unamiblog · 8 days
開催日 :令和6年5月18日(土) 吟行地 :真間山弘法寺など 句会場 :市川市男女共同参画センター 「研修室E」 投句締切:13時半 (当季雑詠嘱目7句) 句会終了:16時予定
無料体験教室参加申し込みはこちらから送信してください。 ※どなたでもご参加いただけます ※講師の連絡先が分かる方は直接ご連絡してください。  ————————————————— (公社) 日本伝統俳句協会「卯浪俳句教室」では、  初心者のための俳句教室を開催しています。 俳句を通して、新しい世界を体験してみませんか? (無料体験教室の参加を募集中です)
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feimier · 10 months
I think my speciality is going to be adding small parts from Chinese poems/Chinese phrases I like before beginning the fic.. maybe I should start adding some English translations or at least some Chinese explanations for them lol
fun fact! for my recent lilia fic the phrase “看风流慷慨,谈笑过残年” is from a poem about a very powerful Chinese general that instead of choosing to fight in the war, decided to retreat to the mountains to live peacefully and gracefully for the rest of his life
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tofufei · 3 months
not sure if I should feel flattered or insulted that someone called my English 中式英语... probably the latter because there was nothing wrong with my English but also lol
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「重陽(ちょうよう)の節句」(*五節句の一つで、陰陽思想で陽数の極である9が重なることからよばれる) 、ノストラダムスの終末の予言の日は1999年9月9日とされていたこと、1999年9月9日の数字を全部合計すると46で、46の2つの数を足すと10になり完成を物語る数であること、明治4年9月9日に時間の数え方を西洋式に改めたこと、9月9日が「救急の日🚑」で占いは「運命の救急」などから、日本占術協会が制定したそうです。
Today is "World Fortune Telling Day"🔮 The day of the end of the prophecy was set to be 9th September 1999, and if you add up all the numbers for 9th September 1999, it is 46, and when you add the two numbers 46, it becomes 10, which indicates the completion of the prophecy. The Japan Fortune Telling Association believes that it is a number, that the way of counting time on 9th September 1894 was changed to the Western style, that 9th September is “Emergency Day 🚑” and that fortune telling is “A Fateful Emergency'' was enacted.
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fwoopersongs · 2 years
题西林壁 - Written On this Wall in Xilin
by 苏轼 (Su Shi, 1037 - 1101)
横看成岭侧成峰 héng kàn chéng lǐng cè chéng fēng Across, look - it’s a mountain range, sideways, a towering summit;
远近高低各不同 yuǎnjìn gāodī gè bù tóng from far to near, from high to low, every angle a world of its own.
不识庐山真面目 bù shí lúshān zhēn miànmù One does not perceive the true face of Mt. Lu,
只缘身在此山中 zhǐ yuán shēn zài cǐ shān zhōng only because they still stand amidst its valleys and peaks.
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This is a copy. Carved on a wall at the Xilin Temple of Mt. Lu and then moved to the Donglin Temple some time later, the original has been lost to time. 
Another homework poem! I should start tagging them xD
Did a quick translation with zero context while stuck in the washroom. It was very amusing! As was wolf whistling Mt Lulu with friends ~
Anyway, I also got the vibe that there was a story here somewhere and thought it would be fun to investigate as much as I am able to! When I’m done with these notes, I shall try for another translation which will be the face for this post xD But I’ll also keep the fun tl in at the end.
This is a very straightforward seven character quatrain with a rhymed second and fourth line. It was written in the Song Dynasty by the poet better known as Su Dongpo - yes I was surprised as well, such a famous line and from a Song Dynasty poem? They aren’t just known for their lyrics! I wonder which other everyday idiom has similar origins...
So the lines in this poem themselves don’t actually need clarification. 
A visitor to the 庐山 Lu Mountain has covered quite a lot of ground, looking at it from end to end and seeing it as a mountain range. Then staring at it from one end, it looks like just one towering mountain. From when he approached he saw the range and the summit; when he was close, when he climbed up and then all along his descent, every vantage point rewarded him with a different, gorgeous view and field of vision. Puzzled though, he sat and wondered which is ‘real’? And then he realized, all of them and none of them at once. Because... I am still in the mountain. 
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For anyone who is wondering Mt. Lu... where is this again? 
Recognize this picture? (You might if you watch cdrama) Yup! This is one of the scenic sights within Mt Lu xD
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I felt a little let down after reading the poem initially. 
