#(for years i have told her how little data video games use compared to them streaming shows on hd and she never really believes me i think)
superchat · 1 year
i try to talk to my mom and stuff but even just a 15 minute talk is so draining
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abroadchangedme69 · 2 years
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After Amsterdam I went to Brussels for three nights. When I told my Ukrainian bunkmate that I’d be staying three nights he exclaimed “you’ve given this city too much respect!” It definitely wasn’t the most exciting stop on my trip but I still enjoyed my stay. Part of the reason was because I booked a hotel with dorms instead of a hostel so there wasn’t much of a social atmosphere. I took a day trip to Bruges which was nice. A very pretty and touristy little town.
I found a good chess book that I’ve been enjoying. Usually when I try to read books on chess they’re either too rudimentary, too advanced or too dry to hold my attention. This one is at the appropriate level and there’s actually quite a bit of humor in the writing, which I think might not be so common among chess authors. I also spent some time listening to podcasts about dopamine regulation. Dopamine is commonly known as the “pleasure chemical,” which is somewhat accurate, but it has everything to do with motivation and focus. I’m not well-educated on the topic, but it seems to me that understanding how to effectively manage my dopamine reward system will be essential to making the kind of progress - and more importantly finding the type of fulfillment - that I want in my life. Some general takeaways are that activities that cause a large spike in dopamine levels (using social media, playing video games, certain types of drugs etc) make it much more difficult to subsequently enjoy activities that are less exciting (like reading a book about chess). So by reducing or removing these types of activities, you can basically train your brain to reward you for comparatively more mundane tasks. How much more could I do if I simply enjoyed the act of improvement instead of chasing the highs of accomplishment? I would be able to achieve new levels of mastery while leading a more fulfilling life. I suppose that will be a major focus moving forward - heavily moderating any activity that spikes dopamine levels too easily, especially without adding any real value to my life.
This is my fourth and final night in Berlin. An interesting city. I spent most of my time roaming the streets. I met some very interesting people, though I still spent most of my time alone. On the first night I met a 34-year-old from Uganda named Calvin. I’m very glad I ran into him, the conversations I had with him are among the most valuable I’ve had on this trip. He owns two businesses with his wife but was originally trained as a doctor. He still goes on medical missions with some frequency and is heavily involved with a nonprofit. I’m at a point in my life where I am searching for purpose, and his perspective was invaluable to me as someone who’s found his own. He spoke of the gratification and fulfillment that comes from giving to others with no expectation of receiving something in return. We talked about how focusing too much of your energy on yourself brings you out of balance, and that is all too common in Western societies and in capitalism. If you want to be happy, help others find happiness. If you want to find purpose, help others find purpose. It seems that much of what I currently struggle with does not have a direct solution. Calvin also sold me on visiting Africa through his nonprofit, and pitched me (someday) starting an NGO to help young Ugandan entrepreneurs understand and leverage data to support their businesses.
Other notable Berlin friends include Dodo, an adorable older Taiwanese woman with somewhat broken English. We had a drink at the hostel bar last night and she told me all about her family and travels. I didn’t understand a lot of what she said so I did a lot of smiling and nodding. She thanked me for helping her practice her English. Very wholesome. While waiting to check in to the hostel I met a group of Scottish mothers with teenage children (that they left in Scotland). Moms love me. Apparently they work in fintech and one of them jokingly offered me a job. I think she was pretty high up in the company, I bet that could’ve turned into an actual lead if I showed more interest.
I also met Melanie, a 27-year-old from Amsterdam that seems to have a deep understanding of who she is and what brings her joy. She’s been sleeping in the bunk below mine and we’ve had some pleasant conversations. Tonight we were both in the room looking for places to eat so I asked her if she wanted to go somewhere together. She said no, she’d like to be alone. Kind of a funny situation - in another context that could be interpreted as as her not liking me. I get it though, she took this trip to be alone and reflect. We had another nice conversation when we got back. I always enjoy speaking to introspective people.
At times I wonder if I’m traveling the “right” way, but I know this is a trap. In Barcelona when I went to the bunkers to watch a sunset it was pretty crowded and I found myself spending a bunch of time looking for a good place to sit. I had a thought - a great way to waste a sunset is by looking for the best view.
Prague tomorrow.
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yngai · 3 years
one of the main reasons ada has survived this long working on her own ( outside her predisposition to manipulate people into doing her job for her, a paradoxical method of both minimising & maximising risk ) is that she essentially became her own handler / IT support .  while she necessitated such aid early on in her career, especially during her time at umbrella, a naturally precarious mission which required years of preparation on part of umbrella’s rival corporations as well as several fellow spies implanted within the company that made way for ada’s hiring an assistant researcher in the arklay laboratory .  the death of her handler by his own hand, discovered upon her arrival at their agreed meeting point at the apple inn, despite her securing a sample of the g-virus ( or scraping a tissue fragment off william birkin’s corpse depending on route or adaption ), the sudden, brief release from her dependency on his guidance + the organization during her espionage only reinforced a core aspect of her personal philosophy, that of all people in this world, the only person she can ever rely on is herself .
of course, albert wesker came to her rescue, but his gloved hand was an underhanded offer & even back then, before they would become rival agents of the organization, she knew all he saw in her was just another card in his deck, easily shuffled out when she is no longer of any use .  it was an offer she couldn’t refuse & did little to dissuade her belief in self-reliance .  it only bolstered it, truly, for when she will find herself in a situation like this again, if she even allows herself that uncertainty overcasting her life, her exit will be assured far in advance .  if albert wesker was to treat her as a stepping stone for his own ambitions, she would only do so in return & their animosity grew from that initial meeting, an impersonal video call amidst a dying city .
ada wong’s shift in persona, from a scared woman trying to survive the hell of raccoon city, grasping at straws & desperate manipulations all in the vein hope of survival, to the fully realised spy whose status within the criminal underworld was akin to legend, was a multi-step process which the organization facilitated as her success retrieving secretive data & virus samples from within umbrella’s own, most well-guarded facilities was a display of realised promise, scouted for her talents & interests by the organization just as she had earned her degree .  a strong foundation, natural talent, myriad potential careers ahead of her, an interest in the filed & a pretty face, beneath a burning determination to make something of herself .  she was the perfect candidate & eager to commit to the life of an actress without audience, a lifelong dream without the one setback that halted it early on .  she became a guarantee of completed missions of even greater importance to their goal of overthrowing their competitor’s hold on the pharmaceutical industry & the development of biological weapons of war, an entrée into a lucrative black market that would follow when umbrella’s trade secrets make their way into criminal hands .
she was an asset & fully aware of it, but left scarred & bleeding after setting two feet in hell .  weak, bruised & fearful beyond imagination, there was a purpose here which she clung tightly onto, not the organization or their goals, she held no belief in them beyond wanting to see umbrella burn, but a chance to become something greater, something better .  like the woman painted in the legends told about her, infinitely capable, deeply calculating, twirling the world on her finger .  it would come at a cost, as all such matters often do, personal & moral in equal measure .  too much of a danger for her to return home, a risk that the few people she cared for most would become a liability in her life as a spy & she would much rather they think her dead .  allying herself with the organization’s heart will paint her in colours likened to umbrella, but the rest of the world does not often consider the reputation of a dead woman & in the long run it would not matter anyway, she was not planning on sticking around .
ada agreed to pay that price in full & thus, was given further training to account for how umbrella’s evil would mutate in the coming years, taken new, far worse forms as it exchanged shadowy hands .  though the organization could only provide so much, training ada as an H.C.F. field operative with only few additions to account for her personal conduct, lacking certain skills which instrumental to her survival which she sought to teach to herself.  while there are many facets to account for in the transition between ada’s initial equipment & skill-set in resident evil 2, compared to her much different, twice kidnapped notwithstanding, effortless professionalism displayed in 4 ( i went over her physical development in a brief ramble in the tags here ), i should probably return to origin & discuss her ability as a hacker .  a talent she picked up quickly, almost second nature, coding her own malicious software, exploiting vulnerabilities within well guarded digital systems .  already quick on her feet & adaptable, fast thinking translating from perilous situations to the computer screen, ada found hacking to be akin to the act of manipulation, finding & using a vulnerability against your target .  people & their personalities were systematised within her mind, like code, their wants & desires, their history, all absorbed & accounted for to predict every future movement .  not a perfect process, her own prejudices get in the way of fully perceiving others, her cynicism resulting from a sense of helplessness & of everyone else, she will never have access to her own code .  she understands, she infers, she consumes information at a rapid pace & sometimes that is enough but she is not above making mistakes, pitfalls of her own mind & they each cost her .
during raccoon city, her closest equivalent was the EMF visualizer, introduced in the remake but a piece of tech i rather enjoy as a callback(?) to her future abilities in regards to computers while being deceptively simple & fitting for the 1998 setting .  a fairly self-explanatory, rudimentary piece of technology that detects & interacts with the electromagnetic field generated by moving currents, though it is more apt at doing so with the force created by an electric field as opposed to a magnetic one, as the former is much stronger that the latter .  it allows its user to scan & interact with circuitry by directing charges within an electric system, or short-circuiting any point along it .  while referred to as hacking in-game, it bares very little resemblance to the real deal & quite limited .  it was a portable, small-scale EMP generator that disrupts low-level electronics & can cause more complicated tech to, essentially, glitch ( thus bypassing NEST’s identification system ) .  ada used it to destroy intake fans in raccoon city’s sewers, primarily & any access to umbrella’s internal database was acquired through her position as an assistant researcher before her credentials were erased &, would there be anything above her clearance level, the ID & passwords swiped off of dr. john clemens & dr. annette birkin, respectively .  john, of course, was far more willing to part with his than annette, both because of his infatuation with ada & his plan to leak arklay’s darkest secrets to the world .
with the evolution of technology, the dawn of the information age &, i suppose, the slight discrepancy in its advancement between the ressie universe & reality ( though a lot of what we consider groundbreaking today was developed years prior for military use before going public, meaning both umbrella & the organization would have rather easy access to such advancements quite early ), ada’s only necessity in regards to cyber-security was a computer connected to whatever secure, private network she wanted to break into .  for example, a pair of smart-glasses outfitted with such that are convenient, portable & fashionable, able to discharge a non-lethal explosive, the equivalent of a stun grenade, if activated .  used to scan an encroaching environment, any digital system she wishes to interact with &, in certain instances, as the eyes & ears of anyone overseeing her mission from afar .  hardly a replacement for a proper computer, but a useful tool nonetheless & easy to discard for fear of her tampering being tracked .  as technology develops even further, ada does upgrade from bulky laptops to tablets, to phones & whatever permutations they might take in future, a weird cube .  her abilities as a hacker, tied to a fictionalised rendition of the practice for the fun of it, grow with the tech & tie directly into how she becomes her own handler .  information is a currency, after all, & before every mission ada does extensive reconnaissance on the people & places she will be tasked with visiting, sometimes relying on a web of contacts around the world formed after years of spy-work .  anything too secretive & too hidden is relegated to field discovery, as she would rather her targets not be on alert after a potential cyber-attack .  she prefers it this way, while she always steps into a new mission with an exit strategy already meticulously planned, there is fun & risk to be had in being physically present for a grand revelation & she never passes up the chance for that thrill .  after the organization succumbs to internal conflict & she sets the stage to work freelance, ada begins carrying herself through her objectives & any outside help, predominantly in regards to transport & accommodation, different missions requiring different resources, is given to her by her various employers .  a sort of guarantee, an advanced payment, if you will, though she is not above taking those in cash just as well .  using any resource at her disposal, what is provided willingly, what is not, the people she encounters throughout her life, all to ensure her success, her survival .
a fun little headcanon to end on :  between missions, ada has taken up a little side-project that blurs the line between work & leisure .  leaking sensitive information between rival companies & criminal organizations only to sit back & watch them destroy each other, or to a hungry press looking for the next big story, satiating a starving public seeking explanation for the continuous state of disarray .  gray hat hacking to pass the time, if you will .  she isn’t looking to make waves, she takes no credit for her tampering, would be poor form for a woman wrapped in mystery, & rarely strikes businesses with an international reach, where the real damage is done .  its merely a way to pull strings & watch the world spin, a performance she enjoys viewing from afar .
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otheenglishsetters · 3 years
WIP (AKA, I never published my work on Tumblr before and I am TERRIFIED)
Hello! I finally gave in and splurged on a Xbox this year, which may have also coincided with my rising anxiety and boredom since I’ve decided to take a year off of college (my senior year to be exact). Luckily, my boyfriend and friends, knowing how I tend to throw myself into fictional worlds when I am stressed had recommended to me this sweet little game series. It was filled with space and wonder and characters so wonderful that they will make your heart hurt.
That, dear readers, was Mass Effect. 
I had already played a little of the first game of the original trilogy at the very beginning of 2020 at my boyfriend’s house, long before all of my post-college plans came crashing down (as did the world too!) 
So I finally invested my time (and money) into Mass Effect Andromeda in November of 2020. Let me tell you, after loosing control over everything else in my life [laying panicked in bed, constantly praying that the pandemic would not claim the life of my middle aged father after already losing my mother to lung cancer just two years prior], it was unbelievably refreshing to be able to have some resemblance of control in this fictional world (And yes, I realize that this is a video game and of course I have control). And the fact that what Bioware was doing was...pretty freaking great.
So, I apologize if this is coming off a pity-party, I promise, it isn’t supposed to be. It’s more like I had just finished my first playthrough of my first videogame ever and I am filled with feelings and emotions. I never post original content on Tumblr, and that’s mostly because I got scared off posting my work after receiving mean-spirited reviews when I posted my fanfiction on Fanfiction.com years and years ago (which is fair, because looking back my work wasn’t that great, but holy crap I was 14 guys!) I have not written creatively since my high school creative writing class in senior year, but this game and this winter, I thought I would try? And hopefully get to connect with other fans? Let me know what you guys think; I’m planning to add more chapters/content soon. Okay, I’ll quit rambling...
He notices that she tends to have a lazy eye. He’s not sure when exactly he notices this, but it’s becoming more and more apparent.
Which is not a problem, absolutely not. In fact, he thinks it’s adorable in a way, especially when she’s tucked into a pillow and loudly craving sushi. 
“I wondered if she was mocking me,” Keema notes one day. Out of all the Angara Reyes has had the pleasure to meet, she still seems one of the few who can truly read humans in a non-lateral sense. Her favorite so far was when she discovered the music genres of both EDM and metal in the same day, “it wasn’t until I was approving shipping orders from the docks the other day I realized why. The Pathfinder needs glasses.”
She also loses control of her lazy eye, it seems, mostly at night, usually by 2300 hours standard time. 
“I’ve been reading studies about team bonding.”
He hums as he rubs her back. Sara, despite commenting on the numerous things she’s done throughout her day, seems wired and intent on rambling. He’s okay with that. More than okay, it’s been years practically since either of them has had a free moment to even been able to just relax in bed and daydream. They probably both haven’t been able to enjoy this luxury since they were…teens? Finishing school and about to launch themselves into the military? For him, he figures it was before that, probably when he decided to work for that florist at 12. Sara gives bits and pieces of her life in the Milky Way but he thinks she was definitely a kid who tried to ‘help’ C-Sec with their cases, constantly looking for ways to help people in any way she can. He smiles. It’s probably a never-ending itch for her. 
And now? He’s just content that he convinced her to come down to Kadara to ‘inspect Ditaeon’, or whatever bullshit she told Tann. Luckily, it seems that life is, slower? No, that’s not it, people are more than excited to create themselves anew here. Stores and trading posts are popping up everywhere and another hospital has just been built in Prodromos. There’s practically a whole shopping district in Kadara now, with outdoor venues and a movie theater that plays cinema classics every night. It’s more like they both are finally properly settled into their positions, like when a CEO is situated in a new company. Sure, the CEO may face numerous problems at first, especially if it’s during a recession or the company is about to go bankrupt. The CEO may even have to intimidate secondary managers and fight to gain respect; however, once the dust settles, whilst there may be everyday problems, it’s nothing compared to what it used to be. Usually, these problems are solved by lunchtime, mid-morning if either of them are lucky.
In the old days, when she appeared to be this amped up, Reyes would subtly (or not so subtle, it depends on how you look at it), swoon her until they had sex. It probably didn’t feel that way at the time, but sometimes Reyes cringes when he thinks of how rushed their attempts at romance used to be. Back then, they didn’t know how long she would be in the area and they would race to make the most of the evening. Now he wonders how much he used to unconsciously push aside the thought that either one of them could be dead the next day. 
Errrr. Negative bedtime thoughts. Not good for sleepytime. 
“Are you listening?”
“You were just telling me how you were reading various theses on social exchange theory but then you were already anxious about the thing that you have yet to tell me so you decided to read something familiar like one of the works by Dr. Brené Brown,” he pauses to give a quick glance at the data pad in his right hand. “Mi cielo, I have been informed to tell you that your contacts have been delivered as they were just sent in, along with the rest of the Tempest’s supplies, this morning.” 
He liked to think he was a good boyfriend.
“I hate when you do that.”
“What?” Listen? Dearest, it’s part of the job description as your lover. Speaking of, remind me to pick up toilet paper tomorrow.”
“No, multitask.”
He sighs and reaches up into the upper center of her back. Oof, she really is tense there. “You do it too.”
“Not at nighttime!” She scowls and rubs her eyebrow. “Ew, when did I become an old prune as soon as it gets dark?”
