yakourinka · 7 months
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Ǵ̵̠̹̝̗̩͓̦͖̘̺̜̫͇͔̓̇̽́̈͠O̵̧̹̩̠͖͖̖͕̯̮̾̾͗̊̍͋̽̆̈́̋͆͘̚Ờ̶̡͚̼̟̬͙͚̞͓͉͈͗̑̍̆͜͝D̶̮͓͚̼̓̏̽̚B̵̛̖̟̳̮̲̺̠͇̺̤̣̞͛̾̿̋̕͝͠Y̷͎̲͗͌̋͋̔̒Ḙ̴͉͓̘̄̋͌̀̎̽̐̄̔̄͘,̵̙͉͓̳̭̹̯̘͎̝͓͖͚̖̰̅́͋̄̇͝͠ ̴̗̰̊̄̎͒̍̅͠D̵̡̨̳̭̳͕̰̩͔̠̻̭͖͛O̵͓̯̻̩͑͛̊̒̈̈͘̚͝͝C̸̢̡̻̤͖̞͉͙̯̲͚͖̓͜T̶̨̡̛̖̬̟̯͔̱̞̮̗͓̹̓̃͗̃̀̑̓̀̅̅͘̕͘͝Ō̸̟̇̿̊͂̔R̵̨̯̜̦̩̈̄͐̓͝.̸̟̗͓͎̘̪̍̅̉̒͆̾̕
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henrysglock · 1 month
and tbh i really don’t care who’s responsible for what when it comes to henry.
a violent/painful ending would still be unimaginably cruel in a story like his where he’s suffered so much and for so long.
even if everything was straightforward? then just put him out of his misery. it doesn’t need to be violent or painful. it’s just needs to stop.
even brenner’s ending was soft (assuming he’s actually dead).
and honestly i do think it says a lot about you as a person if you’re champing at the bit to see some kind of horrific ending to the single most abused character on the show.
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eerna · 5 months
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one fluid, boneless movement
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moliathh · 10 months
what the fuck barbie is banned in my country oh my fucking god greta gerwig PLEAE FUCKINT FIX THE WORLD MAP IN YOUR MOVIE please i am so so pissed off rn
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yourfavepookiebear · 2 months
Brooo homework is crazyyyy
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lunalycana · 9 months
I've grown so comfortable with who I am now that I sometimes forget that there are still people in the world who don't believe cringe is dead. Like I blink rapidly when I talk about something I did that I enjoyed myself with and the response is dicey, as if I should feel ashamed for drawing cartoon characters or writing stories about them.
As if the literal people that make these things aren't adults themselves. As if whole careers aren't based around making content about little guys and what they do in their lives.
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watchmakermori · 2 years
I finished the half life of valery k and my feelings on it are very complicated because like. it’s good! I enjoyed it a lot. I liked it much better than The Kingdoms - the character work is better and the premise, while less initially interesting, is much more cleanly executed. but as somebody who has read all of natasha pulley’s novels, I can’t escape the feeling that they’ve kind of...all been the same. i fell in love with Watchmaker because of its melancholy queer men and ruthless scholarly women and quirky premise, but it feels like that’s all we’ve really seen from natasha pulley in every book since. she’s writing about the same guys in different places and times.
it takes a lot out of me to say this because i love her work a lot, but I don’t think I’m going to be able to go on loving it if she doesn’t shake up the formula a bit. it’s honestly startling how many things crop up in valery k that we’ve seen before in other works. shenkov feels like missouri kite except russian and written more successfully - he’s still the intimidating, violent man who’s done awful things but is soft beneath it. there’s a charming octopus, even if this one is real rather than clockwork. shenkov’s wife is written out at the end of the story so that the male leads can get their happy, domestic ending together, just like in the lost future of pepperharrow.
this last point particularly stings, because the treatment of female characters in her books has probably got worse since watchmaker, not better. grace becomes the incensed antagonist in watchmaker and gets written out so thaniel and mori can have their domestic happy ending (sound familiar?), but at least she does get POV chapters and has goals of her own. we follow her desperation with her experiments and know that she has a life that exists outside of the male leads, because her relationships with her family and with matsumoto are allowed to take up space. I’m not sure any other female character has been given that much space in any of pulley’s books since. pepperharrow is probably the next-best, but her character is still firmly anchored to mori and so much of her arc revolves around him too, to the point that she literally sacrifices herself for him.
