i worry about you even when you say you’re fine  ’ ‘  i will never hurt you. i will always stick by your side. i will always try to make you smile  ’ ‘  true love: having to hold back your adorable, violent girlfriend to keep her from straight up murdering a dude  ’ ‘  cute date idea: be nice to me  ’ ‘  im so jealous of people who know what they want to do with their future i dont even know what t.v show to watch next  ’ ‘  me? clingy? yes please don’t leave me  ’ ‘  hey….,.,.. no offense but,,. i want someone to love and cherish me  ’ ‘  i need someone to lay in bed with me for hours  ’ ‘  dark hannah montana..... show me the worst of both worlds  ’ ‘  someone has to say it: come on eileen is a fucking banger like that shit snaps,, a bop for the century  ’ ‘  roses are red, i’m going to bed  ’ ‘  bless netflix for creating the skip intro button honestly  ’ ‘  they call me… 7 Knives. because that’s how many knives it takes me to cook things because i keep puttin em in the fuckin sink without thinking about it  ’ ‘  i wanna burry my face in someone’s chest right now til i fall asleep and wake up 4 hours later just to find i’m still in their arms  ’ ‘  the internet has ruined me honestly i’m numb to everything. it could be the end of the world and i’d be like “tag urself i’m the acid rain”  ’ ‘  lately i have been…….dying to be in love…,..and that’s the mood sadly  ’ ‘  not to be ns fw but i’d cry if someone kissed me on the cheek  ’ ‘  sexting? nah. i’m into spexting. spooky texting. ever seen a ghost? hmu.  ’ ‘  not to sound cocky as shit but i’m a fucking good person with a big heart and i deserve a lot more than the shitty hand life has dealt me this far  ’ ‘  i say i love you a lot because i do  ’ ‘  i’m sorry. i can’t come to the phone right now? why? oh. cause i hate talking on the phone please text me instead.  ’ ‘  low on self esteem, so u run on mac & cheese  ’ ‘  who’s gonna come lay with me in bed and let me wrap my legs and arms around u like a small bear  ’ ‘  youre a coward if youre not on the way to my house right now to give me a kiss  ’ ‘  my personality is like 90% the song i’m currently listening to  ’ ‘  the first step to any murder is to have fun and be yourself  ’ ‘  no offense @ life but can i have a breath.. a break... some slack...  ’ ‘  the best kind of alcohol is a lot  ’ ‘  911 i hate to be “that guy” but i glued myself to the ceiling again  ’ ‘  having “feelings” is ruining my reputation of being a heartless bitch  ’
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goodestboyryuji · 7 years
have you read the klance fic where keith is a sex phone operator and his fake name is akira adsfkljawkelfj;kl
*hannah montana voice* u get the best of both worlds
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