He starts tenderizing the hard muscle. Mentally, he makes a note to remind her later when she’s not grumpy to do her prescribed yoga. “We’re all getting older dear. I’m thirty-one and the other day I heard my knees crack.” 
She was silent. Any other fool would think that she was lost in thought while others would be jealous of the close bond she shares with her AI. Honestly, Reyes is just grateful she spends any of her time with him, let alone his bed. And if she occupies a part of it in a mental showdown with SAM, who is he to complain. 
“SAM thinks you should get an appointment. Even if Dr. Nakamoto is busy, there’s plenty of others who are just as qualified. Also, I think Peebee and Jaal are sleeping with each other.” 
  Both he and Sara know the in(s) and the outs of their jobs so well by now, that he can probably predict easily what his men will ask for even before the message is downloaded on his office’ terminal. However right now, as Reyes stops reading a report on corn being grown on Havarl that he already skimmed over this morning over his huevos rancheros, all he can think about before checking to see if he is correct is how her left non-dominant eye is floating far out to the side. 
Hmmm, who knew fraternization would be cutting into his beauty sleep? 
If you made it this far, thanks so much for checking this out! I apologize for any grammar mistakes. If you’re confused, this is set to take place three years after the Hyperion first makes contact with the Nexus in the Andromeda Galaxy. I was just so intrigued by the dialogue between Jaal and Peebee. And then, after the initial curiosity, I was about to forget about it when I came across some interesting dialogue while driving the Nomad...
Jaal: Vetra, I catch Peebee looking at me. Frequently.
Vetra: Peebee likes new shiny things. Uhh… and why not? You’re genuinely interesting.
Jaal: Vetra, remember when I told you that Peebee was looking at me? Frequently?
Vetra: Yeah? Is it getting annoying? Want me to say something?
Jaal: No, no, no. It’s… just that… lately, I find myself… looking back. 
Vetra: Huh.
So of course I had to dig into that! And what better way to do so than by using my new favorite ship: Reyes and Sara? (Domestic times!)
Anyways friends, hopefully my writing isn’t awful and you enjoyed yourselves. I may wake up in the morning and delete this. Who knows. 
Have a great day guys!
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
When your tired after a 16hr shift yesterday so you rant about Sonic and explain why aggressive writing vs. neutral writing helps with sharing ideas
Me and my online Sonic friend talking about Belle.  (I’m skipping some dialogue throughout the chat, this was lazily put together lol)
WARNING: It’s long, and it’s a rant. So please note that I’m blatantly aware of how wrong my aggressive, sleep-deprived rant was and that I’m stating “DON’T PRESENT YOUR IDEAS LIKE THIS!” because this is not a healthy nor effective way of sharing ideas.
ALSO, ALL THE MENTIONS OF WHAT I BELIEVE MY FRIEND IS FEELING OR THINKING DURING MY RANT ARE ENTIRELY MY OPINON. If she tells me to delete something or change it I will without hesitation but I find it funny, as I look back, to insert what I think might be going on in her mind XD She might have been oblivious to me but I’ll get her thoughts and change anything if necessary.
It’s also how most trolls and antis and even some ‘not experienced writers’ write their ideas out, and it can be easily avoided by using Neutral Writing Methods. So this is a ‘don’t do this, but try this’ post. Enjoy my badly written, sleepy aggressive rant~<3 (Also, my friend gave me permission to share this lol)
Me: She could be for entertaining little kids. But we already have too many OCs, and they're not 'dying off' any time soon so...I smell a mini-series backup plan...and I don't like what that means for Sonic. And it is cute, sorry, my brain is off the hook right now, I'll keep things to myself cause you may not like what I'm predicting and I'm getting sad thinking about it ;-; so, want to be wrong.
(Friend mentioned “Tinker Bell” spin on name.)
That's precious, but can I get a link to the reference sheet plz? Reference sheets can tell a lot about a chara's functionality if you compare it to the 'needs' of the casts. it can help predict their role. I think she's meant to help but also entertain the kids, maybe planted with a secret. Her goal could be to come back to Mr. Tinker but Eggman abuses that and tricks her into a new robot. I got a weird theory about her but I'll just say that she's probably gonna go a bit dark. But be cute and make the audience go, "Aww, poor thing! She's a cinnamon roll" at first, wonder if they'll equip her with 'happy backstory, tragic ending' kinda thing to switch the usual 'tragic backstory happy ending' but I feel this is a tragic character meant to pull emotion out.
(Friend understands my concerns but mentions there hasn’t been a ‘Bad’ Oc for the comic)
No one sets out to create a 'bad character' especially professional writers like these guys. But what makes a character 'bad' is if you ruin or oversaturate their purposes. If she's a main character that over-shines others with too much story then the audience feels 'betrayed' because they want that screen time for the main casts to express themselves and shine through. That's just an example. When working with IPs like Sonic casts, you HAVE to remember the fanbase is expecting things Do you like my OCs? be honest lol Not from my prompts. There's a specific way to handle a OC that helps the main cast shine and reveals their characters more. AU Ocs help Canon Characters in many ways.
(Friend admits they have not seen my OCs in some of my fanfictions, they’ve only really read my prompts.)
Oh, well, some of my fanfictions have OCs, not Lavinya, she's just a mascot. My Sonic OC that retried XD Sorry, I'm misspelling a lot but I hope you don't mind, my spellcheck sucks and I've given up on it lol Oh, so you don't know Harmony, Ol'Wizzy, and Data?Or the Metal Series? Well, there are specific Ocs that my readers like and they express/compliment the canon characters to where even though they're a main character, they don't intervene with the Main Cast's goals. They actually help. Then everything I'm gonna say won't have much merit so I'll just focus on waiting to see if my predictions for Sonic IDW will come true, but I really hope they don't do what it looks like they strategically might be pulling... I hate SEGA marketing- 
(The beginning of my aggressive rant, please note that I’m not thinking about my image and am writing tired and lazy. This is an example of how NOT to express your opinions in negative ways. It doesn’t influence good at all.)
Their ploys are outdated and frankly, do not work for their IPs market. They target the wrong age group, they have no idea how to organize themselves, and they don't have a leading 'elder' so to speak (just a professional among them) to make good calls. So you have young adults (not super professionals, this might be their first real company job) trying to target internet culture and failing their IPs. They're doing outdated Nintendo tactics that only worked for NINTENDO! Also some other companies that have DIED so why are you copying their marketing strats!? stop! lol
Friend: Did you study marketing because this entire convo kinda flew over my head in terms of understanding (This should have indicated to me that my words were coming off too factual and had too many ‘jargons’ going on. I was losing my ‘reader’ through my rant, but my tired brain would not cease!)
Sonic's trying to morph into something he's not and they're following outdated college course books and it's not gonna help... they're leading Sonic further down and the creators in japan have no power cause all the power is in the stock holders who are stupid money-hungry americans who have lost faith in American SEGA leading SEGA of Japan to move on to other things
Friend: mostly just got you don’t like the marketing (Huge red flag! This means my friend is starting to tune my info out, it’s because I’m presenting my ideas in a slightly aggressive writing style. There are trigger words here that lead an reader to start doubting you. This is why, in most of my answer posts, I make sure to write Neutral writing methods, but I’ll mention that more after my rant lol XP)
It's just bad. Lol I have a Frankenstein degree, (Now I’m justifying myself, which was caused by my aggressive approach. If I simply stated this in a more ‘neutral writing method’ then I wouldn’t have to worry about creditability claims because I’m not trying to sell my idea as the high authority on it.) which means I have knowledge on many different fields. I never took a fully -dedicated- 'marketing class' I took a lot of different communication classes that went to my overall major. One was directly about how you present, sell, and look at marketing tactics. So I have my fingers in many different fields, my major was "Creative Writing for Fiction and Film with an Emphasis in Video Production and a Cluster in Theatre Arts." So I can be on camera, off camera, post and pre production, creative table and actual filming. Does that make sense? (I’m not fully awake to realize what I’m writing, but it’s clear at this point I’m starting to wake up and realize I’m ranting and tossing my ideals of how to present ideas out the window, but let’s watch my follies and learn from them, shall we?) I have theories on what SEGA is going to do, and I have my worries because it's all outdated. It worked for older companies but those companies also targeted a varying audience, which SEGA refuses to see themselves as for a 'teenage audience' which is exactly why they boomed in the 90s. Their target audience is now 20s.
Friend: There are Kids who also like Sonic, even if they don’t play the games though. (Due to my aggressive tactics from not thinking clearly about, not just the what, but the HOW I’m writing, it has turned my friend into a ‘contrasting neutrality’ which is amazing by the way that she did this! She noticed my writing was turning aggressively ranting, and being my friend, didn’t want to be rude about what she was noticing. -I’m guessing lol- so instead, she took the commentary approach, which is to state the good as well. This is a terrible position to put your reader into, and you should make sure to always have good examples and good praise mixed in to contrast any opposing or aggressive statements you ever make. -though you should avoid aggressive writing at all times- Sadly, this does put the reader, in this case my friend, in a very vulnerable position. It leaves them open for attack... but thankfully, she’s a wonderful friend and had trust that I wouldn’t hurt her on her counter-follow-up.)
So instead of using their 40 to 50 year old charts, start with looking at early millennial trends and desires. They tried for 'angst' to 'adultify' Sonic but it busted because we are STICKLERS for animation. Because their story was so scrapped together and had no actual character depth, motivation, or even emotional growth to develop for future game lore, they went for the 'easy made game' (Easy baked oven quote lol that’s just mean XD) We loved the trailer, it was well made, but they threw their animators elsewhere and made the programmers (WHO BLANATLY ADMIT THEY DONT KNOW HOW TO DO STORY/GRAPHICS) and made them do things they aren't trained in. Those micro-head movements and mouths took them A LONG TIME to figure out.
(My friend is now agreeing with me several times through my rant. This is a tactic that is used as ‘avoidance’ but also for ‘appeasement’. She’s probably tuned out by now, but respects what I’m saying but is also incredulous at it as well. It’s fair, I’ve cornered her into my sleepy-time rant, and being the lovable woman that she is, she is simply waiting for me to realize my follies lolol I wish she would have told me but I think she knew I was beyond ‘logical reasoning’ at this point and was just letting me get it all out lolol What a good friend TDT)
Animation can't be learned that fast AND expect them to program a game AT THE SAME TIME. Sonic Forces was a 'split up SEGA' trying to get those who survived and said, "Yeah, I'll stay in this job." to do things that THEY AREN'T EVEN TRAINED IN. you put a game programmer on animation and some other stuff they didn't know what to do with and expect it be a top-notch seller.
Friend: (in more attempts to join in and be a ‘participant’ of the conversation I’m clearly dominating -MY ABSOLUTE BAD- she tried to engage normal conversation flow into the discussion again. At this point, she probably did notice I wasn’t my usual self, and just decided to play along and enjoy the ride lolol I’m just guessing this tho, but it’s a good chance to reflect on what ‘wrongs’ I was doing and what ‘rights’ she was doing during this situation ;)b) My big issue with SEGA is that they rush everything. A lot of things would’ve been better if they had the proper time.
That was resolved actually.
Friend: Oh? It was? (Although this looks like an encouragement, it’s actually just another avoidance tactic to help me ‘get the venting out’ but it’s clear she’s not fully onboard anymore. When you write to discuss, you have to leave room for other’s opinions to shine through as well. Healthy conversation doesn’t mean forcing the other person to comply to you. A lot of this is educated guess based on past research, she knows this, and it’s clear she’s got her own research. Please remember to never shoot someone down when they try to engage you in your conversations. But again, this is the ‘don’t do this’ and me upset at my tired self for not waking up fast enough to contemplate how I was coming across in my wordings. Let’s continue to investigate and dissect the train wreck, shall we?)
That was an issue a few years ago but SEGA is taking their time, it's just that they can't organize themselves and hire the right professionals. They have old tactics, they have rookies that aren't 'Fresh Blood with professionalism' like they need. They don't need an old fart who knows his stuff, they need a new guy who is dedicated and passionate about their company who will remain there, learn them in and out, and knows his stuff SPECIFICALLY for the things SEGA needs. You have to grow that. You have to hire a very talented and young spunky and fresh professional, have him work with you for 10-15 years, and start training others. But SEGA is already recognized as a 'established' company.
(Friend is still agreeing with me, but is aware of my way of presenting it isn’t “As nice as I usually present it” so she starts mentioning the symptoms of Japanese Work Culture. A wonderful, insightful point to mention! But let’s see how I butcher this as well...)
It's not Japan though! (Again, shutting her down. Tsk tsk, sleepy me. Wake up, you lazy bum.) They won't let Japan interfere! They're all really rude to japan actually. The guys in charge, anyway. We all respect the officials, but SEGA of America people just want results. They are just funders, they don't actually work the company.
Friend: So you blame them for everything? (She’s trying to help me see that my writing is coming off as ‘hate’ which is because of my aggressive writing follies I’m doing so bluntly. Let’s please all admire my friend’s patience as she lets me rant and kindly waits for me to realize how bad I’m handling my 16 hr shift from yesterday lolol)
Look, business is really unfair, and I get that, but if I have to rant (I’m starting to wake up more, oh goodie.) I'd say they really need to humble themselves and ask Japan to please take ownership again. They kicked out people due to a money crisis but they need a game that will be 'safe to secure money but get enough excited momentum to help us push on and continue.' which isn't Japan's strategy usually. Japan likes risks, they also like money too. They trust America too much (especially in the beginning) because America is a HUGE consumer. For the world in fact. But I think they sacrificed too much for the company (common in Japan) and trusted America too much in making decisions. The officials are too nice to say that America screwed them over because America wanted full control. Well guess what? They have too much control now and their product is sinking..
Friend:  You’ve got a lot of fire about this topic. (After I completely disregarded reading her follows-ups and continued to rant, my unconditionally kind friend finally threw in the towel, realizing I was no where near my usually ‘present’ self and was probably just flopped back in her chair smiling at my idiocy of not understanding her kind and subtly hints.) Go ahead and rant it out. (BOOM! Obvious right!? I should have corrected myself but at this point, I was writing like wild fire with droopy, waking up eyes and didn’t even read it during my long paragraphs...)
Sonic won't ever fade away due to it's fans, but the company is struggling to figure itself out for YEARS now. I just worry what they plan to do next. But I have a theory that they are really putting the next game in Japan's hands, a lot of activity is happening in SEGA of Japan, and they're spending WAY MORE TIME on the next installment of Modern Sonic (or Classic, still unsure which one it is yet.) I really think they need a remake game to give them profit, then use that profit for their next big installment. But so far, I think they are working on a game BUT corona might have effected production so I'm sure they are working but I'm concerned if Corona helped manage 'time and quality' or is helping to ruin it...That I can't investigate yet :( I just wish for the best (I’M FINALLY WAKING UP FULLY AS I STOP AND REALIZE-) Sorry for my rant! My theory talk showed through and I don't usually like doing that so forgive me. I'm tired and that's why T-T
Friend: It’s cool we all need to rant sometimes. (My friend’s going to make it to Heaven TwT she’s so kind.)
(Then I profusely apologized a billion times cause I realize how badly this all went down. lol)
(But the terror hasn’t ended... she mentioned some youtube videos mentioning other opinions as well. -which I’m usually cautious of cause some of them can be fanon.-)
OHhhh did he mention the arcade crash??? the literal WORST event in SEGA history??? That's literally where they sank the titanic, SEGA has never recovered from selling off their stocks. (I’M BACK AT IT AGAIN. -facepalm-) Shareholders are everything now and it's the biggest loss ever. Also, the problem is that kids don't play the games, (Rereading my follies and wanting to answer but still only just waking up...) but SEGA can't figure out why they like the characters and can't seem to take the FREAKIN' TIME to learn their lore. (Overwhelming the conversation again.) My easy steps: Re-establish Sonic lore CANONLY AND CORRECTLY, Re-gather the Japanese Officials original plans and notes, guides and study art, Re-make some popular games with the most details on Animation, Fluidity of motion graphics, and with modern Technology incorporated into the game. Once that is accomplished, they will have enough money to then- Create a continuity. Only with a flowing story and relevant past lore can they start moving forward. Animation will target their audience, Story and character re-established arcs will bring nostalgia and new blood to the field of their games, and then Japan's influences will keep it authentic for the continuities so we don't have fandom mixing with canon NEARLY AS BADLY as before anymore. Ugh, it does matter their sales, but I literally bought a book on the history of SEGA, and read a really compelling history article about more then just the Console Wars... I know SEGA has survived literally the edge of extinction on multiple fronts, but someone needs to take charge of their Sonic branch, and it's... it's just too outdated. kk, sorry for the rant.
Friend: (After being multiple times ignored, even after my brief moment of clarity, is still an angel. Frustrated, maybe, but an angel.) And your steps sound really good. Also mostly just listen to his vids if you ever do. It’s ok we all need to rant. (THE WORLD DOESN’T DESERVE THIS GURL T-T)
I'm tired so my 'angry' is showing and it's not professional XD do you mind if I post my rant? lol Actually, no. (Realize how awfully I delivered my ideas, this is where I begin to see my errors and where the clarity comes into play. -we all have our off days lol- )
Friend: Go for it
I want to but it's too aggressive. I'm too lazy to rewrite it out so I'll just save that for another day XD You got a rare treat
Friend: (This is actually interesting and fascinating to her. But she realized then that I finally did see my error.) Concerned you’ll get aggressive responses back?
