louisupdates · 11 months
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LTHQOfficial: Troutdale, OR. 27.6.23 #FITFWorldTour
[Twitter 28.6.2023]
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rbf451 · 11 months
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paidatonriehuja ig story 28.6.2023
The sign: Show ❤️ if Bojan is hot.
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et-ese · 11 months
Sợ côn trùng, nhưng mình rất thích, rất thích thiên nhiên.
Sẽ có những lúc sự bài xích của mình dành cho biển đi mất, để sự nhớ nhung thế vào. Mình yêu cách gió lướt qua gò má và lọn tóc, dù nhiều lúc mình tưởng chừng bị thổi bay, mà có lẽ cũng chẳng tệ.
Và rồi mình nhớ rừng, những khu rừng ít tiếng vận hành của máy móc. Rừng phủ đầy rêu và lá. Rêu trên đất, thân cây, nơi xưa cũ. Để gió lạnh và hơi ẩm ôm lấy thân mình giữa rừng. Như đi cùng vân gỗ về chốn xưa. Mình luôn biết bản thân nhớ và nhìn thấy hình bóng nơi nào.
Nhưng bản thân ra đường một mình rất dễ gặp chuyện, mình sợ.
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phototagebuch · 11 months
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28.6.2023: Die Himbeeren sind reif!
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prosy-days · 10 months
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June 28, 2023 - Day 9
Midweek beer to enjoy while watching Dimension 20.
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godsnameisjoy · 11 months
Date: 28 June 2023
1 Duration: 35 minutes at 8:37 AM
2 Duration: 53 minutes at 10:42 PM
The session at 8:30 AM was a great way for me to come back to the morning meditations. I have last meditated in the morning, on the 22nd of June. That’s 5 consecutive days of not meditating in the morning.
These 5 morning sessions have got eaten up by mundane duties. It is getting increasingly difficult for me to hold on to my decades old perspective of my everyday activities. My perspective about my life style seems to be undergoing a shift!
Despite making above average advances as a meditator, my old habit of getting caught with deadlines remains. If there is a deadline, then I will pursue completing the task. Without realising, I will drop all activities to persevere with the task that has an immediate ‘best before’ date printed on it. I must have been one of Pavlov’s dogs in a previous life.
I have some old conditioning that I haven’t outgrown. And I am fast growing as a human being in a fundamental way, thanks to meditation. I am somewhere in between my old me and the new & improved me.
The nightly meditation from this day is my worst session in years. I am tempted to say ‘years’ because I can’t remember when last have I opened my eyes so many times during meditation. After so many years of practice, I have only recently got a glimpse of a steady gaze. And last night, instead of building on that one glimpse of infinite rest, I opened my eyes many times.
Seriously though. I need to outgrow irreversibly my natural born curse to keep vigil. My amygdala has got to turn into a vestigial organ. My flight, fight and freeze responses to fear need to commit suicide. It is almost as if the switch to my fear responses is broken. A long time back, the switch was turned on and then it broke. I simply don’t know how and what will give me relief from my own self-cultivated fear responses.
There is one more thing I want to mention. My relation with cold water has undergone a change. I am not sure if it is an irreversible change or not. I have entered my 23rd straight Bombay monsoon last week. For months before the latest rains began, I was bathing in room temperature water.
The rain has come in a few days back. And it hasn’t exactly stopped raining ever since it began. There has been no sunshine for a few days. It’s typical. The water in the taps has turned cooler than when it was sunny hot. The tap water temperature now is 26 degrees C.
It is most unlike me to enjoy bathing with water at 26 degrees C. In the monsoons gone by, I have tried using will power to bathe in cool waters. About 32 years back, I was facing the first Bombay monsoon after moving into the city from a place with extremely dry climate. Back then, I couldn’t stand tepid bath water. I wanted it monsoon cooled.
At the age of 48 years, I seem to have gone back to being 16 years old. I have two working theories with regards this desirable change in my sense of touch. Maybe my hormone levels have arrived at exactly those numbers that I had back then when I was 16. Or maybe the brain capillaries in my sensory cortex are affected (in a good way) by life energies running through them during meditation.
