#6 week shred
nazneenseo · 1 year
If you want to get ripped, achieve single digit body fat percentage and get that beach body, then this plan is for you
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king-ludwig-ii · 22 days
Stage 1 of bottom surgery in two weeks
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ezraphobicsoup · 5 months
exams really just go on forever and ever and ever and ever
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rosenfey · 2 months
beating up my hyperfixation with a stick: let. me. sleep.
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julieeexcheeen · 2 years
The only reason I would want big brother to stay airing is the tag because y’all make it entertaining
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saccharinecoffee · 10 months
i like to think that after season 2 crowley goes on another demon sprint spreading low-grade evil and wide-spread inconveniences just to spite heaven (and aziraphale, whom he hopes is watching from above).
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cryolyst · 2 years
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Grades overview so far this semester:
4 (don’t ask, I was 100% clueless about that freaking test, it was made by 3 different teachers in collaboration)
3 (I was sick, tired and got an example case I know fuck all about lmao)
Idk yet, but I hope 1 because it was easy
Tuesday my principal comes to my workplace to do like a trial for the practical exam with with. She wants to see me work with 2 residents and introduce them, by introduce I mean that I have to know EVERYTHING about their medication, illness history, biography and what happened the last 3 weeks. And I have a day. I‘m not even sure if one of them died because I was at school, not at work. 😬
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cordeliawhohung · 17 days
pet!au part 6 | ghoap x fem!reader | tag list | early access available on patreon
open wide
cw: overall theme of non-con, dub-con medication taking, mouth inspection, lots of exposition
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Everything hurts when you wake up.
Though you’re plagued by an ache that targets your hips, shoulders, and back, it’s namely your throat that hurts the most, which is something to be said considering you’ve been sleeping in a kennel for the last week. It’s a surprisingly spacious cage, tucked into the far corner of the bedroom across from the large bed Johnny and Simon sleep on. A small, foam pad fits perfectly inside of the bottom of the cage, providing you with some cushioning between your body and the frigid, metal bottom of the cage, but it’s certainly far from humane. There’s not enough room for you to stand up in it, but you’re grateful to at least be able to stretch the full length of your legs out.
It’s jerry-rigged, you’re sure of it. Not store bought, but handmade with spare metal bars and a half decent welding job. By the size of it, you’re certain it used to hold something much larger than yourself. As for what — or who — it was, you don’t even want to venture a guess. Every night, Simon locks you in with a padlock, trapping you for the hours everyone is asleep. You wake each morning with a full bladder, but he wakes you up no later than six in the morning, allowing you to use the bathroom before he starts getting ready for his day.
In some ways, Simon is considerate like that. Always ensuring you’re not going too long without any sort of need. Never starves you, or has done anything to intentionally cause devious harm. But there are many instances where he is not so generous.
Like last night, when Johnny got needy. He had complained something fierce the first night Simon locked you up. The man can hardly go a few hours without needing to put his hands on you in some capacity, and you took note of the way his blue eyes grew misty seeing you locked away out of his reach. Simon assured him it was only a temporary solution until he could get you fixed — which you’re still too scared to ask what getting you fixed means — but that could only quell Johnny’s emotions for so long.
He had lasted six days before he needed to put his hands on you again. To his credit, you had expected him to crack significantly sooner, and a part of you wished he had. Perhaps he would have been easier on your throat if you hadn’t pitifully shrugged off all his attempts he passed at you during the daytime while Simon was away. It all came to a head last night when Simon was getting ready to lock you away until morning when Johnny decided he just couldn’t handle it anymore.
Johnny has a way of begging that makes you feel bad for him, and Simon has a gaze that tells you it would be stupid to refuse his favorite pet. So you obeyed. Got on your knees like a good pet while Johnny abused your throat with his cock. You’ve gotten better at not crying when it happens, and he’s gotten better about letting you breathe while he uses you. Still, your eyes water on their own volition, blurring your view of Johnny above you and Simon behind him, going about his nightly routine as if you’re not being torn to shreds on the bedroom floor.
You’re still feeling the effects of it this morning as Simon unlocks your cage and allows you to relieve yourself in the restroom. In a way, it almost feels like strep. Raw skin sticks to itself, and you try your best to choke the ache to soothe the pain, but it always seems to come back. It dries and cracks, and you’re wholly surprised that you can’t taste blood when you swallow.
Breakfast that morning is the same as it usually is: eggs, toast, milk, bacon, sausage — everything fresh and homemade. Simon insists that the three of you sit at the table for every meal as if he’s afraid you’ll choke and die off without him. No one makes conversation, and if anything is said, it’s usually some sort of comment made by Johnny. He thanks Simon for the food, and compliments how juicy the bacon is before he silences himself by eating. All you do is keep your head down and attempt to keep the attention off of you.
It’s a strange thing, surviving in that place. You exist so quietly you hardly feel like you’re in your own body. In order to live, you have to play the part. The chew toy. The pet. Bonnie. It’s a balancing act between remembering who you are, and behaving well enough that Simon has no reason to punish you. Whether you like it or not, it’s easy math. You stand no chance of escaping that place on your own. Still, as you pick at your eggs and nibble on your toast, you quietly promise to yourself that you’ll get out of there one day. No matter what it takes.