Honest opinion is sometimes too blunt and I need to be careful about that
Friend: I mean it’s always good to try and get most of the anger out so you seem more professional (Saint. Literally. A saint. She’s puts up with too much of my crap XD)
That, and also the war of 'But this is Cutegirlmayra? She's so sweet and constantly puts her answers in supportive, positive lights so that if SEGA were to see it, they would feel empowered to try it instead of threatened and throw it off as hate or something unprofessional.' I have an image too. I can't post something super aggressive or I'll lose trust. You're right.
Friend: I’m glad you put a lot of thought into everything you post
I apologize for it tho T-T I didn't mean to dominate with such opinions...lol I worry who I influence, you know?
Friend: Most people don’t and trust me they get into trouble cause of it. And yeah.
I don't want to create trolls or heated arguments. I want to teach people they can safely express an idea without using such awful communication. Exactly, it's professional fanism. lol Positive writing is what companies and their employees actually read. (I’m almost fully awake now lol, realizing my blunder and starting to explain why I was in the wrong. Good on me, pat on the back, admitting I was coming off as aggressive is the first step to changing and getting better lolol Also, I’m including her more, and I’m saying “You’re right.” and she’s going “And yeah.” which is a indicator that the conversation is slowly returning to an enjoyable and healthy one. ;w; happy endings lol)  That's why I skip the aggressive stuff, even if it's passive, I write in a neutral setting so everyone feels safe to read, even someone who works at SEGA.
Friend: (Mentions some nintendo youtuber rant and also news as well, then says-) It was honestly very professional sounding and not rude. (MY HEART, YOU KNEW THAT WAS AN AGGRESSIVE RANT lololol So nice to me TDT)
Lol you had to have seen how slightly aggressive it was tho. (I’M CALLING YOUR BLUFF, BESTIE lol) You literally asked, "You blame America for it?" which is not always true but semi-true. They were way too prideful (Aggressive word) and haughty (Still aggressive terminology) about their success in other Japanese products that they wanted to completely change Sonic to their own wishes, pushing out Japan's creative "licenses" (I use this word loosely, and this gives a slightly aggressive feel but is also more dumbed down so it's more 'passionate' than just aggressive)
Friend: Yeah I saw it was slightly aggressive (Either is starting to realize it or at last admitting it now that I am fully aware of how I was coming across. I also used indicators to show what words were aggressive to help illustrate my point. This is showing I’m much more awake now :)b)
Gotta use those neutral tactics or no one will feel comfortable just reading your idea and instead, will constantly look for a place to intercept with aggression back, whether they agree or not, they're looking for ways to self-insert their aggression if you are also aggressive. I can't write something that doesn't somewhat support and uplift SEGA of America. Why? Because like I said, they literally have survived EVERYTHING and have stuck around. Without them, there wouldn't be an American branch and the money issue would have ended SEGA. Some might say, "But they've done so much harm than good! Why is the money thing such a thing to be praised for?" But it's huge, it's so big, it kinda does offset the wrongs. (Now I’m doing the healthy thing, doubling back and mentioning the good to try and recover. The damage may be done, but she did recommend some videos for me and was polite, so I’m just trying to smooth things over and leave on a ‘wrapped up’ conclusion. But... I should have just left it there in all honesty xD Some things you can’t double-back and correct lol) America is a great business-influenced mindset. None of us would be fans of Sonic without them.
(Friend continues to agree but realizes I may slip into ranting again. She just asks if I can watch the videos.)
America does have it's advantages in some fields and areas, but their biggest most redeeming quality is that they saved SEGA which gave us our biggest love and obsession: Sonic. Now, my usage in that writing was still off neutral, but combined with the slightly aggressive statements, made a GREAT contrast. It's still slightly praising
Friend: And they stopped Japan from giving him a human girlfriend right away.
Me: Exactly.
Friend: I will always thank them for that. (She’s still a sweetheart, working herself into the conversation so it stays healthy. lol Such amazing follow-ups too!)
So although I don't like what's happening, I'm also grateful... to a degree lol We need SEGA of America, which is why I think Japan just ignores them now lolol they know they owe them a lot. 
(Friend mentions videos and as I go to save them to my ‘watch later’ sees that one of them is about Nintendo.)
Yeeeahhh I've noticed that Nintendo is starting to trail into 'cash grab' tactics and that's sickening (MORE AGGRESSIVE WORDING??? HAVE YOU NOT LEARNED YOUR LESSON CHILD?! It takes time to fully wake up lolol) cause before, I literally thought, "Nintendo can do no wrong" their marketing was ON POINT! but the stuff they said about Peach and now... I think new, unprofessional blood (like SEGA) has entered Nintendo and the older guys are either 'training' or 'retired to other ventures'. Nintendo is having it's own 'we used to not be prideful but now we're getting a little too pompous (Another aggressive wording... This can easily trigger people to comment with further aggression either against you or for you, but no aggression is the ideal. Which is continuing to show my lack of remaining conscious lol) about ourselves' and they're starting to act like Disney before their big crash. Disney also had 'limited time offers' with their VHS movies. Now, Nintendo is doing that. They'll make money, but at what cost? When you lose your costumer's trust...
Friend: And yeah the 35th Mario thing immediately reminded me of the Disney vault
Me: Yep. I'm worried for Nintendo. Don't get me wrong! Disney is really good with money grabs, but they... they also act high and mighty (More aggressive statements, wake up, darn it!!!) and their fanbase literally calls them 'an empire' so the fan-trust is gone. That makes you 'lame/outdated' and fans begin to look for 'what's cool?' instead.
(Friend is now re-realizing I’m ‘in and out’ so is trying to use a effective avoidance tactic by asking about different things to help my ranting fully stop.)
Sorry, I'm tired, I get on these rants and I don't mean too. (Trying to shake myself awake again.) I'm sorry.
So we returned to a healthy conversation, but I hope this interesting insight has revealed how to and what not to do about Aggressive Writing. Always stick to Neutral writing if you can, putting in a compelling counter-argument. In this aggressive writing demo, you saw that I tried to cover up my follies by saying counter-praise, but praise writing can be just as bad as aggressive writing. Passive writing can sometimes be annoying (aggressive word choice) too if you come off as disinterested or uncaring, which can still result in negative comments coming at you, or someone overly praising in their writings.
This has been all I’m showing you cause it’s kinda embarrassing ^^; but I hope it helps you in what ‘not to do’ while writing your ideas out :)b
Learn from my sleepy-time mistakes! lol
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futuresmashmemes · 4 years
In complete curiosity, can you tell me what your favorite Smash reveal trailer of all time was?
Like, actually, real shit, stuff that’s already happened in this timeline?
Nothing will ever top Smash 4’s reveal for me. I was really into Brawl as a kid, and after Brawl came out a lot of people spread the idea online that it would be the last smash game (hilarious in hindsight, I know). Me, being the dumb kid I was, took that at face value. I also wasn’t really into following leaks at the time. I was also 12, almost 13 when 4 was revealed, keep in mind. I just sort of accepted that smash was done.
I vividly remember when I first saw that reveal trailer. We were in the middle of bumfuck nowhere for my sister’s soccer game. I was sweaty, hungry, and my phone was running out of battery. I managed to convince my mom to let me stay in the car for the rest of the game, where I promptly began charging my phone and went onto YouTube to pull up some music to listen to (knowing me at the time, it probably would’ve been an Evanescence song). And there, at the top of my recommended feed, was that trailer.
It almost didn’t feel real. I was so convinced that Smash was over, I almost thought that the video would’ve been a fake. Some shitty mod or whatever. But I clicked on it anyways, because, y’know, Smash Bros! Boy am I glad I did. Instantly, I was enthralled by the idea of Smash on the go. I didn’t have a 3DS at the time, but I played on my DS like I was getting paid for every second the screen was on. Having a portable smash game was a dream come true! And when they got to the Wii U part of the trailer, I was drawn in by the visual upgrade compared to Brawl. I was a dumb kid who didn’t know anything about graphics watching this trailer in 480p on a shitty Windows phone, and even I could tell how much of a graphics upgrade it was compared to Brawl. I didn’t have a Wii U at the time either, but I was still excited.
The new characters announced were just the icing on the cake. I love Animal Crossing, but I never expected an Animal Crossing rep in smash because I read that Sakurai had previously said that Animal Crossing characters were unsuited for battle. So when that trailer opened up on a shot of the Villager opening the now iconic envelope, my hype levels instantly shot through the roof of the car. Really, I should consider myself lucky that I was watching this trailer in the middle of an empty parking lot in the middle of nowhere and not, say, on the bus ride home from school, because after that point, I was visibly freaking out throughout. I would’ve been perfectly satisfied with just Villager, but then the trailer continued. The videos online right now show these two as separate videos, but I definitely remember watching them as one big trailer.
Oh boy, who could it be? The gang looked up at a cliff to see a boy with distinct spiky hair.
“No. There’s no way it could be him. There’s just no way! I read online that he couldn’t get in, so it’s not him.”
It didn’t feel real. It felt like a dream. But I was loving every second of it. And even better, the next video in my recommended feed was the trailer for Wii Fit Trainer. What? Why? Who asked for this? I was dumbfounded, but all for it.
I think that those three characters made for the perfect holy trinity of character reveals. The anticipated first party/character Sakurai previously said no to, the third party, and the character that nobody saw coming. Smash 4’s initial reveal had it all. I probably rewatched that trailer for the rest of the soccer game. I texted all my friends about it, and they were all nearly as excited as I was. I would’ve told my mom and sister all about it when they got back in the car, but I wasn’t supposed to be using data at the time, so if they knew that I had used it to watch a silly reveal trailer over and over again, mom probably would’ve had a heart attack (this was before unlimited data was more standard). But you better believe that I exploded on about it as soon as I figured it was safe to.
Even after all these years (and all of the timelines I’ve looked into), no Smash trailer...no, more like no trailer period has ever gotten close to capturing the pure excitement that I felt when I first saw the Smash 4 trailer, and I doubt that there ever will be one. I’m a jaded adult now, and everything is more exciting through the rose-tinted glass of adolescence. The “Everyone is Here!” trailer for Ultimate came close, though. Smash 4’s development was also something of a turning point for me when I became more active in following the development of new games online. I think it was for a lot of people, I think that a lot of that can be attributed to Brawl’s success (and the Wii as a whole) at capturing a wider demographic of gamers compared to Melee and 64. Smash 4 feels almost laughable to go back and play now, but I can’t deny the impact it had on me.
As far as other individual reveal trailers go, here are my favorites:
Little Mac and Palutena-both for the same reason: THAT ART STYLE. Their trailers also convinced me to play their respective games. Uprising was one of my first 3DS games and Punch Out is the last game I remember renting from Blockbuster.
Greninja-As laughable as this sounds now, getting a new Pokémon rep was really hype for me back then. I was beginning to get into competitive, so seeing the ninja frog that had taken over the competitive scene at the time get into smash was cool, even if I was Team Fennekin. Confirmation that at least Charizard had survived the cut was also really cool.
Robin and Lucina-I didn’t know anything about Fire Emblem at the time, but Robin looked cool and I was digging the 3D anime artstyle from Awakening that the trailer was rendered in. Another trailer that convinced me to buy the game that they were from, and good god now I’m an insufferable Fire Emblem fan good lord I was so innocent back then. “Girl Marth” jokes were rampant amongst my friends. Also, CAPTAIN FALCON!!!
Lucas-Funny story, my sister absolutely despises video games with a burning, visceral passion now, but back when we played Brawl together, her mains were Lucas and Snake. You can imagine the pain and agony she felt when Smash 4 initially came out. Lucas’ DLC came out around my birthday, so her gift to me that year was a $10 eShop card. She just told me: “you know what to spend it on.”
Cloud-“Hey guys, you know what would’ve been awesome? In Brawl, if, like, they put in Cloud from Final Fantasy 7?”
Corrin-At this point I was a big Fire Emblem fan riding hot on the hype train for Fates, so I was very excited for Corrin. The dragon-inspired moveset also seemed really cool. Funny how times have changed, and when Byleth was added in I was very lukewarm compared to when my reaction to Corrin.
Inkling-Similar story to the Smash 4 reveal trailer, I was absolutely not expecting a Smash announcement that day and I saw the video was in my YouTube recommended feed while I was at my internship of all places. Unfortunately, none of the other people there were gamers (let alone Smash fans), so they couldn’t share in my hype.
Everyone is Here/Ridley-I can’t properly give this one the justice it deserves in a short amount of words and this post is already getting really long, so I’ll save this one for a later day if you guys are interested. To keep it short, let’s just say that I was very much a part of the Ridley gang and I was very happy to see him in.
Belmonts and K. Rool-I got up at 7 in the morning to watch that trailer and loved every second of it. Keep in mind that I am not a morning person by any stretch of the imagination. The only thing that sort of spoiled it for me was that the Smash teams themselves leaked it the night before by releasing a track titled Bloody Tears/Monster Dance
Ken and Incineroar-Nothing against these two, but at the time I was crushed when I realized the Grinch leak was fake. Now I can look back on it and laugh at Little Mac getting yeeted through the billboard and Villager’s stance at the end of the trailer.
Sans Mii Costume-Pretty sure I’ve already mentioned this, but when I first saw that trailer I legit fell out of my chair laughing. I’m not even an Undertale fan, but seeing funny skeleton man on my screen just broke me. The fact that Toby went to Sakurai’s house and beat him in Smash made it even better.
Banjo-I’ve never actually played a Banjo Kazooie game before, but I’ve seen enough videos about them over the years that I almost feel like I have. They’re ingrained in my childhood due to that in a weird way. Plus, it felt so good to have a victory over the Steve fans. I felt the weight of that Jiggy that bounced on the floor.
And that’s about it! If you guys want to hear my thoughts on the Everyone is Here trailer, please let me know and I’ll do another post like this.
...Upon rereading this post for spelling errors, I realized that you probably were more asking about my favorite reveal trailers throughout multiple timelines. Oops. Let me know if that’s what you wanted and I’ll answer with my thoughts on my favorite future reveal trailers.
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mymemoirs · 4 years
Unrecorded Memories and Missing Taiwan #3
Gonna continue from the second part of my Taiwan trip. However, this post is definitely not going to be the last one regarding this trip since I went there for a whole month and I would like to go into the details so that I could reread this post one day. After all, this is my attempt to record those memories even though its already vague by now as two years have passed by. 
After the first weekend spent during my AI class, we had our last week of the class in which we were given group project and also interact with local middle school students near the campus and engage with them. 
7) I can’t remember much of what I’ve learnt in class but I remember we went to another field trip during our weekdays, to be specific, it was on Tuesday, 10th of July, 2018. There was a middle school near the Asia University campus site and  after our morning class session, everyone were guided by our TAs and professors to Taichung Guangfu Junior High School. I think it took us about 10-15 minutes walk away, it was really that close.
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A Picture of The Taichung Guangfu Junior High Students and AI Program 2018 Students
The reason we went to the school was because Taichung Guangfu Junior High School old building was the one converted into the now Earthquake Museum we went last weekend. After having its building destroyed and turned into a museum, the school built a new building instead. I think the professor wanted to show us the new building that have been built for the school and let local students interact with expat students from the exchange program. 
When we arrived there, we were taken into a classroom. We were told to sit in a group and I happened to sit with Guy, Xin, and Hussain (an Indian student). We hit off pretty well and each of us was very competitive, since we’re given quizzes and games to play during our time there. I think the school is amazing since they were able to utilize various digital techs for the game and quizzes. 
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Guy, Hussain, Xin and Me.
I don’t remember much of the details, but I think we won since each of us were given a notebook. It was really fun for us since we’re not only answering quizzes but we also went outside to do a bar code hunt (if I’m not wrong).
8) After the short field trip, we all went back to the campus to go back to our respective dorm. However, on our way back, we stumbled upon a newly opened restaurant and they were having a free fried rice or noodle promotion. So, almost everyone stopped by, I think even the professors and TAs too. Well, how could we say ‘no’ to freebies right? We all happened to be hungry at that time, *laughs*. Although, I had to admit that it’s memorable since the AI students never ate together, at least not as crowded as that day. Most of us sometimes just eat with a group of friends in different restaurants nearby the campus, since everyone have their own preference. Having this kind of activities actually help me bond with others. 
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Eating Fried Rice/ Noodle at a Nearby Restaurant With Other Students.
9) The next day, we moved on with more data science materials that are very alien to me. I can’t remember much of the materials now since it’s more on practical skills but I guess my lack of understanding towards the subject was due to how little I was exposed to this topics before. I think, if I were to relearn it today, it will be much easier for me to understand now compared to last time. 
During that day, we were given details on our group project and everyone was asked to form a group. Since Guy were sitting beside me, he asked Xin and I if we wanted to join the team he’s forming. Apparently, he’s forming a group with Hussain. Xin and I agreed to join his team, because to be honest, both of us didn’t have any basics in computer science, let alone data science or AI. 
It’s funny, you see, since the group members: Xin, Hussain, Guy and I, were previously in one group too during the game session yesterday, and I think our team’s name is “Group 2″ in the game session, so we named our team as “Group 2″ again for this group project. During the game session, it was really fun doing group activities with them, and now that we’re having a chance to work together as a team, I was really excited to work with them again. Although, to be honest, I didn’t do much exactly. 
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Group 2 Focusing on Their Project.