PS: It is the hypothalamus and not the sensory cortex that decides body temperature and manages hormones. The hypothalamus sits at the top of the brain stem that is situated at the base of the brain. The top of the brain stem does feel like how far life energies are flowing through my blood vessels. It’s possible that a combination of both my theories is the reason for me bathing in cool water.
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rainypatrolshark · 11 months
Nach dem hinzufügen des neuen Spiels, gestern ,fehlen mir 30Stueck an Lagerkapazität,kann deswegen nicht spielen!
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nataliesnews · 11 months
something good, something bad 28.6.2023
My friend, Goiai and I at Sheikh Jarrah. even from the back she would look better than I do.
 We have such lovely people in our government.  Pearls of wisdom straight from the hog's mouth. One of the rabbis made a statement that the gay community is more of a danger to danger to Israel than is the Hamas, the Hisballah and Da'ash together. Another said Ehud Barak should be hanged for treason and that speaker of the Knesset said that if the pilots threaten not to appear for training if the new laws are brought about they should be beaten up and thrown out of the army.
 Moses also came to the weekly demonstration.  Human blood is not open season (or something like that )...and you should love your neighbour.
       It was great to see Behnam again.   No picture because of Shabbat. But again I had an event with the lift. He took the stairs, I  used the lift and when it stopped got out automatically. Wrong floor. Completely deserted. Shabbat. So no telephone to tell him I was stuck. The house telephone did not work. I pressed the buttons and all I got was blank. I thought I was there. A perfect setting for one of these weird movies. Eventually the gods above took pity and I got out. He said he was meeting Mervyn's grandchild but the boy is very religious and he had to find a suitable place to eat....which I hope they did.
 I had a wonderful evening with Karin at the Lutheran Church in the Old City. 150 members of a choir of all ages ranging from about 8 to white haired members came from Germany to sing for peace all over Israel. It was an amazing experience as we came in to find that they were standing against the wall around the chairs in the hall and singing as we came in. There was a little boy of 9 who sang from the balcony with such a silver voice. I looked at him and wondered what happened to such boys when their voices started to break and how much of a trauma it could be but the one man explained that, as soon as that starts to happen, they are trained for the next stage/
  AND IF YOU THINK WE ARE NOT GOING TO A POLICE STATE,.....and this while Jewish terrorists who carry out pogroms under the guard of the army and police go free.....each day there are attacks which are not reported except on facebook.
Protesters swarm Petah Tikva police station after anti-overhaul activist detained
Police detain activist on suspicion of planning unspecified violent act; protester hit by car and hospitalized; man seen on video pulling gun at protester following him
  Incitement task force to probe Barak, Golan after calls for anti-overhaul uprising
Former prime minister and ex-Knesset member remain defiant in face of possible indictment, vowing to keep fighting against the government's planned judicial overhaul
ellphone preferable
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raapija · 11 months
Millionaire Käärijä fires his whole team, ig story 28.6.2023
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maaninenpyromaani · 11 months
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27.-28.6.2023 samy via ig stories
it's so funny to me that these people think that they are offending samy while samy is just living his best life
but these assholes should fuck off cause even if samy can just ignore these its not okay to send people hate online
it's also pathetic
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louisupdates · 11 months
forthone: 😂 @TheSnuts tell @callumstweets what it's like touring #America, their friendship with @Louis_Tomlinson & why they'll never go head-to-head with @ddlovato (or her fans) ever again!?!
[Twitter 28.6.2023]
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rbf451 · 11 months
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paidatonriehuja ig story 28.6.2023
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pogled · 11 months
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luccattinh · 11 months
Tự nhiên mình nghĩ lại, muốn viết ra luôn kẻo lát nữa quên mất, xưa nay mình thích hùng biện, thích tranh đoạt, như vậy để làm gì nhỉ?
Là do mình thích thể hiện bản thân hay là do cơ chế phòng vệ của bản thân, mình nhìn ra các mối lo tiềm tàng (liên quan đến con người) và muốn giải quyết nó sớm? liệu có phải như vậy hay không? và thật sự kết quả đạt được là bao nhiêu? chưa khi nào mình thống kê lại một cách rõ ràng.
Nhìn lại thì những thành quả mình đạt được, hoặc đơn giản như nhiều người ngại đối đầu trực diện với mình, chẳng phải là kết quả của cách sống có phần cực đoan trước đây, hay đó là do năng lực của mình mang lại, còn sự cực đoan kia làm giảm bớt thành quả tốt đẹp?