Something’s different when Simon leaves for work today. Johnny’s not hounding you the moment the door shuts. Usually, he demands that you sit with him to watch a movie of some sort on the countless DVD’s and VHS tapes stored on old bookshelves in the living room. It’s not a terrible way to pass the time, and there are a few movies you rather enjoy. Every now and then you’ll fall asleep and wake up with his hands groping your chest or shoved down your pants like you’re some play-thing, but he’s oddly quiet this time.
Once breakfast is finished, he takes his plate, cleans it up and then leaves you alone after giving you a chaste kiss on the cheek. His figure vanishes down the hallway that leads to the back of the house — a place you have yet to explore. His disappearance is marked by the shutting of a very squeak door, and you finally feel like you can breathe easier. You’re not curious enough to follow him, and you’re certainly not about to look a gift horse in the mouth. A moment of peace and quiet in your life is rare these days when you’re too busy playing the pliable fawn so that you’re not hurt — or worse.
Enjoying your rare solitude, you take refuge by the open window in the living room. There’s an old recliner that smells vaguely like oak and grass that you like to curl up in while you read one of the old classical books Simon has stored next to the fireplace. It’s been a few days since you’ve really been able to get a breath of fresh air, but it doesn’t do much to calm your nerves. Though you’ve been there for a week, it’s strenuous trying to comprehend the situation you’ve found yourself in. Your fingers fiddle with your name tag as you rest your eyes from reading and look out at the trees that line the edge of the property, lush with the summer heat and rain.
It’s an enticing view with foliage that dances freely in the breeze. Grass and moss covers the field haphazardly, covering everything in a soft blanket of vibrant green. It whispers for you to run toward it and never look back. To soak in the feeling of the earth between your bare toes.
You know better than to run from a man who already has your scent memorized.
Your mind flashes back to the bath Simon gave you a few days ago, where he had you get dressed in clothes you already owned, and washed you with the same soap you’ve been using for years. How many signs did you miss? How long did you live in blissful ignorance to the insidious intentions that were being planned for you? Would you still be at home right now, safe in your own bed away from these freaks had you done anything different? Or were you always destined to be stuck there? Locked away in some home. How cruel and fickle fate can be.
Simon smells like blood and muscle when he gets home. You’ve gathered from the fresh nicks on his knuckles and old scars that litter his hands that he does some sort of blue-collar work. Judging by the fact he always seems to come home with some type of meat to cook up for dinner, you’re guessing he’s a butcher. You wonder if that’s why he’s keeping you and Johnny. Perhaps something in that twisted, stupid brain of his is unable to love the animals he tears apart limb by limb. Maybe he keeps you in order to cover up his guilt.
When Johnny emerges from whatever room he had holed himself up in for the entire day, he’s disheveled. Messy, black strands of hair stray flippantly from the shape of his mohawk, and the sides of his hands are darkened with some sort of grey dust. It reminds you of the graphite stains you would get as a kid practicing writing skills in school. Still, he’s all giggles and grins for Simon as he rubs up against him. Sickeningly loyal. Such a good dog.
He stays just as close and attached to Simon all throughout dinner, and just like you did that morning, you keep your head down while you eat. If Johnny wants to play the part of the devoted pet, that’s fine by you. Anything to keep Simon’s burning gaze away from you.
As he eats his meal, you wonder if he dreams of cutting you up. Shredding tendon from bone and shoving you into his maw like you’re a well deserved meal. You wouldn’t put it past him, that type of violence. He’s been more than content with collaring you and treating you like an animal, it would make sense. You wonder if he likes playing with his food before he eats.
There’s hardly enough time for you to wash your plate after dinner before Simon’s demanding your attention. Despite the insane size of this man, he has an odd ability that allows him to sneak around the house nearly undetected, and by the time you turn around to answer him, he’s already in your space. You swallow as you look up at him. That terrible rawness still plagues your throat, but you know better than to stay silent.
He has a small package in his hands that he keeps rotating, inspecting it closely, drawing your own eyes to it. It’s a thin sheet full of several small tablets that are meant to be poked through the foil encasing it. You count each row — seven tablets each in four total rows. An odd sensation tugs at your stomach as you realize what he’s got: birth control pills.
Relief floods through you as Simon fetches a small glass of water. You’re not sure how he got them — and you’re not sure you want to know — but if this is his idea of fixing you, then you’ll take it. It’s certainly better than your other theories of him potentially trying to perform an actual surgery on you himself. You’d wager he’s good with knives, but not that good. Though, he’d probably like tearing you apart like that, but you refuse to entertain that thought. You’ll take the pills.
Anything to not get pregnant.
Simon places one of the small pills in the palm of your hand, and you turn it over in your fingers. It looks legitimate. Not something that’s manufactured in someone’s basement, at least. You pray that your instincts are right as you place it on your tongue before swallowing it down with a gulp of water. It goes down just as easy as you anticipated, and it settles in your stomach without protest.
There’s hardly enough time for you to set the glass on the counter next to you before Simon’s fingers dig into your cheeks. You whine as you brace your hands against his chest, eyes already wetting from the pain as his grip grows too firm to be loving. You wince at the pressure and stare up at him with bewildered eyes.