Hussain did the most work out of everyone, since he’s the one with a background in computer science. Guy did his best to accommodate Hussain, with his tech (cause apparently he’s the “Apple Guy”) stuff, since his laptop was the most powerful in running data science projects among the four of us. Besides, he also had a little exposure in machine learning (even when he’s actually a student with a degree related to design) so he was the second in command to help Hussain. Xin was a student in design too, so she was in charge of our power point presentation slides. The slides she made was beautiful. 
While me? Well, I felt like a burden to my team because I can’t do anything at all. It seems like I’m the only one at loss at what I should do, so I kept on asking what this and that means when Hussain was coding and I think that kind of hinders him so he said that he would explain to me later on. Although, I might not help much, I tried my best to be there as a teammate. We ate together and accompanied each other throughout the project. To be honest, I really enjoyed the times we spent together. I’m not sure about how they felt though. Nevertheless, I admired each of them as I get to know them better. They were one year older than me and they told me a lot of their experiences. It an was insightful moment.
10) So, the day of our presentation came the next day. We are only given less than 24 hours to finish the project, which is very short. I guess, we’re lucky that Hussain finished it on time and Xin managed to create the slides on such a short period of time. Our project is about image classification for breasts cancer. Of course, the datasets and the code Hussain used for the project can be found in the internet. Although most of this can be search up on the internet, I don’t think I will be able to do it at that time on that short amount of time, because I have no idea on how to search the code and even use it. 
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Xin Turn To Present Her Part.
Our presentation are held in a presentation room. Everyone in my group, including me were given the opportunity to present about the project. I was the first to present since I get the easiest one which is an introduction to AI. After the presentation, questions are being asked by classmates and professors. Of course, only Hussain were able to answer it. I think I vaguely remembered he said that the time given were short and he admits that his teammates are still not familiar with how to use AI. Well, almost every team that give out their presentation complaint the same thing - the amount of time given were just too short. 
By the end of our presentation, our professor who was assessing everyone’s presentation said that there will be presents for the three teams with the highest score. I wasn’t expecting anything but our group turns out to rank second highest and we were given gifts to share with one another. It was really surprising for us but since we were competitive, we feel a sense of achievement.  We were really happy, and I really enjoyed working together with them so I asked for a picture together as a team (laughs). 
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Group 2 Presents Their Presentation Second and Was Ranked Second! The Most Diverse Team Among The Other Teams (Consists of Indian, Indonesian, Thai, and Singaporean).
Honestly, I would love to spend more time together with them but the presentation day was on Thursday and it was the second last day of our AI class. The day after tomorrow, both Guy and Hussain will go home since they didn’t take any other class aside from this AI class. Only me and Xin took another class that will start after the AI class but we took a separate class. Xin took Product Design class while I took Creativity and Entrepreneurship Class. Boohoo.
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A Group Picture with The Professors After Our Presentation
11) The next day was our farewell party which was held by our professors. It was really a simple one. There are food, beverages, music, etc. Most entertainment were provided by our Indian classmates, while the rest of us just sat and watched. It was really fun to see them sang and danced happily. Even though it was short, it was a memorable experience. I did take a video of my friends dancing, but alas, I don’t think I managed to save it on my hard disk. 
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Receiving A Certificate of Completion For The AI Course
I think the AI course are memorable because of the classmates and friends I knew from there, especially my teammates from Group 2. I was really sad that we had to part so I decided to give them handmade letters that I crafted and wrote on my own. I remember I went to the convenience store and office supplies store just to find the materials that I was going to use for the letters. I was happy that I managed to give them something, even though it was just a letter. 
Anyway, I’ll continue the time when I’m in Creativity and Entrepreneurship Class in my next post! Adieu for now!
- Reina
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
They’re freaking out over the pap pictures from yesterday, screaming about how he’s being forced to hold Mia’s hand and then how awkward it all is. But if you look at ALL the photos, not just the one they posted, they’re both smiling or laughing. Darren reaches back to grab Mia’s hand with a smile on his face. He’s completely at ease with her. The picture they keep using is one second of his life. He does look annoyed, but only when taken out of context to fit their narrative.
Their attacks of Darren and Mia together are always over-the-top and not credible but this particular one seems particarly desperate. Let’s look at the context-a year ago, the BoD decided that ccArmageddon would occur at the end of the 2019 awards season. Now here we are, it’s mid-February, 2019, award season has come and gone...and YES, Darren conquered, but Armageddon has yet to commence.... and there is no break up in sight. In fact, Darren and Mia are engaged, they have completed their American pre-wedding checklist: 
wedding shower -check
bachelorette weekend - check 
bachelor party - check
and the ceremony is the only thing left to do. This is weighing heavily on their   ccMinds.  Whether they are admitting it out loud or not, they KNOW that this is looking bad and they are looking for a Hail Mary, a last minute jink to the left where Darren suddenly breaks up with Mia. I have no doubt they really do BELIEVE that a break up is still a very real possibility but  they also KNOW that Darren and Chris are deeply supportive of one another and have been happily married since 2012 soooo... Their belief isn’t based on physical data, “listening” to what Chris and Darren are telling us on social media so when a handful of pics come out that show a happy Darren and Mia walking down a random street, the CCers get to work. They spend hours over-analyzing every little thing on those photos, desperately looking for SOMETHING... ANYTHING that will give them the ‘proof’ they need to rewrite Darren’s story. They need to either debunk Darren and Mia as a couple on the precipice of a wedding OR prove that Armageddon is about to commence. Like all CC analysis, it all starts at CC Confirmed and works backwards and there are two basic premises that are always in play: 
ALL paparazzi pics are prearranged by the team  
There are NO coincidences  
These 2 foundational beliefs allow them to claim that Darren and Mia KNEW they were going to be photographed therefore they dressed WITH the intention of being photographed and to speak to the CC family and their behavior is a PR  stunt. 
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D-Criss News
I see an engaged couple walking down the street holding hands and smiling. Why? I don’t know. Photos don’t come with a backstory. They are just a moment in time capture.  There is a small blurb on JustJared which says: 
Earlier in the day, Darren and fiancee Mia Swier were spotted holding hands as they stopped by a friend’s house for a party
We don’t know if the cameraman asked them where they were going or if it was just a guess. It seems probable that they asked because most of the time JustJared always claims he is going to the for a run or for a meal. Going  to a friends for a party seems too specific  ..but who knows?   
Let’s look at what the CCers said about the same photos: 
...If you surprised them how do you know they were going to a friend’s house for a party? It’s probable that they told the cameraman.  Telling the cameraman “were’ going to a party at a friend’s house” isn’t exactly spilling their life secrets. Celebs often play a give-and-take game with paparazzi to keep them from constantly stalking them.  
It looked like he dropped her hand as soon as humanly possible. I may have actually laughed out loud. Being that it isn’t video, I am fascinated about how she knows this? Also, in which picture did he “drop her hand”? Here is where the desperation starts to leach in. Can you smell it? 
There was too much commentary on the other recent pap pics being of him without her, so they had to fix this - and it’s hilarious in so many ways. How “odd” that a pap was right there when they both went to the party of a friend! As if the pap knew they would be there. Oh, wait… Right. The CCers always spend their time laughing when they find demonstrable proof that Darren and Mia are in fact a couple. Such an odd reaction. It almost feels like they have the exact opposite reaction and only claim they “laughed so hard”  to cover for their real anger. This is also a we-are-so-important-Ricky-read-our-comments-and-tried-to-correct-the-behavior-we-called-out trope.  
Those pre Grammy pap pics are too funny. Clearly painfully posed (the one looking to the right is painful). They appear to be unable to hold hands properly and normally after 1264321 years together and D’s t-shirt has Daisy Duck on it again. Again, it’s “too funny”.  I don’t actually know how one “holds hands properly” or rather how one does it improperly as this suggest. I am also not sure this is a skill that one needs to practice for any amount of time let alone, 1264321 years in order to master. The old, tired smoke-signals-via-t-shirt -graphic trope. Of course “come inside me” is DISGUSTING but Daisy Duck saying “Me when I fuck your man” is perfectly logical thing and something Darren would say... to whom exactly? Or is he wearing it because Chris once “like” an Instagram with Daisy Duck? 
And M as usual unable to avoid looking directly into the camera for her moment. Ugh, looking at a camera is not illegal nor immoral. It’s common 
It’s not just about whether or not they are holding hands. Yes, plenty of couples don’t hold hands in public. It’s about the fact that as ajw pointed out it’s a staged pap pic. It’s set up to try and sell the relationship. And D is doing everything NOT to sell it - from doing the bare minimum to hold her hand, looking like he dropped her hand as soon as he could, and never even looking at her. Not to mention she looks at the camera. Now that D swept award season I expect there will be many more of these staged pap pics to put the focus on more of the GA seeing this “relationship”. Let’s be clear- this is a 3 -frame photoshoot, it likely occurred over a few seconds of their lives. Trying to sell the idea that they aren’t holding their hands lovingly enough or with enough realism to satisfying the CCes is asinine.  Darren isn’t selling it because Darren ISN’T SELLING IT...he’s walking down the street and a cameraman jumped into his path. He’s tolerating it because he knows he has too sometimes.  This isn’t a video..there is no way to know if he dropped her hand as soon as the could...that is merely the author’s wishful thinking as the wedding weighs on their heads. 
Means nothing. It still fake. They are staged pap pics. Paps are called by teams. They knew it would happen in advance. It’s all just promo. Papers ARE NOT called by teams. That isn’t a thing that Darren’s team is doing and it isn’t something that is done by managers as a punishment to their celebrities.  
Interesting to me he’s holding her left hand……. This one made ME Burst  Out Laughing. What is interesting about holding her left hand? It would have been awkward AF is he was on her left side and he held her right hand.
...I laugh every time i see them walking.  LA is all about driving.  It is not NYC and people are not randomly on the street. Yet D&M walk everywhere despite them both having cars!!! This is the second most ridiculous comment in this thread. They aren’t walking on an expressway. This is 3 frames taken within moments on one another. They could be walking to a neighbor’s house  or they could be walking from where they parked their car. LA is a car city compared to NYC for sure. But there is no car that I know of that drops one off LITERALLY at the front door and only Donald Trump drives across the street. 
Yeah, honestly, has anyone BEEN to LA? No one walks that much unless it’s for exercise, sight-seeing or shopping. People don’t just walk to brunch or parties. LOL
A friend pointed this out. Look pap pics that are an ad!! This time for her show in March. When is she forced to fly on her own? What more can he possibly owe her? OMG 3rd LOL.  PR for her own show!  I a, not sure if this is Guns N Hoses or Guns N Roses but either way....only a stalkier can read this and associated it with her band...and you would have to know there is a show already to read this as PR. Unless they are claiming this is subliminal advertising vis paparazzi.  
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Every time they try and sell them as a couple it get’s more awkward and creates more doubt. Only among those of you who are TRYING really hard to disprove what Darren says about his relationship. 
I get to the point where I think RR should promote them as a couple for anything fake/false/cheap/tacky because every step his team take make her look more desperate and fake and D less authentic. You must realize that when you make these comments, You ARE Speaking ABOUT Darren....about Darren’s choices as a person with his own agency.   
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These senior citizen YouTubers are better than anyone else on this hellscape internet
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The typical YouTuber is young, obnoxious, and speaks at an above-average decibel level. They love pranks. They love covertly selling you *products.* Even though they're your age or vastly younger, they have more money in their bank account than you ever will.
Thankfully, not all YouTubers like that. This Thanksgiving, I'm grateful for the dedicated community of senior citizen YouTubers, here to make homemade pasta, deconstruct mechanical toys, play lullabies on their guitars, knit, apply make-up, and show you how to properly take a dip in the public pool.
SEE ALSO: Logan Paul isn't the only problem. YouTube is broken — here's how to fix it.
If you're going to be an influencer, at least use your power to show Xennials like me how to make proper tagliatelle.
For all their wisdom and *actual content knowledge,* senior citizen YouTube celebrities are nonetheless a rarity. The demographic data tells the story: 96% of youth aged 13 to 17 have used YouTube, compared to just 51% of those 75 and older. Just 67% of seniors aged 65 and over use the internet, and only 4 in 10 own smartphones.
So we shouldn't be shocked that of the biggest names in YouTube — Fernanfloo, PewDewPie, Germán Garmendia, Rubén Doblas Gundersen i.e. El RubiosOMG, VanossGaming, and so on — all are male, and none, absolutely none, are above the age of 30.
That doesn't mean senior citizens are absent from the platform, or that younger generations don't love to watch older folks on screen. I know that I, for one, am not alone in not wanting to hear this guy opine about suicide prevention:
You just have to look a little harder to find the elders of the community, which we kindly did for you. Here are some of the leading senior personalities on the platform:
1. Tricia Cusden, Look Fabulous for Older Women
70-year-old Tricia Cusden formally kicked off her YouTube account and her personal make-up business, Look Fabulous Forever, five years ago. Cusden specializes in make-up made specifically for older women. 
Cusden remembers when her manufacturer told her to put videos of her products on Twitter:
"I thought, that's a really stupid idea," Cusden told Mashable. "Millions of videos are uploaded to YouTube, people just won't see them."
Pretty quickly, however, Cusden's videos started picking up real traffic: 1,000 views one day, 1,500 views on another. It was clear that Cusden had tapped into a real need — and that older women were (gulp!) using YouTube.
Cusden believes she was able to access this demographic because her product line was written up in print publications, which have older followers. These women presumably then followed her to YouTube.
In comparison to other brands that market token "anti-aging skincare" to older women, Cusden hopes to create a positive, stigma-free YouTube space:
"The beauty industry disdains and marginalizes this age group ... [but] we won't disparage you here," Cusden says. "We won't be negative."
Cusden's channel currently has 28,340 subscribers.
2. Judy Graham, Knitting Tips by Judy
In recent years, knitting has had something of a comeback among the millennial Etsy set. But why learn from some dumb book when you can learn from *THE* Judy Graham? 
Graham is a knitting legend. She's now in her 80s, and she's still producing videos nearly every week. In 2015, Graham complained to her son that it was a myth that all seniors hated technology.
"Seniors do know about tech, and they do use it," Graham told her son, who later published her comments in USA Today. 
Not everyone who watches "Knitting Tips by Judy" is older. She has plenty of younger fans (points at self).
If there's anything that Judy proves, it's that you don't have to be a young, terrible California bro in order to be successful on this nightmare platform.
3. Tim Rowett, Grand Illusions
For all the optical illusion and unusual toy fans out there (I'm assuming that's everyone on this list), Tim Rowett is your man. 
Rowett's YouTube channel, Grand Illusions, collects and reviews dozens of random toys. It's whimsical and strange and exceedingly, unexpectedly popular: The channel currently has over 881,000 subscribers.
In 2015, the Telegraph named Rowett one of the best YouTubers over 50 years old. 
The award was well-deserved. Is there anything more soothing than hearing a handsome older British gentleman with a BBC accent examine the mechanics of a bubble blower?
4. Pasta Grannies
There's no such thing as a dream job, except for Vicky Bennison's. Bennison is the founder of Pasta Grannies, a YouTube channel featuring Italian grandmas making their best homemade pasta. 
Bennison, who is 60, literally travels all around Italy hunting for the country's most talented grandmas. Every episode, she highlights a particular grandma and their specialty pasta.
Pasta and Italian grandmas are universally beloved, which is why Bennison's show has such a diverse, cross-generational audience. These women aren't trained chefs, but they're exceptionally talented and they know what a good pasta serving size is: one gallon per person.
"What you see on television requires armies of food stylists ... These are things all people can do," Bennison told Mashable. "[It's why] I do have a broad audience ... My demographics for Pasta Grannies is 25 to 65 years old." 
Some of these grannies are in their late 90s. Yet with more 341,913 subscribers, Bennison has nonetheless been able to build a digital fan base for these women.
Pasta Grannies, you are welcome in my home anytime.
5. Bossa Nakane
Though he probably wouldn't classify it this way, Bossa Nakane makes lullabies for stressed-out adults. This man is a nightingale. His music is delightfully tender: Think Nick Drake, but sung by a human robin.
Why would you ever sing "Happy Birthday" yourself when you can have the Bossa Nakane version instead? He's better.
He currently only has 3,174 subscribers. Everyone, please follow now.
6. ElderGym
ElderGym is the only YouTube fitness series on the web I'm capable of completing. A 4-minute session on how to get off the floor? This I can do. March in place for 1 minute? Hell freaking yeah. ElderGym isn't just for seniors, it's for everyone. 
Squeeze your shoulders for 1 minute. Congratulations! You've exercised.
7. Grandma Shirley
Anyone who's anyone in the senior YouTuber world knows Grandma Shirley, an 82-year-old gamer who records herself playing games for YouTube, among other places. She's best known for playing Skyrim and currently has over 410,000 subscribers.
I've never understood the appeal of watching other people play games (why watch strangers play Grand Theft Auto when you can watch ... anything else) but if I'm going to watch anyone, it will be Grandma Shirley.
8. Grandpa Kitchen
Grandpa Kitchen operates a YouTube channel where he cooks enormous amounts of Indian food and feeds if to local orphans. The channel currently operates a Patreon page in order to fund their operations; however, I was unable to independently verify how that money is spent.
That being said, Grandpa Kitchen runs an excellent show. Look at all those potatoes. How can they not make you happy?