不识庐山真面目 // one does not perceive the true face of Mt. Lu
Like oh, so you mean this?
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So easy?
But the truth is HAH! The person who most needs a better view often doesn’t know how much they need it. (Me, I’m talking about ME)
In the process of looking up details of the ‘background section’, and how to better illustrate it, I came across many photos of Mt. Lu. 
This is 望江亭 // Riverwatch Pavilion
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This is the same 望江亭 // Riverwatch Pavilion
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Stone carvings by 黄龙潭 // Yellow River Springs
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This is 如琴湖 // Ruqin Lake
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Again 如琴湖 // Ruqin Lake, different season, different POV.
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Some branches... mmmm...
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My favourite pavilion is the 观云亭 // Cloudwatch Pavilion
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Less ethereal but still enticing!  观云亭 // Cloudwatch Pavilion!
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Truly magical!  观云亭 // Cloudwatch Pavilion again.
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Do you want another angle of 观云亭 // Cloudwatch Pavilion?
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Maybe enough with the pavilions.
There’s tea!
Jiangxi Mt. Lu Green Tea Field
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Snow at  含鄱口 // Hanpokou
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Another location? No! 含鄱口 // Hanpokou again :)
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Random bridge!
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状元桥 // Top Scholar’s Bridge... I wonder who visits? xD
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A Mt Lu sunset at 含鄱亭 // Hanpo Pavilion
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At some point, I was like wait a minute, just how big is this mountain?
(As below)
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Google map
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I don’t know how Mt Lu looks like. Every view is different - suddenly, that sentence made a world of sense. No matter where I am, it’s going to be different. Like if I look at a pavilion from below and compare that with how it looks from a nearby peak, or when standing right in front of it. And that’s just one spot! 
Yes dear. And you are confused because you’re right smack in the middle of it all, trying to describe 25km x 10km of mountain with what you see in in two 24mm eyes. That’s impossible to achieve.
Maybe take a step back and reframe your question?
Relegation was a very common method of punishment for officials who had been convicted of crimes. This was a distinct punishment from exile, in which the criminal is sent to distant backwaters, often with harsh conditions. Officials sentenced to relegations did not lose their positions as officials, they were demoted and posted to locations distant from the central government and court. Besides a demotion, how far away they were sent was an indication of the severity of the crime. They could not resign and just live as commoners, instead, they may be given a title with no actual power and be thus forced to serve out their sentence there. [x]
The period of relegation that got Su Shi, of Song Dynasty, his name of Su Dongpo began in the year 1080, when he was convicted of insulting the Emperor for a poem he wrote criticizing political reforms. With a nominal official’s title that did not confer any power on him except to tie him down to the area, off he was sent to Huangzhou!
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(Notes for basis of passing through Guangzhou, Kuang in wade giles) (Source)
The poem he wrote which very cleverly drags this situation made me smile. He was 45 at this time, and the faction that played a key role in his banishment was new. Do not doubt how big of a blow this relegation was. Hope for a pardon was so dim as to be almost nonexistent. And yet, he sees the humor in the situation and makes fun of it! (But also, my bro, I guess you never learnt to shut it, did you?)
His family came to him in the first year and they stayed together, living frugally. With the help of a poor scholar friend by the name of Ma Zhengqing, in the second year, he got a little plot of land, which was on an old army camp East of the city. We know this because he wrote some poems about his experiences on this Eastern Slope 东坡 (Dong Po) from which he got his nickname.
We remember Ma Zhengqing because of Su Dongpo. But maybe without Ma Zhengqing, there would not have been a Su Dongpo. Interesting how these things happen, isn’t it?
Fun fact: It was during this period that he wrote his Chibi poems!
In the fourth month of 1084, Su Shi was recalled from Huangzhou. With a new emperor and new government, he was still under the relegation sentence, but his new location became Ruzhou. 
Which… please see for yourself below. I mapped it out on google maps based on present day locations, though I also eyeballed the distance on other Chinese maps of the Song Dynasty to confirm. This is just needed to show the walking distance for impact.
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NOW I’m quite tired from scrolling through google maps*flops on the floor*.
Here’s the entirely water based route he could have taken… just following the blue lines (waterways) on google maps and joining them together. However, this does not account for the direction of the river’s flow, nor for any construction or whatnot that has happened over nearly a thousand years.