“Open,” he demands.
You instantly comply, praying that he’ll loosen his grip if you do, but he doesn’t. Instead, he starts to tilt your head side to side, inspecting every inch of your open mouth as he presses the inside of your cheeks against your teeth. He looks about ready to shove his fingers into your mouth, to feel every inch of your wet tongue and dull teeth, but he doesn’t. Once he’s determined that you’re not hiding the pill underneath your tongue or in the pockets of your cheeks, he relinquishes his grip on you. His fingers leave a lasting pain that throbs just underneath your skin, and you stare up at him like he’s betrayed you, as if you should have expected any better of him.
“Good girl,” he says, voice dull.
“Does this mean I can have her now?”
You hadn’t realized Johnny had been behind you, and when you turn to face him his eyes are full of wonder. This is the downside of birth control, you realize. Now that you’re on the pill — now that you’re fixed — Johnny’s going to have free rein of you. If he fucks you as often as he abuses your throat, you know you’re in for a bad ride. Your cunt already hurts at the thought of it.
“Down boy,” Simon snaps.
Johnny’s shoulders tense and he frowns at Simon’s harsh tone. The poor, pathetic thing looks wounded as Simon disregards you and approaches his favorite pet. His pale hands look out of place on the warmth of Johnny’s arms as he pulls him close. It’s uncharacteristically soft. Johnny melts at his touch and leans into him, lips parted in a silent plea for an embrace.
“Look at you. Poor mutt,” Simon croons. Despite the abrasiveness of his words, his voice is the softest you’ve ever heard from him. “Have I been neglectin’ you? Gone too long without a proper fuck? Want me to fix that?”
A switch flips inside Johnny. You can tell by the way his eyes widen and how he begins to paw at Simon’s chest, like he’s trying to tear his clothes off right then and there in the kitchen. Something freezes you to the ground. Forces you to stay still, as if they won’t see you and forget about you if you don’t move. Nothing but prey, hiding from the predators.
“Yes, please Simon,” Johnny whimpers.
“C’mon, I know you can beg. Used to do it all the time before we got Bonnie, yeah? Beg,” Simon demands.
“I’ve been so good,” Johnny says, words exploding out of his mouth before he can stop them.
“Have you?” Simon challenges.
He nods. “Haven’t fucked her, just like you asked. Didn’t even touch her at all today while you were gone.”
Simon smirks, and you avert your gaze like it’s blinded you. “That why you’re so worked up?”
“Please,” he tries again. “I miss you.”
The only thing you hear after that is the sound of their lips crashing together. It’s wet and hungry, and you flinch at the sound of Simon’s groan. Something terrible and sharp twists in your stomach, and you feel sick at their words. Despite the terrible things Simon does, and the grotesque words he calls him, Johnny seems helplessly in love with him. So starved for affection, he’ll take it from the very hand of the man who’s hurting both of you.
“Good boy,” Simon whispers.
Reality shifts, making the air feel thicker, and that’s when you realize that Simon’s attention has been brought to you. There’s no time for you to retract as he reaches his free hand toward you and slips a finger in the loop of your collar. With a swift yank, you’re tumbling toward him with your hands grasping his forearm to try and keep yourself steady.
He chuckles, and you realize you think it’s the first time you’ve ever heard him laugh. You don’t like the sound of it. It’s dark and grating. Gargled like a wolf’s laugh. Something that precedes pain.
“C’mon, Bonnie. Johnny’s hungry.”
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nazneenseo · 2 years
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wynnyfryd · 8 months
Trailer Park Steve AU part 6
part 1 | part 5
It's Wednesday night, which means dinner at the Hendersons. Steve finally decided to show his face — and no, not because Dustin's doorstep song and dance had any effect on him; it was partly because he was sick of hearing muted metal music from across the street and mostly because he hadn't left the trailer in three days and he was starting to feel and smell like shit.
So, anyway. Dinner. Ma Henderson's pulled out all the stops: prepped a homemade lasagna, stocked the fridge with full-sugar sodas and bought the good brand of key lime pie; invited the Sinclair and Wheeler kids to make a little party of it. (Nancy was 'unfortunately too busy to attend,' thank fucking god.)
But then Ma got stuck late at work, so now it's all hands on deck. Mike and Erica are setting the table — Steve can hear Mike bitching at her because she told him the knives go the other way, dumbass; Lucas is at the fridge filling cups with ice and Pepsi and muttering to himself about how much better Coke is; Steve's got an eye on the oven, waiting for the cheese on the lasagna to bubble up juuust right; and Dustin is using "prepping the salad" as an excuse to corner Steve and annoy the ever-loving crap out of him.
“What do you mean it’s hard?” Dustin whines, dropping a handful of shredded carrots into the wooden bowl. “Just talk to him!”
Steve takes a deep breath. Mourns, briefly, for the night he could have had; the girls he could be doing hand stuff with in the back of the Beemer instead of putting up with this kid's shit. “I don’t wanna Just Talk to Him." He bends to peek through the oven door. "And, also: get off my ass about it, alright? I came to dinner, I'm heating up the lasagna. I'm, like, participating or whatever. What more do you want?”
