#🍑 nonnie
howdoyousleep3 · 2 years
mama get ready to change my tag to 🍑 the simp
warehouse daddy is 🥵🥵🥵 making a girl forget she’s a bad bitch ok. so he /MADEEE/ dinner (i thought we were going out 🥲) he made the most perfect chicken parm i’ve ever had in my life. so when we got to his place, this is so fucking low i know but like…his place was actually fucking clean and not like the whole i can tell he just cleaned but like the…oh you can care for yourself without someone telling you to way. ANYWHOOO i unfortunately have a lot of dietary restrictions BUT HE CATERWD TO ALL OF THEM, HE EVEN HAD MY FAVORITE SODA. ALSO HE HAD BLANKETS THAT HE GOT JUSR FOR ME BC HE ONOWS IM ALWAYS COLD AND THE WHOLE TIME I WAS RRYING TO LIKE GE HELPFUL AND HE WAS LIKE “just let me take care of you mamas” MAMAS HE CALLED ME EOTHER TUCKING MAMAS OR PEACHES AND EYEEEEEEEEEEE. DIED.
we ended up watching three movies and then we uh… had a deliciously hot make out session, i didn’t spend the night but he did drive me home with a smack on the ass and a smooch 🥵
-🍑 the simp
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!!!!!!! PEACH BABY ohmygosh, this man is a Daddy this man is a Daddy. He made you dinner!! And he made it FOR you! And he has a clean home and he got your favorite soda and he got you blankies and he called you MAMAS! He outright said "let me take care of you"!!! AND THEN YOU MADE OUT AND HE TOOK YOU HOME AND SENT YOU TO BED WITH A SMACK ON YOUR ASS!
We are all simping so hard, holy shit. Fic dreams do come true. 😮‍💨
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rabbitenn · 8 months
hi i’ve been lurking quietly liking all your ryu content and i just want to say how much joy you brought me, especially today bc i’ve been super sick… i’ve barely smiled all day but the latest ryu imagine made me giggle and kick my feet :) thank you for writing him and everyone else so well! please take care yeehaw byeeee - 🍑 anon
i’m glad i could make you a little happy w my writing, dear 🥺 and i hope i can continue to do so <3
pls take care, i hope you get well soon 🩷
thank you sm for your kind words, seeing this ask made me smile as well hehe
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peachsayshi · 1 year
💮 and ⭐ for gojo for the headcanon thing,
p.s love your work 💞
★ - sad headcanon
satoru has a very hard time talking about suguru. his voice always cracks a little, especially when he reminisces about happier memories. sometimes you can see his blue eyes glaze over, even though the tears never actually fall. it breaks your heart to know that he no longer has a friendship like the one he cherished with suguru - and what hurts even more is that satoru never speaks about him with any sense of animosity - it's literally all love.
☆ - happy headcanon
if you could preserve any memory throughout your relationship it would be the first time you celebrated satoru's birthday together. you couldn't get over how excited he got about the balloons that you had set up around his apartment and the presents that you took the time to neatly wrap. you watch him slowly loosen the ribbon, and carefully remove the wrapping while trying his best not to rip the paper. when he opens your gift, his cheeks almost turn red from how hard he is smiling, and all your worries about whether it would be good enough for a man like him dissipated within seconds. he looks at you with stars in his eyes when you wish him a happy birthday and watch him blow out the candles on the cake that you took the time to decorate. he loves every imperfect detail, and praises you for your efforts when he swipes his long index finger across the icing. he has you sitting on his lap as you both share a slice or two. when you finish off the last crumbs, he kisses your cheek before looking at you so sweetly and telling you that he loves you.
put a symbol (or several) and a character/characters in my ask box, and I’ll give you a headcano
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hanniejji · 2 years
ANGST IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maple is now extremely strong because all of that training and stuff. So Kokomi thaugh that Maple could really help in a battle. Ayato didn't let Maple, because after all, Maple is just a kid. But Maple took this opportunity to see how strong they are rn. So Maple told Ayato that they will go see Yoimiya or smth.
Now Maple is fighting, everything is going well for now. But then Maple saw someone familiar.
"Kazuha...?" They kinda freezed at the spot and didn't notice that a soldier was shooting them with arrow.