(Good gods, this trip looks exhausting. How long did he take to complete it? A year???)
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Here’s the link to the map I made with latitude and longitudes indicated with a * below. If for whatever reason, you also want to stalk blue lines across google maps, you’re welcome to reference the full list. And if you know anything about the actual route, please contact me! I really want to know.
Huangzhou - 30.433872962245427, 114.88129769733013* Yangtze River - 30.377781819827735, 115.07101171640872 Lushan Maintain - 29.512493686853997, 115.97992335630641* Jiujiang - 29.655519332862937, 115.95199503510239 Yangtze River - 31.52268831477707, 118.3835515008836* joins - 32.25937931638017, 119.4709085685721 Jinghang Yunhe - 32.42372696795087, 119.48513109148513* Jinghang Yunhe - 33.56999997351908, 118.97126706569289 Huaishu River - 33.45610953325041, 118.94490546438135* Huaihe River - 32.54604115026407, 116.58836355764417* joins - 32.500902310509126, 116.52398860951106 Yinghe River - 33.63248728287315, 114.61038506349661* Shahe River - 33.69194084968913, 113.60587536388371 Ruhe River - 34.146226764936046, 112.8221271332927 Ruzhou - 34.16581654981741, 112.84447346106711*
Anyway, so this has all been to give a bit of background on how Su Shi  found himself passing by Mt. Lu. From Huangzhou, he followed the Yangtze to Jiujiang, and from there he had the opportunity to visit Mt. Lu and went for it.
After the visit concluded, he enjoyed it so much that he eventually recorded it in 《东坡志林》 which can be read as Dongpo’s Forest of Records or Dongpo’s Records of Forests, both of which are very cute names for a travelogue.
The account can be found in Chapter 1 of the notes, under the name: 《记游·记游庐山》 , and the tone of it is so so charming!
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When he first got there, the scenery was fantastically beautiful. It was nothing like anything he had ever seen before, and overwhelmed by the beauty he had thought he would very likely not have the time for poetry. So he proceeded to declare he had no intention of writing any poetry.
(Like how we all say, no need to take photos, no photo can record the beauty that eyes can see xD but in much the same way, we all know what happens to that right?)
But afterwards, he met some monks who lived in the mountain who all exclaimed in excitement or surprise.
“Su Zizhan* has come!”
*子瞻, Su Shi’s courtesy name
And ‘involuntarily’, he composed a quatrain which he provided in his notes.
芒鞵青竹杖 | With rush shoes and green bamboo staff, 自挂百钱游 | upon it, a hundred coins hung, off I roam! 可怪深山里 | How very odd, deep in the mountains here 人人识故侯 | everyone recognizes some old official.
                (Su Shi, probably: I’m popular! Hehe.)
And immediately, he smiled at the absurdity of his verse and wrote two more xD
                 (yjtc: bro, what happened to no poems today?)
青山若无素 | Green mountain, whom I have not met before, 偃蹇不相亲 | like a haughty stranger, not approachable at all. 要识庐山面 | Want to know Mt. Lu's face? 他年是故人 | Then become acquainted in the years to come.
自昔忆清赏 | From before, I recall admiring its grace in works, 神游杳蔼间 | in spirit, exploring amidst the moss and vine. 如今不是梦 | Now this is no dream, 真个是庐山 | it really is Mt Lu.
The next day, he was reading the book his friend Chen Lingju had handed to him, 《庐山记》 ~ Notes on Mt Lu as he walked. He saw poems from 李白 Li Bai and 徐凝 Xu Ning, and something about them amused him very much and he laughed. Later, his steps took him into Kaixian Temple where the monks requested a poem. For them, he wrote the following:
帝遣银河一派垂 | The Heavenly Emperor sends the Silver River [1] gushing down; 古来惟有谪仙辞 | in all of time, only one Immortal's [2] verse can be called thus. 飞流溅沫知多少 | The flying waters splash and foam, who knows how much? 不与徐凝洗恶诗 | It will not wash Xu Ning's terrible poem [3].
[1] Milky Way / Alludes to Li Bai's poem about Mt Lu's waterfall 《望庐山瀑布》,  [2] 谪仙 is an deity sent to the mortal realm. Li Bai was known as the 诗仙 / poetry immortal [3] Xu Ning’s Mt. Lu waterfall poem《庐山瀑布》
He took about ten days or a little more to explore the Southern side of the mountain. Then concluded that there were too many gorgeous places to list and discuss, but of these, 漱玉亭 (Jade Pavilion) and 三峡桥 (Three Gorges Bridge) were the best to him. And thus he wrote two more poems about them, which you may read translated here.
