#*; ooc
bigfatbreak · 10 hours
funniest part of getting to this part of the plot is old readers vs new
it'll be fine i PROMISE, RELAX,
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casliveblog · 1 day
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If you're cold, they're cold, let your Super Himbos inside this winter.
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tvlandofficiall · 2 days
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quick nonbiney cat for pride month!
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friezaglasiencold · 21 hours
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((Kuriza thoughts))
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askcometcare · 3 days
(ooc) just want to say thank you for adding objectum rep in this and DM, it means a lot to me as someone who is objectum! It's really nice seeing myself portrayed in a positive light instead of a joke /gen
OOC: this is what i try to do with otherkin too (even if one is an orientation and one is just an identity). Both of these things are completely normalized on Spinch! I want a world where identity stuff like this is seen as normal and accepted by everyone and never made into jokes.
I don't think I mentioned this lore yet but I recently decided on there being "objecthries" which are children given by Emem to someone and their beloved object. They basically look like an anthry with traits of the beloved object (they never have a shape of the beloved object, just appearance traits that match). Certain types of magic anthries actually became entire species because of object/anthry relationships!
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mugs-n-cans · 1 day
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I had to use the spy image i’m sorry
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displ3azant · 1 day
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what about dis?
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this is like a really fucked up family reunion
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tvlandofficial · 2 days
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could not find my original redraw of this meme so i decided to redraw the redraw (as one does)
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shadowtoons · 2 days
OwO happy pride!!!!
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jp-todd-rp · 17 hours
Can DC stop killing Jason for 5 minutes, ffs?!
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metaladam · 14 hours
Don't feel bad if you live with your relatives and are in your late 20's and 30's. The bulk of human history households consisted of various relatives.
The only reason millennials and zoomers have had the moving out at 18 stuff thrown at them is because gen x and boomers grew up in a golden age for the west, specifically for North Americans. In the wake of WW2 everything had been destroyed and that allowed American to thrive in the 50's to just recently because we were the primary group that created things and that could afford to take leadership roles in world affairs. Things were cheaper, money was worth more, we were more innovative and had more room to make mistsakes.
Our parents and Grandparents lived in the best possible times to move out and have stable households, but our society has gotten over that post WW2 high. The international world has long since recovered from that trauma in many ways and its nowhere near as easy for us now.
We are not living in the golden age our parents and grandparents did. That's not an excuse to not work toward your success, but it should be understood so you understand the mass disadvantages we have when compared to those who came before us.
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casliveblog · 1 day
Lois and Vicki are like the exact same person except Vicki's 5% more of a backstabbing bitch and Lois is 5% more chaos gremlin, it's that last 5% that'll getcha
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tvlandofficiall · 2 days
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i really adore all of the little details in the cyber world... just as ch1 introduces the everpresent fact that the people of these dark worlds have lives beyond our scope (and are people, whose cruel fates we come to learn more about going forward), ch2's sprawling scenery gives you a sense of just how massive these dark worlds are beyond our scope. even within the city itself, you can still see so many buildings off in the distance, clearly bustling with activity. there's what looks like a large reflective lake in the center of it all that you can see from high-up. it all just really drives home that the cyber world is just that — a world.
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quillpokebiology · 17 hours
//Headcanon that the flowers in the pokemon world are a lot bigger to match the bigger size of bugs
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askcometcare · 3 days
OOC: Can you explain what objectum means/is please? I’m genuinely curious and I’ve never heard of it outside of your blogs.
OOC: Objectum is being attracted to objects in the way you would be attracted to a human. It's just an orientation, can be romantic or sexual or both just like any other orientation. :] Your "partner" is called a beloved object, some people have several and some just have 1. I am objectum myself actually
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mugs-n-cans · 18 hours
Do ya guys ever just see a camper and think ‘omg sniper tf2 reference’. Just me? Okay
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