NOOOWWWW😋😋😋YK what happeneds UwU
Anyways happy ending:
maple wakes up in hospital or whatever, in bed with Kazuha sleeping on the end of bed. (YK YK LIKE HE IS ON HIS KNEES AND HIS HEAD IS ON BED YK YK)
i dread the moment i see peach anon in my inbox because they always bring angst to me and i don't know whether i should be grateful or not
so yes i really think it would be just them sneaking out and trying to prove to ayato and internally they want kazuha to know of their strength too that they're capable of taking care of their own
and yes i prefer the happy ending goddammit
seeing kazuha beside them would turn the events so fucking much. imagine hating your brother for a year and seeing them in battle and beside your hospital bed when all this time you thought they didn't care about you? maple's conflicted and is emotionally overwhelmed. they don't know whether to be happy or not. deep inside though, they know they're happy to see him. no matter how much they deny it, they miss him terribly. but they're also still upset and frustrated and confused to the point that they just end up bursting into tears.
this would wake kazuha, who snaps to sit up the moment he hears their cries after a year of not seeing them.
when he tries to comfort them, this is when maple just... explodes on him. they yell at him—something they hadn't done before—everything they bottled up just pours out and into kazuha's trembling hands. they curse him while telling him how horrible it was to be separated from him, tells him they hate him but complains about how painful training was but they persevered because they wanted to be good enough for him, tells him that they don't want him back and that they don't need him but whimpers how lonely it was and to "stay, please, i don't know what to do without you."
in the middle of this, they hadn't noticed that kazuha had taken them in his arms and they have been hugging him tightly. they'd panic, trying to push him away and crying harder because they hurt him and he'll never want to be with them anymore.
but kazuha keeps them against his chest—they suddenly notice how fast his heartbeat was and the tears at the side of their head, his tears.
contrast to their yelling, kazuha speaks in the softest voice—a little shaky because of his tears—and admits how it was foolish of him to think that they'd have a better life in the care of the kamisato and that they won't suffer as much if he doesn't take them with him. he admits that he wanted to go back and bring them with him, but we feared that the tempest of storms will hurt them in their journey. he tells them of nights that he'd see them in his sleep, ten years from now, cursing him and hating him. tells them of the nights he'd cry himself to sleep because he missed having them in his arms and that maybe they're feeling cold without him too. he keeps apologizing, "i'm sorry, i'm terribly sorry, i'm sorry."
maple whispers that they too felt cold, the whole year they had been separated from him.
and for once, maple forgot everything and held their brother in a tight hug.
kazuha would later ask kokomi for help with the ache around his torso.
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onlyseokmins · 2 years
oooh i like what’s going on in ur brain 😌 i was personally thinking more of a like.. riding him while he’s handcuffed to the bed (and like. he could escape but then you’d stop and he’d rather die) bc you know he cannot keep his hands off of you unless you restrain him 😵‍💫 maybe you’re still mad about him letting the world see his tiddies like that (when they’re supposed to be only for you 😤) so u write smthin like “property of ___” under his collarbone <//333
- mysterious mingyu anon
i love how ur brain works too, mingyu would hate hate hate not being able to touch you but you're right he'd behave so well bc he's a pouty baby <333 god ik i'd be so mad about his tiddies being out like that actually i think that last part is saur cute <3 he'd totally agree if you told him to tattoo it across those nice big tiddies. He certainly has the real estate for it 😆😆😆 @onlymingyus come here and sign your man's tiddies since you won't stop bullying me <3
also anon i'm wheezing but if you'd like to return would you like a tag, dearest mysterious mingyu anon 🥰
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seraphdreams · 1 year
hey! i just found your blog today and just wanted to say that im in love! your writing is amazing!
-🍑 (if its not taken already)
really ?!! thank you! ꒰੭⸝⸝´˘`⸝⸝꒱੭ i really appreciate it!
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sh1-n0bu · 1 year
I just past four days obcess with a ia bot, now i need to broke that fucking code so i could move on 😤
-🍑 Being a simp over a robot
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katsukikitten · 2 years
Before I begin I would like to claim the 🍑 emoji as my identity lmao now onto business…
There are several people this chapter who make me wanna beat them with a rolled up newspaper.