漱玉亭 // Jade Wash Pavilion
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三峡桥 // Three Gorges Bridge
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And here we have a Ming Dynasty illustration of the same place.
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Finally, finally, he paired up with a friend he calls Old Zong (this bears a little more research), to explore the West Forest together. During this time, he wrote his final Mt Lu poem, which is also his most well known one.
横看成岭侧成峰 | Across, look - it’s a mountain range, sideways, a towering summit, 远近高低各不同 | from far to near, from high to low, every angle a world of its own. 不识庐山真面目 | One does not perceive the true face of Mt. Lu. 只缘身在此山中 | because they still stand amidst its valleys and peaks.
And I feel like, having had this experience of trekking through the mountain, all the interesting encounters, reading about other people's thoughts, he also took the time to reflect on his own feelings and reactions. Maybe this philosophical view of the world was something he already was nursing, and this metaphor with Mt. Lu was a good way to express it. Maybe he didn't have the voice, and the little holiday inspired him?
Who knows!
But having had the tinest of peeks into some of the events that happened leading to and also on this trip, knowing that this was the closing of a paragraph in his life, no wonder it got famous!
.......................... —ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ —..........................
cross section see as long, side become tall far near high low each got something more don't know lu mountain true face how to see only fate cos your body in mountain be
Your thoughts, your beliefs and even your questions limit you from seeing the true nature of things.
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kachoushi · 1 year
花鳥誌 令和5年5月号
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栗林圭魚選 岡田順子選
令和5年2月2日 うづら三日の月花鳥句会 坊城俊樹選 特選句
厨女も慣れたる手付き雪掻す 由季子 闇夜中裏声しきり猫の恋 喜代子 節分や内なる鬼にひそむ角 さとみ 如月の雨に煙りし寺の塔 都 風花やこの晴天の何処より 同