i just desperately want to see something a bit different from natasha pulley. her writing is too good to constantly tread the same ground
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naamahdarling · 2 years
#controversial take but families should not have more influence over mental health policy than the actual patients#yet again i see another initiative pushed by loved ones that will make things less safe for patients#sorry bad shit happened to your loved one but you can't call for worse treatment of psych patients and call it right#the only people who should have a voice in this are actual patients#not doctors not families not legislators nobody but patients#everyone else get out because it isn't your well-being at risk#so much seems to be about preventing families from suffering#so thay nobody will have to go through what they did#that's...not how you help patients#you can only help patients only by listening to patients#anything pushed by other parties that does good does it mostly by accident#because they sure aren't looking at what WE go through and what we say is best for US#wards are prisons and prisons are inherently violent and surveillance meant to increase interventions that funnel patients into wards#is a form of violence and abuse#abolishing prisons means abolishing psych wards as well so make a note of that#and don't EVER support ANY measure that increases ANY scrutiny of patients because it puts patients in danger of wrongful incarceration#based on the whim of what may be one trainee therapist a school counselor or Christ help you a fucking COP#increasing access to mental health care should not ever involve a mechanism making it easier to send patients inpatient for their own good#starting to think the whole thing isn't worth keeping as it is#doctors and psychs are primarily gatekeepers and cops anymore and it's ridiculous that I should have to walk on eggshells#to access second-rate care#the lunatics SHOULD be running the asylum because they're the only people a fellow lunatic can trust#takes that will get you burned at the stake
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beriliaa · 2 years
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Die die any one who suggested this or approves of this die abolish the monarchy eat the rich all of you fucking die.
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usermarquez-moved · 2 years
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they don’t know…. they don’t know that i’m a sebastian vettel fan….
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sentient-carrot · 4 months
More of the haters on this site should do shrooms tbh, standing by hater attitude = unexamined bigotry. Be a lover, it's so hot and sexy.
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neil-gaiman · 9 months
I'm sorry Neil, although I love your writing and agree with your opinions on most subjects I have to disagree with you on the writers' strike. No-one should have a more privileged life as a result of being clever and creative. I worked from the age of 15 to the age of 65 in low-paid jobs, taking 1 year off to go to drama school and 3 years off to get a fine art degree. I worked in terrible but necessary jobs, labouring, stacking boxes, unloading trucks, running errands, filing, going to work on a bicycle at all hours of the day and night on shift work in all kinds of weather. Even when I was a student I was still working in part-time cleani8ng jobs and even during periods of unemployment I worked in volunteer jobs for charities and social services.
According to Mensa I have an IQ of 160 and according to Plymouth University I have a BA hons in Fine Art but I cannot accept the idea that writers and other creative people should avoid normal jobs like driving an "Uber" or working in an office/shop/factory/construction site. To accept that idea would be to create a new aristocratic class when we should abolishing the old princes and aristocrats.
What we need, I feel sure, is a redistribution of labour so that everybody who can do so would spend some time each year in blue collar work and everybody who can would get higher education and a chance to make art of one sort or another.
The idea of doing other jobs to supplement writing or drawing shouldn't be seen as a terrible thing, a punishment or a suffering. Sharing the jobs around should be seen as normal.
I mean, I've done my half century of sweat labour and it didn't hurt me too much. I'm retired now and still making art of various kinds and I've never asked anyone to pay me for any art piece I've made. making art, writing, drawing etc. is the fun stuff which we get to do in exchange for the blue collar stuff which puts food on the table.
The worst pop song ever written was Sting/Dire Straits song "Money for Nothing" which ridicules the working class from a position of educational privilege.
So what's my question? My question is: What's wrong with a writer doing other jobs to make ends meet? Sounds perfectly fine to me.
Nothing's wrong with a writer doing other jobs to make ends meet. Writers and artists have been doing that since the dawn of time. Actors too.