Momo starting with you, you ponytail wearing whore. The fucking nerve to treat Katsuki like your own personal dildo knowing damn well your situation is a lie. Didn’t know when you chose your name the “everything hero” that included you being a fucking whore. I just know she sleeping with todoroki so fuck you whore for playing with Katsuki emotions and manipulating him for your own selfish release. Hope you lose every award that could make or break your career to some basic broad from some hick town, who got famous from YouTube 😂 and in case it wasn’t clear, you’re a whore.
Izuku Midoriya: of all of his friends I would have hoped you’d be the one who would say fuck what the doctor says, “Kacchan your life is a lie”. But nooooooooo you not only tell him to stop chasing ghosts knowing he thinking about his y/n, instead you tell him to focus on his wife WhoreMoMo. Knowing damn well that bitch don’t love him, especially it like y/n loves him. In short midoriya you fucked up. I know you reclaimed the name “Deku” but for this I’m taking back the original meaning, you’re useless Deku again until further notice. That’s why you’re not number 1 in this AU, and you failed all might. Now Go cry in a corner you useless green crapbag.
Now Mitsuki, I’m still mad with her from another fanfic where she didn’t like y/n being with Katsuki, so yeah fuck you hag. Call it me projecting my violent tendencies, but I full on support the idea of y/n just punching you in the face one good time. It’s what you deserve for being a crap mil. The audacity of you to show up to the Kirishima’s home to talk to y/n like you weren’t a bitch to her for no reason while she was with Katsuki. If anything I’m blaming all of this on you. The negative energy you put into the air on their wedding day is all coming back now so yeah I blame you. You cursed their marriage and for what? The whore who ain’t do shit for your son but make him miserable, deny him happiness for her own selfishness? yeah no fuck you hag. You better get on your knees and grovel while begging y/n for forgiveness. Idk where ya husband at but he needs to beg too, he’s in trouble by association because he failed to put your bitch ass in your place.
In conclusion fuck the three of you respectfully. And although they weren’t mentioned as much fuck everyone else who just letting Bakubitch walk around with missing memories for so long. Y’all ain’t real friends. The only real ones are the Kirishima’s they the only ones who get a pass because they were mostly helping y/n while she was down. But everyone else, y’all suck!
As for you kitten, keep up the good work. This has easily become a top 5 angst fic for me. It’s up there with calemrsbakugo fics “maybe” and “long gone” which broke me lmao. So yeah I’m expecting the same reaction I had for those fics when you wrap this story up. I’ll need to go on a fluff binder I just know it 😂
Oh and also I apologize for the excessive use of fuck. I harnessed my inner Bakugo for this rant 😂
PEACHY I LAUGHED SO HARD the fuck the three of you respectfully and the I don't know where ya husband is at 😂 this rant was too fucking funny thank you for sharing it with me. Please don't apologize for the excessive use of fuck that's my go to curse word 😂 dont get your hopes up on being broken just yet 💔
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cheshirecuffs · 2 years
Do you have a license for that dump truck?
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endious · 1 year
I just wanted to say good morning because I’m feeling happy and I like the theme change
GOOD MORNING/AFTERNOON/EVENING TO YOU !!! MWAH MWAHHH THANK YOU DOLL im glad you like it i am obsessed w the new theme myself 🫶🫶
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howdoyousleep3 · 2 years
i’m just gonna call myself 🍑
ok so so my lovely warehouse daddy (<- we gotta come up with something) is quite literally tooooooooo fucking unreal, he is my walking wet dream. when he first got hired hE LITERALLY WAS FLIRTING WITH ME THE ENTIRE TIME I WALKED HIM THROUGH THE WAREHOUSE SHOWING HIM WHERE THINGS ARE (like in the last 6 months or so have i been actually flirting back bc at first i thought you know.. he was just being friendly bc it wasn’t obvious (to me))
and like when it’s me and him and a couple of other people closing, i’m usually the last one out if i’m the one closing HE FUCKING WAITS FOR ME MAMA. LIKE HE’LL CLOCK OUT AND JUST PLAY ON HIS PHONE AND WAIT FOR ME
and when i get ready to like turn the lights out and walk out he just trails behind me like a lil puppy anD AFTER TODAY I CAN ONLY THINK HES JUST STARING AT MY ASS
like he’s like the strong quiet type which works bc i am what the people call a blabber mouth, i can fill any silence, BUT HE ALSO RESPONDS BACK TOMME IF I DO GET GOING YOU KNOW??? K SHOW ME THE WAY OML HOW DOES ONE !!!??!!?!!??!??!
