#*because dika DID get hurt*
casualavocados · 2 years
okay at first i was like, why is ayan threatening to tell people akk's the one bringing the curse back when he already said he wouldnt. ayan also claimed he didnt believe akk anymore about not stealing the notebook bc of what he’s "now" seen akk do - but he’s known akk was behind things since the beginning. and actually the only motive i can come up with is that he was worried about what akk would do if he was left alone that night, because akk kept trying to get away from him, and not letting ayan help him. so ayan threatened to tell people that akk was bringing the curse back if he didnt stop.
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and i realized that... something huge about ayan's past is that he witnessed his uncle’s suicide. and IF im interpreting this episode correctly, you have to consider that aspect of trauma alongside the way he acts towards akk, & the reactions he gets from akk.
akk pushes ayan away when ayan says he needs to think of himself first. akk leans into ayan’s hug at first but then pushes him away again and tries to leave. so ayan follows and does what he’s done in the past. he threatens. he gets a rise out of akk, a confrontation akk can't back out of rather than an attempt to escape. and maybe ayan only does that because he’s scared. maybe he’s scared of leaving akk alone, not knowing what akk will do - whether it be continue the curse or something worse. he needs to make sure akk will stop.
so throughout the rest of the episode, as ayan drags akk back to the school to search for his notebook, it’s possible that what he’s really doing is just keeping akk busy. and it works because they settle back into the same teasing/exasperated relationship they had before. it smooths things between them. but the balance doesn’t truly tip into where it needs to be until ayan has his nightmare, and akk hurries to comfort him. after their conversation on the beach, things couldn't go back to the way they were before, but couldnt move forward either. akk isn’t the only one who needed to show weakness in this ep, ayan needed to as well. especially since while they were searching for the notebook he avoided akk’s question abt why it was important again. they both needed to lean on each other this ep. they both need to learn to trust each other. so i can’t wait to see what comes next, and how ayan eventually opens up about the truth of his relationship with dika and what happened to him.
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aresluna · 2 years
Theory about Namo, our suspicious guy.
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We all agree that this guy is highly suspicious. Honestly, I think he may be involved with Chadok, because it's like he's keeping an eye on the prefects.
Let me explain in more detail
The first time we are introduced to the character of Namo is when he's trying to take a phone from a guy because that`s against the rules. We see he has a prefect band, but until Akk, Kan and Wat arrive we discover that he is not really a prefect, that he is not "qualified" to do it, he expresses that he is doing to improve his grades and begs many times to please let him be prefect, but the answer is NO (what the heck was he doing with a prefect band, where did he get it?)
A detail that I like about Akk is that although in the first episodes he seems very authoritarian, in reality all that he wants is order, he does not seem like a crazy person with power who sits on a higher step and takes advantage of this. He just wants everything to go well, no changes, no problems. I don't remember in which chapter it happens, but there is a conversation between Akk, Kan and Wat in which they agree that they want The world remembers to stop with the protests but THEY DON'T WANT ANYTHING BAD TO HAPPEN TO THEM.  In episode 6 in the beach scene with Ayan he also says he just wants them to stop, he doesn't want anyone to get hurt.
Namo with the conversation with the boy whose phone he tries to take, gives this feeling of a person who LOVES being authoritarian, feeling superior to someone, in fact he challenges this poor boy when he asks for his phone again and says "Or what? I'm a student prefect" (no sweetie, you're not).  
As a small detail, in the first episode when Kan is talking to Wat about the curse and the protesters, Namo is in the back looking at them and smiling. It's a little creepy that he seems to enjoy the "curse" being back, when everyone else is worried about such accidents. I got goosebumps when in episode 7 he asks Akk “why aren’t they punished by the Suppalo curse yet”  
         * meanwhile the flowerpot and the driverless car: am I a joke to you? *
He really wants something bad to happen to them, "so that they will learn"  Something interesting that Dika tells Ayan is that any mistake you make will be cause for you to be watched and monitored. Akk has made mistakes, Chadok is not an idiot and although Akk could have respect and idolize Teacher Chadok, for him he is just another piece in his chess game, perfectly replaceable. For him, the important thing is Suppalo keep going, no matter the form. The end justifies the means. I get the impression that Chadok is getting impatient and wants to kick Ayan out and we suspect that he has recognized Dika’s necklace, another reason to want him out as soon as possible. Akk may be being too slow, even though he's under a lot of pressure, but what about Namo? A boy who wants to be a prefect, who wants the protesters to be punished by the curse, what if this boy was a much more interesting chess piece than Akk  and can be someone in the shadows who sabotages Ayan in his search for information without being suspicious(let's not forget how Ayan directly accuses Akk when he sees that his notebook has disappeared and later admits that he knows it couldn't have been him because they were always together) the thief must be a student because he was wearing the judo suit. 
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If it's true what Akk said, that everyone had their own locker key, where could they get Ayan's key from? MAYBE A COPY? hmm suspicious
Another thing that makes me suspicious of Namo is the fact that he is always a watcher. I find it interesting that Akk told him in this episode.
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He's stealthy and always watching, remember when he saw Kan's fight with the homophobic jerks in the bathroom and then told Thua about it.  Always present, always watching, always listening, but we don't know anything about him. I think that in the conversation with Akk in this episode where they talk about the curse, it's not just a retoric question, I think it's almost a demand of why akk isn’t doing something to punish the protestors. Maybe I'm overanalyzing too much but I feel like HE KNOWS that akk is the curse.