But by the same token, there's nothing right about assuming that writing isn't a blue-collar job, or that writers and other people who make art can only make it for love and that thus they need other jobs to subsidise their craft.
I like living in a world in which the people who make the things that make the world worth living in get paid for their work. For me, that includes the people who make films and TV, books, art and music and comics.
Having spent a lot of time on film and TV sets, it's a blue-collar world on set, and everyone is working long and hard to make the shows you love. I'm never going to suggest that the riggers or the gaffers or the make-up team or the focus-pullers should drive ubers in order to have the privilege of being on the set and working there.
Or to put it another way, from the most blue-collar writer I ever knew...
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etherealspacejelly · 7 months
Some of my opinions, in no particular order
golf courses should be abolished. mini golf can stay. actual golf? no. golf courses take up so much water to maintain their grass, grass which, btw, is a monoculture and bad for wildlife. the area that golf courses take up could be used for affordable housing, or natural areas left to grow with wild native plants that are better for the insect populations. but nooo, we gotta use all this land so that stuck up rich people can play the most boring game ever invented. bullshit.
the police should be abolished. i would settle for defunding but really they just need to go.
children are people, treat them as such. kids have thoughts and feelings that are just as real and valid as yours.
on a similar vein, you are allowed to not want children, but that doesn't give you a free pass to hate kids or be mean to kids. they didnt ask to be here, be kind.
there should be a maximum wage. after a certain point, there is no amount of labour you could possibly do to Earn that much money. your workers earned that money, and you are stealing it from them.
there is a difference between millionaires and billionaires. when i say eat the rich im not talking about actors and musicians, im talking about people who are directly responsible for poverty, hunger, suffering, and homelessness around the world. people who hoard obscene amounts of wealth that No One could ever hope to spend in an entire lifetime and simply watch while minimum wage workers struggle to put food on the table and the elderly freeze in their homes.
sex ed should start in primary school, at an age-appropriate level. if kids are old enough to ask questions about sex, they are old enough to learn about it in a safe environment. they should be taught correct anatomical names for body parts (penis, vulva, vagina, etc.).
there should be more research into autism and ADHD in adults, this shit doesn't just go away when you grow up.
diagnostic criteria for disabilities, disorders, and mental health conditions should be written by people who have or have had these conditions. how is someone supposed to know if they have autism, for example, if the symptoms are written from the perspective of someone who has never experienced it?? doesn't make any fucking sense.
hostile architecture should be illegal. unhoused people deserve a place to sleep. or better yet, give them houses. there are literal studies done that prove that housing people saves the government money in the long run, so why aren't we doing that? make it make sense
edit: updated to add more clarity to the golf thing. didn't explain that one well enough and left some people confused
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txttletale · 1 year
i consider myself pro-degrowth--in that i think amazon same-day delivery and universal car ownership and all-year-round global fruit supply chains are all fundamentally unsustainable and should be abolished--but the way some people talk about it with a christian martyrdom level of fetishization of suffering is just such a dead-end. if you are going to be an eco-socialist you have to make the case that freedom from wage labour and universal housing and the socialization of wealth are going to be worth giving up the unsustainable luxuries of the capitalist economy in the imperial core--'we're going to make your life worse and you should think that's a good thing' is not a political movement with a future.
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ossifer-bones · 6 months
the paul poll compelled me to just quickly write up my little opinion piece on paul and necromancy in the tlt verse bcs tags are a pain in the ass to elaborate on my opinion in: paul horrifies me. i think that a lot of people read palamedes' interpretation of lyctorhood as being some sort of objective truth and that there is a right way to do lyctorhood and paul is it, but i just don't agree with that; i think in a series rife with unreliable narrators, palamedes' views on lyctorhood should be considered as subjective as any other person's.