9. Gramma and Ginga
Gramma and Ginga are two sisters, one 104 years old, the other 99. They live a few blocks from one another in Clarksburg, West Virginia. If you're the type of person who loves to see two charming older women bicker non-stop about nothing, this is for you.
Think Seinfeld, but with Grandmas.
Imagine a comedy podcast but the podcast were ... actually funny. That's Gramma and Ginga.
These women currently have 325,684 subscribers. In 2016, they made it to Jimmy Kimmel Live. 
10. Kevin and Lill
I tend to be skeptical of anyone on YouTube who has more than 500,000 subscribers and says they create "comedy." Historically, YouTube comedy is an art form lower than improv.
Kevin and his objectively charismatic grandma Lill are an exception to the rule. We talk a lot about YouTube personalities but Grandma Lill actually has one. 
As the kids say, she destroys me.
Look at her make chocolate chip brownies with her grandson Kevin, then try to pick yourself up off the floor. 
Perhaps my favorite part of the series is when she introduces the episode, saying, "Hi fellas and girls."
Just listen to it instead of reading my far inferior copy.
Grandma Lill says she didn't really know much about YouTube before her grandson turned on his camera one day in the car:
"I was surprised, but I said, 'Hey that's good!'" Lill told Mashable.
You'd think that Grandma Lill would be an inspiration to her friends, many of whom are in the same age bracket.
Grandma Lill doesn't think so.
"My girlfriends if they don’t have grandchildren [with access to technology] — they could care less about what I do! They don't care where I'm going. They don't have YouTube, Instagram."
She also doesn't particularly care how they feel. If there's someone out there she can inspire — even if it's not her best girlfriends, even if it's just herself — she's happy these videos exist.
"It keeps me younger," Lill told Mashable. "I feel like 65 instead of 88 now. Nobody can believe I'm 88 ... We're just so good."
A heartfelt thanks to *65*-year-old Grandma Lill and all the YouTubers like her.
WATCH: 3Doodler Create Plus is the perfect pen for creative techies — Power Up
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trandangelilber · 4 years
So I Talked To YouTube About The Channel | Clintus.tv
(upbeat music) – [Tiffany] One, two, three, catch! Nice catch.
– (mumbles) throw it at me.
– [Tiffany] Your hands were in your pocket too.
– Yeah.
– [Tiffany] Off to school.
Short day today.
– Yep.
– [Tiffany] Easy peasy.
– Yep.
– [Tiffany] Alright, have a good day.
– ‘Kay, bye.
– [Tiffany] Bye.
– How cold is it? – [Tiffany] Cold but it’ll warm up.
48 right now.
– Good morning.
Happy Friday.
It’s Friday, you made it to Friday.
Actually by the time you'rewatching this it’s already the weekend so welcome to the weekend.
I’m just gonna preemptivelytell you welcome to the weekend because it’s the weekend.
Yeah, so it’s Friday here and no plans today, that I know of.
I mean, Tiffany sometimes makes plans.
But probably no plans.
Last couple Fridays been just chilling, hanging out at home.
I’ve been pushing back my night stream to much, much later after dinner, aftersome chill time with Tiffany and the kids and yeah, I don’t know.
Honestly, kinda thinking aboutmaybe like getting the bikes out and going for a bike ride.
Like a long bike ride.
But we’ll see, I don’t know.
Maybe, maybe.
Something else I thought about maybe doing is busting out a board game.
We haven’t played a board game in a while so, you know, maybe that’s an idea.
Kick the idea around to the kidsand Tiffany and the kids and see if they’re down with that.
It’s Friday which means the kidsdon’t have school tomorrow so I know a lot of times they makeplans with their friends to get online, play video games.
Sometimes hop on their scooters and trek throughthe neighborhood.
That’s a thing sometimes they do, sometimes.
So I don’t know.
We’ll see, stay tuned.
But I would like to know in thecomments down below what you did for your Friday night.
What was your Friday night like? Anything fun, exciting? Was it boring?You sleep through it? Let me know.
– [Man] Six hours later.
– Alright, so fast forward a few hours later.
Ended my stream a little early.
Met up with my mom.
Met up with her at Costco'cause she’s buying a new TV but doesn’t have any room now tostore it so I told her I’d keep it here at the house for her until she moves and has a place for it to stay.
So we did that, did a Costco run.
Got me some more La Croix.
Love this stuff.
It’s six bucks for like a case.
Can’t beat that, can’t beat that.
Amazing weather here, 80 degrees.
Can’t complain.
I’m not trying to rub it in either, just giving you an update.
Today on this February 2nd, 2018 it’s 80 degrees.
But my mom’s here now andshe’s just chillin’ with us.
Tiff and Sierra are about to goin the kitchen and work on some snacks for volleyball tournament tomorrow.
We have a volleyball tournamentearly in the morning and then Bryce’s basketball tournament in the afternoon.
So that’s kinda the plans for tomorrow.
I just got off the phone with Twitch.
More specifically Twitch Prime.
They had a quick 15 minute call with me.
Just asked me a couple questions, my opinions, my thoughts on certain things.
Love talking shop withspecifically the company behind the shop, if you will.
And then in about 20 minutes Igotta hop on a call with YouTube and my partner manager from there.
So we’re gonna talk about thechannel and hopefully she has some insights that maybe I can do.
Changes to make, kinda what she sees in my analytics.
The good, the bad, the ugly.
We’ll see how that goes.
I’m optimistic, I’m excited thatYouTube is doing this and that my partner manager offered this and so we shall see.
If I have any news or anything to share with you guys, I will.
Otherwise, let’s move on with our Friday.
As I said, girls in the kitchenand the baking goods have been pulled out.
What’re we making, Sierra? – Peanut butter chocolate chip muffins.
– [Clintus] Peanut butter chocolate chip muffins.
– We’re gonna try to make it athing as her bringing muffins at her tournaments.
– [Clintus] So start findingnew recipes and stuff each time? – Yeah.
– [Clintus] Very good, very good.
– [Tiffany] What’d you think? You sampled it.
– Pretty good.
– [Tiffany] Tastes good? – Taste peanut butter andthen little hint of chocolate.
It’s good.
– [Tiffany] Yeah, let’s hopethey turn out ‘cause they look more like cookie dough.
But we did what it said.
Is it gonna be a Pinterest fail or a thumbs up? – Hoping a thumbs up.
– [Tiffany] Hopefully.
– It takes good like this, I hope it tastes good when we actually cook them.
– [Tiffany] Hopefully you’re not embarrassed to bring 'em tomorrow.
– We’ll make sure they’re good before we bring 'em.
– [Tiffany] We’ll definitely try one.
– Yeah, definitely.
So here are the muffins aftercooking and they’ve been cooling for about an hour.
Ish? – [Tiffany] Yeah.
– [Sierra] They kinda looklike cookies, honestly.
But we tested one a little bit and it tastes good.
So I guess they’re fine for now.
What’re you makin’? – We’re gonna make some Mexican pizzas.
Like Taco Bell’s hopefully.
– [Clintus] Hopefully.
(laughs) – [Sierra] Your things always turn out.
– [Tiffany] I mean this isn’t really like Taco Bell’s meat but.
– [Sierra] It kinda looks like it.
You said that about the muffinsbut they seem pretty good.
– We’ll see.
– [Sierra] We’ll see.
You said that about the muffins too.
– [Clintus] Is that your’s? – [Tiffany] I’ll eat that one.
Doesn’t bother me.
– [Mamaw] Sprinkle that on there? – [Tiffany] On here.
– [Mamaw] Okay.
We’re layering.
– [Clintus] Mmmm.
– We’re looking at each other’s handwriting.
– [Clintus] Who’s is the worst? – Bryce.
Wait, out of you two?- [Clintus] Yeah.
I think mine’s worst.
– Yeah.
– [Clintus] I’ve progressively gotten worse.
But I can type with my eyes closed so.
There you go, buddy.
Making your little pizza.
– [Bryce] Mhmmm.
– [Clintus] Some hot sauce or? – [Bryce] Where? What? – [Clintus] You want some hot sauce? – [Bryce] Sure.
– [Clintus] More snacks for the team? You got fruit.
– [Tiffany] Fruit.
Fruit bags.
– [Clintus] Fruit bags.
– [Tiffany] Easy.
– [Clintus] Yep.
Quick grab and then you got the muffins.
– Yep.
– [Clintus] That’s your contribution tomorrow.
– And rolls for the sandwiches.
– [Clintus] Rolls for the sandwiches.
– [Mamaw] And the grapes are so sweet.
They’re like eatin’ candy.
– [Clintus] Those are like you’re favorite, aren’t they? – Grapes and apples are my two favorite fruits.
– [Clintus] Very nice.
Well guys, mom’s gone home for the night.
We’ve cleaned up the kitchen.
Girls have packed up the last minute stuff for early, early volleyball tournament.
Well, we have to get up early, it’s not an early tournament.
Game play starts at eight if they play at eight.
So, yeah, volleyball in the morning.
Excited about it.
I’m sure some of you are wondering the conversations today about with YouTube and the channel.
Lot of good insight, lot of statistics.
My manager did a really deep dive in to the analytics and presented it.
Like the data got pulled andput into graphs and there’s some best practices and some stuff.
Some of the slides were missing, I guess, so she’s gonna send me thesecond half of the presentation so I’m gonna look at thatbut I guess long story short, she knows exactly what I’m feeling.
She knows exactly the strugglesthat I’m dealing with right now.
The bottom line is I want to be a daily life vlogger.
This genre, this thing thatI’ve been doing for the last six years I want to continue doing.
Unfortunately, it is a dying genre.
The daily life vlogs are notas popular as they used to be.
They’re not being searched andthey’re not being watched as much as they used to be.
Channels that have not evolved, and channels that have not changed up their content strategy are dying.
They’re losing subs, their viewsare abysmal compared to their sub counts and I’m falling into that genre.
Now, thankfully we’re stillgrowing in subscribers which I don’t understand.
Can’t complain, but with that being said, she said, “You’re growing[X] amount of subs per day.
” And I’m like, “Yeah, but views aren’t going up.
“How is that possible? “How are people watching the videos, “clicking the sub button, butthe views aren’t going up?” It’s almost like for everynew subscriber we get we lose a viewer.
Right, it’s like this weird, I don’t know.
She can’t explain it either.
'Cause you know, the numbers are there.
We’re growing in subscribers, right? But the views aren’t goingup, so it’s just very weird.
Very strange.
So we got some ideas, we gotsome things I need to look at.
Part of me just wants to keep truckin’.
Keep doing what I’m doing, keepdoing this because I love it and I enjoy it and this is what I want to do.
But then another part of me, as we’ve said previously this week, it’s a business.
I gotta be smart about my business.
I got to take care of my family.
And so what does that mean? What does that mean for the channel? I don’t know yet.
Haven’t figured it out yet.
But that was a really good call.
I left feeling content.
Right? It wasn’t bad news.
It wasn’t a whole lot of good news but like I said, it’s a business plan.
She literally gave me a business plan.
I’m gonna wait for theother half of the presentation to come in and then really deep dive into it and try to comeup with some ideas and I don’t know.
I don’t know.
Thank you so much for watching.
I hope this week hasn’t been too rough for you guys watching me rant.
I feel like every one of these, the last week I’ve ranted probably like half the video just talking.
I don’t know.
Hopefully you guys aren’t tired of that.
But tomorrow, lots of sports.
Stay tuned be back tomorrow for that.
Vlog on.
(upbeat music).
from IPTVRestream https://iptvrestream.net/us/so-i-talked-to-youtube-about-the-channel-clintustv/ from IPTV Restream https://iptvrestream.tumblr.com/post/629438201953763328 from Best IPTV Channels https://reneturgeon.tumblr.com/post/629439253064171520
0 notes
reneturgeon · 4 years
So I Talked To YouTube About The Channel | Clintus.tv
(upbeat music) – [Tiffany] One, two, three, catch! Nice catch.
– (mumbles) throw it at me.
– [Tiffany] Your hands were in your pocket too.
– Yeah.
– [Tiffany] Off to school.
Short day today.
– Yep.
– [Tiffany] Easy peasy.
– Yep.
– [Tiffany] Alright, have a good day.
– ‘Kay, bye.
– [Tiffany] Bye.
– How cold is it? – [Tiffany] Cold but it’ll warm up.
48 right now.
– Good morning.
Happy Friday.
It’s Friday, you made it to Friday.
Actually by the time you'rewatching this it’s already the weekend so welcome to the weekend.
I’m just gonna preemptivelytell you welcome to the weekend because it’s the weekend.
Yeah, so it’s Friday here and no plans today, that I know of.
I mean, Tiffany sometimes makes plans.
But probably no plans.
Last couple Fridays been just chilling, hanging out at home.
I’ve been pushing back my night stream to much, much later after dinner, aftersome chill time with Tiffany and the kids and yeah, I don’t know.
Honestly, kinda thinking aboutmaybe like getting the bikes out and going for a bike ride.
Like a long bike ride.
But we’ll see, I don’t know.
Maybe, maybe.
Something else I thought about maybe doing is busting out a board game.
We haven’t played a board game in a while so, you know, maybe that’s an idea.
Kick the idea around to the kidsand Tiffany and the kids and see if they’re down with that.
It’s Friday which means the kidsdon’t have school tomorrow so I know a lot of times they makeplans with their friends to get online, play video games.
Sometimes hop on their scooters and trek throughthe neighborhood.
That’s a thing sometimes they do, sometimes.
So I don’t know.
We’ll see, stay tuned.
But I would like to know in thecomments down below what you did for your Friday night.
What was your Friday night like? Anything fun, exciting? Was it boring?You sleep through it? Let me know.
– [Man] Six hours later.
– Alright, so fast forward a few hours later.
Ended my stream a little early.
Met up with my mom.
Met up with her at Costco'cause she’s buying a new TV but doesn’t have any room now tostore it so I told her I’d keep it here at the house for her until she moves and has a place for it to stay.
So we did that, did a Costco run.
Got me some more La Croix.
Love this stuff.
It’s six bucks for like a case.
Can’t beat that, can’t beat that.
Amazing weather here, 80 degrees.
Can’t complain.
I’m not trying to rub it in either, just giving you an update.
Today on this February 2nd, 2018 it’s 80 degrees.
But my mom’s here now andshe’s just chillin’ with us.
Tiff and Sierra are about to goin the kitchen and work on some snacks for volleyball tournament tomorrow.
We have a volleyball tournamentearly in the morning and then Bryce’s basketball tournament in the afternoon.
So that’s kinda the plans for tomorrow.
I just got off the phone with Twitch.
More specifically Twitch Prime.
They had a quick 15 minute call with me.
Just asked me a couple questions, my opinions, my thoughts on certain things.
Love talking shop withspecifically the company behind the shop, if you will.
And then in about 20 minutes Igotta hop on a call with YouTube and my partner manager from there.
So we’re gonna talk about thechannel and hopefully she has some insights that maybe I can do.
Changes to make, kinda what she sees in my analytics.
The good, the bad, the ugly.
We’ll see how that goes.
I’m optimistic, I’m excited thatYouTube is doing this and that my partner manager offered this and so we shall see.
If I have any news or anything to share with you guys, I will.
Otherwise, let’s move on with our Friday.
As I said, girls in the kitchenand the baking goods have been pulled out.
What’re we making, Sierra? – Peanut butter chocolate chip muffins.
– [Clintus] Peanut butter chocolate chip muffins.
– We’re gonna try to make it athing as her bringing muffins at her tournaments.
– [Clintus] So start findingnew recipes and stuff each time? – Yeah.
– [Clintus] Very good, very good.
– [Tiffany] What’d you think? You sampled it.
– Pretty good.
– [Tiffany] Tastes good? – Taste peanut butter andthen little hint of chocolate.
It’s good.
– [Tiffany] Yeah, let’s hopethey turn out 'cause they look more like cookie dough.
But we did what it said.
Is it gonna be a Pinterest fail or a thumbs up? – Hoping a thumbs up.
– [Tiffany] Hopefully.
– It takes good like this, I hope it tastes good when we actually cook them.
– [Tiffany] Hopefully you’re not embarrassed to bring 'em tomorrow.
– We’ll make sure they’re good before we bring 'em.
– [Tiffany] We’ll definitely try one.
– Yeah, definitely.
So here are the muffins aftercooking and they’ve been cooling for about an hour.
Ish? – [Tiffany] Yeah.
– [Sierra] They kinda looklike cookies, honestly.
But we tested one a little bit and it tastes good.
So I guess they’re fine for now.
What’re you makin’? – We’re gonna make some Mexican pizzas.
Like Taco Bell’s hopefully.
– [Clintus] Hopefully.
(laughs) – [Sierra] Your things always turn out.
– [Tiffany] I mean this isn’t really like Taco Bell’s meat but.
– [Sierra] It kinda looks like it.
You said that about the muffinsbut they seem pretty good.
– We’ll see.
– [Sierra] We’ll see.
You said that about the muffins too.
– [Clintus] Is that your’s? – [Tiffany] I’ll eat that one.
Doesn’t bother me.
– [Mamaw] Sprinkle that on there? – [Tiffany] On here.
– [Mamaw] Okay.
We’re layering.
– [Clintus] Mmmm.
– We’re looking at each other’s handwriting.
– [Clintus] Who’s is the worst? – Bryce.
Wait, out of you two?- [Clintus] Yeah.
I think mine’s worst.
– Yeah.