I find it curious that Akk is always questioning Ayan about what his intentions are, but the reality is that the one who we don't know anything about his intentions and goals is Namo, we only know that he is someone ambitious who would like to be a prefect and who knows , perhaps he will be willing to do whatever it takes to get it. Akk wanted to be a prefect for a gay crush (something I would totally do LOL) but I feel like Namo is more about power.
Thanks for reading and I'm sorry if there may be any errors, English is not my first language. I would love to know your opinions.
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heretherebedork · 2 years
Ayan's willingness to either out people or threaten to out them in order to help them truly fascinates me on multiple levels while also being difficult to discuss because I'm not sure where the show is going with it, if anywhere.
Despite knowing that he helped Thua, I was made deeply uncomfortable by Ayan continuing to speak to his mother about his personal issues when he was asking him to stop. Thua did not want his mother to know and then to follow that this episode with the car scene where we see that his mother had very little power in their life and against his stepfather.
And then the affectionate blackmailing, the photo to get Akk into the Cafe for All again so he could thank him, so he could be with him. Would he really have sent it out? Or was this all just more desperate need for connection from Ayan, this hurt boy seeking out anything that can comfort him.
I just find it very interesting that Ayan is so deeply involved in trying to help people connect with their queer side but so specifically in a way that invokes either homophobia or fear of homophobia. He is trying to connect with Akk, trying to help Thua find connections again, but both times he does something that the other person is deeply uncomfortable with in order to do so.
Ayan is trying to do what Dika did, trying to show them that they're not alone and that they have people on their side and that they don't need to walk along with no one near them but he's also pushing them into places that make them uncomfortable deliberately.
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bird-inacage · 2 years
The Eclipse Episode 6: A Deeper Dive into the Beach Scene
(An expansion on my previous post here).
So I talked about how I think Akk is an echo for Dika: Ayan’s uncle.
Considering Dika was a teacher and involved in the student welfare department at the school, Ayan sees Akk walking down that same path. There’s further tragic irony in that Dika was the catalyst for inspiring Akk to turn his life around. The thought that what Akk is doing may also lead him down a similar path of self-destruction, causes Ayan to react so strongly. If Ayan can see the signs of foreshadowing, perhaps hints of behaviour that he may have vaguely picked up on (in hindsight) from his uncle, you would do everything in your power to stop history potentially repeating itself. Lest we forget, Dika was a middle-aged adult who fell into despair, Akk is just a teenager.
Ayan’s questioning at first is ‘why did you do it, don’t you realise you could have hurt other people. What would you do?’ - but what he's really saying is ‘do you realise what would happen to you? I know you’re a good person and if you’d accidentally hurt other people in the process, you’d never forgive yourself’. The guilt would be yet another crushing burden to add onto the buckling pressure that Akk is already shouldering.
Ayan then stresses the importance of Akk putting his own feelings first. “Once you say you care about other people’s feelings, it means you are disregarding your own”. Akk cares far too little about the parts of himself he has to compromise/sacrifice in achieving his greater cause, and that’s why Ayan is frustrated and scared. Akk could become a martyr. It’s only because Akk cares so much about other people, that he is willing to do anything necessary. And more frustratingly is that Akk is so stubborn at being restrained about his true feelings that it would be easy for others to see him as overly rational and unfeeling about it all. Ayan knows that Akk’s intentions are in a good place, and doesn’t want others to misunderstand him. Do you remember that scene where Kan gets angry at Akk, because he seemingly doesn’t stand up for Thua? And once Thua explains that Akk was in fact protecting him, Kan feels really bad for misunderstanding him? (Yeah that). Ayan feels for Akk because he’s willingly becoming the villain in a bid to solve a problem through means that people aren’t going to support or understand. And in fairness Ayan didn’t understand his motivations either, until he got to know Akk.
So Ayan’s heart is breaking because he wants the person he cares about to care about themselves for once. And he’s ultimately declaring, ‘if you don’t care about yourself, then I’ll make a point of caring about you and I’ll be 100% clear that I indeed care about you. You have me.” And that’s what Akk desperately needs, is someone on his side. Perhaps this is what Ayan wishes he’d said to his uncle, because he probably had no idea what Dika was going through at the time before it was too late.
But this time is different. Ayan may have been a child to his uncle and been unable to help even if he did know where things would lead. Whereas Akk is Ayan’s equal and he sees and knows and understands. He still has time to reach out and protect him (even if it means saving Akk from himself).
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nongnoopran · 2 years
I’m trying to still like Thua but I can’t help side-eyeing him…. He was just so self righteous and hypocritical during his whole explanation. He did no different than Akk (except arguably his curse tactics were more extreme like hanging and burning that stuffed doll, like wth?..), lied about it, outed his friends to the whole school…. And then acts like a self proclaimed martyr?
Like he sacrificed his *goodness* to fix everything?…. Nobody asked him to sacrifice his so called “goodness” to scare the crap out of these younger students he supposedly felt bad about seeing protesting and getting hurt. Like his earlier silence and “neutral” position is debatable if that is even goodness. Like Aye calling out teacher Sani’s compromising in ep. 10. Thua’s whole approach reveals a lot about his nature and character as a person… and I’m sorry to say, but it’s just very ugly to me. Irl I’d have a hard time trusting him ever again.
And perhaps it’s a flaw of the show cause they didn’t show as much of Thua’s inner struggle about participating in the curse, but the comparisons to Akk’s situation and the empathy people have for Akk is for other reasons too. Yes, We saw Akk struggling with the guilt of what he did, but he also was being directly pressured and threatened by Chadok and felt his scholarship/future and place at the school were in jeopardy. He had a conflict with consequences. That’s a big part of why people empathized with Akk. I say this even though I was one of the people who argued that Aye was not being too hard on Akk when he was trying to convince him to confess about the curse.