“For you to talk to Eddie! Obviously!" Dustin's tossing the greens so aggressively that it kinda feels like he wishes he was pummeling Steve instead, and when he throws his hands up, little flecks of iceberg lettuce go raining to the floor.
Steve eyes the leafy green confetti. "You're cleaning that up."
"Come on, dude," Dustin begs. "It's been two weeks! What's the point of having friends who are next door neighbors if they refuse to get along?”
Behind them, Lucas supplies in a weirdly strangled tone: “This really doesn’t seem like the way to get him to talk to Eddie."
Thank you. Steve couldn't agree more. He turns to tell him as much and realizes the reason Lucas' voice sounded like that is because he's trying to make one trip to the dining room at any fucking cost. He's got an armful of drinking glasses and three cans of Pepsi tucked under his chin, and he's about to fumble the whole wobbly stack.
"Jesus Christ, man, cut that out!" Steve swoops in to grab the cans before they can join the lettuce shower Dustin just made. He doesn't care how much he loves Claudia, he will leave without helping if they splatter soda all over this floor. Mews the Second can lick it clean for all he cares, he's so for real. "Two at a time," he says sternly, taking the extra cups from Lucas’ hold and handing him back a reasonable amoint. He sends Lucas out of the room with a knee to the ass.
"Hey!" Lucas pouts.
"Hey yourself," he grins.
Lucas sticks out his tongue like a child (because he is one, Steve reminds himself), and when he shoulders the swinging door to the dining room he almost brains his little sister, who makes a graceful side-step and comes strutting through undeterred.
"Are you two nerds done playing good cop, annoying cop with Steve?"
"Ah-!" Dustin gawps. "I better not be the annoying cop!"
"Uh, yeah. Obviously, you are." She props a fist on her hip, a little tyrant in the making, and Steve’s ribs go tender with a fond, vaguely proud ache. He really loves her so much. "Now scram. I need to borrow Steve."
On second thought.
Surely at some point these kids, like, owe him money or some shit for the amount of weary sighs they've caused him to let out. Like, financial compensation for the years taken off his life? Something?
"Yes, Erica?" he asks, nostrils flared; eyes closed.
"You should talk to Eddie."
"Oh, Jesus fucking Christ." Steve looks up to the ceiling, pleading for anyone to grant him strength, then he turns to pull the lasagna out of the oven and watches the bubbles sizzle and pop in the hot cheese until he no longer feels like blowing up at a little girl. "Okay. Okay. And I should listen to you because…?"
Screw financial compensation.
He deserves a presidential medal for how calm he's keeping his tone.
Erica's glaring fiercely at him when he glances her way, and why is every kid he knows such a brave, confrontational little shit? "Because," she explains, "He's being mean to my brother."
Oh, fuck no. "What do you mean?" he asks, voice dropping to an urgent hiss as he feels his hackles raise. Like hell is he letting some Billy 2.0 hang around his kids. "Is he, like- Is he saying shit about you guys?"
She spares him from trying to find a tactful way to ask what he's really asking. "No," she says shortly. "But he is being a bastard about him joining the basketball team—"
"Language—" Oh, what's the point.
"—and those two nerds out there? Are obsessed with him. Especially Mike. Like, ob-sessed.” She writes the letters out in the air in front of her to really drive home the point. “Mike likes whatever Eddie likes, so you need to convince Eddie to like Lucas before Lucas loses his friends over this stupid 'jocks versus freaks' crap." She lowers her voice and jabs the skywriting finger into his shoulder hard enough to bruise. "And if you tell Lucas I said any of this? It is on. sight, Steve. I will crush you."
"Jesus Christ."
"So, we good?"
"Uh huh," Steve stammers. "Y-yep. Understood."
Wow. So dignified, Steve. Really loved how you let a ten year old intimidate you. He's saved from any further bullying by the sound of keys jangling in the lock.
"Dusty!" Claudia calls out through the door, "Dustybunny, can you come help? My hands are full!"
In the dining room Steve hears Dustin groan while Mike and Lucas start immediately tearing into him for the name, mocking 'Dustybunny; oh, Dustybun!' in stupid sing-song tones.
"So I'm just gonna..." Steve says awkwardly, inching toward the door. "Go get that."
"Mhmm." Erica gives him an unimpressed look. "You do that."
"Oh, Steve, sweetie, thank you!" Claudia says when he opens the door, cheerful and sweet as always. He goes to take her bags from her, but she drops them all at her feet and steps forward to give him a hug, a firm and tender thing that makes an annoying lump form in his throat.
"How are you?" she asks, stepping back to look at him; eyes raking over his face, hands on his cheeks. Really looks. She frowns at whatever she sees. "How's your mom?"
"Can you please just talk to me?" Steve begs, shivering in the hallway because they haven't budgeted for turning on the heat just yet. Wasn't supposed to get this cold for another pay cycle. He tugs the ends of his sweatshirt sleeves. His limbs feel stiff and tense, a budding anxiety like there’s a bomb in the base of his spine.
"Steven, darling, not now," his mother sighs as she sinks demurely onto the couch. "Then when!" he explodes. He doesn't want to yell at her, but, "Seriously, when? When are we going to say anything to each other that actually fucking matters, mom? I feel like I barely even know you anymore!"