– [Clintus] I’ve progressively gotten worse.
But I can type with my eyes closed so.
There you go, buddy.
Making your little pizza.
– [Bryce] Mhmmm.
– [Clintus] Some hot sauce or? – [Bryce] Where? What? – [Clintus] You want some hot sauce? – [Bryce] Sure.
– [Clintus] More snacks for the team? You got fruit.
– [Tiffany] Fruit.
Fruit bags.
– [Clintus] Fruit bags.
– [Tiffany] Easy.
– [Clintus] Yep.
Quick grab and then you got the muffins.
– Yep.
– [Clintus] That’s your contribution tomorrow.
– And rolls for the sandwiches.
– [Clintus] Rolls for the sandwiches.
– [Mamaw] And the grapes are so sweet.
They’re like eatin’ candy.
– [Clintus] Those are like you’re favorite, aren’t they? – Grapes and apples are my two favorite fruits.
– [Clintus] Very nice.
Well guys, mom’s gone home for the night.
We’ve cleaned up the kitchen.
Girls have packed up the last minute stuff for early, early volleyball tournament.
Well, we have to get up early, it’s not an early tournament.
Game play starts at eight if they play at eight.
So, yeah, volleyball in the morning.
Excited about it.
I’m sure some of you are wondering the conversations today about with YouTube and the channel.
Lot of good insight, lot of statistics.
My manager did a really deep dive in to the analytics and presented it.
Like the data got pulled andput into graphs and there’s some best practices and some stuff.
Some of the slides were missing, I guess, so she’s gonna send me thesecond half of the presentation so I’m gonna look at thatbut I guess long story short, she knows exactly what I’m feeling.
She knows exactly the strugglesthat I’m dealing with right now.
The bottom line is I want to be a daily life vlogger.
This genre, this thing thatI’ve been doing for the last six years I want to continue doing.
Unfortunately, it is a dying genre.
The daily life vlogs are notas popular as they used to be.
They’re not being searched andthey’re not being watched as much as they used to be.
Channels that have not evolved, and channels that have not changed up their content strategy are dying.
They’re losing subs, their viewsare abysmal compared to their sub counts and I’m falling into that genre.
Now, thankfully we’re stillgrowing in subscribers which I don’t understand.
Can’t complain, but with that being said, she said, “You’re growing[X] amount of subs per day.
” And I’m like, “Yeah, but views aren’t going up.
“How is that possible? “How are people watching the videos, “clicking the sub button, butthe views aren’t going up?” It’s almost like for everynew subscriber we get we lose a viewer.
Right, it’s like this weird, I don’t know.
She can’t explain it either.
'Cause you know, the numbers are there.
We’re growing in subscribers, right? But the views aren’t goingup, so it’s just very weird.
Very strange.
So we got some ideas, we gotsome things I need to look at.
Part of me just wants to keep truckin’.
Keep doing what I’m doing, keepdoing this because I love it and I enjoy it and this is what I want to do.
But then another part of me, as we’ve said previously this week, it’s a business.
I gotta be smart about my business.
I got to take care of my family.
And so what does that mean? What does that mean for the channel? I don’t know yet.
Haven’t figured it out yet.
But that was a really good call.
I left feeling content.
Right? It wasn’t bad news.
It wasn’t a whole lot of good news but like I said, it’s a business plan.
She literally gave me a business plan.
I’m gonna wait for theother half of the presentation to come in and then really deep dive into it and try to comeup with some ideas and I don’t know.
I don’t know.
Thank you so much for watching.
I hope this week hasn’t been too rough for you guys watching me rant.
I feel like every one of these, the last week I’ve ranted probably like half the video just talking.
I don’t know.
Hopefully you guys aren’t tired of that.
But tomorrow, lots of sports.
Stay tuned be back tomorrow for that.
Vlog on.
(upbeat music).
from IPTVRestream https://iptvrestream.net/us/so-i-talked-to-youtube-about-the-channel-clintustv/ from IPTV Restream https://iptvrestream.tumblr.com/post/629438201953763328
0 notes
iptvrestream · 4 years
So I Talked To YouTube About The Channel | Clintus.tv
(upbeat music) – [Tiffany] One, two, three, catch! Nice catch.
– (mumbles) throw it at me.
– [Tiffany] Your hands were in your pocket too.
– Yeah.
– [Tiffany] Off to school.
Short day today.
– Yep.
– [Tiffany] Easy peasy.
– Yep.
– [Tiffany] Alright, have a good day.
– 'Kay, bye.
– [Tiffany] Bye.
– How cold is it? – [Tiffany] Cold but it'll warm up.
48 right now.
– Good morning.
Happy Friday.
It's Friday, you made it to Friday.
Actually by the time you'rewatching this it's already the weekend so welcome to the weekend.
I'm just gonna preemptivelytell you welcome to the weekend because it's the weekend.
Yeah, so it's Friday here and no plans today, that I know of.
I mean, Tiffany sometimes makes plans.
But probably no plans.
Last couple Fridays been just chilling, hanging out at home.
I've been pushing back my night stream to much, much later after dinner, aftersome chill time with Tiffany and the kids and yeah, I don't know.
Honestly, kinda thinking aboutmaybe like getting the bikes out and going for a bike ride.
Like a long bike ride.
But we'll see, I don't know.
Maybe, maybe.
Something else I thought about maybe doing is busting out a board game.
We haven't played a board game in a while so, you know, maybe that's an idea.
Kick the idea around to the kidsand Tiffany and the kids and see if they're down with that.
It's Friday which means the kidsdon't have school tomorrow so I know a lot of times they makeplans with their friends to get online, play video games.
Sometimes hop on their scooters and trek throughthe neighborhood.
That's a thing sometimes they do, sometimes.
So I don't know.
We'll see, stay tuned.
But I would like to know in thecomments down below what you did for your Friday night.
What was your Friday night like? Anything fun, exciting? Was it boring?You sleep through it? Let me know.
– [Man] Six hours later.
– Alright, so fast forward a few hours later.
Ended my stream a little early.
Met up with my mom.
Met up with her at Costco'cause she's buying a new TV but doesn't have any room now tostore it so I told her I'd keep it here at the house for her until she moves and has a place for it to stay.
So we did that, did a Costco run.
Got me some more La Croix.
Love this stuff.
It's six bucks for like a case.
Can't beat that, can't beat that.
Amazing weather here, 80 degrees.
Can't complain.
I'm not trying to rub it in either, just giving you an update.
Today on this February 2nd, 2018 it's 80 degrees.
But my mom's here now andshe's just chillin' with us.
Tiff and Sierra are about to goin the kitchen and work on some snacks for volleyball tournament tomorrow.
We have a volleyball tournamentearly in the morning and then Bryce's basketball tournament in the afternoon.
So that's kinda the plans for tomorrow.
I just got off the phone with Twitch.
More specifically Twitch Prime.
They had a quick 15 minute call with me.
Just asked me a couple questions, my opinions, my thoughts on certain things.
Love talking shop withspecifically the company behind the shop, if you will.
And then in about 20 minutes Igotta hop on a call with YouTube and my partner manager from there.
So we're gonna talk about thechannel and hopefully she has some insights that maybe I can do.
Changes to make, kinda what she sees in my analytics.
The good, the bad, the ugly.
We'll see how that goes.
I'm optimistic, I'm excited thatYouTube is doing this and that my partner manager offered this and so we shall see.
If I have any news or anything to share with you guys, I will.
Otherwise, let's move on with our Friday.
As I said, girls in the kitchenand the baking goods have been pulled out.
What're we making, Sierra? – Peanut butter chocolate chip muffins.
– [Clintus] Peanut butter chocolate chip muffins.
– We're gonna try to make it athing as her bringing muffins at her tournaments.
– [Clintus] So start findingnew recipes and stuff each time? – Yeah.
– [Clintus] Very good, very good.
– [Tiffany] What'd you think? You sampled it.
– Pretty good.
– [Tiffany] Tastes good? – Taste peanut butter andthen little hint of chocolate.
It's good.
– [Tiffany] Yeah, let's hopethey turn out 'cause they look more like cookie dough.
But we did what it said.
Is it gonna be a Pinterest fail or a thumbs up? – Hoping a thumbs up.
– [Tiffany] Hopefully.
– It takes good like this, I hope it tastes good when we actually cook them.
– [Tiffany] Hopefully you're not embarrassed to bring 'em tomorrow.
– We'll make sure they're good before we bring 'em.
– [Tiffany] We'll definitely try one.
– Yeah, definitely.
So here are the muffins aftercooking and they've been cooling for about an hour.
Ish? – [Tiffany] Yeah.
– [Sierra] They kinda looklike cookies, honestly.
But we tested one a little bit and it tastes good.
So I guess they're fine for now.
What're you makin'? – We're gonna make some Mexican pizzas.
Like Taco Bell's hopefully.
– [Clintus] Hopefully.
(laughs) – [Sierra] Your things always turn out.
– [Tiffany] I mean this isn't really like Taco Bell's meat but.
– [Sierra] It kinda looks like it.
You said that about the muffinsbut they seem pretty good.
– We'll see.
– [Sierra] We'll see.
You said that about the muffins too.
– [Clintus] Is that your's? – [Tiffany] I'll eat that one.
Doesn't bother me.
– [Mamaw] Sprinkle that on there? – [Tiffany] On here.
– [Mamaw] Okay.
We're layering.
– [Clintus] Mmmm.
– We're looking at each other's handwriting.
– [Clintus] Who's is the worst? – Bryce.
Wait, out of you two?- [Clintus] Yeah.
I think mine's worst.
– Yeah.
– [Clintus] I've progressively gotten worse.
But I can type with my eyes closed so.
There you go, buddy.
Making your little pizza.
– [Bryce] Mhmmm.
– [Clintus] Some hot sauce or? – [Bryce] Where? What? – [Clintus] You want some hot sauce? – [Bryce] Sure.
– [Clintus] More snacks for the team? You got fruit.
– [Tiffany] Fruit.
Fruit bags.
– [Clintus] Fruit bags.
– [Tiffany] Easy.
– [Clintus] Yep.
Quick grab and then you got the muffins.
– Yep.
– [Clintus] That's your contribution tomorrow.
– And rolls for the sandwiches.
– [Clintus] Rolls for the sandwiches.
– [Mamaw] And the grapes are so sweet.
They're like eatin' candy.
– [Clintus] Those are like you're favorite, aren't they? – Grapes and apples are my two favorite fruits.
– [Clintus] Very nice.
Well guys, mom's gone home for the night.
We've cleaned up the kitchen.
Girls have packed up the last minute stuff for early, early volleyball tournament.
Well, we have to get up early, it's not an early tournament.
Game play starts at eight if they play at eight.
So, yeah, volleyball in the morning.
Excited about it.
I'm sure some of you are wondering the conversations today about with YouTube and the channel.
Lot of good insight, lot of statistics.
My manager did a really deep dive in to the analytics and presented it.
Like the data got pulled andput into graphs and there's some best practices and some stuff.
Some of the slides were missing, I guess, so she's gonna send me thesecond half of the presentation so I'm gonna look at thatbut I guess long story short, she knows exactly what I'm feeling.
She knows exactly the strugglesthat I'm dealing with right now.
The bottom line is I want to be a daily life vlogger.
This genre, this thing thatI've been doing for the last six years I want to continue doing.
Unfortunately, it is a dying genre.
The daily life vlogs are notas popular as they used to be.
They're not being searched andthey're not being watched as much as they used to be.
Channels that have not evolved, and channels that have not changed up their content strategy are dying.
They're losing subs, their viewsare abysmal compared to their sub counts and I'm falling into that genre.
Now, thankfully we're stillgrowing in subscribers which I don't understand.
Can't complain, but with that being said, she said, “You're growing[X] amount of subs per day.
” And I'm like, “Yeah, but views aren't going up.
“How is that possible? “How are people watching the videos, “clicking the sub button, butthe views aren't going up?” It's almost like for everynew subscriber we get we lose a viewer.
Right, it's like this weird, I don't know.
She can't explain it either.
'Cause you know, the numbers are there.
We're growing in subscribers, right? But the views aren't goingup, so it's just very weird.
Very strange.
So we got some ideas, we gotsome things I need to look at.
Part of me just wants to keep truckin'.
Keep doing what I'm doing, keepdoing this because I love it and I enjoy it and this is what I want to do.
But then another part of me, as we've said previously this week, it's a business.
I gotta be smart about my business.
I got to take care of my family.
And so what does that mean? What does that mean for the channel? I don't know yet.
Haven't figured it out yet.
But that was a really good call.
I left feeling content.
Right? It wasn't bad news.
It wasn't a whole lot of good news but like I said, it's a business plan.
She literally gave me a business plan.
I'm gonna wait for theother half of the presentation to come in and then really deep dive into it and try to comeup with some ideas and I don't know.
I don't know.
Thank you so much for watching.
I hope this week hasn't been too rough for you guys watching me rant.
I feel like every one of these, the last week I've ranted probably like half the video just talking.
I don't know.
Hopefully you guys aren't tired of that.
But tomorrow, lots of sports.
Stay tuned be back tomorrow for that.
Vlog on.
(upbeat music).
from IPTVRestream https://iptvrestream.net/us/so-i-talked-to-youtube-about-the-channel-clintustv/
0 notes
ophelialamarre · 4 years
So I Talked To YouTube About The Channel | Clintus.tv
(upbeat music) – [Tiffany] One, two, three, catch! Nice catch.
– (mumbles) throw it at me.
– [Tiffany] Your hands were in your pocket too.
– Yeah.
– [Tiffany] Off to school.
Short day today.
– Yep.
– [Tiffany] Easy peasy.
– Yep.
– [Tiffany] Alright, have a good day.
– 'Kay, bye.
– [Tiffany] Bye.
– How cold is it? – [Tiffany] Cold but it'll warm up.
48 right now.
– Good morning.
Happy Friday.
It's Friday, you made it to Friday.
Actually by the time you'rewatching this it's already the weekend so welcome to the weekend.
I'm just gonna preemptivelytell you welcome to the weekend because it's the weekend.
Yeah, so it's Friday here and no plans today, that I know of.
I mean, Tiffany sometimes makes plans.
But probably no plans.
Last couple Fridays been just chilling, hanging out at home.
I've been pushing back my night stream to much, much later after dinner, aftersome chill time with Tiffany and the kids and yeah, I don't know.
Honestly, kinda thinking aboutmaybe like getting the bikes out and going for a bike ride.
Like a long bike ride.
But we'll see, I don't know.
Maybe, maybe.
Something else I thought about maybe doing is busting out a board game.
We haven't played a board game in a while so, you know, maybe that's an idea.
Kick the idea around to the kidsand Tiffany and the kids and see if they're down with that.
It's Friday which means the kidsdon't have school tomorrow so I know a lot of times they makeplans with their friends to get online, play video games.
Sometimes hop on their scooters and trek throughthe neighborhood.
That's a thing sometimes they do, sometimes.
So I don't know.
We'll see, stay tuned.
But I would like to know in thecomments down below what you did for your Friday night.
What was your Friday night like? Anything fun, exciting? Was it boring?You sleep through it? Let me know.
– [Man] Six hours later.
– Alright, so fast forward a few hours later.
Ended my stream a little early.
Met up with my mom.
Met up with her at Costco'cause she's buying a new TV but doesn't have any room now tostore it so I told her I'd keep it here at the house for her until she moves and has a place for it to stay.
So we did that, did a Costco run.
Got me some more La Croix.
Love this stuff.
It's six bucks for like a case.
Can't beat that, can't beat that.
Amazing weather here, 80 degrees.
Can't complain.
I'm not trying to rub it in either, just giving you an update.
Today on this February 2nd, 2018 it's 80 degrees.
But my mom's here now andshe's just chillin' with us.
Tiff and Sierra are about to goin the kitchen and work on some snacks for volleyball tournament tomorrow.
We have a volleyball tournamentearly in the morning and then Bryce's basketball tournament in the afternoon.
So that's kinda the plans for tomorrow.
I just got off the phone with Twitch.
More specifically Twitch Prime.
They had a quick 15 minute call with me.
Just asked me a couple questions, my opinions, my thoughts on certain things.
Love talking shop withspecifically the company behind the shop, if you will.
And then in about 20 minutes Igotta hop on a call with YouTube and my partner manager from there.
So we're gonna talk about thechannel and hopefully she has some insights that maybe I can do.
Changes to make, kinda what she sees in my analytics.
The good, the bad, the ugly.
We'll see how that goes.
I'm optimistic, I'm excited thatYouTube is doing this and that my partner manager offered this and so we shall see.
If I have any news or anything to share with you guys, I will.
Otherwise, let's move on with our Friday.
As I said, girls in the kitchenand the baking goods have been pulled out.
What're we making, Sierra? – Peanut butter chocolate chip muffins.
– [Clintus] Peanut butter chocolate chip muffins.
– We're gonna try to make it athing as her bringing muffins at her tournaments.
– [Clintus] So start findingnew recipes and stuff each time? – Yeah.
– [Clintus] Very good, very good.
– [Tiffany] What'd you think? You sampled it.
– Pretty good.
– [Tiffany] Tastes good? – Taste peanut butter andthen little hint of chocolate.
It's good.
– [Tiffany] Yeah, let's hopethey turn out 'cause they look more like cookie dough.
But we did what it said.
Is it gonna be a Pinterest fail or a thumbs up? – Hoping a thumbs up.