And outing Akk and Aye…. Just really broke my heart and made me so disappointed in Thua. Thua gave Kan so much time and grace to figure out and reconcile his feelings towards Thua. He was so supportive, truly sacrificing himself in that situation cause he had every right to be upset with how Kan was acting. Plus Thua knows what it’s like to be gossiped about, hurt, and made fun of because of his sexuality. The whole thing with Aye helping Thua talk with his mom in ep 4! That early on… like Aye didn’t have to do that and willingly be the mediator for Thua’s family problems when he barely knew Thua. Thua experienced all that…. That’s the Thua that outed his friends???!!! That’s the Thua that stole Dika’s journal from Aye and lied about it while using what he learned from it to call out Akk and Aye. That’s the Thua talking about how he’s sacrificing himself???
Look… we can argue about the right or wrong way to seek justice, human rights, and peace. That’s fine. For me though, it’s the personal betrayals that made me so disappointed in what Thua chose to do.
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bengiyo · 2 years
The Eclipse Ep 4 Stray Thoughts
Back-to-back high school shows on Friday, and they're both good. Excited to see the new form of oppressive structural power we'll face today!
Really love the homoerotic energy of these Judo scenes. It's fun watching them knowing that Khaotung was better in their training, and that First was so nervous about injuring Khaotung.
Akk half undressed is framed well with Ayan's peeking. Me, too, Ayan.
Ayan needs a better way to secure this notebook.
Oh lord a pratfall kiss. This one was okay, but I am just not a fan of this as a dramatic tool.
A bunch of educators trying to gang up on a student by making him look incompetent in class is such a bad tactic. It makes him sympathetic to his peers, and the teachers look petty. Worse, Ayan is actually good at memorization and recall, so he's embarrassing them.
It's sad that Akk is being boxed in by this teacher. Akk doesn't like seeing people get hurt, and he's being told repeatedly to ignore the pain of others, lest it befall him as well.
Notable how few ads we have with this show. Hope this isn't a bust for GMMTV.
Ayan looks legitimately tired here. Khaotung and the makeup team did a great job here.
Ayan's premise of understanding personally how this school attempts to break people down is compelling. I think what scares him and Akk is that it might actually be working. Ayan looks like he's taken a loss.
Wow, that was a good scene. The way First plays Akk's fear is fantastic. Really loving the dynamic between Akk and Ayan.
I tell ya. Post-it notes are an integral tool to Thai BL.
All of us who said Khaotung should be lead were correct. Cut the check.
I like the dynamic between the prefect boys as well. Akk and Kan have a very different rapport, and it's fun. I hope we see a version of them when they aren't repressed. How does First manage to pull this out of every scene partner?
The look of hurt and frustration from Aye when his mom didn't support him got me.
Kan suggests that Ayan might be meeting a lover, and that's what makes Akk decide they must go in the cafe. Oh, boys.
Okay, what is this actual cafe. @heretherebedork I'm pretty sure this is the same one used in Antique Bakery???
I appreciate that they used a lot of girls and femmes to show that this is a diverse cafe catering to a queer audience. There are enough boys in the show.
Mmm. I'm not sure I approve of Ayan thrusting Thua into this situation with Thua's mom.
I'm curious how Kan feels about not knowing that something was wrong with Thua, and that it was Ayan who helped him.
I'm presuming that the Uncle was queer, and now this whole school must burn for driving a gay uncle to death.
Khaotung is quite vascular.
Oh, I think I'd be more upset if the uncle wasn't queer, but took the time to help build up a queer support system for his nephew.
Loving this version of Thua that will tell Kan exactly what's going on.
I think they found Louis's angles. He looks gorgeous here.
I like Kan and Thua repairing their friendship a bit, but I don't think it's enough to ease the longing between them.
Not surprised that this school would like about Dika's death. Really fucked up that they let students think he was a traitor.
I sometimes struggle with the romance of pulling someone from getting struck by a vehicle, because the levels of car violence in Bangkok are alarmingly high.
That kiss is going to lead to nonromantic things. I'm concerned about Ayan taking a picture.
However, that lip bite from Ayan was affective.
Curious where we go next with this show.
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flattenedcat · 2 years
The Eclipse: Episode 7 Ramblings
Okay I sorta fucking called it that the kiss wasn't going to be real because it was so dreamy. Also thank you 'The Eclipse Special Episode' because there were some parts I recognized and went "Ah, now I get it."
Also I figured that the trailer kiss would still be their first kiss, though the ending of this episode might suggest otherwise. PREDICTION: There's a scene from the trailer of what looks the be right after that scene where Ayan is chasing Akk, who looks quite down, and grabs his wrist. So I'm assuming Akk pushes him away and then we head into ep 8. How in the world both of their hands end up on each other's faces, how they get to Akk's bedroom in the first place, no idea, but looking forward to it.
As for the first kiss not being real and over the sound of my heart breaking, I'd like to say..."SMELL KINK!" Or something like that.
Did NOT expect for both of my baby boys, Kan and Thua, to be awake during their first kiss (surprised that it actually happened too) and think that each other were sleeping. Fitting though. Of course these fuckers would do that, repressed shit. Sometimes I forget I'm watching a show about teenage boys and then I'm like yep accurate.
Also also. Teacher Sani? Why you snitching on Akk and Ayan like that? And to Teacher Chadok of all people? I get that she's sorta worried about them, since she's seen firsthand them being antagonistic to each other, but damn bro.
Namo, my boy you are still sus as fuck but I forgive you because you're cute. Though, you definitely know that Akk is the curse because you're an 'observer.' Not sure what side, if any, he'll be on.