Liệu rằng cứ để mọi sự trôi qua, nhẫn nhịn thêm nữa, thì mình có ổn hay không đây.
11h19 Am. 28.6.2023
Có lẽ là mình sợ, sợ bản thân là con người yếu đuối, phó mặc cho số phận đưa đẩy giống như những mảnh đời mưu sinh vất vả lại còn bị kẻ khác giày xéo, muốn làm chủ cuộc đời, nên dùng biết bao nhiêu là năng lượng để sắp đặt mọi thứ, đấu tranh liên miên chẳng dứt. Giờ đây năng lượng vẫn còn dồi dào, nhưng mình muốn thay đổi, sử dụng nó vào những việc tốt đẹp hơn.
edit 11h24 Am. 28.6.2023
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anjaracic · 3 months
BMK meeting
Activity title: My first meeting in "Budi Muško klub"
Duration and date: 1 hour 28.6.2023.
Type of activity: Creativity
Learning Outcomes:
Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions
Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
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Activity description:
After a campain held by BMK, I wanted to see how their meetings are like, because they seem to care about things I do not often see discussed in our community. I went to the meeting and met its members.
I loved my first time in BMK, it was very interesting. Having so many young people like me interested to discuss topics I do not get a chance often to discuss with save for my close friends was refreshing. I would also like to add that I learned some new things and was looking forward to coming there more often.
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farmauklokana · 4 months
Zážitky a akce 2023
1. Pálení čarodejnic - 30.4.2023, tradiční akce pálení "čarodejnice" na hranici, spojená s opékaním špekáčků a ochutnávkou uzených specialit, od 15:00 
2. Gulášfest - 8.7.2023, veřejná soutěž ve vaření guláše, hodnocení porotou vybranou z přítomných diváků, pro výherce zajímavé ceny, start vaření od 12:00 hod, ochutnávka od 16:00
3. Plackový festival - 1.9.2023, pro návštěvníky zajímavá akce místního regionu, kde uvidí přípravu tradičních bramborových placků pečených přímo "na blaše", poté proběhne jejich ochutnávka, od 14:00 hod
4. Rojberkový festival - 16.9.2023, akce, na níž se návštěvníci seznámí s přípravou místní speciality, následuje ochutnávka. Rojberka = masové závitky pečené na dřevěném uhlí. Start 14:30 hod
5. Klokaní lampionový průvod pro děti 28.9.2023 - zábavná dětská akce, trasa průvodu vede areálem Farmy kolem zvířat, děti si přinesou vlastní lampion, každý malý návštěvník obdrží sladkou odměnu. Start 17:50 hod
6. Lampionový průvod místní mateřské školy Čtyřlístek 1.11.2023, před průvodem proběhne výklad o zvířatech a ochutnávka domácího jablečného moštu, od 16:00 hod
7. Moštování 31.10.2023, ukázka zpracování ovoce, jablek, klasickým způsobem - drcení, lisování ručním šroubovým lisem. Po moštování proběhne ochutnávka vylisovaného moštu. Od 14:00 hod
8. Výlet dětí z mateřské školy Tyra - 28.6.2023, spojený s výkladem o farmě, o zvířatech a o pracích na farmě včetně krmení
9. Sousedská snídaně 13.8.2023, při níž je připravena prezentace a ochutnávka tradičních jídel, které připraví všichni sousedé z okolí, od 9:00 hod
10. Poznáváme zvířátka 24.10.2023, pro Rodinné centrum Rosteme spolu, děti se seznámí se zvířátky, a s prací okolo zvířat a při tom plní předem připravené úkoly po nichž získají drobnou odměnu. od 9:30 hod
11. Sousedská vaječina - akce, při níž se venku na otevřeném ohni smaží vaječina v období 6 týdnů po Velikonocích, podávaná na domácím chlebu
12. Posezení při kytaře - tradiční posezení s hudebníky, kteří hrají a zpívají country hudbu. Při tom probíhá ochutnávka domácích uzenin 
13. Vánoční posezení - tradiční setkání sousedů z okolí, a poděkování za uplynulou sezonu, ochutnávka cukroví
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