– [Tiffany] Hopefully.
– It takes good like this, I hope it tastes good when we actually cook them.
– [Tiffany] Hopefully you're not embarrassed to bring 'em tomorrow.
– We'll make sure they're good before we bring 'em.
– [Tiffany] We'll definitely try one.
– Yeah, definitely.
So here are the muffins aftercooking and they've been cooling for about an hour.
Ish? – [Tiffany] Yeah.
– [Sierra] They kinda looklike cookies, honestly.
But we tested one a little bit and it tastes good.
So I guess they're fine for now.
What're you makin'? – We're gonna make some Mexican pizzas.
Like Taco Bell's hopefully.
– [Clintus] Hopefully.
(laughs) – [Sierra] Your things always turn out.
– [Tiffany] I mean this isn't really like Taco Bell's meat but.
– [Sierra] It kinda looks like it.
You said that about the muffinsbut they seem pretty good.
– We'll see.
– [Sierra] We'll see.
You said that about the muffins too.
– [Clintus] Is that your's? – [Tiffany] I'll eat that one.
Doesn't bother me.
– [Mamaw] Sprinkle that on there? – [Tiffany] On here.
– [Mamaw] Okay.
We're layering.
– [Clintus] Mmmm.
– We're looking at each other's handwriting.
– [Clintus] Who's is the worst? – Bryce.
Wait, out of you two?- [Clintus] Yeah.
I think mine's worst.
– Yeah.
– [Clintus] I've progressively gotten worse.
But I can type with my eyes closed so.
There you go, buddy.
Making your little pizza.
– [Bryce] Mhmmm.
– [Clintus] Some hot sauce or? – [Bryce] Where? What? – [Clintus] You want some hot sauce? – [Bryce] Sure.
– [Clintus] More snacks for the team? You got fruit.
– [Tiffany] Fruit.
Fruit bags.
– [Clintus] Fruit bags.
– [Tiffany] Easy.
– [Clintus] Yep.
Quick grab and then you got the muffins.
– Yep.
– [Clintus] That's your contribution tomorrow.
– And rolls for the sandwiches.
– [Clintus] Rolls for the sandwiches.
– [Mamaw] And the grapes are so sweet.
They're like eatin' candy.
– [Clintus] Those are like you're favorite, aren't they? – Grapes and apples are my two favorite fruits.
– [Clintus] Very nice.
Well guys, mom's gone home for the night.
We've cleaned up the kitchen.
Girls have packed up the last minute stuff for early, early volleyball tournament.
Well, we have to get up early, it's not an early tournament.
Game play starts at eight if they play at eight.
So, yeah, volleyball in the morning.
Excited about it.
I'm sure some of you are wondering the conversations today about with YouTube and the channel.
Lot of good insight, lot of statistics.
My manager did a really deep dive in to the analytics and presented it.
Like the data got pulled andput into graphs and there's some best practices and some stuff.
Some of the slides were missing, I guess, so she's gonna send me thesecond half of the presentation so I'm gonna look at thatbut I guess long story short, she knows exactly what I'm feeling.
She knows exactly the strugglesthat I'm dealing with right now.
The bottom line is I want to be a daily life vlogger.
This genre, this thing thatI've been doing for the last six years I want to continue doing.
Unfortunately, it is a dying genre.
The daily life vlogs are notas popular as they used to be.
They're not being searched andthey're not being watched as much as they used to be.
Channels that have not evolved, and channels that have not changed up their content strategy are dying.
They're losing subs, their viewsare abysmal compared to their sub counts and I'm falling into that genre.
Now, thankfully we're stillgrowing in subscribers which I don't understand.
Can't complain, but with that being said, she said, “You're growing[X] amount of subs per day.
” And I'm like, “Yeah, but views aren't going up.
“How is that possible? “How are people watching the videos, “clicking the sub button, butthe views aren't going up?” It's almost like for everynew subscriber we get we lose a viewer.
Right, it's like this weird, I don't know.
She can't explain it either.
'Cause you know, the numbers are there.
We're growing in subscribers, right? But the views aren't goingup, so it's just very weird.
Very strange.
So we got some ideas, we gotsome things I need to look at.
Part of me just wants to keep truckin'.
Keep doing what I'm doing, keepdoing this because I love it and I enjoy it and this is what I want to do.
But then another part of me, as we've said previously this week, it's a business.
I gotta be smart about my business.
I got to take care of my family.
And so what does that mean? What does that mean for the channel? I don't know yet.
Haven't figured it out yet.
But that was a really good call.
I left feeling content.
Right? It wasn't bad news.
It wasn't a whole lot of good news but like I said, it's a business plan.
She literally gave me a business plan.
I'm gonna wait for theother half of the presentation to come in and then really deep dive into it and try to comeup with some ideas and I don't know.
I don't know.
Thank you so much for watching.
I hope this week hasn't been too rough for you guys watching me rant.
I feel like every one of these, the last week I've ranted probably like half the video just talking.
I don't know.
Hopefully you guys aren't tired of that.
But tomorrow, lots of sports.
Stay tuned be back tomorrow for that.
Vlog on.
(upbeat music).
The post So I Talked To YouTube About The Channel | Clintus.tv appeared first on IPTVRestream.
Source: https://iptvrestream.net/restream/so-i-talked-to-youtube-about-the-channel-clintus-tv/
from https://iptvrestream.wordpress.com/2020/04/14/so-i-talked-to-youtube-about-the-channel-clintus-tv/
from Free IPTV - Blog https://pierpontartois.weebly.com/blog/so-i-talked-to-youtube-about-the-channel-clintustv
0 notes
jacquesgoddu · 4 years
So I Talked To YouTube About The Channel | Clintus.tv
(upbeat music) – [Tiffany] One, two, three, catch! Nice catch.
– (mumbles) throw it at me.
– [Tiffany] Your hands were in your pocket too.
– Yeah.
– [Tiffany] Off to school.
Short day today.
– Yep.
– [Tiffany] Easy peasy.
– Yep.
– [Tiffany] Alright, have a good day.
– ‘Kay, bye.
– [Tiffany] Bye.
– How cold is it? – [Tiffany] Cold but it’ll warm up.
48 right now.
– Good morning.
Happy Friday.
It’s Friday, you made it to Friday.
Actually by the time you'rewatching this it’s already the weekend so welcome to the weekend.
I’m just gonna preemptivelytell you welcome to the weekend because it’s the weekend.
Yeah, so it’s Friday here and no plans today, that I know of.
I mean, Tiffany sometimes makes plans.
But probably no plans.
Last couple Fridays been just chilling, hanging out at home.
I’ve been pushing back my night stream to much, much later after dinner, aftersome chill time with Tiffany and the kids and yeah, I don’t know.
Honestly, kinda thinking aboutmaybe like getting the bikes out and going for a bike ride.
Like a long bike ride.
But we’ll see, I don’t know.
Maybe, maybe.
Something else I thought about maybe doing is busting out a board game.
We haven’t played a board game in a while so, you know, maybe that’s an idea.
Kick the idea around to the kidsand Tiffany and the kids and see if they’re down with that.
It’s Friday which means the kidsdon’t have school tomorrow so I know a lot of times they makeplans with their friends to get online, play video games.
Sometimes hop on their scooters and trek throughthe neighborhood.
That’s a thing sometimes they do, sometimes.
So I don’t know.
We’ll see, stay tuned.
But I would like to know in thecomments down below what you did for your Friday night.
What was your Friday night like? Anything fun, exciting? Was it boring?You sleep through it? Let me know.
– [Man] Six hours later.
– Alright, so fast forward a few hours later.
Ended my stream a little early.
Met up with my mom.
Met up with her at Costco'cause she’s buying a new TV but doesn’t have any room now tostore it so I told her I’d keep it here at the house for her until she moves and has a place for it to stay.
So we did that, did a Costco run.
Got me some more La Croix.
Love this stuff.
It’s six bucks for like a case.
Can’t beat that, can’t beat that.
Amazing weather here, 80 degrees.
Can’t complain.
I’m not trying to rub it in either, just giving you an update.
Today on this February 2nd, 2018 it’s 80 degrees.
But my mom’s here now andshe’s just chillin’ with us.
Tiff and Sierra are about to goin the kitchen and work on some snacks for volleyball tournament tomorrow.
We have a volleyball tournamentearly in the morning and then Bryce’s basketball tournament in the afternoon.
So that’s kinda the plans for tomorrow.
I just got off the phone with Twitch.
More specifically Twitch Prime.
They had a quick 15 minute call with me.
Just asked me a couple questions, my opinions, my thoughts on certain things.
Love talking shop withspecifically the company behind the shop, if you will.
And then in about 20 minutes Igotta hop on a call with YouTube and my partner manager from there.
So we’re gonna talk about thechannel and hopefully she has some insights that maybe I can do.
Changes to make, kinda what she sees in my analytics.
The good, the bad, the ugly.
We’ll see how that goes.
I’m optimistic, I’m excited thatYouTube is doing this and that my partner manager offered this and so we shall see.
If I have any news or anything to share with you guys, I will.
Otherwise, let’s move on with our Friday.
As I said, girls in the kitchenand the baking goods have been pulled out.
What’re we making, Sierra? – Peanut butter chocolate chip muffins.
– [Clintus] Peanut butter chocolate chip muffins.
– We’re gonna try to make it athing as her bringing muffins at her tournaments.
– [Clintus] So start findingnew recipes and stuff each time? – Yeah.
– [Clintus] Very good, very good.
– [Tiffany] What’d you think? You sampled it.
– Pretty good.
– [Tiffany] Tastes good? – Taste peanut butter andthen little hint of chocolate.
It’s good.
– [Tiffany] Yeah, let’s hopethey turn out 'cause they look more like cookie dough.
But we did what it said.
Is it gonna be a Pinterest fail or a thumbs up? – Hoping a thumbs up.
– [Tiffany] Hopefully.
– It takes good like this, I hope it tastes good when we actually cook them.
– [Tiffany] Hopefully you’re not embarrassed to bring 'em tomorrow.
– We’ll make sure they’re good before we bring 'em.
– [Tiffany] We’ll definitely try one.
– Yeah, definitely.
So here are the muffins aftercooking and they’ve been cooling for about an hour.
Ish? – [Tiffany] Yeah.
– [Sierra] They kinda looklike cookies, honestly.
But we tested one a little bit and it tastes good.
So I guess they’re fine for now.
What’re you makin’? – We’re gonna make some Mexican pizzas.
Like Taco Bell’s hopefully.
– [Clintus] Hopefully.
(laughs) – [Sierra] Your things always turn out.
– [Tiffany] I mean this isn’t really like Taco Bell’s meat but.
– [Sierra] It kinda looks like it.
You said that about the muffinsbut they seem pretty good.
– We’ll see.
– [Sierra] We’ll see.
You said that about the muffins too.
– [Clintus] Is that your’s? – [Tiffany] I’ll eat that one.
Doesn’t bother me.
– [Mamaw] Sprinkle that on there? – [Tiffany] On here.
– [Mamaw] Okay.
We’re layering.
– [Clintus] Mmmm.
– We’re looking at each other’s handwriting.
– [Clintus] Who’s is the worst? – Bryce.
Wait, out of you two?- [Clintus] Yeah.
I think mine’s worst.
– Yeah.
– [Clintus] I’ve progressively gotten worse.
But I can type with my eyes closed so.
There you go, buddy.
Making your little pizza.
– [Bryce] Mhmmm.
– [Clintus] Some hot sauce or? – [Bryce] Where? What? – [Clintus] You want some hot sauce? – [Bryce] Sure.
– [Clintus] More snacks for the team? You got fruit.
– [Tiffany] Fruit.
Fruit bags.
– [Clintus] Fruit bags.
– [Tiffany] Easy.
– [Clintus] Yep.
Quick grab and then you got the muffins.
– Yep.
– [Clintus] That’s your contribution tomorrow.
– And rolls for the sandwiches.
– [Clintus] Rolls for the sandwiches.
– [Mamaw] And the grapes are so sweet.
They’re like eatin’ candy.
– [Clintus] Those are like you’re favorite, aren’t they? – Grapes and apples are my two favorite fruits.
– [Clintus] Very nice.
Well guys, mom’s gone home for the night.
We’ve cleaned up the kitchen.
Girls have packed up the last minute stuff for early, early volleyball tournament.
Well, we have to get up early, it’s not an early tournament.
Game play starts at eight if they play at eight.
So, yeah, volleyball in the morning.
Excited about it.
I’m sure some of you are wondering the conversations today about with YouTube and the channel.
Lot of good insight, lot of statistics.
My manager did a really deep dive in to the analytics and presented it.
Like the data got pulled andput into graphs and there’s some best practices and some stuff.
Some of the slides were missing, I guess, so she’s gonna send me thesecond half of the presentation so I’m gonna look at thatbut I guess long story short, she knows exactly what I’m feeling.
She knows exactly the strugglesthat I’m dealing with right now.
The bottom line is I want to be a daily life vlogger.
This genre, this thing thatI’ve been doing for the last six years I want to continue doing.
Unfortunately, it is a dying genre.
The daily life vlogs are notas popular as they used to be.
They’re not being searched andthey’re not being watched as much as they used to be.
Channels that have not evolved, and channels that have not changed up their content strategy are dying.
They’re losing subs, their viewsare abysmal compared to their sub counts and I’m falling into that genre.
Now, thankfully we’re stillgrowing in subscribers which I don’t understand.
Can’t complain, but with that being said, she said, “You’re growing[X] amount of subs per day.
” And I’m like, “Yeah, but views aren’t going up.
“How is that possible? “How are people watching the videos, “clicking the sub button, butthe views aren’t going up?” It’s almost like for everynew subscriber we get we lose a viewer.
Right, it’s like this weird, I don’t know.
She can’t explain it either.
'Cause you know, the numbers are there.
We’re growing in subscribers, right? But the views aren’t goingup, so it’s just very weird.
Very strange.
So we got some ideas, we gotsome things I need to look at.
Part of me just wants to keep truckin’.
Keep doing what I’m doing, keepdoing this because I love it and I enjoy it and this is what I want to do.
But then another part of me, as we’ve said previously this week, it’s a business.
I gotta be smart about my business.
I got to take care of my family.
And so what does that mean? What does that mean for the channel? I don’t know yet.
Haven’t figured it out yet.
But that was a really good call.
I left feeling content.
Right? It wasn’t bad news.
It wasn’t a whole lot of good news but like I said, it’s a business plan.
She literally gave me a business plan.
I’m gonna wait for theother half of the presentation to come in and then really deep dive into it and try to comeup with some ideas and I don’t know.
I don’t know.
Thank you so much for watching.
I hope this week hasn’t been too rough for you guys watching me rant.
I feel like every one of these, the last week I’ve ranted probably like half the video just talking.
I don’t know.
Hopefully you guys aren’t tired of that.
But tomorrow, lots of sports.
Stay tuned be back tomorrow for that.
Vlog on.
(upbeat music).
The post So I Talked To YouTube About The Channel | Clintus.tv appeared first on IPTVRestream.
from https://iptvrestream.net/restream/so-i-talked-to-youtube-about-the-channel-clintus-tv/
from IPTV Restream - Blog https://iptvrestreamnet.weebly.com/blog/so-i-talked-to-youtube-about-the-channel-clintustv from Restream IPTV https://belisardacoudert.tumblr.com/post/615347900100247552
0 notes
brigliadorbreton · 4 years
So I Talked To YouTube About The Channel | Clintus.tv
(upbeat music) – [Tiffany] One, two, three, catch! Nice catch.
– (mumbles) throw it at me.
– [Tiffany] Your hands were in your pocket too.
– Yeah.
– [Tiffany] Off to school.
Short day today.
– Yep.
– [Tiffany] Easy peasy.
– Yep.
– [Tiffany] Alright, have a good day.
– ‘Kay, bye.
– [Tiffany] Bye.
– How cold is it? – [Tiffany] Cold but it’ll warm up.
48 right now.
– Good morning.
Happy Friday.
It’s Friday, you made it to Friday.
Actually by the time you'rewatching this it’s already the weekend so welcome to the weekend.
I’m just gonna preemptivelytell you welcome to the weekend because it’s the weekend.
Yeah, so it’s Friday here and no plans today, that I know of.
I mean, Tiffany sometimes makes plans.
But probably no plans.
Last couple Fridays been just chilling, hanging out at home.
I’ve been pushing back my night stream to much, much later after dinner, aftersome chill time with Tiffany and the kids and yeah, I don’t know.
Honestly, kinda thinking aboutmaybe like getting the bikes out and going for a bike ride.
Like a long bike ride.
But we’ll see, I don’t know.
Maybe, maybe.
Something else I thought about maybe doing is busting out a board game.
We haven’t played a board game in a while so, you know, maybe that’s an idea.
Kick the idea around to the kidsand Tiffany and the kids and see if they’re down with that.
It’s Friday which means the kidsdon’t have school tomorrow so I know a lot of times they makeplans with their friends to get online, play video games.
Sometimes hop on their scooters and trek throughthe neighborhood.
That’s a thing sometimes they do, sometimes.
So I don’t know.
We’ll see, stay tuned.
But I would like to know in thecomments down below what you did for your Friday night.
What was your Friday night like? Anything fun, exciting? Was it boring?You sleep through it? Let me know.
– [Man] Six hours later.
– Alright, so fast forward a few hours later.
Ended my stream a little early.