There's a pattern Akk might be noticing between Ayan getting skittish when Dika is mentioned and him admitting to Akk's face that someone he loves is dead, and gave him that notebook. So if Akk is looking for the notebook, finds it and reads it, perhaps????
Oh! Aww I really liked that all six of them are so happy outside of school. And that Wat and Kan especially don't mind him. Kan! Baby, you were so obviously relieved when Ayan implied he didn't like Thua. Do I smell a possible alliance? Thua noticed Akk and Ayan looking at each other with their gay vibes and was like, oh I know what's going on here. (Bet it reminds you of something huh)
OHHHH RIGHT! 1984! Can't believe it's actually a part of the story and not just a little nudge-nudge. Nice. Fucking hilarious that Akk was like wow I really like this story, I wonder who the main character resembles. My dumb baby that's definitely not brainwashed.
I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting about that I'll ramble about later, but overall still liked this episode. Episode 6 will probably still be my favorite, but this was also really fun. They had really nice cinematography too.
EPISODE 8 PREDICTIONS: The boat kiss doesn't happen. Ayan chases Akk afterwards and they confess and kiss in his bedroom. Thua accidentally hurts Kan during judo and that's where we get the 'wound tending' scene from the intro. Sometime when they're back at school, Akk asks for Ayan to leave the school at one of their homes (Ayan's?) to possibly protect him from Teacher Chadok. (Honestly thought that Chadok was instructing Akk to do the curse stuff but hmm not sure now). Akk 'breaks' into the school after-hours to look for Ayan's journal in the teachers' rooms and gets caught by someone.
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I wish shows would let conflict settle and then deal with it. We got some great scenes between Akk, Kan and Wat about the curse and their betrayal at what he did and then it just kind of fizzled. Thua may have been right in wanting the truth to be told and for people to stop making excuses for those they love, but he was wrong in how he did it and we saw everyone being mad at him for a few minutes and then we just skipped all the resolution bit? Like the resolution of conflict is one of my favourite parts and the show just completely missed it??
Let Aye be mad at Thua because he has been so scared of Akk going the way of Dika and it must have been like Thua just gave Akk a giant shove to the edge. Let Kan be mad at Thua because he was so scared of the curse hurting Thua and then to find out Thua was the one continuing it. Let me see Akk apologising to the World Remembers boys and the gang be angry at Akk. Let us see the student body reacting to the revelation about Akk and Thua. Let me see Thua being mad at Aye for, in his view, letting down his principles for love.
Why is Thua’s want for the truth to be revealed overrides Akk and Aye’s privacy and the feelings of the World Remembers boys? I don’t want Thua to suffer but I do want to see everyone get some consequences for what they did! They were all hurt and confused and that was taken advantage of by Suppalo, but they hurt other people to do it! We see Akk swimming in guilt for so many episodes for what he did but Thua did similar things, if for different reasons, and it’s just dealt with in less than a quarter of the episode?
Maybe it will be addressed in Ep 12. I’m just annoyed at the last part of that episode, it felt so disconnected from the first 3/4 of the ep. I have very mixed feelings about Ep 11 and so I’ll probably keep on ranting.
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staynayo · 2 years
#TheEclipseSeriesEP1 Reaction
The episode was short but there is so much to unpack! I'll just let out my thoughts here bc wtf
About the plot:
Episode 1 laid down a lot of elements that will be discussed as the series go on and now we are left with so many questions, anticipating for more episodes. At first, it was hard to follow because it felt like the story just dived into the climax. But after going through it, it felt like I watched a book, if that makes sense.
I also remembered that they're cramming in a 121-chapter, 500+-page book in a 12-episode series; plus when I checked out Irresistible by P'Golf, they also started the series with the highlight of the plot before the introductions; and in TMOTB, we can see that Prapt also reveals that some characters' motivations are revealed early, while others are explained much later in the show. And while the director and author tells stories this way, the actors are very talented in showing the needed emotions.
The entire objective of investigating the curse of Suppalo was established early. It is packed with different opinions and motives. The teachers and the prefects think that they can protect the students from the curse by obeying the rules; but the World Remembers Gang think that the rules are non-progressive and that the effects of the curse are done by living person.
When the vase fell from the balcony, we saw a hand push it; but when the gang was at the printing room, they were terrified and a clip of another student running was shown. The first incident shows that it is indeed done by a person but the second one shows that it is possibly paranormal. But what if it is both? And the person acting behind it just using their fear to keep chaos from ensuing.
Which leads me to the question that if the rules have been around for 100 years, when did the curse begin? If it is also for a century, then the person behind it already has a successor or they are not human at all. (My theories are getting more silly the more I think about it)
Dika's death will play a big part in revealing the truth about the curse. Which also makes me wonder if Ayan wants to awaken the curse to avenge his uncle or he wants to reveal the perpetuator? It made me think that if he does awaken the curse and it affects Akk by the time they're together, Ayan would just be hurt again.
About the cast:
They're very talented and I really want to commend them individually.
Khaotung as Ayan: Khaotung is such a PHENOMENAL actor! He portrayed Ayan so naturally, down to his mannerisms. It's incredible. I was expecting that since he is the mysterious boy, his backstory will be saved for later. I was surprised that we learned about his past and his motivations so early in the show! Which makes me so curious on what to expect from him later on.
First as Akk: The way he portrayed Akk interests me. Everyone knows that First is a versatile actor. He can be fierce if he wanted to, but the Akk we saw is calm and careful, still arrogant and stubborn but a little less aggressive than expected. It made me curious, does Akk already have doubts with the school system even before Ayan arrived? It's clear that as the prefect, he fears that the students will be hurt by the curse and the rules are the only way to prevent that, yet he was easily moved by Ayan's words. I thought we would learn more about him but it turned out that there was only little revealed about Akk.