"Yes, and I feel a migraine coming on; are you quite finished?"
"….She's fine," Steve answers.
Could be true, for all he knows.
The wrinkles between Claudia's brows deepen, like she wants to press the subject but decides to hold her tongue. "That's good to hear," she settles on after a moment, giving him a gentle pat on the cheek before stepping away with a subtle look that’s not mad, just disappointed.
Steve kind of wants to cry.
"Mom! Food!" Dustin hollers from the other room.
Steve rolls his eyes. "I swear I try to teach him manners."
"Well, good luck with that," she grins, the shadow of tension between them dissipating. Her mood is good like that. Resilient. Strong. Immune to outside force.
Steve’s moods, on the other hand, are more like those stainless steel fridges that promise to remain spotless but then end up covered in grubby handprints. (Exhibit A: he’s doing it right now.)
Thankfully Claudia’s got enough sunshine in her for the both of them. “Come on,” she says, extending a hand and wiggling her fingers for him to grab hold. “Let's eat."
part 7
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schmope-is-dead · 2 years
ohhh my grip on the secret's slippin while I'm speaking in tongues
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#charlie.txt#I am. hallucinating mumbling voices again and I'm getting too tired of listening to loud music to try to distract myself#and I have to be up in 6 hours#and I only have like. a quart of an energy drink left#and my mom is definitely gonna kill me if I drink another one this week#I just. I can't go to sleep.#I keep looking over my shoulder every 2 seconds#I know nothing's there!! I know my door is shut!!#but I just. keep hearing things moving. I keep hearing mumbling that I'm like 98% sure isn't there#usually I just try to keep confident in this situation. I tell myself that I can scare it out of existence.#but ohhh boy. I'm slipping#I don't think we've had a good night's sleep since alex was fronting#or if we did I can't fucking remember it#which is lovely!!!!!!! just absolutely lovely!!!!!! /s#idk how to describe it but just. I feel like a will wood song#I want to get drunk. I want to destroy this body. I want to be reduced to shreds by the time I'm 50.#I want to die and I want it to hurt. I want to feel every muscle in my body scream.#I want people to cry their eyes out at my funeral. then I want them to find out about who I really was#so that they can dry their eyes out with how much they hate the real me.#I want my life to have been worth something. I want my family to hate my guts after I'm dead.#I want them to see every ounce of my true personality.#and I want them to fucking hate themselves for ever loving me.#then they'll have something to really mourn.#but I can't because of my mom's fucking plan.#she wants me to stay in the house until I'm 25 and she wants me to get a respectable degree in college.#it's been her plan since I was 10. 10 years old. I wasn't even half way to 25 yet#and she planned out my whole life from there#I don't have any control in my life. even when I came out to her as my true self; a male named charlie#she couldn't just let that happen. she called me jay for a year and only called me they/them#she had my school call me the same because I wasn't allowed any say in it.
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haddonfieldwhore · 3 months
strangers - bo sinclair
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bo sinclair x fem!reader
summary: bo has a very rare moment of humanity
warnings: implied smut, reader is bo’s captive, stockholm syndrome, blood
word count: 0.7k
loosely inspired by this song
the busted spring of the mattress poked into bo’s back as he rolled over in bed, trying to get away from the rays of sunlight creeping through the cracks in the curtain. he tried to go back to sleep but the light refused to let him, and he surrendered, sitting upright and leaning his back against the wall behind the bed. he rubbed his eyes as they adjusted to the light, before he looked over to your side of the bed at you still sleeping form. the sheets were the only thing covering you, draped lazily over your side as you lay turned away from him, your only movement being each breath you took.
he traced the bruises and indentations left behind by his teeth, leaving a trail down the side of your neck and across you shoulder. you stirred slightly, rolling over to face him but remained asleep, giving bo the chance to admire every detail of your face. your lips were bruised from his harsh kisses, dried blood caked to your mouth, and dark circles under your eyes. you’d only been in ambrose 6 months, but it had aged you nearly two years. not that you could remember how long it had been anymore.
but still, bo couldn’t help but think how young you looked; innocent. he knew you weren’t - at least not anymore. no, he had taken that from you. you were hardly the same person you were when you’d arrived in town, just asking for help with your car. all alone. a pretty young thing like you didn’t stand a chance. not for a second.
it hadn’t taken long for bo to decide he was going to keep you. after that it wasn’t long before he convinced you that you wanted to stay; that it was your idea, even. once he knew you wouldn’t try to escape (not that you could’ve if you tried) he let you stay at the house with him instead of the basement.
they were both prisons. one just had a bed.
bo thought back to that first day, that first week, that first time you didn’t flinch at his touch. the first time you smiled at the sight of him. it was over; you were his.
even if you could’ve gotten away, it was too late. you were his. he owned you.
it didn’t matter if you had a family back home, looking for you. your missing poster had started to tear from the bulletin board at the grocery store in your home town; your mother would replace it. it didn’t matter. no one would find you. the person you were was gone. a ghost, though you were still alive.
something twisted in his stomach, a strange feeling; something he didn’t recognize, like he’d eaten something off and felt sick. but it was something else entirely.
bo sinclair, for the first time in his life, felt a shred of guilt. it lingered for only a second, disappearing as quickly as it had materialized, as your eyes fluttered open and you smiled at him. your hands reached for him immediately, and bo pulled you into his lap, letting you curl into his chest. still half asleep, you peppered kisses along the underside of his jaw before nuzzling into his neck, nearly drifting off again. see? you were happy. he decided there was nothing for him to feel guilty about.