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garoujo · 2 years
FINALLY going to start watching Jjk, i'm so behind on everything by a whole ass year but i'm excited to see Getoū and Nanami and Gojo too ig ��� i only "know" them from writings but i wonder who i'll actually be partial to. i have the whole day off so wish me luck ?? 😭✌️ [could i be 🍑-anon?? unless that's taken ofc]
aaaaaaa you’ll have 2 let me know who ur fave ends up being bbie ! i’m a gojo gurl 2 the end i’ve never switched teams ^_^ but good luck my loooove <3 don’t worry tht emoji isn’t taken so it’s all yours ò3ó !
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peachsayshi · 1 year
I had this thought about sitting between nanami’s legs as you both read a rather spicy book of yours. he’s an attentive man and wants to know what his wife’s interests are, you know? and as you hold the book in your hand, quickly skimming through the pages bc you kinda start feeling nervous, Nanami quickly puts one of his big fingers on a certain (smutty) page "Sorry, love, I'm not done reading yet." And you just feel his hard cock press against your back bc who would have thought that his pretty little wife would read such dirty stuff?
EEEEK! Nonnie, this gave me goosebumps sldkfjslkfj I can just imagine his hand resting lightly over yours as you keep the book open, and he quirks his brows whenever he reads any kind of dirty dialogue exchange...especially if it involves kinks that you have never been vocal about before.
but, but...you know what really gets to me about this?
it's you sitting there with your cheeks burning when you feel nanami rest his chin on your shoulder and he points to a particularly dirty paragraph before asking in that deep, smooth voice: "I could do this for you, you know that right?"
ask 💌 
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hanniejji · 2 years
Btw ik you said you will focus on writing other things but i need to write this BEFORE I FORGET THIS😓😒
It says that Kazuha's mother died, now i have 2 ideas. What if Kazuha's mother died while giving birth to Maple or what if their mother died of illness.
For now we will do the second one 🥳!
So yk when you did au where Kazuha left Maple with Kamisato siblings?
Let's say some months after Kazuha left, Maple started to feel weird. They would get more tired, even whitout doing physically hard job, they would get sick often,it's hard for them to fall asleep and they feel weak in general. Maple at first ignore it, thinking it was nothing, but after 4 weeks they told Kamisato siblings about how weird they feel lately. Ayato called a private doctor (i bet they have a private doctor) to check what is wrong with Maple.
Maple got the same illness that their mother had, doctor said that he will keep and eye on Maple and check them here and there to see if it is bad, and that Maple should rest for a while.
(ofc Ayato wrote a letter or smth for kazuha to inform him, but that everything seems fine for now and he shouldn't be too worried)
It was going well, everything seem normal, but one day....it just...went down, you know. Maple suddenly felt worse than before. Maple got a high fever, started to feel really weak and they barely got any sleep. Their condition got worse everyday.
At that time visions hunt decree ended and Kazuha was excited to see his beloved sibling after so long! After battle,first location he went was Kamisato estate. He was expecting to see Maple doing well and happy. But...he was wrong!😱 When he entered the estate he was meet with Ayaka's (we love her!!!♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️) sad eyes and Ayato right beside her. He asked where is Maple.
"Kaedehara we- *sigh*about Maple, last 2 days they... their condition got worse and doctor said that,well..."
"They don't have much time left." Ayato finished Ayaka's sentence." Their room is at the end of hall on right."
(Let me tell you, kazuha was faster than Sonic at that moment)
When Kazuha opened the door he saw Maple laying on bed,sleeping. Their look so...weak. Kazuha kneeled beside them, holding their tiny hands in his. Their hands were so cold and their breathing was heavy, they were slightly shaking and they had sweat on their forehead.At that moment Kazuha literally felt like a damn sword went through his chest. He didn't know what to do, he just stared at them. He felt like his whole world was destroyed.He didn't want to believe it, Maple is so young and innocent, they didn't deserve that.
"Nii-san?" He was bring back when he heard his little sibling's voice. His little Maple, his everything. They sound so weak, he barely heard them.