(順不同特選句のみ掲載) ………………………………………………………………
令和5年2月4日 零の会 坊城俊樹選 特選句
暗闇坂のチャペルの春は明日あたり きみよ 長すぎるエスカレーター早春へ 久 立春の市の算盤振つてみる 要 冬帝と暗闇坂にすれ違ふ きみよ 伊達者のくさめ名残りや南部坂 眞理子 慶應の先生眠る山笑ふ いづみ 豆源の窓より立春の煙 和子 供華白く女優へ二月礼者かな 小鳥 古雛の見てゐる骨董市の空 順子 古雛のあの子の部屋へ貰はれし 久
岡田順子選 特選句
暗闇坂のチャペルの春は明日あたり きみよ 冬帝と暗闇坂にすれ違ふ 同 大銀杏八百回の立春へ 俊樹 豆源の春の売子が忽と消え 同 コート脱ぐ八咫鏡に参る美女 きみよ おはん来よ暗闇坂の春を舞ひ 俊樹 雲逝くや芽ばり柳を繰りながら 光子 立春の蓬髪となる大銀杏 俊樹 立春の皺の手に売るくわりんたう 同 公孫樹寒まだ去らずとのたまへり 軽象
(順不同特選句のみ掲載) ………………………………………………………………
令和5年2月4日 色鳥句会 坊城俊樹選 特選句
敬􄼲な信徒にあらず寒椿 美穂 梅ふふむ野面積む端に摩天楼 睦子 黄泉比良坂毬唄とほく谺して 同 下萌や大志ふくらむ黒鞄 朝子 觔斗雲睦月の空に呼ばれたる 美穂 鼻歌に二つ目を割り寒卵 かおり 三􄼹路のマネキン春を手招きて 同 黄金の国ジパングの寒卵 愛 潮流の狂ひや鯨吼ゆる夜は 睦子 お多福の上目づかひや春の空 成子 心底の鬼知りつつの追儺かな 勝利
(順不同特選句のみ掲載) ………………………………………………………………
令和5年2月6日・7日 花鳥さざれ会 坊城俊樹選 特選句
潮騒を春呼ぶ音と聞いてをり かづを 水仙の香り背負うて海女帰る 同 海荒るるとも水仙の香の高し 同 坪庭の十尺灯篭日脚伸ぶ 清女 春光の中神島も丹の橋も 同 待春の心深雪に埋もりて 和子 扁額の文字読めずして春の宿 同 砂浜に貝を拾ふや雪のひま 千加江 村の春小舟ふはりと揺れてをり 同 白息に朝の公園横切れり 匠 風花や何を告げんと頰に触る 笑子 枝川やさざ波に陽の冴返る 啓子
(順不同特選句のみ掲載) ………………………………………………………………
令和5年2月8日 さくら花鳥会 岡田順子選 特選句
雪を踏む音を友とし道一人 あけみ 蠟梅の咲き鈍色の雲去りぬ みえこ 除雪車を見守る警備真夜の笛 同 雪掻きの我にエールや鳥の声 紀子 握り飯ぱりりと海苔の香を立て 裕子
(順不同特選句のみ掲載) ………………………………………………………………
令和5年2月10日 鳥取花鳥会 岡田順子選 特選句
東風に振る竿は灯台より高�� 美智子 月冴ゆる其処此処軋む母の家 都 幽やかな烏鷺の石音冴ゆる夜 宇太郎 老いの手に音立て笑ふ浅蜊かな 悦子 鎧着る母のコートを着る度に 佐代子 老いし身や明日なき如く雪を掻く すみ子
(順不同特選句のみ掲載) ………………………………………………………………
令和5年2月11日 枡形句会 栗林圭魚選 特選句
朝光や寺苑に生るる蕗の薹 幸風 大屋根の雪解雫のリズム良き 秋尚 春菊の箱で積まれて旬となる 恭子 今朝晴れて丹沢颪の雪解風 亜栄子 眩しさを散らし公魚宙を舞ふ 幸子 流れゆくおもひで重く雪解川 ゆう子 年尾句碑句帳に挟む雪解音 三無 クロッカス影を短く咲き揃ふ 秋尚 あちらにも野焼く漢の影法師 白陶 公魚や釣り糸細く夜蒼し ゆう子
(順不同特選句のみ掲載) ………………………………………………………………
令和5年2月13日 枡形句会 栗林圭魚選 特選句
犬ふぐり大地に笑みをこぼしけり 三無 春浅しワンマン列車軋む音 のりこ 蝋梅の香りに溺れ車椅子 三無 寒の海夕赤々漁終る ことこ 陽が風を連れ耀ける春の宮 貴薫 青空へ枝混み合へる濃紅梅 秋尚 土塊に春日からめて庭手入 三無 夕東風や友の消息届きけり 迪子 ひと雨のひと粒ごとに余寒あり 貴薫
(順不同特選句のみ掲載) ………………………………………………………………
令和5年2月13日 武生花鳥俳句会 坊城俊樹選 特選句
浅春の眠りのうつつ出湯泊り 時江 老いたれば屈託もあり毛糸編む 昭子 落としたる画鋲を探す寒灯下 ミチ子 春の雪相聞歌碑の黙続く 時江 顔剃りて少し別嬪初詣 さよ子 日脚伸ぶ下校チャイムののんびりと みす枝 雪解急竹はね返る音響く 同 寒さにも噂にも耐へこれ衆生 さよ子 蕗の薹刻めば厨野の香り みす枝
(順不同特選句のみ掲載) ………………………………………………………………
令和5年2月14日 萩花鳥会
水甕の薄氷やぶり野草の芽 祐子 わが身共老いたる鬼をなほ追儺 健雄 嗚呼自由冬晴れ青く空広く 俊文 春の園散り散り走る孫四人 ゆかり 集まりて薄氷つつき子ら遊ぶ 恒雄 山々の眠り起こせし野焼きかな 明子 鬼やらひじやんけんで勝つ福の面 美惠子