“mornin, darling.”
“good morning, bo,” you mumbled happily. anyone who saw this scene would think the two of you were in love. he’d rewired your brain so good you thought so too.
“go back to sleep baby. you did good last night.”
last night. you lost track of him many times he’d been buried between your legs last night, barely able to string together a cohesive thought by the time he was done with you, tears streaming down your face from it all being too much.
“i did good?” you hummed, and he nodded, kissing the top of your head.
“you did so good, sweetheart. now go back to sleep,” he cooed. you mumbled incoherently as you let yourself fall asleep in his arms. “that’s my girl.”
“…yours,” you mumbled before you were asleep again. he smiled.
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emyluwinter · 6 months
One detail in part 6 of Chapter 7 warms my heart very much.
During the battle with the Silver Owls and the mercenaries, Lilia entrusts the egg to Yu and Grimm so that they can hide in a safe place away from the battle and enemies.
Just think about it. The general, who has been fighting off human colonizers for a long time, has seen all the horrors of war and their victims. He knows how insidious, cunning and frankly cruel people can be.
and yet.
He trusts the priceless heir of the family, with whose parents he grew up, having already become a part of the family in his hearts.
A child without magic, whose powers are not even enough to escape from troubles, whom he has known for less than a week There was not even a shadow of doubt that Yuu could harm Malleus in Lilia's mind.
This is literally the highest form of trust. It's tearing my heart to shreds.
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cloudyskiiees · 3 months
ok hear me out. total drama high school au. alenoah. scott pilgrim but instead of evil exes noah is friends with them all and they find it hilarious so they make a pact to have to approve whoever he dates next, and noah finds it fucking hilarious so he goes with it.
1: owen (and izzy and eva by association)
e-scope are poly! izzy is dating eva and owen, and owen was dating izzy and noah. noah loves his idiots, but decided he needs a partner with at least a shred of sanity. they're all still best friends and very close! dated for fiveish months sophomore year!
2: cody (of course)
middle school bfs. dated for like two weeks until noah couldn't deal with cody anymore. have been friends for so long he can't get rid of him, despite it all noah appreciates the geek (even if he wants to strangle him most of the time)
3: tyler
tyler came out as bi in freshman year (noah was his gay awakening) and asked him out on impulse. noah found it amusing and accepted, knowing the jock would quickly figure out he wouldn't wanna date such a pessimist. broke up after like a month, tyler is a good friend and very happy with his gf lindsay!
4: justin
got dared to ask out noah and date him for three days freshman year, accepted the challenge. noah isn't stupid, so he accepted then broke up with him after two days, making him lose the bet. justin was so distraught about it he confronted noah, who quickly learned he may be a prick but really he's just a crybaby attention seeker. if you asked noah now why he's friends with him, he couldn't give you an answer. but they're on friendly-rivalish terms!
5: emma
first and only gf. was scared to come out as a lesbian to everyone, so noah offered to date her to ward of suspicion from her family (people assume he's bi, he's still not sure) till she was ready. dated for a solid year between sophomore and junior year before she came out and got with her current gf (courtney), her and noah are lesbian gay solidarity, he's good friends with her and her sister, kitty.
6: duncan:
most recent breakup. end of junior year they both wound up in detention together a lot (noah couldn't stop correcting teachers + being a snark in class) ((duncan is a delinquent)) and a very unlikely friendship formed. duncan wanted to piss his ex (courtney) off so he would constantly flirt with noah in front of everyone. unbothered, noah and him went on a few dates just to post about it. emma found it very funny, courtney did not. both boys enjoy being assholes and judging people together.
alejandro has to go through and befriend all of them to basically get a stamp of approval to date their fav snark <3333
total drama has effectively taken over every inch of my brain i hope y'all enjoy my silly thoughts
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multi-fxndom446 · 4 months
6 Months
John ‘Soap’ Mactavish X Reader
Summary: Johnny would come to your rescue any time you needed. He is thoroughly protective of you.
Warning: light angst, fluffy. Not much tbh. It may be a little rushed?? Idk anymore😭
Word count: 2.6k
This is Johnnys part two to his ‘You came? You called.’ Series.
His part one is here
Can’t tell if I hate this or not so hopefully yall like it🫶🏻
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6 months.
6 months was how long it took before you introduced Johnny to your boyfriend. He wasn't sure if it was because he was deployed or because you were nervous about how he’d react to him
Because it was safe to say Johnny hated your boyfriend. It took him 6 months to meet him and less than 6 seconds to decide he hated him.
He didn’t like the way your boyfriend looked at you, or talked to and about you. He didn’t like the way your boyfriend's eyes would roam to other women when you weren’t looking. But he especially hated the way you smiled when you talked about him.