Neo as Khan: He has always played comedic roles but him playing a serious prefect who has internal homophia was INSANELY GOOD! He was shown as the student who strongly believes the curse and this bars his judgment as the prefect. He seems stricter than Akk. I also like how his story with Thua is established already so we can expect that the rest of the series will be about his self-acceptance.
Louis as Thua: Louis is so cute and he reminds me a lot about Khaotung as well, not only because their characters are confident gays but the way they act naturally too. This kid is going places. He has so much patience for Khan and I really can't wait to see more their story.
AJ as Wat: There is not much shown about him yet but AJ portrayed his character naturally. I really thought GMMTV should give this guy lead roles soon. It was only subtle, but with the scene where he based the investigation of Ayan on a movie already established that we can expect him to be the film lover and the character who will face struggle in following his dreams.
Pawin as Namo: He is great at drama so I thought he would choose that path for Namo as well but it turned out that he was designed for the comedic role. The way he pouted and pleaded the prefects to accept him was so cute! I also like how they subtly showed that he is always behind the prefects, listening to their conversations. Because later, it would lead to him giving intel to Ayan about them.
Ploy as Teacher Sani: She is always bubbly on set but oh boy, watching her play Sani mystified me! She is the new english teacher and assistant student welfare teacher - which were Dika's old jobs. Which leads me to wonder if she took his position on purpose and came to Suppalo with the same intention as Ayan? Or investigating the curse is just something she'll learn later on because of her compassion for her students?
Yai as Teacher Chadok, and Sai as Teacher Waree: They're legends, as the young cast defined. My bestie defined them as creepy like aswangs which I found funny but accurate. They seemed suspicious. Chadok is doing well in brainwashing Akk into believing that the rules are perfect and can reduce the effects of the curse. But why? If there's one thing I learned from TMOTB which is written by the same author of The Eclipse, not all the characters we think who are good or bad are exactly as they seem.
About the production:
I had so many worries for the production team which is still new because when I checked out the older works of the people involved, they used traditional lakorn cinematic techniques which I feared to be not competitive in this era of Thai dramas. But when the episode began, I was taken aback! The storytelling is unique. I complimented both the author and ALLTHIS, but even Prapt commended ALLTHIS' adaptation of his work. There's still a lot of room for improvement and I hope they can take note of it. Even with mixed opinions about the production, this makes the series more exciting than expected.
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
The Eclipse Ep 10 Live Blogging
already on the 10th episode, my gosh
ooh, flashbacks to Mes again
dang, did the beginning song and credits get cut short?
is Wat also recording with his camera hmm
does Waree think the curse is real? tf
the “Stop the Suppalo curse” chanting is quite haunting
Thua saying today has changed him and what he used to believe has changed... hmm, does it mean he’s not the one who’s brining back the curse? (Actually, I think a spoiler I saw was that he outs Akk to the school - though I don’t know whether as queer or as the curse. so maybe thua’s not the notebook stealer, curse bringer but sus in a diff way)
Kan’s so sweet 
Thua literally feeding to Kan that he likes Bruce Wayne ~like that~ and also trying to gauge his reaction to him liking a guy
dang Chadok congratulating Akk for the burning fiasco...
the random black screen?
even if akk still can’t verbalize his feelings, his defenses are much lower and his actions aren’t as contrary 
weird ass kiss bruh ep 6 daydream kiss i want you back even on the same bed
nvm Akk’s “i’m a guy” is back but it’s much less intense than before esp because he’s chill w the kiss
kasldf Ayan annoying Akk into agreeing to date him, so true
this kiss is cuter/sweeter
smiley akk reminds me of First
Ayan gutay gutay (poking?) the fact that he missed him out of Akk
not the fucking wife debate lmfao i don’t mind the “wife” talk if it’s something both parties agree to and enjoy but not if it’s something one person doesn’t like. they seem to end it on a fun note though 
ahh not wat and kan mr interrupters (better that they interrupted than catch ayanakk though)
kan’s little eyebrow raise and smile like “hm okay” 
aaaakh, the meeting bruce wayne thing is making me nervous
...did thua not know kan was bruce wayne? is this another “Sean totally knows” in Not Me whole time mans was unaware
satisfying to hear Kan say “screw it” about the prefect title
:0 Kan’s sudden “i like you” 
kl;ajsdf Kan bracing himself for a rejection by admitting he meant to kiss Thua and then pretending he didn’t but Thua coming in with the “then yes”
cute little peck >.< cute hug and KanThua happy smiles
Waree goes for the public humiliation kill every time
i’d be crying throwing up fainting if i was getting yelled at by a teacher like that rip
dang, ayan stepping in but it’s making me nervous for him and also his callous, straight-forward, serious accusations
Ayan so worried about and terrified to lose Akk too
fuck okay Akk found out bout Dika finally
Ayan passing on Dika’s necklace to Akk
dang, the “I’m wondering if Chadok is the reason he died”
also that last scene ahh truly cannot imagine being akk where he gets publicly humiliated in front of the class by waree + gets yelled at by chadok + feels his current situation be unstable and his future uncertain (bc of the scholarship and award) and then to find out that the teacher you liked and was so hurt about abandoning you/the school that it manifested into anger actually passed away
Overall Thoughts:
Lots of progress in the KanThua relationship, both of them going to the protest, Bruce Wayne being revealed, confession and agreeing to date. 
AyanAkk also agreed to be boyfriends and also Ayan’s worried about Akk’s mental state right now since he’s going through a lot.