令和5年2月15日 福井花鳥会 坊城俊樹選 特選句
吹雪く日の杣道隠す道標 世詩明 恋猫の闇もろともに戦かな 千加江 鷺一羽曲線残し飛び立てり 同 はたと止む今日の吹雪の潔し 昭子 アルバムに中子師の笑み冬の蝶 淳子 寒鯉の橋下にゆらり緋を流す 笑子 雪景色途切れて暗し三国線 和子 はよしねまがつこにおくれる冬の朝 隆司 耳目塗り潰せし如く冬籠 雪 卍字ケ辻に迷ひはせぬか雪女 同
(順不同特選句のみ掲載) ………………………………………………………………
令和5年2月16日 伊藤柏翠記念館句会 坊城俊樹選 特選句
指先に一つ剥ぎたる蜜柑の香 雪 大寒に入りたる水を諾ひぬ 同 金色の南無観世音大冬木 同 産土に響くかしは手春寒し かづを 春の雷森羅万象𠮟咤して 同 玻璃越しに九頭竜よりの隙間風 同 気まぐれな風花降つてすぐ止みて やす香 寒紅や見目安らかに不帰の人 嘉和 波音が好きで飛沫好き崖水仙 みす枝 音待てるポストに寒の戻りかな 清女 女正月昔藪入り嫁の里 世詩明
(順不同特選句のみ掲載) ………………………………………………………………
令和5年2月17日 さきたま花鳥会 坊城俊樹選 特選句
奥つ城に冬の遺書めく斑雪 月惑 顔隠す一夜限りの雪女郎 八草 民衆の叫びに似たる辛夷の芽 ふじほ 猫の恋昼は静かに睨み合ひ みのり 薄氷に餓鬼大将の指の穴 月惑 無人駅青女の俘虜とされしまま 良江 怒号上げ村に���ち入る雪解川 とし江 凍土を突く走り根の筋張りて 紀花 焼藷屋鎮守の森の定位置に 八草 爺の膝捨てて疾駆の恋の猫 良江
(順不同特選句のみ掲載) ………………………………………………………………
令和5年2月19日 風月句会 坊城俊樹選 特選句
古玻璃の奥に設ふ古雛 久 笏も扇も失せし雛の澄まし顔 眞理子 日矢さして金縷梅の縒りほどけさう 芙佐子 梅東風やあやつり人形眠る箱 千種 春風に槻は空へ細くほそく ます江 山茱萸の花透く雲の疾さかな 要 貝殻の雛の片目閉ぢてをり 久 古雛髪のほつれも雅なる 三無 ぽつねんと裸電球雛調度 要
栗林圭魚選 特選句
紅梅の枝垂れ白髪乱さるる 炳子 梅園の幹玄々と下萌ゆる 要 濃紅梅妖しきばかりかの子の忌 眞理子 貝殻の雛の片目閉ぢてをり 久 古雛髪のほつれも雅なる 三無 老梅忌枝ぶり確と臥龍梅 眞理子 山茱萸の空の広さにほどけゆく 月惑 八橋に水恋うてをり猫柳 芙佐子
(順不同特選句のみ掲載) ………………………………………………………………
令和5年2月21日 鯖江花鳥句会 坊城俊樹選 特選句
師を背負ひ走りし人も雪籠 雪 裏庭開く枝折戸冬桜 同 天帝の性こもごもの二月かな 同 適当に返事してゐる日向ぼこ 一涓 継体の慈愛の御ん目雪の果 同 風花のはげしく風に遊ぶ日よ 洋子 薄氷を踏めば大空割れにけり みす枝 春一番古色の帽子飛ばしけり 昭上嶋子 鉤穴の古墳の型の凍てゆるむ 世詩明 人の来て障子の内に隠しけり 同 春炬燵素足の人に触れざりし 同 女正月集ふ妻らを嫁と呼ぶ 同
(順不同特選句のみ掲載) ………………………………………………………………
令和5年2月26日 月例会 坊城俊樹選 特選句
能舞台昏きに満ちて花を待つ 光子 バス停にシスターとゐてあたたかし 要 空に雲なくて白梅すきとほる 和子 忘れられさうな径の梅紅し 順子 靖国の残る寒さを踏む長靴 和子 孕み猫ゆつくり進む憲兵碑 幸風 石鹸玉ゆく靖国の青き空 緋路 蒼天へ春のぼりゆく大鳥居 はるか
岡田順子選 特選句
能舞台昏きに満ちて春を待つ 光子 直立の衛士へ梅が香及びけり 同 さへづりや鉄のひかりの十字架へ 同 春の日を溜め人を待つベンチかな 秋尚 春風や鳥居の中の鳥居へと 月惑 料峭や薄刃も入らぬ城の門 昌文 梅香る昼三日月のあえかなり 眞理子 春陽とは街の色して乙女らへ 俊樹
(順不同特選句のみ掲載) ………………………………………………………………
令和5年2月 九州花鳥会 坊城俊樹選 特選句
ポケットの余寒に指を揉んでをり 勝利 黒真珠肌にふれたる余寒かな 美穂 角のなき石にかくれて猫の恋 朝子 恋仲を知らん顔して猫柳 勝利 杖の手に地球の鼓動下萌ゆる 朝子 シャラシャラとタンバリン佐保姫の衣ずれ ひとみ 蛇穴を出て今生の闇を知る 喜和 鷗外のラテン語冴ゆる自伝かな 睦古賀子 砲二門転がる砦凍返る 勝利 小突かれて鳥と屋や に採りし日寒卵 志津子 春一番歳時記の序を捲らしむ 愛
(順不同特選句のみ掲載) ………………………………………………………………
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ramanuruwa · 2 years
早速、皆へミッションだよ!らまぬるわの可愛さが伝わる俳句を #らまぬるわ可愛さ自慢俳句大会 をつけて投稿してね!