He hated the way your eyes would light up whenever his name left your lips. He hated the way you would blush when he would give you any sort of attention after ignoring you the whole night.
God if only you knew, Johnny would spend his days making you blush any chance he got. He’d give you so much attention you’d never have to beg him for a simple kiss on the cheek.
You’d never even worry about his attention being anywhere else but you because where else would they be if not you? His attention was already always on you, it had been since you two became best friends.
He tried to like your boyfriend he really did, or at least he wanted to be okay with him. Because your happiness topped anything he was feeling in the moment. He tried his hardest, he put on his best smile and was ready to lose you until he saw the cocky smirk your boyfriend had on his face when they made eye contact for the first time.
Johnny shook his hand stiffly as the other man sized him up. It was like he knew he had something that Johnny could only ever dream of having, your love. And what’s worse was the asshole never deserved it.
But he bit his tongue. Kept his opinions to himself, kept the harsh comments he had ready at bay.
Oh but how he wished he could hit your boyfriend, just once. One time would suffice. One time and he’d have it out of his system, one time to let him wipe the smug smile off his face.
That was all before your phone call though.
Now he was sat on his couch, knee bouncing anxiously as he tried to calm himself down. It was nearing the end of the second week of you staying with him and currently you were fast asleep in his bed, tears still staining your cheeks.
You were glad you left and he knew that but he also knew it was one of your longest relationships and when you loved someone you loved them with your whole heart.
Not only had he abused that but he tore it to shreds when he even suggested the idea of you cheating.
It made Johnny clench his jaw even tighter when he recalled the words. How would he think you were even capable of cheating when your whole world was him?
He couldn’t even fathom the possibility of ever laying a hand on you and it just made his body shake in anger the more he thought about it.
Although he didn’t really understand where this wave of anger came from, the moment his eyes landed on his phone he knew.
His phone was open on the coffee table in front of him, showing the text conversation between him and Price. His captain had just made him aware he was needed back at base in the next few days.
He never replied to it because instantly his mind was taken over with what he was going to do for you. The stress of trying to find a solution that would make you happy and keep you safe gave way to the thoughts of why you were hurting in the first place.
Then down the rabbit hole he went.
He stared long and hard at the message before he ultimately reached over and turned off his phone, leaving it there when he got up to go check on you.
You were still fast asleep when he reached his room and he took a moment to admire the scene in front of him. A scene he was sure he’d never have the pleasure of seeing everyday.
A scene of you wrapped up in his blankets, head resting on his pillows, on his bed. He couldn’t help the flutter he felt in his chest when he noticed you were also in one of his shirts.
His arms were crossed as he leaned against his door frame just taking you in when he noticed your phone buzzing and you rolled over to ignore it. He wasn’t trying to be nosy but he couldn’t help it when he caught a glimpse of your exes name from where he was.
Instantly he pushed himself off the doorframe and came closer. He stared down at your phone for a few seconds before declining the call and it was then he noticed the multiple missed calls and texts he had left you.
“Bloody Christ.” Johnny muttered to himself in distaste. How could the man not grab a hint?
“Johnny?” Immediately his attention was back on you. You, who turned to see who was bothering you while rubbing the sleep from your eyes. “Is everything okay?”
“Course Bonnie.” He soothed as he sat down on the edge of the bed next to you while his hand came up to run through your hair as you laid your head back down completely content. “Didn’t mean to wake you.”
“‘S fine.” You watched him, noticing the way he wouldn’t meet your gaze.
“I need to talk to you bout something.” He said softly while he moved his hand to hold one of yours. “Price called me in early, I have to go back to base.”
You shifted so you could see him better and he could see the worry starting to creep inside you. “You need me to leave?”
“What? No. No Bonnie, that's not what I’m gettin at.” He shook his head and held your hand tighter. “I want you..I want you to come with me.”
“There’s some apartments near the base that we can rent. You’ll have the space all to yourself for the most part when I’m away on missions, but this way I’ll be closer to you and I’ll come home to you every chance I get.” He could see the way your eyes widened at his words before his words even registered to him.
‘I’ll come home to you.’
Suddenly he was pulling himself away from you, “or if you want to stay here, you’re more than welcome to stay in my apartment but-“ you cut him off as you sat up quickly to grab his hand in yours again and it made him pause to take a breathe. “But if you stay here I can’t protect you like I want to. If you come with me, you’ll be far from him.”
He studied you, waiting for your reaction but all you did was play with his fingers. He felt like the silence was going to consume him until finally you met his gaze again.
“Okay.” You nodded, “when do we leave?”
The amount of relief that flooded his veins was unparalleled. He squeezed your hand again, “Few days.” And just like that you were getting up from the bed to go pack the little things you had taken with you.
6 months.
6 months was all it took for you to uproot your life and move with Johnny closer to base.
6 months was all it took for you and him to settle into this new normal. You both agreed on just renting a one bedroom apartment considering he would be gone most of the time.
You had even Invested in one of those pull out couches so he could sleep on that whenever he would come home.
But you never put up a fight when he one day he would start coming home to you and crash into the same bed as you.
You never put up a fight when he’d unconsciously, (or consciously. You weren’t sure anymore) wrap an arm around you and pull you as close to him as he could before falling asleep.