Got some plot stuff with the protests + Akk finding out about Dika. 
Nervous about there only being 2 episodes left and next episode is ep 11... scary
Fave Scene: 
Might be the first time it’s not Ayan/Akk related but I loved the KanThua beach confession scene + the cute little peck (that neo improvised)! Kan opening his arms wide for a hug! clinging onto thua's back!
though ayan/akk’s scene where ayan convince sakk to be boyfriends is cute too
Curse Culprit Suspects (Or the Notebook Thief):
This ep didn’t make Thua seem sinister to me and if I hadn't been side-eyeing him from last episode, i wouldn't have newly considered him a suspect. instead, when it showed his face while the effigy was burning + shaking afterward, to me it seemed like he was realizing just how big of a deal this war + the anxiety of being caught. similar to ep 6 akk i guess. I still think he might be the one doing the new curse stuff but it’s not like because of a sick satisfation like namo but more like “i’ll do this thing to stop the chaos” but also thua attended the protest so idk
Also interesting to see Chadok obeying the principal. 
Most viewers that I saw per part during the premiere
didn’t catch it this time
12 hours later
10-1: 540k
10-4: 455k
Avg: 510k
Views Tracking (just because I’m curious):
9 Weeks Later
Ep 1 - 1: 2.04M (+100k) || Avg Ep 1: 1.12M (? i did the math wrong last time)
8 Weeks Later
Ep 2 - 1: 1.28M (+50k) || Avg Ep 2: 1.06M (+60k)
7 Weeks Later
Ep 3 - 1: 1.24M (+40k) || Avg Ep 3: 1.03M (+45k)
6 Weeks Later
Ep 4 - 1: 1.39M (+50k) || Avg Ep 4: 1.10M (+50k)
5 Weeks Later
Ep 5 - 1: 1.23M (+50k) || Avg Ep 5: 1.03M (+45k)
4 Weeks Later
Ep 6 - 1: 1.16M (+60k) || Avg Ep 6: 1.19M (+90k)
3 Weeks Later
Ep 7 - 1: 1.26M (+80k) || Avg Ep 7: 1.11M (+70k)
2 Weeks Later
Ep 8 - 1: 1.31M (+130k) || Avg Ep 8: 1.02M (+100k)
1 Week Later
Ep 9 - 1: 1.14M || Avg Ep 8: 975k
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The eclipse ep 10 4/4 - the rooftop
And now the most awaited scene: the tearful hug. This scene contains so much information, it's hard to word all of it. But Akk finally knows about Dika and Aye, so no, Aye is not Dika's boyfriend (just to make fun of that theory...I still don't know how Akk came up with that lol)
Akk left the student's wellfare department to go to the rooftop and like cry or something. Aye follows him and once again, there are no words shared and Aye just hugs him tightly. In the classroom, he took Akk's hand, in the office, he stormed in, but here, he embraces Akk. "An embrace is just an excuse to hide your face" is a very true quote but this way, Akk is more comforted than seeing Aye's pained eyes. Aye obviously shares his pain but Akk doesn't want to see his own pain in another one's eyes. Then just feels aweful for making the other feel like this. An embrace is a lot more comforting. As if Aye doesn't necessarily feel Akk's pain even though he does. By building that fantasy in his head, Akk can let go. Aye's shoulder is a place of freedom. Nothing matters and there is no judgement. There are no eyes to explain it to and tears are not seen. Akk has a difficulty of showing vulnerability, so being hugged so tightly, he is basically in a cocoon of safety, helps him letting go because the sorrow won't reach anything else but the body surrounding him. Like a safe space.
When Aye let's go, Akk pretends once again, saying nothing is wrong. It's a poor attempt to evade Aye's eyes or lighten them up. He doesn't want to cause Aye pain, so it's not really self-protection but Akk protecting Aye. Aye has always understood Akk, so he repeats his worries. Else Akk wouldn't have taken him seriously enough or wouldn't have listened to eagerly.
And then Aye comes up with the most heartbreaking thing, that Akk reminds him of Dika, that Akk looks as broken as Dika did. And something in Akk just snaps. He causes Aye so much pain that it led to Aye revisiting his trauma. Akk's gaze kind of softens at that and it hits him hard: Aye cares. Probably too much sometimes, but he cares a lot. Having a boyfriend means sharing pain, it means looking in the eyes that mirror yours, it means getting support. I think Akk realizes Aye shouting at teacher Chadok before was about him as well. It wasn't just about Dika, Aye was angry because Akk was hurt. Both are experiencing loss in very raw but different ways. Still, they share their pain but I think Akk never considered that.
Then comes the whole reveal about Dika which leads Akk to break down entirely because it makes so much more sense now. He really liked teacher Dika, so he's really sad about his passing. And I think he's halfway sad for Aye as well. The way Aye was reminded of his uncle because Akk looked as lost and irritated as he did really must have hit Aye's guts. Akk's world is crumbling and it crumbles even more because the one teacher he actually liked, commited suicide out of the same reason he is breaking down now. The parallels are awefully close and Akk is scared. Not just scared of change but of actual loss. Aye endures the break-down though I would have surely cried as much. If I hear any human weep like that, my heart just really hurts, I start to cry as well.
Back to where I was, Dika was an idol of Akk as well. He was contempted and nice and kind and didn't turn into the other teachers. Dika stayed true to himseld which made him lose his life. Knowing that is really frightening and these two boys shouldn't have such a burden to carry.
Another image of sharing pain is Aye giving Akk his necklace. From someone he worshipped to someone he worships. It's a really powerful move and means much more than just the necklace being passed on. There comes a deep bond with it. It's a promise that every burden can be shared and endured together.