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kachou-news · 27 days
詳しくは各句会担当者までお問い合わせください。 ________________________
零の会 (坊城俊樹選・岡田順子選)
4月6日(土) 締切午後1時30分
連絡先:渡辺 光子 ☎090‒9812-4161
風月句会 (坊城俊樹選・栗林圭魚選)
4月21日(日) 締切午後1時30分
連絡先:飯川 三無 ☎090‒4742‒4503
花鳥月例会 (坊城俊樹選・岡田順子選)
4月28日(日) 午後1時より
連絡先:花鳥発行所 haiku-kachou.jp
なかみち句会 (栗林圭魚選)
毎月第2月曜日 締切午後1時
連絡先:山川 ます江 ☎044‒877‒4346
枡形句会 (栗林圭魚選)
毎月第2土曜日 締切午後1時
連絡先:武山 文英 ☎044‒911‒6002
毎月第3金曜日 午後1時より
連絡先:鈴木 月惑 ☎090-6947-4944
三日の月花鳥句会 (坊城俊樹選)
連絡先:高島 信義 ☎0778-51-1579
立待花鳥俳句会 (坊城俊樹選)
連絡先:髙島 信義 ☎0778-51-1579
武生花鳥俳句会 (坊城俊樹選)
毎月第2月曜日 午後1時より
連絡先:山岸 世詩明 ☎0778‒52‒8198
福井花鳥句会例会 (坊城俊樹選)
福井市地域交流プラザ アオッサ5F 501号
連絡先:山岸 世詩明 ☎0778‒52‒8198
柏翠俳句記念館句会 (坊城俊樹選)
毎月16日 午後1時30分より(常設俳句ポストに投句も可)
連絡先:山岸 世詩明 ☎0778‒52‒8198
鯖江花鳥俳句会 (坊城俊樹選)
毎月21日(休館の折は翌日) 午後7時より
鯖江公民館 ☎0778‒51‒3010
連絡先:山岸 世詩明 ☎0778‒52‒8198
花鳥さざれ会 (坊城俊樹選)
毎月(和尚より案内) 締切午後1時30分
連絡先:武田 天空 ☎0776‒36‒0378
連絡先:奥 清女 ☎0776‒66‒8631
さくら花鳥会 (岡田順子選)
連絡先:坂井令子 ☎0776‒36‒5215
鳥取花鳥会 (岡田順子選)
連絡先:鍜治屋 都 ☎0857‒54‒1172
毎月第2火曜日 午後7時より
連絡先:田村 美惠子 ☎090-4651-1463
色鳥句会 (坊城俊樹選)
毎月第1土曜日 午後1時より
連絡先:天野 かおり ☎080-9572-2810
〒276-0046 千葉県八千代市大和田新田905-11-306 岡田方
TEL: 047-752-1552
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a-s-k-cafe · 2 months
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poedei · 3 months
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niteshade925 · 4 months
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unamiblog · 1 month
開催日 :令和6年4月20日(土) 吟行地 :真間山弘法寺など 句会場 :市川市男女共同参画センター 「研修室E」 投句締切:13時半 (当季雑詠嘱目7句) 句会終了:16時予定
無料体験教室参加申し込みはこちらから送信してください。 ※どなたでもご参加いただけます ※講師の連絡先が分かる方は直接ご連絡してください。  ————————————————— (公社) 日本伝統俳句協会「卯浪俳句教室」では、  初心者のための俳句教室を開催しています。 俳句を通して、新しい世界を体験してみませんか? (無料体験教室の参加を募集中です)
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manabuhosaka · 7 months
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osuminorio · 7 months
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metal-cn · 8 months
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urusura · 1 year
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