"is this really you? Am I dreaming?"
He kissed their forehead and laid his bandaged hand on their warm cheek. "H-hey there...No, you're not dreaming, it's me...it's all alright now, its gonna be o-okay." He didn't notice tears running down his cheek, he was to focused on Maple.
"Rest for now,okay? I'll tell you everything about my travels once you get b-better, alright?"
"Okay... goodnight nii-san..."
"Goodnight little one, p-please get better soon."
My this is so long for what 😧 yeah there is probably so much grammar mistakes but eh. NO CUZ THIS IS LONG I DIDN'T MEAN IT TO BE THAT LONG. Have a good day/night!!! <3
fuck you
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Bucky being in the back seat in the "can you move your seat up" scene in civil war was def part of marvel's stucky "no-homo parade" and (literal) backgrounding of Bucky cuz execs couldn't handle Bucky being close to Steve by that point, but it's frustrating cuz they had Scott fanboy-flirt with Steve in one of those "Marvel has a male character remind the audience that Steve is sexy" parts in damn near the same scene.
and they didn't even need to change much beyond dialogue, a gay writer (or bold visionary actor) DEFINITELY could've used Bucky being behind 👀 Steve to do a counterpart to Scott's little "wow" part and looking up and down the front of Steve's body. imagine it like this;
Bucky: Can you move your seat up? [Sam refuses] [Turns to Steve] Move your seat up, punk.
Steve: [obeys casually without question]
Sam: [eyes this interaction weirdly] Seriously? Just like that?
---and when they get out of the car;
[Sam still staring at them weirdly while Bucky gets out of the car, and Steve notices and asks what's up and they go back and forth a bit up Bucky comes back into frame and yanks Steve's door open]
Bucky: Do you need a guy to open your door or something now? [Bucky casually offers his hand to pull Steve out of the driver's seat]
Steve: [Looks over at Sam who's staring even harder at him now] It's not what it looks like.
[Steve makes a point of grabbing Bucky's shoulder instead and climbs out of the car, Bucky closes the driver's door behind Steve and leans against it while Steve gets ready to talk to team Cap]
[Bucky is position behind Steve like he was in the car, looks around the parking garage for a bit before stopping on Steve's big shoulders and letting his eyes go down Steve's back (to his 🍑 )]
[Steve turns back and catches Bucky doing it, and they both turn away quickly. Steve suddenly starts adjusting his super tight t-shirt for no reason while the rest of team Cap arrives. Sam is the first one to say something to them]
Sam: I'm riding with one of you guys next time.
franky, I love the parts where marvel uses the male characters to textually present Steve's good looks ("you're keeping the outfit, right?" is another one), they should've leaned into it more and had both Bucky and Scott tag team on this, it's fun it's zesty, what's not to like?
LOL nice scriptin' there nonny.
They like to straightwash and 'fix' any gay insinuations by pulling a 'LOL straight bro acting gay isn't this hilarious??' a la TFATWS. Textbook locker room homophobia. 🙄
Plus, they don't like SebStan, and need extra money in the budget to pay for Gary Stu Jr's salary (sadly, SebStan's agent doesn't have the same Main Character Syndrome story-warping power as his). So they decimate Bucky's dialogue and significance to allow them to underpay the (wrong) actor. 🤬
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fayes-fics · 2 months
So we all know that Anthony and Benedict have different erm approaches? behaviors? for their bum scenes. Do you think Benedict’s bum will play a role in his “glow up” for s4? Will we finally see him unclench???
Hi Nonny!
Bwhahaha so glad you also noticed Benedict’s arse - while a beautiful toned 🍑 that has graced my blog header for almost two years - was also quite clenched in its big scene. Bless him. 🥹
He definitely needs to take relaxed “my bum is amazing LOOK AT IT” tips from his older brother. At this point they should just replace the title card tree for the show with Viscount bum… right?
Anyway, if Benedict’s bum doesn’t play a role in his s4 glow up (that better be his season or I’ll cry…), then what even is the point of this show? I want that naked bum emerging from a lake, unclenched, and it needs to be entirely gratuitous. Thank you Bridgerton writers. Thank you. 🙏
And thanks to you Nonny for this very important 🧐 ask 😁🧡🧡
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