6 months was all it took for you and Johnny to fall into a normal schedule. Even when he was gone for days or weeks at a time whenever he came home it was like nothing changed.
You’d have the apartment cleaned and have dinner ready for him. It all felt so normal for the both of you.
He’d always greet you with a smile and a kiss on the head or if he had an extra strenuous mission he’d hug you and hold you for what would feel like hours.
The first few times he’d come home after a long time away you were always worried there would be some awkward tension there, especially when you started putting more and more of your things out.
He never complained. He loved that you made the small space feel like home and he wouldn’t admit that he loved coming home to a place that made him feel like he was surrounded by you.
6 months was all it took for you to forget about your ex boyfriend.
It was such an easy thing to do when Johnny had now surrounded your every thought. Any which way you turned you were reminded of the fact that your best friend cared for you.
Any time he could sense you were starting to fall back into bad memories he’d be right next to you giving you a new happy memory to cloud the old one.
Anytime he knew he’d be away for longer than a few days he would use every chance he got to call you or text you, anything just to check on you and make sure you were okay.
You were sure you hadn’t thought of your ex way before 6 months because how could you? It was so easy to forget him when you had Johnny. Between the late night cuddles, the forehead kisses he had gotten so used to giving you and the more soft intimate moments of just being in his presence.
Moments like this, with his hand around your waist and the other grasping your hand softly while he swayed to some song he put on in the background.
All this happening because of a comment you made, during dinner, about never having danced with someone before. Something Johnny couldn’t let just go unnoticed.
Next thing you knew he was on his feet, hand extended to you. You laughed him off at first but he made a grab motion before he just ultimately grabbed your hand and yanked you up.
The both of you already danced through a few songs while you talked about things you would normally talk about during dinner but dinner was on the table long forgotten for this moment.
He told you all about his task force and about Ghost who he said he hoped you could meet one day along with Gaz and price.
“They already know all about ya.” He had said it so cheekily with a smug grin on his face that you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Talk about me a lot do you Johnny?”
He nodded immediately and tightened his hold, “everyday.” Your eyes widened at his response and you decided to leave it there while he swayed you through the next few songs.
He spun you around once before pulling you back into him and you smiled brightly at him before realizing how long you had been doing this.
“Johnny you don’t have to do this anymore, I think I got the hang of it after the first few songs.” You laughed at him softly, your cheeks turning a soft shade of pink when he looked down at you with a fond smile on his face.
“Course I do.” He grinned. “You been through enough recently, least I can do ‘s give you a night to remember.”
You shook your head in disbelief, your hand holding onto his tighter. “You’ve already been doing that since that night.” Your voice trailed off as you recalled when he had come to your rescue.
Johnny frowned when you wouldn’t meet his gaze and he moved the hand from your waist to grip your chin softly and have you look at him again. “And I’ll do it as long as I’m breathing.”
Your breathe caught in your throat when you saw the intense sincerity. “Johnny..”
“You know that don’t you?” His eyes searched yours, looking for something you weren’t sure what. “You know I’d do anythin for you?”
You nodded softly as you whispered a quiet, ‘I know.’ You moved the hand you had wrapped around his neck to cup his cheek, your thumb smoothing over his cheekbone.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breathe in. “What’re you thinking about?” You practically whispered and he opened his eyes again to look at you.
By now there was hardly any space left between the both of you and the hand he had holding your chin moved so he was also cupping your cheek. “Doesn't matter.”
“Matters to me. Please Johnny, what are you thinking about?” His eyes searched yours again before he seemed to find exactly what he was looking for and he moved forward slowly until his lips just barely brushed yours.
“How I don’t wan’ any o’ this to change.” He muttered against your lips. He loved the way he could see your gaze drop to his lips the second he did. “How I wan’ to have a life with you Bonnie.”
Your eyes met his again. “And how I really want ta kiss you.” You watched him swallow hard while he waited for your move.
“Then do it.” You whispered and it was all he needed to hear before he pulled you even closer and closed the gap.
His hand on your cheek moved up to tangle itself into your hair while the other moved down to your waist to pull you closer against him.
You couldn’t help the gasp of surprise by the intensity of his kiss, like he had been waiting to kiss you for as long as he could remember. Which he had.
When he kissed you it felt like everything was right with the world, like everything was as it should be now and you couldn’t help the way your hand moved to clutch onto his shirt for support.
He only pulled away when he felt your tremble against his hold and he was quickly scanning your face to make sure you were okay but you were already pulling him back down to you.
“I love you Johnny.” You muttered when you pulled away to breathe. The smile that broke out onto his face was a site you could get used to.
“Been waitin to hear those words for ages, lass.” Then he pulled you into a hug like he couldn’t believe this was actually happening. “I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember.”
You were smiling too as you ran your fingers through his hair while he hugged you.
6 months could feel like a lifetime when spent with the right person.
Because 6 months is all it took for you to come to terms with the fact that you were irrevocably in love with John Mactavish.
And you had been all along.
The end
Also should I add more Ghosts characters to my scenarios? Like Logan and Hesh?
Also sorry if I disappear for a lil while again, gonna try and get more then one thing written before I start posting so then I can give u guys more content❤️
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