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heretherebedork · 2 years
Hi. I really wanted to talk to someone about eclipse but no one I know is watching it😭😭 but then I read all your amazing analysis🥰🥰
I just wanted to ask about your thoughts on how akk is as a prefect.
I’ve been thinking about how beloved of a prefect akk would be if the school and its teachers weren’t so shitty. He genuinely wants to protect the students even if he doesn’t always choose a good method. I think the biggest reason he’s so harsh on the protestors is because he thinks his methods are nothing compared to the school. Especially coming from a lower socioeconomic he realizes what having something on your record can be detrimental to the future and he’s trying to stop them from doing what he thinks they will regret later.
He upholds the schools values in front of the students but also doesn’t go overboard with the power play . Like when he stopped namo from taking the phone from the kid but still confiscated the phone because it was against the rules. At the same time he also brings the students perspective to the teachers too. Like the scene where the teachers were drilling into ayan. He thought they were going overboard and went straight to chadok. This is such a mature way of handling situations like this and I don’t think a lot of ppl realize it. He realizes he has that privilege of directly asking chadok and even gave him the benefit of the doubt of not knowing what the teachers were doing. Because he thought that this isn’t something ppl he respected would do.
For him, the rules with the uniforms and not having phones isn’t a big deal. They are easy to follow. But what the teachers did to ayan wasn’t right. It was a clear power play and he was immediately uncomfortable with it. So when taking to chadok didn’t work he went to teacher waree who still had some power to stop this.
A good mentor could’ve really taught him about flexibility of rules depending on circumstances. They could’ve taught him about how different ppl have different priorities. And you have to let them make their own decisions and choose their own consequences 😭 I just think about how much he could’ve thrived if he had better teachers and just😭😭😭😭
That's part of the real message of The Eclipse, between the revolution and the romance.
It's that good people end up hurting people because they're taught the wrong things.
It's that Akk, who is a wonderful young man just doing his best, is hurting Ayan and The World Remembers because he thinks he's doing the right thing because that's what he's been taught.
It's that Kan, a young gay man, is hurting himself and people around him because he's been taught that the only way to exist is to hide who he is because of 100 year old rules upheld by the people those rules benefit.
It's Thua hiding his earrings and staying silent because it's safe and he needs to be safe and he can follow the rules so he does because if he doesn't he gets punished.
It's the teachers all ganging up on Ayan even though he is a literal child because he goes against the rules they're upholding and nothing else matters to them because all of their power is in those rules.
It's why Akk can go to the teachers and talk about Ayan and receive an answer that troubles him because it calls so many of the reasons he's been following these rules into but he also doesn't know how to question them because they're all he knows.
It's how being around Dika is what led Ayan to revolution but also what helped The World Remembers and how we know they knew him and that he was most likely on their side.
It's how losing Dika is what broke Ayan, what sent him there, but it's also the look Akk and Kan shared at the thought that he might be dead, at the loss that would be.
It's about the school erasing Dika because he promoted equality and he promoted the very idea that not all of the old rules must be followed as times change.
Akk is exactly what Suppalo has shaped him to be and, yes, we can see who he could have been and we can tell that he is a good person trapped in a bad place and that, sometimes, he ever knows it. But we can also see that he has accepted his role in this and that he is not backing down despite knowing that what he's doing isn't right.
Akk and Kan are both proof of exactly what Suppalo does to people. Even Thua, honestly, even Wat. They're all shaped by this school that has taught him values that are contrary to who they are as people and you see how much it hurts them.
Kan has so much self-hatred and aching and yearning and pain and he's hiding himself and pushing people away while Akk fights for the teachers to try for any chance to protect other students and Wat knows his dreams are beyond him.
Suppalo is the enemy. Suppalo is taking these boys, these good boys, and turning them into more people who will mindlessly follow the old laws and uphold the old rules just because that's what they do.
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bengiyo · 2 years
The Eclipse Ep 9 Stray Thoughts
Back to the slow burn romance due to homophobia in high school show. This is in competition with Takara-kun & Amagi-kun for Best Use of High School for the BL Summer '22 High School Extravaganza Awards Show.
Fuck Chadok so much, bro.
I am convinced Thua took the notebook originally.
Khaotung performing a panic attack is convincing. Good job to First with a very believable reaction.
Damn, and here I was hoping Ayan would that Dika was his uncle.
Requesting a sponge bath?? Oh, BL.
I half-expected Akk to find lube, condoms, and dildos in that drawer alongside the pills.
Man, the softness in Khaotung's voice when Ayan talked about how much he liked seeing Akk's family took me all the way back to Make The Yuletide Gay (2009) when Nathan lamented missing the way his mom used to talk to him. I'm not okay, y'all. Send some juice.
Ayan starts to feel just a little bit better and immediately resumes flirting.
Oh lord the return of the building code violation stairs. I need someone to die on those stairs in a drama.
It's such a relief to see Akk being mischievous when Ayan's mom asks about his life at school.
Ayan is not going to lose a trolling battle, of course. Akk is definitely dating someone.
I have no notes for this dinner. That was fun. BL is way more fun when the parents aren't homophobic and genuinely love their kids. I love watching parents troll their kids with pointed questions in front of their crushes.
I do like that the boys are diligent and clean the dishes after someone else cooks for them. And of course Ayan must flirt.
I say this often, but there is a special bond between gay boys and their moms. I'm glad she approves of Akk.
Again, I have no notes for this car conversation between Ayan's mom and Akk. She isn't meddling in their affairs beyond assuring Akk that she is grateful for his presence in her son's life. Her only request being that he not hurt himself takes me back to Until We Meet Again and Pharm's first meet with Dean's grandmother.