“Can one person even be two people? I feel like I’ve only got enough room inside for me, and sometimes like that room’s not even enough.” “Lyctors can,” said Palamedes, “or at least—they thought they could; in fact all they became were half-dead cannibals. I think a true Lyctorhood is a mutual death … a gravitational singularity creating something new. A true Grand Lysis, rather than the Petty Lysis of the megatheorem [...]
what he says here about lysis is in response to nona asking if one person can be two people, and thus it is a very loaded statement when coming from someone heralding from a society where the extreme co-dependence of the fundamentally unequal necro/cav bond is encouraged, especially considering camilla and palamedes are called out by others from that same society as being an exemplary case of co-dependence in that department!
camilla and palamedes are arguably more equal than any other cav/necro pair in series, in part due to that co-dependence, but we even see in NtN that cam does stuff that undercuts that equality (telling pyrrha to lie to palamedes, 'don't tell him i was weak'). and that equality, that love, is shown to be thought of as coming at the cost of freedom: when palamedes says, “I cannot bear the thought of using you.”—camilla responds, “Love and freedom don’t coexist, Warden.”
in the end, every permutation of the necro and cav pairing is irrevocably descended from john + alecto's example and while i think beauty can be found in some of them, they all suffer from the same fundamental imbalance that bond hinges on; nonconformity abates it, but abolishment is required for real freedom from it. the so-called indelible sin of lyctorhood is just an echo of the original sin john committed.
If there was one thing Gideon knew about necromancers, it was that they needed power. Thanergy—death juice—was abundant wherever things had died or were dying. Deep space was a necro’s nightmare, because nothing had ever been alive out there, so there were no big puddles of death lying around for Harrow and her ilk to suck up with a straw.
necromancy necessitates consumption, taking by its very nature: death, especially violent death, is what fuels it—infants producing more thanergy on death is literally a noted phenomena! paul's birth, while it could be seen as triumphant in the sense of it being an act of creation, is literally identified by palamedes himself as a mutual death, death being required to fuel it the same as any other necromantic working. i don't want to say 'necromancy is fundamentally evil' but uh... it is irrevocably tied into john's conception of human nature: "This is the problem, the incorporation, this is the hardest part … It’s the human instinct, to take."
something i always point out about camilla and palamedes' grand lysis is theparallel with gideon and harrow's incomplete petty lysis: both come about as a result of a fully-realised lyctor (ianthe, cytherea) having cornered the pair, resulting in both being threatened with imminent death (camilla critically injured and palamedes facing expulsion from naberius when ianthe re-emerges; harrow necromantically spent and gideon having suffered multiple injuries, both going to die when cytherea breaks through the bone dome). paul's birth only happened as a direct result of the continuation of the lyctoral cycle of violence, with ianthe in cytherea's position; per palamedes, “I am not saying this was our inevitable end … I am saying we have found the best and truest and kindest thing we can do in this moment.”
paul may be the best and truest and kindest thing cam and pal could've done in that moment, but that moment should've never came to pass: the codependency instilled into them through their society, the violence that put them in that position, and the consumptive necromancy that made paul possible. paul is horrifying because they are the most hopeful and kind thing, and they are the product of two people, one sans his own body, undergoing mutual death to fuel their birth.
they're the truest response to one flesh, one end: an oath purportedly coined by cristabel and alfred, who compelled their necromancers to ascend via a suicide pact.
valancy says one flesh one end sounds like instructions for a sex toy. can’t stop thinking about that so can someone stop cris and alfred before the sex toy phrase catches on, thanks.
did the sex toy phrase really need a response?
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slutdge · 3 months
"acab" this "abolish prisons" that, but when mentally ill people stand up for ourselves and say "hey forced institutionalization actually just hurts us even more and makes us less likely to seek help with that threat always looming over our heads and a lot of abuse happens to people while forcibly institutionalized" suddenly a lot of yall love institutions and imprisonment and i know inevitably someones gonna make a bad faith misinterpretation of this post so before you go and do that i wanna ask you: why do you wanna take a bullet for imprisonment that is shown to be more harmful than helpful soooo badly? are they paying you or something? i know how hard it is to challenge this belief because it was hard for me too when i personally did it!! but then i challenged the cop in my mind and realized it wasnt ok that i went through institutional abuse that only resulted in my mental health becoming worse. i know its hard, but challenging it is crucial to alleviating further suffering of the people who are already suffering enough. challenge the cop in your mind.
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