Met up with my mom.
Met up with her at Costco'cause she’s buying a new TV but doesn’t have any room now tostore it so I told her I’d keep it here at the house for her until she moves and has a place for it to stay.
So we did that, did a Costco run.
Got me some more La Croix.
Love this stuff.
It’s six bucks for like a case.
Can’t beat that, can’t beat that.
Amazing weather here, 80 degrees.
Can’t complain.
I’m not trying to rub it in either, just giving you an update.
Today on this February 2nd, 2018 it’s 80 degrees.
But my mom’s here now andshe’s just chillin’ with us.
Tiff and Sierra are about to goin the kitchen and work on some snacks for volleyball tournament tomorrow.
We have a volleyball tournamentearly in the morning and then Bryce’s basketball tournament in the afternoon.
So that’s kinda the plans for tomorrow.
I just got off the phone with Twitch.
More specifically Twitch Prime.
They had a quick 15 minute call with me.
Just asked me a couple questions, my opinions, my thoughts on certain things.
Love talking shop withspecifically the company behind the shop, if you will.
And then in about 20 minutes Igotta hop on a call with YouTube and my partner manager from there.
So we’re gonna talk about thechannel and hopefully she has some insights that maybe I can do.
Changes to make, kinda what she sees in my analytics.
The good, the bad, the ugly.
We’ll see how that goes.
I’m optimistic, I’m excited thatYouTube is doing this and that my partner manager offered this and so we shall see.
If I have any news or anything to share with you guys, I will.
Otherwise, let’s move on with our Friday.
As I said, girls in the kitchenand the baking goods have been pulled out.
What’re we making, Sierra? – Peanut butter chocolate chip muffins.
– [Clintus] Peanut butter chocolate chip muffins.
– We’re gonna try to make it athing as her bringing muffins at her tournaments.
– [Clintus] So start findingnew recipes and stuff each time? – Yeah.
– [Clintus] Very good, very good.
– [Tiffany] What’d you think? You sampled it.
– Pretty good.
– [Tiffany] Tastes good? – Taste peanut butter andthen little hint of chocolate.
It’s good.
– [Tiffany] Yeah, let’s hopethey turn out 'cause they look more like cookie dough.
But we did what it said.
Is it gonna be a Pinterest fail or a thumbs up? – Hoping a thumbs up.
– [Tiffany] Hopefully.
– It takes good like this, I hope it tastes good when we actually cook them.
– [Tiffany] Hopefully you’re not embarrassed to bring 'em tomorrow.
– We’ll make sure they’re good before we bring 'em.
– [Tiffany] We’ll definitely try one.
– Yeah, definitely.
So here are the muffins aftercooking and they’ve been cooling for about an hour.
Ish? – [Tiffany] Yeah.
– [Sierra] They kinda looklike cookies, honestly.
But we tested one a little bit and it tastes good.
So I guess they’re fine for now.
What’re you makin’? – We’re gonna make some Mexican pizzas.
Like Taco Bell’s hopefully.
– [Clintus] Hopefully.
(laughs) – [Sierra] Your things always turn out.
– [Tiffany] I mean this isn’t really like Taco Bell’s meat but.
– [Sierra] It kinda looks like it.
You said that about the muffinsbut they seem pretty good.
– We’ll see.
– [Sierra] We’ll see.
You said that about the muffins too.
– [Clintus] Is that your’s? – [Tiffany] I’ll eat that one.
Doesn’t bother me.
– [Mamaw] Sprinkle that on there? – [Tiffany] On here.
– [Mamaw] Okay.
We’re layering.
– [Clintus] Mmmm.
– We’re looking at each other’s handwriting.
– [Clintus] Who’s is the worst? – Bryce.
Wait, out of you two?- [Clintus] Yeah.
I think mine’s worst.
– Yeah.
– [Clintus] I’ve progressively gotten worse.
But I can type with my eyes closed so.
There you go, buddy.
Making your little pizza.
– [Bryce] Mhmmm.
– [Clintus] Some hot sauce or? – [Bryce] Where? What? – [Clintus] You want some hot sauce? – [Bryce] Sure.
– [Clintus] More snacks for the team? You got fruit.
– [Tiffany] Fruit.
Fruit bags.
– [Clintus] Fruit bags.
– [Tiffany] Easy.
– [Clintus] Yep.
Quick grab and then you got the muffins.
– Yep.
– [Clintus] That’s your contribution tomorrow.
– And rolls for the sandwiches.
– [Clintus] Rolls for the sandwiches.
– [Mamaw] And the grapes are so sweet.
They’re like eatin’ candy.
– [Clintus] Those are like you’re favorite, aren’t they? – Grapes and apples are my two favorite fruits.
– [Clintus] Very nice.
Well guys, mom’s gone home for the night.
We’ve cleaned up the kitchen.
Girls have packed up the last minute stuff for early, early volleyball tournament.
Well, we have to get up early, it’s not an early tournament.
Game play starts at eight if they play at eight.
So, yeah, volleyball in the morning.
Excited about it.
I’m sure some of you are wondering the conversations today about with YouTube and the channel.
Lot of good insight, lot of statistics.
My manager did a really deep dive in to the analytics and presented it.
Like the data got pulled andput into graphs and there’s some best practices and some stuff.
Some of the slides were missing, I guess, so she’s gonna send me thesecond half of the presentation so I’m gonna look at thatbut I guess long story short, she knows exactly what I’m feeling.
She knows exactly the strugglesthat I’m dealing with right now.
The bottom line is I want to be a daily life vlogger.
This genre, this thing thatI’ve been doing for the last six years I want to continue doing.
Unfortunately, it is a dying genre.
The daily life vlogs are notas popular as they used to be.
They’re not being searched andthey’re not being watched as much as they used to be.
Channels that have not evolved, and channels that have not changed up their content strategy are dying.
They’re losing subs, their viewsare abysmal compared to their sub counts and I’m falling into that genre.
Now, thankfully we’re stillgrowing in subscribers which I don’t understand.
Can’t complain, but with that being said, she said, “You’re growing[X] amount of subs per day.
” And I’m like, “Yeah, but views aren’t going up.
“How is that possible? “How are people watching the videos, “clicking the sub button, butthe views aren’t going up?” It’s almost like for everynew subscriber we get we lose a viewer.
Right, it’s like this weird, I don’t know.
She can’t explain it either.
'Cause you know, the numbers are there.
We’re growing in subscribers, right? But the views aren’t goingup, so it’s just very weird.
Very strange.
So we got some ideas, we gotsome things I need to look at.
Part of me just wants to keep truckin’.
Keep doing what I’m doing, keepdoing this because I love it and I enjoy it and this is what I want to do.
But then another part of me, as we’ve said previously this week, it’s a business.
I gotta be smart about my business.
I got to take care of my family.
And so what does that mean? What does that mean for the channel? I don’t know yet.
Haven’t figured it out yet.
But that was a really good call.
I left feeling content.
Right? It wasn’t bad news.
It wasn’t a whole lot of good news but like I said, it’s a business plan.
She literally gave me a business plan.
I’m gonna wait for theother half of the presentation to come in and then really deep dive into it and try to comeup with some ideas and I don’t know.
I don’t know.
Thank you so much for watching.
I hope this week hasn’t been too rough for you guys watching me rant.
I feel like every one of these, the last week I’ve ranted probably like half the video just talking.
I don’t know.
Hopefully you guys aren’t tired of that.
But tomorrow, lots of sports.
Stay tuned be back tomorrow for that.
Vlog on.
(upbeat music).
The post So I Talked To YouTube About The Channel | Clintus.tv appeared first on IPTVRestream.
Source: https://iptvrestream.net/restream/so-i-talked-to-youtube-about-the-channel-clintus-tv/
from IPTV Restream https://iptvrestream.wordpress.com/2020/04/14/so-i-talked-to-youtube-about-the-channel-clintus-tv/ from Free IPTV https://pierpontartois.tumblr.com/post/615348729943408640
0 notes
pierpontartois · 4 years
So I Talked To YouTube About The Channel | Clintus.tv
(upbeat music) – [Tiffany] One, two, three, catch! Nice catch.
– (mumbles) throw it at me.
– [Tiffany] Your hands were in your pocket too.
– Yeah.
– [Tiffany] Off to school.
Short day today.
– Yep.
– [Tiffany] Easy peasy.
– Yep.
– [Tiffany] Alright, have a good day.
– 'Kay, bye.
– [Tiffany] Bye.
– How cold is it? – [Tiffany] Cold but it'll warm up.
48 right now.
– Good morning.
Happy Friday.
It's Friday, you made it to Friday.
Actually by the time you'rewatching this it's already the weekend so welcome to the weekend.
I'm just gonna preemptivelytell you welcome to the weekend because it's the weekend.
Yeah, so it's Friday here and no plans today, that I know of.
I mean, Tiffany sometimes makes plans.
But probably no plans.
Last couple Fridays been just chilling, hanging out at home.
I've been pushing back my night stream to much, much later after dinner, aftersome chill time with Tiffany and the kids and yeah, I don't know.
Honestly, kinda thinking aboutmaybe like getting the bikes out and going for a bike ride.
Like a long bike ride.
But we'll see, I don't know.
Maybe, maybe.
Something else I thought about maybe doing is busting out a board game.
We haven't played a board game in a while so, you know, maybe that's an idea.
Kick the idea around to the kidsand Tiffany and the kids and see if they're down with that.
It's Friday which means the kidsdon't have school tomorrow so I know a lot of times they makeplans with their friends to get online, play video games.
Sometimes hop on their scooters and trek throughthe neighborhood.
That's a thing sometimes they do, sometimes.
So I don't know.
We'll see, stay tuned.
But I would like to know in thecomments down below what you did for your Friday night.
What was your Friday night like? Anything fun, exciting? Was it boring?You sleep through it? Let me know.
– [Man] Six hours later.
– Alright, so fast forward a few hours later.
Ended my stream a little early.
Met up with my mom.
Met up with her at Costco'cause she's buying a new TV but doesn't have any room now tostore it so I told her I'd keep it here at the house for her until she moves and has a place for it to stay.
So we did that, did a Costco run.
Got me some more La Croix.
Love this stuff.
It's six bucks for like a case.
Can't beat that, can't beat that.
Amazing weather here, 80 degrees.
Can't complain.
I'm not trying to rub it in either, just giving you an update.
Today on this February 2nd, 2018 it's 80 degrees.
But my mom's here now andshe's just chillin' with us.
Tiff and Sierra are about to goin the kitchen and work on some snacks for volleyball tournament tomorrow.
We have a volleyball tournamentearly in the morning and then Bryce's basketball tournament in the afternoon.
So that's kinda the plans for tomorrow.
I just got off the phone with Twitch.
More specifically Twitch Prime.
They had a quick 15 minute call with me.
Just asked me a couple questions, my opinions, my thoughts on certain things.
Love talking shop withspecifically the company behind the shop, if you will.
And then in about 20 minutes Igotta hop on a call with YouTube and my partner manager from there.
So we're gonna talk about thechannel and hopefully she has some insights that maybe I can do.
Changes to make, kinda what she sees in my analytics.
The good, the bad, the ugly.
We'll see how that goes.
I'm optimistic, I'm excited thatYouTube is doing this and that my partner manager offered this and so we shall see.
If I have any news or anything to share with you guys, I will.
Otherwise, let's move on with our Friday.
As I said, girls in the kitchenand the baking goods have been pulled out.
What're we making, Sierra? – Peanut butter chocolate chip muffins.
– [Clintus] Peanut butter chocolate chip muffins.
– We're gonna try to make it athing as her bringing muffins at her tournaments.
– [Clintus] So start findingnew recipes and stuff each time? – Yeah.
– [Clintus] Very good, very good.
– [Tiffany] What'd you think? You sampled it.
– Pretty good.
– [Tiffany] Tastes good? – Taste peanut butter andthen little hint of chocolate.
It's good.
– [Tiffany] Yeah, let's hopethey turn out 'cause they look more like cookie dough.
But we did what it said.
Is it gonna be a Pinterest fail or a thumbs up? – Hoping a thumbs up.
– [Tiffany] Hopefully.
– It takes good like this, I hope it tastes good when we actually cook them.
– [Tiffany] Hopefully you're not embarrassed to bring 'em tomorrow.
– We'll make sure they're good before we bring 'em.
– [Tiffany] We'll definitely try one.
– Yeah, definitely.
So here are the muffins aftercooking and they've been cooling for about an hour.
Ish? – [Tiffany] Yeah.
– [Sierra] They kinda looklike cookies, honestly.
But we tested one a little bit and it tastes good.
So I guess they're fine for now.
What're you makin'? – We're gonna make some Mexican pizzas.
Like Taco Bell's hopefully.
– [Clintus] Hopefully.
(laughs) – [Sierra] Your things always turn out.
– [Tiffany] I mean this isn't really like Taco Bell's meat but.
– [Sierra] It kinda looks like it.
You said that about the muffinsbut they seem pretty good.
– We'll see.
– [Sierra] We'll see.
You said that about the muffins too.
– [Clintus] Is that your's? – [Tiffany] I'll eat that one.
Doesn't bother me.
– [Mamaw] Sprinkle that on there? – [Tiffany] On here.
– [Mamaw] Okay.
We're layering.
– [Clintus] Mmmm.
– We're looking at each other's handwriting.
– [Clintus] Who's is the worst? – Bryce.
Wait, out of you two?- [Clintus] Yeah.
I think mine's worst.
– Yeah.
– [Clintus] I've progressively gotten worse.
But I can type with my eyes closed so.
There you go, buddy.
Making your little pizza.
– [Bryce] Mhmmm.
– [Clintus] Some hot sauce or? – [Bryce] Where? What? – [Clintus] You want some hot sauce? – [Bryce] Sure.
– [Clintus] More snacks for the team? You got fruit.
– [Tiffany] Fruit.
Fruit bags.
– [Clintus] Fruit bags.
– [Tiffany] Easy.
– [Clintus] Yep.
Quick grab and then you got the muffins.
– Yep.
– [Clintus] That's your contribution tomorrow.
– And rolls for the sandwiches.
– [Clintus] Rolls for the sandwiches.
– [Mamaw] And the grapes are so sweet.
They're like eatin' candy.
– [Clintus] Those are like you're favorite, aren't they? – Grapes and apples are my two favorite fruits.
– [Clintus] Very nice.
Well guys, mom's gone home for the night.
We've cleaned up the kitchen.
Girls have packed up the last minute stuff for early, early volleyball tournament.
Well, we have to get up early, it's not an early tournament.
Game play starts at eight if they play at eight.
So, yeah, volleyball in the morning.
Excited about it.
I'm sure some of you are wondering the conversations today about with YouTube and the channel.
Lot of good insight, lot of statistics.
My manager did a really deep dive in to the analytics and presented it.
Like the data got pulled andput into graphs and there's some best practices and some stuff.
Some of the slides were missing, I guess, so she's gonna send me thesecond half of the presentation so I'm gonna look at thatbut I guess long story short, she knows exactly what I'm feeling.
She knows exactly the strugglesthat I'm dealing with right now.
The bottom line is I want to be a daily life vlogger.
This genre, this thing thatI've been doing for the last six years I want to continue doing.
Unfortunately, it is a dying genre.
The daily life vlogs are notas popular as they used to be.
They're not being searched andthey're not being watched as much as they used to be.
Channels that have not evolved, and channels that have not changed up their content strategy are dying.
They're losing subs, their viewsare abysmal compared to their sub counts and I'm falling into that genre.
Now, thankfully we're stillgrowing in subscribers which I don't understand.
Can't complain, but with that being said, she said, “You're growing[X] amount of subs per day.
” And I'm like, “Yeah, but views aren't going up.
“How is that possible? “How are people watching the videos, “clicking the sub button, butthe views aren't going up?” It's almost like for everynew subscriber we get we lose a viewer.
Right, it's like this weird, I don't know.
She can't explain it either.
'Cause you know, the numbers are there.
We're growing in subscribers, right? But the views aren't goingup, so it's just very weird.
Very strange.
So we got some ideas, we gotsome things I need to look at.
Part of me just wants to keep truckin'.
Keep doing what I'm doing, keepdoing this because I love it and I enjoy it and this is what I want to do.
But then another part of me, as we've said previously this week, it's a business.
I gotta be smart about my business.
I got to take care of my family.
And so what does that mean? What does that mean for the channel? I don't know yet.
Haven't figured it out yet.
But that was a really good call.
I left feeling content.
Right? It wasn't bad news.
It wasn't a whole lot of good news but like I said, it's a business plan.
She literally gave me a business plan.
I'm gonna wait for theother half of the presentation to come in and then really deep dive into it and try to comeup with some ideas and I don't know.
I don't know.
Thank you so much for watching.
I hope this week hasn't been too rough for you guys watching me rant.
I feel like every one of these, the last week I've ranted probably like half the video just talking.
I don't know.
Hopefully you guys aren't tired of that.
But tomorrow, lots of sports.
Stay tuned be back tomorrow for that.
Vlog on.
(upbeat music).
The post So I Talked To YouTube About The Channel | Clintus.tv appeared first on IPTVRestream.
Source: https://iptvrestream.net/restream/so-i-talked-to-youtube-about-the-channel-clintus-tv/
from IPTV Restream https://iptvrestream.wordpress.com/2020/04/14/so-i-talked-to-youtube-about-the-channel-clintus-tv/
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