How deep does this go with Chadok?
I do love the way the World Remembers is toeing the line.
Wat's love of film being used against people must hurt him.
And now Namo has definitely decided to take initiative. I hope Nian is okay.
Ayan is launching a phishing attack. Amazing.
I do like that no matter what is going on, Ayan will choose to be a know-it-all and a flirt.
For once a sandwich is just a sandwich, and not product placement.
It's interesting in this conversation with Namo that the most common aspect of toxic masculinity resurfaces: the ability of any other man to question your manhood (or in this case, loyalty).
Thua is so careful that I ache sometimes. Leading Kan along with a series of innocuous inquiries before stating that he's fond of Bruce Wayne, and wants him to speak to him openly. He's even careful enough not to look at Kan's reactions because he already knows.
LOL did Kan really run to Ayan and tell him everything? I love how much Kan wants to come out that he's accelerating his reliance on Ayan.
Ayan asks a super romantic question, which allows Neo and Khaotung to show off that they can act with their eyes. Incredibly refreshing. I want more of them.
Ayan giving voice to how Kan feels, and his smile in response? My heart.
I love Ayan insisting that they're dating. First is also so funny with the way he plays Akk pout-eating.
Khaotung and First are a great pair. This wasabi sequence is a real treat.
I really hope we get to see a film from Wat at some point.
Why is First swimming like this?? Is he okay?? Baby boy, you gotta put that head in the water and stretch more. Don't bend your knees so much and keep those legs straight. Did they make him do this so we would see his face? This is a disaster!
Ayan is so right. Akk has such a nice face when he smiles.
The water they're in must be cold, and they must have been filming for a while. First is shivering. I noticed this in Minato's Laundromat too on Nishigaki Sho.
It's interesting that Akk has never once denied his attraction to Ayan. Even here his rejection of the kiss is location.
The underwater kiss still belongs to the gays!!!!! We stay winning!!!!
First can also act with his face.
Oh my next week looks like things still don't come to a head. Gah, where are we headed??
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heretherebedork · 2 years
Hi (again)💕
I had to make a second post about Akk. I had a lot of things to say about him😅 Were you expecting him to be the one behind the curse?
I feel like we finally got to see how much the pressure was getting to him. Before this we’ve been seeing how Akk has been slowly changing especially after meeting Ayan. He’s became more open to other people’s struggles and more flexible with the rules and then BOOM!
We are reminded of the harsh reality and how much pressure there is on him. A child! Literally trying to protect an entire school and surrounded by teachers who add to that pressure instead of helping him😡 You’ve mentioned before that one is the messages of eclipse is that good people end up hurting people because they're taught the wrong things. And this was the perfect example of that.
I really wonder if this was a one time thing or if he has done it before. I initially thought that this was a spur of the moment action triggered by Kan’s comments about the curse being able to stop the protests. But the more I thought about it, the more I wondered if it was truly a one time thing. While I don’t think he was behind all the attacks it makes me wonder who is. Was Akk part of any of the other attacks? Even if he wasn’t a direct participant, did he know about them? Who was behind the car accident? Ayan’s book? The flower pot? The posters/flyers beings taken down? What about the incidents that occurred before Akk was even at the school? So many questions😭
On the other side, we got to learn how school actually helped him. He got a scholarship, a chance to study, a chance for a better future. It gave him great friends, role models to look up to and protected him from the bullying. Now he thinks it’s his turn now to protect the school even if it feels wrong😭
This also made me wonder where his loyalty lies. Because Akk says his life got turned around after meeting Teacher Dika and the Student Welfare department. He names both the previous student president and Teacher Dika but not Chadok as a helping hand. He’s repaying a debt of gratitude he owns to Dika by helping the school but is that what Teacher Dika wanted?
It really makes me wonder how Akk will react once he finds out what happened to teacher Dika. He talked about him with such gratitude and respect even after feeling betrayed that he left the school. How do you think Akk is going to find out about Dika? I feel like this scene will directly rip my heart into pieces😭 but I’m so ready for it!
Honestly? He was the one I suspected the most. I really did think it had to be either Akk, one of the background boys that seems a little too present to be just a background character or it was going to be Kan but I never suspected him strongly. He's scared of the curse, not acting on it. Akk very obviously doesn't actually believe in the curse but keeps it alive for his own reasons.
Ayan's notebook is a huge question mark for me. Might be Kan, we didn't see him in the montage of the workout but it could be so many other people. I just don't know about that for sure.
Akk's story is one of the danger of blindly following rules and the dangers of trying to enforce rules because they are rules rather than for the actual good of the people involved. Akk is what happens you rely on the rules but also know that some of the rules are wrong but know you don't have a chance to change them.
I, personally, think Akk has been behind most of the curse. He's the one who needs the rules to be obeyed and for everyone to listen. Because otherwise he risks his position as head prefect and if he loses that he loses everything he has. He loses his friends, his school, his scholarship, his responsibilities, his identity. Akk's entire self is wrapped up in who he is at Suppalo.
I don't know which way Akk will go when he finds out that Dika died because of what happened at Suppalo. Because he has so much wrapped up in his identity at Suppalo but so much of that is from Dika and from what he gave him and that is going to be a huge blow to him.
Akk and Kan are both some of the most fragile characters I've seen in ages, both of them caught up in being who they believe they need to be even when it hurts them, even when it breaks them, even when they sit alone and ache inside with what they find themselves having to do or unable to do.
Ayan brings Akk so much happiness that he cannot accept because he has to fit the mold that Suppalo has chosen for him and that he is afraid to break.
We will definitely be broken next week.
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